What is Pizza Dough Hydration | In-Depth Explanation

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fifty percent sixty percent seventy percent eighty percent hello guys welcome back to my Channel today it's look at look at this I'm a like a doctor today it's all about dehydration we are going to in deep not in the water in dehydration story what's the hydration how why what's the percentage because everything look at this I have everything write it down I'm gonna try to put everything in description let's start right here look at this 50 60 70 80. done let's start this video and uh smash the like subscribe we're almost to 1 million and watch until the end it's totally free here we go guys that the oven is warming up and now we can go ahead and start this video up so we have like you can see here different hydration but of course I'm gonna use everything polish so all the dough is made with Polish here I'm gonna go ahead and put 200 grams each because at the end of this video I'm going to do the all four pizzas together and we are able to see it side by side I want to explain it to you this let me get this 200 grams of polish for all the dough that we're gonna make here we are using all the same polish and I'm scaling 200 grams because this is made with a 100 milliliter of water and 100 grams of flour always remember when you do a recipe to calculate what you have in the Polish so let's start with the 50 200 grams of Polish 200 milligrams of water 10 grams of salt 500 grams of flour so remember the Polish you have to always calculate this that makes the total of together 600 grams of flour and total of water we have 200 milliliters here and 100 years so we have 300 300 600 grams of flour that makes 50 percent of hydration so and same thing here okay guys I'm going to start this recipe with 50 why 50 because the 50 it takes more time to grow let's put polish everything because when is when you're making small amount of dough it's very important that you go really precise flour and 10 grams of salt super super slow 200 milliliters of cold water we had the only F amount this is though it's a really really hard that means that it's gonna get dry really quick but the benefit of 50 is that it's super easy to work it will not get stuck and your counter is super easy to put it on the peel and this is very hard to make holes and also this dough and it's easy to fly out so if you want to do some acrobatics super easy to fly the pizza because it will not broke and the glute is much stronger and then the same thing when you're going to cook the pizza you have to cook this pizza with the high flame and of course the texture of this pizza is going to be really dry and more more crispy compared to the other and you can see the air on the cross is a little bit less okay guys we can start 60 percent of hydration let's go ahead let's do the same thing here we're gonna put 200 grams of of Polish 400 grams of flour and 10 grams of salt in the water we have 200 grams which I'm going to add the only F amount the rest save it there let's go ahead and let's start this dough always slow speed and we're gonna work the dough until we absorb all the water and here same thing a little bit of olive oil and then Palm I'm gonna keep this 60 right here and this way we don't get confused and they are going to let it rest for one hour too sixty percent is the most used hydration in the world of pizza because the pizza also is a it's easy to work it will not stick to the table can use less flour in the dough you can do some acrobatic not too much usually it's 60 is good when you make a lot of pizza so you go secure the you're not going to make holes you can make you can stretch 10 pizzas 15 pizzas so the pizza will not break also you can cook this pizza with a high Flame or low flame typical in between very easy to work and the texture is a nice crunchy and a little bit soft not super soft like I like it but it's still really good and here we go guys 70 percent oh 70 percent hydration which is my favorite Dough because this is the perfect texture that you're gonna have for the pizza so again same thing here 200 grams of Polish 325 grams of flour 10 grams of salt and 200 grams of water of course here let's put F amount let's go ahead and let's start this okay guys 70 percent hydration I love to talk about this hydration because it's super digestible super easy to work really soft when you stretch it doesn't get back so is super soft like you can see the dose it's a easy to work it will not get stuck so but it's not super dry the perfect texture of the pizza and then like you can see when you put the old ingredients you go in the oven you can cook this pizza even with a low flame it will come out nice super puffy and now like you can see it's we have the perfect texture soft and crouchy for me it's perfect pizza and the perfect hydration that we have voila this dough is ready why is the perfect hydration that you can make for your pizza I always suggest to make this because even on my master class clean it up like you can see even this one is super strong the structure of the gluten now we create the ball see it's super easy to work it's still dry but also you have air inside which is a nice and what I want a little bit of olive oil on this one too there we go and let's close the 70 percent hydration now let's Let It rest for one hour and then let's start the 80 percent which is a little bit different guys because to make 80 percent of hydration you have to add the Manitoba flour Manitoba flour is a flower they're super strong and this is why we're using this super strong flour because to reach the high hydration so now let's add 200 grams of flour we're gonna add 75 grams of Manitoba 275 grams of flour mixed with the Manitoba 200 grams of Polish 10 grams of salt and same thing here 200 grams of bottle let's say the f let's start this with a really slow speed because this is going to be a little bit difficult to make and the 80 percent guys is a very high hydration is a super sticky and it's a really hard to make so you have to have a dough machine like this one to be able to make a high hydration like 80 percent this dough you can see when you stretch it it's a super soft you cannot work it too much you have to make it small and then you have to put all the ingredients and then you can make a big on the peel and then also is again it's super sticky so this pizza cannot be cooked with a high flame otherwise the pizza will not be able to cook in the inside so but the benefit of this pizza are there is a super super digestible because it's like drinking water like you can see the pizza outside the oven is a really puffy pizza so if you want to have a nice puffy crust this is the way to do and when you open it it's full of air and is super again puffy it's a call it contemporanea so if you want to make a good looking pizza go ahead and go with 80 but of course guys if you are working on a pizzeria 80 it's uh not the way to go voila guys the dough is ready 80 wow that got me so much trouble it took me 15 minutes to make it like you can see look at this it's water but it's super strong little bit of olive oil on your hands this way doesn't get stuck now try to detach like that and put it on top of the counter whoa olive oil on the door in your hands tap on top here and guys try to form a ball use your hands super quick this dough is like a ice cream and let's go ahead let's cover up let's wait a little bit less so this is because this eye hydration is gonna grow so fast so here we're gonna wait 30 minutes and at the same time I'm gonna go ahead and show you after one hour all together how they look like and they're ready to make the balls okay after one hour let's see how the dough is we got 50 percent sixty percent seventy percent and the most sticky One Eighty percent so like you can see super hard now let's see this one a little bit softer this is super like a nice and soft in my perfection and this is really the sticky one now let's put this one right here I want to do something really nice for you I have everything right down here 56 and 70 percent so let's go ahead I'm gonna make the balls all together like you can see wow this is super hard I really are the dough oh man okay what and also of course guys the less is dehydration the more dough you get because of course it's more flour so let's set up here everything the balls and now before we finish this let's go ahead and let's do this I'm gonna close it and then I'm gonna do this I'm gonna put this I'm gonna go ahead and show you the hydration how important it is because that is going to change also the timing for growing so I want to explain you that when the dough is ready before making the pizza so now look at this dehydration how important it is on the 50 we have left 215 grams which is a chemical as another dough 60 with 140 grams 70 percent we have a 51 grams and 80 percent we have only 10 grams left did you see how the hydration change everything so that's why it's super important okay guys the oven is ready everything is ready it's been one hour on the clock exactly come here let me show you a how is the dough and explain it to you a couple of things voila like you can see 80 percent it's really good and soft and it's ready seventy percent of course it's a Perfection then we have a 60 which is a hard and this is 50 look at this it's super hard it's gonna be hard even to make well now guys I'm gonna make all four and then I'm gonna put all one next to the other one and we see we can see all the differences so go ahead come on let's mention the like and the share share share it's totally free let's go ahead can't wait to make it and taste it all together okay guys now it's your turn to write down in comment which one you prefer 50 super super dry 50 percent it's all right but it's dry 70 percent my favorite and the 80 percent super soft no Crouch so guys tell me in the below which one is the best for you for the soft and crunchy thank you so much for watching and please go ahead subscribe and see you soon
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 362,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, pizza dough hydration, hydration of pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, hydration explaination, hydration explanation, neapolitan pizza, high hydration pizza dough
Id: tNzbB5IHqhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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