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[Music] oh there we go let me put some food inside the oven and put some fish in the oven right there this way keeps nice and warm and welcome back everyone today I'm going to shoot an amazing video because I am a special person that I flew from all the way from Italy here to Los Angeles for a special event a special too many too much stocking right now come here come here look at this who is here with us okay so today I'm going to show you is home recipe for the very body style pizza guys yes when I say Barista is the nice Pizza crispy and crunchy and not soft in the same time so wait to see because there's so many things going on this and he met my son for the first time guys that's an amazing moment you know what I'm saying that's that's the whole point but anyway the whole point is also because too much talk radio let's get ready because so many people are coming the event is gonna start at five by the way guys you're gonna see everything from the beginning so smash the like subscribe and I'll see you the next one I'll see you next see you watching to the end we are at the lay eggs and waiting for my father to come he's gonna meet My Little Walter for the first time when I come to puppy [Music] this little boy for the first time let's see what he's gonna say are you ready to remember the chainsaw [Music] it's still landed so let's wait it's becoming anonymous [Music] thank you [Music] oh and now it's gonna be an interesting week we're gonna work oh bye-bye I brought you a burger food [Music] foreign guys everything starts with the dough so my father is going to teach you today his own recipe for the perfect party style pizza okay I'm Gonna Leave You with my father I'm gonna go ahead and do something lyrics [Music] so in the middle sugar in the dough that is okay perfect [Music] I just finished to make my own dough and now it's your turn let's go make some dough okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys don't worry about the secret is going to be in description miracle family [Music] [Music] things change the pandemic things so for me it's super important that they came here and also I did a little bit even for you today to show you the Palestine to show you the passion how important is the pension for pizza so I'm glad that you are here watching please watch until the end because this video is all worth it and there we go so the dough is ready however the machine is clean that's what you're looking for a is looking for this is sentimental so you have to work with the dough you often be together that's why when you do something it's very important that you need to have passion this is fashion [Music] foreign about six to eight hours to grow okay no there is not here guys the secret is gonna be the amount of the recipe it's gonna get mad if I say this uh is the amount of uh the ingredient that you put I'm gonna put everything in description and now so pay attention is the timing how it works and things like that dehydration so is everything important but for you don't worry about it I'm gonna write down everything in description for you and for this smash the like let's go share share spring foreign how are we gonna relax guys we need to make 300 pizzas today hopefully relax relax thank you I put some wood here on the side on the side because they get it gets warm up the wood will solve all the Heat and then when I'm going to put it on the top it will fire up right away it's Gonna Keep fire and get fire so the fire is going to give it a pressure and the temperature to the oven right now I'm bringing the pizza oven to temperature so you have to focus because if the oven is not ready the pizza doesn't come out good eighty percent of the flavor of the pizza is the pizza oven you know what I'm saying we are set so nice finally now finally we are ready and for the first we have to make many appointment style before I show you my father Pizza the body style so so it's already like you know it's already a pizza that is uh different trash different textures different hydration so here we're going to make a special one which is the ankopali pizza that's the reason why we are here Uncle Paulie all right olive oil a little bit of tomato sauce so this pizza is Rosie and we have some chili yeah I like it [Music] and we get flame we need flame in the oven is not super important but uh is very important flame okay so now we're gonna go ahead and shut the oven it's perfect there's no pizza go one two three audio [Music] um different there's a party style foreign I'll explain I want to explain you how my fathers makes the body standings thank you so much for coming [Applause] from Italy thank you he doesn't speak any English he came from Italy to do this event today so thank you [Applause] I got tall oh foreign guys finally we have the time to explain it to you we got so busy we made about 250 Pizza probably we got so busy packed now finally it's come down is the time to explain you the body style my father pizza dough and also I'm gonna make it next to him just to see the comparation this is the pizza dough from my father what's left because we got so busy okay so here let me get mine because we're gonna make it together okay okay here hold on okay this is my what's left so the dough is about 250 grams super light okay go you go this side I go this side right this way we can show how you make nice very side body side versus Neapolitan style so like you can see guys he's stretching the body style I'm stretching the nearput and style you can see the difference between me and my father [Applause] and versus rollerfield because it [Applause] is took me three seconds to stretch [Applause] it is to find that the roller pin today so it's blaming to the roller printerest now this is taking his time you finish okay I'm gonna go get a coffee okay okay anyway I'm gonna put tomato sauce in the center goes slow because it's gas voila I'm gonna put pecorino I'm gonna put fresh mozzarella and I'm gonna put some whatever's left of Basil sorry guys but we ran out of everything right here then a little bit of olive oil what's left [Applause] module what's left why why we have sound there we go [Applause] [Applause] finish see oh okay so this is how we put the pizza on the PO with Neapolitan style can you all the people thank you this is how you put the pizza on the peel twist the boom I'm gonna make a 12 inches Pizza nice and big all the way home and this is not supposed to be small so now we cook now we cook the pizza so the body style is cooked far from the flame so it's a low temperature so we keep the pizza more fun than we can the nearby dance style we try to cook it faster so it takes half of the amount of the time voila is about to be ready so three two one the Neapolitan style nice soft and puffy it's ready [Music] nice I'm gonna put some nice hot honey on top my pizza is ready and the party style better we're ready Stein versus this is the dough it's even softer it's super soft compared to the body size super crunchy it's time to go ahead he's gonna we're gonna go ahead and taste the pizza right here come here everybody wants to taste the pizza come this side okay see super crunch I'm gonna taste the body side to be honest so the best is to get one of these and one of these okay I'm back here get in it's good [Music] and this dough is different the dough is different [Music] you guys like that because thank you so much for watching we are finished thank you so much guys for coming see you at the next week and especially like and share this video ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 213,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, neapolitan pizza, pizza recipe, vito iacopelli pizza dough
Id: mxCC6StsagU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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