What is ONE D&D??

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we did a smart thing with fifth edition by listening to the fans and what came out of that process was a system that is stable that is well loved that incorporates the best elements of earlier editions now that we have that we are no longer in the position where we think of DnD as an addition it's just D and D that's the big news folks you heard it here we are Beyond editions of DnD and now entering one DND The Singularity of DnD the one edition so to speak to rule them all jokes aside one DND is the code name for the future of DnD so just like as they were developing DND 5e they called this long play test period DND Next One DND is that it may or may not also be the name that they're gonna stick with or just call it DND because that's the whole idea but here is what it actually entails they're updating the DND rules so as we know we're going to get new versions of the core books players handbook monster manual and Dunder Masters Guide expected as they say in 2024 and the biggest part of this in my opinion is the digital DND play experience Let's Play a clip of that too so the d d Digital Play experience is supposed to look like a miniature set that will be totally customizable and the maps are supposed to be totally customizable as well saying that you'll get a map in the digital bundle version with the new books that come out but then you'll actually be able to customize that map and build your own with this whole online tool set which honestly all sounds really Innovative and is exciting but now my goal for this video is together we will go through the frequently asked questions for one DND and then take a quick look at the first Glimpse that we have of these new core rules coming in that new player's handbook in 2024 and then in a couple weeks they're going to release a survey so we can give them feedback and they'll theoretically incorporate that feedback into what will become the core rules now is one DND introducing a new addition no according to them it's bigger than that saying your adventures and supplements from 5e will all work in one DND what is changing with the one DND rules as it says here there will be many fundamental updates again they're changing the core rules a little bit so even though they're not calling it a different Edition it basically still seems like it's going to be that and that's why we're going to take a look at this first play test document in just a second but it says that these new core rulebooks are expected to be released in 2024. prior to this we've always heard it's coming in 2024 so now that tells me it might get pushed back a little bit honestly I'd rather have more time spent on developing it so that we really get it right if this is going to be the Everlasting version of DnD which sidebar I totally don't think that's going to happen because obviously in 10 or 15 more years new people will totally be running the company and they're definitely going to make a new game because that's just how everything works and now I want to keep this video short so we're not doing a deep dive on every little nitty-gritty detail of this play test document but what I want to highlight are the major changes to the core rules that we're seeing with character Origins so this is all about race background and apparently language they're featuring as like a main thing here it's kind of not so let's get into it and so here's the list my friends of the races going to be included in the next player's handbook human a brand new one that we've never heard of or seen before called the ardling the Dragonborn the dwarf gnome halfling orc and tiefling so they kind of done away with half elf and half work and all that stuff saying that if you do want to create a character that comes from two of these races you just choose the mechanics of one but can decide however you look honestly it's it's mostly just flavorful but it's easy I like it now humans are very similar they're still described as like the most versatile style diverse race of all and that checks out you can now be medium or small and which is kind of funny starting at two feet tall seems very small for a human but hey there are all kinds of people out there and they really just have these three mechanical traits resourceful you gain inspiration whenever you finish a long rest with inspiration by the way is now just getting advantage on a roll skillful you gain an extra skill proficiency and versatile you gain these skilled feat or another first level feat of your choice so things to note there a first level feat what is that feet trees are they back not exactly they say they're pretty much just tagging them by level but the point is here all backgrounds do give you a feat but the human and All Humans because there's just one kind of human now all get an extra feat just like they did in 5e now to keep it brief the ardling is the planar opposite of a tiefling it has three different legacies basically sub-races the exalted which come from chaotic good planes the Heavenly from lawful good planes and the idyllic from neutral good planes we see that with the tiefling as well they come from chaotic evil lawful evil and neutral evil planes three legacies each the art link can be medium or small they all have animal faces based on your legacy you choose a different animal and then they get spells at first third and fifth level but their other unique feature is Angelic flight as a bonus action you sprout spectral wings for a moment and fly up to a number of feet equal to your speed if you're in the air at the end you fall ah and resistance to radiant damage pretty cool Dragonborn at a glance looked very much the same to me dwarf is interesting to me because there are no more dwarf sub-races they said in a video like Jeremy Crawford said in a video that they just tried to make the dwarfiest dwarf so when you choose the race dwarf you don't have to worry about different kinds of sub rays of dwarf you're just the dwarf and stone cunning is now super cool if you touch Stone as a bonus action you can get Tremor sense with a range of 60 feet so it's literally like you're sensing the vibrations through that stone that's a really cool feature very mythological for for dwarves I love it elves look pretty much the same dark vision now a lineage thing instead of sub-races so we got drow high elf wood elf gnomes we still have again pretty much same look gnome lineage is now Forest gnome or Rock gnome so again looks like we've done our way with the term sub race and half links we just have one kind of halfling taking a quick look at Orcs they can Dash as a bonus action and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus when you do so they have powerful build oh that's exciting I mean that was from the original orc race so I'm glad they kept that and Relentless endurance when you're reduced to zero hit points but not killed outright You Dropped a one hit point instead tiefling now instead of all being infernal again mirroring this new ardling race they are either Abyssal infernal or cathonic from the neutral evil planes and just like the ardling you have these other cantrips and other Spells at third and fifth level but now backgrounds have actually changed quite a bit the number one thing that I noticed is we don't see those personality traits bonds ideals flaws any of that anywhere first they really emphasize that you should build it yourself that is now the default and then the option is choose a sample background but when you build a background you get your ability score increases so no more racial ability score increase now it comes from your background honestly this makes sense to me then you get two skill proficiencies a tool proficiency and choose one language one first level feat so everybody does get a feat and Equipment equaling 50 gold pieces to spend on stuff cool they have a lot of familiar ones here like acolyte Artisan charlatan cultist is a new one farmer is definitely new and I don't know how we never had a farmer background before this just makes all the sense in the world that a lot of characters would come up from that but something that I thought was cool was oh you just choose one language from your background wow they're finally going to be reining in the insane amount of languages that a first level character can have not really it actually says here with starting languages you have common as a default plus one that you get from your back background which can be a standard or rare language and then you choose just one other standard language so you start with at least three so you could just choose druidic even though it's typical user here is a druid you could choose thievescand even though you're not a rogue and to summarize changes to the Feats they said that yes they're organizing them by level and the main thing is there might be changing some of the names or changing some of the features so they're just more obvious about what they do they explicitly said that the Healer feat was one that oh a lot of people used to choose that because they were playing a cleric but then it actually didn't really benefit you much if you were a cleric so the idea here is hey you see the Healer feet oh I'm playing a Healer yes it actually has stuff that will benefit you but it will also provide some healing benefits to characters who wouldn't have those abilities otherwise oh and here's a good one though so they do have the Lucky Feet here but instead of it being like over the top unbalanced now you spend luck points for Advantage on what they call a D20 test so anytime instead of listing ability score increase saving throw and attack roll they just call it a test to Encompass all three of the those rolls and the glossary here actually gives some awesome information that I'm going to summarize so Arcane spells what's that now there are just going to be three spell lists Arcane spells Divine spells and primordial spells this seems like an awesome move it's actually based on the source of your magic so it's way more intuitive oh and here's something big rolling a one now means you just fail anytime like that's how a lot of people played and now they're building it in same thing rolling a 20 means you succeed so on an ability check on a saving throw whatever your modifiers are if you roll a natural 20 you succeed again this is all play test but I think those things will stay personally I kind of like that idea something I'm not sure about is critical hits this will only affect weapon and unarmed strikes so spells cannot crit under these rules and monsters cannot crit under these rules it's just for player characters they kind of Justified that saying like oh monsters have recharge abilities that's kind of like a crit that you can choose when to use it basically it's like if you're playing at level one and you accidentally create you know you're the DM uh oh I just rolled a crit now you're dead a lot of people don't like that so it makes sense to have that recharge thing where it's like okay I have this powerful attack available but I get to choose when I do it so if they tweak how recharge Works make it a little more common I could see that replacing monster crits for me but if I'm the DM and I roll a natural 20 I want to be able to crit too uh it looks like the grappled condition now actually does stuff because you know how in 5e everybody pretty much just uses the first round to get into position and then never moves so where grappled used to just make your speed zero so you couldn't move but no one ever did anyway it didn't matter now you actually have disadvantage on attack rolls against any Target other than the grappler pretty cool other things inspiration just gives you advantage on a roll that's cool you can also give advantage to other characters and again you get it anytime you roll a natural 20. it'll last until your next long rest I really like that it seems like an inspiration mechanic I would actually use long rest mostly seems the same except one thing I noticed is it says if it's interrupted by combat it just doesn't work unless you already rested for an hour in which case it'll gain the benefits of a short risk a new condition called slowed basically I think it's just a quality of life for the designers because there are a lot of other rules that do this thing where you spend one extra photo movement for every photo movement using your speed so now instead of saying that for stuff like difficult terrain you can just say you're slowed in difficult terrain Bingo and then here's the spell list the one thing I'll point out about this that stood out to me you know Arcane Divine Primal is that under the well none of the spell list but I expected to see it under Arcane I don't see the Eldritch blast can trip so I think that means Eldritch blast is just gonna be a warlock feature we'll see when they make an unearth Arcana play test document for classes but I hope this answered some of your questions about what is one DND thanks for watching and keep building
Channel: Bob World Builder
Views: 319,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is one dnd, one dnd announcement, d&d, d&d 5e, how to play d&d, d&d player guide, dungeons and dragons, bob world builder, dungeon master guide, dnd 5e, one dnd playtest, one dnd UA character origins, one dnd ardling, one dnd critical hits, one dnd spell list, one dnd warlock, one dnd faq
Id: siZGAWdBw4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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