What Is Kabbalah (aka Ancient Jewish Mysticism)? - Explained Simply

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welcome to this live session I'm Gill or Gilad or Gill shear and in this session I'm gonna talk about the wisdom of Kabbalah and I'm gonna explain it really simply I'm gonna tell you something that I learned 12 years ago and since then I've taught this principle and I've seen thousands of people who have who have internalized this and have changed their lives for the better so especially today especially when many of us are quarantined to our homes especially when many of us have more free time there is no better no better time to learn these principles that can really improve your life improve your balance with nature then now so now is a great time and you don't have to actually change anything in your in your day to day lives in order to implement this you don't have to make a serious transition of your routine all you need to do is you need to learn a few things a few principles and just like you know everyone's driving a car you're also driving a car let's say these bodies your car so I'm just gonna teach you where that turbo about it means so you can still keep driving your car but you can just push that button and speed up your acceleration alright so hi Alex it's a glad feel free to ask questions as we're rolling so I'm looking at the chat here as well you're I have you here on both screens so feel free to ask anything or add any comments and just a quick reminder before we delve into it if you can like this video and share it that would be great it'll get more people to join us so let's dive into it so in order to dive into it I want to share with you a short video clip which is taken from a talent show and you might be wondering okay why why are you showing us you know a video clip from a talent show here it is it was on the Anderson Show I'll tell you in about two minutes and a half why I want to show you this clip and for now just go with me and let's watch it and while you're watching it basically it's a painter who has a minute and a half to draw some painting now it's a talent show so we expect the painting to be amazing right but let's see what happens all right so a minute and a half has started and the painter with all of his energy is going for it while he's painting try and see if you can identify what it is that he is painting right I mean we expect something amazing like I said he's a talent show there is some talent expected to be here all right and as you can see the judges are adding pressure so far it looks pretty much like nothing so let's see what he can do in the 50 seconds left that he has remaining and don't worry I'll explain what this has to do with the wisdom of Kabbalah as you can see the judges are wondering what he's doing there as well doesn't look too promising so far yeah they're thinking maybe it's a riddle maybe they don't get it too so far it doesn't look like much more than some abstract paintings with 11 seconds left let's see what he does okay and he's done all right so two seconds left what is this painting look like what you know what did he do there so what do you think what do you think we're gonna see here in a second you know Talent sure we expect some kind of talent it could be a nice abstract painting I'm not really an expert in the field of arts so I can't say if this is some genius you know work of art but it doesn't really look like much right okay so let's see what happens in the remaining two seconds you're ready for this let's do it all right there we go there it is he painted a portrait of Anderson of the host of the show so it is amazing and you did an amazing job here and I actually wanted to ask you a question right so while you were watching this clip and while you were seeing the painter starting to draw this painting what were you feeling like what was the feelings that that awakened in you you know it did look like something that's maybe you know not exactly clear writing the chat share something that that you felt when you were trying to understand what is going on there right so there was this abstract image and we expected something something to happen there so while you guys are riding in the chat oh I'll add what I felt when I watched his for the first time it was first of all you know a sense of what's going on here maybe he knows something that I don't know because he's doing something which to me very unclear and it's all kind of abstract and I don't understand you know every brush of the of the of that paintbrush what it's building up to and I assume all right a few seconds for you guys to ride also what you were feeling but I've shown this clip many times and in the meanwhile I'll share with you what what people say it's a sense of [Music] lack of understanding lack of control even as you watch the painter do it now let me ask you this question let's have a look again at the at the final image so the final image is a beautiful portrait of the show host so when the painter was doing it while he was drawing it upside down let's take a look for a second while he was making these lines what did he feel when he was doing every single brush stroke of this what was the painters feeling as he was doing it right that's that's the second question so our feeling as viewers was a sense of misunderstanding what's happening here what's he doing now what did the painter feel the painter knew exactly how every single stroke is building up to this final image to this complete image for him it's not just a random stroke of the brush like it might seem to a viewer before he flipped the picture and we saw this complete image for the painter he is in control he understands everything every single stroke that he makes he knows how it fits into the big picture so this is the wisdom of Kabbalah it's from being the observer the passive viewer that there's a sense of chaos without understanding how every stroke in reality is connected to every other stroke or every incident how everything that has ever happened to you how that's connected to everything else wisdom of Kabbalah teaches you how to become the painter to have a deep profound whole understanding of everything in reality to know how every single stroke connects to the other to look at every incident in the world that happens including what we're in now we're in a world epidemic right there's a covert that's spreading around and uncertainty and like a restart of all humanity so the wisdom of Kabbalah explains exactly and understands where this comes from and what it's leading to just like the painter who with every stroke knows exactly what he was he is doing all right so I'll just read some comments I [Music] don't know how to pronounce her and I'm sorry so I think it's su gem wrestle Jeffie so he says observer seeks meaning and completion right and Teddy wrote focused and Alex wrote things are not what we perceive them we need to change the perspective the perspective in order to see the the main picture exactly so thanks for your contribution guys great visual example Thank You Jana perfect analogy Thank You Tanya great so yes it is the exact analogy so if you want to explain Kabbalah simply and we'll give a lot of different variations of what Kabbalah is in simple words so Kabbalah is becoming the observer it's moving from the observer from the viewer which is passive which doesn't understand the entire picture and becoming the painter becoming the owner of the situation understanding how everything in reality fits into place all right so let's let's keep going if you have any comments or questions then keep keep posting them in the chats so in reality there is actually unlimited potential there is nothing that is coincidental everything follows laws everywhere you look around us we see laws in reality right you know if you walk off a cliff you know what's going to happen right because you understand the law of gravity and just like this law of gravity there are many laws around us some of them are already revealed to us like the law of gravity and some are not yet revealed to us and others even though they're not visible and we can't see them with our eyes we still know they're there right like we know that if I throw a rock then according to the laws of U and I can calculate where it's going to land how long it will take what its maximum height is etc etc etc right so understanding the laws of reality is you could say it's like getting this cheat for this game that we call life and everyone once wants to have this cheat right everyone wants to have this advantage so what is Kabbalah again and I'll go through the session on many short explanations of just simply defining Kabbalah so Kabbalah is the cheat sheet of reality it's simply understanding the laws that reality works according to the laws that currently are concealed to us and in a few minutes we'll also talk about why they are concealed and how we can unlock them but for now let's just take this one step at a time and understand what this reality that we're in what it actually is so let's see let's give an example let's say you know you go to a caveman you bring him in to today and he's shown him a button which he clicks it and suddenly the Sun turns on you know a lie turns on a light bulb turns on how would this caveman and see it like magic like something you know he probably started bowing down to you and think that you're a God because you can create light with a with a button with just tapping your finger on something that that clicks or something right so and why would the caveman feel that way the answer is simple because he doesn't understand the mechanism that works here he doesn't know that his button is connected to an electric circuit which then brings current through you know through a coil which heats up and lights up etc he doesn't understand that so he thinks it's some kind of magic but we understand that and we understand these laws of electricity and because we understand these laws of electricity but you can harness them and utilize them right so we can build everything even the computer you're working that you're watching this right on your computer or your little computer you know this little computer so all of these things are simply a result of understanding the laws of reality that we're in so there are laws that are concealed from us so again let's go back to the title of this session Cibola explained simply so what is Kabbalah it's the method of how of learning these laws tapping into them and then why don't you learn them it's no longer any magic or something you know mystical Qabalah is not mysticism at all whoever tells you Kabbalah's mysticism is using some new age version of Kabbalah Kabbalah is not mysticism Kabbalah he's simply science kabbalists there are people who identified these laws of reality understood them and then teach them use them and teach them that is Kabbalah simply no mysticism no magic no voodoo a simple method of understanding the laws of reality that's cabal explain simply alright so let's continue what is this current state that we're in now right this world that we're in now so let's take a look at the drawing board which hopefully you can see so what is this world that we are in right now so let's go to blue alright so right now say this is us alright so we're right here now we have all these things that happen to us all these thoughts and all these feelings right and incidents things we come across it could be interactions with people or with objects you know if I walk into a wall I'm interacting with an object if I read a book that's an object if I talk to someone if I feel something and all of this which will call this world is actually Kabbalah calls it the world of outcomes so I hope you can see the bottom of my screen we'll find out in a second so this is the kabbalah calls is the world of outcomes or Consequences now according to the wisdom of Kabbalah there is a concealed layer of reality which is you can call it a spiritual world but again let's not be confused spiritual is not mysticism and it's not magic it's simply defining a reality that is currently concealed from us with our senses that's it this is the spiritual world and it's not only the spiritual world it is the world of causes in other words every single thing that you experience in this world comes from the world of causes whether it's a feeling an interaction with an object an interaction with a certain person all of that is already an outcome right so if you again if you take the gravity example you throw a rock then you could say the cause is the velocity that you threw the rock at and the planet that you're on which determines the acceleration which the rock will fall back down and the angle etc so all these are causes now where is the rock going to hit that is already a consequence and you have no control over that the second you've set the starting parameters then while you're looking at the rock you might seem it might seem to you that it's that it's randomly traveling in space and going up and then going down and changing speeds on the x axis and the y axis and it's going up and slowing down and then speeding up again and all of that seems random maybe but if you simply understand the Lord then you know that all of that is already a consequence of the initial starting point so it's the same in the wisdom of Kabbalah there is the initial starting point which is the spiritual world the world of causes and everything that you experience in this world everything actually in this reality everything that exists is a cause sorry is a result of a cause so everything we see around us is already a consequence so what can we do about this you know so it's like with a painter example when we're looking at the painting and not understanding how you know one thing connects to the other it's because you're looking already the consequences you're not understanding where they stem from you don't have this big picture in mind and if you understand the cause then everything suddenly disconnected things you know this paint of the brush here and the paint of the brush there they seem totally random right if you don't know the big picture if you don't know the end picture but if you understand the laws if you're honest and how what laws are being followed then suddenly this paint here you know it's this side of the ear and this paint here this this brushstroke here is that side of the ear and then you know how these things connect and this is the same with everything in life you know you could experience an amazing experience you know you might get married or have a child or get a promotion and then you can also experience negative things which I hope you know you don't but there are also negative things in life like someone close to you dies or you had some kind of crisis or something didn't go as planned and all these things they seem random they seem like they're disconnected but actually nothing is random in reality everything is connected so we simply need to go to rise and from looking from observing only this world to also not to also actually but to understand the roots or you could say instead of causes and outcomes you could also call it roots excuse me and branches so that's what couple are calls it it's the root and the branch so all we need to do is we need to adapt ourselves to better understand to attain that's called in Kabbalah the world of course as the roots the spiritual world in other way so again back to the first definition what is Kabbalah in simple words it's the method to attain the world of causes that's it that's the wisdom of Kabbalah that's all it does it helps you develop this sense to attain the world of causes that's it so the next natural question is how can we do that let's take a look at the chat so observing is key yes Teddy observing is key but the question is do you have the right tool to observe I could be trying to observe microorganisms like germs on the table here but I won't be able to because I'm lacking with tool I need a microscope or something to magnify it I might be trying you know there's a let me ask you a question all right let's say I'm gonna tune in I have a radio device here on my phone like I can tune in to an FM radio so I'm gonna journey now you know before I turn in even I'm not gonna turn in yet but I'm just gonna listen wow that's a beautiful song can you hear it can you hear this beautiful song that's playing here in the background you know it's playing you can hear it I'm sure right so at this point you're saying wait a minute is this guy crazy what's he talking about we don't hear any song what's he listening to or what's he on so I'm not on anything and actually there is music in this room and there is music in the room you are in right now there's actually a lot of music and a lot of noise and I can't hear it because I don't have a device so all I need to do is I need to tune in to my radio and as soon as I do that as soon as I tune in to my radio then I'll be able to hear the music so I just take the device that can hear it and click about it and then I'll be able to tune into this music oh there we go so there's music here now was this music not here before of course I was there are a radio frequencies the waves are here they're in this room they're all around us so what did I need in order to listen to them all I needed was a device that can tune in to that right frequency in order to perceive it so that is this world of causes that is around us it's tuning into this it's it's building this internal device like a radio that can help us tune in to the right frequency that's it simple as that so that is the wisdom of Kabbalah so what is Kabbalah explain simply it is the method to develop this internal device that enables us to tune in with my pen to tune in to this layer of reality that's it that's the wisdom of Kabbalah explained simply alright cause and effect correct Eddy so feel free to ask questions here if you have any alright to the observer also have the possibility to use any subject to observe or only the individual thanks for your question Valentin I think that's the name we'll actually get to that in a few minutes we'll see we'll talk about a practical tool which we can already begin to use to tap in to a wider state of reality a concealed state all right so let's keep going so now we've spoken about you know understanding that we need to make this transition from passive passively observing a collection of seemingly random incidents that occur all the time around us and transforming to a new level to a level of being the paint understanding how every stroke how every incident is connected to the other incident so we understood that we understood that right now we're in the world of consequences the world of branches this world and in order to tap into this control room of reality we need to reach the spiritual world the world of roots we also understand that in order to do that we need the device just like we need a device to tune in to the radio frequency or to the cellular frequency if I make a phone call now then how's this device that's here in the air how is it tapping in and calling someone simply because there are cellular frequencies in this room and this device has an internal mechanism which can tap into them so similarly we need to develop an internal radio that will help us tune in to this world of causes of roots the spiritual world all right so now you know the next natural question is how can we do it what do we need to do do we need to you know change a lot of things or maybe make a sacrifice of some sort so I want to tell you a short story about a sheep all right so there was this sheep with millions and millions of dollars worth of merchandise and his ship was travelling across the ocean taking this expensive and important goods from one place from one from one continent to the other and along the way the ships engine died so you know with the last thrust the ship was able to dock on some half island and that's it so that's that's whether she'd made it - now of course there was a lot of stress there's millions and millions of dollars worth of merchandise on that ship some of it can be spoiled they're gonna keep rolling they go to bring it you know to its destination so what do they do they start looking for someone to repair the ship so within no time word goes out and all of the neighboring cities and and you know people who live nearby started talking about this ship that's there and all of the ship repairmen start coming and they start coming one by one you know company after company and they try to repair the ship and they don't succeed and then word goes that even further and bigger companies who have greater expertise they sending whole crews to go to the ship and try and fix it because they know you know if you fix the ship with millions of dollars worth of merchandise you probably get something good in return and word goes out and be your companies and people with greater expertise they also try and fix the ship but right you guessed it they failed so the ship owners are starting to be despaired they don't know what's happening and they don't know what to do until suddenly this old cramped man walking with a stick kind of walks up you know they seen from a fire and takes him quite a while to get to the actual ship and he has this little tool bag in his hand looks kind of old and you know not very advanced and all the guy says I'll fix your ship and they look at him you know you'll see except shape he's like yeah yeah I'll fix your ship you know I have I've been fixing shape since I was a kid let me in the engine room I'll fix it they say okay we have nothing to lose so they take him into the engine room and so he walks around there catches a few things listens touches and smells and he does some things that they didn't really understand it seems legit you know trying to get what's going on there and then he goes to a certain place in the engine room and he takes out a little hammer and he gives once he strikes in one place and bam suddenly the whole engine roars you know goes back to life again and everyone is amazed and they're so happy and it took him like half an hour to do that you know everyone's celebrating and you know he's he's like old Billy we'll send you the bill and they're on their way and you know a couple of weeks later they get the bill and he builds them for $10,000 which is fine they pay him but they were just wondering you know you came for half an hour can you maybe give us a breakdown of the bill you know why did we pay two thousand dollars what was that for so he gives him the bill and the bill looks like this so two dollars of tapping with a hammer so let's call it hammer and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety eight dollars is knowing where to tap so that's it that's the bill and why did I share with you this story because if we're going back to the original definition to the title of the session cabal I explain simply so the simple explanation of what is the wisdom of Kabbalah is simply knowing where to tap you don't have to run around and you don't have to go crazy and you don't have to change drastically drastic things in your life you don't have to do that you simply need to know where to tap something very precise that anyone can do and every single person has the opportunity the ability to do this it's only learning where to tap so that is the wisdom of Kabbalah so I'm not gonna leave you in the air I'm sure you already want to start knowing where can you tap so I'm gonna share with you a few things that if this is your first experience with the wisdom of Kabbalah then even by just learning these three things which I'm gonna tell you three things simple things just knowing them not even implementing or doing anything other than knowing that I guarantee will already give you will already give you an advantage in this life all right so concept number one Who am I or to be more precise not Who am I but what am i how am I built so I'm gonna say it in a couple of minutes but it really is something deeply profound and I recommend that you really internalize it and think about it so according to the wisdom of Kabbalah all we are is a simple will to receive pleasure that's it a will to receive pleasure so it's called a click and this click which is a vessel in Hebrew it's it's basically a desire to receive fulfillment and every action we do everything you know simple actions like the way I'm sitting right now I'm having my hands here and I'm putting my hands up that's driven by this desire of mine to receive because as soon as I start feeling uncomfortable I might change my position or do something else or put my hand here or take a drink because I want to constantly receive more pleasure more benefit so that sounds I think pretty clear pretty basic however there is you could say a catch to it because as soon as fulfillment hits my vessel hits Mike Lee so as soon as there is come some kind of fulfillment in a Kabbalah it's called light as soon as this fulfillment hits my vessel what happens is it cancels the desire it cancels sorry it cancels the fulfillment so we'll give you a few examples you're saving up for you know a year or two to buy a new car and you buy AB you full brand-new car and it's all fresh and it smells like a new car as well and you feel so much pleasure but as soon as you have the car what happens the sense of pleasure begins to disappear right so you know maybe a month later two months later you're already not so concerned about it and you even pull off the you know the nylon that's covering the seats and in the beginning you're constantly cleaning in and then after a while you're you know you don't really care about that anymore and then you know three four months later your neighbor gets a newer model and you're already thinking mmm my car isn't that new anymore maybe I need to get a new car already and you start thinking over the next one that you're gonna upgrade to right and this this you get examples like is from everywhere in life right you get promoted promotion you've been waiting for four years and you think this is everything you wanted and you get it and you feel so great I mean within a short time that sense of pleasure disappears and you can even take it to the simplest examples of food you're so hungry and with every bite you take a sense of hunger of pleasure it starts disappearing right so there is some kind of trick a limitation on this mechanism which is called the will to receive and this limitation is called that the pleasure the fulfillment cancels the pleasure all right so this is the first concept of understanding who you are so even by just understanding this principle by knowing that every chase you go for everything that you try to achieve understanding that it won't be enough that already gives you a huge advantage because a you can understand and explain to yourselves why what you thought will fulfill you doesn't in fact fulfill you so that's already that's something huge because you know in in locations where there is the highest standard and quality of life seemingly like Canada like Australia there is also the highest depression rate and suicide rate and the reason is simply the lack of understanding of this mechanism I think that if I have this and a boat and Sundays off in a beach house and all of these things that that people tend to have in these places then I think I'll be happy and then I get all these things I get my boat and I get my my sunday golf and I and I get my beach house and I get all these things and I'm still not fulfilled and and that is just it's depressing to an extent that people it becomes an epidemic in these places you know in places like Melbourne where the living standard is really high and Canada as well look it up there is a really high suicide rate because people don't understand this mechanism and it's a simple mechanism we didn't explain how to how to change it by the way we just explained what it is that the second the fulfillment hits the desire the pleasure is canceled right so that's principle number one if you want to learn more about it then you can of course check out the links in the chat and you can join Cub U which is an environment of online courses and people who get together around these ideas of how to tap into this level of reality and you can join them and study this method but right now even just taking that away taking that home with you already gives you a huge advantage so that was number one understanding who I am or more precisely what I am and how I work all right so let's keep it snappy let's go to concept number two which will also give you an incredible advantage in understanding the reality the reality that you live in so concept number two is as follows so we said Who am I so let's ask now where am I am I in front of my computer those of you who know Tony is perceiving reality clip or hopefully getting a giggle now that's how it starts so actually Rahul if you can post in whenever you you find it the link to a YouTube video perceiving reality then check it out later because there Tony elaborates on where I am but for now I'll give it to you in short and I'll start with an experiment because I like experiments so this is a real experiment by the way so a person was connected to electrodes which were monitoring electric signals and activity and they found that a person can interpret about 2,000 bytes of information is it bits or is it bytes anyway you understand so every second the person can interpret 2,000 bytes of information per second alright so bytes per second now that's fine that's a number which is pretty meaningless you know what's 2,000 what does it mean but when they checked we'd have any bytes of information that person interacts with every second not gonna interpret but simply interacts what he's exposed to so what was that number who can guess so please guess and write it in the chat so again I'll rephrase the question they connected the brain to electrodes and they tried to understand how interpret reality and they found that every second we can interpret 2,000 bytes of information interpret right so the question is how many bytes of information how we expose to every second so the answer is give me a drumroll four hundred billion bytes per second four hundred billion bytes per second of information that's why we're exposed to every single second yet we can only interpret two thousand of them so putting it into sentences what amount reality we're really interpreting so this is this is the amount of reality that we can interpret so what I love about this experiment is that it just shows us that there is something way more than we can perceive in reality way way way more and we're only aware of a tiny tiny tiny fraction of it so where are we in that case so in order to understand where we are let's look at us like a black box so that's me or you all right let's talk about you so you are a black box and what you have is you have these five openings one two three four five and what are these openings there are five senses so it's sight hearing smelling tasting and touching these are the five senses now everything that we interact with goes through these senses right so we hear something and it's basically a wave that our eardrum knows how to interact and then something happens and we see something we touch or smell and all of these they go through this mechanism but in fact these are not five openings these are five filters of reality and one is really outside abstract light endless pleasure and fulfillment unbound potential that is what is outside of us so where are we we are in a sea of infinite possibilities and infinite potential and how do we interpret reality we interpret it according to five filters which take this endless potential and limit it to something which is a tiny representation of what is actually out there so let's go back to Kabbalah explained simply so what is Kabbalah Kabbalah is a method to develop this internal device which is really a new kind of opening an opening that is not within our five senses you can call it a sixth sense although that's confusing because it's not a sense like on this level it's not like you have a microscope and you have a stronger microscope no it's something completely different but just for the matter of discussion let's call it another sense right let's call it a sixth sense even though it's on a different level and this additional sense what it does it connects us directly to this light to this we called it before the world of causes we call it the roots we call it the spiritual world and basically that's all we need we need this device which will connect us to the understanding of the laws over the spiritual world so Karen is asking to our senses rekt us no a census don't distract us I mean you could say that we have a lot of distractions in this world but it's not our senses distracting us it's our internal will but as soon as you hear even about the potential of this nuisance then it goes in parallel to our five senses according to Kabbalah you don't need to limit any of your corporeal desires any of the desires of this world whatever you want in this world you don't need even to deal with it why because it all talks about this world and in Kabbalah Kabalah doesn't talk at all about the world of branches it only speaks of the world of roots and how to attain it so regardless of what you do in this world of how you act of how many hamburgers you like to eat in the morning you like eating 10 hamburgers go for it no restriction there right it deals only with how to unlock this hidden layer of reality through this additional sense like with the example of the radio it's not that we're creating something new it's already there we're immersed in it but we simply don't have the device so that is concept number two concept number three so just to recap console number two where am i where where are you you are in a sea of endless fulfillment and potential and all you need to tap into it is to turn on that internal radio which is according to the same frequency that you want to tap into all right Ramon is riding god forbid 10 hamburgers in the morning right I agree Ramon but I just wanted to emphasize the point that it has no limitations on your corporeal desires right so ok so let's keep going to the third concept third and last and again these three things even if this is all you take and this is all you learn from the wisdom of Kabbalah this already gives you a huge advantage in understanding reality and understanding life around you alright so the third concept which is slightly more advanced but it's very important and I think insightful as well is how am I connected to everyone around me if at all so who are the other people let's say let's call it that or me and the others what what is this connection between me and the others how does it work all right so you know how there's this conflicting sense within people that on the one hand it's like our bodies are built for a connection you know that when we have positive connection with people then we our body emits oxytocin and it makes us feel good and it makes us healthier and there are so many benefits of positive human connection endless benefits that science has found so on the mind on the one hand this body of ours this like this animal called human being is built for positive human connection so what's the conflict here the conflict is that on the other hand Humanity is constantly driven towards egoistic development right exploitation crises we see it all around us so if we're built for connection then why aren't we just practicing this like animals do by the way everyone on every level in nature does this except for human beings and here is why and here an understanding why also will explain how we are connected to everyone else so I'm gonna try and fit this in in just a couple of minutes so basically it goes like this before there was time before the Big Bang before 14 billion years ago there was a thought of creation long story short it created a single soul it's called the soul of a dumb we're not talking about Adam the first person that lived according to the stories we're talking about a soul called Adam Harry Sean all right now this soul was a single soul and it was in complete connection to this light now without explaining why because this isn't a topic of this session so I won't explain why it happened but I'll explain what happened and what happened was this soul shattered into pieces how many pieces well initially six hundred thousand in a certain level and then on a lower level on the level of this world it shattered in two the amount of people that exist in the world so let's say around eight billion right that's how many people that's how many pieces this original soul shadow - and those pieces are us so each and every one of us on the one hand we're built from all of our corporeal desires which are egoistic desires with drive us in this world to exploitation and taking advantage of others etc but on the other hand each and every one of us inside we have this spark in Cibola it's called the point in the heart right and this point it comes directly from here and every single one of us has this so we have these two forces within us we have this plus force let's call it which is this point in the heart this point which comes directly from the light and then we have this opposite force which again we're explaining now why it happened we're just explaining what happened because that itself already gives an understanding of how these things fit together so every single person in this world is structured the same way now in some people this point is already beginning to be awakened meaning a person begins to feel that all the fulfillments in this world are not enough they're not satisfying and there has to be something more and that drives them to search for answers to these questions so who who am i and how am I connected to other people the answer is we are all part of this initial soul that's why we have it in us this on the one hand this natural inclination built-in to our vehicle of feeling good when it connected with others and feeling bad when we're alone in our loneliness is the number one cause of depression so our bodies are built according to this mechanism which is which has the root of the soul of Adam Rishon of being one being connected on the other hand we're all wrapped around this egoistic shell and that's why when we want to start connecting these points between us that's why it has so many benefits even on the lowest level corporeal benefits you know health benefits creative benefits cool monetary benefits people who are connected or better their business have have greater stronger businesses people who are connected and all of these stems from this principle of the soul of Adam Harry Sean that we used to be a single collective soul and this shattered and all of the wisdom of Kabbalah again Kabbalah explained simply so what is the wisdom of Kabbalah it is the wisdom of how to reconnect the collective soul and by doing that we are able to tap in to a higher level of reality so those were the three things that even if you just take them then I think it'll already add lot to your life so number one is knowing who I am how I'm built according to a desire that reaches fulfillment and the pleasure disappears and number two understanding where I am that I'm in a world that I don't even know what it is all I see is what is is painted to me through this mechanism in my brain which draws a picture of reality but what is actually in reality I have no idea so it's it's something that's abstract that's that's simply light and everything we see around us is limited by the filters which are called our five senses and all we need to do is to develop another sense which will directly link us to a higher level of reality and number three Who am I and who are the people around me so both myself and the people around me we're all shattered pieces of this collective soul that is why when we start thinking of reconstructing the soul we already begin to develop the sense and to go in balance with this force the most powerful force in nature so just to read a few of your comments so Karen is writing the world seems to be coming together now I keep hearing everyone talking about coming together being one world being unified staying connected especially now absolutely right Karen if you check out our Facebook page then you'll see we have a lot of videos talking about the current kovat crisis and explaining that this is actually leading humanity to a higher level of evolution it's pushing us to find connection on an internal level so we have social distancing which is pushing us to find a more internal level of connection between us so we have all right so we have some nice discussions here as well in the chat it's great to see her to see Jack and Mila and Eddie all discussing this in the chat so we're going to conclude now and I hope you enjoyed this session if you did then please like share the video subscribe and of course if you check out the links then in them you'll find how to join our amazing cub u environment that offers rich materials that talk about how to develop this additional sense the spiritual sense how to tap into the control room of reality and how to do it with like-minded people who are also seeking this same truth so I hope you enjoyed it I definitely did it was great to be with you see you guys later
Channel: Kabbalahinfo
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Keywords: kabbalah, kabbalah history, kabbalah principles, basic kabbalah principles, kabbalah revealed, kabbalah secrets, what is kabbalah in simple terms, what is kabbalah, kabbalah explained simply, kabbalah explained, kabbalah explained simpley, kabbalah zohar explained, gil shir, kabbalah tree of life, sefirot, how did kabbalah begin, kabalah, kabala, kabbala, kaballah, waht is kabbalah, zohar, kabbalah revealed full course, kabbalah info, the kabbalah explained, what is the kabbalah
Id: orcb5AaOF8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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