How Reincarnation Works - Kabbalah Explained Simply

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i say we're not yet live on youtube give it a few seconds all right i think now we are live on youtube so if our friends on youtube can just confirm that sound is good that image is good we can jump in to today's topic how reincarnation works does it work um were any of us worms in past lives well quick answer no but we'll get more into that in the session um just let's first see that that we can hear okay see okay so on facebook it looks alright and it seems like we're good on youtube as well okay i got a yes i don't know if the s was for asking if we were a worm in a previous incarnation or if you can see okay you're here okay okay good so all right all good on youtube excellent so i just want to start off first of all i'm gil sheer gil ogilad whatever is easy for you to say before we start off i'd like to start as usual i enjoy this part i hope you do too with just a quick introduction i want to know uh who's with us and i want to know also where you're from uh we have so far joined us around 100 students and it's just the beginning so i'm sure we're getting a double that but i want to i want to hear and and see actually where you're from so please write in the chat your name and where you're from and it'll be awesome to see this collection from all around the world uh in the meantime i'm opening you guys up here so i'm looking over here and i'm looking over here okay so let's start seeing where we are from so we have um we have tim from michigan hi tim and alice from portugal and ia from guatemala and david from quebec and rose from nashville and siv from norway and [ __ ] from north carolina carolina and ladder from north carolina as well and we have um margareth from brazil and teddy from iowa and richard from pittsburgh and randy from nashville wow a lot from nashville we have sorry asheville not nashville uh anna's uh we have theresio from portugal and antonia from vienna and tony from mumbasa kenya and romina from denmark oh hold on i lost track here and anne from norway from the kingdom of norway and tiffany from kentucky hi tiffany and candace from kansas and abigail from barcelona in spain um israel from wales and ooh sorry guru serada sorry i don't know if i read that correctly oh your name is next to it stephanie that's easy stephanie living in spain and benny from sweden and melanie from california and kelly from north carolina and clarence from metro philly and roy from brisbane g'day roy and ryan from sri lanka lydia from dc and francesco from long island and anas from pakistan and julian from sydney and jarrod from california and kevin from new jersey nora from puerto rico carson from germany roya from paraguay an alias from the netherlands and oh oh from you rock and mimo if i said that correctly from turkey and paul from holland and ruhama from sydney and daya is with us too and i won't forget kentucky don't worry kentucky and heather from london wow and hoga's from romania and lazy from hong kong like he's good actually in kabbalah lazy is a good quality because it means that you're looking to maximize benefit with minimum effort and that's actually our our software so recognizing you're lazy is actually good because it means you want to get the most with doing the least and that's a good quality it's actually a good quality in the corporeal in the corporeal world too that's what led to all the inventions would we have a remote control if we weren't lazy no we wouldn't automatic doors cell phones cars all these things okay that's not the topic today the topic is is reincarnation how it works do we reincarnate do um do people become animals do men become women what happens after we die do we have past lives what happens to this body of ours when we die is there something eternal that we are part of and many many more interesting questions which we'll try to explain simply according to the wisdom of kabbalah so just a few more a few more uh we have l from minnesota and jerry from wa western australia maybe and daya from india and patrice and angela and jelly are from vietnam and rollwood from sweden and carrie from tokyo wow and ganvoor from norway and ray from northern virginia and william from scotland and robert from the uk and patricia is saying reincarnating lazy nice and baba from west africa ghana and steer from italy and manuel from north west of spain it's so awesome to i know it takes like a few minutes to do this but i i really like doing this because i'm not just seeing names and places i'm seeing like this network of sparks that's lighting up not just this lesson but all of humanity with an intention to discover something higher um so that that includes you guys here as well uh simon from malaysia malaysia and manuela from turkey and susan hi susan from toronto and um tim from michigan and alicia from portugal and iahel from guatemala and rose from tennessee i think we read all those sorry and elizabeth from brazil and joseph from florida and someone from malaysia and michael from puerto rico and mia from brazil i think i covered everyone probably not battle from africa it's just it's still going it's still going it's awesome um so so really just just try and hold that picture in your mind like of of a network of all of humanity connected which is a correct picture because all humanity is connected uh whether we like it or not whether we're aware of it or not and then imagine in this network like sparks lighting up and connecting to each other so even if you're in the chat and you're all around the world we saw from every every place and just imagine that these sparks are lighting up everywhere and they're also lighting up the entire system yep i'd i can click a like so i will because that's a i like that idea and i'd like to hold that thought so there i push the like button as well join you guys okay so let's get started um today's topic first of all welcome to kabul i explain simply i'm gil sheer and in today's session of kabul i explained simply we're going to talk about how incarnation works so what is incarnation do we have past lives what happens when we die is there something eternal in us um can we reincarnate into different forms can a man be encountered to a woman or to a tree or to an animal or vice versa uh well reincarnation is explained in many methods in the world in this session i'm going to explain the true meaning of reincarnation according to the wisdom of kabbalah of course and i'm going to try and do it simply so feel free to ask any questions in the chat we have rachel who will be posting relevant links and clips that i'll be showing and we have ruth who will be collecting your questions for me and putting them in a document so i can look at them nicely and let's get going so let's just start with a quick answer because you probably want to know the answer to this question so do we reincarnate so in one word yes we do reincarnate okay so it was great to be here see you guys later just kidding haha um so there are actually two types of reincarnation there is uh let's say let's call it an external type uh which relates to the body um this physical body of ours which is a protein or it's an organ it's it's an it's an animal basically and we have an internal form of reincarnation which relates to something that is not bodily that is not material that's something that's higher so before we we really dive into it i want to start with showing a clip a beautiful clip from my teacher kabulist dr michael lightman in this clip it's kind of an introduction to this topic so let's start off with that and we'll continue right after and if you have questions while watching the clip just type them in the chat and we'll collect them all [Music] [Music] what was i who was i in previous incarnations in previous life will i reincarnate [Music] people think they used to be either a tree or an animal or certain human beings and each one imagines himself as he was something great the person doesn't agree with the fact that he lives and that his life just comes to an end doesn't agree to finish this life and have nothing remaining after it and although our lives are very difficult no one wants to leave it and the wisdom of kabbalah tells us that there and live with it just like with this nice shirt here and then we throw it to the laundry again we live in this shirt and again we throw [Music] is what are all of those reincarnations for even though they exist and even if i know about them what remains in me the eye is not the shirt the eye is the internality of the shirt that is the soul [Music] our problem is that we're only thinking of the cleanliness of the shirt in our life how it will hold on to its status but we're not thinking about the fact that our soul is re-clothed and clothed over and over again into these bodies to read something to achieve something to that we have no connection and that is the problem there inside that is what is important more important than the shirt itself so let's talk about that let's take care of that from all of these reincarnations we'll have a good result you there think about what's in the shirt that's where the human being is his soul clothed in the body and this shirt be thrown in the laundry again okay so as simple as changing a shirt and i already see that there are quite a few great questions and many of them are great because i've prepared a slide that answers them so if it's a great question i already have a slide for it it's a good question that i know the answer to it and if it's just a question then i don't have a slider i don't know the answer so just so you know my code okay now seriously let's get into it um so let's open my slide show here it is okay so how reincarnation works um this is for me all right so reincarnation let's start with um a little bit of physics let's do this one actually okay so i want to start with talking about the law of conservation of energy you might be wondering why are we learning physics in a kabbalah class so first of all i like physics so i'm bringing that kind of is something that i personally appreciate but actually we many times use scientific examples because sciences they stem from their spiritual root so there are many laws in nature that we can look at and observe and then we can unders we can it can help us explain the root where it comes from okay so the law of conservation of energy it basically means a few things it means that energy cannot be created or destroyed okay so there is a constant unchanging amount of energy from the very beginning of creation from the big bang say 14 billion years ago and that overall sum of energy it never changes it's always constant what does change is the states of energy right so you know i can lift something up then i give it um potential energy and then i can let go of it and then it turns into kinetic energy different forms of energy but the energy is always constant and you'll explain a little bit later on just in a few minutes why i'm talking to you about conservation of energy because it's deeply connected to reincarnation because there's also a conserve a conservation of energy with respect to reincarnation so let's keep going so we can exchange energy with surroundings right so the total energy is constant but you can take an apple which has energy in it you can eat it and then you're transferring through a process energy to your body plants absorb energy from sun from water so the energy is constant but it's moving around right you can exchange it with the surroundings and the last point matter is energy equals mc squared basically means that e energy equals mass of anything times the speed of light to the power of two so any mass has energy to it including this physical body of ours so this physical body has energy to it and actually this physical body its origin is the ashes of stars we're actually made from stardust it's crazy to think about it but you know stars throughout billions of years then in the big bang there were only like two element elements were forged hydrogen and helium i think and then that was it and then over billions of years when stars exploded into into the supernovas then due to the heat and the integration of different of these elements then they forged the elements we know today all the different elements from the periodic table at least besides the artificial ones so simply there's really if you think about it everything physical in the world is just some kind of stardust you know stars exploded forged these chemicals these chemicals came together evolved into uh living forms we're going to talk about how life evolved that's a totally different story fascinating as well but not for today's session and basically everything the still the vegetative and the animate and when i say the the animates the animals then i'm also including the human body the body of the humans because in terms of you know physically where 99 i think percent identical to some apes um we have a fundamental difference but it's not on the physical level i mean it's also on the physical level but that's not the big difference the big difference is on a different level completely but we'll get to that too so just to kind of summarize this so there's a conservation of energy it cannot be created or destroyed you can exchange it with your surroundings and all of matter in this world is energy right let's keep going so let's talk about now about reincarnation and we'll see how it connects so i mentioned in the beginning that there are two forms of reincarnation you could you could say that there's external reincarnation which basically means that this body of ours lives and dies and it's reborn and what's reborn actually is on the body the physical body you know decomposes rots into the ground and again the energy is conserved the atoms become part of whatever and then it becomes nutrients for the land or for insects etc so there's no reincarnation of the physical part of us that dies but there is something in us which is connected to the uh internal reincarnation that comes back again in in another body so you live you die and you're reborn now humans do reincarnate and animals don't reincarnate and this stems from a fundamental difference that is unique to human beings actually uh the still the vegetative and the animals all the animals besides human beings they share a quality that they are they're already corrected you could say they don't need they have nothing that's that's broken in them nothing that's corrupted unlike human beings that have something corrupted in them and it's there for a certain purpose it's there for human beings to be able to reach independence why did i go back sorry like we said about conservation so there is also conservation of form so a female will always reincarnate into a female body a male will always reincarnate into a male body and it will always be a human you can never incarnate into still into vegetative or into um other animals like uh you can't reincarnate as a dog or like i open the session no you were not a worm in your previous life nor will you incarnate into a worm so no worries you'll always reincarnate into a human physical body okay so this is about external reincarnation um our body is simply a biological container so think of it just like in the clip we saw with rob lightman the the physical body is like a shirt and a shirt you can take off put another one that doesn't really make a difference it's not a big deal what's inside is what counts what's inside this biological container by the way that's why kabbalists don't make too much of a big deal out of death because it's like you know trimming your hair you're not crying over a lower level that is discontinuing it's a lower level so if you attain spirituality then the physical body changing is is not a big deal you know you're connected already to a system that is above time and space and each person has the potential to be able to reach that state so all this body is is a biological container and bala who's the greatest kabbalist of the 20th century just to give an example you know sometimes there's like this mysticism you should be buried in here or there in a sacred place when bala salam was asked you know when you die where should we bury you and he replied i don't care where you throw my bag of bones you know it was like a blunt answer even surprising to many people but he treated it very simply this this is a bag of bones i don't care where it's buried it's meaningless basically so spiritual is not clothed in any material object so you can have transplants you can even put an artificial heart probably other limbs you can you can basically replace all of the organs in your body and it has no effect on spirituality because the spiritual does not clothe in physical atoms all right so if you change your heart if you have to do transplant or if you change limbs or if you change anything basically then it has no effect on spirituality whatsoever um i see the questions but for many of them like i said there are great questions because i've prepared slides for them so i'll keep going and then i'll look at the questions which i haven't answered yet all right um i forgot to say at the beginning what i usually say that if you can like or share or subscribe then that would be great because that can um indicate to facebook and youtube that you like this session that it's a good session and then facebook and youtube will show it to more people and then they can join us too and learn about reincarnation so better late than never so if you if you enjoy this session and previous sessions then i would appreciate it if you click that share button that like button maybe invite in the share other people to watch this session okay so back to to uh reincarnation so like i said the spiritual is not clothed in any material you can do transplants etc okay so what about the uh internal form of reincarnation what is this internal form of reincarnation so as a matter of fact the internal part is something that is connected to a different realm a different layer of reality completely something that we currently don't perceive and in order to better understand it then i'd like to share with you an explanation of a concept called the collective soul of adam harishon so i know many of you have already been exposed to this have heard about this but you can never hear it too many times and today i'm going to add a little more detail than i usually add just a tiny bit more and you'll understand in a second why it's related to reincarnation it's actually the the foundation of it this explains the entire concept of what reincarnation is so the collective soul of adam harishan so it goes like this before there was time before the big bang before there was space there was just a thought of creation and upper force that is a force of love that wanted to do good and it created something opposite of it it's a force of ultimate giving so it created force of ultimate receiving so it can give to it and during that process um they were created 125 degrees each clothed in five spiritual worlds and each one of these five spiritual worlds also have five worlds in them and they have five worlds in them five to the power of three is 125. it doesn't matter though don't worry about it so there's 125 degrees here and in the world of atsulut then there was a soul of adam harishan created now this soul imagine close your eyes for a sec imagine like imagine that you're back in the womb right that you're nurtured you're covered in this warmth and this loving infinite energy of your host of your mum of your mother and before you can even raise a deficiency for something you're immediately fulfilled you're connected with the umbilical cord to her you're receiving nutrients and nourishment before you can even think of them or ask them you're just in a state of perfection right so that actually is the similar to the state of the soul of adam harishan it's a state of ultimate perfection of complete harmony between the creating force the force of the stool and the created force the force of reception and it's in the soul of adam harishan only there was something missing there and this is the whole story of the sin of the tree of knowledge which we spoke about when we spoke about the language of the bible the story of adam and eve in the bible is actually talking about the shattering the shattering of the soul of adam harishan and that soul shattered and it shattered to the lower worlds lower means more distant from the the creating force into the worlds of bria yetzira and asiya and this single collective soul shattered into 600 000 pieces that's what it shattered into and then from the worlds of brigades uranusia which become further and further away from unity it clothed into our world which is the world of complete separateness of separation where we each feel ourselves as individual separate entities uh seven or eight billion um people in this world each have pieces of the six hundred thousand shattered pieces of the collective soul so right now each and every one of us is here we feel ourselves as individuals and that feeling actually we we all have two kinds of feelings in us and confirm if you agree we have a feeling of individualism of separateness of um the state of uniqueness of ours that we're unique that we're individuals that we're separate that maybe we don't even need anyone else and that feeling of separateness stems from the shattering we also in parallel to that have a feeling um that human connection is good and i'm saying in parallel because it's a bit of a paradox ego keeps on kind of overtaking and we see this on all levels on the other hand our biology is built for connection when we're connected positively to other people then our body responds amazingly to it it emits oxytocin and which is the love hormone and has huge healing effects you know like things like your wounds even heal better you're better at creativity learning uh you're happier it's the number one cause of happiness positive human connections so we have these two things in us and that second thing that tendency for connection actually its root is our mutual collective soul so the fact that we were mutually connected it the it still has a tiny spark of that in the system we're in now that's pushing us towards positive connection so it's these two forces that are in us and i'd like to hear uh if you all agree with that or if not if you have questions about that okay so how's this related to reincarnation so each and every one of us we have this tiny little spark in us and all it is is a shattering so imagine like a glass i don't have a glass you're only a plastic cup but imagine this is made out of glass and i break it and then each and every one of us is like this little tiny piece so this little tiny piece of shattered glass in quality it's the same as the entire vessel but it cannot contain anything because it's just a tiny shattering and it's not a vessel of itself even though its qualities are 100 similar if i look at it in a microscope i'll see that it's built of the exact same atomic structure as the entire vessel itself although it can't function the same way because it's only a shattered piece okay so if this is our state in the world today then what's an incarnation okay so let's talk about now about internal or spiritual reincarnation taking into account the structure of the soul of adam harishon so an incarnation is a new state that sparks a transition to a more evolved state now a more evolved state is a state that's bringing us from here closer to here so if we went from complete connection to complete lack of connection to separateness then a reincarnation is when we start climbing back up again from a state of separateness to a state of unity so that's that's considered in kabbalah that's considered to be reincarnated that you're evolving to a more advanced state now the soul it exists outside each and every one of us in its corrected state and that corrected state is that same state of the soul of a damarichon right so this is where your soul actually is your soul isn't here or here or here you cannot contain a soul with a spark a soul is the interaction of the vessel and the light that's how a soul is formed so your soul is actually up here so it's already in its corrected state it's already in existence only we don't feel it so when light from that corrected state hits the vessel hits that spark and by doing it evolves it builds it into a vessel and this is done through a mechanism called massage which is a screen and or jose which is returning light that state is called reincarnation okay you can also look at it as a transition between spiritual degrees so every one of those 125 degrees that you rise you could call that a reincarnation it's like it's it's it's birth of of something new so just like on the physical level you have a body that lives and dies and is reborn again and that's called reincarnation on the on the still level on the external level so in spirituality the evolution rising constantly higher and higher on spiritual degrees that is being reincarnated that is being reborn and every spiritual degree you rise of those 125 degrees is is birth it's and that's why it's called a reincarnation okay um what else um this is an interesting one i i especially like this one every reincarnation lifts the entire network that we are in okay so i want to try and illustrate this let's see if i can um wait a minute ooh hold on i lost that oh okay so what do i mean by that so let's say if i can draw a circle here yes we have shapes great um okay so let's say i have a circle how does this work okay great a circle and let's say this is the collective soul right and in this collective soul we have a bunch of sparks and this is already let's say the soul of a dahmer shun right so we are here let's say this is this world and this is the collective soul the soul of adam harishan and let's say we're forming a connection so let's say this is you and through your study you might be already in kabu which is our online learning platform you might already have a group you're working with and let's say you start do going through this process right so what happens is well first of all uh let's go green all of humanity is already connected right that's no question about that i mean not necessarily through positive connections that's something that we need to transition to but is connected is interconnected dependent interdependent on one another everything that happens in one place influences another place people are completely dependent on each other and we see that you know even with with recent events now even with covid you know if you don't wear a mask or if you do wear a mask you're influencing other people and we're all interdependent so let's say you're here and you're going through a reincarnation meaning you're correcting a desire that you have you have 613 desires actually and you're correcting one of those desires and by doing that you're actually doing something incredible you're lifting the entire system so you're basically you could say in a way that you're strengthening the ties not just of yourself with a system because there is no uh individual only one piece in the system there's an individual that works with the with the entire system itself right so when you make this one correction then you strengthen the entire system so that's why i'm kind of making it darker and you make another correction and then you make the system even stronger and each person that does this he basically strengthens the entire system and what does that actually mean it means that you're bringing all of humanity closer and closer and closer to one simple thing to asking the meaningful question what is the meaning of life and when you ask that question it means that someone else made a correction in the general system meaning made this reincarnation from one degree to a more elevated closer to the source closer to unity and by that it boosted energy you could say you can call it like an energy into the entire system right and then as a result of that suddenly you know by chance like a lot of people who come to kabul i say yes suddenly just by chance i found this or this happened or i had this question of course there is no chance in in in the world everything is a is a deterministic system it's all a system of laws we don't see these laws they're concealed from us so it seems like chance you know like if you turn on the light and you bring a caveman and they'll see you pressing a button and a light turning on they'll think it's chance or that you're a god and they'll start praying to you but that's only because they don't understand how the system works they don't see the the wires going from the the button from the um the light switch to the light bulb so for them it's magic for them it's mysticism for them your god but of course if you understand how it works then it's no big deal for you so it's the same thing here it's not chance it's not mysticism the system itself has been elevated by previous students kabbalists etc who are working on elevating this system and then that brings you to ask suddenly out of the blue what is the meaning of my life and this brings you to start studying kabbalah and when you start studying kabbalah it's the beginning of your spiritual your internal state of reincarnation of reincarnating and until then what you're experiencing is simply advancing oops closed it okay um i lost my beautiful drawing oh okay so what you're experiencing until you start working on the spiritual correction then you're basically going through a system which we call rashimo rashimo is like a registry and let's say a person is here in this state and let's say that over here begins they have this question arising them let's say the question is what is the purpose or meaning of my life right and from this point on there is the potential for spiritual development not everyone fulfills this potential some people have to reincarnate again and go through an entire life and experience sufferings and pain etc until they start realizing that they have to find an answer to this question other that's called by the way the path of suffering other people identify this as an opportunity for something different something new something that's higher than this world and then they start developing spiritually through the wisdom of kabbalah and that's called the path of light the path of torah and until this question awakens then there is like like a registry that a person has to go through uh it's called rashimot in hebrew list so it's kind of like a list like a registry of like a process um and when a person finishes this process then this question awakens in them so basically when you [Music] lift yourself when you go through spiritual reincarnations of one state to another you're actually accelerating this development for all of the system and by developing it it means that you're saving sufferings and pain from everyone else in the entire system because going through this reshimat it's not necessarily just pain it's it's experiences all the previous lifetimes that a person has they all lead him to ask that single question and along those lifetimes yes there is a lot of painful experiences on the individual and on the collective level or all of humanity world wars sufferings poverty hunger etc all of these things is nature pushing humanity towards evolution and sometimes it's painful and we don't understand it and we can't even justify it but it's a it's a closed system of forces that develops that way um so that was explaining the point that every um reincarnation that you go through lifts the entire system okay um where else are we at i'm going to continue a little more and then i'm going to hit some questions maybe we'll watch a clip a short clip that kind of summarizes it um okay let's go to this last point and then i'll take some questions so both internal and external reincarnation they both follow that same law remember the law we spoke about of conservation of energy so they all follow that law it's a law of nature but on the external meaning your body your body is energy like we said equals mc squared it's basically every mass is energy so on the external level it's it's conserving some kind of corporeal matter and then it's the same for the still for a vegetative you know if a plant dies if you pull it out of the ground then it kind of doesn't really it decomposes i guess and it rots and it spreads minerals to the ground and the atoms they go back to the earth and they basically the the energy is kept the physical energy is kept and it's the same with with um rocks you know minerals are formed over millions of years and they change form etc and it's the same with plants like i said and same with animals that are animals including this physical body that dies is buried in the ground and then it shifts form decomposes becomes part of the land etc etc etc and then energy is conserved but also on the internal level we have a point in us remember the soul of adam harichon right we each have that point in us and that spiritual point is also conserved so it's very simple if you develop that point then what you've developed is also conserved so let's say you went through part of your correction and then you reach a nice good old age and then you die then you reincarnate in a physical body but everything you've achieved is eternal so you don't start from the beginning you pick it up where you left off basically you you have a few years of developing physically growing as a child etc but very quickly you'll be up to speed of where you left off and if you've made the entire correction you've reached 125 degrees of correction then you've you rise from the material level of reality to a spiritual level so you're no longer tied to your physical body it's like you become this energetic force of the entire system you contain everything you are part of everything um and you're in a world of infinity you could say out of all the worlds then according to kabbalah this world we live in right now is the worst so it's like literally it's like actually when kabbalah talks about heaven and hell it talks about hell being this world that a person experiences the pains of this world that's considered like in a state of hell and heaven is attaining the states of spirituality that's considered heaven um so the external reincarnation isn't really considered reincarnation it's just a form of conserving energy so if you only have this point inside of you and you didn't develop it then your body dies fine but you still have a point and that's conserved as well and then that point is reborn into a new body with all of the past rashimot built into it you don't remember them but they're all there they all exist in the system [Music] and this actually is a question uh i'll actually take james's question um how do you actually know this nobody's come back and told us uh unless you're a christian and believe jesus came back actually james we know this because kabbalists say this and kabbalists who have attained these states then they explain it bala-salam for example he he describes that he is a reincarnation of the same soul of the arena and the same soul of rashby um the same soul of moses the same soul of abraham the same soul of adam and he he writes this in one of his writings and other kabbalists as well when they attain this collective soul the spiritual degrees then they describe the system what that they're in and then many people asked can you remember past incarnations so the answer is uh only if you rise to the spiritual level then you can contain everything all of your past lives all of your experiences but you already attained them from a spiritual perspective not a corporeal one you cannot attain previous incarnations previous lives from the level of this world only if you rise to the spiritual degree which is a degree above time and above space then you're already connected to a system that is a system of wholeness and there you attain yourself in whole um okay so we've done that let's um take a look at some questions that we have we have a lot of great questions here um i'm going to start taking a look at them so i have another question what is resurrection of the debt so that's a concept that's in some religions also in judaism it talks about resurrection over there also in other religions basically it's not zombieland there is resurrection of the dead yes according to kabala it does exist this concept and it's not zombieland you're not going to have zombies roaming the planet and especially if you think it like how does it work because right now we have 8 billion people but throughout all history there were billions and billions of people and what so they all wake up and start walking around but it's the same soul reincarnated so no it doesn't talk at all about zombieland about people rising from their graves and walking around not at all um because the body like we said is is nothing it's like a rock it's like a it's like a plant it's like an of course it's not like a rock it's more developed but in in essence the body itself is is atoms right so of course that does not rise what is resurrected um is a process of correction so we're built of a will to receive and that can't change and it doesn't need to change only what changes is the process of using the will to receive how it's used so a will to receive uh in substance with the intention in order to receive that's the intention clothed on that will to receive that intention needs to die the intention for oneself ego pretty much that's the destructive force of reality and that intention needs to die so that intention dies and instead of it the same will to receive with the intention in order to bestow is born and then you can say that the desire the substance to receive is resurrected so it rises from the dead because it was dead the egoistic form of using the desire dies and then it's resurrected in order to bestow and that's called resurrection of the dead in kabbalah so not zombieland but spiritual rising that happens in your lifetime it can happen over and you can be resurrected over and over again in your lifetime every time a new desire is corrected within you that is called the resurrection of the dead um okay let's take a look at some more questions can we remember passing connections we covered that let's see what else we have um okay is this point chooses his new body a question from mia so that does this point choose a new body that it reincarnates into um you could say in a way yes you could say in a way so like i explained before there is a process of reshimat that the this spark needs to go through before it awakens to ask the meaning of life there are ways to accelerate it and what we're doing here is a way to accelerate it in the entire system that's why we try and spread the wisdom of kabbalah as broadly as possible to as many people as possible not just for the people that it awakens but also for the entire system of humanity [Music] so you could say that your point yes you could say that it in a way um chooses a body uh in order to keep evolving towards that same single question what is the purpose of life and and that's what that physical body serves like a biological container which goes through different experiences um and those experiences good or bad more bad than good they awaken a person to ask the meaning of life like i'll give you an example since covet started then we see all of humanity in general starting to go through this kind of awakening because when when bad things happen then people stop thinking about how to chase fulfillment which doesn't really fulfill them you know flying overseas and buying you this and doing that and just fulfilling myself more and more more people stop racing and they start thinking what's all this for you know what's it leading us to is it leading us to true happiness no it's not and then in times like today lycoved it's really it's nature's way of pushing humanity into balance into leading them towards spiritual evolution um some people say they remember their previous lives my question is is that fantasy or imagination thanks for the question paul um it's it's not it's not uh spiritual it's it's imagination um the only way that you can remember all your incarnations is if you rise above the level of this world uh a question from georgie and andres is it possible to rise 125 degrees in one life great question baal salam has a very simple answer to that today in our generation now anyone that hears about this wisdom has the potential to rise all 125 degrees in their life so if you are hearing this right now andres then yes you have the opportunity to reach your entire individual end of correction while you are alive [Music] okay lee kelso is asking about the hebrew word of giligul neshamot rolling souls literally gilgul comes from the word gal gal which is like a like a wheel and actually refers to a cycle like a wheel goes in cycles and reincarnations are also cycles they're constant cycles um let's maybe look at the board there are constant cycles of a simple process and a simple process is like this so this is let's say um plus and this is minus this is called day in kabbalah this is called night this is called the stowell if you want this is called reception and a process of going through a correction it's called in kabbalah we're correcting the desires the intentions so going through a state of day and the state of night together this entire process here is considered one reincarnation and this is what let's say one degree and this whole process together not just today not just the night um the entire process is called to reincarnate um let's see what else we have is there a personal consciousness in infinity kerry is asking [Music] that's a question it's not a good question or a great question because i don't know the answer to it just kidding it's a great question even though i don't know the answer to it i have not been in infinity i don't know what i heard from my teacher is that my teacher kabulus dr michael latman is that uh a person that feeling that each and every one of us have you two carry that you're unique right we all have that feeling in us this feeling of uniqueness that we're special and that feeling is correct because you are special and you are unique kerry and there is no one in all of the world that is like you no one and there has never been throughout all generations throughout thousands and thousands of years of humanity hundreds of thousands of years there has been no one like you carried and that feeling stems from the fact that our root is the creator this force of bestowal and he is one and unique and that's why we also feel one and unique and this feeling is kept throughout correction so when a person rises to the the collective soul to the soul of adam harishan they don't um disappear lose themselves they find their unique role in the entire system that's actually the cause of the shattering so a person can independently consciously rise back up to that perfect state let's see what else can this be done in both ways david is asking can we weaken the system as well [Music] um there is only advancement in spirituality you can never go back i think david's referring to what i said before that when every reincarnation a person goes through every correction of a desire from in order to receive to an honor to bestow it lifts the entire system you can never go back in spirituality there's only going forward sometimes it seems like it's going back that's actually that state of night but it's really an opportunity a call for higher potential higher level of development [Music] there is also a concept of drilling a hole in the boat that you're in but really it depends on what degree you're in you know like how much damage can a child do you know to uh to his toys and if he does damage is it a big deal it's not a big deal they're a child they're learning so it's you could say similar in spirituality the more you advance the more impact you can have on the system for a good offer bet but alongside with that the system is revealed to you that you can't harm it you cannot harm the system that's revealed to you you know it's like um you cannot in sound mind put your hand in fire for no reason you know you would do it if some life is you're being threatened and being forced to do it or for some some or if you're crazy but if you have a sound mind there is no no way that you would put your hand against the law of nature into fire so it's the same here as you evolve the system becomes revealed to you and you can't harm it okay let's keep going wow there are so many great questions maybe we're almost out of time maybe we'll have another session on this next week um let's see what else how many times can a person reincarnate from bato good question bato infinitely until their soul is corrected fully so there's no limit to it however there is a due date for every soul you could say a state that a person is awakened and when that happens when the person when their time has come to be awakened either in the due time or as a result of the acceleration of the entire system then they can't ignore it for long because the the response they get from nature is is a pushing response you know so like again like like with the with kids if a kid is small and not mature enough then you won't expect them to maybe clear the table after themselves you know a three-year-old and if they're finished eating then you'll clean up after them but if your child is 10 then you will expect them to clean after up after themselves and if they don't then you'll respond to that and you'll try and educate them you'll try and create circumstances that will lead them to understand that this is something that they must do as being part of a system and this is also how it works in spirituality if you're still spiritually speaking not mature if your time hasn't come then you live in this world and you go through experiences good and bad in order for this point to be awakened but if you have been awakened if you have heard about this and if it touches something inside of you and you ignore it then you're already bringing a response from nature which will ultimately push you to evolve because it's it's nature um another question do homosexuals always reincarnate as homosexuals thanks for the question david no corporeal quality is reincarnated no corporal quality so not your hair color nationality um not your sexual preferences none of that is reincarnated these are only related to corporeal situations that's why the wisdom of kabbalah is open to everyone to all nationalities all ages all genders all religions all sexual preferences everything no because these things are on the corporeal level they they don't have influence in your spiritual evolution we're developing here a totally different point a point from a spiritual degree right let's take maybe quick one two more questions because we really have to wrap up already i can feel from your questions that you're really engaged and it's a pleasure it is a great pleasure to to be with you here a question from let's see someone that we didn't take yet sue do we reincarnate as a baby and begin again good question sue so if you still have not started developing your points at all then yes your body dies and you're reborn again start from the beginning if you're already on spiritual degrees then reincarnation takes a different form like baal sulam when he was young he did not have the ariz soul i mentioned before that bala kabbalist raviuda ashlag who was the greatest kabbalist of the previous century and one of the greatest couples of all generations he said that he was the incarnation of the arie of rashby of moses abraham adam and when he was young he wasn't their incarnation but as he started rising spiritually he attained the states of these kabbalists and and then he reincarnated as them so once the soul begins to evolve then you can become one with all of these great kabbalists that have previously incarnated corrected the entire system [Music] um a question from francisco does the person personality i guess person survive death um it's when a person reaches the end of correction they rise above the level of this world they become part of the spiritual system so yes you could say they they rise above life and death which are simply clothings like we saw in the beginning of like changing a shirt that's not the true substance that's just a biological container so reaching the end of one's individual correction yes they also rise above the limitations of this world like life and death um does caballero relate the concept of karma with regard to reincarnation a question from jared no uh it does not so if you were bad in this life you won't reincarnate and suffer there is no such thing as good or bad um you actually humanity um does not really have freedom of choice think about it and this i won't elaborate on too much it's not for today's session but think about it you're born with your dna which determines how you'll behave what height will be your iq your hair color your sites it determines all of your biological factors and then you're raised in an environment which you did not choose which is what nurtures you to parents you did not choose which educate you and provide you with values and everything is a calculation based on these given parameters so a person is good a person is bad you could say on a moral level um you know and then you deal with it on a moral level as well like like like legalities for that we have the law so if a person is misbehaved then the law can respond and that's good so he can have a balanced society but it has nothing to do with spirituality you can be a burglar which then later awakens spiritually and then becomes a kabbalist of course as becoming a kabbalist like i said when you start ex revealing the laws of nature you can no longer go against them and if being a burglar goes against the laws of nature then you won't be able to keep doing it okay last question last question very last question okay let's take one more question i'm looking for someone that hasn't asked yet are so many okay i can't choose there are so many good ones how does consciousness fit into the reincarnation process okay that's a great question from jared so consciousness is a material form of being conscious being aware animals are also conscious and that has nothing to do with the spiritual however in kambala when we talk about spiritual consciousness through collective consciousness we're talking about the collective soul of adam harishan and that is completely connected to the reincarnation process you could say every level of being more spiritually conscious of being closer to the source of reconnecting to the soul of a damarichon which is a reincarnation is a higher level of consciousness so you could say in that way they're absolutely linked so we have tons of more questions i guess i guess we'll do another session next week about this because i don't want to miss out on these great questions so if you're watching this now or if you're watching this later on tomorrow the day after on youtube then please write your additional questions in the chat and if there are enough questions the next week on the 2nd of august we'll do another session just q a about reincarnation because there are a lot of really great questions here um and i think well that will conclude today so if you enjoyed the session please like click the like button please click the share button the subscribe button like i said it helps spread this further it helps signal to social media that you enjoy this and maybe other people will enjoy it too so that would be much appreciated if you can do that um i'm gil sheer this is kabala explained simply and today we spoke about how reincarnation works so i hope you enjoyed it i hope you found it insightful so let's go forward let's all reincarnate towards a higher level discovering our connection discovering our part in the collective soul it was great to be here thank you all very much bye
Channel: Kabbalahinfo
Views: 14,331
Rating: 4.8900523 out of 5
Keywords: reincarnation, past life, reincarnation explained, reincarnation stories, life after death, past life regression, are past lives real, how to remember past lives, rebirth, spiritual, awakening, spirituality, karma, consciousness, past life evidence, reincarnation proof, reincarnated, multiple lives, past life recall, what is reincarnation, what happens after death, karma and reincarnation, after death, life after life, kabbalah explained, kabbalah explained simply, gil shir
Id: 7jqzdgKWTAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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