The Zohar's Infinite Power - Kabbalah Explained Simply

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all right so hi um my first question is always are we live hopefully we're alive i can already see that we have many connections both on youtube and on facebook for today's awesome session about the tsar's infinite power and when i say infinite i don't mean it as a figure of speech i mean literally there is infinite power in this book that comes from a world a spiritual world called the world of infinity we'll get back to that soon um so just please please say hi and let me know if you can see okay if you can hear all right if we're good to go so as usual facebook youtube uh just before we get started on today's session on the tsar's infinite tower and we'll get going in a moment and also as usual if you can say hi in the chat to your fellow viewers we have viewers as always from all around the world that are connecting here i just want to get in okay okay so david says all good on facebook let's just get a confirmation that we're good on youtube as well and then we'll be good to go i don't see a confirmation yet anyway in the meantime please say hi also to me but also to our fellow viewers who are watching say hi and say where you're from uh it's just beautiful to see how different nationalities ages i'm sure genders different people from all walks of life who just want to come and learn about the tsar and the infinite power that lies in it so i can already see melissa from new jersey and cristiano from italy and diego from las vegas and kathy who says it's good on youtube great kathy and carolina from poland and samson from ethiopia hi again samson and david from quebec of course san hopefully i'm saying your name correctly sand from the netherlands and carmen from philadelphia keep going keep writing uh where you're from just so we can really get inspired by all these connections from from from all around the world of people who want to come and learn about the tsar so i'll be looking uh here uh and here at you guys so i'm not looking away from you even though it looks like it on the camera but i'm not i'm looking at you and i'm i'm seeing your questions and i'm seeing the chat and also we have the lovely ruth who's taking your questions and the lovely rachel who is supporting and answering you in the chat and posting links that you need so we're here together and i think we're ready to get started i think we're good to go so let's do it so welcome to kabbalah explain simply i'm gil sheer and in this session we are going to talk about the infinite power of the tsar of the book of tsar so the book of tsar most of you probably heard have heard of it it's a book that's been clouded in mystery and mysticism and confusion for almost 2000 years since it was written and there are many disagreements about the history of the book of zohar who wrote it and there are many popular verses of the book of tsar like zora bereshit and anabecoach and there are many talks about tsar that you're not allowed to study unless you've done this and done that et cetera et cetera et cetera and that the tsar is locked and in fact that last one is true the tsar is locked but the key is not a physical key it's a key that you can find and you can acquire even in this session so any questions you have please post them in the chat and if you want to help other people also join this session then you could easily do that by simply liking and or sharing this session right now just clicking the button that will bring more people to watch the session live and it'll be awesome so let's dive into it let's talk about the infinite power that's in the zwar now to understand what the infinite power in the tsar is then we first will we'll cover how the book of zlar was written and how it was revealed to humanity in the beginning it was kiren will understand what the tsar is key role is in bringing humanity towards a new level of development a better level of course and of course we'll talk about why the tsar has this infinite power in it and how we can tap into it so let's start our journey and any questions you have any comments you have write them in the chat that will be great and let's get going all right so the tsar's infinite power oops wrong button where is the right one here it is okay so let's start off with the first topic that i mentioned uh about the writing of the book of azur and its revelation to humanity so it's a fascinating story it started 1800 years ago in a cave in the galilee that's the somewhat north of israel um in that cave were rashby rabbi shimon bar yochai and his son and they were in hiding from the roman emperor and they were in that cave for 13 years eating carob off the tree that's what the legend says and drinking from a stream that was nearby the cave and actually what they were really doing is they were preparing themselves for writing a book that will completely change the face of history and as the years passed eight more kabbalists joined rashbi and nissan together in the cave where they studied and they wrote the book of zohar so that's how it started now now it wasn't by chance that they were 10 kabbalists because 10 in kabbalah resembles 10 sephirot and each one of these kabbalists that wrote together the book of zuar they each represented a sephirah themselves but if you've already seen previous sessions on the tree of life and the tense of your rod then you know that every sphero on its own is limited in what it can in the light that it can receive and really what we're always aiming to reach is the complete structure of the tensorflow and that's exactly what the authors of the book of tsar were they were this complete structure of the tensorfirot and like the tensorfirot they were completely interconnected in their intention in their spirit and from that connection they wrote the book of tsar so just try and picture this for a second like these 10 people in a cave that are connected above bodies above time above space connected to this dimension to this spiritual dimension where they find this oneness this divinity and from that state of divinity they write this book now they didn't reveal this book to everyone this book was actually hidden it was concealed because people weren't ready for it yet and as the legend tells at least it was found it disappeared it was in the cave and then some merchants found it and paper was a pretty rare commodity at that time and they found paper so they were really happy and they used it to wrap their fish in the market and then as the story says uh a little boy from the city of zfat uh found uh bought fish uh for his father a kabbalist and he brought the fish back home and the kabbalist opened the fish and he saw the paper that was written in and he was in awe and shock and disbelief and joy and then he quickly went to the market and he bought every fish he could find and aimed to reconstruct the uh writings of the book of tsar of course um only a very small portion of the writings were actually found uh but those writings are actually enough for him for humanity today to tap into its infinite power because even from a little bit if inside of that little bit is infinity then that really is infinity itself um and then how was the book of zohar revealed in our times so to answer that let's watch a short clip from one of my favorite series a course called enter the tsar and this is part of clip number four of that course which talks exactly about is how was revealed in our time so let's tune in and let's take a look the history of the zohar is really a story about the ripening and eventual readiness of the human spirit to grow there's a unique quality about the presence of kabbalistic writings they play this hide and seek with our ability to measure them from the outside that's because kabbalists make efforts to conceal them so they can be found by people with a true need to seek them out their authors know that the process of change demands two conditions the right moment and maturity of the soul in the second century just after the destruction of the second temple shimon bar yochai was a principal student of the monumental kabbalist rabbi akiva and among the leaders of the barcocco revolt against roman rule tried in absentia he was sentenced to death by the emperor and for years they tried to capture him but he seemed to have vanished for thirteen years he hid with his son in a cave in the galilee where they continued the study of the wisdom and were granted the highest attainment of spiritual knowledge that kabbalists from abraham to moses had acquired over the three thousand years before his time uncovering the entire system of nature at the death of the emperor baryokai chose nine students and called them idra raba the great assembly they were 10 men whose inner qualities precisely match the qualities of the natural system in a cave on mount meron he and his students created the book of zohar telling them i am arranging you as follows i will speak my son eleazar will engage orally rabbi abba will write and the rest of the friends will converse in their hearts he told them that the zohar can only be revealed at the end of the exile and its appearance to the masses would signal the completion of a six thousand year period given for the correction of humanity as soon as the zohar was completed it was hidden because they knew at that time that the people of the world didn't need it and therefore would not understand what it said its pages were buried in a cave near the town of spot and stayed hidden for 900 years until they were discovered by a boy who sold them as wrapping paper to a fish merchant a cobblist from the town saw and immediately bought up what remained of the pages collecting them into a book which was secretly studied in small groups making its way to spain 200 years later still its meanings remained closed until in 16th century spot a young kabbalist isaac luria the re was able to grasp it at its deepest level using an arrangement of students similar to rabbi shimon's who created works the tree of life and the gatehouse of intentions laying open the message and the method that had been locked in the book from that point anyone could study provided they already possessed the correct intention and need it's the nature of hidden things that they can only be discovered at a suitable moment when suitable souls are born into the world it wasn't until the 20th century and history's fiercest explosion of human desire in the generation for which the zohar was intended that a unique soul appeared that of rabbi yehuda ashlag called baal hasulam the master of the latter the only kabbalist in the 20th century to write commentaries on the zohar and the works of the ari his work gave us the necessary final link connecting the lofty reach of the wisdom to our human experience he is the only kabbalist to ever offer a clear working method that can be used by anyone in the world the question of why the zohar was written is far more important than the question of who wrote it the zohar can't be understood and felt directly it requires preparation and an accurate preconception of spirituality balasalam's introductions to the book of zohar they guide a person's approach they cultivate our inner properties so they can clearly see it and we can enter it and just as shimon bar yochai said two thousand years ago millions of people around the world are now finding the zohar and through bahasalam's works are able to open an entirely new level of existence and now you are part of the story yes you are part of the story every single one of you who is watching now uh is part of this story and we will be reading from the tsar uh together as well just to to feel that power to tap into it a little bit and you could also catch last week's session which we covered where we covered five tips for how to read the xor so that's highly recommended you probably won't see it right now but if you're watching the recording then you'll see it no here so that's for the recording later on uh all right so let's keep it going so the whole beginning of the tsar was this kind of mystery written in a cave it was concealed and then you know it was written by a ten which resembles tense of furore and then it disappeared and then it was found and wrapped in fish paper and then it was revealed again and then in the time of the area until it's like this this crazy story um actually some of you might identify with that story because great things have a tendency to to have interesting stories to how they're revealed and i think many of you who found the wisdom of kabbalah i'm sure there are some of you here that are seeing this for the first time but there are others that have already started studying cumberland kabu and have been around for a while and i know that when you also found kabbalah and when you found this wisdom then you too probably have an amazing story of how it happened by chance just like the how the tsar was revealed so whenever amazing things are revealed and there's always some kind of cool story behind it so that was the story of the tsar now let's keep going and let's talk about the tsar's infinite power and like i said in the beginning of the session when i say infinite i literally mean there is infinite power in it it's not a figure of speech so let's talk a little bit about the zohar's infinite power but first i want to read you a quick quote from kabbalist rabbi tzivi hirsch so he says this one who has never seen the light of the book of tsar has never seen light in his life again one who has never seen the light of the book of tsar has never seen light in his life so kabbalists that have touched upon this book have found in it this vast potential and the reason why the tsar has infinite power it starts from the fact that the the kabbalists that wrote the book of tsar they wrote it from a state called malhot of so ensof for those of you who know in hebrew it means infinity it also means in soft no end and that's also an interpretation of how this can be uh um approached but for now let's talk about the the the end soft as malhot of enzo so just really really uh quickly to explain it because it's just you need to understand enough to understand what it means so malhot even soft is if you take a look at the beginning of creation where there was only a light and a vessel and they were in complete connection in complete harmony and after that there was a process and i won't go into this now you can check out other sessions of kabul explained simply where we cover it in more depth but basically the light and the clear they separated and they went through 125 degrees of separation until it reached the lowest level which is the beginning of this world and today we need to climb these levels back up these 125 degrees to again reach this adhesion and the highest level is called the malhot of and soft it's before there was any restriction of the light it is a state of being completely united as one and that is the state the authors of the wrote from so the authors of the tsar were very special souls each of them reached the individual final state of correction meaning they wrote the book of tsar from this corrected state from the 125th degree from the maldhut of insof and they wrote it as a complete structure of 10. there were other writings as well like the writings of the arie bala moses of course adam abraham et cetera but there is no other piece there there is no other um you can even call it like a mechanism like the tsar because it's the only book that was written from that state from 10 kabulists working in unison the the great assembly the idr who wrote it from being in that complete state of perfection from being in the malhot of insof and from resembling the complete tensorfirot and that's why the book of tsar it literally holds infinite power from the state of malhut of infinity now the kabbalist that wrote this they they connected the lowest degrees of this world to the highest degrees of infinity so every person that opens the book of tsar with the correct guidance of course can tap into that power that is basically the the correction you could say that these kabbalists made that any person can tap into that force because when they were here sitting in this world uh in this cave right the ten of them and they wrote the book of tsar together in this complete structure of the tense if you wrote they linked the state of infinity and you could say the writings of the book they link them together so anyone who approaches this book with a with the correct intention with the correct desire and again that you can you can see in last week's session about the tsar what is the correct intention what is the correct desire so anyone who does have that can tap in to the full force the full potential of the zwar all right let's keep going let me take a look at the questions so b rook is asking is desire for everyone or for kabbalist already entertainment so i think i just answered that baroque basically the tsar is for everyone you don't need to be in that state in order to tap into that force just like you don't need to be an engineer in order to use a washing machine or a dishwasher or drive a car you simply need to know how to press the button that's all you need to learn so it's the same here with the book of tsar you do need to learn how to press the correct button meaning the button that's inside your heart but that's all you need you don't need to attain it you don't need to rise 125 degrees actually the tsar has the force to lift you to those degrees all right um let's keep going so what else do we have um the tsar is infinite power a correction from this world to the higher spiritual world so i think i already mentioned that i cover that uh here that when the kabbalist wrote this book then they made that link they made that that uh connection uh and this was never done before by any kabbalist since the first kabbalist adam who lived 5780 years ago there was no situation that there were 10 kabbalists who represented these 10 primordial safiroth and who wrote this book from a state that has the potential to correct everything by the way that's also because it was written from the state of perfection that is also why the tsar has a very uh you could say calming effect we'll we'll read the czar soon we'll read a few excerpts but when you do read the tsar even if you don't completely understand the words that are written and it's all written in allegories it's all metaphorical of course to answer you ali there isn't a single word in desire that speaks of this world it speaks only of the spiritual worlds but yes when you do read desire you can feel this calmness a little bit like a baby in a womb i guess because that's the state where it comes from from that state of perfection of complete connection between the clear that will that was created and the light this force of nature that only wants to fulfill that vessel so the tsar has infinite power and as kabbalah say if you taste you'll see and no one can prove uh or by explaining only if you taste it then you'll see that it is good okay let's see some maybe more questions [Music] okay there's a question from bliss how is it that these 10 people attained that state that's a good question and why those 10 actually it has to do not so much with the 10 people but with a state of the generation of the desire of the evolving desire so we will cover that uh in the next section of this uh session uh we will talk exactly about that um but let's let's read a quote from the tsar so just a few tips you don't need to understand what you're reading you don't need to there's no intellect here it's pure emotion it's uh writing uh from the complete and perfect state and that's all there is to it so let's just read a quote just to kind of feel the power of the tsar and then we will continue so this is from acharya mott harimot after after the death from item 66 so the tsar says this and you the friends who are here as you were in fondness and love before you will not part henceforth until the creator rejoices with you and summons peace upon you and by your merit there will be peace in the world this is the meaning of the words for the sake of my brothers and my friends let me say let peace be in you let's read it again and you the friends who were here as you were in fondness and love before you will not part henceforth until the creator rejoices with you and summons peace upon you and by your merit there will be peace in the world this is the meaning of the words for the sake of my brothers and my friends let me say let peace be in you so that's a beautiful excerpt from the tsar i want to conclude this session by reading a quote from ramak a great kabbalist who also writes about the infinite light of the tsar and he says the following when engaging in this composition one evokes the power of the souls with the power of moses this is so because while engaging in it they renew the generated light which was created during its composition and divinity shines and illuminates from that light as when it was first created and all who engage in it reawaken that same benefit and that first light which rashby and his friends had revealed while composing so it's actually quite incredible to think of it that the the kabbalist who wrote this from this incredible state that it's even hard to imagine they were like as one when they wrote it and they tapped into this vast force and because of that when we read the tsar when you read the tsar right now then you can reawaken that same light the same light that rashmi and his friends reveal when composing it we can reawaken by reading the tsar now so this brings us to the next part of the session uh of why is the tsar being revealed today how is the tsar how can the book of tsar um how can this infinite power of the tsar lead humanity from its current state of crisis to a state of connection to a state of perfection can it even i mean if you're talking about infinite force then you would expect that right you would say all right if this has infinite force then why isn't it spreading everywhere and why isn't the world so beautiful and why isn't my life so great and why aren't i a millionaire or and why isn't everything going well for me and all these things that you know the ego kind of uh brings up in a person these thoughts um there is a reason for all of this and let's see what it is um just a quick question let's just take a few more quick questions about this topic of the infinite power of the tsar before we move on to this last segment of the zohar today so we have daniel is asking if there's a french translation will it have the same power that probably goes for any language i guess you're asking does it translate a text hold the same power in it the answer is possibly because it depends if you google translate the tsar will it have the same power as the original text probably not although i wouldn't say it has no power but it probably won't have the same kind of structure and wholeness and what would make a translation good i guess it would depend on the person translating it that's why we have our own translators in neighborhood in kabul who are veteran students of our teacher kabul is dr michael latman and it's not a task we don't you know outsource translation to translation companies although it's you know it could be a lot more convenient but no we want to make sure that the power is maintained and it's done uh in collaboration with the kabbalists as well so if it's done correctly yes then there's almost you could say no difference in a translation and in the original text okay what else oh okay let's keep going there are still good questions here but some of them are related to the next part so keep writing your questions and ruth keep posting them and we'll get back for another quick q a session in a few minutes so this is uh in my opinion a very fascinating part about the tsar that this 1800 year old book actually has the power in it to lift all of humanity to bring harmony to bring fulfillment to every single one of us to every person on the planet of the of the on the face of this planet uh and why is that so let's let's try and understand why is that so human desire at its peak of development that is the first point now to understand this then let's look for a second um at how how the human desire evolved all right um here it is okay so human desire at its peak of development if we're looking at the if we're looking at this right so this is the beginning of creation meaning of the creation of this world well it's not really you could say creation it's already a consequence and this whole world is a world of consequence but let's say 14 billion years ago there was a spark of light together with this matter that was created by this light like a plus and a minus and these two forces intertwined actually like all development in this world it's always from two opposite forces they led to uh constant development right so the human desire has been evolving for um well you could say the desire has been evolving for billions of years even before humanity it's the same raw desire but because the light is constantly developing it then it changes forms that's actually the driving force of evolution no one knows how life started on on the planet only that it started about 3.8 billion years ago and they know the conditions where it started but no one knows how it started so kabbalah says that the the start of of life and the evolution of it too is all driven by this force of light so it's an internal driving force of the mechanism we're in so remember the beginning you know we were all there before there was time in space before 14 billion years ago yep you were there too uh at least a part of your a part of you was that point inside of you that belongs to that state and each of us have that point so yes you were there uh although you don't remember it and in that point in that state everything and everyone was connected in complete and perfect harmony and like i said everything disappeared and this harmony disconnected and i won't explain now why but of course it's purposeful and then what remained was simply this desire this will to receive that started evolving in this world and it evolved uh through states of still vegetative uh animate um and like i said about four billion years ago then uh this is when life emerged uh in the simplest form like stupid single cell organisms well they're not stupid actually they're pretty smart but they're very simple you could say um and then this led to evolution um the single cells and multicellular organisms sorry nucleated cells and all of that let's jump ahead to human beings because that's what i want to talk about now so then you know around 200 000 years ago of course this access isn't really on scale but you'll forgive me so uh humanity started in a way and humanity had desires that were evolving so in the beginning there was just animalistic desires just like the animals for food for sex for family uh and then these these desires evolved you know so around uh six thousand years ago they evolved so from food sex family shelter they evolved to more advanced human desires like power like money [Music] other things like knowledge and status and all of the human desires now what happened uh and what's happening actually make some more room sorry that's not what i wanted to do so what's happening actually now is that something um that's never happened ever before is happening to the human desire can you guess what it is what's happening to the human desire in our times today i'll give a few seconds right in the chat i'll just give you a few seconds i know there's some delay so i'll give it a few seconds you write it and i'll continue so the question is what is special about our times and what happened to this desire the human desire that's been evolving and evolving and evolving so the answer is drumroll it reached satiation meaning it reached a certain level and i'm sure many of you can identify with this i hope i spelled that correctly so i reached satiation and what is that satiation what does it mean for the desire it means that instinctively human beings feel many of them do at least not not everyone has reached a satiation but this is the general state of development um that it's reached its final level uh on its current in its current development meaning what once we thought would fulfill us like these these fulfillments like money like power like honor like knowledge like food like sex all of these things that we think we thought at least will fulfill us they're suddenly they've lost their magic to them and this is by the way this is what leads to very very high depression and suicide rates specifically in areas and cities where there is really high life standards like melbourne like toronto places where you would think alright they have a great there you know they can make good money have a you know they have a nice weekend they can have a boat and a beach house and life is relatively easy in those places but alongside with that there is also a really high rate of depression and suicide in those very places and the reason is because you think something will fulfill you and then you go and chase it and you get it eventually in some places you don't and then you still think it will fulfill you but in other places you do and then you're not happy you're not satisfied and that is because the human desire has reached a state of satiation it's no longer developing on this layer and what is this leading us to what is this leading humanity to this this whole kind of uh it's actually an incredible process you know uh depression is is the greatest epidemic of um of our time much much much worse than coronavirus and um other forms you know cardiac arrests and things like that no depression is the number one epidemic people are simply depressed they don't feel happiness they don't feel fulfillment that's it that that's what they're missing something in their lives they they they feel you've speaking if you've spoken to someone who's in depression it's just like it's just it's it's very sad it's a state of [Music] of like what's all this for you know what's the point you know you're all motivated i'm going to get a raise and i'm going to get a promotion and someone who's depressed is like what for and that question it comes from a correct place it doesn't mean you need to reach depression to find kabbalah no many people find kabbalah from from from from like this this search for something i found it that way as well i found it from the search for something deeper and meaningful not from depression but many people also find it from from that state and and there's there's something really interesting in this process if you look at the process of evolution you know like four billion years of life then it can help us identify what this next state is and what's happening to humanity because there is a next state here there is this is not the end it's just actually it's the beginning so let's for a second look at uh at four billion years of evolution just to try and understand what's going on here so we had the at the beginning single-celled organisms like prokaryotes and other kinds of simple cells and uh and organisms and they developed into nucleated cells and multicellular organisms like us like human beings and if every time you look at how these new things formed you always see that the result is this kind of collective consciousness right because what what is even our body it's just a collection of cells so but it's clear that there is also in these cells there is some kind of collective because they're acting in a way that the uh the sum the whole is greater than the sum of its parts if you take cells and cells and put them in some kind of tube they won't suddenly emerge into life but in our bodies and in everything in reality actually even in this pen and in a plants it's always this this state of collective consciousness so that's already the result i didn't say how that transition happened i will in a few minutes but let's just start looking at at four billion years and we'll see that every time the result of the new level of development the new level of emergence it's called is always a result in a state of collective consciousness of all the different parts of the system feeling as one not just collaborating not sharing resources but actually feeling as being part of one whole not just feeling actually being part of one whole being belonging to something that's greater so that's clear that there is a state of collective consciousness now if we look around us what do we see do we see this beautiful state of collective consciousness and harmony and like a new level of emergence around us no unfortunately we see quite the opposite we see disconnect and crises and wars and ego eruption and famine and and it looks like things are actually falling apart so how can this be the the brink of a new level how can this be the start of you know the tsar that was written for our times that's what it says for our generation that's why i was written actually how can that be you know so what's going on here so to answer that i'd like to show you another clip so let's take a look at the clip and then after that we'll continue with some more questions where is that clip here it is it's actually a premiere of a clip from a brand new course it's called kabbalah and the science of human emergence it's a course that we worked quite quite a while on um myself as the instructor and a team and you can find that course on cub u um so let's let's just watch it let's take a look if humanity is evolving towards a greater connection and the emergence of a collective consciousness then why is our time filled with conflicts and crises in every area of human engagement what role do these crises play in our evolution [Music] the 21st century is a paradoxical time in human development we're probably the most advanced and yet conflicted civilization that ever existed on this planet our world is a hyper-connected global village yet social and political divide are intensifying at the same time technology has enabled us to transcend the boundaries of time and space and yet in many ways we feel more lonely and isolated than ever before technically we can easily feed clothed house and provide for all the people in the world yet billions still suffer from severe deprivation of basic human needs and while most people in the world have far beyond what they need depression is still becoming the number one cause of disability and how about our ecosystem we've managed to basically harness the natural resources of the planet in virtually every way we want and as we're doing so we're continuously polluting and destroying the only home we've got so how can we see what's happening to the human family from an evolutionary point of view here is a fascinating example that may help us understand what's going on let's zoom in to a growing caterpillar under the skin of the caterpillar you'll find billions of cell living together now similar to us humans all the cells are doing different things some work in the digestive system breaking down the food and making all sorts of products others work in the immune system which is sort of like the medical industry motility cells are constantly working on transportation systems and so forth but at some point the caterpillar as a whole goes through an evolutionary change it reaches a stage of maximum growth when that happens even though the caterpillar has everything it needs to survive and thrive it can't take in any more food so everything is radically changing in sight some cells start losing their jobs becoming completely irrelevant to the system and others are wandering around immigrating to different areas and the general climate inside the caterpillar becomes chaotic but all of this is happening because the caterpillar is evolving to its next level the butterfly and so the cells have to reinvent their whole way of life they have to reorganize themselves to create a new kind of organism in other words they have to find a new way to connect to each other and form a more advanced level of shared consciousness that of the butterfly and here is where it gets really interesting for us the demise of the caterpillar and the rise of the butterfly are parallel processes they're intertwined and so the crises and conflicts we see around us are actually the labor pains of a new level of evolution and get this some cells are already seeing it it turns out that there are imaginal cells within the caterpillar who recognize what's happening they respond differently to the signals and interpret the chaos as a new beginning first they operate as single-celled organisms it's as though they can only imagine the next level but they still can't get there but the next step is where these imaginal cells begin to connect with each other and form the new structure of the butterfly that's exactly what is happening now to the human species we're evolving from a caterpillar stage of human civilization into that of a butterfly a deeper level of human connection has to emerge on a global scale however those that are more sensitive to it can already begin to develop it and contribute to humanity's evolution in fact this is what kabulis have been doing for a few thousands of years now by developing a method for enhancing human connection so are you an imaginal cell and if you are how can you take part in the evolution of the butterfly discover that and more in our next video [Music] okay so hopefully you enjoyed that the next video of course is the next video in the course [Music] so it's actually pretty amazing and that's also the answer so we said so why do we see crisis all around us it's because this is the the birth of a new level of uh of evolution you could say uh someone mentioned here that it's elizabeth satoru satorus uh as imaginal cells that is correct um elizabeth satorus uh an evolutionary biologist she explains that all levels of evolution always go through this cycle of connection when like the the single-celled organisms and then they start separating and then they reach conflict and from conflict they need to start reaching negotiation which leads them to a higher level of unity excuse me and that's how every every time uh um not even humanity the whole living organism the whole planet evolves it's always from a higher state of unity a higher state of connection uh there's only one key difference the human desire has completed its evolution on the level of this world that's it it reached its final stage of 14 billion years that's the time we're in now it's a process of 14 billion years and it ended now and what's next is to reach a higher level of consciousness one that is above this world that is above um the desires as we know them currently and that's exactly where the book of tsar can can help it is the force that can help humanity elevate to that new level of evolution to that state of collective consciousness and [Music] you could say that this the the uniqueness of our times is that human beings have to now consciously evolve to that next level it's like the imaginal cells in the caterpillar right everything's chaotic uh everything starts breaking down and collapsing but they know that it's the birth of a new form of a butterfly and that's exactly where we're heading we're heading towards a new birth of humanity on a higher level a level of of connection and a level of love not not egoistic love like i love fish so i eat them but true love which we we can't even really define so it is really exciting times and the book of tsar is finally reaching its time where it can be purposeful and really help each and every one let's read one more quote from the tsar and then we'll take a look at some questions um so we'll just read the quote for fun the content of it isn't connected to anything we spoke about actually it is it's talking about love nice but really we're not reading it for that we're reading it just to connect to this to this force of light to this energetic infinite force of light that kabulist wrote from that complete state of malchet of insof malhot of infinity let's read it let's just try to connect to that state and the fact that there are over 200 of us right now together from all around the world wanting to connect to that state that is super powerful that that is um it's actually an amplifier to what you can get from the tsar if you study with other people who have a similar intention then you simply amplify your own intention so let's do it now let's read let's just read this passage but let's do it as a collective action all of us together and even if you're watching the recording it doesn't matter because the spiritual realm is above time and space so you can connect we're carving this point now in uh the time axis we're cutting it out of time and we're connecting to a spiritual state now so even if you watch this in a week or a month or a year you can still connect to that to this point right now with us so let's read um let's take a look at this excerpt that's from zohar vaitranan i played it item 146. this palace the highest of all is called love and everything stands on love as it is written many waters cannot quench the love everything stands with love because the holy name havayah is so the upper tip ketter of yud of havaya never pass from it because the ketter is honored with love and they never part from one another likewise is the hay of havaya as it is written and a river out of eden bina always comes out of and they forever cling with love it's like this um every passage is like when you come out of this um like a spa you know you have this kind of energy kind of drops and even now when i'm teaching so i'm very energetic but just reading a passage it like it brings this calmness from that state it's beautiful i love it um so okay just a few quick questions so how can we know a question from gilley how can we know we are the right generation for the tsar we know because the kabbalists to attain this told us they said that from the year 1995 the human desire will reach its final level of satiation its final level of egoistic development and that will be the time for the tsar to be revealed to everyone to the masses to all of humanity another question a question from fanny which state of correction do we need to attain to start to feel the power of the tsar that's a good question fanny you don't need to reach a state of correction to start feeling the power of the tsar you need to tune yourself in a little bit with a correct approach to the reading and we did the whole session last week about that so i highly recommend you watch it if you don't see the link then you can just search youtube for kabul i explain simply the zohar and you will find it and there we covered the approach how to how to work with the text and what the intention should be in working with the desire and connecting to the light and all kind i think there were five tips there of how to correctly approach the book of tsar in order to unlock its its light actually okay um let's take another question um it's actually an unrelated question but it's a good question in general about zoar and kabbalah so a question from javier what does kabbalah talk about acceptance on self and others actually it is connected to the tsar because that same state the kabbalists uh that group those ten that great assembly those ten kabbalists who were each representing a sephirah a part of that complete spiritual structure um they were in a state of complete connection between each other complete connection is like i don't know like the organs in your body are connected they're they're they're communicating they're connected with many different forms some of which science already knows about and others which has not yet identified but everything in the body is one so similarly [Music] we need to reach that state according to kabbalah and that's why when we read the tsar when we read the together we amplify its effect on us because if we have the intention of connecting between us and from that connection to tap in to that to that state uh then we can get a lot more uh from the tsar that is actually the purpose of kabbalah it's to reconstruct this shattered collective soul to rebuild it and to be in complete harmony with the force of nature um okay so there's a question from hogas who's asking if i can explain the last verse so the answer is i will not explain the last verse because the tsar is not an intellectual study you don't need to interpret the tsar beyond what the aridian and baalas-salam well actually baala sulam who wrote the interpretation of the letter to the book of tsar and that's all you need you know you can go to university and then they can study it academically and intellectually but it's not spiritual it's um it's it's with a wrong intention with a czar all you need is to come with that desire to connect to what the kabbalah's throat to connect to that state of of insof and even just that holding that thought that will enable you to connect to that force okay i think we're out of time excuse me so we're out of time for today unfortunately i would love to continue and keep answering the questions uh but it was it was uh great to be here with you and great to connect around and with azure and with this incredible writing and this this is on us we need to bring this light to the world if you're hearing this then it means you're you have a role in it as well whether you want to take it or not that's up to you but if you're hearing this then um that's what we need to that's our work to bring this light and to bring this love to the world so if you enjoyed the session please like share subscribe because by doing that um it enables this to go out to more people so they can also be a part of this and hopefully we'll build this collective soul between all of us so that's all for today stay tuned right after this there is the great transition live with joseph and seth on on kabalyn for facebook and youtube um awesome show it's kind of like a talk show they cover different current affairs and relevant topics so tune into that and we'll see you all next week i'm gil sheer this is kablax playing simply and today we tapped into the infinite power of the tsar see you next week
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Keywords: kabbalah, zohar, gil shir, Zohar's Infinite Power, kabbalah revealed, kabu, the zohar, the zohar audiobook, zohar audiobook, kabbalah zohar, kabbalah lesson 1, zohar kabbalah, book of zohar, the zohar secret, the zohar reading, the zohar audio, the zohar secret trailer, the zohar pritzker edition, the zohar movie, the zohar daniel matt, the zohar volume 1, what is the zohar, enter the zohar, the book zohar, kabbalah explained, kabbalah info, kabbalah revealed full course
Id: EPFh5ztQi7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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