What is It MYSTERY TOOL #47b answer tubalcain

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howdy once again it's tubal-cain mr. Pete to tooth to your YouTube shop teacher this time with episode 47 B of my what is it mystery tool series be sure and go back and watch part 1 and b-47 a if you haven't already seen it so let's get started and see if we can figure out what these items are well again I was shocked and I know some of you were thinking this guy's really easily shocked doesn't he but boy most people or many many people knew exactly what this is now that's the reason I covered up the word singer and they probably didn't make this although they certain certainly had the capability but it's got a Barnard type action and it's made to splice sewing machine belts that is singer treadle type sewing machines but of course many other pieces of equipment used around leather belt and it would work for any of them somebody said that there's something missing here and I'm not sure to what all the different steps are and working with one of those belts but you saw that there's some other numbers on there from the looks of the handle I'm thinking that it was a subcontract probably was Bernard or the name of that other company which eludes me there's some other names and number that of course is the punch and apparently many other companies made similar ones probably with different patents so there's probably all kinds of different patents for this tool now there's a Bernard patent for a belt pliers goes clear back to 1892 before Henry Ford and before the Wright brother did anything important besides make bicycles this is a much newer patent from 1931 for similar players you know what I've had this whim Hearst machine that I bought from a school out in Western Illinois for probably twenty twenty-five years already by the way I can't get it to work lately it used to work fine all of a sudden I cannot get it to work but when I got it from the school the belt was broken and we're just laying there and so I went down to mr. sweeper that's our local sewing machine vacuum cleaner combination store and they sold us by the foot and they just gave me or sold me a little clip I didn't need any special tool it almost looks like I can get in there I take it back that looks like a piece of baling wire but this belt since it's leather I notice is cracked and needs replacement so I might have to go back to mr. sweeper anyway thank you for all the comments thanks Gary for loaning this to me several people knew exactly what this was or is for that matter and it's a soft set but it's nothing like the soft sets that I've seen here in America this has made it simply says import but several people from Europe told me that they're very popular over there I'm not sure just exactly how it sets up on the saw but you can consistently set the angle I'm thinking for as long as this is maybe it's for great big saws like you used to - man saws - saw down trees and things like that but I guess I don't really know kind of a neat tool thanks to Rex most people knew what this was these are muffler tools used to chisel off a muffler you're trying to save half of it you know how it was that when that clamp went around there and was all rusty you take the clamp off you still couldn't separate the two tubes so you would drive this attempt to drive it between the two tubes and split it they also sold this type of chisel that would fit in a pneumatic chiseling type hammer made it much easier because if you were laying on the gravel with the car and it's not jacked up very high you had a heck of a time to swing in the hammer and this one of course does exactly the same thing this is Katie by the way a lot of people knew just by the color that it was a Katie somebody even said that's a Katie number 20 74 and they were quite right and again back to this one you can see that end can be used like that and similarly depending on what you're doing here of course now mechanics go right in there with the tortured cut it all off and replace it although we're not so much into just replacing the Sears muffler which was guaranteed for life but lasted nine months then you had to try to get it off and sell as the other pipes which was impossible because they were all beat up and leaked like crazy when you were done so you would use a muffler bandage or some other phony preparation to try to stop I got to stop never mind on to the next item Jerry Wilson loaned this to me and I got to get it back to him and remember I had all this taped off masked off so you couldn't read it but there's just all kinds of markings here a trademark triumph Laurens stationery company even tells you what kind of eyelets to use Bernard 19 1 what does it say on this side and there's the company that made it in New Haven now a lot of people had that answer and they said it was for putting eyelets and shoes some said even in paper or cardboard sometimes they used to do that well Jerry gave me a handful of these I thought originally he had told me was to put those snaps in like you use in a canteen you'll World War two canteens you know would snap into there holder I used to have one but those are the they're not really grommets I guess there are eyelets but that's what they're yours for so you could punch the leather or paper or cloth or whatever it was like that and then with the eyelid in the hole like that there you go pretty slick now let's try it in a little bit thicker piece it really works nice first time I've ever used one well now to the hard one and we had all kinds of answers here I think most of them are incorrect possibly the person that said it was to use to put in seals I do not believe it's a press to do anything very heavy-duty because this is aluminum some people thought it was reporting Farrell's on hoses but and I should have unveiled this because this might be the answer but I don't really know that for sure tongue content on Torrington manufacturing company so if someone can identify it positively from this I will include it in a future video but when I see the word Torrington I'm thinking bearings now I might be wrong but I thought that this would be something to do with installing bearings or seals or something related to that product but possibly there are many other companies by the name of torrent and besides that bearing company which I don't think is around anymore but I know he used to make a lot of needle bearings and things like that but we're unsure some people are very positive in the answers they give me and very confident but look through the comments in the other video but also there are some people that do not watch part a they only watch this part so I'm quite confident we'll find somebody that knows what this is but I don't think anybody mentioned these little rollers here and what their job is in regards to installing whatever it is you install and these two knobs here bring those rollers in and whatever it does it obviously has many sizes let's look at the smaller one again that's what 5:16 so we'd have to find the 5/16 size which is that one so what does it do I don't even know which side it comes in front so you can add that to the comments and please read through the comments I know I just said that see if we can and get a final answer around this maybe the answer was already correct by someone I'm just not sure there didn't seem to be a whole lot of people that had the same answer other than flaring a lot of people thought it was for Flair and well I have flaring tools and flaring tools are always iron or steel and you know quite heavy because it takes a lot of pressure to flare even a copper tubing so I don't believe this is a flowering tool of any kind well thank you for watching and I hope you found this interesting continue watching because I got a lot of other neat things coming up in further videos so this is a tool became your YouTube shop that you're saying so long for now you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 27,529
Rating: 4.9652777 out of 5
Keywords: bernard pliers, sargent pliers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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