WHAT IS IT? Mystery Tool #66a question tubalcain mrpete

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hello again it's mr pete your youtube shop teacher at your service and this is episode number 66a of my what is it mystery items series i haven't done one in quite a while so i've got four interesting items today i think and there are several more on deck so don't worry about it if you sent me something and i haven't shown it yet but i got four items here let's get right to it okay here are the four items remember to put your guesses in the comments thank you to those people that have sent me items i do appreciate it and here's item number one two three and four so we can talk about them just by using the number so and there will be a number five bonus for extra credit however i only have pictures of that item but some of you may get a bang out of it if you are over 70 years old you know what some of these names of the donors are mouthful for me but this appears to be walter garricky and i thank you for this walter an interesting item now there's the patent number or i should say the patent date i don't know that's not a patent number because i could find nothing on it but walter told me what it is and look at this i think this is just a handle and with your thumb you can move this button and open up these legs or feet or fingers that appear to be hardened i would have had no idea if walter hadn't given me an idea and i looked this patent date up and i could find nothing or patent number rather i could find nothing on that so if you are a better patent searcher than me send me a link to the actual us patent you know some of these items were patent pending too and you never can seem to find them but that's an interesting item number two came to me just two days ago from trenton hudson i thank you know it almost looks like a little shaper doesn't i've done a lot of videos on shapers go back and watch those if you miss those there's one on a real neat little hand shaper from england okay what is this there is a number on there a bolt goes all the way through i guess that's tight this item here is adjustable in height and there's a couple holes drilled right here i do know what this is and in a later video in a month or two i will actually be demonstrating this but i'm not going to tell you right now what it is because we're trying to guess and it's cast iron quite heavy and i just loosened up this nut so you can see this slides in and out on a slot and this bottom piece appears to be a clamp of some kind it's got a pin there to hold it in alignment nicely made now item three here is from the same man that gave me this walter garricky i hope i pronounced that right now sometimes when people send me something uh they do not know what it is and i certainly do not know also there's always the question of is this a complete unit or is there something missing now there is a patent number someplace but it is not legible right there that's probably the key to what we want to know but notice what happens here we can swing this and there's a little item here and i do not know if it is a cutting blade exactly what it is i have kind of a guess an educated guess as to what it might be but i don't know if i'm right note that there's a v right there almost like a v block and a v right here and by loosening these two screws one can slide this on the two rods the two parallel rods to change the length adjust it for what you might be doing but i'm not really sure and this little item here is spring-loaded like a mousetrap which direction here right here very very stiff spring torsion spring and it's all cast iron looks kind of fragile almost looks like a can crusher doesn't it from the olden days but of course they didn't crush cans years ago they didn't have aluminum so what is item three here's an interesting item this is item four from a local man here russ mclennan who has given me things before thank you russell and it's in a rather robust case with handles on both ends and i masked off a few things here that actually do tell what it is but when you open it up you can see here looks almost like an index file doesn't it but within the file here whatever you want to call this and this is adjustable if you have more of these maybe this is half used up i don't know but this is what we got in there and there are about a couple dozen items in here but they are different thicknesses that is they're not all the same some do not have that little tab on it here's some that are rather thin there's a very thin one in fact some of them tell the thickness but not all of them that one says three thousandths these thicker ones are not marked i suppose you have to check them with a micrometer but what the heck are these things and what are they used for and there's another thing that i covered here decal that tells what it is as well so i'm not going to uncover that until part b so put your best guess in the comments but stand by if you're interested for one more item and it's just pictures on my phone but you might get a kick out of it thanks for watching okay just yesterday i was in rantoul illinois at the half century of progress show all about agriculture but we're riding around in a gator there's a million gators there by the way and we see this 49 packard now my buddy dwight i'm with my buddy dwight and we've been together since we were 10. and his dad had a 49 packer but of course it was gray and without that visor on there so i logged many hours in the back seat of a 49 packard straight eight flathead quite a car really like i say you have to be over 70 to have ever seen a car with one of these installed in the windows and it's not for launching missiles or a mortar or anything like that but what do you suppose that thing is and i used to ask my dad about that what that was and i i said well why don't you get one and he said well they don't work it's and i'm sure they wouldn't but but there's a close-up view of it and there is a decal on there telling what it is in the manufacture but of course i'm not going to show you that but what is this item and what is the purpose and they would fit on any car not just a packer okay that concludes this episode hope you enjoyed it if you do like this series on what is it let me know in the comments because since interest seems to be waning on this i'm thinking about dropping this feature of mine because i'm up to what was at number 66 but anyway watch for the answer in 66b available soon in a theater near you you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 16,152
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Id: D3edA0_wvMA
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Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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