What is EMOTIONAL CONNECTION in a Relationship? (2021)

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in this video i am going to explain what exactly emotional connection is a lot of times people think they know what emotional connection is but they actually don't really know so if you think about it in the space of being in a relationship you know you're not getting your emotional connection needs met and you don't actually know what emotional connection is how can you voice these needs to your partner and say i need you to do x y and z to meet these needs hi i'm deanna lynn and welcome to my channel i am a trauma-informed intuitive relationship coach and i help people to build emotional connection in their relationships be sure to hit the subscribe button to be notified of all future content and hit that nice little like button if you enjoyed the content so before we dive into what emotional connection is let's talk about what it's not first of all emotional connection is nothing physical it is not sex you can have emotional connection in sex but it is not the physical act of having sex so let's get that clear it is nothing connected to the mind it's not surface conversations it's not anything that can be intellectualized it's not speaking you can create emotional connection with speaking but it is nothing to do with the mind and nothing to do with the physical okay so what actually is emotional connection then emotional connection is something that transcends the physical and the mental plane it's something that goes deep within your being it's nothing that you can really put words on or think about it's a feeling that you get within you when you are connected to another soul on such a deep level it is true intimacy in to me i see it's when you're able to completely take all your walls down all your defenses and be raw and vulnerable with your partner that is what true emotional connection is now the connection piece comes in when one when both people are actually able to be in this space now if only one partner is being raw and vulnerable in the relationship there's going to be an imbalance in the relationship the number one thing that a relationship needs for you to be emotionally connected is safety if for some reason throughout your life most likely in childhood you were taught and you believed that it was not safe to be emotionally connected it was not safe to be raw and vulnerable with other people you're going to have your wall up in your relationship so now that you know what emotional connection is and you can start to think about well why don't i have this emotional connection in my relationship you know do i not feel safe in my relationship or does my partner not feel safe in my relationship these are some things that you're going to want to explore and if you're ready to take the step and learn how to actually build the emotional connection in your relationship and to take these walls down then i invite you to join my free emotional connection challenge the link is below so click on the link and you can reserve your spot for this free challenge i look forward to getting to know you and building an emotional connection with you in the emotional connection challenge and in the meantime be sure to subscribe to my channel for future content and hit the like button comment below share with your friends to just really put it out there to the universe that you are ready to build that emotional connection in your relationship
Channel: Deanna Lynn
Views: 8,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emotional Connection, Emotional Intimacy, Emotional connection in relationships, What is emotional connection, What is intimacy, how to build emotional connection, how to build emotional connection with a man, how to build an emotional connection with a woman, how to build an emotional connection with someone, how to build an emotional connection with my partner, deanna lynn, trauma informed, relationship coach, intuitive coach
Id: EqdMPDSrxwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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