What is Black Magic Fusion

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black magic fusion is a post-production and compositing software developed by Blackmagic Design and originally authored by a on software it is typically used to create visual effects and do compositing work for movies TV shows and commercials it has been used to create a lot of blockbuster movies and successful TV shows over the years because it has proven to be a really good software that can handle big and small projects unlike Fusion was originally developed in 1987 as an in-house software developed for the new york post production and visual effects boutique based in sydney australia the very first version of the software was written in the US and consisted of a little more than a UI framework for quickly tuning together the output over pre-existing batch files and utilities the Aeon software was formed specifically to commercialize fusion and all the operations related to the software were moved to Canada later on in 2014 blackmagic design acquired in software and it is now being developed by it and in 2018 version 15 of DaVinci Resolve also a software developed by Blackmagic Design and an integrated version of fusion within the application in this video we're gonna give you an overview of where it is being used and the tools that can help users and studios get their job done what Blackmagic Fusion is being used for at one point in time Fusion was the most commonly used compositing software in the VFX industry to help create the most successful movies like Avatar 302 of the Matrix movies Titanic x-men movies Marvel movies and much more in addition to that it was used in many TV series such as Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones just to name a few like films and TV shows Fusion is also good for working on commercials as well since this type of work basically needs the same tools and features to get it done in addition to that motion graphics artists and broadcast designers use Fusion to create animated podcast promotions and title sequences and animations in feature films television shows and even commercials a fusion can even be used for interactive VR because it comes with the full 360 panoramic workspace that is completely interactive you can use the built-in panoramic view work or where a VR set such as alcohol's rift or HTC vibe and the GPU exploration makes it extremely fast so you can wear a headset and interact with the elements in your VR scene in real time Blackmagic fusion tools Fusion has a node-based workflow not a lot of artists prefer to work with because they need precise control over every element each node is its own processing operation and they are connected together to create a node tree which is like a flow chart that is very flexible and powerful and unlike confusing stacks of layers nodes make it faster and easier to create and edit complex scenes also fusion features several keys for seamless compositing when there is a need to remove backgrounds fusion has some nice tools that let you quickly troll track and animate custom shapes to isolate actors or objects from other elements in the shot planner tracking data can be used on shapes so you don't have to manually animate motion perspective position scale or rotation as the image changes Fusion can automatically track much move and stabilize objects in your shot you could even use the new improved planar tracker to emplace science or even flat objects as they move there is also an improved camera tracker that analyzes and matches the movement of the live action camera that was used to shoot the scene fusion can also do 3d visual effects compositing and animation that lets you create entire scenes in an infinite 3d workspace you can create and render complex it combined with 24h and 3d models geometric shapes animated cameras lights and more you can even add volumetric advanced by fog and mist when it comes to particles you can use a fusions 3d particle generator to simulate realistic snow or rain complete with physics like gravity avoidance and bounce and you can add behavior forces to create flock of birds or colony of ants or anything of that nature using Fusion you can also create animated titles with 2d and 3d text tools you get traditional text formatting controls along with 3d extrusion the ability to add reflections bump maps shadows and more commercials and main tunnel sequences often need animated logos you can import render 3d logos from we're such as blunder cinema4d Maya or 3ds max or import Tweety vector files from illustrator or other applications fusions vector pen tool can be used to create animatic flourishes glowing streaks that fly through a scene or entirely new images from scratch there are thousands of companies of color texture and style plus strokes can be made into edible splines that can be animated over time you can even use a pressure-sensitive tablet to control a path city and size of the stroke as you paint I hope you found this video useful and informative if you have something to add you can leave it in the comment section below also you can check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 57,863
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Keywords: what is black magic fusion, Black magic desgin, Black magic fusion, what is Black magic fusion used for, how to use black magic fusion, fusion, Compositing, VFX for film and tv series, Motion graphics, commercials, rotoscoping and keying, removing forgrounds and backgrounds, color correction, animation, blackmagic fusion character animation, blackmagic fusion camera tracking, blackmagic fusion camera projection, blackmagic fusion plugins, blackmagic fusion vs davinci resolve
Id: cvpuOtw7dKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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