Camera Tracking in Blackmagic Fusion 16 - TUTORIAL

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hello guys and welcome to this new tutorial today we are gonna take a look at camera tracking inside of fusion so here I have some footage that I downloaded from pixels pixel is a website on which you can find some beautiful free stock videos and photos and I suggest you to take a look at it so if if you want to do things correctly you should undistorted footage before camera tracking but since I have no idea of things like falkland or the actual camera this was shot with let's just lowered our camera rocker and see where would stand doing a tracking so here I have my footage and I already animated a little ellipse mask to exclude the guy from the tracking itself so let's load a camera tracker [Music] let's pipe the ellipse inside of the truck mask and be aware that now the ellipse is set to invert so that we actually track everything that is outside of the mask so what I usually do is go to the option tab and darken the image that I could I'd go back to the truck tab and preview the outs or applications so I would lower the detection threshold and and lower the minimum feature separation so that we end up with more features [Music] then you want to select the be direct be direction on fracking and then just heat Auto track [Music] okay so now our tracking is done it's best to uncheck the preview of the track location otherwise you're gonna see again this preview in the next step now let's move to dissolve tab and solve our tracking okay as you can see right out of the bat we had these 0.89 average solve error which isn't bad at all but let's take a moment to refine the solve and what we actually need to do is move the sliders in order to remove some of the features that aren't that good so for example we can leave the Moxie with the minimum track length 6 and maybe lower the maximum track error and maybe also lower the maximum solve error so now sir as you can see as I move in these sliders this feature are selected when we are happy with our selection we can hit delete and then we can run our solve again [Music] okay now as you can see we have an average solver error of 0.3 which is great so now let's move to the export tab let's move into the 3d scene transform select unaligned and then now we have we just have to select some of the features to set our origin and to set our ground plane now that we have done so we just go back to aligned and now we can add a merge a 3d node and connect the scene output from the camera tracker inside of the merge 3d node to actually check power tracking and as you can see we have a pretty good result so now let's remove our merge 3d and now let's move a four-second into the option tab and change this from taken from image at least this is something that I prefer because I find having the [Music] point cloud in green to be really annoying and now we can heat export so here I have my 3d scene and as you can see I have my ground playing my point cloud and this is all set up and ready another thing that I that I like to do is go into the point cloud and change the style frame from point from from cross to point cuz I find this a little less annoying so I usually like to disconnect my ground plane but I always keep all both of these nodes here I've seen a lot of tutorials and where people rush into deleting the point cloud and ground plane and point cloud and ground plane are really really useful point cloud especially for example let's say that I want to create a plane here I can select a bunch of points from the point cloud and if I right-click and go into the point cloud here you can create a shape or a line shape or image plane or locator so let's see what happens if I create a line shape so as you can see fusion and for some reason it creates a cylinder but we can convert it into plane so here I have a perfectly aligned plane and I can add our transform 3d to actually align it perfectly and let's do something like so so as you can see the point cloud is something really useful that you don't want to get rid of so now I'm gonna use this shape 3d to actually remove the dancing life from our footage I have a comp already done so it's easier to follow so as you can see I have my image plane here and I are in a culture node and I enabled the camera projection inside of our camera and I set the projection mode to texture in order to work with the culture and then in the render node I set the render type to OpenGL UV render basically I have my guy stabilized in this portion of my footage and I actually selected one freeze frame and I painted I painted out the guy and I added some photo and some brightness contrast to match it to to match it to the rest of my image then I took my image plane and I pasted an instance and so now I'm using my render as a as a texture for my new image plane now I have a copy of my 3d cover and as you can see I arranged my clean plate on top off original footage and here I can show you the result [Music] let me show you what else you can do with camera hogging so here for example I had this shot and I had to do a screen replacement the first thing that would come into mind would have been to use something like mocha or a plane Africa but actually I preferred doing a camera track and the reason is that I have some reflection then I wanted to fake inside of my call so here I run my camera tracker I ended up with a solve error of 0.5 and [Music] I had my flow split in two into two sections one was the new screen and the other one where reflections so here I found a this HDRI image online which is perfect for the purpose as you can see here I have these windows and here I managed to put this window in so as you can see here I have my reflection and is really it's a really close match between the original and the compound something else that I did using camera shocking I had this shot and as you can see here I have there's something really annoying and it was this plant behind the man's head and the client didn't want that obviously so I ran a camera tracker [Music] and I ended up with a solve of 0.7 which was enough and the first thing I did was actually place a image plane where the windows is in the 3d space and then I rendered it out as a new V as you can see first off I painted out the plant here where the handle of the window is and then I voted out the whole window so that I could with a separate scene the same image plane as before and I added something behind my window so let me show you the actual result here is the before and here is the after [Music] okay another interesting one is this one let me show you what I have here so here as you can see I have two very similar shot the main difference is this prop here so the client ended up wanting these prop here instead of the ladybug but we had a problem with the timing of this actor here opening the door and so I ended up having to replace the the ladybug the ladybug with the piggy and so I run a camera tracker on this first footage here I had descent 0.8 solve error and I placed my piggy in the owner on an image plane and whether it allowed rendered out as movie and the old soul also to get out and then I ruined a second camera huh help this footage here and I had a decent 30.7 solve error and as you can see I used my pinkie on in shape 3d I was able to replace it and here is the result let me show you the before and after so as you can see that the nice thing is that this wasn't a freeze-frame so these reflections are moving I hope that this video gives you an idea of how powerful 3d camera tracking can actually be and maybe gives you some inspiration of how to use it thank you very much for watching and see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Millolab Tuts
Views: 28,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, fusion, blackmagic, camera tracking, 3D, cleanplate, object removal, vfx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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