What is a Headless CMS? A 3 Minute Explanation!

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everyone this is Josh from houndour wanted to share with you what a headless CMS is there's a lot of questions a lot of conversations about what it what does it have a CMS you know it's a it's a CMS without a head on it I don't understand right so this is going to be a real quick short video explanation of what the head of the CMS is when we look at it we look at traditional CMS today where you know whether you're in you know wordpress drupal psyche or you know besides whatever it may be nobody starts right with the content creation this is where your writers your editors your graphic designers update the content and then that gets into a database right it goes into a Content database and then it gets delivered and this is where in this area is where you're where you're developers usually are right building out specific you know templates designs things like that and then it outputs to web pages so this is what traditional CMS is today when we look at headless CMS quite simply all will just remove these pieces here and have the CMS really is it's just to CMS it's not just decoupled your content is now decoupled from the presentation layer meaning you can now build a website an app and whatever you want to build it in it's not tied to the CMS anymore so what this looks like is you have your content creation you it gets put into a database and this but the only difference is is this content is now a is now web driven so there's an API that delivers the content through a raw data format and a most commonly in JSON and now it is delivered to any application you want to go - whether it be a website or a mobile app or a digital kiosk for one of your events or even like when we look at the Internet even for content into a fridge or your Apple TV or your car or anything like that so it's really this the headless CMS part is just a CMS that updates your content purely and then everything else will just it's driven through an API and gets delivered to whatever type of you know application yet you have or wrong so that's what it is we'd love to answer any questions you may have there's great questions like when should I look at headless CMS when is it not a good idea to do a headless TMS these are all great questions and we'd love healthy with it thanks again hope you hope this helped bye
Channel: Hounder
Views: 27,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: websites, CMS, digital marketing, web development, website software, web software, web tools, content management, caas, saas, cloud computing, api, web design, web design tools
Id: 6MQ8e65kZqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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