What is Headless CMS? A Simple Explanation!

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Hi, I'm Ida, a Digital  Strategist here at GRM Digital.  Today I'll be talking about Headless CMS  and how's it different to a traditional CMS.   There's been a lot of confusion  recently around what headless really is   so I'll try to explain it within a few sentences. Before we start, feel free to subscribe  to our youtube channel   and if you like this video give me thumbs up  or a like, and if you've got any questions   feel free to pop them in the comments section. So, let's get started! We all know that multiple heads  coupled together are way more   efficient and productive than only one. So, this is pretty much what headless CMS is all about, but the name headless does not support this claim. Let's wait till we hear more about it. Headless CMS is a new type of content management system which is slowly dominating the market.  We've seen it replacing traditional  CMSs such as Sitecore, Kentico, Umbraco,   WordPress and many others. It's more referred to as software as a service as in SaS model with the   content being separated from its output, and in this case, it would be a website or a mobile app.   The point of a headless CMS is not that you don't need a head but actually, you can have multiple   heads and change them as and when you would like to without the need of re-authoring the content.   In essence, the head is the output and body  is where the content is stored and authored.   So, let's see how it functions compared to the traditional CMS. Compared to the traditional CMS, headless is a back-end only content management  system that acts as a content repository.   This means that you will upload your  content once obviously in headless CMS,   however, using APIs you will be able to deliver that content on multiple channels. That could   be multiple websites, that could be your social networks, that could be also your mobile apps, and so on. Content, in this case, is not tied up to the presentation layer which means   you can build your websites and your applications in whichever technologies you'd like to.   On the other hand, traditional CMSs are in  charge of the overall process. So, let's say   you're in Kentico or Umbraco CMS you'll use to create content to manage workflows and publish   content on your pages. In this case, content is tied up to a single output and unfortunately is not reusable. The point of a headless CMS is in the flexibility of choosing heads or technologies   that will output your content. Content authors still have an interface and database where they   store their content, however, there is no web app or pages, it's just raw content that's coming out of your headless CMS. In reality, you may want to choose to have some content for voice assistance,   e-commerce systems, or maybe mobile apps, so the whole idea of headless is for you to be able to have as many heads or technologies as you would like to and this approach is tailored   in such a way that it supports any upcoming technologies. To sum up, here are some of the   advantages of the headless approach: all content in one place and is ready for omnichannel output,   reusable content, authorizing your content just once, much faster than traditional CMS, and very   secure, and finally a possibility to connect with a lot of different systems. The question is should you adopt headless or stick with a traditional CMS? As a digital agency, we feel that headless   is the right way to go. It's much easier to manage content, way more efficient, and it's secure   more than any traditional CMS. Companies that spend a lot of time publishing their content and also   working on that content should definitely consider headless CMS. Furthermore, content is stored in   one place and you have more control over it. This was a quick intro about headless and hopefully,   after this video, you have a better idea about  headless and how you could potentially benefit from it. If you've still got some questions or  uncertainties feel free to drop me a message.
Channel: GRM Digital
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Keywords: headless cms, what is headless cms, headless cms what is it, headless cms meaning, headless cms means, what is meant by headless cms, headless cms vs cms, what does a headless cms mean, headless cms as a service, headless vs traditional cms, advantages of headless cms, benefits of a headless cms, blog headless cms, cloud headless cms, content headless cms, how does a headless cms work
Id: 5fK30uhZXUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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