What Is A GingerPale?

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hi I'm ginger pail I promised you guys a Q&A in the last video to get some of the commonly asked questions out of the way and also to celebrate passing 10 case so thank you guys for that but I guess I got to do this now so let's get into it thanks for all the questions why do you draw yourself like that what are you alright so a lot of people think I look like a shy guy and the right but really I was trying to make characters for a little mini series called box Factory it was really bad and I wanted this little minion that could be like a punching bag for all the jokes I ended up liking it and I chose to use it as my main character for this channel so I guess you could say it's kind of like a shy guy but really I think it's more like a league of Legends minion they were all kind of in the back of my head while I was making it hey your style is pretty cool and it reminds me of adventure time what influenced your art style honestly I still feel like I draw like a five-year-old but the style I use is kind of just an evolution of me drawing all my favorite game characters so I don't really know what influenced it because it's really simple but just draw what you like experiment on your own and eventually your own style will come later I'm still a really amateur artist and I got a lot of things I can improve on how do you make brushes in flash stable uh you don't I mean I updated to animate CC which is like the new version of flash and that fix some of that problem and then I also turned on pressure sensitivity which seemed to help a lot of the autocorrection stuff to make their lines all Wiggly but I mean the undo button is still my best friend did you have any other designs before your current character design yes I did we got cube thing pixel cube thing derp this guy and finally some of the actual ginger pale-looking designs when are you gonna take off that purple hoodie dress thing you're always wearing I mean are we gonna go for like dinner or something first or we just jump in right oh okay why must you deny thick pale for those who don't know what thick pale is it's this disgusting thing that's peachy drew once and it's just like a sexualized ginger pale and I don't endorse it at all please kill it it needs to die how thick are you stop why do you have such a sexy purple hoodie law please answer please stop how did you get into animating for YouTube and why what made you start when I was in grade 3 my friend Nicole did a project on animation ever since then I always like playing around with flipbooks stop-motion and then I got into stick pivot animator and flipnote studio and I also used to do this other thing with the old-style 3d glasses like the ones with the red and blue lens where I would draw in a red and a blue pencil crayon different frames of one character and then you can make like a dog wink or something so I always had an interest in learning to animate this doesn't mean that I'm good at it I actually started on YouTube because I want to learn how to animate and flash and track my progress I also wanted to be able to like send it off into communities and have people watch my stuff if you had to choose between being an avocado a pineapple or a coconut what would you be avocado it's the good kind of fat how did you meet never cake and when was that last year I emailed them and I said hey I like your videos would you do some voice lines for a new mini series called box factory Erin did the voices for box factory and that's how we met but then we started talking more when I joined their discord then I left then our friend jelly was like hey come back and then I started talking to them more I don't know that was like a month and a bit ago how did you come up with her color palette for color palettes all you got to do is take a color you think looks nice and then use it and I also like obnoxiously vibrant colors what's inside your character's hoodie ginger hair or Medusa snakes ginger are you really ginger or do you hide it under that hoodie are you a ginger in real life also will you ever do a face reveal I'm actually not ginger the name comes from somewhere else as for the face reveal I keep your eyes peeled in the future I guess how did you come up with your name that cube I showed you was a troll champion designed for League of Legends its name was ginger ale then the joke bounced around a bit in my friend group and my friend Jake coined the term ginger pale I liked the name so I kept it I stole it thanks Jake if you had to choose between unicorns or narwhals what would it be narwhals I don't like horses I kind of freak me out what are three amusing pointless facts about yourself you know what for the rest of the questions will sprinkle some fun facts in there [Music] why are you so cool I eat my greens and help Mom bring in the groceries what is your favorite color yellow what is your least favorite color purple do you prefer blue or red and can you explain why red I guess because it's a warmer color than blue and I just like it better what's up with you guys in colors it's almost like I talked about it in my last video and you should go check it out to maybe understand the reference do you have a soft spot for dipped okay okay I get it this is a reference to a mistake I made on stream and here's a little clip yes and honestly I got a soft spot for dildo so I meant to say ditto so if this was a weird way of asking my favorite Pokemon it's ditto [Music] where can i buy your magnificent clothes wait is this a thing do people actually want clothes like shirts and stuff you want a little mug like a maybe do that if you had to give an estimate how long would you say it takes to make one of your videos about a week it's mostly the writing and recording that takes time for me that animation is generally pretty quick will you be doing any more of the short story live streams I think he's referring to the quick creation stream I did with never cake and friends I'll link what we made in two three hours in the description those things really take a toll on you but uh maybe we'll try it again do you plan to continue in your YouTube career heat to see stop uploading as long as people continue to support it I'll try my best to keep making things hey ginger pal where can I go to talk to you and others who may like your videos Wow good question you can go to my discord there's a link in the description ginger pill how else can I help support you Wow great question again well guys I started a patreon because I love making these videos but it takes a lot of my time to do and Adsense kind of sucks donating to my patreon is in no way necessary and I highly appreciate anything you have to offer there are some nifty rewards at different tiers on there so be sure to go check it out thanks guys ginger pal why are you like this I'm sorry Wow you guys actually made it to the end of the video I'm you pressed here put your finger on the screen and pretend to give me a little high-five right here yeah thanks for watching video guys I hope you weren't all too bored while watching that and also I'm sorry if your questions were an answer today I promise for now we're gonna go back to some real content but hey there might be another Q&A in the future and thanks again for passing 10k you're all pretty neat goodbye
Channel: GingerPale
Views: 5,210,916
Rating: 4.9563818 out of 5
Keywords: gingerpale, Question and Answer, q and a, qna, What is a gingerpale
Id: l8l1ZaEaP_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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