What is a Contact Center? Why should you care?

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[Music] hey everyone it's been a while since i've done a video but i have still been active on on twitter a little more so uh staying in touch with people like network wiz kid here i also did a an interview with the one not long ago that i thought was a pretty good interview if you want to go check that out the one's always a good dude to um you know check in with and see how things are going and then also uh you know adam over at the tech catalyst still been talking to him my buddy network bruh and then most recently episode 49 it looks like it hasn't been published yet but most recently conft with your se i did an interview with them about webex one with cisco sal as well but really what i want to talk about today is this tweet mainly where i said if you work in the collaboration field i recommend i recommend keeping a close eye on customer experience specifically contact center and experience management so what was i talking about well you guys if you work in the collaboration space you need to know what ucas is and you also need to know what customer experience is just make sure you know those two because if you don't you're going to be missing the boat right so if you look at webex one day two day two what's it called customer experience it was a two day event and day two was customer experience and then of course here we see the the contact center we'll talk later about what exactly is a contact center and then also i'll talk about the call flow for the webex contact center now here this is another indication about what's going on in the market so big part of this this video i'm telling you about a market shift and that's a market shift to customer experience where you can see here zoom was looking to acquire five nines five nines is a contact center or call center so again check out webex experience management in fact what you see here is i've been on the web page for too long and so i was prompted to speak with a live cisco representative this is customer experience in in in in front of our eyes right this is exactly what i'm trying to tell you about if you ever maybe order a pizza from pizza hut and you get a text message about when your pizza is being made when your pizza is going in the oven when your pizza comes out of the oven right and then you get a text message when your pizza leaves the store you get a text message when your pizza is 10 minutes away right this is all talking about customer experience when i and i'm going to sound old now but i guess what i'll say is not long ago that wasn't a thing and nowadays it's that way at a you know fast food pizza place it's that way at the dentist it's that way at you know having a doctor's appointment um you know it's just kind of the way things are going people are looking to use many different applications to communicate with their clients with their customers with their members or whatever you know they're looking to reach out to whoever it is that they're looking to speak with their audience and so they're looking to use whatsapp twitter facebook messenger sms email telephony if you just want to call in um a video call if somebody wants that um right so that's what this whole video is about and here it is in front of my eyes happening right it's pushing me like hey do you want do you need help do you want help we're here to help you now this webex experience management is that's what it's all about take customer experience to new heights and i highly recommend going in here and watching some of these videos and checking out things like how puma leverages this stuff get some of these business cases some of these use cases and and you know start to understand where the market is going otherwise you're going to be behind it and it's better to be ahead of the market shift than behind it so with talking about that let's talk about some of the relatively recent acquisitions made by cisco for example in 2018 acquiring broadsoft right 2019 they acquired a company named cloudchart very important very strategic acquisition that is what led into the webex experience management platform that we were just talking about here and then also um even more recently imi mobile being acquired which was a huge win for cisco so keep an eye on this i'm telling you i'm not making it up and so with that said let's talk about what exactly is a contact center or call center a call center is when you know you could call in for help to schedule a plane flight or something like that or to call in to schedule a doctor's appointment or call in to get support from a technical company and on the other end is a bunch of people waiting inside a building um waiting for their phone to ring and those are the agents those are the resources people are gonna help you you know you've probably heard of them called call centers but there's software that makes all of that work there's software that distributes the calls to those agents there's software that determines you know who's the best agent to help this customer their software all of this stuff imi mobile is what makes that call center work but now people are taking it to the next level which is called a contact center call center means only phone contact center means whatsapp sms email all the things i was rattling off earlier web chat right so earlier here where was i which screen was i on this one here when they asked me if i wanted to chat that's going to be a contact center not a call center because the the call center is voice only contact center is going to be chat it's called omni channel right we we don't just force you to do voice we allow you to meet your customers where they are anyway enough about that so let's take a look at what the call flow looks like on webex contact center but before i do i want to take a look at this slide and explain why you should care about learning what i'm about to be talking about it's because cisco cisco with the contact center leads in the market share right and so it's good to know cisco's contact center how it works and that's what i'm about to describe here so here the customer calls in this is going to be a voice call flow right because on a con on a contact center there's all the other ones chat email all that we're specifically going to look at the voice flow though customer calls in that's going to hit an entry point mapping on the webex contact center and the entry point is just your phone number so when people call you for help to call into your contact center um what number are they going to call that's going to be your entry point and that entry point is going to get us to the inside of this contact center where this little rectangular circular deal here is going to be the logic that's going to be the inside of the contact center right so you hit the entry point from there there is a routing strategy that's where the automatic call distribution acd type of logic is going to occur and then from there it maps to a specific call flow or what's typically called a call script right so it goes entry point routing decisions call script but it's called a call flow so the call flow is probably one of the most complex parts of the configuration on the webex contact center and we will take a look later to see just about how difficult is that now after the call flow we need to hit a queue so the queue comes into play from the queue it gets distributed down to different teams and within those teams it gets distributed to the different contact center resources contact center agents that are there to service the queue and answer the calls right so let's go ahead and take a look at how difficult is that flow builder this is it right here if you've ever used an application known as vizio it's this is vizio right it's it's our flow builder so you bring this out this is going to be the new new phone contact so somebody called in typically what happens is companies will play some sort of a welcome message to you the calling party like thank you for calling right and then maybe after that you go to an ibr like a menu and what they do is they give you a number of different options maybe all the way up to the number nine and they'll say you know press one for billing maybe uh press two four support free for sales right and then when those different buttons get pressed we want to cue that contact right so we're going to put a couple different cues here but as you can see it is very intuitive it is very easy in fact let's say we didn't want this one here i can just go ahead and delete it right and then from here i'll just have to select which cube do i want it to be i can even give it the name to lot to line up appropriately with the menu in the ivr so it's billing support and then the last one would be sales but you see what i'm getting to here um and then that's essentially how the how the call we get to the agent is based off of this config that we're looking at right here and then within selecting the queue when they log in to their team their team is associated to the queue so yeah the big thing is though just watch that market shift pay attention listen to things like you guys look look for things like uh customer experience and again if you go back to that tweet that i had up you can see what i'm talking about and if you go back and look at webex one you can see day two what i'm talking about anyway i'm gonna leave it there i hope it was you know of value for you folks out there and you know hopefully it won't be so long between now and the next video [Music] you
Channel: Patrick Kinane
Views: 453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, ccie, ccnp, lab, home lab, study, labeveryday, collab, collaboration, tutorial, topology, cucm, jabber, imp, cuc, uccx, expressway, mra, deploy, install, ccm, callmanager, voip tutorial for beginners, voip phone system, voip, voice, 350-801 CLCOR, 300-810 CLICA, 300-815 CLACCM, 300-820 CLCEI, 300-835 CLAUTO, webex, contact center technology, contact center interview questions and answers, genisys, Genesys, five9, Amazon, Nice Incontact, Avaya, ring central, zoom, microsoft, cube
Id: 0s429GopTWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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