BUILD A LAB - CCNP/CCIE COLLAB - Jabber Login / tshoot

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[Music] hello and thank you for coming to check out this video in this one we are going to be logging in and testing our jabber setup and making sure that some of the things that we configured actually work on the left hand side i have my windows server where i did my dns dhcp active directory and all those other things i installed my cisco jabber there instead of making another windows workstation and then off to the right i have my windows workstation that i had installed about two videos back and on that side i'll be logging in with user one on the left hand side i'll be logging in with user two so let's go ahead and do user two at and then the domain and then over here we'll get user one plugged in let's go ahead and try to log in and see if they can find their services so we can see that user two already automatically found the services ideally user one should be able to do that as well but it looks like it's taking a little bit longer all right so now user one is uh up to par so we'll do the password here try to sign in same deal over here try to sign in all right we're getting uh cannot communicate with the server on user two user one seems to be uh running kinda slow now for this cannot communicate with the server we'll wait we'll come back to see what's going on with uh user one a little bit later but we'll come over here to the self-care portal and we'll put in user two and try to log in and we see you do not have the required permissions or sorry privileges to access access this system and so if we were able to log into the self-care portal that would tell us that there's nothing wrong with the user's configuration it would then become a problem of you know the user authentication or maybe something else with ipconnectivity now let's go back over to the admin page see what we can figure out about this user too let me see about choosing one so this one says your username and password is not correct so we're getting a little bit uh different on this side all right so let's go over here end user put in user 2. oh what's the first name okay so we go to user two if you remember we had created an access control group but we never associated it so let's go on here and find our imp users access control group that we created and do add selected and then hit save now user one didn't have this issue and that's because um in the past on a different video we had already given user one a lot of um access i think we gave it everything except for the standard cti secure connection something along those lines so user one didn't get that cannot communicate with server problem because it has the permissions to be able to log in but we do have this here your username or password is not correct let's see what happens to jabber here on this side now to make sure that it's not just a problem with user one see if it is more widespread and so what we see here is that the issue is more widespread it's not just a single user issue also i'm using two different versions of jabber let's just go ahead and take a look at that file help about cisco nine jabber five four two seven four and then over here we'll go to gear icon help um about cisco jabber and you can see here's twelve eight one so user one has a newer version than uh user two but it doesn't really matter because for what we're doing everything is gonna function exactly the same now let's let's go ahead and look into this how are we gonna go about looking into this we're going to go into the gear icon and we're going to go to help report a problem and then we're going to say sign in sign out and we're just going to put in some gibberish of some sort and then i'm going to save it and i'll save this on the on the desktop so now we'll let that get generated and here we have it let's see 7-zip will extract it to its own folder here on the desktop and then let's go ahead and open it up we see uh the jabber.log file if we go to properties we'll see that this is a um i don't know where the extension is but it should be a dot log jabber.log file let me see if i have notepad plus plus on here because looking at this with notepad is just not what i want to do okay i don't have notepad plus plus here let me uh i'm just going to copy this over to the other workstation where i know i have notepad plus plus all right so i've since copied over the file from workstation for user one on to my windows server where i have notepad plus plus and i'll just put in here um user username or let's see if that picks it up yep so right here it says your username or password is not correct so whenever there is a prompt on the jabber screen to the user you should be able to search that that text in the jabber.log file which i don't think i mentioned it yet but jabber.log that file is is the last one hour of logging that has occurred on the jabra client and so you can hop in there usually and find what you're looking for sometimes you got to look in some of the more historical log files but for our case here we're just going to uh look in jabber.log because we haven't really done much we only just now launched the application and tried to log in and now let's start looking for where that login failed so it's telling us here login credential invalid and we'll go up a little further i'm going to highlight this i'm looking for a login failure line that will actually give me an enum value about why this failed so here we can see that this is the discovery phase which was um is going to happen before i actually put in my username or password so we're going to go down a little further we'll do control f and look for user one getting a lot of hits on that i just want to look for where it says the username okay so it's going to be around here right there that's the line i'm looking for right there and so you can see on login fail three seven three four five and we can go doing some searching on google or looking at some really great presentations in the cisco live libraries now there's a friend of mine named josh hammons who did a great session at cisco live called uh troubleshooting jabber like attack engineer and that session is just amazing i'll put a link for that in the description but for this one what we're going to do is we're going to hop back over to our cucm we're going to go to system ldap and then ldap authentication because there's an issue when you are using the use ldap authentication for end users and you're also using tls um there's an issue with jabber trying to get logged in and it will tell you that the password is wrong username and password is wrong now we can use port 636 there's another one i can't remember what it is but we're going to use three two six eight because um from my experiences three two six eight is where it's at that's when you wanna have for jabber to work in this lab environment now let's hop back over to our user one all right so we're gonna hop back over here to where user one is and we're gonna put the password back in and see how this goes these are ones consistently slow okay so now we're getting some success we're at least able to to log in i'm going to skip this little tutorial deal let's see what's user 2 talking about all right so we're getting some success here we're making some forward progress we're actually able to log in now let's go to file or sorry the gear icon and we're going to help and show connection status now you can see the soft phone says connection error and show the server information in the phone services blah blah contact your administrator yada yada so the only area that we're looking good is on presence and directory voicemail is not good desk phones not good and cell phone is not good desk phone's okay because um well we're not actually trying to connect to any device at the moment and let's go check out the let's take a look on the user one side of things okay so the soft phone is good here desk phone just says not connected all right let's see why user one is different than user two so we'll hop back over here we'll go user management and user we'll take a look at user one we'll go to control devices and we have a desk phone here and then let's go on over to user 2. right here we have user two and we don't have any devices here let's also take a look at the the phones themselves the the csf clients so we can see csf for user one is registered let's see if there's anything different here owner user id user one let's see about over here so this one says anonymous there's no user okay so what are the big differences we've seen here that on the end user page itself user one has a hard phone assigned whereas user two doesn't in the control devices and also on the end user configuration page or sorry on the phone configuration page there's no user associated here so let's see what happens when we put user 2 as the owner user id i may need to uh log out of jabber to make this work and then let's do an apply config there okay let's do a reset just to see if we can get any sort of progress here without actually logging out and logging in okay so now let's go over to the user to jabber and i'm going to exit and i'm going to relaunch it and now if you look down here did you see what happened with the call settings with the soft phone and then let's look here as well so you can see that the device now shows as registered and then also let's go over to the end user right well actually first let's check the connection status again all right so now we're seeing some better stuff here right the desk phone is not connected voicemail and then if we wanted to here we can't control a desk phone right but what about if we go over to user one we'll close that and for user one i can actually control the desk phone through jabber that's because user one has a a hard phone associated under its list of controlled devices so now let's go back over here and go user management and user we'll go to user 2 and then in the device association let's hit find and user 2 has the directory number 2000 so we're going to associate this device and i'll hit save selected changes and go back over here to the user and we can see that there is now this controlled desk phone here let's go back to jabber i'll exit and then relaunch again and then now let's see if we can do that device control through cti we can all right now there's another thing that we were looking at we were looking at the connection status for voicemail so as of right now i'm logged into user2 on the left hand side and let's get that connection status back up top and i've brought up the connection status but i've also logged into user one on the right hand side and you can see over here that the voicemail status is the same on on user two as well sorry on user one so this lets us know that it's not just a problem that's unique to a single client or a single user it seems to be more of a centralized issue meaning that the issue is probably going to be on the unity connection and not on the workstation of either of these users or in the cucm configuration of either of these users or even in just the unity connection but on just only one user it's probably going to be in the unity connection and it's something that would have been applied to both users so let's go ahead and pull up prt i'm going to maximize this screen and i'll close that out we'll go under the gear icon help and then report a problem and i'm going to do sign in sign out since we're trying to connect to unity connection and then in here we put a summary of the problem and blah blah blah we put something better than that if we were doing this in real life and then this is here so i'll go ahead and extract it to its own folder with 7-zip and then let's hop in there and we should be able to just hop into this jabber.log file but i'm just going to copy out the whole thing here and we'll open up notepad plus plus paste the directory in here and then i'm going to put in cc or hq cuc pub and see if we get any hits on that so these are going to be hips from uh from the config file and then uh i'm not too sure what those are but down here is going to be the actual see jabber.log file that that was our last one hour of logs so um let's go on down here and see what's going on we're getting some stuff about the certificates i'm going to go down to the very last line and let's see what we find here let me highlight this so we're getting this voicemail error here voicemail to start okay so let's go here and check the end of the line right so we get return error code 25 right fail with error return over code 25 description not authorized password must change right and so it's telling us you must reset your password using the password reset uh uri now um this is for our connection to voicemail you can even see it here and so let's let's go ahead and jump back over to our um windows server specifically let's go to our unity connection and i'll log in here real quick and then let's go check what's going on with our user and so if we go over to users and i think that was user one that we just checked out but again the issue is with user one and user two um if we go over here edit and we see change password we can go in here and try to change the password but really what we want to do is the web application since that's what we're trying to log into but let's see if there's anything going on in the password settings right and see it doesn't expire okay cool web application is what we want and so now take a look at this user must change at next sign in that's our issue right now and it should be applied to the other user user 2 as well so let's check out user 2 and go edit password settings and then go to web application save and we have to uncheck that now why did this get applied because we didn't go in here and check that box and why is it applied to both users remember i said that there needs to be some sort of something in common that was applied to both users or some sort of centralized issue right because it was happening on both jabber clients for both users if we go over here and check out the user templates and we go to the voicemail user template let's go under edit password settings and go to web application user must change it next sign in so if we do this now moving forward when we add users and and matter of fact let's go over here and act like we're going to add a new user you can see that it's going to we have to select a template right it's a required field when we select it it's the voicemail user template and so that's why when we import our users they um came in with those settings already there all right so at this point let's go ahead and get our jabber users up side by side give me just a moment all right so i have user two on the side on the left still i have user one on the right still and i've logged out of both of these we'll just go ahead and sign back in and then uh once we sign back in we'll go ahead and check the connection status again to see if there was any changes with voicemail so we'll go here help show connection and you can see here now that we're able to connect to the voicemail but there's still one more thing that i want to check let's look for let's make sure that the directory lookup works user one is right there it shows them as as offline for now and now they're coming online we can see they're available and then let's look for user two here they are they show is available uh let's see if we can say anything to the other person and they can receive it okay it went that direction let's say a response back but what happens if i try to call voicemail right now enter your pin followed by pound user two doesn't show as being on a call and let's see if if user one will look like they're on a call and they don't right so now there was something that we would have to look into to see why the presence isn't being shared and if we log into the i am in presence there is a sip trunk that we created in our previous video but if you remember we had never applied it anywhere so the question now would be like well what was the point of that that sip trunk why did we why did we make that and you can see here there's a cucm i am in presence published trunk and right here imp sip trunk let's hit save on that now i don't remember if we need to sign out of the jabra client again give me just a moment here i'm going to get them side by side okay so we have them side by side again let's go ahead and see if it changes now yeah so you can see now that user one shows us on a call and let's go ahead and test if user two will show us on a call enter your pin so now we have unidirectional uh presence followed by pound all right and this is the last issue i promise let's hop back over to the cucm and we'll go to device phone and the device that we're logged into is the csf user two so let's go on to that line and now remember we talked about this previously now let's scroll down to the bottom and we have to write here users associated with line we need to associate an end user and let's associate user two add selected and then now that says update successful i'm going to hit apply config let's minimize that and let's go back and check it one more time look over here it's updating right you see that that was updating the status and just to be sure let's make sure user 1 status still updates as well all right and so now we'll go ahead and close this video out we'll say that we've fully integrated our item and presence with the unit with the cucm and we've got jabber to where it can connect to unity connection we've got this the ability to to ping each other between the two different workstations we've also got the ability to see each other's presence status whether or not we're on a call or if we are away like let's see status away changes over here status do not disturb so the presence and everything is good i hope there was something of value for you in this video and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Patrick Kinane
Views: 840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, ccie, ccnp, lab, home lab, study, labeveryday, collab, collaboration, tutorial, how to build a home lab, topology, cucm, jabber, imp, cuc, uccx, expressway, mra, cube, windows, vm, deploy, iso, ova, datastore, ntp server, ntp server on router, ntp master, ntp source, install, ccm, callmanager, voip tutorial for beginners, voip phone system, voip, voice, 350-801 CLCOR, 300-810 CLICA, 300-815 CLACCM, 300-820 CLCEI, 300-835 CLAUTO, cisco systems, cisco ccna certification, cisco ccna, ccie collaboration
Id: IoPA0oOrgHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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