A young woman asks a stranger to take her picture, then has more odd requests... | What In the World

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[Music] boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what can you take my photo um well i don't have a camera that's okay uh [Music] uh thanks uh we're just here [Music] okay my parents died here [Music] hmm my parents died here just on this spot ah it was a car wreck my mother was behind the wheel so i'm told so that's why the photo and why i'm not smiling of course recently no i was a baby so after all this i was sent away you know the story foster home after foster home and each one a little bit more brutal than the last unfortunately and now i live miles and miles away but i've known about this spot for a while because actually if you ask the police they'll tell you really do you live nearby just in the village hmm [Music] oh dear no sorry oh sorry it just doesn't feel right and i'm wasting your afternoon no no it's okay no i'm i'm wasting all your time no it's fine no you're being so kind and i'm frittering away all your time really i'm not busy that's just as well there's no one else to take the picture right i live in a convent that means i'll be a nun sister abigail lets you take one last trip before you fully commit to the habit so you can make right ready sure you're happy with the idea because a lot of girls think they are and actually they can't let go i may never come back here so i just want to get it right sister abigail left me the camera that's nice oh thank you let's try one like this come a touch that way right yep perfect okay great [Music] what's wrong what are you doing i'm reenacting my mother at the unfortunate moment i can't just take a photo it's not the seaside it's not a fate i never knew my mother so i thought maybe i could try and know what she felt does that sound silly oh but i'm sorry if i spoke to you no it's fine i know what's coming now okay shoot when ready and then i pinky swear promise i'll let you go [Music] hey sorry um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] pick one just hold on just pick one just give me a second okay now pick one just don't do that don't do that what if we just like ask somebody oh come on no no no cause then we agreed on this i know but this is gonna be fun all right all right all right just pick one i could do it no i'll do it no no no i could do it you shouldn't do it right yeah let me do it switch will switch i don't want to switch it's fine i'll do it i'll do it no you should really let me do it i'm not going to let you it's a gentleman thing i got it okay abby [Applause] do i look fearful enough um yes hair up or hair down what i i don't really i don't know let's try both for posterity right [Music] maybe you could just come up smoosh closer okay i'll just oh no you're good where you were back sorry what is that heavenly music oh you like it yes very much [Music] so much better bit of atmosphere should we go again uh sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect perfect thank you for your patience uh what no um well i hope it's um hope it helps yes i hope to oh no yes my uh my partner she also um uh yeah not a car not in a car but uh it was um recent so i do um i do understand i can't really uh look at the stuff so um i'm gonna take it to uh her parents hmm because they've got an attic so it's lots of fun i'll probably have to um i'll probably go there at the ladder [Music] myself because her father's got a bad um back but it'd be okay it's okay it's okay there's thank you thanks [Music] [Music] and the oscar goes to my god what did he say nothing oh come on tell me no nothing no he said something told me no nothing tell me what did he say nothing whoa god damn [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 304,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what in the world, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: -LW0DkdqggU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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