What If You Were Never Loved?

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Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin! There’s nothing like Valentine’s Day to let you feel the pain of being alone. *sigh* Why’d you have to go off searching for that magical microphone? I haven’t heard from you in weeks! Huh? Could it be!? Oh, hey Triangle Bob. You don’t have a date for Valentine’s Day either? Well, You know what that means! Pity Party at an All You Can Eat sushi restaurant until we can’t function! Haha! Hooray! Whether it’s the friendly kind, the familial kind, or the romantic kind, times like these get me thinking of what life would be like if you never were loved at all. I love being dramatic for science! As it turns out, receiving love seems to have a significant impact on your life and development. A 2010 study from the Duke University Medical School found that the love and affection that you get early on in life can positively affect you later on. Following 500 people from when they were infants until they were in their 30s, the researchers saw that when babies had very affectionate and attentive mothers, they were more likely to grow up to be happier, more resilient, and less anxious. On the reverse side of things, a review in Scientific American talked about how children who were starved of individual attention and grew up in deprived environments had higher cortisol levels than those who lived with their parents. A lot of this was attributed to the lack of physical contact. You see, physical affection is actually really important for humans. This doesn't need to be super intimate or anything. I don’t wanna get demonetized. Even just a good hug can go a long way! In fact, hugging is known to be a very comforting and communicative type of touch. Triangle Bob, did you make the restaurant's mop your girlfriend again? You know what, go ahead and hug her! I won’t get in the way of love! According to healthline, it’s been said that you need at least 4 hugs a day at a bare minimum to get your requirements for physical affection, with 8 or more hugs being what you should aim for. Basically, the more hugs, the better! You know, unless the person you’re hugging has a bad case of BO. Ha! Just kidding. I don’t have a nose, so I can’t actually smell anything. Can’t really feel anything either? Is life just a simulation? Boy, this spicy tuna roll is really hitting me hard! For my IRL peeps, there are a bunch of benefits from getting hugs on the regular. As an example, one 2014 study reported that receiving hugs might help boost your immune system, lowering your susceptibility to infectious diseases. Another study published in 2018 found that when people received hugs that they were less affected by interpersonal conflict. What’s cool is that the positive effects weren’t dependent on the gender of the hugger or if the hug had a familial, platonic, or romantic context. And while hugging can have a bunch of different contexts, kissing — which is far more tied to romance — also has been linked to a slew of benefits. It might help boost your immune system, help you relieve stress, and may even offer some relief for menstrual cramps. So, putting this all together, it looks like never receiving love — especially the physical kind — would likely have a detrimental impact on your life. my question to you is, do you think love is important to living a happy life, or are you someone who just doesn’t need it. Heck, some people don’t even want it, that’s just the way they're wired baby! If you're comfortable with sharing, lemme know in the comment section below! Why do i feel like a special announcement is about to happen? Hmm? *window shatter* Oh what’s this? Was i finally invited to super anime sword fighters ultimate? *blocko mumbles* penpals *blocko continues to mumble* Wow! It’s even better than a copyrighted video game franchise! It’s a tour! Yes, you heard that right! I'm going on a multi city tour with some of my other YouTube friends from all over, and we're playing drawing games together live on stage! Hence the name pen pals! We have Emirichu, Illymation, Gingerpale, and Coolman Coffeedan! Technically my friend Pat is hosting, but he sounds just like me, so i'm sure it's gonna be okay. I'll be backstage watching the whole thing happen! We're hitting these cities right over here! You should get tickets right away before they sellout! You get to control what we draw because it's improv! Anything can happen, and no show is going to be the same! I am so excited to be there with my animator friends and i hope to see you there! As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking! Circlia i miss you! Come home!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 1,013,360
Rating: 4.9305725 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, edutainment videos, blocko, blocko life noggin, science, educational, explainer, love, valentines day, valentine day, relationships, relationship, hugging, hearts, valentines, cupid, cupid's arrow, be mine, forever alone, never loved, broken heart, broken hearts, break ups, penpals, illymation, emirichu, gingerpale, coolmancoffeedan
Id: ZGo-zN_tRcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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