What Being Bullied Actually Does To You

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HEY THERE! Welcome to Life Noggin! Oh it’s an apple tree? Huh Well ya learn something new every day! Triangle Bob and I have a complicated relationship. You see, back then, he used to bully me. But lately, I’ve been the one kind of making fun of him. I think it’s about time we break that cycle. What do you say, Triangle Bob, are you ready to hash things out? Oh, right, you can’t talk. Animator, can you help me out here? did you have to electrocute me first? What!? I can talk!? I can finally talk! Lawnmower! DING DING! Skeleton Banjo! I wanna say so many things! Okay okay okay! Let’s stick to bullying for now. You can rant to me later! Bullying is defined by the American Psychological Association as “a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.” I think it’s safe to say we’re both guilty of this. Yeah. I know I am. In the United States, about 20 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 18 reported being bullied at school in 2015,, while 16 percent reported being bullied online. Bullying can take many forms. It can be done verbally through insults, taunts or threats; socially by affecting their relationships or reputation through rumors or public embarrassment; physically through actions hurting the target or their possessions; or electronically through texts, emails and social media.,, Cyberbullying comes with unique challenges., Because the internet is open 24/7, attacks can come at any time of day. And things posted online – such as pictures, hurtful words, or false profiles – are mostly permanent, public and can affect college admissions or employment. People who bully usually hold more power than their target through their strength, status, or intelligence.,,, They are typically categorized as either well connected to their peers and are concerned with maintaining their social status, or isolated from their peers with low self-esteem. Triangle Bob, which one were you? I guess I was kind of a mix of both. I had a lot of friends, but was always afraid that people wouldn’t like some part of me, and, well, my home life wasn’t so great, which is pretty common among kids who bully. They often experience neglect or are themselves being bullied by parents or siblings. Due to feeling shame from their own experiences, they might develop defense mechanisms like aggression. Targets of bullying often do worse in school and are more likely to skip or drop out. They are also more likely to experience depression or anxiety, develop behavior problems, and even begin bullying others. Which is I guess what happened to me. I started making fun of you to make myself feel better about getting bullied and, wow, uh, I'm sorry dude. I’m sorry too. I’m also sorry I ate all your pizza bagels. Wait. Wait what? You what? When? Hold on! Luckily, psychologists have been developing bullying prevention programs that focus on improving school and home environments, which have reduced reports of bullying by as much as 50 percent. And kids themselves can help by reporting incidences to adults, not reward bullies for their actions, and make a conscious effort to not bully back. For cyberbullying, there are apps that make the user reconsider sending an offensive message, and other apps which let students report bullying anonymously. Parents can also set boundaries on technology through software and apps that block websites or even alert them when cyberbullying occurs, and it never hurts to be mindful of the things you're saying online. While these methods are promising, they require active participation from everyone, to kids and adults, but if we all play our roles, maybe one day bullying will become a thing of the past. Oh no. Triangle Bob. Oh! You okay buddy!!! Oh! You look hurt. I’m gonna come down and help now. Okay? Gimmie one sec. We gotta work on the clumsy thing next. Okay? Oh boy. Here we go! So do you wanna see me do another episode with Triangle Bob? What should we talk about next? Let me know right now in the comment section below. Curious to know why this bizarre condition makes you look young forever? Check out this video! While these children will typically be normal sized at birth, they don't physically age like their peers. They may be shorter with a rounder, younger looking face because the growth of their facial and long bones is delayed. As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 2,596,820
Rating: 4.9285402 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, life noggin youtube, youtube life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, blocko, Effects Of Bullying, dear blocko, Bullying, Bullying at school, Bully, high school, anti-bullying, antibully, online bulling, end bullying, stnad up to bullying, Michael Reeves, Triangle Bob, animation, Effects Of Cyberbullying, bullied
Id: kg9myZokj_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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