What If The USA And Russia Went To War?

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so today we're going to be taking a look at a scenario where the usa and russia go to war now i have already done this video technically but i'm going to be redoing it since i have gathered more knowledge about the two countries uh global alliances and relationships and stuff like that so with this new knowledge i'll be recreating the situation and making it more realistic if you will and uh there is going to be some factors taken into account such as nato not being allowed to be activated and china not being on the side of russia but those are just the two main factors for this video so russia and the united states will be going to war there will be no nuclear bombs involved because that typically ruins the scenarios if you guys enjoy this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new that really helps me out and tells me that you guys are supporting these videos it lets me know what i should post on youtube what kind of area i should focus on if it should be like broader topics like world war three or more focused topics such as the korean war stuff like that so subscribing liking the video really lets me know what you guys want to see and what i should post so anyway let's go ahead and get right into the scenario now my previous usa versus russia video was kind of at the beginning of my mapping career so i was still getting into it and kind of figuring stuff out now obviously i'm a lot more experienced in it so i can make these scenarios a little bit more realistic although that usually isn't really the goal how will this war actually start i'm not too sure it could technically evolve out of ukraine but that would kind of lead nato into the war so it's gonna have to happen a different way so let's start like this let's go ahead and say that putin was assassinated and the russian government is putting the blame on the united states the usa denies all allegations although there was some evidence that the usa could have done it therefore we have the russian federation declaring war on the united states of america now this would provoke nato and uh like i said in the beginning i will not be bringing nato into this war so we're going to kind of assume that nato has been dissolved in some sort of way but just knowing that if this were to happen in real life nato would respond and russia would get you know screwed over so anyway with the united states at war with russia and then of course russia being the aggressor we have the usa's closest allies getting involved so canada the uk and france all declare war on russia in favor of the united states so now we have three world powers involved the united states the uk and france so here we have four world powers in a war three on the side of the usa and then of course russia so this will be an interesting war it will be a bloody conflict and um it's gonna be an interesting one uh this is the first like global world war since world war two obviously there's not a world war three yet so it's modern and it's going to be interesting uh nuclear bombs putting aside those will not be used and we have our first broad modern conflict as i said so anyway with this development we have the navies of these countries getting involved and mostly pushing over towards the black sea now turkey is a nato member but like i said nato has kind of been put aside in this video they are still more of a u.s ally than they are a russian ally so they let u.s ships into the straits of turkey and into the black sea so for now we're looking at naval power that looks like this we have russia having almost complete majority control over the black sea other than turkey who has led the us into these areas then of course we have the us allies of bulgaria and romania outflowing their coast to the usa and then moving on up north we have the baltic sea which is surrounded by us allies and then we have russia controlling this trade right here then kaliningrad i'm not really sure how this would work but i'm assuming russia would have some naval well definitely it would definitely have naval problems here this is like russia's only warm water port so they would definitely have more navy here but yeah we're looking at naval areas to look like this air force i usually don't go into because that's kind of weird to map out eventually though we do have russia calling some allies into the war so we have belarus which is russia's number one ally and pretty much their only ally for being honest then of course we have iran who i mean typically is just grouped with russia for simplicity reasons iran loves the russian government hates the usa government so why not take it upon themselves to join the war on the side of the russians other russian allies include mongolia kazakhstan and central asia but these countries really wouldn't contribute much to this war so i'm going to be leaving them out just because what would they do what would they gain and uh obviously they would lose a lot we also have armenia who probably wouldn't join the war just because you know they're surrounded by us allies turkey sword of azerbaijan and georgia then over here we have serbia one join they are completely surrounded by us allies there's literally every country that border serbia is a us ally so yeah we are looking at this and for now this is what it's gonna look like but let's go ahead and just speed up time and kind of get more countries involved so we can actually have some fighting now ukraine i'm not really sure how this would go with the whole invasion thing but let's just go ahead and assume that russia fully occupies ukraine in this timeline this would be a pretty big step for russia because they have control over all these eastern european lands and uh would really give them a bigger front against nato if that were to exist and eventually the united states when they get other countries involved and speaking of said countries we actually have poland joining this war and this is simply because the polish government does not like the russian government and uh poland has been building up their military recently so they are definitely a fourth to be reckoned with and they're gonna go ahead and join this war on the side of the usa in order to combat russia we also have germany joining another major u.s ally and then i don't really see any other countries at this point getting involved so with this we actually have russia prepared for this invasion and we have russian troops pushing across the belarusian and ukrainian borders and down from kaliningrad now poland was ready for this war but we do have to factor the fact that russia has a ginormous army just like the usa about 1 million personnel each with this taken into account for and poland's lower number of personnel we can assume that the russians would make some sort of progress in the poland it would definitely would not be going as smoothly as ukraine if you would even call it smooth because they are struggling very clearly um logistics wise i think this is a full-scale war so they would be you know more logical about it and uh supply-wise they would be fine you know belarus ukraine you can just move things there although ukrainian supply lines would be in danger of being sabotaged obviously because ukraine has not been fully indexed at this point so overall russia would have sort of a easy time at first not really the polish army is a strong army um eventually they would be pushed back by obviously the western powers but for now they are pushing into poland and they are seeing success in doing so so russian troops splits through poland and pushed towards warsaw now would they actually be able to blitz through poland like this most likely not we were talking about the united states and then of course we're talking about france germany and poland all have big armies i mean other than germany the uk would be a better better word for germany so those four countries have big armies and then russia obviously also has a huge army so when factoring all this together the blue team would have the advantage and the red team would have the disadvantage as they are invading these countries but taking a look back and looking into a global perspective i think that the majority of the world would denounce russia here they attack the united states and then of course the united states has tons of allies all throughout the world in the americas in europe in southern asia now the u.s navy is the largest navy in the world so it's safe to say that they would be able to push back the russian navy now the second largest navy also goes to united states because if you were to recommission all museum ships you would also have the second largest navy in the world so the usa is kind of good in the seas so the usa gaining complete control over the black sea and also pushing back the russian navy up towards klinegrad we have us forces taking over the gulf of finland while down south in poland we have troops pushing up and pushing back the russians we do have lots of stalemates on the border of klinegrad as this is a heavily fortified area tons of russian troops there and uh it would be very hard to invade but over in eastern poland we do have the us army and european armies pushing back russia they eventually cross over into ukraine and up north into belarus in the middle east we have a separate us campaign that is to take over iran so we have u.s forces landing in the south of iran and pushing up into the persian region now conventional warfare in modern times is a little bit different than what used to be obviously as we're seeing with ukraine russia is just mainly you know pushing towards cities and capturing them now since the usa is a superior force over the iranian force we have the usa doing a similar tactic as we are seeing in ukraine basically u.s forces are just pushing out and cutting off large areas all overall pushing towards the iranian capital of tehran now introducing a new factor into my war scenario videos we have support countries now i actually want to take that back it's not a completely new thing i used to do it but it's got its own color now so in this kind of turquoise color we have us support countries as of now this includes turkey saudi arabia the uae and over in europe we also have some support countries such as bulgaria and romania italy portugal and spain norway and the baltic countries and once again assuming that nato isn't really a thing or is somehow not active as it is in real life i don't really know how to explain it but just assuming that nato kind of exists but also doesn't uh we have these main nato countries supporting the united states now in support of russia we do have some countries and uh they're gonna be represented by this darkish kind of brown color we have china of course mongolia north korea central asia and armenia over in america we also have venezuela and cuba now with supported countries being acknowledged this would kind of set off a chain revenge of countries supporting the country because their enemies are supporting the other and uh this could evolve into a world war three if you wouldn't consider that this already so colombia becomes a support country israel becomes a support country as well as oman and south korea now at another turn of events we actually have japan declaring war on russia kind of ignoring their constitution and uh they're joining with the u.s forces in order to open up another front in eastern russia now taking such a thing into account we have the u.s pacific fleet over here in japan who is holding down the areas around japan and of course defending off against the russian navy now i'm not really sure about the icy iciness in this area this could be taking place in the summer could be taking place in the winter probably both assuming that you know this would take years i'm not really going to factor in the environment um that's just extra unnecessary steps this is just a broad kind of thing over the navy nothing serious like that anyway we have the u.s pacific fleet pushing back the russian navy over here in the east and eventually we have the usa and japan achieving naval superiority over this region with this we have american and japanese troops making a landing in southern russia and here they kind of just blitz through and evade up towards siberia after a campaign into northern russia we eventually have the force of stopping as it is getting kind of impossible to invade this area we have a few us landings over here on this peninsula but other than that the us and japan really just kind of hold the grounds knowing this russia doesn't really send any more forces over here and mainly starts to focus on their eastern european front back down in iran we have u.s forces pushing out and capturing over their encircled areas from here their push up towards tyron is expanded and eventually they push up and capture the city which leads to an even greater collapse of iran and eventually the surrender of the country over in belarus we see blue teams push out and capture minsk and down south we see the blue team push into ukraine eventually we have troops pushing in and capturing klingrad which lets the us atlantic fleet take over the areas surrounding it continuing on we have blue team forces pushing back into ukraine the capital of kiev is captured and overall a liberation front is created in ukraine which leads to the full liberation of the country from here it goes pretty similar to my other videos we have blue team forces pushing into russia some naval enemies are made off the black sea which allows for a pretty quick annexation of southern russia up north we see another landing made towards santa petersburg which captures the city and eventually we have the entire front connected so russia is obviously you know not in favor of this war taking a look at real statistics you can even go to global firepower that website i use it a lot um usa is ranked number one russia number two china number three and um comparing russia to the usa alone the usa has the upper advantage nukes new amount of nukes never matters i just see some people bring it up in the comments a lot like well russia has more nukes nuclear problems don't matter a nuclear war between the usa and russia will just end the world over radiation so anyway uh yeah like i said with all the blue team combined this is enough to overthrow russia eventually the blue team cuts off southern russia from russia they push down and capture all these areas and we have forces pushing up into russia and with a weakened russian government logistics and supply running low for the country we do see that spearhead thing that i was talking about earlier started to take place forces pushed up and cut off north russia from the rest of russia looking at this it's kind of weird because they're really rounded um the thing i used rounded brush obviously so obviously don't think that they're this round in real life or this would happen this is just it looks kind of weird but uh yeah we see a lot of these spearheads poking out and most notably we have these two spearheads which are pushing up towards moscow speaking of said city we have those two spearheads eventually meeting at the gates of moscow and uh i've done the battle of moscow two times already so if you want to see a more in-depth invasion you can go watch my other videos i'm not sure what they are at the top of my head but you should be watching my videos anyway anyway moscow is captured and with this we're left with a rusher that looks something like this so this was the modern warfare i was talking about i know spearheads and encirclements were a thing of world war ii as well but modernized they are a lot more effective and a proficient so assuming that uh the us is able to pull us off we see these encirclements in spearheads all throughout russia so assuming that these encircled areas are all captured eventually we'd have the seeding of northern russia obviously as the russian troops are losing moral and ukraine right now imagine how they would feel in this scenario eventually we have the russian government either being overthrown or finally surrendering and with that we come to the conclusion of this video so taking a look at this peace treaty here we have a pretty passive peace treaty in my opinion compared to what i usually do so let's just go ahead and start over in russia which has the most obvious kind of worst thing that could have happened to them and that is russia just being divided up into six different republics uh misspoke there maybe not republics maybe um kind of like how germany was treated in world war ii afterwards maybe they're divided up into four different areas controlled by different countries but for now russia is just divided we have iran becoming iraq and being a puppet of the united states ukraine is fully independent again we have them getting back crimea and some lands out of belarus and russia poland gets pre-world war two lands back so this little panhandle thing that had going up towards uh latvia that is uh no longer in existence i don't know if it went up that far or not is either something like that i don't know but the old polish borders were pretty cool they were like over here like that speaking of belarus they get uh a new government and then of course we have japan to get back to older lands so we have all these islands and then this large island i'm the worst i'm remembering things i'm also the worst at pronouncing and spelling so if you ever see me just saying northern russia southern russia it's because i forgot the name or because i don't know either or but yeah this is now japan and yeah so that's going to do it for my i guess newer russia versus united states video this is a more modern video than my older video i already stated why i redid it in the beginning and uh i guess this is more accurate if you will anyway um thank you guys for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new like i said in the beginning subscribing to the channel lets me know what i should do what i should post all that kind of stuff so if you enjoyed this video leave a like on it if you think i should do more videos like this subscribe to the channel thank you guys once again for watching and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 71,738
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Keywords: what if scenario, united states, what if, us military, usa vs russia, nato vs russia, what if the usa and russia went to war, nato, usa, russia, usa vs russia military power 2022, ukraine, us ukraine, europe, what if the usa, war scenario, map, mapper, mapping, maps, geography, cartography, alternative future, alternative history, world war, ww1, ww2, ww3, world war 3, adizzpro, adizzpro ww3, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, pwa, mr spherical, althistoryhub, russia vs ukraine
Id: i_xBfBgwIq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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