What If India Made An Empire In 2021?

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hello everyone and today we're gonna be looking at a scenario where india creates an empire now i haven't really done much with india in any of my videos so i think it's about time we do something with it if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new also remember this video is not supposed to be realistic now i know that there are risk factors when making this video because there's a lot of nations around india that don't like india and particularly this one but just remember that this video is only for fun and i'm going to be highlighting india here so they're going to be doing very well as opposed to what they would be doing in the real world so just keep that in mind let's go ahead and get started so in this video we're going to be having india represented by the color red and everyone that india goes to war with will be represented by blue so this takes place in 2021 like i said this is kind of a series now where i'm creating empires in 2021 and india is a massive place it has lots of people lots of military lots of technology and it's going to be doing very well in this video so the first thing that india does is create an empire and obviously for that you're going to need a monarch so they like the monarch and he's put into power with that obviously pakistan and china aren't going to be too happy about this but they're not going to be declaring war because that would just kind of not be fair also concerning kashmir we're just going to ignore that completely now you might say that this map is wrong you might say that it's right it doesn't matter this is the map that i have downloaded this is the best map that i can have so the first thing that india's new empire does is declare war on sri lanka now sri lanka is really close to india so they easily managed to make a landing on the island and start to push in eventually they capture the capital and the island surrenders and just like that india has already started to expand its empire from here india starts to look at its smaller neighbors such as nepal bhutan and bangladesh and decided to go to war with bangladesh simply to better connect their two halves now bangladesh is a very heavily populated area and i'm pretty sure that india would not be able to go to war with bangladesh without some other nations being involved but like i said this video is going to be tilted towards india's favor so no one else is going to be getting involved india starts to push in from the west and starts to breeze through the country eventually after the coast of the country is taking they surrender so from here we can see india is definitely expanding and they're doing oh my god so india's next target is once again going to be a smaller nation this time it's going to be nepal now depaul is a very mountainous nation and i am no way saying that this is going to be easy for india this is probably going to be one of their toughest challenges so far they're going to have to manage to get in through all the mountains and probably like seek out armies in the mountains and stuff like that so this is gonna take a long time so india starts a very slow push into nepal at the same time they also create another army to go to war with bhutan so now we have india invading two very small nations and uh yeah they're small but they're like a fortress also my background is completely finished as you can see very nice we have lots lots of stuff on the shelf uh drinks yes so i'm gonna go ahead and skip ahead a little bit just because the invasion of these nations is going to be a little bit boring but like i said remember there's mountains there so this did not take a brief amount of time this took a long time once again we have total annexation so india is not making any puppets you're not making any vassals or anything like that they're just fully annexing these areas now obviously with india's influence growing china is not going to be too happy with this and war might be imminent luckily for india though the tibetan plateau exists and basically the himalayas as well so invading through these areas is pretty much impossible for either side india starts to focus its attention to the east and looks at myanmar after gathering their armies they go to war so india can take advantage of a lot of these smaller and weaker nations burma is probably going to be their second strongest country so far i'm probably going to put bangladesh in front of them just because of the population of bangladesh is like 200 million but myanmar is a relatively poor nation so india is easily able to push in to the poorly equipped army's territory in order to kind of counter india's expansion thailand decides to join in on india's side now what they're trying to do here is to help out india and make them seem like an ally which is their ultimate goal they want to become an ally of india so they don't really have to get invaded by them so they start their invasion to help out india eventually the two sides meet up and burma surrenders so when the peace treaty is drawn this is what we come up with now thailand obviously is going to get some land for helping out and india is going to be taking a little bit more than thailand just because they started the war but yeah these are the borders we end up with and with that we have the kind of formation of siam now they don't have all their territory that they used to have but it's a good bit of territory so i think they can officially convert over to siam and they join a new alliance with india now india's allies are going to be represented by the color of dark red now india faces a large large challenge and that is where do they go next if they move north they're going to be going to war with china and if they move to the west they're going to be going to war with pakistan and ultimately china so either way they're going to be having to fight china so after much preparing and lots and lots of training and preparing recruiting all that stuff india declares war on china now obviously this is a pretty significant war uh india and china are now pretty much matched when it comes to statistics so it's going to be interesting during this war we also have taiwan that decides to rebel and joins in on india's side now concerning pakistan china and pakistan have a pretty good relationship so if this would happen in real life then pakistan would definitely join in on china's side but since this is in real life and this is tilted towards india's favor they're not going to be joining in anyway like i said mountains are a thing and the mountains span just about here so there's gonna be no front movement over here but mountains do not exist over here so india decides to push in from myanmar thailand also helps out in this war and starts to push into southern china from here both the allies push into southern china and make lots of progress eventually china's army is fully mobilized and they start to push back india and siam in addition to their main front india also makes another front over here in kashmir it starts to push into china after lots of fighting india manages to push further into chinese territory as well up north into the northern territory at this time northwestern china falls completely to india as they kind of help the people here rise up against china eventually india makes a campaign to go along the coast of china which will hopefully make them discuss surrender they capture macau and hong kong and push up the chinese coast around this time though china does make a pretty decent counter-offensive as they push back india over here in the south but it isn't that important as they're taking a lot of their cities and industrial areas and eventually china decides to surrender in order to stop this war and stop india from getting any more land so when taking a look at a peace treaty here now india didn't get as much land as they originally wanted to but this is good for them because china has been pushed back behind the mountains so if they were to ever go to war again then india wouldn't have to worry about those mountains instead they'd have to worry about a desert and now we can see a red blob starting to form on this map we also have china's recognition of taiwanese independence so that's another country in the world and india puppet slash vassals tibet now there's only really one more place india can expand to and that's the west now a lot of people are going to hate me for this which is fine i don't really care if you hate me but this is india's video this isn't pakistan's video so india and pakistan are going to be going to war there will be no nuclear bombs in this war there will also be no allies so siam isn't helping out india and none of the middle eastern countries are helping out pakistan once again remember this video is just for fun and let's go ahead and start the war now pakistan isn't a place to be taken too lightly there is a lot of army and there's a lot of people that are willing to fight for the country there same for india so this war is going to be very brutal first thing that we have happening is india pushing up and capturing the kashmir claims from here india starts to push into southern pakistan taking over a lot of their coastal cities from here we have pakistan making a small push into india but ultimately we have india winning more battles here as they take more and more pakistani land eventually pakistan is kicked out of india and india starts to push in on all sides once again this is tilted towards india's favor it probably wouldn't play like this in real life anyway india completely cuts off pakistan from the coast and starts to near towards islamabad eventually the city is taken as the army starts to flee back finally india captures all of the country now there was no terms of surrender sent by the pakistani government they never surrendered india just annexed them and he is also going to be having to deal with a lot of pop-up rebellions in the pakistani territory so this isn't going to be too easy for them to hold on to so taking a look at the final peace treaty of this video we have india winning and a public being set up in pakistan now i realize that india looks kind of weird because i made it go like this which is odd but it's their borders now and we have an overall new superpower in the world we have india taking over pretty much all the indian subcontinent other than a little bit of afghanistan and yeah like i said new superpower now i'm not really sure how this new empire would correlate with other empires around the world so it would be an interesting world to look at i want you guys to please be respectful in the comments of this video if you guys see people with differing opinions then just respect their opinion and move on don't try to engage anyone if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new that really helps me out thank you guys for watching and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 207,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian empires, indian history, history of india, what if india made an empire in 2021, what if india was an empire, india, india mapping, map, mapper, maps, mapping, geography, cartography, history, alternative future, adizzpro, drew durnil, geo facts, oversimplified, india 2021, india vs pakistan, india vs china, alternate history, world map
Id: SBQtgcDblzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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