What If Spiders Had Wings?

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okay what am I looking at it's a fly - a flying spider you know this is a Photoshop right flying spiders aren't real but what if they were here we go again hmm maybe not all spiders that might be a bit too terrifying we probably have to just burn down the whole ecosystem and start over again or never go outside ever but then we'd have to find better ways to keep them from getting inside - I mean they already get in anyways now there'd be more of them spider nets I don't know if that would work spiders are too crafty like jumping spiders they can solve obstacle courses and make plans that would make Ocean's eleven blush they're also surprisingly cute you know for spiders any way you look at it a new mutation to all spiders would have massive consequences on the ecosystems that they exist in already what if there was a specific breed of spider that could fly using wings let's make up an ecosystem at Jungle Island because all the worst spiders live in the jungle like the Brazilian Wandering Spider or the Goliath bird-eating spider you know that spider that eats birds let's call our jungle island Spider land eeeh now it needs an ecosystem thick forest green canopies lots of places for bugs to live yeah that works animals let's generalize lemurs jaguars snakes bats parrots yeah that sounds right now add in the flying spiders what would that do well these new spiders could set up webs wherever they wanted to treetop website wait those exist already how about webs between trees or even bigger webs wait a bit with these spiders b-but they get too big they couldn't get that big and keep flying right what's the biggest insect oh wait the Japanese horn is about as big as my hand I don't know if I can deal with a flying spider that large what would these spiders eat anyways bugs for the spiders they even probably eat rats or Birds hang on how big they got maybe they wouldn't even see if there are flying species they probably stick to higher up in the jungle canopies no reason to go skittering around the ground after all not worth getting eaten by another predator what kind of wings would they even have not butterfly wings not fly wings maybe something like dragonfly wings that sounds right the Dobson fly has wings like that and it's almost as big as an adult face move that's worse than the Hornet since they can fly they may not even use webs to catch their prey maybe they'd be more like jumping spiders or tarantulas and prey on targets they can get a jump on they could attack their prey from above jump down bite into the back of creatures and what about the effects these spires would have on the local ecosystem well some of their prey would develop defenses against them no doubt camouflage sensory developments to warn them if a spider was coming the placement of their eyes may even change over time to give them a better view of above if they're an insect maybe some of the local flora would even evolve to prey on them flypaper traps that would dissolve flying spiders that's terrifying I'm glad I made this up wait there is that one spire that collides after a home well I guess I can handle colliding spiders it's not like spiders can just let out strands of silk and fly away on the wind wait spiders do that it's called ballooning so there are spiders that fly already huh well I guess I don't get to sleep tonight after all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brew
Views: 902,719
Rating: 4.9408026 out of 5
Keywords: solved mysteries, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, investigation, investigate, theory, mysteries unsolved, mysteries solved, solved mystery, spiders, arachnophobia, insects, animation, cartoon, what if, what if spiders could fly, what if spiders had wings, flying spiders, spiders ballooning
Id: 7tKWz4BvZTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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