WHAT IF? Season 2 Episode 7 BREAKDOWN - THOR and MCU EASTER EGGS You Missed!

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I implore you show mercy on me I'm just a helpless woman thanks to brilliant.org for sponsoring this video What If season 2 episode 7 gave us a whole new take on the goddess of death daughter of Odin sister of Thor Hela oh I've missed this so we need to break down all the Easter eggs references and the little things you might have missed so as the episode opens we hear mention of how Odin and Hela brought peace to the nine Realms something we got a closer look at in Thor Ragnarok when we learned that Odin's methods of bringing peace was far from peaceful and that his Empire of Harmony was built on blood we also got a shot of this mural that we saw in Ragnarok that featured Hela at Odin's side but in Ragnarok we saw that that mural had been covered up after her banishment proud to have it shamed of how he got it you see in the main MCU Odin banished Hela to hell for her refusal to accept that their killing days were over this episode gave us our first first look at how that altercation between Hela and Odin went down and it was very similar to how Thor and Odin's altercation went down in the first Thor movie when Odin banished Thor to Earth and stripped him of his power it even took place in the same room this alternate universe where Odin sent Hela to Earth instead of Hell mirrored that first Thor film even more so by having Odin utter the same lines to Hela that he did to Thor I now take from you your power I now take from you your power in the name of my father and his father before name of my father and his father before I cast you out C you out here we can see Hela holding Muir which remember belonged to Hela before it did Thor and in that mural I mentioned a second ago we can see her wielding the hammer the same as we did in the Ragnarok mural we then see Hela throw the hammer at Odin and he catches it just like she caught it when Thor threw it at her her in Ragnarok he then proceeds to break the hammer just like Hela did in Ragnarok as well we then see Odin take hela's Crown just like he took Thor's hammer and he whispers to the crown the same command that he did to Muir whosoever wears this Crown should she know Mercy shall possess the power of Hela whosoever holds this Hammer if he be worthy shall possess the power of Thor and then like Thor we see Hela cast out of Asgard to Earth so we see hel's Crown crash land on Earth and leave a crater in the ground just like Thor's hammer did which we first saw in the post credit scene of Iron Man 2 we found it now to really understand how the Multiverse works you have to have a working knowledge of probability field Theory which I luckily do hey how'd you learn about the prob whatever the math stuff well because I spent 15 minutes a day doing math and science lessons to sharpen my brain with brilliant the sponsor of this video brilliant is great great for understanding big things like hurricanes or regular household items like how a toilet works all right don't even get me started special chairs and everybody uses the same chair brilliant is a great way to challenge myself to learn something new every day like science computer science or math I was a terrible Math and Science student in high school maybe you were too and I felt like as an adult I would never have the chance to learn those subjects but brilliant is great for understanding the world around us learning math is challenging but if I can learn math I can learn anything and learning is a lifelong skill you see with brilliant you learn how to think brilliant uses these fun lessons that make them a fun part of my morning routine I mean to learn anything you've got to do it Interactive Learning has proven to be six times more effective than passive learning like just watching videos these are fun short lessons that are built for busy people I especially love logic problems and nonlinear thinking puzzles and they're built more like games than classroom lessons you see you're not just memorizing formula or equations 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almost never originated on Earth take the Infinity Stones for example if you pick the right year there are three stones in New York so when Hela arrives to reclaim her crown it's pouring down rain recreating the same imagery of where Thor arrived at the shield base to reclaim his hammer in his first movie when Hela goes to use her crown she says that usually gets a bigger reaction this is in reference to Loki's line in the first Avengers movie when his scepter doesn't work on Tony Stark it's us Works Hela attempts to lift the hammer again and then lets out a big scream in the rain just like this scene from [Music] Thor wimu takes a liking to Hela and who can blame him it is Kate Blanchett after all and then we get the return of Morris what are you saying you know a way to get out of here we first met Morris in shangi he's a creature from Chinese myth called a hundun I hope I'm saying that right and we even got a call back to Morris being sensitive about his lack of a face where's his face he's a bit sensitive about that oh I'm sorry is that your sorry I was under the impression I was talking to your face like in shangi we see Morris help guide Hela to talo just like he did for Shan Tallow is an alternate Dimension that can be accessed via a portal on earth that is protected by a moving Maze of trees what happens if you don't stay in the pocket the forest eats Us in shangi we got this awesome caras scene in that Forest but in this episode of what if we got to see Hela recreate that scene on Horseback here we meet Zia who we can see performing what is essentially airbending like we have seen many times in the shangi film amongst the people of Tallow she is also dressed in identical clothing to Ying Lee Shang Chi's mother at the beginning of that movie with the green dress the hat and the mask and guys by the way I know Christmas just happened but if you are interested in checking out our merch store we've got lots of great stuff up on our store right now and it is a great way to support the channel so if you're interested in picking up any of our comic book movie or sci-fi movie inspired merch go to screencrush merch.com so when we cut to heimel back at Asgard we hear him say that Hela is no longer in his sight remember that hindel has the ability to observe all nine Realms from his post at Asgard but once Hela entered Tallow he was no longer able to see her I suppose that's because despite T being on Earth it exists within a realm outside of Earth and therefore is not one of the nine Realms now how that works in terms of Multiverse logic and whatever the rules are in the MCU I don't know because Marvel hasn't been super clear on what the difference is between dimensions and universes and how that all works with the Multiverse anyway when Hela wakes up in tul she sees the Flaming birds that I believe are called fans I'm probably saying that wrong I'm sorry so when Hela is complaining about her State of Affairs we hear her mention Odin's new girlfriend frga AKA Thor and Loki's mother also my dad has his new girlfriend frga she's dreadful woman and our post- production supervisor Harriet pointed out that hel's mentioned a fra being a new girlfriend could be highlighting the fact that FR is the one who made Odin change his barbaric ways now we knew that Hela and Loki weren't blood rated but now we have confirmation that Thor and Hela are only half siblings and then we get to see the dragon known as the great protector from the final battle in shangi and I love the look of respect on hela's face for that Veiled Threat because she too has a passion for giant creatures that can eat people I've missed you so when Odin learns that Hela is no longer detect Able by heimel he fears what great power could be shielding their view he then utters this line and our age of Peace might be shortlived showing us that while Odin may claim to be a seeker of Peace he is willing to perform great violence to make sure he is in charge of that peace no matter what the cost once again Shining Light on the irony that he created Hela to be what she is and then he shames her when she can't changed at the drop of a hat as Ella begins her training just like shangi did in his film she not only discovers that she she is physically capable of more than just her own bestowed Powers but she also has the ability to think on her own and choose her own destiny and life a great theme for a show about the Multiverse and Endless Possibilities finding infinite possibility in the blankest of canvases for all her life Hela was told who and what she would be it was never her own choice a theme shared by all of the Odin spawn Loki felt destined to be a god of mischief and we saw him break from that path in the season 2 finale of his own show at the end of Avengers ingame we saw Thor break from his feeling of a destined path to rule Asgard it's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be Odin made Hela who she is he says as much here that her purpose is destruction when comparing her path to that of her own wolf finis he means you no harm not yet but in time he is born with the heart of a fighter just like his mistress this scene reminded me of another Odin daughter Sylvie who was told by the TVA at a young age just like hello was there that she couldn't be what she wanted to be and she was then forced down a path of predetermined Destiny which again is the perfect theme for a show about the Multiverse and a saga about the Multiverse so like Loki Thor and Sylvie this what if Episode showed us Hela finally Breaking Free and being who she wanted to be and that person isn't an evil Tyrant so when Odin arrives on Earth to confront Hela he tries to take the tin Rings this is in reference to the many powerful artifacts that can be found in Odin's trophy room we see her done this red dress similar to the red dresses we saw here in shangi and guys I've been saying for a while now look I I love the character of Odin and I love Anthony Hopkins portrayal of the character but let's be clear he's got a checkered as past this man was a conqueror who murdered many many many people and yeah he mellowed out in his old age but this man was no saint and this episode actually showed us that side of Odin which was really cool to see I mean what did he do when he felt threatened by the fact that he could no longer spy on and control Hela what did he do when he found out that there might be a power in the Galaxy he had yet to make his own he loaded up and went to Earth ready to kill a lot of people Odin was responsible for the evil and the Darkness that had stained Hela and made her the villain we know and when we see Hela become worthy of her crown again we see her transformed into hella of the white and that White costume symbolizes the St pain and the sin placed on her by Odin's manipulation now washed away and she is getting to become her true self and here we also got a nam drop of Odin spear gungir we need to separate him from gungir now this weapon goes beyond the pages of the Marvel Comics and can often be found in Odin's grasp in many visual depictions of the Norse God yeah it's kind of my thing so as this episode closes we cut to the planet of Zen huri the home planet of gamor daughter of Thanos but of course we know that gamor is is actually thanos's adopted daughter in Avengers Infinity War we saw a flashback to when gamorra was a child and when Thanos conquered her planet in that scene he kneels down and presents to her this two-sided knife perfectly balanced as all things should be Thanos and gamora's relationship is almost identical to the dynamic between Hela and Odin a strong-willed tyrannical conqueror of a father hijacking the childhood of their daughter and turning them into something that they didn't want to be in the Mainline MCU gamor was fortunate enough to be able to break from Thanos but there are likely other universes where gamor suffered the same fat as Hela stayed loyal to her father because he had pushed her too far and then ended up being betrayed by her father after dedicating her life to him so I really love that in this universe a redeemed Hela is getting to save Gamora from ever even falling under the thumb of Thanos and when we heard that specific word used conquerors to describe people like oh and Thanos it made me wonder if this may also be a little hint that Hela is eventually going to go toe-to-toe with Kang the Conqueror I know this whole situation with Jonathan Majors it's making it to where it's very unlikely that we're ever going to see that character again but an animated take on the character and what if would be the perfect place to perhaps bring Kang back into play now before we go I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I enjoy getting to see more hel I love her I love her Kate blanchet's portrayal of the character was so good in Thor Ragnarok and I don't believe for a second that she's actually dead so I'd really like to see her return put her in the Multiverse Saga of the MCU and maybe even bring her in as hell of the white like we saw in this episode so there are all the Easter eggs I caught for season 2 episode 7 of what if let me know if I missed any down in the comments below and if you're new here be sure to subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Colton [Music] urn [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 118,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if? season 2 episode 7 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, what if episode 7, hela, what if? easter eggs, thor, odin, the 10 rings, mcu, what if breakdown, what if? season 2 episode 7 easter eggs, shang chi, hela the white, what if? ending explained, thanos, gamora, multiverse saga, kang, iron man
Id: 7412NAlq928
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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