WALKING DEAD: The Ones Who Live Episode 5 BREAKDOWN - Easter Eggs and ENDING EXPLAINED!

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hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and these are all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in The Walking Dead the ones who live episode 5 so we open with the return of Father Gabriel now Gabriel first appeared in season 5 episode 2 of the original series following the survivors encounter with the cannibals at Terminus I'm Gabriel do you have any weapons on you do it look like I would have any weapons Gabriel was also a character in The Walking Dead comics first appearing in issue 61 in the TV series Rick and Gabriel had a really rough start it took Rick a long time to trust Gabriel trust this guy and why do you trust him but over the years Gabriel became a core member of Rick's group and he earned Rick's trust and after Rick's fade at the bridge Gabriel stepped up big time and helped lead the group in Rick's absence we're a fair community of decent-minded people but we are not solved and that's not going to change today in this opening scene Gabriel is wielding his machete from the original series and wearing his same coat now a little later in the episode we'll see Jadis or an meet with Gabriel different times over a 3-year period and going to break down exactly what was going on in the original series at those different times including that mention of the whisperers the group we were in conflict with they compromised our walls and guys I have a special announcement to make we have this great new the walking Doug parody shirt up on our merch store screenrush merch.com featuring Doug walking me as a zombie inspired of course by Michonne's iconic chain Walker technique shopping our merch store is one of the best ways to directly support our Channel and we thank you very much for your support so back with Rick and Michonne as they make their way back home to Alexandria we hear the song Good Life by Frank sinatr so the lyrics of this song Echo Rick's dream state as we saw earlier in the season to escape his misery Rick would escape to his dream world and spend time with Carl and after Carl disappeared he would spend time with Michonne so when the song says it's the good life full of fun seem to be ideal let you hide all the sadness you feel this is in reference to Rick's Escape via dreaming and the line you won't really fall in love cuz you can't take a chance so be honest with yourself don't take fake romance this is in reference to how Rick began to accept his dreams weren't real and never would be he had accepted that he would never escape the CRM be free and explore the unknown can be a reference to both his dream world and the new world he could explore as a member of the CRM like the heartache you learn you must face them alone e goes back to Rick telling Michonne how he would feel when he'd wake up from his dreams and how in order for him to be able to survive he had to die I know how to be dead and live now and please remember I still want you is Rick saying that despite how he acted before he truly is happy to be back with Michonne he says as much here you know I never let go and finally there's just wake up and kiss that good life goodbye which is meant to be Michonne telling Rick that he no longer has to dream and that he can wake up and find his dream has come true we even see Rick looking at this drawing of Carl as the line wake up is played meaning that Rick no longer has to return to the dream world or rely on his dreams to see the ones he loves now you guys may have noticed that we are releasing this breakdown a little bit before the episode airs on AMC and that's because episodes of the ones who live drop early on AMC plus and they're the sponsor of this video AMC plus is home to the entire Walking Dead Library so you can catch up with characters like Maggie Negan and Daryl Dixon it's also home to one of my favorite shows Mad Men not to mention a huge selection of movies BBC America IFC unlimited and the horror platform shutter which is like essential for horror fans they even have exclusive extras like the better call saw employee training Series so check out our Link in the description below for a free trial of AMC plus terms and conditions apply and with AMC plus you can see the ones who live hours before anyone else which is the best way to avoid spoilers on social media now throughout this series there has been a lot of sexual tension between Rick and Michonne these two can't go 5 minutes without making out with each other I mean this building is collapsing and they're making out the elevator but hey the show is advertised as a love story between these two characters so of course these bags of noodles are called tasteful nudes once again playing into the sexual tension felt throughout the series here on this wall is a portrait of horses now horses have played a major part in both Rick and Michonne's stories Rick traveled into Atlanta on a horse in the very first episode of The Walking Dead original series when he was looking for his family he also traveled on a horse in his final episodes of the series where in his fever dreams he was still searching for them family and Michonne is also featured on Horseback in her quest to find Rick and bring their family back together so they're the three horses of the Apocalypse supposed to be four right don't question me person right sorry high five here again we see Michonne with her new staff which we pointed out last week is another hint supporting our Moses and exodus Theory earlier in the season we saw a sea of Walkers separated like when Moses part of the Red Sea making it to where Ma could go find Rick and free him from the CRM and we've theorized that come the end of this season we'll see Michonne reopen that sea of Walkers so that she Rick and perhaps other liberated members of the CRM can escape and just like in Exodus we'll see that sea of Walkers close in on the oppressors in Moses's case it was the Egyptians and in Michonne's case it will be the CRM here on this rack of souvenir plates with names on them we can see a few familiar names to The Walking Dead family we've got Andrew a reference to Andrew Lincoln who plays Rick Grimes there's also one that says Rick there's also a Robert Robert Kirkman of course who wrote the original Walking Dead comic this one says Jesse which could be a reference to Rick's love interest prior to Michonne granted it's spelled different this one says Frank Frank darabant being the original creator of The Walking Dead TV series we also have Greg and Greg nikaro being a very important member of The Walking Dead family not only did he Pioneer all of the awesome zombie makeup for the series but he's also directed some crucial episodes and even played several Walkers this one says Simon possibly a reference to negan's former right-hand man from the original series and then we have Grace a possible reference to a fear of the Dead character who had a romantic relationship with Morgan Jones Morgan who of course has a close connection to Rick and who we've speculated may appear on this season of the ones who live Rick says the brave man huh a reference to michon's reveal in the previous episode that that's what Judith and RJ call him which is a reference back to season 10 episode one of the original series The Brave man couldn't let the Walkers reach his friends and hurt them so he blew up the bridge and all the Walkers g into the water here Michonne picks up a small Hatchet suggesting it as a weapon for RJ citing the fact that Judith has a sword SW Judith has a sword they're us this is a reference to RJ adopting his father's notorious weapon Hatchet earlier in the season we talked about how Rick's trusty Hatchet is second only to his Colt Python now we've seen him wield a hatchet in the original series and in the season premiere of this series when he took his own hand when Rick says he fell in love with his son's best friend we're reminded of the fact that before Rick and Michonne were a thing Michonne and Carl had a very close relationship like Rick said they're best friends my best friend Michonne here we see Rick finally delivered to Michonne her long requested baking soda and spearmint toothpaste baking soda and spearmint has requested this is a call back to season 6 episode 10 of the original series when Rick and Daryl are going on a run and Michonne makes this special request spearmint and baking soda that's my favorite it was also in this episode where Rick and Daryl meet Paul Monroe AKA Jesus for the first time that episode was even called Jesus Take the wheelus Wheel here on this park sign we see protect the people people from the people a reminder that in this apocalyptic world the Dead Aren't the most dangerous thing out there it's the living we're then reminded of this fact when Rick and Michonne encounter another group appreciate the help but we're going to need more all of it in fact now in the original series this would have been the type of scene that was very intense and would have had us wondering how they were going to wiggle out of this one but I loved how in this series we see the two very experienced survivors of Rick and Michonne take these guys down with no problem here we see a stone Walker they get crusty like that because of the steam vents calcified or something now this reminded me of several times in the original series and in spin-offs like Daryl Dixon where the walkers have begun to meld with nature sometimes making them even more dangerous in the Daryl Dixon series we see Walkers called burners whose blood has turned essentially into acid and can burn you with a mere touch this plays into the whole idea of the Walkers beginning to evolve a concept that was introduced in the fin season of the original series with some learning how to climb and open doors what the f here we see Rick get his hands back on a silver revolver and oh my God guys getting to see Rick point that gun down at someone tilt his head and threaten someone really brought me back now don't get me wrong I still enjoy the seasons of the original series following Rick's departure but boy did I miss my man stink eye you do the same damn stink ey your dead so next we get a title card that reads 3 years ago and then we see Gab ab and Anne meeting for the first time since she disappeared with Rick back in season 9 of the original series so guys The Walking Dead timeline can get like a little confusing at this point so I'm going to have Colton come in and explain exactly when these different flashback scenes with Gabriel are taking place in relation to the original series okay so we know that Rick's been gone about eight years based on how old Michonne says R.J is so that's our starting point we also know that after Rick was taken in the helicopter we saw a six-year time skip in season 9 meaning that this first scene with Gabriel and an is taking place during that time skip specifically in the fifth year after Rick had left next we get a two years ago title card but season 10 of The Walking Dead and the survivors War With The Whispers took place just a few months after season 9 meaning that this second scene is taking place after the events of season 10 as Gabriel mentioned they're conflict with another group that group being the whisperers and then their final meeting taking place one year ago would be set during the oneyear time skip we saw at the end of season 11 now speaking of flashbacks there was also jus' death scene where we see flashbacks to her and Gabriel from earlier in season 9 we also saw a shot from this very awkward scene between Rick Michonne and Jadis back in season 7 I lay with him after you care we should get back to work we also got shots of her fellow trash people turned Walkers following Simon's attack on their group in season 8 oh and we got a shot of Jadis killing Huck in The Walking Dead World Beyond sorry I wasn't listening anyways Gabriel and an had a brief romantic relationship in season 9 of the original series but when Gabriel says my mistake wasn't trusting you it was losing my faith in you this is in reference to how she almost handed Gabriel over to the CRM like she did Rick there's only one place left for me to go and you're the price of admission Gabriel really was the perfect character to bring in for an/ jus' final episode not only did he and Anne have a close relationship but Gabriel's character symbolizes growth and forgiveness not only is he a priest but his character throughout the series has grown so much and part of that growth was Gabriel learning to forgive himself for abandoning his flock during the first days of the Apocalypse I always lock the doors I always lock the doors Gabriel has great guilt for his actions even the actions he's had to takes since then during the war time with the saviors and the whisperers but throughout it all he has served as a rock for not only himself but for the group as a whole so it was great seeing as character appear in this episode it really felt like we were back to watching the original series and these visits that Anne has with Gabriel really felt like the visits that we were seeing Rick have with Michonne and his dreams earlier in the series in fact there were a few times in this episode where I questioned if these meetings between the two were even really happening or if Jadis was dreaming about her true self and here Gabriel mentions Eugene and Rosita I was using Eugene's ham right with with Rosita's help trying to somehow find you Eugene and Rosita were introduced back in season 4 of the original series along with fan favorite Abraham later in the series we'd see Gabriel and Rosita have a romantic relationship Gabriel also mentioned Eugene's radio which was introduced in season 9 and resided in the attic at Hilltop here Gabriel says that Rick died trying to bring people together a reference to how after the war with Negan Rick tried bringing together all the groups involved not only the saviors but an as well after having played both sides in the war we had a deal tamel came for the boat things followed ones who took made a better deal and guys I'm sorry if I keep jumping between calling her an and jadus but the show does that too depending on who she's talking to you just play games and you don't give a [ __ ] about that army or that City I do you think I'm still her I'm not I'm not that woman from the heaps either next we get an acknowledgement of the fact that Rick and Michonne were never technically married and I don't mean like legally or anything but they have never had a ceremony in fact we learned that Rick was planning on proposing and then getting married on the same bridge that he was working so hard to build one day Rick said that I should marry them maybe we should do it right there on the bridge that we were building now we've talked before about how that bridge symbolized so much for the future that Rick saw and how he wanted to honor his late son Carl by making that future a reality when Jadis and the group we met earlier Ambush Rick and Michonne we can see one of them now sporting a CRM rifle Jadis says people are a resource a line we've heard many times throughout this season as well as in the original series from Negan people are a resource and in the Maggie and Negan Series Dead City from the cowat because people are a re here Jadis mentions the Cascadia base Cascadia base is a CRM base in Portland Oregon as part of the crm's thre part Alliance when Jadis says she should have died an artist we get a flashback to a scene from The Original Series where we see Jadis working on a sculpture at the trash camp and we also see these paintings hanging at Hilltop that Maggie commissioned from Jadis they include Maggie's father hersel who we first met in season 2 and lost in season 4 her sister Beth who we also first met in season 2 and then lost in season 5 and of course Maggie's husband Glenn who was a huge part of the series starting way back in season 1 and who we lost to the hands of Negan in season 7 Glenn was crucial to setting Rick on a path that we've followed for all these years if not for Glenn Rick would have died in that tank all those years ago and never even found his family so seeing Glenn's painting in this episode was a really nice touch and played into the theme of all these characters being connected a theme that was teased in the final episode of the original series that teased this sequel series the ones who live think about them all every day everybody we ever love their faces what I learned from them how they made me who I am here Jadis says you weren't dreaming Rick a reference back to the opening of the episode in that Frank Sinatra song telling Rick to wake up because his dreams have become a reality guys those are all the Easter eggs that we caught in this penultimate episode of The Walking Dead the ones who live tune in next week for our breakdown of the season finale big shout out to Colton Ogburn the guy who's trapped eternally in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him who wrote this video you can let us know what you thought of the video down in the comments below or at either of us on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] ery
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 121,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, the walking dead the ones who live, the walking dead, the walking dead the ones who live trailer, the ones who live, easter eggs, ending explained, walking dead, walking daed, walking dead the ones who live trailer, walking dead ending explained, walking dead theory, the ones who live episode 5
Id: 120WMw2mSv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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