What If Sakura And Sasuke Had Tailed Beasts Too? (Full Movie)

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[Music] one of the hardest struggles that Naruto faced growing up was his alienation from the village he was neglected and that sucks most of this was actually due to Kurama the nin Tales despite everything Kurama ended up becoming Naruto closest friend Naruto had no one to relate to nobody to understand and one of my favorite topics to make stories about revolves around that concept Naruto always sought for someone to understand him and nobody ever did which made him very effective at understanding others who felt like no one could understand them if you want to know the true power of this look to none other than gar that boy was a genocide route Frisk with a love stat of 20 and Naruto just I feel your pained his way into turning gar into a flower Gardener with a level head I mean can gar even be called gar anymore he's like a totally different person but I'm getting off track Naruto never had companionship nor did he ever really feel loved as he had no one to share his life experiences with well now I want to change that I want to tell a story where Naruto isn't alone a story where Naruto was a part of a very special unit welcome to the AI before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos we've noticed that a lot of people who are watching our videos aren't actually subscribed to the channel we know that YouTube does a pretty good job at recommending you the stuff you want to watch but if you don't want to miss any of our videos and if you want to support the mongi we would really appreciate it if you subscribed the AI reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100,000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of of the year thanks so much there were cries of Terror as the Ninetales wre Havoc upon the village it was large powerful and its cries echoed across the plains like an ancient curse on The Souls of those who had heard it the people were terrified but the village was prepared for just such an occasion the better tamed Two Tales and three Tales were also in the village and their gurki knew what they were doing the massive flaming cat of the Two Tales stood there majestically like a guardian Spirit as the mollusk isobu stood there one eye closed like popey the Sailor Man we can't let it harm the village one of the jinu shouted we need to stop it from launching its tailed beastball matatabi rushed forward to engage Kurama directly being far more Nimble than the slow yet durable isobu who was also inching closer putting itself between the village and the Ninetails in hopes of taking the brunt of any attack that the angered Kama could launch Kurama looked to matatabi and isobu and with a deep booming voice chastised them you would willingly serve serve these humans like slaves like pets you've lost your pride matatabi would slide under and Claw at Kurama pushing him back and out of the village once he was at a safe distance isobu would charge up a tailed beast ball and fire it at the massive Fox striking it and knocking it back matatabi would stand there and watch to see if Kodama had been defeated but to their horror Kodama was still up it was true he was by far the strongest of the nine beasts his power towered over theirs despite the numbers being on isobu and matatabi side they felt outnumbered Kurama now angered increased his assault on his fellow beasts and in the end defeated these Chui and killed them it seemed that none could save the village but just as all hope seemed lost a glowing light appeared a yellow flash making the decision to take the Beast away eventually to sacrifice himself and because of his efforts and the sacrifice of the tujin turuki who fought to save konoha the Ninetales was imprisoned once more this time with within a young child enter Naruto uzamaki a young boy with his whole life ahead of him he's gutsy and sometimes very rude but he has a good heart as he makes his way to the academy he enters and talks kindly with irica who points him in the direction of a special room Naruto enters to see his teammates there Sakura horo and Sasuke ucha Sasuke was the son of the head of the ucha fugaku Ia and currently Sasuke was the jinu of matatabi Sakura would also wave to him being the jinu of isobu she was very unsuspecting but this only made sense as despite isu's rough appearance he was actually a very sensitive creature prone to crying when sad things happened and was always popular with girls due to his sensitive side that he wasn't afraid to show now to explain to you how this little team formed I've got to explain to you how each member gained their tailed beast it's no secret that Naruto has had his Beast since birth he wasn't originally chosen for the role but he was the only one present to house the Beast during the attack 12 years earlier however due to the cruelty of the situation the cruelty of what would happen to the child should they take it away and a powerful respect for his parents who just so happen to be the fourth Hokage and the previous Chui of Kurama they elected to let it stay with him for a while though the leaf was weakened due to the now unruly nature of the Ninetales as well as the deaths of the gentu of both isobu and matatabi a little more lore for you to help build this world we in matatabi and is are actually Spoils of War matatabi was captured from Kumo during the third Shinobi World War as was isobu who rein noara had brought back with her one day after a mission that had gone horribly wrong and then astoundingly well especially considering that isobu was now in their possession rean remained the gentu of isobu until her death in the battle against the Ninetales isobu was originally quite hostile towards its jrii but with some training and a lot of love both isobu and matatabi ended up becoming very loyal to the The Village falling in love with it and its people sadly though after their destruction during the Ninetales attack konoha's reputation as an Undisputed and Powerful nation was called into question and fears that a new war would break out were within the hearts of everyone the uch were considered to blame for this when hiroin spoke honestly with them informing them that the Ninetales possessed the shingan within its own eye hinting that it was an ucha who was in control of it fugaku refuted these claims strongly seeming to be almost offended by this though H isin masterfully dealt with the situation by informing him that what happened and what it looked like were two very different things and even if the OA were innocent someone with a Sharingan was controlling it hiroin decided however to give the UA every opportunity to prove their loyalty to the Village to which fugaku agreed the Uchiha Clan together managed to hunt down and recapture matatabi the Beast seemed apprehensive about coming back due to the fact that it was killed in that Village but after some intense negotiations with the Beast negotiations that likely included a lot of shuringan it would eventually return home isobu was a bit of a different story with the death of rein noara he fell into a state of depression having come to truly love this girl he was asked by the uch if he did not know that he would easily outlive her compared to a tailed beast the life of a human is like the blink of an eye no pun intended on the UA part isobu stated that he knew it was so and that he knew inevitably his heart would be broken but he just didn't expected to happen so soon he wasn't ready for it isobu proved a little harder to convince to come back not due to apprehension but due to a broken heart when he did eventually get back to the Village he sulked quite a bit tending to stay in the Forest Temple they had built for him to house him during the interim between jinaki matatabi remained nearby to try and cheer him up but isobu just seemed lost and empty without Rene something that only Kakashi could truly understand now enter Sasuke ucha Sasuke was a happy young boy the Second Son of fugaku ucha fugaku's first son Itachi was his pride and joy being admitted into the enu even before the legal age which fugaku took pride in he believed that the time of the OA had finally come and that it would be Itachi who would eventually inherit the title of Hokage it was due to this Pride that fugaku seemed to neglect poor Sasuke a little it wasn't that he never had anything to do with Sasuke nor was it that he wasn't proud of him fugaku was just so busy and so proud of Itachi that he never truly acknowledged Sasuke again it wasn't because fugaku didn't love him it was just the way things were and Sasuke knew that but it didn't change the fact that it made him sad Itachi saw this and it was actually his idea that Sasuke become the next jingui of matatabi you see Sasuke had always loved cats and cats liked him too Itachi remembered making a paw print encyclopedia once where they would travel about taking the Paw Prints from various cats their Journey even took them to matatabi lirer where the tailed beast was oh so happy to provide a paw print for Sasuke Itachi remembered seeing Sasuke's face the moment he encountered matatabi the first time his eyes lit up and his smile Drew across his face from ear to ear matatabi would also offer a glowing smile to the boy pleased with his interest in her she almost seemed at that moment to choose him making an off-handed remark about it what she had actually said about Sasuke Itachi couldn't remember but he knew that it was what she had said that had brought him to consider petitioning to make the new Jin Cherokee of matatabi it seems it worked out pretty well because when fugaku was presented with the opportunity he was very glad his pride in Sasuke increased exponentially then when fugaku asked Sasuke what his thoughts on it were Sasuke seemed so happy to be the gentur of matatabi that he started to cry and the rest is history now isobu was the last of the tailed beasts to be sealed he continued to be sad for most of the time and when matatabi was sealed into Sasuke isu's mood seemed to grow even dark darker konoha began to scramble and search for a suitable kunoichi to be his Chui so many girls signed up for this because so many girls couldn't help but love the gentle giant but none of them ever had their hearts ache for him not like Sakura The Village would interview girls and give them personality tests it seemed that the only person who was ever on isu's mind was Rene and they knew that to pull him out of his Funk they would need to find the proper kunoichi Sakura was not chosen to be as jingui they sent her back to her parents telling her that her interest was appreciated by The Village but that her assistance was no longer required this didn't really stop Sakura though she began to develop a habit of waiting for her parents to go to sleep before sneaking out of the house and into the containment area where isobu was stored isobu at first seems startled by her appearance his reaction not too dissimilar from an elephant seeing a mouse to any logical mind one would not see Sakura as threatening to isobu but as said before he was a sensitive and gentle giant who built up a shell around not only only his body but also his heart because he was so weak inside sakuro would calm him down and would just spend time with him eventually he grew to expect her presence and on the one night after she failed to visit him he was sure to tell her how lonely he felt she would apologize and the two would talk endlessly about things she would listen as he would tell stories about rein noara and how they met how he originally felt being her jingui and how they grew close together but then he began to explain how ripped apart he was at her demise he told Sakura that reene's death hurt him far worse than his own and he would have been willing to die a thousand times just so' could be alive to a point he held a grudge against Kodama for taking her away from him sakuro would lovingly stroke isu's face and kiss his cheek and tell him that it was okay and that he would find someone new eventually not to replace Rene because nobody could but to find a new person who could love him like she did and perhaps to help fill the hole in his heart Left Behind isobu felt safe when she was nearby but as time came and went a new jinu for isobu was chosen and Sakura came to isobu to say goodbye he asked why he couldn't see her anymore and she had told him that it was because they had already chosen a new Jeri for him and that it wasn't her isobu seemed disappointed by this seemingly trying to bargain his way out of it to Sakura who admitted that she had no power over the choice she told him that despite not having been chosen she would always love isobu and would be sure to befriend his jingui just so they could continue being friends isobu had not been as sad as he was that night in a long time so much so that he couldn't sleep he agonized feeling his heart rip open no matter how he looked at it how he tried to explain to himself that it would be okay he couldn't bring himself to be pleased instead his heart just hurt it killed him to know that it was not in his control the day after the ceiling team would arrive with the new jinu and Tow they would bid isobu a good morning and introduce him to his new gentu who had been chosen for him via personality test this gur I not only possessed the same personality type as re noara but was also considered to be a 100% match for isobu despite this he shunned the girl much to their confusion he refused to be sealed inside of her despite their attempts to make him feel more comfortable about it is soo would inform them that he would not go into this new girl because he wanted someone else they were surprised to hear that he had someone else in mind isobu flat out demanded to be sealed at the sakur aaro saying he liked her best due to this is so feeling was held off as they brought Sakura back in for consideration she was sleeping in until noon as she often did due to the long nights she spent with isobu as soon as she opened the door and saw Konan nin asking for her she immediately thought that she was going to be thrown in jail indeed they mentioned that they knew she was sneaking into the habitat at night but they weren't pressing charges instead they asked her if she would be willing to be isobu new Jin Cherokee as he would have no other Sakura knowing that this was such an isobu thing to do agreed happily and was then brought before isobu alongside the ceiling team she walked to him and extended her arms and gave isobu a hug to inform him of the good news and for the first time in a while isobu stepped out of his Temple and into the sun with a smile on his face the team prepared the ritual which was quick and painless for both parties and that was how isobu and Sakura met it was after this that both Sasuke and Sakura would be brought in Sakura had seen Sasuke in the academy and had always had a crush on him it was explained to Sakura that Sasuke was matatabi guki and Sasuke came to learn that Sakura was isobu they were then informed that there was a third jinaki in the village and that they were planning to put the two of them together with him to form a special Squad named in honor of the late hokage's former team of which Reed noara had been a member the squad would be team seven but would also be known as Beast Squad a name that Sasuke made no little effort to hide his liking of the team would be told that they would officially assemble near the the end of the final term before the test and eventual dispersion of students to teams now as for Naruto heroin had come to Naruto personally and explained to him finally what he was and why he lived alone helping him to learn that he was the gentu of the nine Tales which went a long way in explaining to Naruto why nobody really seemed to like him much heroin explained that they wanted to wait until the proper time to tell him so that he wouldn't accidentally nuke the entire Village when he realized what he was and what the thing inside of him had done and could do to his credit Naruto was very understanding and was just happy to know why he wasn't a popular choice among the villagers herzen put the icing on the cake however by telling him that he was no longer the only ginu in the village and that the other ginu had just been chosen for matatabi and isobu when Naruto heard that it was Sasuke and Sakura he was over the moon and couldn't wait to see them again heroin would tell him that they would meet soon and get ready for their team and that's where they were now they had finally met up Naruto took a seat near the other two with a grin of excitement on his face at finally having some people that he could identify with Sasuke and Sakura would chatt it up with Naruto telling him how excited they were to work with him it was then that ero walked in and congratulated them on being the next Beast Squad stating that the last team to bear this name included rein noara and Naruto's own mother Kushina uzamaki to commemorate this a special instructor with ties to both of these people had been chosen an instructor who had been studying up on tailed beasts and sealing Jutsu with the esteemed sanin jiah IA introduced them to Kakashi hake of the Sharingan I Kakashi was a perfect candidate for this job due to not only his level-headed nature but also thanks to his Sharingan with which he could cast a powerful genjutsu that would calm the tailed beasts Kakashi would greet them in his naturally cool way his voice betraying a laid-back manner the team would also greet him due to the special situation that led to their formation team seven graduated early from the academy to begin their training with Kakashi who IR knew would help them even out any bumps in their training as they appeared and that is what they did now if you think that there's a bell test hidden somewhere in this training well you'd be right given how closely Beast Squad is holding to tradition it's only natural to keep up this one as well now the team at first have a hard time keeping up with this lesson but Kakashi not feeling the need to force his new Squad to figure it out alone would eventually explain to them exactly what the meaning of the test was about he told them that the biggest thing required for a team to be functional was teamwork he told them that this was why they should train together talk together and begin to learn more about each other they needed to become a single unit and so even though they never got the bells that day they began to learn more about the way the others think and act which helped them to alter their own actions accordingly they focused mostly on training and learning to use their tailed beasts according to what jiah said focus should be enough but when in doubt yeat the kids off a cliff a direct quote from the master himself and so that's what kak she did he separated them and forced them all into a situation with real Peril or what felt like real Peril something he knew they could survive if they pulled enough chakra from their tailed beasts he knew that if he really let these kids die he would have his head served to the Council on a silver platter regardless all kids awakened their powers due to Terror as jiah had told him they would and they were really raw at him for doing this though particularly Naruto and Sakura who were by far the more emotionally unstable ones of the group unlike Sasuke who was like I see what you did there between bouts of training they would go on missions and yes this includes the Land of Waves Mission you think I'd forget this mission was specifically chosen for team 7even as a way to test their power capabilities and potential it wasn't designed to be too dangerous but upon hearing that it would be free of charge tuna explained to them the severity of the situation he was in including Hitmen and assassins this would normally be well outside of a genin's range but here isn't assigned it to team seven anyway and with their power if they were progressing at the estimated rate they should be able to handle this Mission now the progression of physical skill was something that they could estimate but mental and emotional growth was a completely different can of beans they knew that Naruto had the power but could they know that he would freeze when faced with the demon Brothers Kakashi wasn't exactly surprised by this reaction it was a normal one but it made Kakashi wonder if they were truly ready for this mission on the reverse Sasuke handled it very well Naruto's dis appointment in himself was enough to Spur him on further though and helped him grow due to his desire not to be left behind now when Zaba showed up and Kakashi was captured Naruto and Sasuke's teamwork as well as their usage of their version one chakra cloaks helped them push Zaba back and defeat him this was impressive to Kakashi but what did he expect these three were gin Chui they would make it to the little fishing Village known as The Land of Waves where they would settle in with tuna and further train to control their beasts on the day that they were to guard the bridge once more Zaba would attack and this time he brought Haku with him Haku as usual would manage to lock Naruto and Sasuke away in the Demonic mirroring ice crystals technique but this didn't have much effect on them as they were capable of utilizing their tailed beasts the heat from their chakra was enough to melt the mirrors but Sasuke would add this power to his Ninjutsu particularly his fire style which would turn the ball of flame blue its heat was magnified and managed to not only break free from the ice crystals technique but also prac practically made Naruto and Sasuke immune to all of haku's attacks save the non- ice related ones such as senbon but even then Sasuke Sharingan could see the projectiles coming and his natural agility mixed with that of his tailed beast had him moving like a true cat Sasuke currently was the direct answer to Haku and his abilities which meant Haku had very little chance of beating Sasuke due to no real emotional charge Haku would not have to be killed though it also meant he was subdued and unable to save Zabuza which left Haku as the alone Survivor all alone nowhere to go Naruto Sasuke and Sakura felt their hearts hurt for him upon realizing that Zabuza was truly haku's only friend Naruto knew what it was like not to have friends so upon asking Kakashi's approval Naruto would ask Haku to come to konoha where he would be treated with respect and well cared for Haku seemed a little hesitant but Naruto told him to consider this the last gift from Zaba a chance to start over somewhere new and be who Haku wanted to be so the boy accepted it and together they defended the bridge from G's goons when the bridge was completed G's days as the Monopoly man were numbered though he would try to cause issues Kakashi would merely tell hiroin of what was happening in the Land of Waves and hiroin would eventually send more shenobi to the little fishing Village to clear out the thugs which officially left the Land of Waves liberated Kakashi would eventually inform heroin of how well Beast Squad did both physically and emotionally and heroin would approve of them entering the tuning exams when asked if they would be willing to take the exams each member excitedly agreed now for the most part the first test remains almost identical after all it's a test of guts and a test of intelligence and skill it has nothing to do with Brute Force so I don't see it changing Sakura is still an egad Sasuke still has Shing Gan and Naruto still has but he's gutsy so even in the face of certain failure and irreparable harm to his career he faces It Anyway something iiki Marino questioned whether it's an attribute of him being brave or him being stupid I lean toward the ladder now when the second test comes around that's when things start to change why don't we zoom in on our heroes here and see what they're up to I really got to pee though Naruto exclaims as he does a little exaggerated dance Sakura in Anger shouts at him a vein popping out of her forehead then why didn't you go in any of the time before the gate opened because I didn't have to go then Sasuke side you know we can't risk you going off on your own right my brother told me that the most dangerous time on a mission is when you sleep and when you use the bathroom particularly the lad because you have your guard down and you're away from your friends Naruto looked confused so does that mean I can't pee Sasuke sighed loudly you can pee but you got to do it where we can see you Naruto's eyes widened in horror I can't do that there's a girl here and I have a shy bladder Sasuke crossed his arms it's either that or you hold it Naruto looked at the bush and then at Sasuke fine I'll just hold it and so they continue through the forest bearing only their Heaven scroll they carefully search for a Target weaker than them so they may steal the Earth scroll it's then that they encounter Shor she's alone and that makes her an easy target they approach her to take the scroll but in the moment they do her head turns a full 180° and extends outward towards them like a snake Sasuke and the rest of the Beast Squad enter a defensive stance ready to attack she already attempts to freeze them with her or should I say his if you know what I mean killing intent this manages to be particularly effective on Sakura due to isu's weakness and it's fairly effective on on Sasuke 2o however it doesn't work on Naruto as planned in fact the stairs Terror bounces back on Orochimaru after witnessing Naruto's eyes in his version one cloak he realizes that there's something far scarier inside of Naruto than inside of himself and this freeze Sasuke and Sakura from their hold Orochimaru had originally come here in search of Sasuke in hopes of taking his body while there were plenty of U alive he wanted the one with the most potential and he determined that to be Sasuke and now he was on the receiving end of that potential as Sasuke Naruto and Sakura absolutely hammered him with their cloaks enough to drive him off they further took his Earth scroll which allowed them to pass the test and enter the arena they would then be congratulated by Erica for a job well done Erica would advise them to rest until the third round of the exams as well as asking Naruto to change his pants and this they would do until it was time for the exhibition matches now for the first rounds team seven does exceptionally well I mean after all they're fighting lackluster Shinobi Shinobi considered nowhere near the cream of the crop Sakura absolutely Stomps Eno with her tailed beast going so far as to say it was an unfair advantage to allow her to use it Sasuke actually doesn't use his tailed beast against his opponent and Naruto is able to defeat kbo with relatively no difficulty but as the matches continue on they're informed of a month off for training and rest Kakashi takes them to the side and begins to train them to control their tailed beasts further he stands before them arms crossed his book closed and in his hand given that he was not reading this suggested that whatever he was going to tell them now was important you may be able to control your tailed beasts now but this is in no way your fullest potential the chakra cloak you use now is only the first version or the first stage as you would call it Naruto Sasuke and Sakura seem surprised that they can access more of this chakra at will Kakashi then comes clean about something I have a confession to make there's a reason why you're in the tuning exams and it has very little to do with your success in the Land of Waves as I said before in particular it has to do with your status as gyuuki when the ninet tales escaped from Naruto's mother it killed isobu and matatabi that weakened Us in the eyes of our enemies and the world's been on a hair trigger ever since we've barely avoided a fourth Shinobi World War on multiple occasions the reason why you're in the tuning exams is to make a show of power a public show of power that tells the villages nearby that we have our tailed beasts back and are capable of using them the third world war ended when konaha gained access to of these beasts it weakened our enemies and gave us the power to strike and Destroy any of the villages with little to no effort their deterrent was gone and with that we achieved peace but upon our loss of the two extra tailed beasts as well as the sealing of the Ninetales into an infant it was known that we had weakened suddenly we weren't the big kid on the playground anymore and the bullies were cropping up it's important that we show off how strong we are by presenting three fully functioning jinu to tell the world baby we're back and that's why I'm going to teach you to deepen your well and achieve a greater power unable to be harnessed by any save a tailed beast user and so he had them begin to meditate and speak to their tailed beasts Sakura and Sasuke had very little issue with this in fact it seemed Sakura was just having a pleasant conversation with isobu Sasuke also reported no issues stating that matatabi only reservation was fear that Sasuke wasn't ready and might accidentally hurt himself Naruto on the other hand mentioned that his tailed beast just threatened to eat him this caused Kakashi to treat Naruto's case with caution he started by focusing on Sakura asking her to awaken her version two she would take a deep breath Kakashi would instruct her that what she's doing is letting not only the Beast Force out more chakra but also letting the Beast partially form over her using her body as its skeletal structure he surmises that this form is only possible when a gentu manages to gain the trust of their tailed beast which causes him to worry for Naruto Sakura easily accomplishes this feat and enters her version to form without a hitch even giggling inside of the form saying it tickles and that she feels even closer with isobu Sasuke would then be instructed to do the same unlike Sakura he displays a little bit of lag in his ability to achieve it straining a little more each time he fails Kakashi would tell him to try and not force anything and instead just ask matatabi to trust him Sasuke closes his eyes for a moment and suddenly he enters the form without even knowing that he had done so he is enamored with this power and seeks so desperately to try and find out what he's capable of but matatabi chastises him and tells him that this form isn't a game and that he should try and take it seriously or people could get hurt Kakashi turns to Naruto and asks him to try it's obvious by the look on Naruto's face that he's unsure if he can truly do this he activates his version one cloak and sits there concentrating his face twists a little into a Grimace which concerns Kakashi update Naruto Naruto doesn't speak Kakashi looks to the others who are still in their version two cloaks he then looks back to Naruto Naruto update Naruto's eyes open to show Fox slits his mouth then pulls up into a Sinister smile Kakashi sees this and his eyes widen oh suddenly Naruto bursts into his version 2 cloak with enough Force to knock Kakashi back off his feet Naruto in his version two cloak now growls as he slowly steps toward Kakashi Sasuke and Sakura step between Naruto and their Master Naruto stop Sasuke shouts from within his Beast a deep Bas voice harmonizes with Naruto's voice speaks Naruto can't hear you right now slave Sasuke suddenly feels a tension in his chest and can almost feel his version to cloak shiver beneath him Sakura has started taking involuntary steps back Sasuke looks to her Sakura she then calls out to him SAS I'm not doing this isobu is walking back all on his own the aura around the Ninetails grows darker matatabi steps between Kakashi and Naruto seemingly strengthened by The Challenge isobu however completely steps out of the way and seems to choose submission over intervention Sakura cries out trying to get it to move but the cloak tightens on her to stop her from moving the ninetail speaks isobu has grown wise since his death it seems you've learned nothing matatabi he rushes forward headbutting Sasuke sending him rolling Sasuke is up almost immediately and goes to attack but before he can a tailed beast ball is fired at him he just barely Dodges it as the trees in the background erupt into flames Sasuke rushes forward and pounces on Naruto managing to hold him down s has both of his hands around Naruto's throat matatabi speaks through the cloak give the boy back Kurama he's not your play thing Kurama laughs he's anything I deem him to be just as you are suddenly a second pair of hands reaches out from kurama's sides and grips Sasuke and begins crushing and digging into the cloak Sasuke cries out as Kurama begins to pierce through his claws sinking deeper into Sasuke's flesh Kama overpowers Sasuke and ends up on top of him forcing his strength harder until he breaks enough bones to cave Sasuke's chest in at that Sasuke stops fighting and machat Fades back inside of him Kakashi sits up and sees that this is not good to the side Sakura is crying like a maniac for isoba to do something but he won't move Kodama stands above Sasuke and now you die again next time learn your lesson he gets ready to claw him but Kakashi activates his Sharingan kamoi and with that Kodama is gone teleported to another dimension Kakashi rushes over to Sasuke to check his vitals he's breathing but just barely it sounds like he's having a hard time which given the way his rib cage has collapsed on itself suggests that his lungs may also be collapsed it's a miracle he's even alive it's at this time that Anu Shinobi make their way in having witnessed the tailed beastball go off they rush to Sasuke's side and begin attempting to stabilize him at least long enough to be transported to the hospital Kakashi then walks over to Sakura who's just crying inside of isobu the Beast still standing there it looks up at Kakashi who takes out a tag and places it on his head causing the Beast to disappear back into Sakura who Falls to her knees crying I tried Kakashi Sensei she said I tried he wouldn't let me move Kakashi puts his hand on her shoulder it's okay it was my fault I pushed you all too soon I just wanted you to make a Big Show at the exams he looks back at Sasuke who they're loading up on a stretcher I guess that's all out the window now she hugs her Mentor he's a little surprised by this but he hugs her back at the hospital Sasuke is in the O for many hours the surgeon's trying to restore his broken rib cage due to the amount of internal Damage Done he's put into a medically induced coma and on oxygen so his body can properly heal all the while Naruto is taken to a facility and caged he remains in his version two form for quite some time while locked up eventually getting so many members of the Naro Clan they set up many stage lights at proper angles so they can utilize their Shadow paralysis JSU to hold Naruto down they have a hard time but manage to keep Naruto still while the Ninetails is suppressed the form ends and Naruto who was burned his skin still attempting to to heal from the damage Falls unconscious as well all the while Sakura is ignoring isobu but when she finally does decide to talk to him she unloads yelling at him for what he did to the point that she makes him cry even though he's crying she doesn't stop I was crying she shouted at the beast but you did nothing you were going to let my friends die how can I forgive that how can I ever trust you again she shouts the Beast turns away from her I just didn't want you to die too I didn't want to lose you like I lost Rene Sakura sigh and rubs her temples isobu this is the world we live in I'm a Shinobi I'm in constant danger there will always be the possibility that I'll die and you need to know that I can't have you slowing me down just because you're scared isobu stayed silent Sakura turned to leave either obey my commands or don't approach me to help again she then left her subconscious and back into the real world she stayed by Naruto and Sasuke the entire time after some time Sasuke manages to wake up though he remains on oxygen it's still too early to to know if he'll have long- lasting lung damage Naruto also wakes up but he ignores the others and refuses to even look at them Kakashi stands at the door watching his team slowly fall apart and it couldn't have come at a worse time too the konoha crush begins arochi maru's snakes begin to break through the village and G's one tail begins to ravage the arena in the ensuing fight hin is killed and konaha is partially devastated before Orochimaru flees The Village the one tail disappears as quickly as it appeared and leaves konoha to suffer konoha had hoped to take this chance to show off their new jinu but instead fate had taken them down another road it had simply made konoha seem weak killing their Hokage further with the death of rasa it would be assumed that this was due to an attack by konoha which in turn would result in mutual hatred between sunna and konoha which swed the seedlings for war one that could possibly reignite an old conflict with new ferocity the fourth Shinobi World War Kakashi stood on the roof of the hospital where his Squad was located the rain was pouring from the skies as he looked out over the Village Smoke was still Rising into the air from certain parts that had been devastated the Hokage Rock had been defaced the image of hiroin having been spitefully destroyed Kakashi thought back on everything that had happened and couldn't help but feel responsible it was he who had pushed his team too far as their Master he should have known they weren't ready he had not heeded the warnings from jariah and instead allowed the presence of the chuning exams and the need to show the world that they were a force to be reckoned with left them all but defenseless their weakness was laid bare their inability to protect themselves from other nations had been witnessed an attack so small led by a nation that had existed for barely a decade had suddenly brought ruin upon what was supposed to be the most powerful Village in all the world they were a laughing stock and now the innocent would die with the rest of the Shinobi World behind him a voice spoke you know it wasn't your fault right Kakashi turned to his head his eye witnessing jariah out of the corner Kakashi looked back there was an eerie silence over the village so much destruction yet not a sound not even the Birds nor insects that could normally be heard would dare lift their voice even when the Sun was shining there was no sound it was as if life came to a screeching halt I know then why are you being so hard on yourself jariah asked you couldn't estimate when Orochimaru would have attacked us and even if you hadn't attempted to train Naruto Sasuke and Sakura they still would have likely ended up in the hospital in an attempt to defeat a full tailed beast like the one tail at worst they would be dead none of this was your fault it was an issue that's been boiling for over a decade Kakashi sighed you know I'm not entirely sure I think we could have stopped it maybe the Ninetales wouldn't have heated commands but isobu and matatabi would have come to our Aid without hesitation if only I had used Ki earlier before Sasuke got involved perhaps none of this would have ever happened jiah walked to the edge and looked down on the devastation Perhaps Perhaps you're right maybe it wouldn't have happened but what could have been and what is changes nothing we can agonize over the tiniest missteps in judgment and how they attributed to a cataclysm or we can actively try to mend the issues in hopes of at least lessening the collateral damage Kakashi looked at jiah what do you plan to do jariah Sensei The Old Toad hermit looked over the village and toward the hokage's monument and took a deep breath I'm going to provide the people with hope I've been tasked by the council to find a new Hokage Tsunade in particular she's strong wise intelligent and she's got nerves a Tungsten if anyone can lead us through this mess it's her Kakashi bobbed his head in agreement jiah looked over what about you what will you do to solve this crisis I don't know Kakashi stated bluntly jariah turned his whole body to face Kakashi I'll tell you what you're going to do you're going to go back there and continue to teach your students there are Village's deterrent if War does come and we can't stop it the only choice we'll have is ending it quickly and that means we'll need the tailed beasts fully operational your mission is now and always has been the same and it's more important than any other it's your job to bring back konoha's military might now get to it there's no time left to waste jariah then disappeared leaving Kakashi alone soaked to the bone he turned around and slowly made his way back to the door from which he came stepping in he made his way back down the stairs and into the hospital room Sasuke was lying in bed resting his eyes were closed and he now no longer possessed a ventilator he was capable of breathing on his own Sakura Sat by his bedside her head propped on the cushy mattress where Sasuke laid her somber expression was like a visual example of The Village's entire mood as a whole hopeless scared sorrowful and unsure of the future Kakashi looked over at Naruto's bed and found it empty Naruto's things having been packed up and taken where's Naruto Kakashi asked Sakura didn't even look to him she spoke with a voice of near apathy he left this morning and where did he go Sakura gave a slow energyless shrug he didn't say I didn't ask Kakashi stood there for a moment are you mad at him she shook her head no more Angry than I am at myself Kakashi gave a slow nod it seems we're all feeling the weight of this but I bet Naruto is feeling it worse than any of us he probably blames himself for everything Sakura looked up well it is sort of his fault not that it's really something to be blamed for he just just got stuck with the strongest tailed beast who just so happens to be an utter Kakashi couldn't disagree Sakura's view of things as pessimistic and potentially crude as it was was true no matter how blunt it actually was Kakashi turned around to leave Sakura's eyes raised to the back of her mentor's head where are you going Sensei Kakashi looked back at her for a second I'm going to talk to Naruto Kakashi walked through the streets the rainning had lightened into a weak Mist he made his way toward the home of Naruto uzamaki there was was no indication that he had returned home except for the welcome mat which had been moved the underside of the mat had the impression of a key in IT signifying that Naruto had taken the key likely having lost the original in the ensuing fight he knocked on the door but there was no answer he turned the handle and felt the door giveway opening stepping inside he saw that Naruto had not even bothered taking his shoes off at the door instead tossing them to the side in the main living room his backpack was also sitting in the middle of the room he passed it by towards Naruto's bedroom and knocked on it go away a voice said from within you know I'm not going to do that Naruto now let me in there was silence for a few passing moments before Naruto's voice spoke it's already unlocked Kakashi pushed open the door and stepped in to see merely a lump under the covers of the boy's bed ah catching up on your sleep a good idea you're going to need all the rest you can possibly get for when we resume training there was no response Kakashi sighed and pulled up a seat maybe we should talk first you know it's not your fault right if I had more control I could have bent the Ninetales will to my own but I failed and now Sasuke's hurt and people are dead and now the world can go to war and I can't stop it Kakashi looked down what would have been and what is changes nothing we can agonize over how our tiniest missteps and judgment may have attributed to a cataclysm or we can actively try and mend the issues in hopes of at least lessening the collateral damage Naruto you're our hope for the future so stiffen that lip you are the fulcrum to which the entire world is now balancing what you do next matters that's not helping any Kakashi Sensei Naruto stated and in all honesty Kakashi knew that it likely wouldn't it would just place more pressure on Naruto to be perfect but then again Kakashi owed Naruto the truth the reality was that this was the Shinobi World your actions mattered and sometimes you could only make a bad decision sometimes there was no right choice sometimes you had to choose between the lesser of two evils and it's not not always that those things were so clear so cut and dry sometimes you messed up these were things Kakashi had known all his life his own father sakam had made such a decision and it had about as much impact on konoha as this did the event had led to Sak's ritual suicide and now it felt like Naruto was feeling the same way Kakashi hated that he believed in honor just as much as the next guy but killing yourself to win it back helped nobody when you made a mistake you had to work hard to rectify it maybe wouldn't remove the stain from your name but a dead man couldn't save the world nor could he make up for the mistakes he made that put everyone in that position in the first place only someone still living and willing to make a difference could actually do that perhaps what I'm saying isn't helping you any but it's not supposed to what I'm saying isn't about you Naruto this is about the village about the greater good about the world in entirety there are going to be children without parents innocent villagers forced to fight in a war they don't believe in and you have the ability and obligation to stop them you don't have time to sulk you've got to Buck Up decide to fix your mistakes and devote Your Existence to doing what you supposed to do Kakashi grabbed the covers and slowly pulled them off Naruto's face and what if I mess that up too Naruto asked his face stained with tears unable to even look Kakashi in the eyes what if I fail Kakashi leaned forward and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder then we do it together we're Beast Squad a single unit if we fail we fail but until we fail we're going to do our best to succeed and if War comes then we'll fight and give our all to limit the Damage Done and save as many lives as possible even if that means dying in the process that's what it means to be a Shinobi Naruto you're a Shinobi and so am I and so are Sakura and Sasuke we're all ninja and that means doing what is necessary for the greater good but I'm going to tell you now I believe in you I believe you can complete your training and save the world and we'll be here beside you helping you along the way Naruto would suddenly hug Kakashi startled by this Kakashi pulled away almost dragging Naruto out of the bed alongside him but he gripped Naruto in a tight Embrace and held him closely come we have to help Sasuke and Sakura get their chins up too let's go together they left for the hospital by the time they returned Sasuke had already awakened and was getting ready to be discharged Itachi was already there helping him get his clothes on correctly and not inside out and backwards as his groggy brain was trying then there you go now you look as professional and intimidating as ever Sasuke gave a weak smile and coughed he wheezed a little Itachi rubbed his back it's okay you're okay Sasuke returned to his full height he walked with Itachi out of the room to the hall where sakuro was waiting Naruto and Kakashi were on their way as they spoke Sasuke and Naruto's eyes met for a moment they just stood there staring at each other Naruto was the first to avert his eyes I'm sorry Sasuke I hurt you I can understand if you're furious with me I deserve it please feel free to seek retribution I won't fight back Sasuke stepped forward Naruto pointed to his own chin and squeezed his eyes shut he knew that being punched in the chin was nothing compared to what happened to Sasuke but he hoped it would serve at least as the start to his Penance as Sasuke approached however there was no swing of a fist instead it was the Embrace of a friend I forgive you Naruto these simple words brought tears to the boy's eyes Sakura even felt herself getting swept up in the moment Kakashi smiled as he witnessed his team slowly repairing itself healing back together again and so they began to train Sasuke was having a hard time keeping up however Itachi had been told to stay close just in case someone made an attempt on their lives Kakashi kept commanding them to train with their tailed beast modes since version two was out of the question for Naruto he decided to focus on version one Sasuke could still access version two but his previous injuries made it difficult he would strain to enter it within his head he spoke matatabi more power I got to grow faster the Beast shook its head in your condition going too much further could kill you more power matatabi Itachi watched from a distance as Sasuke entered version two but almost as soon as he had the form ended Sasuke hit the ground coughing up blood Itachi rushed to his side and helped him don't strain yourself your lungs are different now your stamina won't be the same as it used to be trust me Sasuke spat the remaining bloody mucus from his mouth I guess you and me are more alike than we thought he smiled his teeth pink with blood Itachi nodded two different issues the exact same symptoms it's like looking into a mirror meanwhile sakuro was sitting there Kakashi would walk to her call lobu she shook her head he won't come out Kakashi was confused why she looked up when Sasuke got hurt and Naruto lost himself me and isobu had a fight we haven't talked since I blew up on him Kakashi knelt down then go make friends with him she shook her head I said some pretty rotten stuff I was pretty mean to him and I told him not to come to me anymore if he was just going to hold me back Kakashi put a hand on her shoulder shoulder do you think you and isobu are friends Sakura were you friends before this she nodded best friends I thought Kakashi offered a reassuring smile even the best of friends have a spat the fact that we can bear our emotions in full force towards them is proof of how much we trust them that even if we're hurtful we feel safe expressing ourselves now go make up Sakura nodded entering her subconscious she came to where isobu was he sat there face turned around in shame ISO he didn't respond soie she called again he kept his back turned towards her and hit his face but suddenly he felt two warm hands on his face his eye opened and he looked down to see Sakura with a concerned look he gently tried to pull away but she wouldn't let him are you okay soie I'm sorry he said it was as if he'd been waiting days to say it Sakura let off a soft and melancholic smile before it returned to concern no I'm sorry I was so mean to you I just wanted to help my friends to protect them but I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you you were just trying to to protect me it was wrong to be so callous I know you lost a good friend in the past and I didn't act with proper feelings towards that the big beast tried to speak with tears rolling down its cheeks I was overprotective I just couldn't bear to lose someone I love again it hurt so bad I still haven't healed from that and if you were taken from me too I wouldn't want to live anymore I would probably just burnt out all my chakra till I was dissipated forever Sakura leaned forward and kissed the beast's chin you're such an innocent soul even if I die isobu I'll be with you forever I promise even if I have to bind all of my chakra to yours I'll never leave you this was their training this was isobu and Sakura's training for the time isobu for as big as he was required a lot of emotional maintenance and time could be spared to help the big lug cope Naruto on the other hand found himself in the opposite direction he was standing before the cage and arguing with the Ninetales you bastard You're a murderer a killer you killed your own brother and sister just because they're protecting a village Naruto shouted don't Fain to know me you lowly piece of trash Kurama shouted back I am a god a force of nature you cannot keep me Bound in a body like this one day I will escape again and when I do I'll kill you and I'll kill everything and everyone you love and I'll do it just to see you suffer in agony and torment for no other reason than because I can I will never serve you Kakashi stood there watching the scene Sasuke was sitting under under a tree with Itachi taking a break and recovering Sasuke almost looked like he might fall asleep in his Big Brother's Embrace Sakura was shedding tears through a smile and Naruto was shedding his through a scowl jiah would eventually return to them suady installed as the next toag how is training coming Kakashi Shrugged Sakura may have to be our new spearhead Naruto can't control his beast and Sasuke's just not strong enough to exert himself anymore jariah sighed well we get what we get and we don't get upset that's something I try to live by we just need to focus on what we can do so let's do our best they would continue to train learning new techniques outside of their gentu training and would grow Stronger by themselves however it becomes obvious that Naruto is not going to be making any progress into his training with the Ninetales they were unsure of what to do that's what Sasuke and matatabi were talking about while speaking with each other or at least that's what it evolved to we have a big responsibility on our hands at any time sunna could launch its retaliatory attack on us and the entire world would be watching if we can't defend konoha then it's going to be World War I you have my undying support matatabi told Sasuke hoping to ease his stress this didn't help him much I don't question that matatabi it has to do with me though with Naruto I'm not strong enough to be urgin Cherokee I can't sustain version two without hurting myself and Naruto can barely use version one without losing control I don't know what to do matatabi thought about it for a time when I was in Kumo I recall my jinu and gui's juki at the time visiting an island at the time I and guki were rather hostile towards our vessels but after training there our juki didn't even require our permission or cooperation to make use of our power maybe Naruto could benefit from that Sasuke thought about it and told Kakashi letting matatabi talk through him Kakashi and the Beast discussed where is this place Kakashi asked matatabi seemed to have an issue answering that question you see that's the issue I'm not entirely sure elaborate Kakashi demanded matabi would go on to say that the place they were looking for was an island in the land of lightning and it wasn't even actually an island but a massive Turtle whose back was essentially an entire ecosystem it didn't stay in one place but it did have a general area where it liked to inhabit the issue was that it was under Kumo's control and simply going there without permission would be an act of War Kakashi would then discuss this with Tsunade well it'll be War anyway if matatabi says this is a safe place for Naruto to train and control the Ninetails then we should try do your best not to be detected Kakashi would then prepare to leave with his team as well as Itachi who was there to support Sasuke they would take a boat out to sea and head toward the land of lightning this trip was rather long though Sakura seemed to be having the time of her life her connection to isobu caused her to develop a deep love for the sea Naruto on the other hand was busy puking over the side of the ship Sasuke was neutral the Salt Air was doing him good unbeknownst to them as they left Cor was slowly being surrounded by sunna Shinobi ready to finish the job as team seven sailed along they would eventually see the island not too far off but they couldn't just sail up to it l they be detected so instead they called upon isobu who would appear from Sakura in the water below them they would climb onto him and much to everyone save Sakura chag grin they'd have to step into his mouth it was either that or drown so they did as they were told closing his mouth they sank down below the waves like a submarine and began making their way to the the island without anyone knowing isobu would sneak up and bring his head above the water and help team seven on they would climb out of his mouth and onto the turtle shell Sakura would return isobu within her and the squad of five would make their way through the brush in the direction that matatabi through Sasuke was leading them they would come to a waterfall and Sasuke would point to it matatabi says that this is the waterfall of truth it's meant to test the hearts of all who enter to see if they're true if they are the path will open but Naruto will have to face his own inner demons if he wants to pass Naruto heartily agrees to it knowing that there is no other choice and he'll do it without fail he sits down and begins to meditate as he does he's met with his dark doppelganger a creature with Naruto's face but eyes full of malice at first Naruto tries to fight but he hears the voice of matatabi from far away telling him that he must defeat the darkness in another way the darkness speaks what are you doing here trying to train trying to control the Ninetails we saw how well that went before didn't we Naruto shakes his head no I wasn't prepared the darkness scoffs and you're ready now what's changed are you so sure you'll be able to do it this time or will you lose control again and hurt your friends maybe you'll even succeed in killing them this time Naruto once more shakes his head my friends are stronger now than they were then the darkness stares into his eyes as if asking him if anyone could truly believe what he was saying stronger Sakura isn't sure she can even get isoba to fight and Sasuke can't even sneeze without needing a nap you think either of them will be able to help you let's not kid ourselves you failed once and you'll fail again and this time you'll actually kill Sasuke Naruto looked down thinking about what he had done how he had hurt Sasuke so badly the darkness approached him yes yes remember that pain that's the cost of failure Sasuke will die Sakura will die Itachi Kakashi and everyone in the hidden Leaf will perish because of your failures Naruto felt his emotions getting the better of him but then he heard a voice two voices Naruto it's okay none of what happened is your fault yes you had a misstep but that's life nobody ever said it would be easy you can't be perfect and there's no path forward through life where you never hurt anyone accidents happen and you need to know that this is okay in reality they had noticed that Naruto had started crying the weight of his inner demons dragging him down but this wasn't something ignored Sasuke and Sakura knew exactly what this meant so they stepped over to him and knelt down beside him to let him know that they were there and they cared about him I've already forgiven you Naruto Sasuke said now I need you to forgive yourself Sakura wrapped her arms around Naruto from the side you're so strong Naruto don't start doubting yourself now win or lose success or failure we do it together the only way you can truly fail is if you don't even try don't let the doubt win push it away and choose to try within his subconscious the shades of Sakura and Sasuke appeared beside him and began to hug their friend Naruto felt their love and smiled taking a deep calming breath as he opened his eyes the dark Naruto was gone and the path forward opened the trio stood up and entered the cave they looked around at all the carvings one showed a strange octopus bull hybrid Sasuke spoke Yuki that's what matatabi called it she says it's the eight tals they moved further and found another mural this time depicting a cat and this is matatabi herself this here marks the entrance to the chamber Sasuke opened the door as they went to enter Sasuke stopped both his brother and Kakashi only ginu here permitted to access this room Kakashi stopped for a moment and then spoke no I can't let you go alone if something happens I need to be there to stop it Sasuke offered a reassuring smile it's okay sensei you need to let us go let us fend for ourselves we'll come back I promise Kakashi looked down you better Itachi offered Sasuke a reassuring smile I believe in you in all of you I'll wait here patiently until you return Sasuke smiled and stepped in the door closing behind them inside Naruto looked around so what now Sasuke sat down beside Naruto and Sakura beckoning them to follow you need to enter your subconscious and open the gate let Kurama out and then force him to give up all of his chakra to you then you need to put a new seal on him are you going to be able to do this Naruto looked down I'm not sure and if I let him out again and fail he'll kill you guys Sasuke shook his head no you won't fight alone we'll be there too just focus on taking his chakra you have to want it more than him and remember we'll be with you every step of the way Naruto nodded and closed His Eyes Upon closing them he was inside the same room where he always found Kurama but this time by his side were Sasuke and Sakura Sakura was obviously disturbed by looking into the cage and the eyes within it but Sasuke maintained his cool and even offered Naruto a smile just rip the tag off and undo the lock we're with you Naruto stepped up to the gate Kodama looked down upon Him have you come to beg for more chakra or perhaps you've come to let me finish the job Naruto took a deep breath looking back at his friends no I've come to subjugate you he said his attention returned to the Beast Kurama let out a laugh that shook the walls and caused the water reflecting from the ground to Ripple and grow choppy please open the gate and try I'm begging you I must see you try this it'll be the funniest thing to happen to me in the last Millennium Naruto reached up for the tag and ripped it away there was the lock he looked as kurama's grin widened Naruto lifted his shirt and held it in his teeth as he pulled back the sleeve on his right arm the seal appeared on his stomach the swirl that resembled his namesake on his hand another swirl appeared as a formula was written down his forearm he took a deep breath through the nose and then pressed his hand to his stomach giving a quick twist the lock began to open once it had been completely removed kurama's pupils narrowed and the door shot open with such speed that it knocked Naruto back Kurama came out with such force and passion that a feral bark could be heard as if you were no more than a wild animal for the first time Naruto Sakura and Sasuke witnessed the true power and size of Kodama Naruto shuddered at the Beast guys we can't beat it Sasuke turned Naruto around and slapped him if you give up now everyone dies fight to the death take his chakra or die those are your only options now go down fighting or know that you did nothing to stop people from dying Naruto rubbed his face you're right you're right he slapped his cheeks a couple more times to Hype himself up I can do this he turned to face Kurama as both Sasuke and Sakura put their hands on his shoulder he turned to look at Sakura who spoke no we can do this Naruto smiled and nodded he rushed forward as Sakura and Sasuke summoned matatabi and isobu within Naruto's subconscious together the beasts and their jinaki face Kama again its power was great but their conviction granted them new Strength broken limits that were reset higher and stronger than before as kudama charged a tailed beast ball they responded by firing back their own which caused Kodamas to pop in his face like a balloon it knocked Kodama back Naruto rushed over to his tail and began and trying to pull the chakra out of it it was a hard job and he wasn't making much progress Kama then stood and whipped his Tails sending Naruto flying he was caught by isobu are you okay little fella isobu asked Naruto responded with a ring gesture you'll just have to try something else don't you have any sealing techniques matatabi asked Naruto Shrugged I don't know matatabi looked at him for a moment you're an uzamaki For Heaven's Sake you have to have at least one figure it out Naruto would form a renon and isobu would then supercharge it with his own chakra he then flung Naruto at kudama who would then proceed to be smashed with a three- Tales big ball renon kudama would go rolling back as would Naruto he would then weave hand gestures suddenly Tory Gates would come down from above and hold Kodama down so he couldn't move Naruto thought for a second I'm not sure what to do now matatabi looked down with a startled expression what figure it out we're going to die Naruto thought about it for a second and then felt two hands wrap around him from behind he turned back to see a strange red-haired woman there despite how close she was at the moment she didn't feel threatening her smile was warm she kissed his cheek and suddenly from Naruto's back shot adamantine chains These Chains would grip the Ninetails chakra and begin to pull the woman spoke in his ear you want this more show him how much you want it he desires to keep his chakra for himself you want it for your friends for your village don't take no for an answer Naruto let out a battlecry and the chains pulled harder suddenly he ripped the chakra from kurama's body and pulled it into himself his body was suddenly set a light with golden chakra and he felt his power increase even further he would look up and push Kodama back into the cage and seal it again suddenly the three of them awakened in the chamber and saw Naruto glowing golden the three of them cheered and celebrated together but as soon as they stood matatabi spoke be careful with how you use that power now that this new border has been crossed when you take chakra from Kurama realize he'll take some from you too overuse of this will result in your death so please be careful Naruto would nod and the three would would exit the room there they planned to tell Kakashi the good news but before they could they realized that he was upset what is it Naruto asked Kakashi spoke I just received word from Tsunade konoha is currently under attack by sunna this is the moment we've been waiting for Sasuke would curse there's no way we can make it back in time Sakura looked to him I actually think we can the group looked to her uh isobu just told me he can use SpaceTime Ninjutsu and uh he says he can get us back ASAP Kakashi's eyes widened why didn't he tell us sooner Sakura let off a nervous smile he says it never came up Kakashi shook his head just use it now Sakura nodded and put her hands together with the blink of an eye they were gone they rematerialized at the place where isobu was most comfortable his Temple that had been built for him in konoha they rushed outside and saw the devastation heard the crying and saw the explosions ioni looked around I've got to regroup with the enu Kakashi nodded he then looked to his Squad listen I've got to go check Che on Tsunade I need the three of you to go down there use whatever new Strength you found to subdue the enemy assert your dominance show the world that the leaf isn't some frail Village the trio offered an agreement in unison Kakashi would run off Naruto looked back it's now or never Sakura entered her version 2 cloak and began to make her way down into The Fray Sasuke stood there I don't know how much help I'll be able to give but I'll do my best Naruto put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder that's all I'm asking for let's show the world what deterrence looks like Naro turned around still in his chakra cloak and made his way off within Sasuke's head he heard matatabi unlock my seal if you do I'll use my chakra from myself instead of channeling it through you it'll help me take on my True Form without dragging you down Sasuke trusting his Beast agreed unlocking the seal this allowed matatabi to take True Form without channeling it through Sasuke yet at the same time keeping enough chakra within him to keep him alive however the appearance of matatabi was viewed by the current kazakage as a calling card gar in his infinite Insanity decided to let shukaku out none would dare stand against sunna and live the massive Beast would begin to Rampage through the village but matatabi ignored it choosing to Aid the Left Flank where they were weakest Sakura kept it to the right flank and Naruto charged right up the middle it was he who saw shukaku's appearance and knew that he had to do something about it he rushed up through the enemies shredding them as he went along until he stopped at the center gar he called out the Beast looked down oh look how the mighty has fallen he cried Kurama unable to take command a prisoner to a human child a slave indeed I may also be sealed but the question here is if it is I who's the prisoner or my jingui Naruto heard this and thought about it he took Mor of kurama's chakra and formed it into a tailed beast itself a massive golden Fox appearing before them he began to attack the Beast as Kodama and shukaku fought it was obvious that Naruto despite the power of His Beast was not capable of keeping up with shukaku who knew how to use his powers better shukaku would be capable of knocking Kurama back causing him to roll across the ground he raised himself up to his feet before he could do anything shukaku was on top of him again its sand covering Kodama threatening to drown the Beast truly a shame shukaku shouted you're but a shell of your former s Kurama your power has dwindled perhaps the greatest Mercy I can show you is kill you in hopes that you'll regenerate into the true warrior you used to be the sand began to close in tighter attempting to crush the beast but Naruto saw it he saw gar sticking up out of the center Naruto wormed his way up through the sand Naruto spoke gar isn't your prisoner not anymore you're done suddenly kurama's head pushed out and bit the face of shukaku kurama's mouth was filled with sand but the most important thing was that he managed to pull out gar this caused shukaku's body to fall to nothing Naruto forced Kodama to open its mouth and free gar Gar opened his eyes startled at what he was seeing Naruto looked down at him call off the attack gar now gar jumped at the sound of Naruto's voice he barely needed to say anything though his people were already retreating from konoha's forces and with that the battle came to an end and konaha was defended gar was captured and it was revealed that the seal gar had over shukaku was weak which is partly what led to his Insanity they would apply a new seal and for the first time in years gar was capable of sleeping through the night sunna's forces were further demolished and this led to sunna eventually failing as a village and being abandoned altogether however this battle served as a reminder to the world that konoha still had its Beast s and they were not a force to be trifled with and with isu's teleportation it became spread far and wide that konoha now had the means for an instant strike anywhere in the world which led to paranoia and once more an age of peaceful deterrence due to this peace was restored Sasuke continued to have issues with his lungs from that point on but matatabi was always there to help him and Sakura and isobu ended up becoming the ideal specimens for what aent Jeri should be and while Naruto didn't have any real relationship with kudama his control over the tailed beast allowed him to take the top spot as strongest jingui It Was Fear of his ever growing potential that helped keep the other villages in line and that's the end of the story I mean it doesn't have to be if this video is viewed enough maybe I'll make another pirate but as for me I consider this story wrapped up for now be sure you leave a comment and tell me what your favorite parts were or tell me what you think should have been changed until next time peace out did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the imagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 285,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: CH1waeooQrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 44sec (4064 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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