What If Minato Saved Obito? (Full Movie)

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[Music] foreign a while back someone made a request for a story in our what if Naruto trained under all three signing video their request said and I quote hey amagi I understand you probably won't see this but I have an idea for a what if I remember Obito talking about the nine tails and how Minato could have saved Obito if he noticed it was him what if Minato realized it was Obito and brought him back during the nine-tailed attack end quote here at the amagi we value all of our viewers and their opinions while not every request becomes a video we take a lot of inspiration from your comments and requests we love getting feedback and yes we do see your comments and it warms our hearts every time and so because I feel that this request has a lot of story potential I plan to make it for you special I hope you enjoy this thanks voting clover welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos we know that a lot of you folks like to watch our videos as you do keep coming back but if you could double check that you were subscribed to the amagi it would mean the world to us the amagi's reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and let's get going oh miss Payne the voice within him spoke his inner voice was the only one that could be heard by this point as his physical voice was crushed under the weight of the stone he felt his body breaking he felt like his bones were being ground to dust and for all he knew they were in between bouts of unconsciousness he heard the sound of fighting screaming crying he heard the voice of Kakashi and lightning style chakra as he rushed through the hordes of ewanin please protect Rin he said as he finally lost Consciousness he was floating in the void he was in total darkness complete deprivation of his senses there was nothing for him to feel nothing for him to see or hear there was only Obito curled into a ball in his own inner World his mind where his tired and scared psyche had retreated to he sat there was he dead was this death why did it feel so cold had he really gone to hell what did he do to deserve this was it because he killed that iwan in was he forever separated from God and His loved ones because of murder or was it Envy Envy of his friends Envy of Kakashi suddenly there was this feeling there was something else to sense and for the first time since arriving here he saw his own hand as it raised to block out the light are you God The Voice then spoke some might call me a god Obito looked into the light and saw only an eye bearing Rings moving out from the center the light grew and suddenly he was here he was in a bed the entire right side of his body having been covered and bandaged he could see it was a little foggy and a little blurry perhaps there had been Damage Done to his eye after the Raw rocket smashed it he was seeing double but slowly his eyesight mended he was confused at that but what he was even more confused about was his own Survival he felt pain in his body but not as severe as it had been a phantom pain of something long gone he looked down and found his torso was wrapped up but his legs weren't one leg was a paler shade of white than the other powder was he coated in some medicinal powder no he moved his foot and saw how gelatinous it was he almost panicked but a worse Panic came over him when he saw the two creatures standing over him he let out a cry of Terror a scream for his life he was too weak to fight back and after what he had gone through the honor of a Shinobi was a memory in the back of his head a memory that didn't matter anymore to him not now he couldn't defend himself he screamed in Terror and attempted to flee only to feel as if a million burning daggers had been stabbed into his right side he screamed again but this scream was one of intense Agony this brought tears to his eyes don't move a Gruff boys spoke commanding not asking the same voice that pulled him from the darkness he looked over as the creatures backed away he saw an elderly man there wearing a gown his hair white as snow sitting upon a stone Throne before a massive statue in his hand he held a scythe Obito spoke you're not a God you're the Grim Reaper the man looked up with a smile yeah I've been called that too Obito seemed like he wanted to run but with a single movement his body flat out denied him refusing to move further as the pain had already taught his subconscious the penalty of obeying that order in this condition the old man's face grew a bit more serious as I said before do not move Obito looked around his neck on a swivel the only part of him that he could move without pain where am I who are you the old man's side not because he was unwilling to speak but because he was trying to gather what little energy remained within him just to utter words some have called me a god of Shinobi others have called me a Reaper of Souls but these days I am a ghost I am the ghost of the Uchiha and this is my Abode the Mountain's graveyard after all it's only fitting for a ghost of the past to make their Abode in a lich yard Obito's mind was on fire trying to pin it not yet aware that he was out of danger ghost of the Uchiha wait there's no way you can't be Madara Uchiha the man questioned finishing Obito's sentence I am Obito seemed to climb up a little realizing just who he was looking at at that time Obito saw not the old man who required life support just to breathe but instead saw the legend what do you want with me Modera continued to sit there his pilferred Sharingan glowing in the shadows cast by the hair hanging over his face I've been watching you for a long time I've been searching for an heir to my dream I can trust nobody but you to say that Obito was confused was to say that the moon was round or that fire was hot why me I don't even know you Modera smiled because I see in a gentle heart as fragile as glass you're someone who cares and you're someone who wants what's best for everyone and my dream will bring peace to the world Obito looked around and what if I refuse what if I refuse to accept murderous smile turned into a cold hardened stare then I'll take your Sharingan and dispose of you now rest I have need of you and you cannot be of use to me until you're healed so rest now then we'll break you into your new body so for two weeks Obito rested constantly barely moving to do anything all while he was receiving the regenerative factor of hashirama's cells which now made up close to half of his body But after those two weeks he was ready to move and possess no pain he had to relearn how to do a lot of things he had to relearn how to walk how to hold things in his hands it took a lot of trial and error but he slowly became used to his new body and was capable of moving then came physical training to regain all the strength his body lost during the time he was inactive as well as to condition his new body into a useful state that he could use for his many coming missions he grew stronger a little taller and the hope of seeing the one girl he loved the most in the world lit a fire within him that pushed him to Greater Heights pushed him to become more than he was he may have been wounded he may have been disfigured but he loved her still and he wouldn't stop until he could find her again and when he did he would be stronger than ever before he seemed more daring his movement swifter it was only to be expected however for all intents and purposes Obito was now half hashirama so it would be expected that he should display even a portion of the old hokage's Power he grew stronger more powerful it was then however that zetsu rushed in with dire news Reen and Kakashi are in trouble of course this always was the plan Modera knew that the only way to bring him onto the right path was to manipulate him to make him hurt to make him feel pain to force him through the curse of hatred and watch the birth of a new being completely removed from anything it had ever been before and so so he let Obito go who was determined to never return but as he passed through the rain he continued to see visions of things as he grew Closer by the time he arrived he witnessed rain impaled on the other end of Kakashi's arm Reign he cried out as suddenly Kakashi fell unconscious Obito gripped his own head and fell into the tree he would then open his eye to show the distinct look of the mangyakyo Sharingan blood began to drip from his eye as he cried out towards the heavens his Roar a direct challenge to fate this drew the attention of all those nearby Obito looked down reborn Through the flames of pain and hate the zetsu he wore as a protective shell then closed around his face leaving only his mongekyo exposed he rushed through the trees spikes and all manner of piercing objects Rose from the ground and fired on those from above blood splattered upon his face as his own eye began to bleed from usage but with each use with each movement it was damaged it would heal even stronger due to hashirama's cells a Sharingan to surpass the a Sharingan born of hashirama's healing Factor an eye that grew stronger with use and he used it a lot attacks phased through him as if he didn't exist as if he had become the embodiment of the term ghost of the Uchiha this was all according to matara's design and as Obito slaughtered the last of the kitten in he stopped by Rin and Kakashi he knelt down by Irene and took her up in his arms she was his everything she was his life his light he would have sacrificed everything for her he would have been crushed killed tortured and resurrected a thousand times over if she would only smile upon him in this moment he wanted to die and perhaps a part of him did he uttered her name only once as he rose his eye turned to Kakashi filled with ire he saw the blood on his hands Reen's blood you lying bastard you lying bastard he straddled his former friend and gripped the unconscious boy tightly around the throat he squeezed Tighter and Tighter he wanted to hear it he wanted to hear his larynx break he wanted to feel his windpipe crushed in the palms of his hands he wanted to hear his next snap he squeezed Tighter and Tighter but suddenly he stopped why did he stop why he stood and stepped away from Kakashi and looked down on him he ran into the forest where he stopped by a tree leaning against it he lost composure and began to cry suddenly he looked at the sky toward the rain falling on his face and let out a cry of rage and frustration it would be then that Obito would officially take up moderate dream Madara would show him all that he had planned and he would show him his dream and why he fought vowing that in this new world he could be with rain Modera would then remove himself from life support and would fall over dead Obito was the only one left he began to set things in motion now it wasn't too long from now that Minato and Kushina would be informed of their baby's conception a happy Minato would look to Kakashi who had since joined the anbu and he would feel a touch of Sorrow a bit of sadness Kakashi had lost both of his friends he'd lost his father he was alone all alone and for a while Minato feared that Kakashi would be unable to handle it he feared that Kakashi had lost sight of the meaning of life he had grown Reckless merciless to his enemies and self-destructive he worked non-stop he was a model anvu agent but he was pushing himself too far and Minato began to believe that he was trying to get himself killed so he ordered his only living student to watch Kushina as she went about her life who Sheena truly did require someone to watch over and protect her but it could have been anyone perhaps one of the many agents always watching her but no they chose Kakashi she would take the young boy out to eat to the Grocers anywhere she'd like to go and anywhere that she thought he might like to go despite her best efforts though he seemed to remain distant and uninterested such a tough nut to crack but she couldn't expect anything else Kakashi had walled off his heart nothing was getting in or out and despite being in a village full of people and potential friends he refused everything friendship Brotherhood shared between anbu agents the care of his Hokage and the kage's wife Kakashi might as well not even be here he might as well be on the battlefield he only spoke when spoken to when his answers were always short and direct she hated to admit that minato's plans seemed to be failing time continued to pass and she grew in size as the baby inside her got closer and closer to birth eventually the day came where she would give birth and she'd been moved to another location for the person now known as Toby as his former self died with Reed and watched this from afar the moment he learned that Kushina was pregnant he knew this moment was coming now could he really put the nine tails into the ghetto statue at this moment no he actually couldn't there was an order to things but how could he pass up the chance to get the most powerful beast in all of the world with this he could easily get the other eight without so much as a sweat the power of the Ninetales far exceeded the other tailed beasts it was almost comical how unfair the sage of Six Paths had been while dividing the power amongst the other beasts you could tell who his favorite was and now Obito would take it for himself he would take the nine tails destroy the remnants of this accursed Village and then seal the nine tails up into his kamui realm where he would leave it in a constant state of euphoria via genjutsu so he made his way in he passed by the anbu slaughtering them as he moved past he made his way into the facility he would wait until just after the child's birth before making his move he needed to strike before immune NATO could reinforce the seal he would also need to separate Kushina and Minato this shouldn't be too hard as the baby would be the perfect bargaining chip things were just falling so perfectly into place he waited for his moment before he walked in killed the nurses and took the baby for himself all the while Minato was attempting to put the seal back on step away from the jinchuriki fourth Hokage he demanded as his hand rested just above the infant's soft and fragile skull all it would take is a simple squeeze and it was over Obito knew that and Minato did as well which is why Minato complied Kushina struggled to hold the nine tails in as the seal was failing Toby would throw the baby into the air as to stab it with Minato grabbing the child before it could fall but that was the plan all along the baby had paper bombs glued to it in a moment of fatherly Instinct Minato would remove the swaddling and immediately teleport out via flying raijin as the cloth exploded into flames this left Obito alone with Kushina she was unable to talk at the moment due to the pain and loss of ceiling he put his hand on her and used kamui to teleport her out he then began the process of chaining her to the altar the altar of his ambition as the chains clicked around her wrists she looked up what are you doing she asked she looked weakly into his eye she was startled despite the man's talk there was something in his eyes a glint of a heart in pain a look that suggested somewhere deep in his heart there was a part of him that hated every second of this he took his hand and placed it on her seal using her chakra to pull the Beast out but as he tugged he felt the power of the Beast he also remembered that doing this would kill the jinchuriki he let go suddenly letting the chakra return to within her he gripped his hand as if it had been seared by the heat but in all actuality he was looking down at it as if to ask if he could handle staining it with this Blood Kushina sat there for a moment her eyes widening a little upon taking the chakra back into herself she brought with it a portion of the man's chakra and it was chakra that she had felt before he looked back at her as she looked to him through eyes filled with shock and Terror hopito he recoiled as she said his name she spoke again how are you alive Obito and why are you doing this he stood silently she spoke once more take off that damn fool mask and what do you think you'll see if I do he asked the face of my husband's student she said was Surety in her voice Toby grabbed his mask for the moment and pulled it away to show his scarred and disfigured Visage does this look like the face of the student you knew so long ago he asked her his voice having given up on impersonating a dead man she gasped when she saw his face I'll be told are you okay he sneered okay I'll never be okay again not until I complete your mission if you need medical treatment we can treat you is someone promising to heal you if you do this for them Obito scoffed my wounds run far deeper than the surface and your doctors can do nothing to heal my broken heart no doctor can she listened Rin she spoke your loss of rain that's eating away at you he stood there silently she spoke Obito Reen is Dead killing me won't bring her back Obito waggled a finger no you see that's where you're wrong I have a way to bring her back to me what is it Kushina asked I suppose only time will tell you think I plan to spoil the ending for you no I need your tailed beast and once I have it I plan to be with Reen again he put his hand on her seal again and gripped on with his chakra as he got a good grip on it his face seemed to show a bit of sadness realizing that he was about to kill the woman he had always seen like a mother she looked into his tearful eye you don't have to do this I don't know what anyone said to you about bringing Reen back to life but I can promise you that they're lying you don't have to do this he looked up at her as a tear dripped down his cheek you're wrong I do he pulled Kushina let out a scream as suddenly the chakra of the nine tails exit in her body placing his mask back on he formed a contract with the Beast and cast it under genjutsu before teleporting it to the center of the Hidden Lee Minato meanwhile was laying Naruto down at the family home covering him up to keep him warm as he donned the white howri that came with his position he marched out intent to take back what was his and defeat the man who would do this to the Village using his flying raijin technique he teleported out to Kushina using the formula he incorporated into her seal in the distance he heard destruction and he heard screaming the nine tails was already out he cut the chains holding Kushina and teleported her back to their home he lay her in the bed beside Naruto to let her cuddle in calm I'll be back he said as he turned around Kushina called out to him Minato wait he looked back yeah she spoke again please don't hurt the man it's Obito Minato turned his whole body to face her his eyes displaying shock what it's Obito she said he survived and he's confused he thinks he can resurrect Reen by doing this he doesn't understand what he's doing please save him Minato was in complete shock he nodded I will he then left to go face the man he saw him there the man in what appeared to be a tiger pattern mask wearing a black cloak you're too late for thokage he said Minato stood there take off the mask Obito the man's shoulders dropped and he sighed cats out of the bag now Minato was startled to see his disfigured face Obito what's happened to you Obito looked up what the face or the personality I've been crushed many times physically and emotionally I'm a byproduct of a cruel and unfeeling world or did you expect anything less from the Shinobi World Minato gripped his blade tighter Obito stop this it's Madness you just got back to the leaf let us take care of you it doesn't have to be this way he gripped his hair as if he had the worst migraine he stomped his foot yes it does he shouted out it's always had to be this way this is the only way Minato was startled by the Outburst because of Rin do you really think that this is what she would want I'll do what I have to just to see her again I don't care if I have to kill every person on this planet to accomplish that goal even if she hates you Mina to last Obito snarled even if she hates me I would have thought that a married man might understand Obito said his voice and words full of Venom you know what I don't understand Minato said I don't understand how you could betray your friends and family over a scam you know what I don't understand Obito asked I don't understand where you were when Reen was slaughtered where you were when she got killed where were you when she died when she got kidnapped where were you Minato was struck by this question I I was on a mission Obito nodded yeah you were for the second time you were too busy to save those nearest to you first me then read when will you ever be quick enough to save everyone yellow flash Minato then cried out I tried my best he huffed and puffed I tried my best I didn't want either of you to die I wanted to save you both Obito scoffed your best just wasn't good enough what you wanted to do and what you actually did are two very different things Minato stood there and fell to his knees I know you hate me I know you blame me but please don't do this you can't resurrect Rin Obito sneered I'm not planning to I plan instead to build a new world where she never died a world where I get to be with her forever Minato was confused how Obito then continued I plan to take all nine beasts and unite them within the ghetto statue I'll awaken the ten Tails I'll become instant Cherokee and I will cast the infinite tsukiyomi upon this world and bring them into a world of Dreams a world where the impossible is possible a world without War a world without the concept of winning and losing a perfect world where death doesn't exist and everyone can be happy and do whatever it is they desire Minato shook his head a genjutsu but Obito it's not real and what is real Obito asked what's real except for what your brain tells you is real for all you know you're already in again Jutsu and none of this really matters Minato stood perhaps so but the reason you know and love won't be the one you find there she'll merely be your puppet she'll look like green talk like her but whatever she was she won't be in this new world of yours Obito shook his head I'm not doing this only for Rin I'm doing this because you can't do your job I'm the result and the answer to you I walked down this path alone because you couldn't save me and because you couldn't save anyone else I'll do it for you in my own way Minato stood no this isn't the path to peace this is the path of running away Obito seemed startled by this easy for you to say you weren't there when all this happened Minato took a step forward no because I was elsewhere seeing it happen to other people experiencing it myself you think I felt no pain when you and Reen were killed I cried for days weeks you were family to me but I persisted I kept going you know why because that's what a Hokage does he doesn't flee down the easy path he walks the long and hard path of the front the kage Bears the pain and forges a new future the best he can I don't know if this world I'm in is real or fake but it's the only world I know and I'd prefer it to any other one Obito was startled I'm not fleeing I'm bringing peace I you're doing nothing but running away Minato screamed this dream world is a genjutsu an illusion it's not real you're gonna bury the truth under lies so deep that no one could distinguish the two anymore but you'll know you'll always know and you'll be the only one who can't escape into that world Obito stood there in shock Minato stepped forward Obito don't run away you can walk down this path it may not be easy it may be dangerous and there may be no end in sight but this is the world we live in it's worth dying for remember why you became a Shinobi remember why you wanted to be Hokage remember who you are Obito Obito shook his head no Obito is dead I'm Toby now Minato shook his hand if Obito were dead you wouldn't be standing before me now crying Obito would then realize the tears running down his cheek Minotaur reached forward and pulled him into a hug I'm so sorry for failing you I won't fail you a third time that's why I'm not going to let you go Obito's eyes closed as he began to cry Master what have I done I've killed lady Kushina Minato shook his head no she's still alive if we hurry we can save her Obito opened his eyes she's alive really let's go they ran off towards the house where they found Kushina she was laying there barely conscious but still breathing take her outside I'll reseal it into her Obito said Minato lifted his wife up and carried her outside and lay her down biting his thumb Obito drew blood and pressed his hand to the ground there was a plume of smoke as the nine tails appeared there Minato and Obito worked together and they managed to reseal the nine tails into Kushina as soon as they did the color returned to her face and she seemed to smile her eyes opened as she looked over I knew you were still in there Obito she said weekly in the distance though black zetsu watched with frustration in his eyes I knew he didn't have it in him he would then disappear Obito sat there as Kushina and Minato were all reunited with Naruto he sat there in shame he could not believe what he had done he had allowed grief to enter his heart and he had allowed himself to become manipulated by the ghost of the Uchiha how many people are dead because of me he asked Minato didn't look back at him I don't Obito looked away how can I live with myself how can I ever face The Village again after what I did Minato kneeled down you have all the time in the world to make up for this but first I want you to explain to me what happened when you survived tell me everything every detail tell me about this plan and about what you were taught Obito looked up and began to recount everything everything about matara the zetsu the hashirama senju sells the Rinnegan the ghetto statue and project tsukinome as Obito sat there he began to cry I probably killed so many people in konoha Minato patted his shoulder perhaps and your Penance will be knowing that and walking free today the man who attacked konoha died and Obito killed him the village will hear that the man who attacked them was killed and you will rejoin our ranks you'll have to live with the guilt of what you did but you can begin to make up for it after this they returned to the village and Minato brought his family and Obito with him it was there that Kakashi finally laid eyes on him Obito couldn't face him and Kakashi couldn't face Obito either Bo both bore too much guilt to face the other konoha began to rebuild after this it's then that a few things changed first off with the Declaration that the man who had attacked konoha was killed by minato's own hand and that it had been matara whom he had fought against both technically true from a certain point of view no suspicions were put on the Uchiha and they were never moved and by those events the Uchiha would not have risen up against them the hyuga affair may have occurred but hizashi Hugo would not have been killed as Minato would not have let Kumo bully them into this especially knowing who was at fault and why this leads to peace as it becomes obvious that Kumo could not beat konoha in a war and had only been bluffing when it comes to Orochimaru due to Minato not being hirazin Orochimaru would not have escaped his compound this results in the death of Orochimaru all of which affects the plot in big ways for years Obito worked with the anbu Minato did this in hopes that Obito and Kakashi might reconnect one particular occasion when they worked together was during a into the land of woods where they were to watch over a team exchanging Scrolls precious Secrets being traded as a form of Goodwill between the two Villages most small villages would jump at the chance to be allied with konoha and it seemed that the land of woods was to be next so it was slightly unforeseen when they killed the konoha group and attempted escape with the scroll konoha pizzas it was then that the anbu moved in two separate teams one team under Kakashi Hatake and one under Obito flanking from the sides they would begin to perform a pincer maneuver during this attempt Obito came into contact with the Enemy leader a woman in a Hanya mask the two fought for a time but with the benefits of his kamui ability Obito would just phase through her attacks which gave him plenty of openings to strike back because as you know kamui is one of the most busted Jutsu in all of Naruto basically turning time and space into a sword and shield but anyway he had her on the end of his sword and for a moment he saw himself in her that was all it took for him to flush away any guilt that he had he impaled her as easy as that the entire group was eradicated and they took the land of Woods's scroll as spoils they would return to the village where Kakashi and Obito would share a locker room as Obito put his things away Kakashi looked over at him would uh would would you like to get a bite to eat with me Obito was silent for a moment as he contemplated the words he swallowed hard and took a deep breath before speaking I don't think that's really a good idea why not Kakashi asked Obito was silent he just closed his locker and began to leave see this is normally where Kakashi would decide to give him his space but for some reason Kakashi couldn't do that perhaps a part of him desired to know why he was being avoided perhaps Kakashi sensed the awkwardness in the air and hoped to confront it he threw his towel down on the floor and stepped out of the room after him why not kakashiya says Obito walked away is it because of Rin Obito stopped at the mentioning of her name Kakashi spoke I tried I really did I didn't want her to get hurt I didn't want her to die I don't know why she had to jump in front of my Chidori that way if I had known that was her plan all along I would have used a different technique I swear I didn't mean for it to happen silence passed for a few moments before Obito spoke I know you didn't I know you didn't then why are you avoiding me is it something that I did if it's not rain then what is it it can't be because I'm better than you because that's not true anymore you surpassed me a long time ago so what have I done that's caused you to hate me like this I don't hate you Obito said flatly then why do you act like it why do you turn around and run every time you see me ever since you got back you haven't even stopped to talk with me not even once that's not true Kakashi missions don't count dobito Kakashi said you have to talk to me then but I mean any other time I thought we were friends we were then why won't you talk to me are we not friends anymore Obito looked forward we're not he began to walk away leaving Kakashi behind from behind a locker Minato stood it was no secret that he had continuously put Obito and Kakashi on the same missions together in hopes that they would rekindle their friendship but now it seemed like it wasn't working in fact it seemed like it went the other direction and pushed them apart now Obito is the one doing that Obito was the one pushing them apart Obito left and made his way home he opened the door and sat his things down on the table and just fell into bed beside him on his bedside table set a picture frame depicting the three of them team Minato and their Master standing above them he laid the picture on his face team Minato didn't exist anymore and it was his fault what started at connaby Bridge and continued through the escape from kirigankari snowballed into bitterness and hate and in the end it turned Obito into a monster something he couldn't recognize anymore he began to wonder how he could ever forgive himself so many innocent people died because of his actions and and what was happening now what he was doing now that didn't change what he had done it merely buried the bodies of the just under the bodies of the unjust whether for justice or for the common good he was still a murderer and it seemed that that's all he would ever be there was a knock at his door Obito begrudgingly rolled out of bed and moved to the door and opened it up Lord fourth Minato smiled may I come in Obito nodded and walked in deep he sat down by the table Minato closing the door behind him walked in and sat down there was silence for the better part of 30 seconds Obito then broke with the most obvious question what are you doing here minato's brows raised wow that almost sounds like you don't want to see me that's not how I meant it to sound Minato nodded his head yeah I know silence continued for a moment more before Minato broke it why are you avoiding Kakashi why did you tell him that you two aren't friends anymore because we're not Obito said as he stood to make himself something to eat why not Minato asked I thought you two were close Rivals you even gave him your left Sharingan surely you two had to have been friends at one point we were then what happened Obito stopped and thought about it I betrayed who I was I betrayed konoha I betrayed Reen I betrayed you and Lady Kushina I betrayed Kakashi I don't deserve to be friends with him I already told you Minato said that wasn't you that was someone else that took over and you conquered it and came back Obito looked back no that was me it was always me read peace no that was just tense I chose to do what I did because I was tired of living in this world I was tired of dealing with it I was going to burn away all of the so-called Shinobi and make a new world I'd always felt that way I'd always felt like I wanted the world to disappear it wasn't for peace in the world and it wasn't for real it was for me I gave into it because I wanted to be free of the Troubles of this world I never met my parents and I was dumped off on my grandmother I worked so hard to gain acceptance did you know I never even wanted to be a Shinobi I wanted to work construction I wanted to build houses people could live in build Bridges like the one we destroyed in the grass I wanted to connect people give them a home but at some point in time I craved recognition so I changed my dream I wanted to become Hokage I wanted to become a Shinobi why maybe so I could finally feel accepted so I could finally feel like I belonged I've never felt like I belonged anywhere and I thought that if enough people respected me and cared about me maybe I would belong somewhere but I didn't and because I didn't belong anywhere I didn't want any of those places is to exist any longer I want it to be free I wanted to destroy the world and rebuild it in a shape where I could fit perfectly in the center even now I feel that way I didn't transform into some monster overnight and I didn't kill the old me I am and always have been like this and it'll never change so as long as I don't fit in I'll hold resentment for this world and because of that view I'm ashamed of myself no amount of anbu work will change that it won't change what I've done he put the mask on the table Minato looked down to the mask and then back up what's this Obito stood there for a second this is my resignation Minato stood now hold up let's think this through I've already thought this through Minato Sensei I just keep adding more bodies to the pile it's not making me feel any better it just keeps reminding me of who and what I am Minato picked it up are you sure about this Obito Obito not it I'm sure minato's shoulders drop then he let out a sigh of disappointment what'll you do now Obito Shrugged become a normal Shinobi just Patrol the village I don't need much I just need a job that will get me enough to live Minato nodded he took the mask turned around to leave he opened the door but stopped he called back behind him you know if you ever need anything that you can always come and talk to me right Obito nodded I know Minato nodded take care of yourself Obito he stepped out the door closing it behind him time continued to pass and Obito seemed to not really be going anywhere Kakashi's anbu career continued to move in full force years passed and Naruto would continue to grow eventually joining the academy and studying to become a Shinobi time and time again Naruto was at the top of his class due to the extensive studying he did with all the resources that only the hokage's son could afford always behind him was Sasuke who was a gifted student and a warrior of the Uchiha Sasuke wasn't a very happy child despite everything he could do he always felt that it wasn't good enough when you were the second born and your older brother was considered a legend at such a young age you were forced to grow in their Shadow and the shadow cast by Itachi was large it was long nowhere could Sasuke go without being compared in some fashion to Itachi wow you're almost as handsome as Itachi the older woman would tell him why can't you be as skilled as your brother his father would ask even in his own household he was constantly being compared to Itachi and that left him feeling unworthy like nothing he ever did was good enough this little tree was twisting and contorting to find some light anywhere but the Mighty Oak beside him was always blocking out the sun now this wasn't really Itachi's fault Itachi couldn't help what he was he couldn't help that he was handsome couldn't help that he had skilled in wisdom most other people in Itachi's shoes would likely just tell Sasuke that it was a skill issue or that I should just get good but Itachi was different Itachi was the only person in the village the only person in the family who could see Sasuke for what he was without bias Itachi knew that Sasuke wasn't him Sasuke wasn't Itachi and Itachi was glad his little brother was special he was unique and he tried so hard all the time and he never once failed to tell him that but despite the love of his brother sometimes that just isn't enough this causes some to become determined to be better than Itachi it makes him bitter at anyone stronger than him and right now he's bitter at Naruto this becomes 10 times worse when he's placed on the same team as Naruto Naruto himself was a prodigy with the large chakra reserves that he naturally inherited from his mother's side Naruto found himself strong enough to use even high-level Jutsu that others couldn't and so Minato would teach him everything Sage Mode Rasengan flying raijin Shadow clone if Kakashi knew what it was he was teaching it to Naruto which only furthered the gap between Sasuke and Naruto's two powers during this time Obito was just doing his thing he was just patrolling The Village as a member of the konoha police force he and Kakashi had not spoken in years Obito tended to stay behind a desk most of the time he merely approved and disapproved documents worked bail and ensured that the cells were tidy and clean he wasn't going anywhere in life and it seemed he didn't want to but that was when Minato came to him one day Obito looked up at him from his work Minato Sensei what brings you here Minato would speak my son Naruto is about to graduate from the academy and join a Shinobi team Minato thought for a moment fast time had passed had it really been 12 years since the demon fox attack Obito had initiated Obito smiled congratulations you must be so proud Minato returned the smile I am but there is a particular reason that I'm here Obito looked up huh Minato continued my son's team will be formed soon and he has no Joanie and available to lead the team I came here to ask you to be the mentor of Team seven Obito shook his head while waving his hands out in front of him whoa no way no way I can't do that why not Minato asked because I almost freaking killed him on his birthday you expect me to be his teacher Minato laughed yes I do this isn't a request Obito was startled by that wait this is an order Minato nodded you've been wasting away behind this desk for six years you don't use your abilities much you're going to atrophy at this raid Obito thought about it I just don't know if I'm fit for the job you're entrusting me with the futures of three children you really think I can handle that Minato nodded I think he can silence ensued as Obito thought about it Minato spoke up you're the one who attacked the village people died and you're adamant about making up for your past mistakes you're not going to do that cooped up behind a desk all day playing with stamps you need to take the initiative and face your problems head on you almost killed Naruto if you were anyone else I'd hate you for that but that's exactly why you need to do this you need to make up for what you've done so start with the ones you hurt first you killed the anbu agents outside of the hideout on the day of Naruto's birth and then you worked in the onbu for six years you participated in many missions and saved the lives of many who would have otherwise died I consider your debt to the onbu paid next you hurt me Kushina and Naruto and now is your chance to make up for it by mentoring my son that's the next step in paying off your debt so will you do it Obito Shrugged I suppose you've left me with little choice I kind of have to now Naruto Sasuke and Sakura sat there in the room waiting for their new mentor to arrive Naruto is setting up a prank he sat down and waited they waited for a long while too their Mentor was fashionably late but eventually the door opened and Obito walked in the Eraser Naruto had set up to fall on their new Mentor indeed fell but it passed clean through Obito looked down wow the oldest trick in the book did Minato Sensei never teach you anything he stepped in they saw their Mentor he seemed tired and uninterested but he was here Sakura meanwhile couldn't help but notice the man's disfigured face she kept her mouth closed Naruto didn't though why does your face look like it was crushed by a rock because it was Obito said flatly as he stood there Naruto's face turned red wait really Obito nodded Naruto continued well why do you hide the other side of your face with your forehead protector why not cover the scarred side instead because I'm blind in my left eye or more shall I say my left eye is no longer in my head Sakura covered her face wondering how she could end up with a mentor like this everything about him was so frightening from his nonchalant nature to his ruined appearance she wondered if she had the strength to study under such a man Naruto was embarrassed a little about having asked these questions and made these statements Sasuke however was a different canopy means he had seen the way that Obito had entered the room and noticed something particular this man possessed a Sharingan this meant one of three things he was either an Uchiha a friend of the Uchiha or someone who would pilfer the eyes of anuchiha and somehow got away with it whatever the answer Sasuke was very interested the man pulled up a seat and sat down in it my name is Obito Uchiha and I'm a former member of the anbu Black Ops and a current member of the konoha police force Sasuke nodded the man was anuchiha that would make things even more interesting Obito looked around at them so tell me a little something about yourselves that you deem important like what Sakura asked anything Tommy your likes dislikes aspirations anything Sakura smiled I was named after the cherry blossoms that bloom every year I was born March 3rd and it had been exceptionally warm during that time which meant that the cherry blossoms bloomed super early on her way to the hospital my mother passed by the cherry blossoms and knew at that moment that she would name me Sakura Obito gave a small smile that's an interesting factoid Tommy Sakura what are your dreams for the future Sakura looked over for a moment with a blush there's someone I really like I just want to be lucky enough to become his wife that's all I really want Obito's small smile grew a bit larger Ah that's a juicy bit of information I hope your dreams come true for you Sakura Sakura smiled at this beginning to believe that she was wrong in her Judgment of this man based on First Impressions only Obito moved on what about you Naruto you have a very unique name what does it mean Naruto scratched the back of his head and let off a nervous giggle my name sounds like it was derived from an ingredient in ramen that's because it was you see my mom and dad love Uncle Jiraiya Sensei so much that they decided to take the name of the character in his book and name me after him and name Jiraiya my godfather you see in Jiraiya's novel he wrote The Tale of the utterly gutsy Shinobi the character who served as my namesake was a Shinobi who never gave up and my parents wanted me to be just like that so I was named after him Obito listened with a smile there's a lot of deepness in each one of your names now tell me Naruto what are your dreams Naruto didn't have to think for a single moment before blurting out out to be the Hokage of course I want to be stronger than Dad and I want to follow in his footsteps Obi told that off a chuckle that was my dream too Once Upon a Time what happened Naruto asked Obito thought for a moment circumstances changed life changed I changed it just doesn't seem possible anymore he then turned to Sasuke and what about you short dark and brooding Sasuke looked over my name is Sasuke he said in a voice that was not very enthusiastic Obito looked around is uh is that it no special meaning Sasuke stared at him Obito sat back that's interesting because I heard the rumor that you were named after the father of the third Hokage here is it Sasuke sarutobi Naruto and Sakura looked over at Sasuke Obito sat back in his chair why don't you tell us about that Sasuke gazed at him over the knuckles of his Loosely clasped hands I was named after Sasuke sarutobi one of the 10 strongest Shinobi in all of konoha and a member of the prestigious group The Ten Braves a unit of some of the greatest warriors in the Warring States period I was named as such by my mother and father in the hopes that I would make them proud as I shouldn't movie Obito smiled I'm sure they are Sasuke scoff they're not Obito was caught off guard by the statement that they weren't proud of him but he let it slide since it wasn't his business so tell me Sasuke what are your dreams Sasuke sat back to be the strongest Shinobi in the world Obito cocked his head with a hint of a smile on his face oh you also wish to become a Hokage Sasuke scoffed once more no such a thing is Trivial merely a title you can't prove yourself the strongest from behind a desk to that Naruto interjected hey the Hokage is always the strongest Shinobi in the village you know that's how it works and he isn't always behind a desk when he needs to fight and train he's out in the field with everyone else the name of Hokage is one that's deserving of Honor because they're the strongest not because they're a desk jockey Sasuke thought about it huh then yes I plan to become Hokage Fat Chance Naruto shouted out I'm gonna be the next Hokage believe it Sasuke glared at him I'm gonna catch up with you one day Naruto and when I do I'm Gonna Leave You in the dust I'll snatch the position of Hokage away from both you and Itachi and proved to my family that I was always the strongest son Naruto was about to jump out of his seat Sasuke stood ready for him before a fight could break out Obito was between them pushing each one back enough we're a team remember if you both want to become Hokage then you better train your asses off realize that there are a lot of Shinobi in this Village you want to be Hokage and you won't inherit the title just because you're the hokage's son or because you want to be the strongest achieving this title like all other things requires grit perseverance wit and dedication but you know what else it requires the boys look up at him inquisitively Obito continued it requires rivalry when two people attempt to outdo the other you continue a constant cycle of one up eventually you'll leave all competition in the dust as you push yourself beyond what you're naturally capable of and eventually you'll find that you've left everyone else in the dust that's what happened with me and my rival Kakashi he was always stronger than me but my determination pushed me further if you both try your best I'm certain one of you will become Hokage one day maybe both but for now you you gotta train Naruto and Sasuke pulled away from each other and gave a nod of approval and with that Obito began the process of draining them now Obito did not do the Bell test like Kakashi would have he felt that these were things that you learned on your own and weren't expected to know from the start after all new teams seldom worked well together but so long as they listened to him he would continue to remind them about the importance of teamwork they did little jobs here and there and when they weren't doing work they were training they would Spar together work out together and do anything and everything together to a point Sakura began to feel left out because Naruto and Sasuke were too focused on each other to bother with her but Obito stuck with her he told her that she reminded him of someone he used to know and told her that her path lay on a different road instead of becoming Hokage she dreamed of ministering whoever would be he told her that she was smart intelligent and possessed good chakra control and while she wasn't entirely the strongest at the moment she was capable of a lot of things and displayed potential about as great as both Naruto and Sasuke he told her that he believed that these 2 would eventually hurt themselves as hard as they were pushing their bodies and when that happened they would need someone to watch over them and help them heal he told her that this is what he thought her natural Talent was she would nod and begin working on studying these things he gave her all the resources he felt she would need to become a passable medical man and let her study Minato all the while was impressed with Obito's ability to lead them and teach them he kept an eye on them and when he saw how well Naruto reacted to Obito's teaching he began to consider something new as he walked in on Naruto hanging from a bar in his room by his legs doing inverted sit-ups Minato stepped in hey Naruto how do you like your new teacher Naruto looked at his father with a smile upside down Obito Sensei he's great he's strong and wise and best of all he's one of your students he said he's going to help me and Sasuke grow stronger since Sasuke wants to be Hokage too just to prove that he's stronger than his brother Minato nodded his head as he listened maybe I have a special mission for you and your team how would you like to escort a VIP to a quaint fishing Village Naruto fell off his bar he looked up at his father from the floor or you mean an actual Mission not like with picking up old candy wrappers or carrying groceries for old ladies but like a real Mission like with fighting uh I don't know about how much fighting you'll do but according to the Forum there is a possibility you run into some Bandits and if you do well then you'll have to protect your VIP now wouldn't you Naruto stood up his eyes glistening with excitement yeah I would love that Minato would laugh okay then don't tell the others I'll assign it to your team tomorrow see if Obito thinks you're ready for this level of mission until then get some rest the next day the four of them stood in the hokage's office he was handing out missions to each Shinobi team as they came Naruto was rubbing his hands together with excitement showing excitement on his face as well Sasuke and Sakura looked at him with confusion in their eyes Obito stepped forward to the desk Minato wearing a set of reading glasses looked down at the papers he looked up on Obito I only have one mission for your team today a mission outside of the village Obito looked at him curiously Minato pushed the mission summary to Obito and let him read it a VIP escort mission to the Land of Waves I mean it's so nodded do you think your team can handle it I'll be till it looked back yeah I'm sure they could but isn't this closer to tuning level Minato shook his head it's close but it's not quite there there are no planned enemy combatants the only thing you may face is low-level Bandits likely thieves who don't even know how to use Ninjutsu so that falls just into the purview of a team full of Guinea Obito looked back at his team you told Naruto about this didn't you Minato laughed nervously I might have mentioned it by accident before bed Obito's side with a smile I suppose I can't let him get disappointed then I'll take the mission Minato smiled if anything happens or if at any time you feel that the mission has become more than you and they can handle feel free to return to the village with the VIP I'll just assign it to a team of tuning then Obito nodded he walked back to his team looks like we're going on an escort Mission gang Naruto feigned surprise what really are you sure we're ready for such a thing Obito Sensei Sasuke and Sakura didn't seem amused how long do we have to prepare Sasuke asked Obito looked at his watch I'll say no more more than an hour and a half all you have to do is create a bug out bag that should be plenty for this Mission you do know how to make a bug up bag right the team Shrugged all saved Sasuke who had some idea of what one was due to Itachi letting him help him make one a few times with him Obito spoke a bug up bag is something that's always nice to keep ready it has only the Bare Essentials in it enough to last you at least 72 hours on a battlefield or anytime you're out of the village for myself I include extra socks underwear water lightweight foods that are easy to prepare like cans of cooked beans and sausages granola bars Etc a first aid kit just in case someone gets hurt some Scrolls ninja tools and between you and me I also add some entertainment for times when there's just nothing happening he pulls out a copy of makeup Paradise from his jacket this novel series was actually something he began reading not long after joining the anbu Kakashi gifted him with a first edition copy of the very first novel it was very rare and special he was apprehensive at first romance novels were never his thing but all things considered it was a lemon told from the perspective of a rich Playboy something pretty much every teenager wanted to be at the time it was one of the few shreds of evidence that he and Kakashi had ever had a bond and though Obito felt Unworthy of it he held onto it for a Memento of a time when they were closer and so each member of the team went home to prepare for their trip Obito had a bug out bag ready at all times so he was ready to go at a moment's notice during this time he stopped for ramen at ichiraku where he just so happened to sit down beside Kakashi it wasn't planned or anything by either party but all the same they found themselves sitting there with each other Obito had been seen so it was too late to stand up and leave he felt unworthy but he didn't want to be rude he attempted to sit by himself but as the ramen Bowl was brought to him Kakashi soon followed suit and sat down next to his old friend hey he said Obito looked over and gave a light smile hey Kakashi sat there right beside him I heard you left the police force teaching the Next Generation it seems Obito nodded someone's got to do it Kakashi gave a light chuckle maybe I should get into it I'm getting tired of the anbu I might like an easy your job Obito took a sip from his Ramen and attempted to softly ignore Kakashi in hopes that his former friend might lose interest and go his own way but Kakashi pressed harder what happened to us Obito Obito took a breath inside the Shinobi world happened to us Kakashi sat there in silence I still don't understand why it drove such a wedge between us when you came back to the Village I was so happy I had been alone for so long and finally a friend I thought dead was returned to me but we just never reconnected was it my fault Obito shook his head no it wasn't your fault it was never your fault I just a lot of things changed for me after economy Bridge a lot of things changed for me and I didn't like who I was becoming Kakashi sat there rin's death Hit me hard it was the last straw left I changed too I became merciless angry tyrannical as a team leader Obito Shrugged I just don't like to talk about that time it's a period of my life that I'd rather just forget Kakashi looked over at him you were always so happy when we were younger you always thought that a team should stick together that friends should never abandon each other we're still team Obito even though rin's not here anymore the two of us are a team he put his hand on Obito's back we are stronger together he said as he gave him a little Pat if you ever decide you want to talk to me you know where to find me Kakashi stood and made his way out the door taiuchi was standing there with his classic smile on his face just staring at Obito while washing the dishes Obito continued to eat once he was finished he paid for his meal then went home where he picked up his own bug out bag and made his way to the gate where he stood he looked at his watch it didn't take very long for the VIP a bridge worker named tazuna to show up they stood there for a while and Obito apologized to tizuna for his team being late tizuna brushed it off they both stood there in the distance team Obito began to make their way to the gate they walked up and stopped in front Obito smiled are we ready to go then team they all nodded Obito turned around and began to lead them off onto their first real Mission they walked down the road toward the Land of Waves as they did Obito couldn't help but think about his relationship with Kakashi he didn't truly deserve to reconnect with him but then again nothing Obito was doing did he truly deserve students a peaceful life a second chance he didn't deserve any of it so what difference would it make he had always believed that if he and Kakashi stood together then they could do anything all the while they walked Obito had been lost in thought head in the clouds daydreaming he didn't notice the puddle out of place until it was too late the demon Brothers sprang their trap and attempted to sever him in two with a chain very similar to the one he had used by the time he saw them it was too late to move kamui he suddenly went intangible the chain passing through him like it were nothing in a moment of instinct he summoned wooden constructs from the ground two spikes to impale the demon Brothers Sakura screamed in Terror in that moment Obito realized where he was and what he was doing he had forgotten that he had brought children with him oh well looking into the eyes of those nearby he saw Sakura seemed terrified she had her eyes closed like she was about to cry Naruto's eyes were open though his appearance and half smiled insinuated that while he was freaked out he certainly hadn't lost composure he'll probably throw up later or be unable to sleep but he would survive Sasuke on the other hand showed no signs of trauma more so that he enjoyed it or at the very least thought the technique used to defeat them was interesting Obito moved to the bodies and checked them out looking them over Hidden Mist perhaps not but definitely organized he looked back at tazuna these are two highly skilled to be simple Bandits what aren't you telling us to Zuna the man's side please I just need to get home not until you explain this to us Obito said I couldn't afford tuning so I had to settle for getting Obito nodded his head in a slightly judging manner I see I see so you decided to put children in danger for a fraction of the price intelligent intelligent tazuna shook his head no it's not like that I swear I I just didn't have the resources nobody in my Village does it's a miracle I was able to even get to the leaf where in bad shape in the Land of Waves a crime Lord has taken over if we build the bridge we can be free of him he won't let us he's been killing Bridge workers we just need protection Obito shook his head sorry to Zuna but you lied and this is well into tuning territory now we're calling this Mission off tazuna hit his knees please if you quit now people will die I know I lied to you and I'm sorry for that but I only did it because I felt like I needed to please understand don't you understand what it's like to be powerless to be crushed under someone else's thumb all because of circumstances that have nothing to do with you Obito thought about it tizuna prostrated himself before him please help us if you don't our little village is finished please Sensei Naruto said Obito looked back as Naruto continued I'm not Hokage yet but it's a Shinobi's Duty like that of akage to do everything in their power to save people no matter what the cost or risk so can we help him Obito thought about it inside fine we can but you better stay behind me and listen to my every order no matter what got it Naruto agreed as did the rest of Team seven Obito then walked over over to the deceased demon brothers and removed their gauntlets from their hands he looked at them this is a bit of an upgrade from 12 years ago he kept the gauntlets with him I always did like fighting with chains was Never As Good As with a blade maybe now I can finally practice so together the five of them continued on but eventually they would come across zabaza who would be there to stop them Obito looked at him for a moment ah yes the wielder of The Executioner's blade zabaza of the seven Swordsmen of the Mist zapasa looked at him formerly of the Mist now just as swordsman how was it that you know of me Obito smiled I know a lot of things zabaza jumped down then you should know by now that I have a contract to kill that old man Obito looked back at tzuna he returned his gaze to zabaza yes I know he told me didn't expect such a powerful mercenary to be hired though it seems gato means business zabaza then spoke I am relieved that you know as much as you do it means I don't have to waste time explaining it to you he unsheathed the massive blade I hope you've prepared Obito put his newly acquired gauntlets on his hands my friend I've fought people far stronger than you I doubt I'll break a sweat Obito rushed forward towards Obito as soon as he did however Obito's Sharingan transformed into a mangekyo he rushed towards zabaza as zabaza swung his massive Cleaver of a blade Obito merely phased through it with kamui catching him with the chains he summoned a wooden Spike behind him to tie zabazatu he chained him up and then walked towards him zabazzo was astounded by how quickly the battle had ended what are you Obito thought about it a ghost of a dead man zabaza looked at this you were lucky Obito shook his head no you were just careless you were too overconfident in yourself and your big blade it's never the big blade that's dangerous no it's the little Blade no one sees that's the dangerous blade zabaza Smiles indeed suddenly senbon came out of nowhere and struck Obito in his neck causing him to stumble out of the trees Haku appears and cuts the chain holding zabaza by the time Obito recovers they're gone damn it he explained as if this curse is going to change anything he Sighs and together with tazuna they begin to make their way back to the bridge workers home there he's presented with medical supplies which Sakura carefully begins to apply are you okay Obito nods yes I am entire left side of my body still feels numb though stupid nerve-based attacks all the while Obito is focused on repairing his gear as he does so he begins to notice that the gauntlets are massive and clunky yeah they'd make good blunt force instruments but that doesn't really fit his style as he repairs the chain carefully he begins to take stock of how much of this is really required given that all the abilities of these gauntlets that he needs are the claws and the chain he decides to strip it down to a pair of clawed gloves and a set of chains that fit on the wrists like shackles that's all he really needs content with his work he puts the weapons on his hands I bet I could even catch that Executioner's Blade with this thing what do you think Sakura she just smiles and gives him a thumbs up Obito Returns the gesture before wondering where Sasuke and Naruto went outside they're sparring just give it up Sasuke I'm always going to be ahead of you and that's all there is to it Sasuke scoffs the longer you believe that the further ahead of you I'll go Inari just sits on the porch watching them Spar considering how strong they all are he begins to truly wonder if this group of Shinobi will be enough to drive gato out and avenge Kaiser Obito watches from the door are you interested in becoming a Shinobi too Inari the boy shakes his head I want to be a contractor like grandfather I want to build things I want to build homes and bridges and things that connect people Obito looks down at the boy who shared the same dream he once had he smiled that's a good dreamy nari never let it go do whatever makes you happy being a Shinobi takes a special kind of person willing to hurt all the time I don't want someone like you giving up your dreams for pain Inari looked up at the man who seemed to be talking to himself now and in fact he was Obito was busy speaking with Inari but his mind was in another place wishing that he himself had remained true it was too late to go back now he had already suffered so much he was merely a shell of the starry-eyed child he once had been in all he could do was move forward that's all anyone could really do the day after the team merely watched over the Bridge's construction it was a truly boring task it seemed at least for team seven but for the bridge workers you could cut the tension with a knife it was out of nowhere that zabaza appeared Obito was up he saw him coming and began to make his way towards him he sighed as he fastened his new gauntlets to his hands you should have learned by now I was merciful last time but do you expect me to be lenient forever turn back now and I'll let you live azaba's a smirked the same thing goes for you Obito would rush into zambaza to strike him zabaza would faint a swing of his blade and instead stab into the ground Obito would materialize but his chain was caught on The Executioner's blade zabaza took this moment to Elbow Obito in the back of the head Obito would hit his knees stunned zabazzo would pick up his blade and prepare to carve Obito down the middle before he could however Obito activated kamui and fled into another dimension reappearing before him he rubbed the back of his neck ouch yeah you got me good that time I suppose I I was the one to be a little too confident I won't make that mistake twice zaba's a scoffed gleefully I bet not that's why I need to enact a new strategy Obito and zabaza circled each other for a time until zabaza eventually came in with a strike Obito phased through it and then tried to Claw at him with the razors at the end of his fingers which zabaza amazingly blocked with his blade as his claws were dragging down across the face of the sword leaving their Mark Obito could only Marvel at how quickly and easily zabaza wielded the heavy weapon as they continued to exchange blows Obito heard a cry he saw Naruto and Sasuke trapped within haku's demonic mirroring ice crystals zabaza laughed you lose do it Haku kill them Obito in a panic use his kamui to teleport into the Trap or he took the senbon meant for Naruto and Sasuke he fell to his knees Sensei Naruto and Sasuke cried out all the while zabaza slowly stepped into the ice crystals even with your cheesy ability you couldn't defeat me Naruto and Sasuke's step between Obito and zabaza but the mercenary knocks them away you overestimated your abilities Uchiha he raised his blade and began to drop it on Obito Obito lifted his hands and with his gauntlets he caught The Executioner's blade he looked up his Sharingan still active no you underestimated me again suddenly From Below zabaza came a wooden Spike that impaled him upon seeing this Haku cried out no zabaza in his rage the boy rushed Obito Obito's Sharingan was quick he lifted his hand and despite haku's speed Obito managed to grab the boy by the throat with his clawed hands his Sharingan stared at him from the corner of its socket his face splashed with blood I'll destroy all the so-called Shinobi a tight squeeze and A Yank he ripped haku's windpipe clean from his throat he stood there like a demon bathing in the blood of its victims this was enough for even Sasuke to show discomfort Naruto was confused at what he was seeing in Sakura almost burst into tears Obito looked back at them what is it did this scare you it's the Shinobi world you gotta learn to slaughter them before this becomes you there's no room for weakness he walks away from the Gory scene only for gato to speak well done well done a truly hearted Warrior a monster indeed if only I could have hired you Obito looked back at gato oh what's that did I hear a dead man talking gato laughed his army appeared you would threaten me you may have had enough to beat zabazon Haku but you'll never be enough to kill me and all my men Obito was enough he was more than enough in fact with the benefits of his kamui and his wood release Obito was an Untouchable ghost the demon within letting itself loose in the name of Justice a rabid dog chained up and tied to the judge's Podium maybe this isn't always who Obito has been but it was who he is now regardless of how much he hated it this was who he was now and no amount of Good Deeds no amount of Love shown to him would ever drive out the truth of the Shinobi World nor its side effects you could take the Shinobi out of the darkness but you could never take the darkness out of the Shinobi standing among the corpses littering the bridge he wiped his lip with the one clean spot on his arm as he turned around and disappeared from the battle like a ghost returning to his team he saw the looks upon their faces Sakura couldn't stop crying hiding behind tzuna Sasuke was avoiding eye contact and Naruto couldn't stop making eye contact the front of his trousers stained with pee Obito took a breath inside returning to the home of tazuna where he would have his shower and change into an extra set of clothes he had brought in his bug out bag looking at his former outfit the blood he knew there was no saving them so he just tossed them away it was very quiet that night and it was quiet the day after as they returned home Obito found himself back in konoha in the bar he sat on the stool and just asked the bartender to leave the whole bottle eventually the door opened up and Minato stepped in he asked if the seat beside him was taken Obito motioned for him to sit before lipping the neck of his sake bottle Naruto told me what happened Minato said Obito scoffed let me guess he required a transfer Minato shook his head no he actually didn't he thought it was an important lesson to learn Obito sipped his drink again he would have learned it eventually Minato sat there silently for the span of 10 seconds what's wrong Obito is something bothering you Obito put his drink down and looked to the bar table what happened to zabaza tahaku what I did that was the real me I thought I could change it but I was merely lying to myself Minato shook his head no it can be you just slipped In the Heat of the Moment it's happened to men far greater and far lesser than you Obito looked at Minotaur with a face skeptical of his reasoning devoid of care I'm not depressed nor am I upset at what I did disappointed maybe upset not in the least after all I walked in the darkness of the Shinobi world for so long one might believe that I actually am the darkness no matter where I go no matter which side I fight for bodies begin to stack up I don't care what Naruto said what any of them said I know how they saw me what they felt it was written all over their faces they may not be willing to drop me but I am I'm done Minato was startled huh Obito said it once more I'm done Minato shook his head with a sigh you really have changed Obito you really have changed Obito looked at him from the corner of his eye what's that supposed to mean Minato took his bottle and downed a guzzle from it before wiping his mouth to the sleeve you changed from the boy you used to be no matter what side you take you'll always be Toby won't you you're not even trying anymore you're just gonna keep doing the same thing you've always done since you returned to the leaf you're gonna do here what you did in the on Boo and what you did to Kakashi you're gonna run away Obito stood I'm not running away he shouted his finger pointed to minato's face Minato took one look at the finger and turned his gaze upward if you don't move that finger away from my face in the next three seconds You're Gonna Lose It Obito begrudgingly pulled it away Minato turned to face him you've got issues Obito legitimate issues your actions on the bridge aren't the ones I'm talking about you're a Shinobi that's what we do we kill we spare when we can but in the end the Shinobi world is nothing but Darkness you told me that you never felt like you belonged anywhere and you wanted to burn away where you don't fit but that's exactly where you fit right there in the middle of the fire the chaos that's where every Shinobi fits and I specifically chose you to Mentor my son because I knew you could show him the darkness show him what he'll have to confront and I had been hoping that you would open your heart enough to let him remind you of what the light is why we work in the dark in the first place I guess I was wrong feel free to go back to your desk job in the konoha police force go back to wasting away in self-pity I'm not gonna cuddle you anymore and I'm not gonna make excuses for a Man Too blinded by his self-centered nature to make good on our deal and actually help the village he hurt so badly Minato walked out Obito was left with his jaw on the floor he had never seen his kind and understanding Masters speak like that before it seemed so cruel but in actuality Obito supposed that it was more like brutal honesty he was being brutally honest he was right though he had made mistakes and it was time that he dealt with them he paid for the sake and left the bar he walked into ichiraku Ramen and sat down there Kakashi was already sitting you called me here Kakashi asked Obito nodded I feel I need to say something some thing I should have said 12 years ago Kakashi turned to face him I'm listening Obito went to start but took a deep breath and stopped he looked up at teuchi do you mind teichi gave them a thumbs up and stepped out back he knew he could trust these two no need to stay guarded Obito watched as the back door closed he felt bad about that but he desired privacy he looked down to the table and spoke again the reason I ended our friendship was because of me not you Kakashi continued to listen I made a lot of mistakes Kakashi Kakashi gave a short chuckle we all have Obito Obito sat up and faced him no not like I have he stopped and thought about what he was going to say remember when Minato Sensei said that matara Uchiha attacked the Village 12 years ago and was killed by him Kakashi nodded Obito continued it was a cover-up matara never attacked the village only someone bearing his name Kakashi leaned in closer in curiosity who was it then Obito looked down it was me Kakashi seemed to recoil from this Revelation Obito looked up he it was me I released the nine-tailed fox from Kushina and I commanded it to destroy the leaf I had believed that by gathering all nine-tailed beasts together that I could have rained back but it was foolishness a lie I knew it but I needed something to believe in Kakashi looked at him in shock Obito continued that's why I've been avoiding you why I've been running away from everyone and everything Minato Sensei helped me realize today that I was still running not from you or from my team but from myself my past but I don't want to run anymore I want to make amends I want to help the people I've hurt and I need your help Kakashi would seem startled by this truth speechless Obito would sigh I get it I'll just go he stood and went to leave but suddenly he felt arms wrap around him Obito we are stronger together remember you said that will be unbeatable so long as we stand side by side I won't abandon you again Obito felt his eyes over running with tears outside in the alleyway Minato listened to the conversation and smiled attaboy you're no longer running Obito and so Obito and Kakashi continued to reconnect forming a relationship akin to Brothers Obito eventually returned to his team and during the time they spent working whatever Obito was whatever he had become was accepted by his team who came to understand that this was what the Shinobi World truly was and this was what they would need to deal with in order to survive in the real world eventually the years went by and team seven finally made tunin but during that time Sasuke and his family were hit hard with the unexpected passing of Itachi due to a previously undiagnosed illness Obito remembered coming to Sasuke and asking if he were okay and Sasuke merely stating this is not how I wanted to surpass him Obito had never seen Sasuke cry before Sasuke had finally become the sole hope to fugaku's Legacy being passed on but despite this Sasuke felt like he could never truly catch up to his brother nor that he could ever live up to expectations he was now in an eternal race against a ghost his brother having died while on top unable to ever be truly surpassed or so Sasuke believed whether or not Sasuke ever surpassed what Itachi was in life was totally up the Sasuke but even if he did he would never feel worthy of it that was a feeling Obito knew all too well which is why he continued to encourage Sasuke the loss of his brother had awakened a mangekyo Sharingan within him and while Sasuke felt alone in this pain Obito would every so often flash his own mangekyo at Sasuke whenever he would see him enter his Funk to remind him that there was still one who understood all while this was happening black zetsu had not spent his time doing nothing he had convinced nagato that he was the manifestation of the will of the sage of Six Paths which he could display with his vast repository of knowledge he eventually convinced nagato to begin attempting to capture the tailed beasts which he mostly managed to do but one-tailed beast in particular was eluding him and this was the nine tails Kakashi and Obito would often stick close and despite everything he had done Obito could finally feel these stains of time being washed away as he found a place to belong he once more began looking forward to the mornings that he got to train with his team and with Kakashi she but the past doesn't always stay in the past and no matter how much you wish to forget it it never forgets you it was this day that the skies opened up and from within came these Six Paths of pain the entire Village was a flame due to the power of the Six Paths the moment he saw this Obito felt like he might throw up who is that Kakashi ass as he looked into the sky at the diva path Obito swallowed that's nagato when matara perished he told me he had transplanted his Rinnegan into a young Uzumaki boy in amigakade and to use him when the time came to resurrect Madara but it seems he's found his way to us Kakashi would listen boy you really botched stuff up didn't you why didn't you mention this Obito looked to Kakashi I did but Minato couldn't do anything about it by the time he learned a bit nagato was already the leader of the Akatsuki a peace-loving group that at the time was officially sanctioned under ame's forces to move against nagato at that time would have been an act of War Kakashi looked up to the sky well whether we waited or not war comes all the same let's go they both raced stop towards the battlefield all the while in Kushina and minato's Abode black satsu appeared Kushina was currently watching TV watching the events transpiring outside she didn't know that zetsu had entered her home and was sneaking up behind her he suddenly reached behind and gripped her by the neck and mouth planning to drag her away but in a split second he learned why she was called The Red Hot habanero of the leaf with what seemed to be a form of Judo she flipped him over her shoulder and smashed him into the television his body morphed about getting him up red again Kushina jumped back and entered a defensive stance zetsu rushed forward and gripped her by the skull pushing her into the wall outside the Six Paths of pain were attempting to cause as much destruction as possible they were the decoys while they made it look like they were searching for Kushina the Shinobi would focus on them unaware that they already had her but to their surprise Obito and Kakashi appeared alongside Naruto Sasuke and Sakura together they all fought Obito gave commands being the one who knew the six paths the best after all Modera had taught him everything while he was alive Obito commanded that the first path to be defeated should be the naraka path because so long as the king of hell was still in play all destroyed Paths of pain could easily be resurrected and so both Kakashi and Obito would focus on that one while the rest of Team 7 bought them time back at kashina's home she stumbled into the kitchen where she grabbed a frying pan all of her years off the battlefield had done a lot to rust her skills but her time as a mother had taught her a brand new set and the two weren't mutually exclusive holding the pan she instinctively called upon the power of the nine tails and entered her version one cloak being capable of knocking him back a bit but despite her power she couldn't quite take care of him by herself she tried desperately to remember how she formed a Rasengan just as Minato had taught her all those years ago and went to strike him with it but black setsu pushed it away causing her to blow out half the house back in the battle opito and Kakashi stood over the ruined naraka path Obito looked back Naruto go check on your mother this is a faint they're here for her go take her to a safe place Naruto nodded and left the battlefield Obito Sasuke Kakashi and sakur all stood there as the rest of the anbu mobilized Obito looked at Sasuke and Sakura go help the anbu push back the other paths me and Kakashi will take the diva Sasuke and Sakura nodded they turned and began to rush off Obito looked back at Kakashi are you sure you want to stick by mikakashi the diva is the most dangerous one of all Kakashi put his hand on Obito's shoulder that's exactly why I'm going to stick by you I don't want you dealing with this alone Obito's smiled as his mangyakyo activated shall we then Kakashi lifted the sash covering his left eye let's do it they turned and rushed towards the diva path Naruto ran home opening the door he saw the destruction seeing the hole in the back leading out Naruto rushed through the Alleyways until he saw zetsu dragging an unconscious Kushina hey he shouted as he jumped from wall to wall building both height and momentum as zetsu turned to look around he would see Naruto's foot coming straight at his face Naruto would strike him sending him rolling Naruto would check in on Kushina and realize that she was okay he would stand and enter Sage Mode you screwed with the wrong family you Venom wannabe unable to understand the out of Universe reference zetsu smiled you are truly a fool the nine tails belongs to me and my mother I will return it to its rightful owner and you won't stop me the two engaged in battle where Naruto proved himself to be talented but otherwise unable to deal with zetsu on his own after all zetsu had over a thousand years of experience under his belt there was seldom a better trained physical combatant than zetsu and Naruto came to realize this as he hit the ground zetsu approached him with a blade in his hand I suppose this was 16 years in the making he said your master was supposed to kill you on the day of your birth but he chickened out now I the one carrying out the will he threw away will finish it for him Naruto spat at zatsu don't you dare say Obito sensei's name he may have made some mistakes but he's more of a man than you'll ever be zatsu stopped and listened to what he said hmm maybe that's true but I'll be more than you at least when I send you to death's door zetsu raised his blade to strag Naruto down when suddenly a custom-made shuriken landed on the ground between them in a Flash appeared Minato who in one fluid motion Rose and pushed a resen gun into zetsu's stomach that soon erupted and evaporated him into nothing Minato turned back Naruto are you okay Naruto nodded I'm fine Minato helped him sit up before rushing to kashina relief displaying upon his face when he came to realize that she was okay too she's okay now help me get her into the house Naruto shook his head sorry Dad but Obito Sensei needs me I'll see you later Naruto rushed off Obito and Kakashi were caught between a rock and a hard place the diva path was powerful but Obito and Kakashi's teamwork was impeccable both sharing an ability they used it to their advantage as chakra rods came for them Kakashi would use his long-range kamui to teleport them away Obito would then go strike Diva path only to fake him out and pass right through him with a short-range kamui allowing Kakashi to get the strike then from behind Obito would manifest the chakra rods that Kakashi had teleported away and pinned Diva To The Ground by his hands Kakashi would then prepare a Chidori to finish him off but Diva path would use his almighty push to knock them both away if you wish to fight me together then you can perish together the diva path would pull free from the chakra rods and would utilize chibaku tensei to lock them both within a miniature Moon as the stone around them began to crush Obito reached out and grabbed Kakashi's hand I'm sorry Kakashi this is my fault Kakashi looked to his friend unable to move no Obito this isn't you I'm with you to the end outside pain watched as ichibaku tensei Rose into the sky Naruto rushed over and witnessed this sensing their chakra from within Sensei he called out there was silence but suddenly the chibaku tensei began to pull apart from within a massive Azure susano appeared clawing its way out and within the susano stood Kakashi and Obito hand in hand both mangyakyo Sharingan burning with Crimson light Payne attempted to bring the remnants of the chibaku tensei down on the susano but the massive chakra Avatar turned around and threw shuriken up at the falling Stones teleporting them out with kamui the Susana rushed towards Diva and utterly stomped him into ashes the battle was was over and the rest of the team celebrated everyone but Obito who knew better when nobody was paying attention He Turned and Left The Village headed somewhere coming to a massive tree that was formed of paper he stepped in to see nagato and Conan Conan seemed defensive but nagato told her to stop as there was likely nothing they could do to stop him Obito stepped forward nagato looked down at him from his puppet Walker have you come to kill me Obito shook his head no I've come to let you kill yourself Conan grew defensive are you so cruel do it yourself if you have the gonads Obito shook his head again you misunderstand I know you've gone through pain and I know you feel like it's too late but it's not I've known pain too nagato listened to him I know your two great pains nagato your first was the loss of your parents during the second great ninja war and your second was the loss of yahiko during the third Obito took a breath I too no pain my great pain was the love of my life read nohara while away recovering from an injury she was hunted down and captured by the hit had missed who implanted her with a tailed beast they plan to use her as a weapon against my Village by the time I arrived to save her she'd been killed by my best friend he unintentionally helped her commit suicide and for the longest time I lost faith in the world I attempted to burn it down just as you are now I killed so many people but eventually found my master who reminded me who I am and who Reid wanted me to be I could never make up for what I've done but I have returned to the old Obito I used to be and will never rest until I bring peace to this world and now I'm going to ask you the same question my master asked me if yahiko were here would he be able to love the Nagata you've become or would he turn from his brother in disgust nagato thought about this he remembered the man of Peace yahiko had once been and knew in his heart that yahiko would never support what he was doing it's too late to go back nagato said Obito nodded perhaps but it's not too late to move forward to jump tracks and end up on the proper path he extended his hand to him will you join me nagato thought for a moment you're right I should return to the path but I will not take your hand instead I'll walk my own path he put his hands together I will restore the dead that I've killed and pay for my crimes then I will be with yahiko again and will both entrust you to take up our cause bring peace Obito and with that all the dead were revived and nagato perished Obito took a deep breath he looked to Conan what about you where will you go she shook her head I do not know Obito extended his hand to her come with me let me show you where I went maybe you'll get an idea after all we both must bear the dreams of yahiko and nagato she nodded and followed him the two of them would return to konoha there Obito would be celebrated as a hero a celebration he felt he did not deserve Minato however told him to bask in it as he had done good and saved many people and for the sakes of those he had defended he should celebrate so he did time continued to pass and eventually Minato steps down from his position as Hokage he elects to hand it down to Obito who at first refuses believing that a man who had attempted to destroy the village would never be worthy of running it but Minato reminds him that he had made a promise to bring peace to the world and so Obito decides to accept the position with much humility he would along with Conan as his aide do his best to bring peace to the world and though the world is still embroiled in Conflict hope for the future Burns bright as Obito realizes that anyone can change and anyone can become a hero he hopes that one day the rest of the world will choose that and become Heroes as well ending the fighting for good and that's the end of this story I hope you enjoyed it I loved tracking Obito's emotional development his struggles with his inner demons and his past but in the end he admits his faults and came to terms with his imperfections and sought forgiveness it's proof that anyone can become a hero and that it's never too late to jump from the wide road to the straight and narrow it was an absolute pleasure to write this story and I just hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did let me know in the comments what your favorite part was and where you would like to see it go from here until next time peace out did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 189,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: 1psJNGv78Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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