What if Russia Was Never Invaded in WWII?

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This is a very dumb scenario because its assuming that Germany would even be able to make the British surrender with the resources and army they have. They lost Battle of Britain, they lost Battle of the Atlantic, they lost Battle of Stalingrad and Leningrad and Moscow. How would they be able to defeat UK then? Neville Chamberlain would still die and he would be replaced.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/OttoFIN 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

There are problems with this, but it's an ok vid. Cody usually doesn't make good videos tbh

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hentail_ 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
This video was sponsored by the Online game war thunder by clicking the link in the description you get a great head start into the game with a free premium tank Or aircraft in three days of premium time find out more after the video Let's talk about World War two There were a lot of factors that led to Nazi Germany losing world war two, but the most glaring Crimson main factor was they invaded Russia And even though the Germans didn't know it when they crossed into the USSR They had effectively numbered the days of the Reich so the question arises when thinking back to World War two, what if Germany just didn't invade the Soviet Union? Now this seems preposterous to think about. Fascism and communism are Natural enemies it wouldn't make sense for them not to fight, but just stick with me Let's imagine an alternate scenario in a different timeline Nazi Germany still goes on to conquer most of Europe however The one thing Germany doesn't do is invade the Soviet Union. What could be the outcome of this? Does this make any sense? Is anything real? Let's find out first some historical context in our timeline in 1930 now in a Hitler wanting to invade Poland He didn't really care about Britain and France shaking their fist at him All he worried about was how the Soviets would react even though the Nazis and Soviets hated one another both knew they could work together to get some mutual benefit and so fascists and communists joined hand-in-hand to march into Poland and slaughter everybody a Brief tenuous peace was born. It was meant to last for ten whole years Stalin was confident that this pact would keep the Soviets and Germans from going to war Believing Hitler wouldn't be stupid enough to fight a two-front war You know the logical idea by 1940 France was dead and Britain was on the brink Hitler. However Was anxious he expected that once France was gone Britain would have lost all hope in the war and would surrendered to the Reich However, Britain just didn't this is where the cogs and Hitler's head began turning Perhaps the only reason the British weren't surrendering was because they were hoping for the Russians to defeat Germany That eventual war if the Soviets would need to be pushed up. So Britain could surrender to and Well, you know how the rest went what if in an alternate timeline Hitler actually followed that decade-long pact with the Soviet Union one thing changes who the British Prime Minister is When the war began Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain the man who famously declared peace in our time with the Germans Resigned when it was shown that there wouldn't be peace in our time In his place was the cigar-smoking gruff bowling-ball of a man We all know as Winston Churchill who came to power and had one goal No surrender. As long as Churchill is Prime Minister Britain doesn't surrender so in this alternate timeline Chamberlain never resigns with the fall of France the Parliament with Chamberlain at the head is far more likely to surrender to the Germans and Recognize that the Reich controls Europe now It's not like Britain was out of the war If Germany did control Europe all that matters is whether the politicians at the time Momentarily believed it whether they actually would is extremely unlikely It's just more likely than if Churchill was in power the main thing that matters is Britain surrenders Hitler gets what he wants and celebrates the victory Stalin does not Stalin is often made fun of for not foreseeing the German invasion He believed that the Germans would never fight a two-front war He thought it would be suicidal for Germany to do so And he was right because he thought this he wanted nothing more than to delay the inevitable war as long as possible as long as Britain held out against the Germans to Stalin the Russians would be safe for now Even when evidence came in showing this was the contrary he still held on to it this changes in an alternate timeline where Britain surrenders this mindset goes out the window an Action had to be taken Instead of Russia being caught off guard and confused like in our timeline Stalin begins to mobilize his forces for a defense of Russia and most importantly an invasion Yes in this alternate timeline where germany doesn't invade the soviet union the Soviets would have certainly invaded Germany The Germans would find themselves at the height of their power fighting a defensive war against an incoming communist army while this convoluted thing begins let's take a break and focus on what America is doing if Britain is out of the war then the US doesn't have an ally to send supplies to and also an island to conduct a certain invasion from So for a bit their main focus would be with Japan who is still going about with their own expansion Japan like the belle of the ball can decide to go to war with either two countries the Soviets or the Americans? Okay, so now going back into Europe a war where the Soviets invaded By a confused thing to predict think of it as a scenario to ponder here are a few little facts I think you could consider and come to your own conclusion for how such a war could end one if Germany declares war in the United States then the US would give weapons in supplies to the Soviets through the lend-lease act to fight against their enemy to if Germany conquers the British and uses their territory Then they have access to oil from the Middle East Allowing them to maintain their industry instead of needing to invade southern Russia for oil I think the main thing that could be taken away from this Is that a war where the Germans are instead invaded by the Russians would be a far more confusing affair for the rest of the world The Soviets who were the boogieman to the West for 20 years were now attempting to storm into Central Europe If that was the case, then what people in Western Europe and America support Hitler or an ideology? They have been opposed to for far longer the fate of Europe fought between two Authoritarian despots these seem like strange events to ponder but the scenario was based on the ideas that both Hitler and Stalin contemplated over during the years of 1939 1940 a war was going to happen It just depended on small factors for who was going to throw the first punch. This is Cody of altering history of Special thanks to war thunder for sponsoring this video all my friends play war thunder. They really do Always on Steam now you can join them war thunder is realistic free-to-play vehicle combat game It has more than a thousand historically accurate tanks aircraft and ships From the 1930s through to the 90s and that especially means Russian in German It's on PC ps4 and Xbox one. So you don't really have an excuse by dinner either speaking of joining You can actually get a good head start by clicking the link down below You get a free premium tank or aircraft in three days of premium time just for registering So yeah, I'd recommend it. This is Cody of altering history hub
Channel: AlternateHistoryHub
Views: 2,286,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AlternateHistoryHub, World War II, world war II alternate history, what if russia was never invaded, russia alternate history, russia history, operation barbarrosa, operation barbarossa, eastern front, invasion of soviet union, what if the soviet union wasn't invaded, alternate history hub, history comedy
Id: r8olVKzLpXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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