What if Resident Evil’s Tall Lady Stepped on You?

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Gotta know how much she weighs.


For accurate Cosplay reasons.

👍︎︎ 93 👤︎︎ u/LifeIsCrap101 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

sponsored by capcom

So as a person who saw the capcom leaks and I have full irrefutable evidence of cutscenes of the game,plot synopsis, the final boss and what lady d CAN do....

Let's just say capcom is going to bullshit her into every possible game from now on, I can already bet they are remixing their original plan because this is the most mainstream attention I've seen resident evil got in years. More than Mr.X memes

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/PleaseDoCombo 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

lol thanks for watching, nerds!

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/realkylehill 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kyle once again being the best

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/EdoTenseiSwagbito 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I kinda skimmed it, but I think his methods might have been a little sloppy. We're assuming that the full weight of the step is on top of one foot, so she's, what, standing on one leg, balancing on the stiletto heel on one's face? I can buy vampires and genetically engineered biocurses, but that sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/negativeinfinity 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Do note that Kyle's previous video was him openly and honestly talking about having Asperger's.

What an absolute power move.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/xjwarrior 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not surprised. Companies have been known to throw millions at doing real ass research on finding out why things like this and some memes take off the way they do because thats actually valuable info so they can try to get ahead of the curve and market them while they are still popular.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Safeguard13 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Capcom knows what we're about.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DontClickThisGuy 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just came here to post this. What a fucking power move by Capcom.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/thedoc90 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
now entering the facility no kevin i said that the hair ties fell to the bottom of the fuel rod pool you have to keep swimming [Music] yellow oh hello jeff capcom president of capcom you want me to what well how tall is she dang okay i guess we gotta science it oh and thanks for sponsoring today's video by the way all right love you too see you though don't you dare come up without those hair ties kevin is apparently a tall vampire mommy has been let's say agitating a certain corner of the internet her name is lady dimitresk a fabulous looking villain from the upcoming game resident evil village the most realistic game in the series resident evil village takes place several years after resident evil 7 and gives gamers the survival experience they expect while adding new weapons puzzles and monsters you can get your hands on it on may 7th but today capcom has tasked me and the rest of us here at the facility with sciencing a tall vampire mommy meme what would happen if if she stepped on your face i blame deviantart for even really making this a question well obviously the meme part of the tall lady meme is her tallness she is nine feet six inches tall according to the game's developers if this is true this would make her a colossal humanoid the tallest person to ever live if you include her hat and high heels but what would really happen if she stepped on you well in this case her height wouldn't be as important as her mass and i also blame tumblr for this get me jeff tumbler on the phone i want to talk to him unlike lady demi trust's height we do not have a canonical mass so we are going to have to estimate it indirectly we're going to do that using a concept called body mass index or bmi bmi is just a way to relate a general picture of health to a person's height and a person's mass it's not a perfect representation of health but nothing is there are two problems however with this indirect approach the first is at lady dee's height over nine and a half feet tall there is no bmi chart that captures this so we have to extrapolate and she's a vampire so that might not work at all the second problem is that we have to eyeball her bmi to work backwards and get her mass and i've been told it's very rude to just estimate someone's body mass index and then tell it to their face however we're going to proceed anyway i'm going to assume that lady d's bmi is somewhere towards the tail end of a healthy body weight somewhere between 24 and 26 for a bmi now if we plug in our height to equations health and medicine has been using for decades then we get a mass value for lady d of 205 kilograms 450 pounds now this is a lot to be stepped on with to be sure but it would feel much more intense than this for one simple fact lady d is wearing high heels all right put them on okay i'm gonna put them on but you can't laugh and i blame the entire concept of fan art for this you're going to love this alright we are going to assume that if vampire mommy is to step on you she is going to be wearing her high heels as you can see here that's important because what's going to be doing the pressing on your face is actually pressure which is a function of force and area the force in question will be vampire mommy's weight her mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity and the area in question will be the cross-sectional area of a classic stiletto heel which i have measured for myself to be about 40 square millimeters if we plug in all these numbers we get a pressure value of nearly 50 million pascals of pressure this is over half of what it is at the bottom of the ocean at the deepest part of the ocean this is all on your face mind you but what it would actually do to your face at that point is harder to determine so graceful the force that a step can provide is not fully resolved by a person's weight no the force because it depends on mass times acceleration will also depend on how quickly the stepping motion happens and more force with the same area is going to mean more pressure how much weight will be behind lady demi trust's leg and her foot and her heel when she does the stepping on your pretty pretty face how fast do her feet move i have no idea but what we can do is estimate a simple case let's just say that all of her body weight will be behind her foot when she does the stepping and that because she's a fast vampire mommy that her feet can move at three g or three times the acceleration due to earth's gravity if we put this into our same calculation we get a value for pressure that is now about more than half of what it would take to puncture structural steel you can see with values like these we're now in the resident evil village of doing some serious damage with these heels to just about anything puncturing skin possibly fracturing bone based on the ultimate tensile strength of bone not exactly what fan artists the world over have been envisioning in fact i know it's not what they're envisioning because i cannot show you that on camera but why be so theoretical here why don't we make a mommy foot of our own for real and see what kind of stepping it can get up to wow this all sounds so weird i the internet was a mistake but i'm gonna do it for you anyway the immense pressure multiplying effect of a high heel like this has been known about for some time given the average mass of a person underneath this heel point right here exists more pressure than is under the heel of a full-grown african elephant it's no surprise then that many places throughout history have had so-called high heel policies that prohibited their use from museums that didn't want their marble floors damaged to people's homes with wooden floors and in 1963 it was estimated by a building maintenance magazine that the damage caused by high heel stiletto fashion shoes was in the range of half a billion dollars in the united states so apparently it's not not another big of a problem now because it's not as fashionable i don't what i'm saying is lady d will probably destroy your floors but that's likely the least your worries so this is the experimental setup for my lady dimitress high heel i'm going to be putting literally hundreds of pounds on this bar here so you can see around me i'm gonna be putting hundreds of pounds on this bar and all of that weight is going to be pressing down on this bolt here which i've affixed to the bottom of this bar this bolt is the same diameter as a high heel shoe so we should get the exact same amount of pressure that we previously calculated now i can hear what you say but cal why not use an actual high heel something like this well first of all this is one of my good high heels and i don't want to break it and second of all if lady demon tress was an actual person she would need some sort of reinforced high heel if she's nearly 500 pounds and to lift that nearly 500 pounds i have this this is a pulley with a seven to one mechanical advantage strong though i may be i cannot lift 500 pounds like some big mommy vampire so so i have this workout rig which can support well over 500 pounds and i have this pulley system which has a seven to one mechanical advantage that means every time that this rope goes around one of these pulleys it is reducing the amount of force that i have to actually pull on the weights with seven to one means that for every newton of force i pull on it with it's effectively putting seven newtons of force on the weights which means i don't have to lift anywhere near 500 pounds just one seventh of 500 pounds and what will we be stepping on you ask well first of all i'm going to be fulfilling the internet's deepest darkest deviantart desires and stepping on your boy's face here this is made out of ballistics gel from ballistics dummy lab who ship this to me as quick as humanly possible and they're great i use a lot of their stuff so i'm going to see if a high heel with 500 pounds behind it like lady demi tres can go right through analog flesh spoiler alert i'm going to go ahead and bet that it can but kyle i hear you saying that's not exactly 460 pounds well this is the best i can do on short notice you don't have pulleys that can haul all this stuff i'm working with a rig that i already had and olympic plates like this come in certain widths so i can't fit all the weight i could possibly fit on just this bar but don't worry it's going to be it's going to tell us more than you need to know about high heels and stepping on simps now that we're all loaded up i'm going to pull this you'll see the mechanical advantage at work and we'll put our little test subject who wants to be stepped on so bad by that mommy underneath and we'll see what happens you know what's going to happen testing vampire mommy stepping right on your face in three two one oh no oh oh oh straight into his flesh so you can see with that much pressure on his head it it goes through simulated flesh like it's not even there three two one oh it's gruesome okay so with a nearly accurately weighted accurate diameter or surface area high heel you can see that it treats ballistics gel ballistics gelatin analog flesh like it's not even there therefore we can conclude that if vampire mommy stepped on you it would straight up kill you once again i know what you're probably thinking cow why don't you try something harder it's not just fleshy stepping on well why don't we try something a little bit harder like your coconuts metaphorically it's a coconut vampire mommy stepping on your coconuts in three two one my coconut my precious coconut okay so for that test i removed the stiletto high heel because i also wanted to see what it'd be like for vampire mommy just to step on you with her bare feet which is i think what a lot of you want and it cracked a coconut wide open you can imagine just if you've ever held a coconut you know how hard these things are you have to smash them on rocks or use knives so what would actually happen if lady dimitris stepped on your face as you're fantasizing about well the pressure calculations kind of just do themselves you have a very small surface area at the bottom of a stiletto you have a lot of mass above it when you combine the two you get pressure values that would go through your face like it wasn't even there which is maybe what some of you want anyway you can find out what really happens to you as the character when you pick up resident evil village on may 7th until next time what am i going to do with this now exiting the facility thank you so much to capcom for sponsoring today's video if you want to know more about resident evil village check the description below and thank you so much to the very nerdy staff at the facility for their direct and substantial support in the creation of this here video today especially i want to recognize research assistant skull power x and visiting scholar tactical bagels uh nano machines if you want to join the facility if you want to come to my office draped in a silky white lab coat if you want to see behind the scenes videos if you want to get videos early if you want to talk with me every day on discord if you want to get private live streams with yours truly not like that you can go to patreon.com kyle hill and join the facility today and hey if you support us just enough get your name on arya here each and every week as you can see there's literally hundreds and hundreds of you so i don't know how i'm gonna pass the time i film this before i do all any of the experiments so i'm gonna react uh yeah wasn't that crazy how that heel could draw me draw fan art of me in the lady outfit somebody do it thanks for watching make it suitable for work you
Channel: Kyle Hill
Views: 767,763
Rating: 4.9609323 out of 5
Keywords: because science, engineering, kyle hill, learning, math, physics, science, stem, the facility, lady dimitrescu, resident evil 8, vampire lady, tall lady, resident evil, vampire mommy, tall vampire lady, resident evil village, tall vampire lady meme, resident evil tall vampire lady, tall vampire lady memes, resident evil meme, resident evil lady, resident evil vampire lady, re village, tall lady vampire
Id: t1i-XRlsg2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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