Do Goku’s Weighted Clothes Work?

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we'll put some ice on it kevin the swelling should go down in a couple hours as you very well know here at the facility i hold weekly sparring tournaments to see who gets to stand at the front of the cafeteria lunch line and this week i don't know i really want that lunch and i feel like i could use a little bit of extra speed or something that's why today we are going to be making dragon ball z accurate weighted clothing will it get us kaka ripped or will our fitness frieza in place there's only one way to find out get those knees up kevin now entering the facility for the less anime incline among you goku is the main character of immensely popular anime and manga dragon ball z goku is also a muscle dummy with a heart of gold who at one point famously reveals that he trains to get faster and stronger with weighted clothing now in terms of the actual science here like we would usually get into i've already done a lot of the weighted legwork in fact a few years ago i published a video that i don't have access to anymore for some reason but i published a video evaluating all the available studies on weighted clothing and the aggregate conclusion of those studies was more or less negligible benefits with many potential injury related downsides so i said don't wear goku's weighted clothes but a few years later and over 9 000 comments saying that well kyle you didn't test the way to close okay i guess that's true so it's time for some personal experience on this question that's not how science works that's not how any of this science works but today's the day nerds we're gonna get anime accurate goku clothing and see what happens but before we begin what are we really testing here sick in the literature training with weighted clothing is generally referred to as hyper gravity training it's a dope name for a very simple concept on earth your weight is measured by something like a scale is the product of your mass and some acceleration the acceleration in question here is provided by the earth 6 trillion trillion kilograms trying to pull you down to the literal center of the earth but the earth's surface gets in the way and there's some reactionary force and this balance of the two forces is what a scale would measure your weight hypergravity training then is artificially changing this balance so it's as though you are standing on the surface of a planet much heavier than earth canonically goku's weighted clothing is 140 kilograms and he is just 62 kilograms that's lighter than ya boy here so if you do some basic math goku's weighted clothing provides over three g's of artificial gravity that is higher than any surface gravity of any planet in the solar system yes even jupiter now i want to be clear when i make my weighted clothing i am not going to shoot for over three g's for one carrying over 440 pounds for an extended period of time is probably gonna kill me two and more importantly there is literally not an a material dense enough on earth to make fabric that weighs that much so i'm gonna be shooting for 1.5 g don't worry that's still very heavy it's heavier than most military personnel carry on a regular basis and heavier than any weight vest you can buy just off the shelf and my whole body is going to be weighted the only problem here is that uh i don't know how to sew clothing and so to the hilo vader to make my clothing as anime accurate as possible i'm returning to the surface to enlist the help of the company castle corsetry and their owner lauren matasik her and her girls there are known for their rapid and fantastic fabrication of sometimes very silly costumes like i will be asking her to make today we'll be trying our best to make a ghee that is goku worthy but keep in mind i'm nor as short or ripped or light as goku and not generally enthusiastic about anything like he is so the first thing that i have to do is get my digits of my body measured hello sewers of clothing hello kyle how are you today well i'm feeling a little bit uh super saiyany so i'm yes i need weighted clothing just like goku just so you can like get all pumped for your going what is it over 9000 hey you got it yeah so what do we have to do first if we want to make a quality like anime accurate costume what do we have to do first well step one with any new costume is always going to be getting accurate measurements for you so i'm going to have to get all of those numbers off of you and then we can make some magic happen i don't think i've ever measured myself with a ruler you don't do it with a ruler you want a measuring tape oh sorry i was an adolescent boy at one point anyway let's get to it [Music] wow i look and feel awesome this is goku anime accurate weighted clothing the lovely ladies at castle corsetry did a fantastic job as is plain to see but i should note as we said there is literally no material on earth to make a weighted shirt for hyper gravity training that would be this thin and nice and stretchy and flowy flowy so instead we actually made another whole weighted outfit that i'll be wearing underneath this with a bunch of pockets i'll be putting into 1.5 equivalent g's worth of steel so what i'm gonna do now is take all this back to the facility and then get tested if you know what i'm saying to get an informed opinion about what it's actually like to wear goku's weighted clothing i'm going to be wearing my sick new duds literally all day and i will be doing stuff that goku might do in them i will be producing the extra gravity i need with this pyramid of steel 34 2.5 pound ingots from rogue fitness i'll be putting them in my booties in my wrists in my back and on my front and once i'm weighted down it'll be as though i'm on a planet that's 50 percent more massive than earth and i know what some of you may be thinking at this point kyle well isn't this just isn't this just a weight vest some ankle and wrist weights no no it's not because this is a custom-made solution to make goku's weighted clothing as we see it actually viable lauren and the girls at castle corsetry worked for weeks on this to get the placing right to get the fabric right to make it look right so i don't want to hear none of that talk from you in the comments or else you're going to get yamcha all right so there's nothing to it but to increase my gravity which you could also say if you were getting fatter but we're going to do this okay so initial reaction before i've even done anything strenuous i can already tell this is probably a mistake uh to do this to my body what you're not what you don't realize is that having a lot of weight away from your rotation points on your body creates a lot of torque and that torque is extremely uh stressful on the small on the small muscles in your shoulders and i i don't know if i could get up from this chair to be honest and my feet feel like if i jumped in a river i would die like a mob hit but we got to keep going we got to do the testing so the first thing i want to do before we do anything strenuous we need to carb up and get some energy for the rest of the day and so to do that i have some ramen noodles like goku might eat okay so let me just okay so this is fine nice cup o ramen noodles let's um just delicately use oh i have so little motor control here ah i'm not exaggerating oh it's putting so much weight on small muscles in my arms and wrists okay so i think we're sufficiently carved up now uh let's start our day of training with some light calisthenics make sure we get some light movement in there get the body get it moving let me just get up easily oh oh this oh this this may have been a huge mistake okay light calisthenics if it looks like i'm walking like there's a it's a combination between i really have to poop and i'm on a different planet the answer is yes just move can't can't hold that for more than a few more than a few seconds okay let's try some uh just just some nice something moved okay and i there's so much additional weight on my it's digging into my shoulders my thighs are now quivering you know what we got to do obviously we're warmed up now we have to go outside of the facility to see if there's any androids who eat other androids with their butt who need defeating oh i'm coming for you get those knees up kevin swear it ah well i don't see any androids around but this looks like a nice place to recharge my key ah key let's go so this is almost like the reverse of being on mars on mars here significantly less in weight and this is the other way all right koken ko kyo times three i will now attempt to run at full speed okay goku is frequently sitting on his butt like this i would like to do a quick test i call the get up from your goku's butt test dumb i i pooped some weights okay no training session would be complete without trying to do some actual training so let's go do that let me just get my glasses simple keep in mind that i am attempting to run excuse me boys i gotta do some hyper gravity training real quick uh oh i pooped on my weights again watch and learn boys it's easy it's no problem oh this one's not so this one's not so bad okay i think i think i'm ready to make a conclusion about goku's way to close i don't think you'll be so very surprised oh geez i cannot stress to you enough how how stressful this is [Music] there's no planet in the solar system with surface gravity like i'm experiencing right now every part of the human body has evolved to deal with the gravitational acceleration of earth we evolved on earth with this especially all day no way man just a second let me get up people fantasize about living on other planets they they think about the atmosphere they think about the lack of food and water but they almost never think about the gravity increase and allow me to tell you that if the increase in relative gravity is even 10 20 up to 50 like i am it makes comfortable living impossible and let me say again that if you are gonna head right into the comments and be like hey 1.5 g doesn't sound that bad you try it if this was goku anime accurate if i was wearing 3.3 g effective increase clothing i don't i don't think i'd be able to do very much at all which a proves my point about weighted clothing and b shows you just how awesome goku must actually be i look happy right so this should be the moment of truth right like i'm back in the facility i've removed the weighted aspects of my clothing and now it's time to fight tien in his cycloptian fighting style but how do i feel well i certainly don't feel like goku ready to jump in the air and punch super fast i just feel tired i've instantaneously created bruises and broken blood vessels on my wrists my ankles especially my shoulders i feel lighter but as light as i did before before hypergravity and you can hear it in my voice i'm i'm exhausted should you do this for any period of time no and that's also according to their research i hope it was fun to watch because it was not fun to do so that's the conclusion i i suppose goku's way to clothing nah until next time kevin i should have listened to you i it was a bad idea now exiting the facility thank you so much to the very nerdy staff at the facility for the direct and substantial support in the creation of this here video where i got super tired today especially i want to recognize research assistant jeremy c and visiting scholar kevin that better not be you if you want to join the staff if you want to join the nearly 1300 nerds who every day are talking with me on discord giving me episode ideas sharing videos and pictures of their pets with me and i and i say updo you know it's the internet you can go to kyle hill and get on the staff today and if you support the facility just enough get your name here on arya each and every week and there's literally hundreds of you so i don't know how i'm gonna pass that wow kyle you look tired yeah i know do i this is an interesting case where you you have a feeling that personal experience will be so important to your conclusion um where you have a number of studies that all say the same thing like weighted clothing doesn't help all that much and you can hurt yourself but you feel you have this emotion that unless you try it yourself uh the experience isn't valid or the conclusion isn't valid and this is a big problem in science and science communication where there's so many things especially related to health that we have this emotional connection to like oh a doctor can't tell me to do this that or the other thing because i feel like it's not right or they don't know they didn't try it or that medicine on someone said on the internet that it works and what do they know well this is why we remove ourselves from studies and try to remove personal experience from it because oftentimes you have your own biases and it clouds your mind and your judgment like the dark side you want to be on the dark side okay i'm i'm mixing up pop culture stuff i need to i need to lay down
Channel: Kyle Hill
Views: 1,870,866
Rating: 4.8871775 out of 5
Keywords: because science, engineering, kyle hill, learning, math, physics, science, stem, the facility, goku, DBZ, weighted clothinig, dragon ball z, anime, manga, hypergravity
Id: zOoY8kKRg4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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