What If Qui Gon Jinn Saved Darth Maul

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Our story begins inside the reactor room of the Palace of Theed. Qui Gon Jinn was currently engaging with Darth Maul for the second time. Their blades passed back and forth, and it was starting to become clear to Qui Gon that he likely wouldn’t come out on top of this fight. He was talented, but not like his master. He was starting to slow down too. Obi Wan was somewhere behind him but he didn’t know where. Qui Gon pressed his assault forward, allowing his blade to direct where he wanted this fight to go. Not a word had been said during the entire duration of the fight. Qui Gon never heard Maul’s voice, there was no communication between them, but maybe there could be some type of anything. As they fought the ray shields began to close, and the two opponents became separated. Qui Gon without missing a beat got down onto his knees and closed his eyes. He found peace through the force but he was using the force to understand his opponent in a way he hadn’t yet. Maul paced back and forth, rage filling his eyes, with strength ready to strike. Qui Gon could feel all of Maul’s insecurities in the moment. The young Zabrak man was isolated from everyone. Raised into torture, and forced to endure struggles that most sentients wouldn’t ever see. Qui Gon couldn’t make the connection back to Talzin but that didn’t matter. She never got to be around her child, and Maul was raised by darkness into darkness. Maul was confident until Qui Gon spoke up, his voice reverberating through the shield, as he told the young Sith that it wasn’t his fault. This felt like a trick so Maul raised his barriers. The Jedi Master continued and expressed that he wasn’t at fault for becoming a Sith. All the torture he endured, his pain, it wasn’t his burden to bear. Maul stepped back with a bit of hesitation and the ray shields opened. He prepared for an attack, to which Qui Gon jumped to his feet, but as Maul jumped back, Qui Gon stayed put. Obi Wan caught up to his master, and as Maul prepared to strike at him the ray shields closed again. His blade struck the shield and his arms were thrown backwards. Qui Gon put his hand out in front of Obi Wan to help him ease into this situation. Maybe Qui Gon was wrong for doing so, and maybe it was ignorant of him to ignore the past, but the light was strong. The light couldn’t be stopped, and in his own belief, it wouldn’t be fully worth it to kill the Zabrak man. Surely there was some type of light within him that could be utilized. It wasn’t about turning Maul for the destruction of the Sith, it was about turning Maul because as a Jedi killing was a last resort. Qui Gon internally understood that by this point he should’ve thrown out the potential of saving Maul, but having had a moment to feel into his soul he knew he couldn’t just neglect the suffering he was enduring. Qui Gon came back to reality, only a moment having passed since his arm was raised before Obi Wan, and he told the Zabrak warrior that he could have a life of fullness. Maul retaliated, his voice being heard for the first time since any of their interactions. He told the Jedi that he wouldn’t fail for their deception. The Jedi were true evil, their religion was toxic, and their complacency would cost them everything they had built. Qui Gon nodded his head, suggesting that there were issues with the Jedi, but that did not make them impure. Sentients make mistakes, the Sith only desire power. Maul might believe that’s what he wishes for but he might not. Qui Gon extended a hand forward towards the ray shield and told Maul that he didn’t have to become a Jedi, but he wanted to help. There was no need for him to suffer. The shields opened and he stalled for a moment, and then swung forward. Obi Wan stepped in front of his master and blocked the strike from Maul. The Sith assassin looked at the unbroken demeanor coming from the Jedi Master. Obi Wan obviously was working quickly to save Qui Gon’s life, but he couldn’t help but notice how tranquil his master was being. It honestly didn’t make much sense. Obi Wan pressed forward and pushed Maul back a little, before Qui Gon’s hand pulled him back into the shield, as he stepped out. The ray shield lifted and Qui Gon stared Maul down. The Sith spun his lightsaber and told him that he should’ve helped his student. Obi Wan got upset as he tried to get free from the shield. Qui Gon kept his eye on Maul but gave himself more distance to work with. Qui Gon continued speaking the same way he had before, telling Maul that he could have so much more. Trying to give him what it felt like he was longing for. Qui Gon didn’t really get much from Maul, but what he got was the isolation, the fear, pain, and suffering. The isolation stuck out the most so he focused on it. Pulling at Maul’s heartstrings, because no one is truly evil. Obviously Qui Gon hadn’t met Sidious, but he believed that Maul couldn’t be evil. He had so much potential and if he let it slip down the dark path then he would lose his own true ceiling. Qui Gon asked what Maul longed for, whether it be family, brotherhood, companionship, or perhaps something as simple as compassion. Maul swung, and Qui Gon ignited his blade and defended from the strike. He told Maul that his efforts would continue to be in vain unless he understood what awaited him down the path of darkness. Deception would torment him, lies would fuel him to be angry at the wrong people, heartlessness would drive him to insanity, and even if he could defeat his master, what would he have. He didn’t need to be a Jedi to be treated like a living being. Maul swung again, a couple parries and misses before Qui Gon threw his blade forward and pushed a weak hearted Maul off of his feet. The Sith assassin staggered and he looked up; Qui Gon could’ve killed him in this moment. His blade and speed were perfectly aligned to leave the killing blow. Maul watched as the shield opened behind him and Obi Wan stood paralyzed by the efforts made by his master. Despite their disagreements, and their struggles with each other, this was a true Jedi doing the work of the force. Maul looked over to Qui Gon and asked how he could escape the Sith. Sidious would hunt him down and kill him. Qui Gon then suggested that they could stop the dark lord together. Maul hated the idea of being involved with the Jedi. He didn’t trust much, nothing aside from abuse, so the first touch of security felt like a relief, but he continued pulling back. Maul spoke aloud telling them that this was wrong. He was a Zabrak, a Warrior, a Dathomirian, he was strong. Qui Gon put his hand up, and confirmed what Maul said. He said that Maul was a Zabrak, he was a Warrior, a Dathomirian, and he was strong, but he was not a Sith. Maul’s lightsaber slipped from his grip as it slammed onto the ground. He realized that at the end of it all, he considered himself a multitude of things before ever identifying with the Sith. Sure at the end of that list he was a Sith. But at the forefront of it, was everything he believed himself to be. Something that within his own mind he built up as the only reward for his punishment. Because his torment made him a more powerful Zabrak, his imprisonment forged him into a dynamic warrior, his suffering transformed him into a dominant Dathomirian, and because of all of that, he was strong. Maybe he never had the introspective to see it within himself, but with someone pushing him to see it, he finally understood. Both Jedi kept their distance, it was clear he was treated like an animal. The abuse radiated off of his trembling fingertips. Because after all of his self realizations due to the Jedi, he still had the thought and the fear of confronting Sidious. The name sent chills down his spine. The thought of his eerie voice, yellow eyes, and wicked essence pushed him back into his shell. Qui Gon could see it so he inched forward and prodded gently. Telling Maul that they could keep him safe. Maul snapped back, there was no safety, Sidious would go to the ends of the universe to make you suffer for betraying him, let alone failing. Maul couldn’t. But it was already apparent to Qui Gon that Maul’s mind had been made him. The trauma bond was keeping him cemented to Palpatine’s heel. Master Qui Gon expressed that he knew it was unnerving. Treading lightly as he stepped forward, but despite him not knowing him or understanding him or being like him, he could be empathetic to his suffering, he could be sympathetic to his struggles. Because that wasn’t just being a good Jedi, but a good person. Their lives differed entirely, but Qui Gon told Maul that he was willing to try. As it turns out, being willing to try and listen is all it takes to even understand the most surface level pain, let alone what is held within. Maul’s silence was broken by him asking Qui Gon to guide him. The Jedi Master smiled and nodded his head, telling Maul that he wouldn’t lead him astray. It was a very surprising turn of events in Obi Wan’s mind, but he was willing to follow along and see what happened. Qui Gon didn’t really have a plan in mind, but revealing Maul to the Jedi wasn’t something he considered doing. He knew it would force Maul to go back into his shell, one that was much more comfortable than this. But the first step to genuine change requires making the comfortable, uncomfortable. Nothing worth changing will ever be comfortable, and Qui Gon knew that. This process would be especially difficult for Maul, but he had faith. As they left, Qui Gon asked Maul if he would be okay going with Obi Wan, he had an idea. He requested that Maul take his vessel, remove the tracker and or anything else attached to it, and then head to the planet Tython. Maul looked to Kenobi and then to Qui Gon and asked why. It was explained that Qui Gon needed to be here to make sure everything went soundly for the Council, which would surely be here once the battle concluded. It would be best to keep Maul safe from the situation. Qui Gon would just need to make up an excuse for why Obi Wan wasn’t present. Maul and Obi Wan took his vessel and left the world. The only instruction Obi Wan was given was to simply be supportive. There was no reason for a divide to be manufactured out of nowhere. The bond between Kenobi and Maul would be important until Qui Gon could get there. Obi Wan understood this, but it didn’t make their dynamic any easier. Maul was quiet as it was, so Obi Wan had to fill in the huge gaps of awkward silences. Their conversations were stale by Obi Wan’s standards, but truthfully they worked. It genuinely surprised Maul that there was someone interested in him. He didn’t have much to share, but what he did was more or less about his experiences. Obi Wan being so young forgot about his eagerness to find Sidious and became interested in the stories Maul would tell under a quiet hum in his voice. Maul was so soft spoken and it had everything to do with his upbringing. He wasn’t used to talking so he spoke quietly and methodically, the way he would when he spoke to himself alone to pass the hours at night away. Obi Wan couldn’t believe that it was possible for someone to be treated the way Maul had been treated. When Maul asked Obi Wan about himself, it was hard. How could he follow up what Maul said by telling him of his own life. But they could find relation in certain aspects of their own stories. Their trip through hyperspace was long, but it passed by with relative ease, and then when they arrived, they went to the coordinates Qui Gon gave them. It was a henge on a mountaintop with a seeing stone in the middle. Obi Wan knew the stone would help the Jedi with finding other force users, but it had other uses that Qui Gon was much more privy to. The battle of Naboo was a victory for the people of Naboo, however its causation was a direct loss for the Republic. A future war was looming on the horizon, it would be ten years until Sidious could bring his plans to fruition. Qui Gon did what he needed, he appeased the Council and informed them of his motives to promote Kenobi to Knighthood and then take on Anakin Skywalker as his student. Because you know, what other 9 year old boys can blow up a Trade Federation Battleship during his first time flying a spaceship? However, despite the actions Anakin made during the battle, they weren’t fully convinced. A decision would be made upon their return to Coruscant. As for the Sith, Qui Gon said that an engagement did happen, but the Sith was killed during the fight, his remains falling down the reactor shaft. The question came up about Obi Wan and Qui Gon suggested he was with the Gungans before returning to Coruscant. The Council bought the shabby story and the celebrations began. Qui Gon and Anakin would accompany the Council back to Coruscant after Palpatine said he would watch Anakin’s career with great interest. Truthfully, Qui Gon thought this was a bit odd, but he didn’t read into it too much. His main priorities were making sure Anakin could be trained and helping Maul. He felt optimistic, and Obi Wan was communicating with him consistently. Because on Tython, the bond between Kenobi and Maul was very surface level. The two of them just continued talking and keeping each other awake until Qui Gon got to their location. Though Maul was the first to fall asleep out of the two of them. It was the first rest he had with genuine peace. Obi Wan didn’t trust the Sith so he forced himself to stay awake throughout the night, but Maul at this point in his life had no real reason to do it. He could technically kill Obi Wan and take the blade back to Palpatine, but upon waking up he considered what would happen if he did return to his Master. Qui Gon told Maul of his plan, and Maul agreed to it, so he couldn’t just go home. When Maul woke up he could see that Kenobi was awake, but Obi Wan didn’t notice Maul was awake too. Obi Wan was fading in and out of sleep, so he wasn’t present. Maul felt calmness and peace for the first time in his life. It was genuinely relaxing and he didn’t know how to comprehend what it was that he was feeling. It was just surreal. He thought back on his life as a slave and he really started to internalize what it would be like, being able to have freedom from the dark side. It was so powerful, alluring, and truthfully strengthening, but for the first time ever he realized that strength wasn’t just in power, it was in something else. He didn’t have the word for it, but the word would’ve been strength in vulnerability. Inside the Jedi Temple, Anakin was brought before a Council of 11. Qui Gon may have not died, but Yaddle still was outraged over the knowledge that the Sith had returned. She believed Dooku was right, and she was eager to meet him at the halfway point, to perhaps help him through his newest endeavors. She wasn’t sure what would come next, but she believed that she could be of an assistance to him and his own journey. Regardless, the Council, especially without Yaddle, was even less likely to accept Anakin into their ranks. Qui Gon was adamant on training him, but they denied his request and Skywalker would be sent back to Tatooine. This burdened Qui Gon more than anything, but he knew that there was a very truthful reality of the Jedi. Their complacency had bought them a fraudulent balance. Master Jinn had no intentions of leaving the order or forsaking it, because despite their many flaws, he was able to see past them. He may have had some grievances with the Jedi, but they were still the good guys. Qui Gon went to the light because it was there, that was the same when it came to his perception of the Jedi. It was alright, Qui Gon had alternative methods for training the boy. With Obi Wan becoming a Knight, both he and Qui Gon would be free to leave the planet when they wanted, so with the news being given to them, Qui Gon and Anakin would go to Tython. Inversely, instead of leaving the Jedi Temple for the Works, Dooku stood in silence outside of the tree of life inside the Temple Garden. Master Yaddle found him and confronted him, expressing that she admitted how wrong she and the Council were. There was a darkness growing and she didn’t want it to consume the galaxy. Dooku knew the truth and he was so close to falling, but his thoughts remained on Qui Gon. The boy he trained, now a man, meant the galaxy to him. He loved his student, and he couldn’t imagine what his student might do if he left the order. With news of Qui Gon and Obi Wan having killed Maul being what he heard, he believed that perhaps the Sith were just meant to die again. He knew everything about the clones, Sifo-Dyas, and the Sith plan, but he wouldn’t tell Yaddle. Not yet. He had to make up his mind, but how much further down the dark path could one person go? He helped kill his best friend, and lock up Silman with the Pikes on Oba Diah. He couldn’t do it again, and he couldn’t even imagine the thought of betraying Yaddle. So he agreed to begin an investigation with her. She might see his line of thoughts, or he might be swayed back to the Jedi way, time would tell. When Qui Gon arrived on Tython he could see Obi Wan was tired and ushered him off to actually get some sleep. He then introduced Anakin to the young man who almost ran him over. Maul didn’t actually mean to almost run him over, he couldn’t see that there was someone in front of him because of the sand being everywhere. He didn’t know how to apologize, and Qui Gon explained the situation to Skywalker before getting to Tython. Anakin wasn’t too phased by this. Qui Gon had his hands full, but they would become even more full in a couple of days. He would request Obi Wan to Tatooine to free Shmi with some credits he had transferred to the kind the Toydarian man used in Mos Espa. Kenobi went and did as he was asked. Qui Gon’s days were very filled, but he preferred the wilderness of Tython, because the force was much more still and peaceful than on Coruscant. All the noise inside the Temple could be very bothersome to people learning for the first time, which is what both Skywalker and Maul were doing. Qui Gon worked more with Maul than he did Anakin, which both were okay with. Master Jinn was teaching two former slaves how to forgive those who wronged them, but also grow beyond what their rage could withhold them from. Somedays were harder than others, somedays Maul wanted to run back to Palpatine, but everyday Qui Gon reminded them of the same message, he at a young age made for himself. It was so simple, but it was a characteristic change to one’s mindset necessary for creating the life one desires. It was so simple. Be better than you were yesterday. This didn’t mean do more Jedi exercises or meditate more. It didn’t mean destroy yourself on a grind one day and rest the next, it simply meant have the mindset that no matter what happens in the planetary rotation, one will be the best version of themselves for 24 hours. Learn something new, feel something different, perceive another thing through a different lens. It didn’t matter how it was done, just make sure that you were better than you were the day before. It was the crux of both lessons being taught. The lesson of healing and forgiveness in comparison learning from scratch and becoming dedicated. Obi Wan did bring Shmi back to Tython, but it was a bit cramped. Everything did a good job with being around each other, it was just a lot of people. Obi Wan wasn’t staying on Tython a whole lot, he was excited to become a Jedi Master, so he was going to Coruscant to find a padawan, but he never found one. Instead he would bring supplies back for Qui Gon. What Master Jinn did throughout each day was done in cycles. He would start the day off with Maul, who was handling this recovery really well. Qui Gon became almost fatherly to him which no one ever thought would happen. They would start by the Seeing Stone inside the Henge and meditate. The stone could be used for reaching out to others through the force, but it could also be used as a central place of balance and harmony. The force was very vibrant. So they would meditate together and speak out their pasts to each other. It was very basic and it wasn’t very difficult. But the process of being comfortable being vulnerable, and having the courage to be gentle was almost like giving Maul a brand new life. He felt like he could breathe, and he became interested in the stories Qui Gon had to tell. When the sun came up Qui Gon would go down from the Henge and begin Anakin’s training. It would revolve around building up his skills and harnessing his determination. Skywalker knew he was special, and he understood that he had a high midi-whatever you call it count. So he figured he wouldn’t have to do any hard work, but Qui Gon broke that out of him immediately. He wasn’t going to have a student that didn’t know how to be a force user. Anakin was putting himself down by not taking his training seriously. Qui Gon understood that if Skywalker continued to belittle how important training was, then he would throw away his massive potential. It wasn’t about power or strength, but it was so important for him to realize that the force was a gift. To be able to use it the way they were able to was a start that many people wouldn’t ever get. They could obviously train to get to a level, but to have such an opportunity was not to be wasted. The paternity that Qui Gon radiated helped both Anakin and Maul. The days continued with a mixup of sessions between the two. Qui Gon was under a lot of stress during this period, and he had pretty much cut himself off from the Jedi. The Council didn’t notice, and Dooku was beginning to wonder where his former student went. But he was reigniting the passion he had for the Jedi. Dooku was in communication with Sidious, who was becoming more and more impatient with Dooku’s behavior. The Jedi Master was struggling. He set forward the plans Sidious wanted enacted, he just hadn’t joined his new master. All the while he was consistently trying to make sure it was clear that he hadn’t betrayed Sidious. But being that dark lord couldn’t assume anything he was prepared for Dooku to betray him, and so he set into motion new plans. He needed someone else to work for him and so he scoured connections he had, all it took was a matter of time. At the same time, Obi Wan became a Jedi Master to his first student. She was one of the older girls in her class, one not selected by a master, and the last of her class to actually become a padawan. He figured that someone so similar to him would make a good match. Their pairing would be solid, and while Obi Wan made sure Qui Gon got shipments from Coruscant, he was a little tied up at the moment. Master Quinlan Vos was brought into this operation, as was Jedi Master Kit Fisto. Both of which were much more easy going than most Jedi, so their involvement was optimistic, Aayla Secura would eventually become apart of this little circle. The whole point of their involvement was just to make sure the group on Tython had enough supplies. Maul and Anakin did get to interact with Kit, Quinlan, and Aayla, but they were very limited interactions. Qui Gon’s focus on the two learners of the force allowed them to blossom. Maul’s lightsaber was losing its crimson haze, and Anakin hadn’t been introduced to finding a lightsaber. At a certain point Dooku would have the opportunity to find Qui Gon after finally meeting Obi Wan and his new padawan inside the Temple. Dooku was always fond of his student, but he was especially proud of what Qui Gon had done. It made him realize his own mistakes regarding the Jedi Order and his initial desire to leave. He realized that it wasn’t what the Order made of him, it’s what he made of the Order he represented. If he wanted to be just like them, then he would damn them to obscurity. If not then he could be like his former student and help others. As a Jedi he had the chance to change things for the better. Obviously he was conflicted because the Sith went under the radar, and he could take advantage of it. But that didn’t align with who he was. Then again he already got his best friend killed. So instead of just telling the Jedi where it was, he went on a number of journeys with Yaddle until they were discovered by Sidious. This was unintentional. They weren’t even on the right track, but Sidious forced Dooku to join him or the Jedi. Dooku hesitated and Yaddle was confused. It only became clear once Sidious thrusted his lightsaber through an unsuspecting Dooku’s chest, before engaging Yaddle and killing her too. Sidious knew he would struggle in a duel with Dooku, so killing him early made everything easier to deal with. Now that Dooku was out of the way, he would need to enact the second part of the plan. Dooku and Yaddle would be found hours later. Being that Obi Wan and his Padawan were on the same planet, they happened upon the body when they were looking for the two Masters. It was obviously problematic, but the Sith escaped, so he informed the Council. Instead of it doing anything productive it forced the Jedi Order to grind to a halt. Yoda became paranoid, and so did the Council, and naturally they blew the entire situation out of proportion. Their belief is that the Sith Lord fought both Dooku and Yaddle at the same time and killed them. Sidious was talented, but not even he would’ve been able to pull that off, especially not against the likes of Dooku. Qui Gon’s revelation to the death of both masters was soul crushing. It made him deeply regret his actions. Not that he wished he could take it back, just that he could’ve at least said goodbye. Qui Gon swapped places with Obi Wan and his student, so that Qui Gon could be there for the funeral. When he returned Maul really understood and conceptualized what the Sith did to others. It had been months since Qui Gon took him under his wing, and when he saw his new teacher’s face upon his return to Tython it broke something that hadn’t been broken within Maul’s heart. His life had been pain and misery and he never had the chance to build a connection to someone, so when he did and that someone was hurt he wanted to hurt who did that to his teacher. Qui Gon was a good person and he didn’t deserve it. Though the trauma was still apparent. After all of his hard work and dedication to releasing the darkness, he still feared his former master. But he would break free from his chains. Instead of giving in he committed himself to someone who committed to him. Maul informed Qui Gon that he knew where to find Sidious. Qui Gon honestly believed that Maul would tell him at one point or another, he of course wanted the Sith to be destroyed. It wasn’t until Dooku was killed that he actually considered forcing it from Maul’s mouth, but he couldn’t do that. Maul was actually happy. His lightsaber had faded into a light, light blue, and he wore a smile on his face, consistently being a better version of himself than he was the day before. So when Maul told him he was in a way surprised, but he was accepting, understanding, and informed his student that he would make sure it was dealt with. Qui Gon went to the Council and informed his peers that he had intel on who the Sith Lord was. All of their operations and lairs. The Jedi asked how and Qui Gon came clean, expressing that he saved the Sith from Naboo, giving him a second chance at the light. The Council was repulsed by this, even one or two believed that Qui Gon was conspiring with the Sith, but he made sure to put such accusations to rest. He expressed with the sincerest tone that he did what he did on Naboo to be more of a Jedi than not. If he killed an individual stolen from his home, without ever having been given the chance to have his own life, then he would be doing a disservice to their code. He told them that he would not reveal the location of Maul, but his words could help the Jedi bring balance to the force. The Council was obviously taken aback but how could they not take up the offer, so they listened to Qui Gon’s words and sent the entire collective group. Since there were now 12 of them, Yaddle’s spot having been replaced in the previous couple months, they went on the hunt for the Sith. Qui Gon returned to Tython to find Maul in shambles. As his former master was hunted down and killed by the Jedi Council, Maul feared that Sidious would come for him. He believed that Qui Gon had died in the process of informing the Council and he feared the idea of coming into contact with Sidious once more. This fear wasn’t a negative reflection of his strength as a warrior, rather a mirror to the type of influence and power Sidious had over those he manipulated and controlled. The dark lord made sure the trauma bond was deep, and with that deep wound still healing, flareups could happen. Had Maul not had Qui Gon, or been left alone, for example, he would’ve driven himself into madness. Carrying on about having been lost on his path, rambling about the Jedi and the Sith, and the plan that he had no knowledge of. The toxicity of the Sith etched its way into his heart, but when Qui Gon returned he brought comfort to his young student. Anakin wasn’t affected by this, Maul’s shutdown was internal, and he very quickly vacated from the area. The Council after having lost a few of their members, including Ki-Adi Mundi, Yareal Poof, Oppo Rancisis, Even Piell, and Eeth Koth would have to fill these roles. Because of Qui Gon’s resilience and strength in the force, the Council once again offered him a seat on their Council. He truthfully was unfazed by the request, not believing they would be sincere of their request for him to join their ranks, but they were. So Qui Gon had his own terms. He wished that they would allow Maul into the Jedi Order, not as an official member and that they also allow Anakin to be trained as a Jedi. The Council was iffy about this, especially being that being a non-official member wasn’t really a thing they did. But Qui Gon explained that Maul would be beneficial, he was the last Sith, turned a Jedi. Their ancient rival in the force wouldn’t ever die through combat, but through forgiveness, through what it meant to actually be a Jedi. The Council saw his point but why wouldn’t he be official. As Master Qui Gon said, Maul was still learning to become whole. If they forced the order onto him, he could go back inside his shell. The idea was to allow Maul to become a Jedi under their guidance, and they would help him. If he wanted to search for any potential siblings, then they would support it. If they were force sensitive, then they would support them as well. The Council was on its heels truthfully. They were down nearly half their members, and Qui Gon was forcing them to play by his rules. Anakin’s mother would also be provided residency within the city too, considering they tried to send her son back to the slavery on Tatooine. The Council agreed. The most begrudging of the group was Yoda. For a Master to hold the Council hostage felt outrageous and unfair, but perhaps there was a point to it. They accepted his request and it was fulfilled. Maul reluctantly joined the Jedi inside the Temple. His skittish behavior was met with open arms as the Jedi welcomed him in. They were kind, caring, and despite their code forbidding attachments, very warm to him. Aayla, Kit, and Quinlan were already relatively familiar and Obi Wan was friendly along with his student, who was too. Maul’s time as a non-official Jedi was really beneficiary. He spent time with people that were a lot like him, and became extremely close with them. The thing about Maul, that not even Qui Gon knew, is that according to Sidious, he had a ceiling just as high as his own. So the Jedi welcomed in two members who would ensure a safe and secure Order for years to come. With the revelation about Palpatine being a Sith, the Jedi played everything close to the chest. They let the buzz roll over and allowed everything to dissipate. A new chancellor came to office and they moved forward with regular business. Though with more unorthodox Masters joining the ranks of the Council, the Jedi began to mobilize outwards, in an effort led by Qui Gon Jinn. His work as a Master Jedi elicited him much more leeway to lead the Council and Order into new directions. He supported the expansion of the Jedi Order, but it would take them collectively being involved. Qui Gon just wished his master could’ve seen what he was able to do. Sometimes Qui Gon would wonder, what if Dooku Joined the High Council. But he kept the ideals his master instilled into him alive, and he pushed for more incentive from the Jedi Order. Because he was so dedicated to helping people, and even bringing peace to his new student, he was able to get a movement in the senate to actually realize what their neglect had cost them. Qui Gon’s instruction of Anakin would be perfect, while both Anakin and Maul would see Qui Gon like a father, he would accept his role and fulfill it as best as he could. After being inside the Temple for a year, Maul and his bff Obi Wan and Kenobi’s student would go to Dathomir to locate Maul’s siblings. When they were found, he requested that they come with him to the Jedi Temple, but they were reluctant. Maul was left a little disappointed, but with the comfort of his friend he was able to find strength from the moment, and understand that it was their choice. Had they not been separated at birth they likely would’ve been able to develop together as one united force. Maul would become a Jedi Knight at the age of 29. It may have been the eldest age for any Jedi to become a knight, but he wore it as a badge of honor. Like Anakin, he could never truly let go of his attachments, but thanks to the teachings by Qui Gon and the friendships and bonds from Aayla, Quinlan, Kit, and Obi Wan, both Anakin and Maul would be able to find peace in their attachments and the new code they followed. Maul would be very instrumental in continuing Qui Gon’s relief efforts in the Outer Rim. It would take decades of work, treaties, revolutions, and rebuilding to get the Outer Rim to finally heal. But because of the Qui Gon Jinn led Jedi Council and Order, the people of the Outer edge of the galaxy were able to find some level of happiness. As for the Jedi Order itself, it began to expand outwards. New outposts popped up, and Jedi became more visible to the public. Instead of just their temple on Coruscant they had 7 new locations. Both Maul and Anakin would become instructors at the same time, teaching their students alongside each other, and inspiring both of their students, the same way Qui Gon had them, to be better version of themselves today, then they were yesterday. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to GalavantGaming, Tristen, Mand’alor, SirWilliam1767, Darth Revan, GranDaddy Bane, skyguy, Egor Smyrnov, Cullen Rooney, SharkMidori, Rj38, nick, Michael Erlanger, The Last Je’daii, Apollo, weewoo670, Anakush Dankrunner, CT7567, Toaster Oven, OzoofOz, Darth Nox, The Eternal Padawan, Joshua Temme, Johnny Nguyen, Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth, MrYeetGamer, Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer 66, Madmana Studios, Anakin003, Lord Drakkon, Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars, Erebus Rex the Wolf, The Man with three first names, DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing for supporting the channel! Let’s hit 4k likes
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 87,282
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Keywords: darthmaul, starwarsrebels, starwarstheclonewars, theclonewars, clonewars, starwars, obiwankenobi, kenobi, obiwan, sith, sidious, maul, darthvader, ppsw, starwarswhatif, starwarswhatifs, whatifobiwan, whatifdarthmaul, whatifanakin, anakinskywalker, jedi, deathstar, mandalore, satinekryze, mandalorian, deathwatch, savageoppress, darthsidious, vader, skywalker, skywalkersaga, pentepatrol, tatooine, benkenobi, lukeskywalker, leiaorgana, hansolo, chewie, chewbacca, originaltrilogy, prequeltrilogy, jediorder, sithempire, quigonjinn, guigon
Id: LPDD37fxQfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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