What if Anakin Fell In Love With Shaak Ti?

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hey guys welcome back to the channel what if Anakin fell in love with Shu T to understand this relationship we need to go back to the beginning when Anakin first arrived at the Judi Temple he was 9 years old whereas Shakti was around 27 now I know that's quite an age gap which is why they won't get together for a very very long time but even when Anakin arrived at the temple he immediately noticed her not as some potential partner for the future but simply just her beauty it mesmerized him and when he was growing up and learning to use the force he would always notice her walking throughout the halls and always smiled and said hello it was innocent something that caused no harm and suspicion and Shu te's mind she never even considered Anakin as a possible interest with her being 27 years old she had grown up under the Jedi ideology which was to form no attachments she was used to this and it was easy this innocent relationship continued when Anakin entered his teenage years Obi-Wan was good friends with Shakti as they were similar ages and shared some classes growing up causing them to get to know each other this meant that Anakin would see her quite often and become friendly exchanging jokes and humor which only increased when he became more mature around the ages of 15 16 and Beyond everything would change in 22 BBY just before the events of a of the Clones when Anakin is 19 years old Anakin Shu T and Obi-Wan were assigned on a mission together deep in the outer rim the operation went smoothly and they were able to neutralize gang threats on lethal and restore stability to the system but on their way back they get involved in a complicated incident involving nuran shiv a terrestrial astronomical object they are stuck in a nebula a nebula is essentially clouds of swirl in dust that move at fast speeds which can cause ships to get stuck but the real issue with nebulas are the creatures within the ship is bombarded by nebre menes large flying creatures which can cause serious damage thecraft began to beep extremely loudly as they experienced damage and they had to act fast if they wish to get out of this unscathed shti exits the ship and ignites her lightsaber attempting to defend them against this onslaught she leaped from one side of the ship's exterior to the other swinging her Blade with Precision however as she miscalculates one of the mantises she is hit in the chest and blown backwards falling to the floor and heavily injured this causes Anakin to rush to her Aid putting on a mask to withstand the pressure of space Anakin's approach was different to teas he didn't ignite his lightsaber but instead relied on his chosen one's forc Powers he raised his arms and the mantises froze not not wanting to engage as one slowly approached Anakin he placed the palm of his hand on its nose sending a message throughout the force that they are not a threat and only trying to get home peacefully the mentis although unable to communicate verbally could sense this message because of Anakin's Force ability of communicating with creatures the Mantis call off their horde and the Jedi is saved Shakti looks up at Anakin in complete shock she had never seen anything like this before his power maturity and skill was Far Beyond his age this was the first time she looked at him with eyes that extended Beyond just friendship he was no longer the young boy who entered the Judi Temple but had grown into a powerful Jedi Knight she had never felt this type of feeling before it was unique confusing but extremely addicting the three of them go back to the Jedi Temple and report to the council after the mission Shakti attemp to shake off her feelings but she finds it extremely difficult what she was experiencing was out of her comfort zone and she didn't know how to respond to make matters worse the Judi Council assigned her and Anakin on another mission together believing them to be a reliable pair they are sent to riyo where a coup has been established to overthrow the monarchy the Judi was sent to ensure that this did not happen the two would spend every second together from now and their connection became extremely flirtatious they laughed joked and acted differently to how they would if they were in the Judi Temple for Anakin his feelings began as just a young boy with a crush on someone far older but now he realized that these feelings had developed into a serious match their days were filled with shared battles whispered conversations under the Starlet sky and quiet moments of solace in the midst of the chaotic Galaxy Anakin found himself drawn B to shu's wisdom and Grace admiring her strength and unwavering commitment to the Jedi code in her presence he felt a sense of completeness something he had never experienced before for shuti Anakin's determination passion and innate goodness sparked a connection that transcended the teachings of the order Anakin couldn't contain his truth any longer and one night he confessed everything he had kept buried inside he was in love with her she was taken back and shocked she never imagined either of them would mention the obvious connection between them she paused for a moment and thought she was in love with him too the two stared into each other's eyes and kissed at that moment their fate was sealed their love story was a love that would shape their Destinies and the fate of the Galaxy after they stopped the K and rof they went back to kurant htine being who he is had always kept a Keen Eye on Anakin's Affairs and and had spies always following his every move he had been slowly manipulating the boy for 10 years at this point and he was not going to stop the dark lord of the Sith was informed of the relationship by one of his secret spies this was massive news in Palpatine's eyes as if Anakin had an attachment this strong pulling him to the dark side would become much easier Anakin and Shakti had just done two missions extremely successfully together in a row and the council believed that they worked well together because of this they decided to deploy them on yet another campaign however this assignment was not like the other two instead they transitioned to become security guards of sorts there had been numerous assassination attempts on Padme Amidala's life and the two were to escort her back to nibo to protect her this is the same mission that Anakin undertook an attack of the Clones only now Anakin's girlfriend Shu T was to join them this assignment would go exactly as you would imagine Anakin and Padme have a clear chemistry between them and Shak te would become very jealous she couldn't help but noticed the lingering glances that Padme would direct at Anakin and jealousy ignited within her as the days turned into weeks on nibo padme's affection for Anakin became increasingly evident her Smiles held a warmth that lingered and the way she laughed at his anecdotes was filled with a touch of something more Shakti perceptive as she was felt a whip of insecurity knowing that padme's interest in her partner was growing one evening as the naboo's sun dipped below the Horizon and cast a warm glow on the countryside lake house Padme went too far she moved closer to Anakin her eyes locking onto his and her hand lightly touched his arm her tone was intimate as the conversation became flirtatious Anakin was taken back his eyes darting to Shu teeth through the window for a moment as the tension peaked Padme leaned in her lips almost brushing against his just as this very moment occurred the door to the room slid open and Shu T her heart aing with jealousy reacted instinctively she summoned the force and sent Padme stumbling to the side Padme was in complete shock and embarrassment but as she saw Shu T run over to Anakin and grab his hand she understood what was happening these two were already in a secret relationship the news was out and the two lovers were forced to reveal their deepest secret they tell Padme everything but beg her to keep their relationship quiet if it was exposed they would both be expelled from the Jedi Order reluctantly she agreed in her mind she didn't want anyone hearing her embarrassing story of rejection by Anakin Skywalker the rest of the occupation with padman may go smoothly and they able to protect her until the Clone Wars begin Anakin and shakti's love continue to flourish amongst the chaos of the Galaxy their shared experiences on the battlefield and unwavering support they offered each other only deepened their connection however Shakti couldn't shake her weariness of the friendship between Anakin and Padme she observed their interactions with a growing sense of unease as pad's presence in Anakin's life remained a constant source of tension Anakin would still see her from time to time and even went on some diplomatic missions with her despite these challenges Anakin and Shakti remained Inseparable their bond resilient and their love unbreakable as they faced the trials of the Clone Wars side by side however things take a dark turn when Palpatine interrupts the relationship he believed now was the correct time to begin the final stage of his plan and attempt to draw Anakin to the dark side with with the knowledge of his relationship with Master T and the countless disagreements of his friendship with Senator amadala Palpatine through a spanner in the works he used the dark side to plant dreams in shakti's head of Anakin and Padme getting together from shak's perspective she was sensing the future and believed that Anakin was going to cheat on her with Padme her greatest rival this continued for weeks on end and she goes absolutely insane as the jealousy takes over Anakin notices this and attempts to reassure her but it doesn't work Shu T is losing her mind these nightmarish images drove her crazy filling her heart with imagining jealousy and despair she felt as though her world was crashing down if she lost Anakin then what did she have left Master T knew that she had to do everything in her power to stop this from happening in a moment of overwhelming weakness unable to distinguish reality from ipulation she attempted to take the life of Padme amadala igniting her saber she swung at Padme missing the first and second strike but as the third one moves towards Padme it was accurate however this act of misguided rage was stopped by Anakin who intervened in the nick of time blocking her lightsaber strike with his own the realization of what had happened hit them both and Anakin's eyes began to tear he stared at his girlfriend with a sad struck in his heart he knew what he had to do Anakin broke up with Shu te a choice he never wanted to make but knew he had to Anakin's response to the breakup with Shu te was a storm of emotions that he had never experienced before he was consumed by an overwhelming sense of sadness and pain feeling as if his heart had been shattered into a million pieces yet at the same time an intense anger and fury welded up inside him directed both at the circumstances that had torn them apart and at himself for allowing it to happen he didn't know what to do with himself a couple of weeks after the breakup Anakin was in Palpatine's office and could clearly see the distraught on Anakin's face Palpatine was like a mentor to Anakin and had always been there his entire life little did he know that it was all a lie and a play to turn him to the dark side calling Anakin's son he encouraged him to open up that the dogmatic rules of the Jedi did not matter to him Anakin looks into the eyes of the closest thing that he has to a father and begins to Cry tears of sadness and anger he explains everything to him his relationship was Shu te and now it's eventual breakup Palpatine Comforts the boy but also stares him in the direction of the dark side he tells him to embrace the pain that only when he directs his anger towards something great can he truly be free maintaining the narrow views of the Jedi would not allow him to become his best self htine pains the idea that it is due to the rules of the Jedi that Anakin has entered the situation for if he was a Sith he would be encouraged to love and care for Shakti which would have led to them still being together he reinforces that the path of the Sith was made for him and that he must Journey Down it cidus calls on Anakin to become his Apprentice and learn to use the dark side of the force Anakin looks at Palpatine the realization that he is the Sith Lord hitting him like a ton of bricks he tells the chancellor that he needs time to think and leaves the office anak can go straight back to the only person he has ever confided in Shu T rushing to her quarters he explains the truth that he has just learned they hadn't seen each other since their breakup but they tried to ignore the elephant in the room whilst they decided what to do next however a strong realization dawned upon Shakti the wise Jedi Master Palpatine is luring Anakin to the dark side he will do whatever it takes to cause pain and anger within him the two lovers seduce that it was Palpatine who was giving Shak T the visions of Padme in order to break them up knowing that the FC Illusions were one of the most notable abilities of the Sith they knew that they had to tell the Judi Council about this but in doing so it would reveal their relationship to the order and they would likely be expelled but some truths were far too great to keep hidden they go straight to the council chambers where they stand together and explain everything how they are in a relationship and that Palpatine has attempted to use that to turn Anakin to the dark side Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord the entire room gasp in confusion and shock this was dangerous they needed to act quickly explaining that they would deal with the relationship later acting with haste the entire Jedi Council plus Anakin go to the Chancellor's office to confront him Palpatine was not expecting to see him he thought he had won Anakin over but now he had to fight for his survival he stands to his feet and ignites his lightsaber charging at the Jedi he swung with malice and intent but he was no match for the power of the council he was able to strike down a few members including Kit Fisto of parenesis and aen cola but M Wu disarmed him and Anakin delivered the final strike killing him with his death the Senate was informed of the dark deception that had plagued the Republic for so long in the wake of this Revelation B Lana was elected as the new Chancellor promising to restore stability to the Galaxy however Anakin and shakti's love had led them to their expulsion from the Judi order as they stood at the precipice of their new life following Palpatine's death the two got back together and vowed to never leave each other again they knew that they had found happiness and didn't need the Jedi Order as long as they had each other they returned to shakti's home world of shili where they celebrated their Love by getting married their Union marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives as they started a family with three children together they lived happily ever after with their family by their side and peace restored to the Galaxy thank you guys for watching today's video I really hope you enjoyed it Anakin and Shu T is an interesting match but one that I do think would work but I'm very intrigued to see what you guys think of them in the comments below and how you believe their love story would have played out do you think that they would have been able to stand up to Palpatine and defeat him or would their love cause them to fall to the dark side leave your opinions below and may the the force be with you
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 42,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars what if, anakin skywalker, what if anakin skywalker, what if star wars, what if anakin, skywalker, what if anakin and padme never fell in love, what if anakin and ahsoka fell in love, what if anakin never fell in love with padme, anakin, luke skywalker, ppsw what if, what if, what if obi-wan didn't leave anakin on mustafar, what if anakin told obi wan about padme, shaak ti, what if anakin fell in love with obi wan, what if obi wan, fantasy folklore, anakin what if
Id: K1N_VVrUoM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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