What If Naruto Was Born An Uchiha?

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[Music] the dynamic between naruto and sasuke was one of the driving forces behind the plot of the series naruto and sasuke are two very similar characters with similar positions yet different personalities and backgrounds naruto was a dope he wasn't all that intelligent wasn't all that strong and went as far as to struggle to even make a single shadow clone until he stole the scroll at the start of the series sasuke on the other hand was a prodigy hell bent on vengeance from a wrongdoing he suffered as a child at the hands of his elder brother while the two were similar their paths in life were completely different and i can't help but wonder what naruto wondered what if their positions had been switched welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year now without further ado let's get into the video mikoto and fugaku uchiha have just welcomed their second born child into the world his name naruto naruto uchiha and he is the new younger brother of itachi uchiha elsewhere at a different time and place the wife of the fourth hokage is also giving birth to a baby boy whose name will be sasuke he was named as such after sasuke sarutobi the father of the third hokage hirozen but as you know the bearer of the ninetales kushina is a prime target especially during pregnancy this was why she was given an ombu escort and moved to a secret location to give birth but that does not stop the attack the mysterious masked man whose identity is totally unknown manages to track them down and in an intense battle kushina loses her tailed beast i'm sure you know this story by now minato and kushina sacrificed themselves to defeat the threat of the ninetails catching the claw and then using the reaper death seal to implant the tailed beast into their infant son minato and kushina then perish and baby sasuke is left all alone to be discovered by heroes in saratobi we flash forward all naruto uchiha desires is to train with his brother but itachi is always too busy or so he says naruto is annoyed but he's already made up his mind that he will surpass itachi one day and become the hokage and when he is hokage he can command hitachi to play with him meanwhile sasuke is all alone he has no friends no family he's merely seen by others as the demon fox he tries to play with other kids but their parents quickly pull their children away he walks the village and sees an old anbu mask that interests him the store owner basically throws it at him hitting him in the face with it saying you want it take it now get out of here of course this mask is now tainted instead of being a symbol of heroism to look up to it is a symbol of the hatred of the village to a child who hasn't done anything wrong he would later join the academy to become a shinobi at this point sasuke's constant abuse has closed him off and caused him to resent people even those who would become his friends he's distrustful of as for naruto on one specific night without warning his elder brother eradicates everyone in their village telling him that he isn't worth killing and that if he ever wants to get revenge on him he'll need the same type of eyes as hitachi the mangekyo sharingan this event traumatizes naruto eventually naruto and sasuke would attend the academy where they meet naruto would see sasuke as a kindred spirit but neither would immediately attempt the friendship after all naruto was just betrayed by the one person he called his truest friend and he's already surrounded and fond over by others including many girls he's especially fond over by sakura harino with which he reciprocates naruto breezes through the academy but sasuke has issues when it comes down to the most basic techniques including shadow clone jutsu sasuke is told about the scroll of seals by mizuki but sasuke is too prideful and refuses to go after it instead he keeps trying over and over again naruto would see sasuke struggling and a part of him wants to cut him a break so he goes over and would aid him in learning it sasuke would be cold asking as if he doesn't want his help and naruto would throw that in his face and threaten not to help him but in the end sasuke relents and decides to learn from naruto together they would pass the final exam and be assigned to a team team 7 under kakashi haruke of course naruto would do his classic eraser prank which causes kakashi to already see this is going to suck they have a small meet-and-greet telling their dreams and what they want to do naruto still wants to become hokage and sasuke isn't quite sure what he wants he has no plans and doesn't see much of a future he just decides he wants to be a shinobi so that maybe he might belong somewhere so that being said it brings the moment down after this they would do kakashi's bell test and most everything remains the same we flash forward to the land of waves arc where team 7 would end up on a mission with a far higher rank than anticipated the demon brothers come out to attack and sasuke attempts to fight back but he's quickly knocked away naruto would drop in and manage to accurately defend sasuke and defeat the demon brothers sasuke gets angry having to be saved by naruto and continues on they end up facing zabaza and everything goes practically the same except naruto and sasuke are switched after being taught how to climb trees by kakashi naruto and sasuke nearly trained themselves to death to learn upon meeting inari for the first time inari would exclaim there are no heroes and that they're stupid for trying naruto would start to get offended by this but ignore it on the other hand sasuke who inari was talking to would respond with you're right there are no heroes all that matters is who's the strongest and sasuke proceeds to tell them all that he will become the strongest kakashi sees a similar spirit within sasuke as he himself had when he was younger before he understood what it was to have a team he sees the dynamic between sasuke and naruto to be similar if not the same as what he himself had with obito sasuke would put in overtime to learn and catch up with naruto he would sleep outside where he meets haku he'd be more defensive than naruto was in the original series he'd likely even pull a kunai on haku sasuke would then ask what she was doing here and haku would respond by telling sasuke that she is indeed a he sasuke would then tell them to get to the point and get haku to tell him what he was doing there haku says he's just picking flowers and moves on they would then go on to protect hizuna as he and the others build the bridge leaving sasuke at home due to working himself to the bone of course zabaza shows up and everything proceeds as normal naruto ends up in the demonic mirroring ice crystals jutsu and sasuke attempts to help him out and ends up trapped naruto takes the shots meant for sasuke and seemingly dies he doesn't he just looks like he did and sasuke would get so mad mad at himself and mad at haku for killing the one person who seemed to actually care for sasuke like a brother and that causes sasuke to lash out with the nine tails power he utterly murders haku haku has no chance sasuke more than just kills haku he utterly ravages him rips him limb from limb to sasuke dead is not dead enough he needs to make him unrecognizable and he does kikashi gains purchase and manages to kill zabaza gato and his men show up on the bridge and sasuke in a rage rushes out at them and rips them apart as well all this time kakashi is attempting to keep sasuke safe from them telling him to get a hold of himself sasuke loses complete control and eviscerates everyone this would startle the builders and those in the area while they're glad to be free from gato and his men the events that transpired all the death they decide that they should name it the blood mist bridge naruto is revealed to still be alive and enjoys being nursed back to health by sakura and kakashi also needs medical attention from defending sasuke all the while sasuke wonders what the heck happened to him where did all that power come from upon returning to the village the hokage is briefed on the situation and he believes it's best to bring sasuke in and explain it to him sasuke is surprised to discover that he is the jinchuriki of the ninetales and suddenly it all makes sense to him he's always been hated because he harbors a power the people of the village could never match a power that killed the fourth okage when asked who sealed the beast into him soro toby tells sasuke that it was his father the fourth hokage minato namakazi sasuke goes silent a mix of emotions are going through his head but he shows none of them he asks to be excused and here is a nods sasuke leaves as he processes the whole situation he begins to feel a single emotion anger the entirety of his life he has been hated hated because of something he didn't understand judged for being the host of something they considered evil to sasuke's eyes he was a hero sacrificing his body to imprison something that could destroy the village and yet they treated him like he was the scum of the earth he thinks about how he is the son of the hokage and asks why then that he risen didn't take care of him why did he leave him alone everyone acted as if they didn't care what happened to him and that angers sasuke even more the tuning exam's arc would begin and they would be allowed to take the exam by kakashi and hirozin the exams begin with a written test naruto aces the questions through use of his sharingan sakura also does pretty well and sasuke refuses to even pick up his pencil sakura and naruto keep looking back at him wondering what he's doing sasuke just doesn't seem in the mood for this he's brooding about something naruto assumes it's because he learned about his past and the connection with both the fourth hokage and the ninetails kakashi would have told them due to being on the squad but warns them not to talk about it the tenth and final question comes around and they're warned that if they take it they will need to get it right or they'll be gaining forever sakura and naruto decide to take the question and sasuke doesn't seem to care so he takes it as well but doesn't plan to answer it by merely staying through sasuke passes the test then comes the forest of death sasuke participates in it merely because his team needs him to become tuning orochimaru would attack them as he had before but naruto wouldn't be phased naruto would attempt to use genjutsu on a rochimaru but he fails to put him under sasuke attempts to attack orochimaru but is knocked back and out orochimaru brands naruto with the cursed mark and both are down for the count for a few days the hopes were that naruto would turn to the dark side and achieve the strength to kill itachi the ghanian of the hidden sound attempt to ambush them but they're fended off by rock lee just as in the original series everything from here on happens according to the original however when the tuning exam's exhibitions come around sasuke decides to bow out he doesn't really care anymore kakashi would ask him why and sasuke would give no definite answer naruto would end up facing off against neji and the crowd is excited to see how a sharingan user will fare against a biakugan user naruto managed to pull off an astounding victory while his battle was tough his ingenuity inherited from his canon self multiplied by his prodigious nature inherited from the uchiha that we gave him back here and he and his sharingan allows him to find a weak point at the back of neji's neck just as before but far quicker his varied use of techniques make it easy to strike from there hard then he gets a month off for training where kakashi teaches naruto the lightning blade sasuke meanwhile is attempting to learn more about his tailed beast even managing to get in contact with it due to having dropped out of the tuning exams sasuke would not need to train too hard and so he likely would not come into contact with jiraiya after the training is done naruto would return to face off against garrett in the finals his defeat would be sound and the start of the konohawa crush would begin sasuke would team up with naruto and sakura to go after gara but gara would transform into his tailed beast mode after incapacitating sakura naruto would not be sure how to win but with cold determination sasuke decides what to do he begins to remove the seal on kurama just as kurama had hoped and achieves a partial transformation with eight tails in this form he would be completely berserk he would manage to kill gara and shukaku but beyond that sasuke would begin to go on a rampage naruto attempts to stop him but fails eventually kakashi would come and with the power of the sharingan would manage to pacify sasuke meanwhile minato would appear in sasuke's head to reinforce the seal to stop him sasuke looks to minato with a cold glare full of hatred he asks minoto if he knows minato would ask what sasuke means and sasuke would ask if he knows what kind of life he has lived until now minato would shake his head and sasuke would spill his heart out to him telling him everything he has suffered and then put it all on minato minato would apologize profusely and tell him he had no better idea of what to do and sasuke would have said that maybe he should have let kushina drag the ninetails to the grave with her if she had maybe sasuke would have not been alone and maybe he would have had a better life munito explains the balance idea and sasuke would tell him in no uncertain terms that he gives zero damn about the balance between the tailed beasts once more aminato would apologize basically begging for forgiveness now and sasuke would refuse it he would tell minato to get lost and never speak to him again minato would oblige sasuke would wake up to find naruto sakura and kakashi standing over him naruto would ask if he's all right and offer his hand sasuke would take it kakashi advises his team to keep the partial transformation quiet and would tell sasuke that he's going to order him to take up training to maintain his tailed beast to ensure that he stops losing control sasuke refuses to answer to that later on while naruto is sleeping he's visited by the sound four they attempt to convince naruto to leave with them saying that they can give him the power to kill hitachi however naruto refuses they attempt to kidnap him and there's a scuffle they managed to knock naruto out and begin to transport him to the base where urochimaru is waiting but sakura informs everyone and sasuke along with neji rockley and the others attempt to rescue naruto while transporting him naruto is pacified and put into a jar to help him further awaken his power this would be a small taste just to hopefully entice him to join orochimaru the sound four are caught and defeated and naruto is freed where he already feels the strength he has achieved deep down seeing this sasuke makes a fateful decision and leaves the village to seek orochimaru in hopes of gaining strength his plan to put koroha under having enough of their hatred he plans to give it all back tenfold naruto is brought back to the village where he receives medical treatment and assessment of his cursed mark it is irreversible it seems just as much as the initial stage was naruto feels he can use this for good however and decides he wants to keep it anyway he is then informed that sasuke left the village and is now considered a missing nin meanwhile jarya's attempt to recruit tsunade has failed and she has died fighting against herochimaru and kabuto the next in line is donzo shimura time skips ahead eventually shukaku regenerates and is immediately captured by the akatsuki sai eventually joins team seven due to gara having died there is no kazuka gay rescue mission which also means the tenshi bridge recon mission is a bust too that's a good thing as well as if orochimaru wishes to live he'll need to stay away from the akatsuki and if he wishes to use sasuke he can't turn him over either they spend a long time searching for sasuke word eventually reaches them that killer b the jinchuriki of the eight tails from the village hidden in the clouds has been captured by that group and that his tailed beast has been stripped fearing what it could mean that all of the tailed beasts are being captured by a single group they begin the akatsuki suppression arc most of this arc actually goes the same as osama would still die and naruto would still defeat kakazu news then reaches the village that sasuke has killed orochimaru and has left the compound what is going through sasuke's mind right now is the power he has gained he's also managed to awaken both stages of the cursed seal of heaven much like naruto did and he plans on using this ability along with the nine tails to unleash a devastating attack on the leaf team 7 and team 8 combine to form a search party and locate and bring sasuke home but they're not the only ones the ikotsky are there too among them being itachi naruto's brother itachi makes contact with naruto and asks him if he's finally achieved them on gekkyo sharingan yet naruto replies that he is not itachi tells him that that's a shame and that time is now up and he and naruto must fight itachi gives him a location and tells naruto to come alone cabato then offers intel on the akatsuki to naruto and the others and escapes the team returns to the village hidden the leaves without sasuke in tow much to the sorrow of team 7 and 8. at some point during the night naruto attempts to sneak out of the village he's met there by sakura who asks if naruto will leave too naruto says he won't leave the village for good he just needs to settle things with hitachi sakura begs him not to go saying that if he does he will die she refuses to let him go stating that she couldn't live if naruto died naruto says that if he does die she needs to carry on anyway and makes her promise they share a kiss and naruto leaves the village he meets itachi at the promised location for a fight it's rather one-sided until naruto uses his second stage of the cursed seal of heaven however the advantage does not last long as itachi nullifies the seal naruto is then left practically defenseless against hitachi and he cries out at him asking him why he did what he did was it because he hated naruto was it really because of that or because hitachi never loved his clan he begs for an answer tears in his eyes and hitachi is shaken hitachi cannot bring himself to keep up this shirad he sits down beside naruto and explains it all he explains how his mission was given to him by danzo and how the uchiha clan was planning a coup he tells him that it was possible that his frenchie so he could have stopped it peacefully with his sharingan's ability koramatsukami but that his eye was removed by danzo instigating the former suicide during this time the strain of the battle had done a number on hitachi's body and his illness had gotten so far that he's coughing blood he's dying he tells naruto that he had such guilt and that he hoped that naruto would kill him to give him peace before his illness could take him but now it's too late he just knew that naruto would be too soft he says that his illness is going to kill him and offers one last piece of advice he says that if naruto ever does awaken the monkey kyo sharingan he should implant itachi's monkey kyo sharingan into his head to awaken the eternal mangyakyo sharingan this way itachi says naruto will still have his big brother to protect him itachi then dies naruto cries out in sorrow and begs for itachi to come back he had just reclaimed his brother only to lose him again the sorrow of this loss awakens naruto's mangekyo sharingan he would lament here for many hours though to him it would feel like just a moment he would then honor itachi's request removing his sharingan and keeping it for himself he would then transport itachi home to the place the uchiha called him he would bury itachi there beside his parents he would then go and explain what had happened he would eventually also attain the eterna monkeyakyo sharingan gaining access to a matarasu which he can shape and control with his other eye he also gains access to the susano on top of other abilities he had prior he'd lost his cursed seal but had gained something greater a piece of his brother would always remain he would also tell kakashi what donzo had done and kakashi would tell him that it was in danzo's character to pull a stunt like that naruto would hate donzo for this not only for ordering his clan to be destroyed but stopping shisui from preventing it and then forcing itachi to do what he did and then making hitachi shoulder the blame but what can naruto do donzo is the hokage there isn't much to be done but he certainly loses all respect for danzo and further establishes that naruto wishes to become the hokage to restore his village just to make everything the way it should have been a long time ago word comes in that jaraya has died it's not long after that payne arrives to destroy the village hoping to flesh out sasuke naruto would be there and he'd use his new abilities to fight against these six paths of pain using amaterasu and susano he would manage to push these six paths back after a long battle the six paths are defeated and naruto then finds nagato and konan and nagato would much like before return to the light side and revive those he had killed at the expense of his own life the five kage summit would occur and the events would remain almost exactly the same except a the fourth reikage does not lose an arm we get the declaration of the fourth shinobi world war and donzo is killed they attempt to stop sasuke but fail upon hearing news of danzo's death kakashi would be called in and given the title of sixth hokage which he would receive with a jotaro style yada yadaze having retrieved the rinnegan obito would implant one into his head and prepare to accomplish the eye of the moon plan everything would go the same up until the final battle where he would remove the tailed beast from sasuke sasuke would nearly die but is managed to be saved when sasuke's new sound 4 bring him to the leaf side the reincarnated fourth hokage minaton namakazi would implant his half of the ninetails into sasuke and just barely save his life naruto and sasuke would call a truce to face off against ten tails jinchuriki obito sasuke would use his tailed beast mode basically calling korama out which naruto could then coat in a susano sasuke then adds his second stage curse seal of heaven which allows korama to grow wings using his power the two face off against obito and managed to rip the tailed beasts from him sasuke retakes the other half of korama from there the rest of the series actually remains the same so in the end everything sorta stays the same while there are quite a few changes all that basically happens is that naruto and sasuke switch powers at least that's what i think anyway what do you think how would this play out any differently what line of events do you believe would occur make sure you let us know in the comments below and be sure to like the video and subscribe to support the channel don't forget to ring the bell to be notified when more content like this drops until then peace [Music]
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 304,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Uchiha, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki
Id: 1qgQabZgDh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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