What if Naruto was Half Uchiha Half Senju The Movie (All Parts)

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[Music] yeaaah soldiers it's a podium receive Comanche from their video and this is wolf nartu was half mu G ha half send you you guys won this is a new series ooh well you guys go now this is something that should be interesting to write as this might be the first series I am rain that an artist since he has some really good to next one and his Canon counterpart he had half Lisa Maki boy which is definitely useful but also add nama Kazi blood which wasn't so useful in terms of enhance ability / kekkei genkai so let's see what happens if we switch neurosurgeon acts around but before we get into all that I need to let you guys know that is that time of the week and my policy of course for this would have to get to you know my continuation is 1k views in three days that's it I hope this as well you know my god you got but into what I'm referring to you by the way you guys building my schedule thanks for my started last week rules for at are on my communion post I posted earlier today so I will link that in description speaking of my community tab while like a hawk at the clothes fit updates pulls other fun stuff in between and still watch that like a hawk now it's time for quick so some earplugs Twitter is at MSA for Twitter is a great place for you guys to interact me absolute we a lot and it acts as another way for you guys to get another point my videos so follow me on Twitter Instagram is animate underscore stage for Instagram is a great place you guys to interact me as I do post pre frequently on there so follow me on Instagram finally German escrow server and if you join me dispersor it you get access to sell metric content okay from one I live stream ahead of time and you can trust to me ideas directly it's also a great way for you guys to interact me so join its core server link to it will be in description since this is in your series there'll be no usual checklist so let's get right into a story alright so you guys may want to hope for some form of a complex way from north to become half century and happy Chia or apps you have sent you whichever way or any way put it but well no we will do it the old-fashioned way James into the next to me it's and Kushina essentially mean so it's gonna be energy ha anguishing is gonna be essential which means unfortunately doesn't have that amazing red hair but sacrifices must be made if we one are said to be Easter and powerful now for story purposes not so we'll have wood police and the sharingan we all know that just because you are an eccentric clan or an Uchiha clan it doesn't really mean you can you know get the kekkei genkai cover for story purposes and again for entertainment purposes he web up of those because what is the point of gaining those bloodlines and not giving him to kick again ky with those clans well now it is time for the actual plot and so the Senju clan essentially dying out it's you know nothing how about they sometimes say alive well it's a point Kushina is one of survivors and isn't said a Sanju versus her being folders and Maki Hashim will still have the nine tails as since you can have wash choppers errs she will then meet me in two she huh me in two and this one is essentially an orphan as we have seen orphan Chia before see obito uchiha ever he is a lot more talented naturally than will be so because well he is minto me into English Anna actually have a nice connection together and their love story will be kind of around the same Kushina will be seeing us a tough person and people will like her black hair but her tough ATS you kind of rust field a long way except of course my boy Minato me until will be seen as a massive progeny have an easier time cream the Rasengan because Sharingan you also have more proficiency in grant genjutsu and will have a wider array of ninjutsu he will still have the same chakra natures which were fire lightning and wind and he will also be a lot more powerful though because he is kind of that powerful with the Sharingan stuff like that and yeah he's kind of he's more powerful in Canon version which is nuts Hashim will have the earth from water chakra natures however she can't really use the coach Kang Chi but as such I preserves and her fun stuff in between or she has a gene so the kekkei genkai to pass it on so if me and so gives her the flash piping which he does the baby will not only have the Sharingan but also would release yes I find new ways to be very dirty anyway let's go to Obito there was a better relationship between me and two and obito because not only are they both orphaned but they are also orphan through just having to be G Haas which is why it will hurt me until more went over to us crushed by the rock or does he yes unfortunately Alito is going to go down that rabbit hole I would have me and so unlock among ghek your Sharingan here but let's just say I don't want me to go down that rabbit hole himself to be more exact him going blind and going for something known as the curse of hatred oh boy anyways everything until that point in camera means the same advocacy no gets well she's an ounce is pregnant me until celebrates and nine months go by with Alito plan to do his little plan which is interesting because anything involves some ninetails ain't little me and so in bikini I still have a hidden birth and the French between Kashima Kota will remain the same me until will also become the fourth hokage which is huge for a chia clan as me into is now the first shot to ever become the Hokage like we're gonna pick or tomorrow please this one turned enhance relations between UTI client and the village which is good for everybody and then it all goes extremely wrong the nine tails fox attack happens as machines are still taken by Obito after Obito hold baby naruto hostage Obito will still get crushed by me and so but i mean to waste too much time so we have to do the reaper death seal which means goodbye me into an casino now since a certain sims you is outside the village there is only one clinic and logically inherit naruto youichi ha clan i mean it makes sense and were they gonna do make a clamp for critics ha no way it would never happen right so your recent sentence him to the Uchiha clan and tells him that he just wanted me in so so guess who takes him in Booga ku and Makoto the half century boy line also intrigues them even though in forgot his case he's having a midlife crisis over whether or not he wants to love Naruto or ham because of the mix and bloodlines however because the nine tails attack the Uchiha clan are being persecuted again just from relationship between the client and village had finally improved it all goes down the drain Naruto growing up actually does have a somewhat normal childhood and in season relationships with his steppers in Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha however people will give him glares because he is party oti clan but you won't remember this because he's way too young remember it just like he was way too young to remember the type of treatment he had as an orphan which was very nice however the real change occurs when he is four years old this is when Dawn's of the site to spill the beans about Naruto's prisoner you know the ninetails Narns will definitely remember the years of torment and glares he gets from villagers then Thank You Danzo well he does the parents help him out let's just say they have ulterior motives you see he was a never tofu gakuen Makoto about Naruto having the Fox the reason for this is pretty obvious as the original ones were they wouldn't take him in because yes the thing that is causing them to be persecuted again when forgot brings his information in here ooze in Houston does apologize and bags of forgot who keeps Naruto twitch forgot cool say of course I will heroes in nantes been like a son to me I would never do it to him I love him just never lied to me again here ISM thanks forgot go but deep down forgot who is laughing as Naruto's the key to everything you see him through God cool was already intrigued by him being half senju and he had a couple weeks ago displayed some minor would release ability well very very minor he's only got a small stick of stick out of his finger he was then prompted from you know fukaku Makoto to never show it to anyone outside the clan unless they say so although they did notify the Furtick ah give this and he was happy to see that the would release Kathy Kim Chi its returning to Lee Phyllis naturally and not from some other means if you know I'm saying you know experiments however the fact he is also in jinchuriki it changes everything they can mold nurse who into a weapon and use him against the village Makoto will unfortunately go along with this as we remember her being very compliant in the coochie-coo in order to when he is old enough so around five six years old is trained really hard and I mean really hard sometimes two hours to the point of exhaustion Sasuke would be jealous by the attention archers receiving however he can tell his brother is kind of being pushed too hard Itachi at times goes against his father saying this is too much for the kid whoever fugato stands his ground and tachi has to live to fight another day this corner quote training will make nartu stronger yes but it is for the wrong reasons his best days are when he is playing with his brothers and again Itachi and Sasuke is a form of comfort for Naruto as well as Emile's Makoto makes if only he wasn't pushed so much hmm by the time he was around eight he enters the Academy along with Sasuke what for a center of attention because they both come from very prominent clans this means Naruto has the attention of many girls as if you are sauce gets butter well you know how it goes however there is one girl we all know and love but we will get to her lair as there are some stuff we need to get to here Naruto and Sasuke both wants to be as good as Itachi as a type two sticks out as an alum although both of for very different reasons narns because Itachi is a source of comfort while saucy because he wants to impress his father well it's helping out Naruto because kind of wants him to get a break you know I'm saying like let's not overwork a child right you know I'm saying Naruto inside here I'll be able to get the fire ball to suit down pretty easily and figure I was pretty impressed by both of them but mostly pays attention to get soo Naruto but he also gives Sasuke his praise which is good now speaking of fire let me get into Naruto's chakra natures he has the earthen water naturally because a cat genkai and has fire and wind this comes from all the genes had been given to him especially in conservative factory of Shias are naturally tapped at fire and when just because it's something Naruto will possess as a second track furniture as you chia because I also got to talk natures and fire and lightning this one just puts out lighting out with wind so Naruto has four track natures which is all based on genetics and he can also get lightning but it isn't naturally acquired and would also cost more chakra we have seen jerk-offs used for the basic nature transformations and fear actually he could probably use all of them but sunny through transformations cost more than others because Kakashi isn't naturally gifted at using all five nature transformations so it costs more chakra for him anyways sometime later and we know where this is going is a nice day after school and south canara to head back home however they notice that it is too quiet than hear sounds and see dead bodies they freaked out as they see people who have they become attached to all murdered they then remember one feign mom and dad they head to their house and they come across a scene of absolute horror saga ku Makoto are now dead in a bloody mess then out of the shadows there's a person near where they were all killed Itachi Uchiha what happens next you'll have to find out in next part then go for watching part one of woof narc to us half the Kia half send you now I got a couple scenarios for you guys to pick from do you want sauce good to have his original personality from Canon you know emo do you want him to be healed because he has Naruto because secondly when he lost his entire client he literally lost this whole clan or he wants something in the middle of that where he is both nice and emo that's that's kind of contradictory but you got I'm saying do you want in order to be emo as well with the first option if you choose Sasuke having this words of CAM personality I'll let you guys choose that on my community tab the day after this vid releases so let's get it the quick thing let me shout out to my boy curl edits for this naruto PNG thing that you see in the thumbnail and i've used that for out the entire yet video i will link his channel in the description so please check him out he does make a nice amount of the edits i use for my thumbnails and of course my bids so please check them out and okay remember to help me build my schedule check to me post i'm a which is linking the description also wash my coming tab like a hawk for you know bit updates bowls and stuff like that finally follow me on twitter instagram and join me to score server and that is all I have to say make sure like comment subscribe turn occations and share the video this has been your boy the a me sage saying out peace your ha bye bye peace stop stop stop stop stop right there don't click off the video now I'm thinking you to like address and real quick about me to Kushina let's just say I have a couple playing specimen of bloodlines something kind of maybe in the realms of inspiration from legacy but then again some other fan pictures in between so if you know of someone those fan fiction I'm talking about you might be right for this and you might kind of like it or maybe not maybe even won't have a different opinion that who knows but you know when when it's ever right I go it should be really interesting let's just say because there's gonna be a lot of fun here if you know I'm saying but yeah that's kind of where I'm at here so if you want to know the so again if you were questioning why I didn't want to talk about meantime Kushina hooter who were born from their parent I'm gonna save that for later okay fair yeah so like when Kushina reveals its inner to when he's trying to like get to ninetails control or something like that or who knows maybe there's other events because maybe that's what if goes into like other territories I don't know I'm not fully sure yet I just uh I have a started a story so that's fine anyways let's just hope that you know everything goes well there and this has been your boy the enemy saved actually sign out oh you know I can't wait to see you guys next week and yep this is Ben your boy signing out peace your ha bye bye peace yeaaah soldiers 84 the MSAs command chief in our video and this is with Naruto was half ogia half send you part 2 so this series kind of went above my expectations a little bit as of right now of that series is saying at 7.6 cabe use in four days it took what if nerves attend to come moans before finally hit the number and you go she's hurt that beaten for days that is nuts y'all also like we're Apple nerd so can wait and decide to push no part to hear y'all really love the concept of serious things me honest so do I but this night here nor there anyways on party you guys are gonna get super Naruto I cannot wait to give you guys that series as you all seem very intrigued by at based on the results of 1.1 K vote next Westgate community tab like a hawk in the watch of a community tab you can see if it updates polls like what what if I do that week and of course you're gonna see somewhere fun stuff in between so wash my canteen tab like a hawk alright time for quick social media plugs Twitter is at mah for Twitter is a great place for you guys to interact with me as you tweet a lot and accent are we get enough of my videos so follow me on Twitter Instagram is animate underscore stage for Instagram is a great place for you guys to interact me as you post very frequently so follow me on Instagram if I own dorm discourse server if you join you get access to your sneak peeks of supplementary content notifications when I livestream ahead of time and of course you can system me ideas directly it's also a great way for you guys to interact me so for mister server going to it will be in description all right time for a half the usual checklist if you haven't seen part one the link to it will be in description alright let's get right into the story in our tone Sasuke are in their parents house their parents are now dead and Apollo their own blood looking outside of shadows a person emerges and is Naruto and Sasuke is brother Itachi Uchiha Naruto Sasuke trying to figure out what happened so they want to ask the Itachi you wouldn't know what happened Sasuke is the first to speak I just talked about how mother and father know dead and someone needs to pay for this Naruto nods with him however as Sasuke's about to finish the sentence it could Knight goes over his shoulder take off some cloth Naruto is shocked of what he just witnessed ye Itachi do that Tachi then talks about how it was him who killed a clan how he wanted to test the limits of his abilities Naruto and Sasuke are flabbergasted cannot be their big brother he's been replaced by something else the brother that Sasuke loved the brother that gave Naruto a source of comfort did all this to test the limits of his abilities just can't the Itachi may have been acting strange lately but we never do all this right it sinks in further that he could have done this as he talked about acting like the bird he could look at they call it love and also other stuff Naruto and Sasuke are steaming rage they both go up for a punch but our smack backed by Itachi Itachi didn't escapes naruto and sasuke go after him they catch up to Itachi and touch will then tell them that if one of them has the same eyes as him then they should come right after him right then and there naruto and sasuke both awakening one timon Sharingan however they won't be able to hold on to the eyes at least for now naruto and sasuke now need time to themselves they have just gone through a very horrible traumatic event in their lives however they both approach it very differently nacho tries to keep on well he tries to put on a smile a facade that he is happy that it didn't affect him while Sasuke doesn't seem like he wants to talk about anything to anyone Naruto while keeping up this facade deep down is hurt scarred and tortured his brother however doesn't understand how he can smile like that five days later in order to get some fronted by Sasuke Sasuke says how can you sit there smiling with our classmates when our parents our whole clan they're all dead Narada was kind of shocked by this question and asked what do you mean is that really so wrong Sasuke answers angrily yes how can you sit there smiling when our parents are dead I know dad didn't treat you correctly he overworked you but mom loved you how can you smile and act like nothing happened when it did did you even care about them Naruto tears running down his eyes says of course I did I loved mom even though I wasn't close to dad with all the stuff he did to me it was still my father but I need you to understand something I deal with love stuff everyday who for some reason giving me all these glares they look at me with disgust look at me as if I've done something to them or like I'm some horrible monster I don't get it but for some reason people see me that way mom told me to always smile in the face of all this because when I confront her about this all this she told me a smile she wanted me to be some beacon of hope for life because she didn't want me to lose my smile she always wanted me to at least help butters and maybe encourage him and I took that the heart she also it faints escalated to show toughness in the face of adversity there was always that promise that stuff would get better you know what it did I had you Itachi mom and even dad he went dad overworked me to the point of exhaustion trying to get me to my quote/unquote true potential life so got better went off to kill our clan I wanted to curl up into a ball cry leave myself isolated but I knew mom wouldn't want that it hurt me so Marsha Itachi killed everybody I want to destroy him as much as you do but I can't allow it - Sasuke then hugs his brother tears running down his eyes he also serve us stuff he said about his brother he feels so ashamed I'm so sorry Naruto I should have known I never took into consideration how you must have felt deep inside please forgive me you were the only family I have left an artist says he will & bers right then they're reconciled so let me get into these character paths based on personality so I'll skate we'll be somewhere in the middle in terms of his personality so you know how I was like email in Universal can well this is a little bit different as and you guys did vote for it so here we are in terms of personality specifically Sasuke is more so antisocial than emo but is also nicer than this alternative universe however a couple caveats here he'll be more so being is nicer care personnel myself around Naruto and those Narns it was cool with so essentially it speaks to Saskia support for Naruto his brother and how he will respect those Naruto / friends because if they're Koneru well he's cool them Naruto will have a smarter more watered down version of this camp personality like he'll be still energetic and that will probably rub some people the wrong way he also be smarter and can also be serious and when he is serious you definitely do not want to mess with him that's kind of what is there also Sasuke definitely does want revenge more so than Naruto but it's more so watered down and sent like in Harran gullies obsessed with you know I'm saying he and Nora to definitely want revenge but they also want to support each other you know I'm saying so yeah a couple weeks later he wasn't sour Tobi once to call Naruto went to his office artem owners was going on is he in trouble or something Guren summons them into his office and he Rosen talks to him about how never got a chance to give us condolences for the Deaf's of this whole clan and arch was like it's okay the reason didn't Elsner on to that he could definitely become something special they could be a very powerful ninja someday heck he may even become the Hokage one day heck the fourth Hokage was he was new Chia so why not Naruto like Naruto as a legitimate chance not just first thinking maybe I could do it one day but things just to handle some other stuff before he can really get into all that Hawkeye yosef but being Hokage is on a table those means when Kushina pots are definitely they're yours and says but you have to work get there first you got to work for it and just because huai potential doesn't mean you're gonna reach it or get their knife to kind of misses all the comments and praises but no Susan is right I'm gonna vault a potential in the world but if you don't take advantage of it and work hard and used tools you were given you know what's going to happen to you you're gonna be six feet underground with all the other ninjas of the world that had talent but never lived up to it here isn't then tells Naruto he has a special kekkei genkai arms of things about what it could be but when Harrison tells Naruto uses plastic ability he decides to use it and realizes well that mystique again Chi hoon says it may not look like much but he has the would release kekkei genkai which was used by well the first of kaga hosmer send you Naruto is shocked but now fully understands the mystery of his plan stickability is actually a very powerful kekkei genkai called were release that was used by the first okay here's an intelligent R so that he will be taught by someone on how to use where release now she was pretty pumped about this but no said he has to do the work when are to tell Saskia all this Sasuke can't help but feel two different emotions Josie and pride like he's jealous at narcosis awesome kekkei genkai from the first hokage and he's getting his special treatment in terms of training but at the same time he can't help but be proud of Naruto like his bro has his very powerful cook again Kai and is getting this stuff for him and it's great for the GI Klein named Naruto does promise over he will turn sOccket when he can and so it's just like I bet not so he meets the person on the weekends and guess who it's ENSO our next four years up until graduation Naruto trains with both tens when Sasuke and Naruto will get a couple techniques Naruto can't launch a single or wood beam or whatever you want to call it but he also has to sound bullet jutsu in terms of other g2z has to shout clone jutsu and the wood clone jutsu you can also use the clone jutsu but it is not as efficient or he's better off using a shotgun or wood clone jutsu no I'm saying doctor definitely hasn't proven again to do and can use it but it's stepping on his strong suit because Kurama gnar so definitely also has increased in physicality and tight jutsu so he's stronger in those areas meanwhile with Sasuke he has been expired - too early and so stronger in terms of tattoos and physicality both are really skilled in shuriken techniques and both are extremely aggressive and powerful for potential gaining Sasuke will also use such a clone jutsu or he'll try to use it but he is a little bit too much chakra so you'll say that as he ages but as such gets older he'll be able to make one to two clones Narns will become friends with Choji and Shikamaru so there are all Bros and both Naruto and Sasuke are seen as Dreamboats by all the ladies in the class now I'm gonna go end this off of a question as the next part will be on the graduation exam and there are fun stuff in between but for my question it concerns pairings do you want Nara Hina for the potential kids as if Naruto prepares it has babies with anata well those kids are gonna be pretty Opie and from a chemistry I can create here I can definitely improve the chemistry in the story but stuff will probably remain the same in the beginning because even though narks was kind of prodigy and a genetic miracle the Fox kinda complicates things or we could do a different pairing that is on the table or there's a final want option and I can't believe I'm saying this but how do we turn Naruto into an East guy and doing multi pairing you all know what I'm talking about right like y'all have some ideas on who Naruto should pair with how about we give them as many girls as possible that make sense or are not more than decade older than him if you know I'm saying Sasuke you're gonna have Sakura no art is about to beat up one three pills anyway I probably won't regret saying giving out this option is when I drop the pole you are pulling and go if I turn are here or a different pairing but the multi pairing option is on the table I guess the decision on that will be revealed whenever the next part releases so that's about it my girl for watching Park to you of webinar2 was half a Chia half send you I do enjoy rhino series and I cannot wait to supply a guy some more parts in future like the concept of this series is pretty interesting especially when you consider the fact that Naruto has experienced Ichi Oakland Massacre and stuff like that and it's gonna be really fun just like it's in your writing a story and see how powerful not so it can become especially since again he has some really really good genetics here although I'm sorry perfect genetic you know I have probably set up for later anyways Gary for you Zuko Naruto that is going to be great make sure watch mckimie tab like a hawk from Marin right there and finally make sure to follow me on Twitter Instagram and romesco server before I say that it's all I've to say we're getting very close to 5k subscribers which is pretty insane if you ask me like we've been on YouTube for like we've been actually making what it videos for like since like September of 2010 it's at late September 2019 and right now we're about to hit 5k subscribers so yeah it's been a pretty fun journey so far and I expect you guys to have show a lot of support for this part because you guys shouldn't have forth to the lives part but I guess I did you keep up with policy a thousand views in three days and we'll keep going with this part you know so yeah at least that should be fun I guess [Laughter] but you know that's probably about it make sure to LIKE comment subscribe traffic ations and of course share the video this has been your boy they may save signing out peace your ha baba oh yeah one more thing before I go I would have tried to at least release this a lot earlier but I did that to do because some eels and personal issues so it was kind of in there were bad but they're they're fine now and kind of over with I just want to let you guys know it because it kind of like kind of stagnate the progress of making this video but you know it was just like when those moments were it was just like a bad really bad person so but I'm it's fine now don't worry about it I'll talk to you guys on Friday or get me cases video or see you guys on Friday see you guys all right yo soldiers it's your boy with a message come at you from our video and this is with nartu was half of chi ha half send you part free the serious has exploded on my channel so here's on our part you guys were going crazy from our part left to right even writing the email saying when's this coming out patience is a virtue of patience a virtue so here it is back and better than ever all right so let me tell you guys a couple things it is that time of the week again so submit to me what would if so you want to see this week or next week sorry the rules are in the community post which I will link in a description so read them and submit what would if you want to see for well next week next I made you part two of webinar two was a azĂșcar tomorrow maybe not who knows depends on the fact you like it don't expect it on Saturday but don't be surprised if it drops if you know what I'm saying anyways watch the community tab like a hawk that's not only do you get to select what would ifs you want for the week but you also get bit updates polls and other fun stuff in-between which are all very important so watch the community tab like a hawk alright time for qixels me plugs twitter is at MSH for tours a great place for you guys to interact me as they tweet a lot and acciden our way to gonna put my videos still follow me on Twitter Instagram is an anime underscore Stage four it's gonna be a great place for you guys to interact me as I do post pre frequently so follow me on Instagram finally term discourse server if you join you get access to supplementary content notifications of when I livestream ahead of time and you can see us to meet ideas directly is also a great way for you guys to interact with me so join me discourse server the link to it will be in the description alright time for usual checklists if you haven't seen the last part the link to a beam description you haven't seen this series at all check out the playlist if all the way let's get right into the story alright so Naruto and Sasuke are about a couple months away from graduation but before we get into all that I have announcement concerning pairings as you guys know I gave you guys free options for parents they were Nara Hina a different parent or a multi pairing or as other people will call it an heir I'm putting a 2 from the Arum because I don't know if I can sit on YouTube or not I just don't know and multi pairing 1 so Nara is about to get all the woman baby let's go anyways Naruto and Sasuke a couple months before graduation are summoned to Houstons office because well here is Mo's to make an announcement to both of them Harrison says alright since you both were almost very close to graduation I have to tell you both something very important Naruto and Sasuke are very curious your Zanon asome have you ever heard of a CRA there are two and sasuke actually pause for a bit and remembered that there was a class on this they heard that when the clan population is very low and the clan is very prominent a young male or males will be put under the CRA otherwise known as a clan Restoration Act the Act allows for the last people to cleanse repopulate their clan by having as many wives that they want the person or persons were to last their clan allowed to graduate as noona first to be entered into the act then they have to sign some paperwork but it's basically how it works both Naruto and Sasuke qualify for this though Nara to actually qualifies for this twice because he's related to do and his last meal to send uclan the act however also states that the woman have to like the person or persons because they don't want for some marriages here if you know I'm saying we also don't have to marry or do that immediately you know that we ain't having that here and can just keep on with girlfriends until the actual marriage to comes when they are older so that's how that law works in this universe Naruto and Sasuke then realized what this all means and they have a bit of a blush on their cheeks ears and that says so you all know what the CRA is which one of you want to do it or do both of you want to do it Sasuke then says no sir can be in it I really don't want to be it's not really for me now just like really Sasuke smiles and says I have seen have you been looking at some of the girls in class you have plenty of options but don't want to break any of their hearts it's a great way to get as many girls as you want nurses in realized the Sasuke is right you definitely found girls like Hinata you know and even soccer attractive though soccer seems interested in Sasuke more than him but this is a great way for him to not only make as many girls have you since he can legally have all of them but it can also make himself happy because the concept sounds really cool to him so not just like you know why not could be cool heroes and then says Naruto you actually qualify for this list twice because you have both Lucci ha and send you DNA so you can actually build two clans at once Nara is like oh yeah right and my boy Sasuke type in Naruto up the heroes and says okay so Narns will be able to enter to see RA once he graduates which is very likely you'll be back here and a Como's to sign the paperwork now just like I and Sasuke then talks to my boy Naruto Sasuke says you bout to get all the lead is now just can't help but smile and saw sweet continues to have my boy up because let's face it we want our boy to win as well give him all A's in the world now I know people might have one associated to be put in the CRA as well but it just doesn't fit Sasuke in my opinion saskia was never that much romantic and Canyon and I don't think some tweaks his personality will change that so I asked it would probably want to have you know one girl versus all the girls plus you would rather see his bro do it as he supports him like any good brother would do that's my thought process here anyways over the next couple months Naruto and Sasuke will continue the work they need to do to graduate meanwhile narrative forms tired friendships with two girls you know and Hinata Oh quick faint I know people want to know what I'm doing with Sai he'll get a random girl I don't care about Sai or an inner pairing a happy girls with cannon we're gonna give nard so all the girls I can give them that are around his age so yeah anyways Naruto gets closer to those girls and with them being educated about the CRA they're gonna be as close to him as possible my question people like hiyashi but he gamepad assumes the opportunity have powerful grandkids plus it Phenom is improving around Naruto why not especially since he's harbored prominent clan plus a client had to know about the would release but won't say anything until Naruto graduates anyway II II ain't gonna care either as you got to build that clan as long as her daughter's happy why not allowed to go into CRF you know I'm saying when the graduation exam happened to Naruto and Sasuke will pass the graduation exam with relative ease I think that it's pretty obvious as Naru has been trained with tens oh you know Yamato and Saskia has been trained with a near-perfect genetic Naruto so yeah where there is a bit of a difference in this one in order to actually wins Rookie of the Year this one is not surprising in my opinion as Naruto stuff we not your average scanning but people might be concerned about the academic aspect Finas if gnar just something with both the Rookie of the Year in usual cannon and tens oh I think will allow him to do very well in the academic aspect now Sasuke was no slouch either as finished a close second but Naruto just has a bit more in his arsenal Naruto was also allowed to show off as worldly to his teachers because he's about to being in too soon so why not he passes pretty well and now the secret will be slowly revealed that he also has will release now this will cause people to respect a lot more but it isn't for good reasons you see they only see Naruto for what he has which would release to pretend to for sure I gone even nine tails it is all appealing but still it's fake so while there are people who respect him as a person and there are people whose minds are being changed they saw his skill and they allowed themselves to get to know him there are still people who are just playing fake and they're snakes you know I'm saying the people who are not fake are not in you know they love Naruto for who he is and they have gotten to know him now it specifically in a nose case what they have given him a chance if it wasn't for the flashy clan name who knows but they at least seen Artem for who he is not what he has after graduation ceremony Naruto and Sasuke just sit around and relax and then head to bed that night their old teacher Mizuki attempt to steal scroll ceiling however we failed miserably and got the story by Hewson now I could have created OC for Mizuki to be taken advantage of but I don't think there could be a perfect storm like Naruto which was the foundation for Mizuki's plan Nara was a tortured young boy who was saved because he was in Turkey he also struggled in many aspects as he never really had to go support system around him it was when it came to basic stuff like nutrition also quick note Naruto is as tall as Sasuke maybe an inch taller because he has bare nutrition in this wood if which definitely helped in the attractiveness Department anyways the fact Naruto wanted to be constantly proved other people wrong get people to respect him due to the extreme circumstance of his childhood I don't think Mizuki could find another one like Naruto unless there is nourishing Turkey the village which there isn't anyways when naruto and sasuke get their pictures using calls in naruto for a private conversation there are two things about the CRA but it's more than that jerusalem will tell Naruto about all the stuff about the CRA but there is something more pressing in order to wonder is what it is heroes won't tell Narns are right then there that Naruto is nine tails in Turkey and about his parents now you may be wondering why I did here simple Hugh has put Naruto through his own crane program considering would release and has seen hard to do well fit and has gone fantastic force abuzz great plus he is half Fujiya and half Sanju and will soon be in a CRA so why not give him all of his information about his past and his parents in the nine tails when he rusyn finished is telling him all this Naruto is in shock arm doesn't know what to feel as is related to the fourth Hokage and his wife which is why he is H an egg marvel though he is curious why he has lower least one is monden but not even hers and can't really answer that that would seem like she could use amake techniques even though she didn't seem to have his mucky blood in her all the mystery seems alive Kushina and yet she wasn't very sure about it either hmmm I wonder what it was not gonna say anything though it is definitely very creative left to say and maybe some my rule bending with it but then again this is a road to becoming a god story for Naruto so you know that should be fun anyways nor to then things wrapped in there he's a monster because he has the nine tails inside of him and that people saw him light as that for a very long time but yourson says that it may have been true that he has a nine tails but Naruto is starting to change minds and he's not even the nine tails he's just a jailer and he's also always gonna have people who care about him he has his brother his friends the fertile cog a for pete's sake you will always have people around him Naruto wipes tears from his eyes and he reveals a one timon Sharingan the joy of knowing that he's on a monster and will have people around him always allows him to unlock the one Tomoya Sharingan kind of made a call back to Sarda though for her it was more about seeing her dad for the first time in years Hewson tells Naruto he unlocked the one to moisturing gun though for us he's always had a just need to Rhian lock it because he couldn't use as a kid and you know traumatic experience with Itachi stuff like that but you know and Naruto is pretty pumped knife so then leaves a room and is told before he leaves he cannot tell anyone except Sasuke Orion one else he worsen approves and there are two was like I bet and then signs paperwork putting him under to see RA Naruto Sasuke everything and Southey tells him I don't care where he came from or even if we're not full blood brothers worth you have a stupid Fox you will always be my brother Naruto in tears hug Sasuke and when he tells him he unlocked his Sharingan sauce he will congratulate him though he is kind of jealous time for the team selections and the belt s Naruto Sasuke and Sakura will be all in the same team like in Canon now all of you might be surprised but here's why Sasuke and Naruto definitely work well together so they'll be on the same team and I think Acosta would work something out if you know I'm saying now for Sakura she's listening compared to her Canon counterpart because she has less competition - Sasuke this will allow them to form their own friendship and has also helped out partly because the narcs wanted to help out Sasuke in the ladies department and Naruto school if soccer and it's what if so it all works out plus Naruto is gonna get lazy matter what as he has Ino and Hinata plus since they both know she likes Sasuke there is no front at all and even if there was she get right in the CRA with them so for this one I made this so I can help out Sasuke in the ladies Department and make it better because we have a lesson when soccer here and she could be more useful who knows who wants to take her train more seriously you know whatever now it doesn't mean that this is gonna be who sOccket sparing with as I am between so Suzaku and saw so Corinne though the latter might require same stuff to happen in Sasuke like in the original Canon or more creativity it could be fun by the way soccer and caring won't necessarily lose because whoever Sasuke chooses they can go right to Naruto yay I also thought about a suit 10 pairing but for some reason I like now root 10 better and I don't know why I guess we're all soft a ton better anyways team 7 meets their sensei and they all talk about their goals soccer we'll talk about wanting to be a Kakuna vici and she likes a certain someone though that could change who knows Sasuke talks about his love for his brother and wants to take down a certain someone who was his other brother and he also wants to protect other people plus the revenge thing here is toned down in order to talked about wanting to restore his clan under the CRA take your revenge on a certain someone as well though that one is toned down here as well because it's Naruto and to me become the second of Shia Hokage ever Joshi is impressed with his group and hit their goals talked about the test and everybody will get fooled like in Canon airbrake meets up very hungry and Kakashi will explain the tests and here's a big change in our two in Sasuke both with Takashi Sakura feeling a bit left out and wants to help him out she joins in Sasuke Naruto and Sakura actually began to sink their attacks right the fight as if they're all going to attack them they may as well coordinated their attacks and unlike in the original Canon displays some actual teamwork Naruto shows off a Sharingan which will shock she but won't be a shocked when he displays would release meanwhile sOccket releases the fireball juicy who goes in for a couple kicks and punches while sakura goes in for some kicks and punches of her own over to teamwork on display makes Kakashi so proud that it caused the Kakashi to pass all three of them right then and there they are all confused at first but Kakashi explains the real meaning of the tests and all of them cheer later on in the week neurontin goes on dates with Hinata and Ino Sasuke hisis broke up and r2 just smiles and embarrassment though he did get some kisses on the cheek at the end of both dates so we did get some double use neurons who has graduated he's become work of the year and he is now in the CRA and could get as many ladies as he wants however the trials ahead in Ninja world compared to be very brutal even though Naruto is very talented if he doesn't put the work in though an inter will will chew him up and spit him out well he thrived or die and what girls will join him in the CRA find out in the next part and as the series progresses thank you all for watching Parfrey of woof nara was half a chia half send you I love rhino series you all seem to love this series so I cannot wait to give you guys more parts to the series keep an eye out for Saturday on where not I released music and arts apart too that could either be hype orange this could be me and just rusting to nose whilst matka means have like a hawk and go to community Ulsan description to suggest what would if want to see for next week finally and follow me on Twitter Instagram and join me to score server and by the way quick thing we are slowly getting to 6k subscribers which is pretty nuts concerned where it was a month ago so thank you all for support lately it really means a lot to me so let's get to 6k bye I don't know probably like next week I don't know that could be fun anyways that is all I have to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe terrific ations answer to video this has been your boy Naomi stage signing out peace your ha bye bye peace yee-haa soldiers it's a boy the enemy saves come at to another video and this is webinar to us half ogia half send you part for this series definitely has exploded as part one hit 20k views which is pretty crazy and I can't wait giving you guys more parts in the future also Fingal for 6k subs we are growing pretty quickly and the support on this channel has been pretty crazy so let's keep going anyways Friday should be with harmik at the Bijoux slash tailed beast so get ready for that and also watch my community tab like a hawk as you guys get vit updates polls the abilities like what what if I do for the week and of course you guys get to see some other fun stuff in between so watch my community tab like a hawk anyway it's time for some quick so some ear plugs Twitter is at a message for Twitter is a great place for you guys to interact me as I do tweet pre frequently plus it actually nobody get notified my videos we also just hit 200 followers so if you could please follow me on Twitter that would be pretty nice as let's get the fur and earn X right anyways Instagram is a me underscore sage for Instagram is a great place for you guys to interact me as a do post pre freakily on there so follow me on Instagram finally join my discourse server if you join you get access to sneak peeks of supplementary projects notifications want a live stream ahead of time and of course you guys can't assist me ideas directly it's also a great way for you guys to interact me so true me to score server the link to it will be in the description alright time for the usual checklist if you haven't seen the last part link to it be in description if you haven't seen the series at all check out the playlist the vault out of the way let's get right into the story alright so nerd so in the rest of team 7 are pretty busy with D ranks but they're also trained in between as naruto and sasuke gets some train done by extension so the sakura as she does want to get stronger herself as she feels the pressure of two prodigies down her so because of that pressure she resolves to get stronger a lot earlier on than in the original story in order to was still gains to Train from ten so as he can definitely still learn a thing or two from him as you know he has we release and no swirlies techniques he's definitely nowhere near let's say Tatyana let alone tens Oh Naruto will be able to use more wooden poles and masters making more wit clones he will also get the water bullet jutsu which is a definite plus and gives more variety to his niche releases he will also soon get win on this one of time skip but if somewhere down the line and also he'll he'll to get lightning but that'll cost more chakra the road to becoming to God is coming along nicely and again not in this one lifetime skip but it will eventually happen as again I outlined that in part one but yes he'll definitely be really powerful in the future this is gonna be fun also he's getting stronger front I do standpoint if it's Chaldean the women of time skips to yep that's pretty good anyway Sasuke will get the dragon flame jutsu which is definite plus and he will get his Sharingan a bit earlier you see in the middle of d ranks Naruto helped stop Sasuke with his Sharingan we ran away Riaan lock it Kakashi seen this will also help my dude out and he'll get his Sharingan unlocked to the one timoni not the uneven to Tamale one to MOA we saw in waves eventually as some of ends both were getting closer to to my Sharingan they just need a bit of a push eventually Sakura will get the cherry blossom genjutsu and I will keep giving her that genjutsu because it literally fits her so well as Sakura flowers blossom it's pretty obvious Sakura will also have some other can do so as well but cherry blossom is definitely more important one here to talk about for obvious reasons in distance she improves in taijutsu and physicality so she was definite up then she was an original story where she basically had only her book smarts in arms of relationships with his girlfriends are also going pretty well as he has been getting close with you know Hinata so it's a good thing also quick shout out to Webb 7-7 to the one person was not necessarily a fan of the multi parent decision which you guys voted on but was very reasonable about it unlike some other people hopefully confinement again in the comments he is definitely cool dude anyway it's my boy Sasuke is hyping this butter up and Naruto is digging it sagres also getting close to Naruto though she is definitely still very attractive Sasuke so that's fun team seven is definitely starring comparison Richland story so much so that they get AC ranked a bit early there have been gains that have been terrorized much the villagers and destroying property so it seems to me nice to do something about them and get rid of them they head to the village and we'll have to wait for the game to show up during this Kakashi will show them the tree climb exercise earlier which means they'll most likely have a different bit of train during waves when the games arrive neurontin company are able to chase them out pretty easily because they weren't necessarily ninja gained so they weren't asleep our fell'd though they were crafty then all of them are sent to jail and the village treats them as heroes sakura even took care and nice mountain to gain so she was definitely very useful here which is a very nice positive this will give furious in the confidence to later give him a c rank which will be with toss enough after our 2007 mission with the cat your synthesizer gave them the c rank and outcomes tazuna DAWs won't take some notes that while the group does look decent he worries about their experience he can honestly make fun of any of them except socrata she says all the ninja here looked decent except the pink haired girl she doesn't look that great soccer's then help act like a coffee from killing the client Kakashi will go on about how he has something to be worried about in Tizen it's like alright neurontin will say goodbye to his girls an teen 7 heads out later Naruto in teams 10 will be walking a role on the road and gosh will notice the puddle Kakashi will be torn to shreds like in Canon quote-unquote or they think he's been torn apart and Naruto and Sasuke will take care of the demon brothers really easily neurontin won't really freeze up in this version because let's say he's a bit more bail testing compared to his original story I guess watching your parents and your client die in front of you does someone worse with that anyway so he actually comes out revealing the substitution jutsu and says he was impressed by all three of them soccer's ready to defend the client at a moment's notice and nor to associated really well against a Chunin level ninja Naruto Sasuke and Sakura ada complements and yeah they're pretty frightful right now why not why one day their compliments anyways Kakashi confronts toss I'm about the junior level ninja and how those are not foes and tossin won't come clean about the situation in waves Naruto and Sasuke will definitely want to help toss it out as they can understand wanting to help out family so the mission resumes later on Naruto uses Sharingan and for couldn't at what appears to be a rabbit Sakura asked why he did that but Naruto definitely detected some chakra movement though for him it's limited because one Timon Kakashi will tell everybody to get down and everybody does so this obviously appears and sees Kakashi of the Sharingan and that fight will begin as you can't really expect Akashi to want to have getting fight against the demon of the Hidden mess so they'll just protect asana however kasha will still get caught in the water person jusu so that's gonna be fun oh yeah and they have to deal with the water clone as well Naruto Sasuke and Sakura are all terrified but Naruto and Sasuke don't remember the name of the massacre and they do not want to lose to him not here Naruto and Sasuke will come up with a plan similar to Canon dov'Ăš slight twist so let's go for the demon wind shuriken and Tomislav without a shadow but then of course there aren't will be there and he then uses will release its max opposite in the face which releases Kakashi from the water person that was I was just so shocked to see that happen and realized since this kid is definitely dangerous because he realizes he has a would release and that could prove to be a problem in the future overconfidence max Dobson says remember I am your opponent Kakashi will tend to mastaba as Narvik gets to shore and it's about to deal the finishing blow when all of a sudden rained down on his Abbas's neck and as I was a fall to the ground the ninja fangs Kakashi for his contribution in defense I was a then she takes Abbas's body away and disappears by the way yes you heard that correctly I said she I think you all know where I'm going with this it's time to change history and make everything right no longer will be confused but whether or not we want to smash Haku it will be a certainty Haku will be a girl in this what if all right let me stop before I make a whole speech Naruto Sasuke aren't oven into skills and wish to get that level of skill especially since then she looked to be around their age and then they remember a touch was a strong if not stronger around that ninjas age and then they become sad and angry because Itachi Kakashi then collapses due to overuse of Sharingan so it's up to the others to take care of him while toss and offers him a place to stay the cops will wake up and then reveal to everyone to the tracker ninja was a fake and that's I was still alive which isn't really fun for any of them to hear good news it will take that was a like two weeks for him to recover so they at least have time for some training gosh we'll ask them to do some more tree climbing and we'll also give the games from jutsus neurons we'll finally get the Phoenix flower jutsu and the water prison jutsu are definitely has a variety of nature transformations and could definitely do some stuff with it but he is focused on more variety than investing all your time into one nature until now because he hasn't gone to one yet also the wire person is for irony sake so a skier will get the fireball jutsu which is definitely not as powerful as any other juices he has but it is a good juicer to have if he doesn't have any chakra left soccer will get a darkness illusion kenjutsu which will trap our enemies in darkness unless they can break out the genjutsu in addition nerves once asked elite the - - my Sharingan so there is some progress there as well I told you all they needed was a push they also increase in taijutsu physicality and some are stuff like speed so that's fun an arms will also help out the bridge with using his clones so that's also a plus now there is one person who can definitely rub Naruto Sasuke drama way and his name is Inari in our liking caring thinks that the people in ninja villages don't suffer and he has experienced most suffering in the world which definitely isn't true but again he's a kid so and I guess he has a right to think that so when an RA tells Naruto that they have no idea what it means to suffer it really angers Naruto so he tells Inari off and heads out and Nara just cries ah skaters definitely hurt and wants to make sure Naruto is all right and wants to be - Benari but knows that when Naruto was angry especially now when he seemed to be anger than he has ever been before it might be better to give him some personal space also beat up a little kid wouldn't be a good thing there aren't we'll be asleep and Hakka will do the same actions as in cannon and Naruto will be introduced to a pretty young girl Naruto is thinking she's looking fine and decides to have a conversation and he doesn't really anticipate anything developing as he just met this girl and she has her own life most likely when Hakka goes on about precious people nartz mentions his girls and his burrow sasuke hawk was a bit perplexed at the girls part but when r2 explains what that is about Haku is like oh the CRA I mean I've heard about this from Zabuza Naruto is definitely looking nice though it is a shame they are enemies Hocker shows off and tells Naruto I usually tell people I am a boy though I'll make an exception as I am actually a girl Naruto asks why do you tell other people you are a boy aku then says to Meza people then Haku leaves in reality it's so other criminals and my boss is like gato take her seriously and protect herself it is now the day of the encounter and team seven will head to the bridge with Naruto as he didn't exhaust himself this time but nor to also take care of the folks like an original Canyon this is because he left a couple shadow clones and they sprang into action Inari will get his resolve like in Canon and Naruto will just out rake all the bandits well his clones will now - za was and Haku casual verse I wasn't and that bout will go relatively the same up until the ending but we'll get to that later but that was a learn step both Naruto and Sasuke or the last week your clan and the nurse was were released on top of that and he's like that kid is going to be a problem one day to Naruto and Sasuke vs. Haku they will both get stuck in the crystal ice mirrors and they will get hit with an endless sea of sin bone though they will do a better job avoiding it because of the Sharingan they both fit to two moiez Naruto and Sasuke then come up with a plan and gnar to make some wood clones wood aku will have a harder time destroying because they are were clones now shadow clones the clones will try to break the mirrors but that person be futile so now our - and Sasuke will try to grab Haku when the time is right Naruto was able to use the wood pole perfectly time and perfectly and is able to grab Haku and slam her down to the ground Sasuke then tries to go for the knockout blow however Haku then breaks out of the wood pole our results in Outland are to live as he's the biggest threat between him and Sasuke or when Sasuke sees Haku going after his brother Sasa decides to protect Naruto and use himself as a shield the way takes a lot of damage and Naruto fears he may actually die and so as he thinks he's dying as well this all by the way makes sense if you remember war our Kaku as hockey was kind of holding back a lot no arch was like no Sasuke please don't leave me you're the only family I have left Sasuke then says I don't think I can make it out of this hard sell promise me you will live beat Itachi and restore our clan please give me that Naruto nods and Sasuke then quote unquote dies Naruto then will get angry and he'll end up tapping into nine tails chakra like in cannon and utterly starts destroying Haku and Haku isn't shocked at the sudden increase in power like in cannon no artal punches smacks would pull to her and I really just decimate Haku and her mirrors into giving up like in cannon when Naruto sees it was Haku you know the girl he met in the forest he just stops and just asked why haki then reveals the horror she experienced as a kid especially destruction of people with kekkei genkai which caused the death of her mother and barakah to kill her own father it wasn't until I was a founder that she had a purpose again like that she had a reason to exist now arms will actually sympathizes with Haku here as he knows what it's like to lose parents Hawker then demands to be killed which Nora doesn't want to do but Haku says that she is a broken tool and that she needs to be destroyed as no one wants a broken tool as is useless in arms and says you are useful to me you are strong in an amazing ninja plus you were also pretty I know it's like to lose parents I watch mine get killed 4 years ago including my entire clan as well you don't need to attach yourself to one purpose in order to feel useful and wanted that you exist you can always find another one and keep going keep living and find another purpose of existence I can't give you that myself akka then kind of blushes and says did you just call me pretty DARS then blushes himself Haku then senses aza is in trouble so she rushes over but not before telling Naruto Sasuke is actually alive and she couldn't bring herself to kill him and he should be up soon and then she races off Naruto then races over himself - appears in front of Kakashi is lame blade however just by a millisecond an hour - using his wood pole is able to stop Hocker from being killed by could grab him Kakashi's lion blade and slightly all train it away Kaku is shocked an artist still had the much chakra left in him this dude has to be a chakra beast or something that was a definitely has to admit that Naruto kid definitely has potential then our two talks is I was about why would you let hot could be killed and I was just like well she's a tool right and then Naruto kinda has that was ago for his little revelation like in Canon with you know talk know to to then God so appears and reveals he was gonna portray them in order to then knocks all of got to spend to the bottom to see with this wood pulp jutsu and only got two remains that was a is impressed and request the final blow and zaba kills God so right then and there as God's body falls into the sea the bridge is saved then Naruto collapses later on Naruto wakes up with Pakistan in a seat fast asleep and Naruto's pretty intrigued context were quick haiku just took watch of Nara to which is pretty cool Saskia was kind of shocked when he woke up but he accepted once he got the explanation and the memo and Roy's it definitely weren't that bad that was a and Haku plus he saw his bro might get in our lay friend so you know my dude is gonna be supportive of that you know a couple days later in our 27 are about to leave when Hocker shows up and Haku announces she'll be coming with them to the leaf this shocks everybody but Kakashi knew this was coming as that was a definitely telling about this Naruto is the most shocked then haka whispers in Naruto's ear and you know what I might also join your little CR a as she gives Naruto a kiss on the cheek which causes Nara to the blush heart meanwhile Zaza is gonna take care of business in his area and well haku's going to leaf and walls I will miss her if it's gonna make her happy then why not write team seven shoves off and the bridge like in Canon is called the great Naruto bridge because Naruto still brought around the same amount of inspiration how will team seven do in a Chunin exams and who will be next to join an artist little Arum put an H in front you will have to find out in the next part fangirl for watching part or of webinar2 was half a chia and half send you this was a pretty fun part for me to write and I think you all appreciate the fact that made Haku a girl in this would've so yeah but you can thank me later anyways faint girl for six K sub so let's get to 7k next and hopefully 10k by the end of the year those are the goals let's achieve them get ready for what if Hashem I kept a Bijou slash tail beasts on Friday that will be hype watch my community tab like a hawk friendly reminder there and finally follow me on Twitter Instagram and join my discord server that is all I have to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe turn on notifications and share the video this has been your boy the enemy sate sign out peace yard ha bye bye peace to the testing Moscow this is my quest I'm I'm a kid [Music] [Music] yeaaah soldiers it's you boy the enemy saves coming at you from their video and this is what if Naruto was half a Chia half sends you part 5 the critically acclaimed series in the most popular series on this channel is here alright so let me talk about tomorrow first I am going to release my first original story tomorrow well semi original series as I do have a bit of a base to build from the story but you know you got it you're right you get it it's going to be the pokĂ©mon origins Joe diversion episode 1 please support me on my first original series I promise you it's gonna be really good please support it anyways it's also that time of the week again so that means you get to select what would if so you want me to do for the week links to commute both for that will be in description in addition to that wash my community tab like a hawk for vet updates polls and are fun stuff in between quick social media plugs twitter is @naimh age for Instagram is anime underscore Stage four and join my discourse server linked sister will be in the description I would give reasons to fall slash join us at the end the video so watch until the end alright time for digital checklist if you haven't seen the last for the links to that will be in description and if you haven't seen the series at all check out the playlist with all that out of the way let's get right into the story alright so we are now seeing Naruto team seven and hakudoushi she's a she in this version you know well he's a she if you're know what I'm talking about they were walking back to the village Naruto in Haku or at least playing out when they can go on dates for themselves you know I mean she is going to be in the village right what's her isn't gonna say no my I didn't gonna pass on the inter that can be very valuable to the village who can also start dating the guy who's in the CRA he had to be stupid for that anyways in order to enhance our can and they are definitely for my slight relationship you know I'm saying we know worse is going anyways team sent reaches the village and they go see Harrison he risen will accept Jaco in the village as again you would have to be an aide to now let Haku in the village especially since I finger association once I was that was that public if you know I'm saying so you know this will definitely allow Haku to be in the village and Huck will then take a test on where she is in terms of what rank she'll take in the village and she isn't on that shooting she is also close to being a Joanie but that will require some work so that'll be fun anyways Naruto will tell her nanny know about Haku and they're okay with it because what friends are losing their man in order to in hockey over the next couple months of will be Dane Haku in addition to his other dates with his girls and I'm boy saw ski is definitely going to be happy for his brother Sakura's came stronger herself in version as she has learnt under kenjutsu which we can call the desert Mirage genjutsu a desert genjutsu that can trick someone into filling the effects of an actual desert well it is a b-rank because for some powerful shinobi they can break out of it or doesn't want to break out afghan Chizu can break out of it if the genjutsu works it can be devastating as let just say desert heat ain't fun to deal with she also gets some more minor Ganges to in between and keeps blowing off her foundation in wall kenjutsu sOccket will get the lighten bullet juice soup and starring his lightning nature transformation journey and the firefox you to essentially the firefox jutsu is where Sasuke unleashes a flame in the shape of a fox kind of like the dragon flame jutsu Southgate will also get stronger Taichi - and other fun stuff as well Naruto will get better would sell techniques he can make more wit clones to make more wood poles come out of his arms and can now create his own wood creations he can now make a wood hound well not so a big hound but a more BM size hound that can definitely be hard to handle nerds will also get the stone shower to suit a to Zed more so expands on a stumble jutsu and far as more stumbles in a shower on two opponents Naruto will also get a dragon flame jutsu himself and a water clone jutsu I mean Ari has the wood and shackles let's give him another clone jutsu is it a bit of overkill probably but I don't care I just want to give gnar two more kanji Suz by the way a majority is useless I gave the team our custom jutsus that I find myself so at least give me some credit for that Naruto and company will also get into water walking for a bit they have necessarily mastered it but they are definitely at a star so far so as you can see Team seven step way better than they were in original canon now how about what gets the extra tuning exams before do no hoc will not be on Team seven as that would kind of clog up the teams plus she's already tuning I did read a couple fanfics where they made work specifically my favorite fanfic and use the market chronicles the return of whirlpool but I won't have work here because Hakka was kind of overpowered if I do say so myself plus she is still have nerve to anyway so there's no need for it anyways is sort of change dams and Naruto's walking alone when he bumps into Haku Haku will say hi and all that stuff all of a sudden they hear somebody crying for help Naruto and Haku go to the source and they see some Samvel eccentric grabbing ahold of Konohamaru our takes a moment and why's is that it is Konohamaru you see Naruto would have met kana more a couple times when he went to see tens of her first time and at her Rosen's office so Naruto is from noir with who the kid is but there isn't much of that relationship here however it isn't the brightest idea to pick on a little kid no one likes that so neurons will ask the ninja with war paint on to put the kid down the ninja refuses sonar to puts on a Sharingan now you can guess who the ninja war paint is its Kankuro Park we'll try to do the same trick as last time but Naruto using a Sharingan can see the chakra string coming and smashed Kankuro back away from Konohamaru and he is able to free him cone armor will think the person and will realize it's Naruto and it's more of a good to see you type of vibe tomorrow he is definitely pressed an r2 thus far plus he is looking kind of handsome if we were being honest I mean I don't want him myself but I cannot stand any female that one snart so if you know i'm saying my dude is actually a pretty good-looking do if we were being honest fellas so tomorrow is definitely interested in my guy tamari then apologize for a situation and Naruto enough for anyway because my girl tomorrow is looking fine as well so is to take the apology and they start a conversation I mean the girl wanted conqueror to put Kohner hammer down so she can't be that bad right Sasuke's just watch my dude in order to make some moves you know he is with his brother no matter what hawk was like dude which one just stay with me soccer's and pearson is curious about the whole situation garden appears out of nowhere and makes himself kind of known to shock I'm Naruto Sasuke hokku none of them could sense him which is definitely kind of a problem gara will then talk down to Kankuro and tomorrow he appears to be scared guards to the point she claims on to Naruto definitely a for tactic but she is scared of Gaara though it is a good excuse to get close to Naruto so tamari is taking her own dubs Gaara will then ask for non Archos name and arts will tell him his name Gaara will ask for Sasuke's name as he feels that Sasuke is definitely strong soccer is just watching her feigning ah the Chunin exams will be mentioned and Naruto has definitely heard about them and cannot wait to fight Gaara there although he does feel something's up with him if even his own sister is scared of him anyway soccer will ask about what happened ours is a brief story and we'll also talk about how we can't wait for Jang Sam's Sasuke will be like about to be lit and Sakura it's a first bit hesitant but hawk will give her a smile and saying she will definitely be great in entry exams and sagres kind of give him a confidence boost and she says she can't wait for them to so let me explain a bit soccer despite having gone stronger has felt that she is behind naruto and sasuke which makes sense because she's on team with two prodigies naturally there are going to be some insecurities about yourself and your own strength and again while soccer is no slobs technique-wise in this version and has done more suffering an actual Canon there are still those insecurities as she is not good enough anyway soccer will still participate in to exams and as a new fire under her so that is fun during the week up to she exams the group is able to get water walking so they're definitely about the right for these Chunin exams they all head to the Academy building and Sasuke will point out the genjutsu Tenten will see Naruto and will actually kind of blush around my boy Naruto will tell everybody to head to the building and that's what team 7 does they are then stopped by Rock Lee Rock Lee wants to challenge someone from Team seven however it isn't Sasuke at this time since Naruto is the Rookie of the Year in its version Rock will be more interested in r2 than Sasuke and a fine sense not you know well Rock Lee knows who Sasuke is because they are brothers after all and no Sasuke's strong himself he wants to battle narrow toe Rock Lee will ask to Balan are two antitussive battle and arts will be like why don't you stuff like ninjutsu and genjutsu raka will be like so he can prove he is better that he can be an inch without ninjutsu or genjutsu nor till then be like wait how would that prove you can be a ninja without ninjutsu or genjutsu if I'm not using ninjutsu or genjutsu like I'm at half strength Rock was like wait he's got a point broccoli will apologize for trying to get a cheap advantage in a battle against him and one see if he can battle him later on in cheering Sam's nurse would be like you bet and then they fist bump I'm not having a fight happen here as Lewis more honorable if you realize is that he would have inherent advantage especially since he wants to prove a point in our twenty men will be able to head to the room Kakashi wishes some luck and they enter the actual room worn arms that gets jumped by his girls tomorrow sees what's going on and wonders what is going on and with like an explanation anyways Kiba would be looking at our toe in a jealous type of way because honestly we would be jealous to the game will still meet Kaabah - but team seven isn't as trusting of him as something doesn't sit right with Naruto especially with the card thing Niraj will make this known to Sasuke and Sakura and poaf will back him up on it so team seven doesn't trust Kabuto the first part of test begins and Naruto was able to get this pretty easily as he has a Sharingan so it's pretty easy when it comes to the tenth question arts will not back down like in Canon so that means everybody advances like in Canon UNK will appear and will call everybody to the second test the second test will be explained like in Canyon and Anka will be able to land a kunai strike iron artist utter chief because he was able to dodge the first one uncle gets close to Naruto and Naruto is kind of pleasure because about close he is to this grown woman although nothing will happen here we are not going to ninja storm route you know the one where we had there was that one mission Bernard two went on a date with unko yeah we're not going that route we'll do that when there are two isn't what what if we're he's older trust me that should be fun anyway it's Naruto later meet tomorrow before your test and she demands an explanation for all this and when they aren't to explain the CRA tamari is like oh I see of course should have told me though and r2 apologizes and they kind of split for now that test is about to begin team seven will head into the force of death and will handle team Oh bro though they do escape before they can get to scroll Naruto and team seven will be split up because of over tomorrow in order to be able to take care of the stinkbert really easily and we'll head to well where Roshan moments Sakura and Sasuke are both Sasuke and Sakura will be in the same position where they were in their official Canon terrified because of Roshi Mauro is killing intent war tomorrow was still interested in the yellow Chia body however Naruto will be able to get Sasuke and Sakura all the way before Rosh mark and do something and will try to fight Romero on his own Tosca hotel has brought enough to fight him and Naruto will be like I will fight him Sasuke says they should just give him the scroll and r2 will say that he will kill them regardless nerves it puts on Sharingan in rush mothers like so this is a power of SAS case brother you see euro tomorrow probably knows who Naruto is I'm elected sets the curse mark for the nine tails chakra especially someone with wood Shia and send you blood Orochimaru will then say I can't wait to see what I can do if I can get your young would she and send you but a road tomorrow will be given a bow from Naruto and Sasuke will participate it's will to back of his brother and Sakura will back up her team soccer will be utilizing her darkness illusion kenjutsu and return will be impressive Sakura Naruto and Sasuke will go fireworks wrong with everything they have as well you know would release stone bullet jusu stone tower do suit you know I'm saying where tomorrow will be impressed by all three of them and will call team seven a team of potential power houses or arm will then say however it's time to claim potentially two prizes despite how powerful this team's time has become normal first bite Sasuke Naruto will be very angry because you know he pit his brother that was well as Sakura but they will then be swept away we're smarter then gives nod to the curse mark and then he leaves Sakura then has to take the task of taking care of her fallen friends later on I give us a day later team dosa will arrive and sock will acts they have a much more mantle fight against them Rock Lee and her could definitely take care of them who overdose to in saco are a bit of a problem team Tamil CIT instead was in trouble and enum we'll see that nurse is on the ground and wants to know what happened to her boyfriend so she helps out like in Canon the battle is definitely even however Zack who uses his Airways to slam soccer into a tree meanwhile works when tries to walk into gnar to his body for the Fox handles him pretty easily but takes the actual power of the curse mark so there is no over tomorrow but there is the power of the curse mark you might know where I'm going with this but we'll say that for later Naruto and Sasuke will then wake up with evil chakra surround them though they are separate you know will eject off Ken's body and wonders what is going on for boyfriend again Sasuke and Naruto will proceed to kill Zaku and dosoo Naruto will see Ken and will think that she's kind of cute and might take her in for interrogation reasons we are about to make more use of kin let's go nartz will then see you know when the bushes and she looks terrified of him Naruto asinus will be able to power down nerves with MCS is Brussels under to the corrupted chakra no arch will say Sasuke it's not bad of it please Sasuke will then say I can't this power is so immense I feel like I can actually take down etosha with this Naruto will then hug his butter and says please stop using that power Sasuke will then power down and hug this bar back sacral then hug both of them and then when that is working up you know hugs her boyfriend Tenten entry's wonders if Naruto you know has a girlfriend and that his girlfriend and then Neji will tell her or mind her about the CRA and tencel be like oh that's right and it's definitely interested in seeing if she can have a relationship with Naruto team 7 will take Kim with them alone for scroll and later on they are able to get at another school a couple days early unlike in diversity' Canyon so they make it to the tower a couple days earlier without any help from Kabuto Kim will be taken to the interrogation Department and that'll be fun for her and naruto and sasuke will be later checked out for the curse mark but Naruto's mark seems to have disappeared we all know why over next couple days Naruto will spend time with his girls and smart prospects like tamari a couple days later nurse when everybody will be gathered for what happens here isn't then appear explaining me in shooting exams and all sensei's will be there as well as Haku who smiles at Naruto and Narcis mal seeing Haku team Oboro is here unlike in Richard can because I don't have have some Ram team here and kabat l will give up like you know to Canon which is definitely kind of suspicious to Naruto and Sasuke Hayate will announce that there will be preliminaries and we will get to those in next part along the introduction to Jiraiya and smartphone stuff as well so get ready for when part 6 releases thank you all for watching part 5 of what-if nurse that was half a Chia half send you I can't wait to give you guys part 6 if you want it make sure to watch my community tab like a hawk and go to the command post link in description to select what would if you want to see for next week please support my first original story I promise you it will be really good finally follow my Twitter if you want to have another way to get notified of my videos Instagram for some nice memes and our fun stuff in between and join me to score server for actors to supplementary content notifications want to lash from ahead of time antis justa me ideas directly and those are all great ways for you guys to interact me so follow me on Twitter Instagram and join Mike discord server the road to 7k is ahead of us so let's get there let's hopefully we'll get there you know anyway instead it's all I have to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe turn on vacations and share the video this has been your boy the ammo sage sign out peace your ha Stefan che close us out bye bye quick thing before I close out and leave it to Stephanie che so people might be asking were scar and stuff like that I'm going to say that when we actually introduce your character because you know there's gonna be some stuff there but you know you might see something in the next part about her so I'll just save that for later ok so just wait a little bit ok so yeah that will be fun yeah you know so yeah get ready for caring action and potentially the next part anyways I'll see you guys I guess the next part so again there's been your boy the Emmy sage sign out peace Goethe bye-bye 70 che close out by peace hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage yeaaah soldiers it's your boy the anime sage coming at you Venera video and this is what if Naruto is half a Chia half sends you pirate 6-5 or series ever is here from their parts this should be fun anyways forgot about the schedule for this week on Friday you guys will get what if ha Sharma kept the Bijou so that would be a great way to close out the week also yesterday I uploaded my first actual Verdun the second channel not counting the welcome video so if you like me and want to support the variety of content outside of anime I'll be doing over there go check it out I will link to channel in the description so go check it out make sure to watch my community tab like a hawk as you get to sieve it updates polls the ability to select what what is I will do for the week and of course smartphone stuff in between so again watch bikini tab like a hawk alright time for a quick sesame of lugs twitter is a Tama stage for Instagram is animate underscore Stage four and join my discord server link to the server will be in description I'll give you all reasons why you should follow slash join all those at the end the video so watch until the end alright now it is time for the usual checklist you haven't seen the last part blank - will be in description and if you haven't seen this series at all check out the playlists of all that out of the way let's get right into the story alright so the preliminaries have begun and we're gonna put the matchups together so now - before this this thing about the girly save from a bear he was looking for Scrolls but then saw a girl in a bit of a situation with a bear he saved her from the bear and then asked if she was okay the girl wasn't on the handsome guy in front of her she wants to repay him so she asked about the scrolls he had any talk about having earth scroll which she was this point here because she had her scroll on her as well Norvin later left to go look for more scroll but before he did went he said that he hoped that they would later meet again someday and the girl said that would be great nurses and asked what their girls name is and she said her name was Karen Naruto is like Karen ah that's a nice name and then Naruto left well does he know Caron is stirred to have a bit of a crush on r2 right then and there Naruto would later take care of a team a random team and get the heaven scroll and teams down will be able to get to tower early while currency would be eliminated I guess you guys can guess Karan will also be in a CRA or could be but we know stuff could change but then again a send you if it was Maki definitely sounds pretty interesting and I wonder why though either way Karan wins because in the actual Canon she has no man my girl needs a man and fast if you know I'm saying anyways nursey goes out of this flashback and says it was a shame that he/she didn't make it to the actual tower the preliminaries are then put up on the electric scoreboard and for this one we'll be doing the good old random number generator so if you get a matchup you don't like don't blame me blame the random number generator alright so the first matchup is Ino vs Oh bro fodder number two as in team overall fodder number two because he's irrelevant cos did not name overall you know has gotten a bit stronger in terms of taijutsu since she has been a relationship with Naruto plus we aren't gonna have any loose to fought or so Ino wins in order to congratulate serve women for kiss and then Hinata says good job Haku just looks and smiles the girls in arena and - awkward wish they were with Naruto right now you know next up is Nara two verses here Roy nitrous maxillary fizz will release and doesn't even allow your right to touch him giving him easily the most impressive performance and chin exams thus far the fight ends of gnar - smacking you Roy to the wall knocking him out giving our to the W everybody cheers and we can now move on to next fight next fight is Kiba versus means to me sugery the guy who can stretch Kiba is actually stronger than his virtual cane counterpart as he definitely has seen Naruto and Sasuke his rivals especially not so for obvious reasons so we takes caution to avoid surgury and he is way too fast around the fight ends with a fan of her fame which takes Segura down and gives give at the W shows off and r2 is definitely impressed by Kiba thus far so far we have now two new participants in the third round chin exams in Ino and Kiba and we might just get some more next matchup is gar versus Chino I don't think she no can win this one in fact he's not even gonna fight Gaara as you have to remember the instant in the forest as much as you know would like to probably become a tuning it ain't worth losing his life potentially Plus even if he did accept the fight Shino would get destroyed as I don't see him getting past guards defense especially the extent Lee did in the actual cannon so I'll have Shiva make the logical decision and forfeit the match when Naruto a sonata why he surrendered and I tell snart about the incident in the forest an Arsenal remembers his encounter if Gaara when he was alone during the two-day break that they had and how Gaara told him he want to fight him and how I wanted to satisfy his mother Archer definitely realizes what's going on now and Gaara is definitely not someone he should take lightly next matchup is Tenten versus tamari as the random number generator somehow brought this matchup back Tenten gives a signal to Nara to wish her luck and watch how she fights and they're just like cool they've had some recent conversation with each other when they were resting so that's their you already know how this fight it's gonna go though however tamari isn't gonna try to look heartless and cruel in front norito so she won't have 10/10 landing her fans she'll just catch her you probably guessed that she might have seen her to hang around with Tenten and you could also probably guess Nara was also attacking tomorrow during that timeframe but that is important right now we need to look into these fights tamari wins and will move on nurse will help up Tenten and conquer will comment that tomorrow was a beep unlike herself in that fight which will cause some artists mad conquer over ahead with her fan tens will be alright so that's a good thing though she doesn't like how she was destroyed like that especially in front of Naruto but Naruto will tell her she did a good job so at least that helps her out a bit but she definitely wants to train harder next match with his Conqueror versus Choji Kankuro will win this one Choji is a bit too slow in his expansion jutsu form and Kankuro can just dodge him all day Georgie will try to fly in Kankuro and then he'll let the wall Perrin use one of his puppets place you stab Choji which will find him like a balloon and then he will use this puppet anew and choke Shoji which will then cause the join to step in and conquer is an automatic winner you know when Shikamaru will help check up on their teammate and Naruto doesn't really like Kankuro but he is definitely a powerful ninja next matchup is Hinata versus chick Amaro I debated with myself on where this matchup would go but due to the fact that Hinata is a close-range fighter she would be playing a game of dodge the shadow and I think that could be at her benefit because she is faster this would have she would definitely pressure Camaro and again she would land a couple strikes on shake him off from the back which would hinder his ability to mold chakra because his chakra points are closed off Chamorro would fuel more strikes and in a trick amount of fashion he will give up not as happy and nurse congratulates his other girl she tomorrow was kind of mad he got beat by a girl but it was one of his classmates so he isn't gonna care about it too much next matchup is Sasuke vs. Oboro Sasuke utterly destroys over oh I don't need to say anything else he just overwhelms him with his speed and fire view Sue's and then knocked him out after a combo not the line for ROG but definitely still effective he isn't even hammer but a curse mark because he got that sealed so this is an even bigger wash naruto congratulates his brother soccer congratulate her teammate and south gets pretty proud of himself right now next matchup is over old fodder number 2 vs. Rock Lee Rock Lee wins this / easily as Rock Lee will always be better than fodder and guys sub races when by talking about youth and stuff like that anyways our final matchup is soccer versus Neji unfortunately while Sakura is a lot stronger compared to original cannon counterpart she isn't a match for Neji she just put up a good fight though she only says the Ganges and her arsenal like the tree bind you to darkness again jutsu but it isn't really a match for the Byakugan soccer will end up using a decent man for chakra and then nature will decide to unleash defer to palms to send a message to Naruto you seen Eddie is still his kanker personality in this wood if Anton on has tried to fix that but he still blames her and her family for his father's death he also knows who Naruto is and whoever associated with funada his country is guilty by association so Neji unleashes very two palms soccer will end up coughing up blood and we'll have to surrender but she is in a really bad condition this enraged is Naruto and Sasuke and they will not take what happens to her teammate Sakura will be taken to the hospital and she will move on Naruto and Sasuke valid they will defeat Nazi 4 Sakura and she will be like rain on and not just looks down and it's just upset by the whole situation they were a bit before the final star announced a non-toxic Naruto and tells him about the kidnapping and in death of neji's father in order to not understand where she's coming from but he still wants to take him down however he does promise not he won't seriously injure him as in his ninja career is done type of injury and on effects Nara for that and they move on to see who will fight who and the finals the matchups are then announced and yes we're using a number generator again the first one is Samar first Akiba a very interesting matchup as we get a very close range fire versus a long-range fighter although I think tomorrow might have the advantage here the next one is Sasuke vs. Ino this one is very interesting as Sasuke's find one of Naruto's girls but I think we all know who appears to be the clear winner so far next up is not two versus Kankuro another very interesting matchup concerned a history between these two thus far where I think we have another clear winner here the next matchup is gar vs. Neji I know you all are gonna be very high for this one the best rookie ever vs. Gaara this one should be good anyways finally we got Rock Lee versus Hinata Hyuga another interesting matchup but we kind of have a clear winner here and those are the matchups moving forward before we get to everybody's training let's go back to Ken very quickly Kim will not know anything about the invasion because I doubt about tomorrow told her that and we'll talk about how our team was not told that Sasuke was given to curse mark as that was one of the questions that was given to her and then she learns right then there that her whole team was set up she also talks about how she could have be killed by her tomorrow if she is sent back as that's very like it happen and that probably did happen your actual Canon because Edo Tensei after a further interrogation they conclude kim is telling the truth they will keep close watch over her and she doesn't really have a purpose at the moment so they decided that she can live under the village mold the opportunity was there but she cannot be a ninja until she is fully trusted well in the leaf that is though she will still be in custody for a bit like a month or two or at the moment kin has no real purpose or tomorrow will probably kill her she tries to come back especially since her whole team is dead she needs to find a real purpose someone needs to give it to her later on to hospital because Sakura Naruto will be approached by Kakashi he says he'll be trained Sasuke for the month ahead while he will be trained by someone really good Naruto lass who is it and then in comes to Raya I guess you're all trying to figure out why dry isn't at the hot springs right now simple he has heard many things about Naruto many many fans including the CRA so that is why he is here sure I will say with a pervy look well you must be Naruto my newest student now let me ask you something how does it feel being a CRA with all those ladies now it's just like this is my teacher Kakashi will tell Naruto Jiraiya is a member of the legendary sannin and Naruto is both pumped he's getting topped by member of the sannin because he's probably heard about them and said that his teacher is a major perverts Naruto will be taken by Jiraiya and their train begins and I forget the tow contract and will be able to summon gamma Raph the bat because March is a lot stronger here dry approves but he also must not to be able to use in nine tails chakra when I also tells him about maybe needs to be in danger or have a bit of Rage to be able to access the nine tails so maybe you can simulate something like that Jiraiya will reluctantly help him out with that by from an off the cliff neurons will be able to have a bit of a chat with the nine tails like in Canyon though it was a bit different as Naruto says he can control the nine tails very easily with his Sharingan and his willies and while nine tails hates Naruto he knows he is right so he still agrees to the little power thing you know if not Naruto can just make him cough it up so that should be fun Naruto is able to summon gamma Boonta gamma Boonta will laugh an r2 when he says he summoned him but when Naruto shows him is Sharingan eyes and his would release gumbo into it's like okay maybe you did summon me Naruto will also tell gumbo to heha sentimiento and gumbo to a look at Naruto and realizes wow he's writes gamma moon 2 will still test Naruto and Naruto will still pass though he asked to go to the hospital now but he'll be released in three days since Naruto accomplished all of this in the first week and arts will have a bit of room to learn another jutsu Jiraiya then gives Naruto a water balloon and Naruto eventually learned to Rasengan though he has to get further steps well the water balloon twist is easy because he has well water release the rubber ball test was to be very difficult but he still gets it so he will learn the rough sang-gon as well you also get stronger and tied to su get stronger physically get faster etc saskia will have fisted or trained so he's good they're not animal trained for their matchups but they're going to be extremely difficult for them so it might not matter he will train as well and seems to like you sorry for his matchup but tamari and tomorrow will trans well as she does want to impress nara to a bit more and be Kiba her she's also feeling a lot of guilt because of the plan that will take place in a month everyone else goes for similar training like in Canon and then Sakura meanwhile will be able to get out of the hospital and will be a lopper often not even in Canon or if she does need some time to recover however she does have Kurenai to help her out because Kakashi helped her out with that and will continue her again TC studies by around the free week mark soccer will be relatively fine while Nanji didn't least afraid to palm sooner he didn't want to really kill her just send a message he's same net for Hinata soccer will get a bit of kimchi to train over those two weeks so she's fine they're over this mom since Naruto and the girls are busy they don't really have that much time to mingle so that isn't fun however Naruto will actually go visit kin as Kim wants to get to know the guy who spared her in order to reach his prison cell and can last Naruto why he spared her Naruto asked just for interrogation purposes but you also weren't to fret at that point so I didn't kill you especially to request of my girlfriend Narns who leaves out the Fox aim for obvious reasons and then Kim will say that she doesn't really have a purpose with all the stuff with Orochimaru going on and how she probably will get killed and stuff like that Naruto feeling sorry for her will say you do have a purpose you could get a new start at the leaf Kim then say why would I want to say here they have offered me to place here but what if they throw me away like verse tomorrow did Naruto says we won't the old man is a great Hokage he'll make sure you'll be okay if you're willing to change your life and you want a new purpose I can help you off that aren't supposed to talk about the Haku stuff about how here's an accepted Haku well vaguely as he doesn't really say hockey's name he does call her his ice princess though ken is kind of confused at the moment then in order to exclaims his CRA Feng and Ken it's like okay Ken though is in awe of Nardo might be feeling something right now Narses and leaves and ken is very interested in our boy anyway it's time for the matchups first up is tomorrow versus Kiba Tamara's able to defeat Kiba with the third moon as I can't see Q being able to get a hand on tamari with her fan so tamari will do what she did to Tenten but instead it's Kiba tomorrow though woman were like at Naruto in our two wonders why next up is Sasuke vs. Ino since Sasuke will get his trained on early he will show up when he's supposed to and Sasuke will destroy you know but not too hard since she is one of narcos girlfriends Sakura is pretty I prefer teammate and tears on sasuke and naruto congratulate his brother naruto vs Kankuro so I did say there was a clear winner there that's because Conqueror calls it quits like in Cannon and Naruto getting easy dove Naruto is happy he's moving on but he is kind of mad he didn't get to fight next we have Nancy vs Gaara Neji is fast and in saying guard with a gentle fist at certain points as interest able to get past the defense and it definitely some fun for Gaara I regard walls to build the throne entry points like a rag doll and if she takes a lot of damage from this let's say Gaara wants revenge I hate you for hurrying him you know net you will get barrage by the sand Neji can't believe this is happening to him nature will say he will not lose he hasn't destined to lose here he can beat Gaara Neji will talk about his mark and stuff like that while Gaara Vega talks about his past soon he has a demon inside of him which definitely is Neji in a bit of a shock Gaara continues his garage and then Neji is eventually knocked out our guard isn't done yet as it needs some blood Gaara puts ninties body in sand coffin is about to crush him however mic guy will step in and girl be declared the winner what guys to protect as soon as he can do that outside of Lee right later on he asked you after seeing what happened to his ashes son besides it should be time to come clean nature will see the letter and confer a little bit like in Canyon though he does a bit of a belief of fate definitely isn't as crazy and he definitely believes that fate can be changed Rock Lee will vowed to win the torment from Neji and soursop of this match was Sanada not I will definitely do what she can but she does get crushed by Lee though Lee is a bit more gentle because he doesn't want to hurt a girl however legal move on 10 next matchup the next round is tomorrow for Sasuke and an armed forces Gaara with League a Naboo and gets to face whoever wins Sonata vs. Gaara fight Harrisons Arush Mehra Connie wants to plan to hurry up a little bit and tomorrow wants to conserve some energy tomorrow what for for her match versus Sasuke which means nards versus gar will happen a little bit sooner you know ours is confused because that doesn't seem like something that tomorrow would do but has no time as he has to face Gaara the battle between Gaara and Narses fierce the na retort was able to get past this and Gaara is definitely lovingness as this is the best matchup he has ever had in his life Gaara at points is able to throw Naruto around however it won't faze him as much and he can still hit guard with the wooden poles in midair then nerfs who continues to attacking him with wood and shout clones Naruto though doesn't really have time for his regular fire due to use barges and stuff like that because Gaara isn't really gonna let that happen garthen gets into the sand cocoon and then r2 goes in for Rasengan which does go for the sand dome it slam into Gaara and the Domus destroyed no Archer then jumps away Cara then coughs up blood sees his blood on the ground and then realizes this his blood and does it's my blood line I'm not screaming that you guys don't need to be deaf however since he used a bit too much chakra he's in a bit of a dire situation then the entire stadium is enveloped by the pollen genjutsu then you got the sound in just springing about and then outside the gates of cone ha GI and snakes are summoned the cone on across shark has begun how would go find out in part 7 thank you all for watching part 6 of wolf Narns was happy to have send you I really do love the series and thank you so much for supporting us also quick thing I know some people might be like wait didn't Kankuro have like the blade the poison blades no not here not here you know I feel that he got like the fitted for the day of the invasion but he doesn't have the poison plates there you know so Choji won't die you know we're not willing to happen to him I love Choji as a character make sure Watchmen Marines have like a hawk like the frame arrow right there look out for what Hashem I cut to beat you Park free on Friday that'll be great finally follow me on Twitter for under way to notify my videos Instagram for memes are fun stuff in between and disco fractions to supplementary content notifications of when a life jump ahead of time and abilities just to me ideas directly they're also a great way for you guys to into Acme so follow me on Twitter Instagram and join my discord server we're getting very close to 7k so let's get there make sure like comment subscribe turn the fication its and share the video this has been your boy the Amy sage sign out peace your tah stephanie sheh closest out bye bye hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata 40 he may and you are watching anime sage yeehaw soldiers it's your boy the enemy sage commits you in our video and this is with narcos have a Chia half since you part 7 well is something that I know you that a lot of you guys love so here's in our part sorry I couldn't get this out to you guys yesterday I kind of was exhausted so anyways let's get into a new part of this critically acclaimed series alright before we do it is that time of the week and well it was yesterday but you know you guys get this like what would have I do for the week so putting your suggestions and I'll do polls tomorrow the command post for that will be linked in description and in addition to that you should probably watch the community tab like a hawk for only stuff like that but also for other polls vid updates and are fun stuff like that in between so again watch it coming tab like a hawk alright time for cooking so Samia plug swears at any stage for Instagram is anime underscore sage for and join disk reserve the link to that will be in scription I will explain why if you false us join us at the end of video so watch until the end alright time for you to check list if you haven't seen the last part the link to that will be in description and you haven't seen a series at all check out the playlists with all that out of the way let's get right into a story all right so the Konoha crush arc has begun and naruto is an SRE knocked out here as he was in the act of elegant Gaara nerds was wondering what's going on and sees tamari her & Conquer are grabbing Gaara and Naruto looks at tamari to my lips and Naruto and she's looking at him with a bit of guilt never says tamari what is going on tomorrow just looks at and ignores Naruto and then to be to wave Gaara alone Kankuro narcs was pretty shocked and once around and seems that there was chaos around the village knifes know something is definitely happening Gama says that Naruto should probably do what he came for the village and should probably go after them as again ogi clan he also has send you blood so you know you gotta do your thing and Naruto decides to you know go after them I were before he leaves Tosca will join him and then Sasuke is relatively fresh and he will want to back of his brother and then also Sakura will join them and she wants to back up over teammates and you know she wants to fall boy Nara 27 will get to work and we'll go after the same siblings caster will see this and it's kind of worried about them but the moment he kind of some other stuff to worry about with the sound ninja se and I are you know taking care of them but it definitely is possible that they can be Gaara because Naruto was a stirring guard before the chaos and Sasuke is relatively fresh since you know really you know fought tamari annoncement company will be able to dodge the sound ninja as they're able to set off earlier so that's not an issue really here so now I wanna see are able to have some smooth sailing up until they meet tamari narshall says he will catch up and he will go and fight tamari as sasuke and sock will move on ahead but you know Sakura and Sasuke are first hesitant but you know they got that letter boy handle his business you know nurse looks at tamari and asks why tamari then says my loyalty is live my village now falling whatever they do I am a sand ninja and you are at least shinobi nerd student says but we're allies why is this all happening in the first place tamari says there are some things that we got to value more and I have to fall whatever my village does I am the Kazakh I guess daughter after all ours then kind of assumed was going on and why tamari is doing this I was stuff but then again there was no answer as to why the invasions happening in the first place Naruto will then say do you feel guilty about it tomorrow just keeps her head down she does one to a minute but there is some guilt arson well then as tomorrow what's up with Gaara and tomorrow we'll just say that there was something side of him which Naruto then immediately get some tailed beast type of vibes when he hears that there was something inside of him nervous of them will battle tomorrow and smack her with this wooden pole knocking her out no not the pool you're thinking about you pervert anyway it's not to leave the area and catch up with his team Sasuke meanwhile will encounter Punk row and lintel soccer to go ahead and toss Gopal Kankuro Sasuke will destroy conqueror by burning his puppet it's not her till then catch up to Sasuke and Naruto Sasuke will race to Sakura meanwhile Sakura will reach Gaara and guards can at this point of changing into his form you know part shikaku Sakura will throw a couple explosive notes at Gaara and will feel some of the damage but he just gets a bit more angry so yeah that's not gonna be fun gar launches some samba Rajas at Sakura and sock will try to dodge a couple but we'll end up getting smashed away by one girl then flies off since and in stalkers direction and then it's blocked by an artist wooden pole Naruto and Sasuke arrive in almost team 7 they're all ready to fight naruto and sasuke chechik Gaara Sasuke will fire off a fireball jutsu which garbled dodge but then he'll get into a tree bind jutsu and before he get out of that situation he gets smacked by an artist or sang gun Gaara will definitely feel some damage their knives will then fire off his own fire will do too and Garhwal dodge that after soccer cancels the tree bind you see because she doesn't actually want to waste chakra and while Gaara will dodge that he then gets struck by Sasuke with this Chidori which Gaara kidding cushion with his Sam but there's still some damage Gaara is in like alright I ain't having this you trap Sasuke and sand and then we'll trap soccer and san kind of like you know like internal cannon for Sakura and now Sasuke's in the situation and so now it's just not so versus Gaara in our twin guard will square off and the fight is on gnar to side as he unleashes clones like a virtual fight and combined with his wood poles and Rasengan gnarrk definitely has an advantage in r2 though we'll all try to help Garf rout the fight as he knows what it's like to have until beasts at the moment because he thinks that he has until beasts and he definitely believes that he has a till basin villain gar will then go into his full shikaku form and give the guru till then some account boon to it and that part of the battle will go relatively the same though instead of Naruto head-butting Gaara he smacks him with a wooden pole then also gone boots what confirm that guard definitely does Hotel beasts so yeah Naruto is right anyways Naresuan Gaara will go for a final clash and nerds will be victorious by smacking Gaara with wooden pole again guard will be down on the ground and Naruto is definitely exhausted as he can barely walk guard is scared that he will disappear and Archer just goes and hugs gara gara is pretty shocked as again he's never felt that before at all and nartz will say I understand what might have happened to you well I don't know you I know what it's like to have it tailed beasts as I have one inside of me you probably went for a lot of pain villagers looking at you with glares people wanting you to disappear it's disheartening isn't it oh well I went from my own pain as a child and I lost my parents as well the ones who cared about me I only have my butter left my and my parents even died to my older brother so again I have experienced my own pain please just tell me your story or at least let me be your first friend please open your heart God will be shocked about everything and remember the words from yashamaru you'll hug Naruto back and these who will be bros like an angel cannon Temari and Kankuro after waking up from their knocked out state will appear and are just in time to see Gaara being released by Naruto from his hug tomorrow we'll look at Gaara and she sees there is something different about him and almost as if he's you know a little bit happier I guess Kankuro will still see Narns as a threat but guard will say it's over and then both Temari and Kankuro take our away and then Gaara will apologize for everything and tomorrow we realized that Naruto must have had a hand in changing him this is pretty good news for her and if she wasn't already falling in love with Nara - at this point she will a little bit later you know Naruto with austerity goes to Sasuke and Sakura and they're kind of knocked out but they are all right Naruto will then pass out in relief he will unfortunately still die although he did still seal worse Romano's arms and this will still head Naruto hard because he did like hiruzen like you canon is a very sad funeral and everything goes around the same as in Canon we are now at the search for Tsunade Ark Naruto has been helping rebuild the village and everything is returned to normal I mean nerves being since clones Alan Cyrus type of stuff however nurse was about to get a visit from a certain brother if you know what I'm saying but before that you'll be taking my Dryad to go search for Tsunade and alder I says that we're gonna be finding a certain long-lost family member and when dry tells him in Tsunade nurse who is definitely interested Naruto will say goodbye to his girls and Naruto and I will head out meanwhile Itachi and Kisame will do their business and we'll go after Naruto after you know handling Kakashi and all the other joning when Sasuke learns that Itachi was in town and he receives after Naruto he immediately races away nars and I will land in town and we'll go to the same hotel like Universal Canon Naruto will be left alone like in Cannon and he then will get a knock on the door when Arthur sees who it is he is very angry Naruto says Itachi what are you doing here attache will then say that Naruto should probably come with them announcer then unveils a Sharingan and it's right for a fight Sasa giving appears and sees that he is just in time to join the fight Itachi will comment that this is a nice family reunion both from there aren't some sauce capable just glare at him then decided to come and him together and he said we'll just sit back and watch as he feels this is Itachi's business now our chances had come in him at once which Rasengan in Chidori there's no way he can survive that right the two juices come at Itachi and Taichi just grabs their arms and just redirects the juices at the walls Itachi then froze Naruto incites to beat up Sasuke you will say how both women are - don't seem have enough hatred and then attach you aside to put Sasuke and tsukiyomi Naruto will try to stop him but he just kicks Naruto away narns would also try to use a nine tails tracker but you'll still get smacked by Itachi what can I say Itachi is Itachi dry will then appear and will chase off Itachi and Kisame like an original cannon nurse will be consoled by dry as he feels like guilt about still being weaker than tachi and also letting everything in the Sasuke you know Andrew I will tell him he definitely has a long way to go and you just have to keep working hard and he will surpass Itachi one day and you know tell him he also tells him he understands not be able to do anything but he should at least let him motivate him to be stronger and then there are some other stuff in between like how he has his girls who support him and other stuff and it allows gnar to to feel a bit better my guy will come in and will take Sasha glycan cannon and then during the I guess mom for training merits will start game to win manipulation so there is some progress there as well najin drag will eventually finds tonight and shizune and of course will have snow install to Hokage a commercial cannon and of course Naruto want about Tsunade there will be the battle and of course Naruto will surprise tonight when he uses his wooden poles Snyder realizes right away that that is what release and release is right away there might be some relation between her and Naruto in the blood if you know tonight was not to be asked some send drew blood and stopping about right away Narns will say yes and tonight will definitely be very interested nerd too as well he's family basically Naruto also reveals a Sharingan and Sanada shocked that there is a half a chin have sent you chia child aznar fu seems to have both bloodlines of two very prominent clans dry them whispers into Sinai's ear and snotty kind of shock that this is the son of Mia two and Kushina also that me until in Kushina had such good genes maybe it was the way they were you know in a way she now has family and then she asks riot why wasn't she told that there was family in the hidden leaf village essentially and drives like well you were gone and he couldn't really do anything because he had his spy network but nervous was taken care of by the attea clan before Itachi killed them all but he sold his brother sanaya I then asked some stuff like who's his brother who trained him to use Whirlies and does he have a girlfriend with the last question Naruto kind of blushes and Jiraiya gives a very perverted laugh Naruto then says have you ever heard of something called the CRA tonight his eyes then widen and at first she wants to punch Naruto in the face though she has to think that nurse it was just in a millivolt very prominent law and it does make sense that he is the middle of it as you know clan extermination stuff like that and so she was outside the village and there are no male heirs in the Senju clan so I guess he is a viable candidate for the CRA and she could be related in some way to all those kids and who knows they could like you know they like it grandmothers have relationship with the kids you know but she decides to punch Naruto in the face anyways tonight will friend nurse and not to break any of these girls hearts as you know having a Arum like that is a big responsibility and artists like I I won't please don't hurt me please don't hurt me Naruto will then ask Tsunade why she left the village in the first place and I will tell her story and in order to like wow that's a very good reason so now I will definitely see a lot for younger brother and aren't to like image of Canyon and that's literally as you know Naruto's to send you tonight now has doubts about you know doing a certain deal she wanted to make with her tomorrow so she will tell dry about the deal as she now his family so you know they gotta catch up and will say to him that she doesn't know if she wants to be Tokyo but she would like to go back to village to get to know Nara tomorrow and you know make up her stuff and then Naruto and I have throughout the week we'll spend some time later bonding not that type of bonding in pervert but they are trying to get to know each other a bit more before they you know go back to village and a bit more of a grandmother and grandson type of relationship you know and then nurse also polishes you name and they got along pretty well in a more sister-type way you know anyway so later be a plan to fight over tomorrow as he is still in need of feeling those arms so I will so go to the meeting and if tonight if some idea of destroying or tomorrow won't be enough then they'll just flat-out attack him so day the plan arrives and tonight we'll do the original plan and kabat said we'll see we'll kill her tomorrow and then sanaya attacks along with the others a big change to this fight is riots at full strength because he's not you know inebriated which will give over tomorrow a disadvantage and like it was a cannon because he's not fine an inebriated Araya anyways the fight would go in the favor of nurse and company as again drives at full strength in this one captain she's identified we'll go around the same as in Kyoto is definitely strong and you know kinda destroys DNA and tonight we'll have some blood issues so it's up to Naruto Naruto and cabbage so we'll fight and you know it's kind of on the set of capital until neuron to ever sing again - like in Cannon and he will still have to deal with its near deaf situation because cogito is kind of slick but tonight I will heel Naruto Lakers with Canon meanwhile with Dryas battle he has advantage because he is at full strength + Romero can't really use his arms easily able to summon down boots as well so that's a positive as well however tomorrow definitely gives Jiraiya hard time because he's Orochimaru however rotamer will get smacked around by Jiraiya and then after trying going nowhere which Araya he decided to target Tsunade and will smack to Iowa himself and will go after her he tries to go after a weakness of blood bus and I will find a resolve like in Canon and will stand her ground then she summons cups to you and activates 100 healing seal and then we will get into the stunning Bell and that goes around the same as the rich marrow will still escape as I again can see him still slipping away so yeah so that's fun not to let her wake up and it seems like all as well so now I will tell Naruto she will become the fifth Hokage of the leaf village which will definitely make him very happy and so as he marches back to village we'll continue to work on air manipulation which is pretty good for him at the moment he will be gained over the for nature transformation as I said he would get so that should be fun NARMS incoming will return to the village and we will have tinnitus coronation as a fifth Hokage so now I will later heal Kakashi and Sasuke and Naruto and sock will be very happy that their teammate and in artuz case his brother is alright so I ask you though feels a lot of pain has he lost to Itachi again Naruto feel that Sasuke is in pain because of all the stuff that happened and Naruto cheer his brother up talking about his struggles as well against Itachi how even physically he still couldn't do anything himself so he shouldn't feel bad he then tells Sasuke that they should train harder and you know they will get to that point where they will be able to be attached one day saskia is a bit weary but guess what not to a sane and again you can't ignore him because they both had the same clan die they both had the same parents die so you know Nara soon I will say that sauce will still need some rest and the arts will leave Sasuke alone for you know the amount of time he needs to rest you know Naruto later catch up with his girls by assigned dates for the week he will also visit kin in the prison su will be released soon and our two volunteers to have her say of him which I don't think Kim will mine and Saskia probably won't either you know although they won't do anything let's just be frank you know when Arthur gets back to his house he sees a couple hours from tomorrow and ergo he is very familiar with in kind tomorrows let's talk about how she loves Naruto for how he changed Gaara and wants to one day visit him for a date want Korean rice alert her talking about how she hopes a date can one day meet again and maybe they can get to know each other a bit more you know it's very safe to say that Naruto is living its best life right now however there is a shout coming over the hidden leaf village as road tomorrow releases to sound for as he wanted Sasuke because he still is a cursed mark Lykken Canon though it is sealed he would definitely have loved Naruto but the Fox had to kick him out and take the power of the curse mark Orochimaru orders to sound forward to get Sasuke by any means necessary be a kidnapping or convincing to join them so yeah that is not good however there is a certain girl that we know is on the sound for and we all know her name to Yuya so I think you know what I'm thinking and yeah that should be fun on how that develops in the next part we'll saw ski be taken by Romero and turn into a no can it for him being possessed by worse tomorrow or will Naruto be able to stop the sound for from doing all that find out in the next part figure out for watching part 7 of woof Naruto is half a Chia have send you part a will most likely be the end of part one and maybe the begin of Shahbuddin again I apologize for not getting us out yesterday but again I need some rest anyways make sure you do your fame and goes just what would F ideas you want for a week and also make sure to watch the communities have like a hawk and also be ready for repulse tomorrow so that's be fun follow me on Twitter for on our waking up I meant videos Instagram for memes are fun stuff like that and disco for X's sub bunch of content locations wanted live stream ahead of time and of course you guys sketches us to me ideas directly these are also great ways for you guys to interact me so farming on Twitter Instagram and join my discord server sorry if this is a bit of a shorter vid 2 take my time with this sort of rewritten Sasuke retrieval or I guess maybe it's a potential Sasuke rescue work I guess but who knows because again we are introducing a potential new storyline with ty you in here so you know this should be really fun trust me you guys will love it although you do i know you guys're a couple of somebody do but trust me you'll love it anyways let's also get to a que we are a fifth of the way there so let's get there we are going to hit 10k by the end of the year I believe it that is live to say make sure like comment subscribe certifications and share the video this has been your boy the enemy saves sign out peace your ha 70 che closes out bye-bye hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for sailor moon sonata or t he may and you are watching anime sage yee-ha soldiers it's your boy the enemy siege come at you from our video and this is with naruto is half a chia have send you part 8 this will be a very fun part as we're now in the last part that will go into part 1 naruto as we move into part 2 this should be fun also yesterday I posted part two of what if deck you had a fusion quark after not be able to posted on Monday because they need to work on the script so if you haven't seen that yet because you know schedule is kind of wonky and stuff like that I will link that in description so go check it out alright let's first get into the rest of this week Fri should be with Hashem I cut the B's you while on Saturday you guys will get whooped I go it to me Yellin ear part 8 this should be a very fun week so let's have a great week watch the queueing tab like a hawk you guys get access to fit updates polls the abilities like what would I do for the week and some other fun stuff in between so watch the community tab like a hawk alright time for some quick so Samia plugs Twitter is at mhh for Instagram is animate underscore Stage four and join my discourse server the links that will be in the description and I will give you all reasons to false I join those at the end of video so watch until the end alright time for useful checklist if you haven't seen the last part the link to that will be in description and if you haven't seen a series at all check out the playlist with all that out of the way let's get right into the story alright we now see Sasuke in his hospital bed and he's still thing about that bat with Itachi while he is young and there is so lot potential for him he has to find a way to get better if he wants to fight again in potentia beat'em or you know he doesn't have to watch an art to get the sword as well or go for his tsukiyomi again you know and he doesn't know if he can get it through you know conventional method fits at the village or maybe you can but who knows Sasuke just sits in hospital bed and he has been getting visits from Naruto later on the weak sauce gets released from the hospital and he has to think about how to improve himself sake later goes we'll go back home but I can't really sleep in his own bed so we decide to go up to the roof Kim hasn't really officially moved in yet but Naruto has told Sasuke belkin anastacio like go ahead dude our Clinton house is kind of big and also Naruto that week was promoted to Chunin so that's pretty good news for him and she's just show enough to become a tuning anyway Sasuke thinks about what waste has to do and improve as he's on the roof then he's approached by a certain group in a sound for sound for grew up to Sasuke and offer him a chance to join the Russian Mauro osseous like nope and tries to fight a sound for but he is kind of overwhelmed by the cursed mark sound for some for say that he could have a great power for tomorrow and he could be very powerful sunny then has to think for a bit he cannot have been in Naruto but he could be trained for sannin but is Orochimaru or tomorrow is definitely someone he doesn't really like wait how about this he scans were tomorrow out of years of train so he can get stronger and then he kills her tomorrow then returns the village and then both him an r2 looked at kill Itachi or he can kill Itachi himself Sasuke the nasty rumor has any are people working for him besides well them and Sock'em will say yes so I was gonna ask if they are you know all complain stuff like that and so I will say well not from now but they definitely will soon this gives Sasuke under idea he not only will kill Romero and return to the village but free all the other people who have been taken by River tomorrow or who work for him you know and get some allies for the lethal on the way sake then decides to accept Sasuke then asks who there are people that are working for tomorrow or under him and so if I got socking decides tell him people like can tomorrow and that the ultrason got this news market girl named Karen Sasuke's eyes widen and then it's like whoa I'm gonna scam her tomorrow and free caring in some other people I can final on the way so I'll be then says he will see them later and heads back to the house to get ready to leave he then writes a letter to Naruto about how he's going to join Orochimaru but he leaves out all the other stuff he wants this look real and that means not telling Naruto for now plus if you have to fight nerd too it might allow both of them to unlock the final stages of their Sharingan which means both will be stronger Nara to the next Martin looks up and sees letter and harissa Tsunade tonight we'll call for a mission to bring back Sasuke Naruto got are the same people as in the original mission plus soccer and Lee as Haku is a way for a bit on another mission so she can't really participate soccer here is stronger here as well unlike in Richard Canyon so I feel like she didn't come along as well in addition to original guys and of course Lee since he's not necessarily banged up and unlike an original Canon as well as Neji since he's not banged up either and so because of this there will be two groups who will lead the mission or they'll be split up to be more exact and it's Naruto what's going to give Shikamaru a second command role because Naruto Sphinx Shikamaru does have some good qualities to lead a team in our to ensure Comoros groups will travel together but also separately that way they can get Sasuke back from sound for in a bit of a united approach as south you didn't mention data row tomorrow's henchman or sound for did convincing into you know betrayed a village Naruto will take Sakura Lee and Neji while Shikamaru will takes Choji in Kiba I one day of Naruto some more brains here on this team so Sakura and then I guess Nanjing away and so I did go with this arrangement so yeah and before people say well why not give more brains for Shikamaru well Shikamaru is literally brains you know he's so intelligent anyway snarks and company will set off Neji for other trip with Naruto we'll talk about destiny with Naruto that he must have had a bit of an easier life growing up before to you Cheon Massacre neurontin will tell him that was not the case and what's on he has a similar mark that gives him some pain like the Hugo brand seal does for Neji nan she is shocked about all this and he does want to know more but narshall doesn't really feel like talking about it as it might have to go into details about the Fox which he doesn't really want until even his closest people about but Naruto will say he doesn't want to talk about it because he does want to talk about and Neji will understand though Naruto does tell Nancy that he was able to change some people's minds about him a bit so far and it's me only to go above and beyond what he was branded with and stuff like that and if he can do it so can he this actually gives Neji some hope soccer and Lee will want to know what happened to Nara to growing up but you know they're not gonna say anything meanwhile all the sound for have begun the ritual and jĂłska to take the pill but they also know that they are coming you know the nourishment company in Iran heard some company were used to sound for and we'll go for an assault on two angles Howard Robbo will catch them and he'll put them in the rock dome like in Cannon how will relieve we'll be able to go into the first gate and we'll be able to break the stone Joe chief though does point takes Robbo down in like energy cannon because he still talk smack about Shikamaru and even Naruto so Choji will be like going ahead and the group will trust him to you know take care of gyro bow and Churchill then bowel trouble like in the original cannon and we'll it will be on a site like image came because he still has access to the pills so Choji will still win that battle meanwhile Neji would go with Shikamaru scripted bounces the groups out but then they encounter ki tomorrow nature will still baku tomorrow like in Cannon and right in there will decide to take destiny into his own hands and it's able to Willis way to victory against ki tomorrow did you feel like you assessed and losses at a point but now feels like you went above what was destined for him and he was able to change it you and again it kind of goes with his character now because he does believe destiny exists he also believes that fate that it can be changed and he has to Fink Naruto for that yashi and even gar a little bit and again this is kind of the character that he is unlike internal cannon because you know I just had to give it to him I felt like that was a good character progression anyways you're all are probably wondering why I'm going with more one-on-one matchups versus like you know maybe going with a two-on-one and stuff like that and it's because so the group can adjust overtime and they can have more people to get Sasuke back when the time comes so they essentially save more bodies you know and weights back to Naruto and friends they're now in a five group formation until keep it goes to battle stack on an oak on so yeah him and his bail will go around the same and then conquer will save him like inertia canyon and keeping him will still take the W now there are four as the off Sakura Lee Naruto and Shikamaru left nine company are able to catch up to tie Yuya tell you is now in a bad position and arson company will be able to grab the coffin that contained Sasuke and until Kimura grabs it and then he races off soccer and Shikamaru decide to go fight tie Yulia and till now ultimately to take care of K morrow soccer will be able to use a variety genjutsu against you and she'll also be able to counter to use again due to her she and sugar mara will still be a disadvantage as their second state is ver hard to teal if you know they need someone or something to give them the edge and then tomorrow appears and she takes here could tell you like in order canons oh yeah done deal she Romero then seize that tie you is still alive and since he isn't necessary injured he decides to take tie you in for questioning saccharine tomorrow we'll think about it but it definitely is a good idea so you know they'll do it so they'll be able to take a nacht I tell you it back to the village and take her in for questioning now ultimately are able to catch up to kymaro nerd suddenly a lot of shout clones like enter Canyon and then due to anger will be tapped into ninetails power ira kumara will be a bit too powerful you know however then saw see that gets out of the coffin and ascites to play they catch me if you can game and races off there are two then goes after him while lee fight tomorrow lee will be out a bit of a disadvantage in beginning against Kenny tomorrow so we then ask to have his waist taken off which camera will be curious about so he'll allow it Lee has a large purse to speak America two exams as he has been training Lee then taps into the first game and uses primary Lotus and then Kimura uses the first stage of the cursed Park to withstand a blow and has advanced here again well Lee has less pain as he is trained there is still some pain as there was paying the first part when he try to use it but you know he was relatively fine but now there's a little bit more pain our Lee knows he has to tap into the other case if he wants to win so Lee will tap into the fur gate then the fourth gate then the fifth gate will use able to destroy kumara for a bit and is able to use a hidden lowest against him and then Lee goes for a bit of pain however tomorrow we'll be able to tap into second series of the curse mark and it's about destroy Lee as he was able to withstand the blow from the hidden Lotus Lee knows he cannot escape humor oh but needs to do something however then of nowhere he accentuate by some sand can you guess who saved him that's correct it's Gaara Camaro now is dealing with the effects of his illness Gaara then decides to unleash the same tsunami as Lee has destroyed him pretty badly so if he gives him this blow chimera will not make it out of this fear ethically this will cause humor out to be enveloped by the sand and then in qumar will then go for his Last Crusade and then we'll go into the bone spike technique but God will be able to save Lee kyu morrow then goes for his last stand but Garcia be able to grab him since he has more chakra there will be a struggle and then Kumar will then dai Garen Lee are glad they're alive and growers glad he had enough chakra to you know save himself Naruto and Sasuke catched up to each other Narses and asked why did it come to this Sasuke why would you join this person and betray us please answer me why Sasuke then says I have chosen my path I'll never be able to beat Itachi here in the leaf village Rose Martin will give me a chance to be powerful and allow me to crush our brother doctor then says by betraying the leaf village but betraying me and leaving me by abandon what you have stood for for so long does that not matter to you anymore sawsan says in a bow with Itachi I was worthless I couldn't do anything you were not to punch it back in that fight and I had to relive the death of our clan again via his tsukuyomi technique I am not going anywhere in the leaf I need to get stronger and I need to be the one who beats Itachi nursin cries and says I can't believe you were doing this what happens to my brother so than himself starts to cry but because he hates how he is deceiving his brother and giving him some pain then at around the same time both of cheer bars unlock defer to mowie in r2 because of the pain his first caused him and saskia for causing his brother so much pain Naruto then see Sasuke has unlocked defer to mowie but he is also in tears our sim wonders what is going on Washington says well it looks like he won't walk the first moment yourself I have as well so now I can tell you my real intentions narcing wonders what Sasuke is talking about Sasuke then tells north to his actual plan and arch was like Dane's Sasuke's a genius he is also shocked that carring has been captured by over tomorrow and he definitely wants him to pay but sasuke will calm him down so i ask you then tells Naruto not many people can know about this they both agree that only Kakashi Sakura and Tsunade can know about this because teammates and then the other sounding so yeah that's pretty obvious Nara says he does have doubts that this plan will work but he does believe in Sasuke they also agreed that they will communicate with each other via the cat's the ones from the filler episode or if they can't do that they will either have communications cut off or they can find another way announcement Sasuke decided to fight to test out their new powers and stuff they do like how powerful the firt samoa is the firt timoni is a bit of a game changer Sasuke will then use some of the curse marks power Narns will fire some wood poles and you try to slap sighs give it Naruto and Sasuke will get a slight advantage over each other at certain points during the fight so how people then reveal his second stage curse smart form and nartz was pretty shocked about this form and feels like he can't really win unless he taps in the power of the Fox so I couldn't Sasuke then says you need to be able to tap into the fox's power at will I already know you can in a way but you need to be able to tap into it will and get more power from the Fox never something goes into its mindscape and then he shows his Sharingan to the Fox and says if he doesn't give him some power he was just Sharingan himself and get the power anyways which definitely noise the Fox so he decided to give him a tails worth of power darks reveals a Sharingan Fox mix form and Sasuke is like yes that's it Naruto and Sasuke will give each other a match and our toolkit Advanta or Sasuke Sasuke then says all right that is enough he then goes out of his curse mark form and then r2 goes out of his Fox warm lips and difficulty buddy gets out of it Sasuke does feel pain afterwards but can walk sake then we'll say he promises he will come back and will free people like Karan Narva trusts him and will allow him to leave Kakashi will then arrive and we'll see Naruto yes r2 what happened Narns will tell him later but he is kind of exhausted and then collapses later Nara to assess about everything Amal tells group what Sasuke has planned you know the group that includes Jiraiya Tsunade Kakashi and Sakura dry and sunny will think the plan is kind of risky but it could definitely work the problem is whether or not Sasuke is the guy to do it but Sasuke will ensure that you can do it they'll trust in Naruto but will have their doubts but you know they gotta trust in Sasuke Naruto then over the week will talk to people like Kenan had not a camel reveals she was friends with Ty Yuya and it is possible she can help convince her to stay in the leaf or you know become a leaf ninja and then our search is catching up with funada you know overall but let's go to Canaan Naruto Narcisa - and decides to help Ken out - you will at first be angry at Naruto and a Ken for betraying the village however cannon art so we'll do a bit of convincing as anti-you is tempted by a life with Kim and away from Romero and also Naruto as well because Naruto is definitely a kind of a snack in her opinion Naruto tells Talia well he can give her a new life and yeah tell you is definitely that curious you know she will be kept in prison for it because of a role in their sake retrieval art but she will be out by a time in our to comes back from his trip you know yeah also dry kind of put some good suing over Thai Yuya on her mark so it seems like she will have less of her tomorrow's influence over her so that's pretty good as well an arts would go out on dates with his girls and clean his first dates with kin and tamari he goes out on other dates with a Nana you know and Haku again the latter of which was on another mission during this Oscar she lurks oh yeah nerds who will be pretty happy right now he will then talk to dry on his train trip on and what will be like and rebel tell him he would cheat sooner he would teach them a lot and not just give him a bigger pressing gun oh boy if only sure I could look at his cannon self anyways nerds who will get a letter back from Sasuke from the cats that he is fine and any kind of bullet because rorimer already had a by possessed but really wanted to get Sasuke's body right away and stuff like that and aren't just like you even though he already kind of knew this hearing this from Sasuke and the near experience of him being possessed by were tomorrow is you know it's worth swaying over Naruto cannot wait for a strained trip so now r2 then reaches the gates of Kona the next day with dry and gets ready leave also by the way quick feint Naruto and Sasuke also a bit of a sealing setup with the cats as well so even with Naruto's away he can get letters from the cats because the cats can kind of get to him via some summoning scrolls until I got over mount me at boku so you know that should be pretty fun or someone else but you know you know Jiraiya will figure it out see anyways he will say goodbye to its girls and then Naruto will leave which Raya for the train mission now I will reveal all this stuff darks will get in this train trip in the next part as again to part two of Naruto or I will say this yes he will get some sort raining and especially since it makes sense for him because he isn't she a little bit and we can get some parallels with Sasuke so yeah y'all are definitely gonna love what I'm gonna give Naruto when I reveal the new and improved nerd so in the time skip or I guess two and a half years I see free years later how powerful will you be you ask you will have to find out in next part as we go into part two of Naruto they grow for watching part a webinar to us happy to you have sent to and essentially the part one or two finale as move into part two so like the series will end either part 14 or 14 so last time I guess then what I was doing with part 1 as part 1 has now ended at 8 parts and parts you can end it like 5 to 6 so yeah that's been pretty fun I guess Gary for Friday and Saturday they will be lit watch McKinney's have like a hawk friendly reminder there finally follow me on twitter for an hour we get enough of my videos Instagram for memes and other fun stuff in-between and room disperser for notifications of when a live stream ahead of time axis is supplementary content and to estimate what if ideas directly these are also great ways for you guys to interact me so follow me on Twitter and Instagram and join my discord server we're getting closer and closer to a K in fact we are halfway there so let's get there that is hard to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe turn if occations and share the video this has been your boy yeah me seeds sign out peace York ha 7 che closes out bye-bye peace hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage ye are soldiers Nature Boy the anime stage convention our video and this is with Naruto's have a Chia have sent you part 9 another day another part of this critically acclaimed series so let's get it shout to him boy curette it's for dinara till you see in the thumbnail the eddie that you see right now in his stupid and glory so his channel link will be in description oh boy this is gonna be amazing alright it's that time of the week you know you guys just in what would if she went for a week and then we go to the polls good that community us for that and i will link that in description speaking of community post watched it like a hawk as you guys know like it's just what would if she won for the week but you also get updates polls and they're fun stuff in between so watchmaking means have like a hawk also tomorrow or sunday I will really Swift a Q head to my own ear part eat so yeah after bit of delay that should be coming out pretty soon this weekend so that should be pretty nice anyway it's time for some quick still some earplugs hoo boy Twitter's at muh for entrance anime underscore saves for and join me to score server the links that that will be inscription I'll explain why should fall slash join us at the end of so watch until the end all right time for you to checklist if you haven't seen last port went to that with me inscription and if you haven't seen this series at all check out the playlist with all the other way let's get right into the story all right let's get into this sonar attender I will be traveling over the next couple of years to train and stuff like that you know to prepare for the Akatsuki and all the sorts of stuff nodule will be learning you know from would release Scrolls from ten to that he gave him during a train trip which are actual techniques used by Hashem who send you so Nara is definitely interested in learning them Naruto over the two and a half years we'll be learning how to use a sword and we'll get a katana like so in terms of length from Jiraiya it also means out on the way and that was the book it will teach narrative finger to in terms of sword fighting so he'll be very good at sword fighting so Naruto is very proficient in that area kind of like how Sasuke was in the original Canyon Naruto will start making new wood creations like many wood columns and Dragons for example using the hash Turner level yet but he will to surpass Tama to are tens oh and he's definitely on this way by the end of the series so that should pretty good Naruto whilst being a bunch of when techniques and we also got his own powerful s rank move this YouTube is similar to Sasuke's Kiran though it is more wind based and this is called hoo where a wind tornado fams comes down and literally slice people apart if you're hit by it I know what you guys are going to say did you get this from Pokemon and I'm also got it from the lore of it you know so yeah I got it from more the lore of hoo as this divine Phoenix so yeah that's there a bit of a cultural ystem for you guys you're welcome Naruto walls became some more techniques like the wash shockwave in water dragon jutsu and more advanced fire techniques and other stuff as well Nara to also get some stuff like complain Rasengan and gain Ross and shuriken he will also be able to apply that to his nature transformations in Ross and Gaia and her Felice rasen shuriken Ross and Nova I don't need to explain that and Ross and tsunami I don't need to explain it either arts will also get the mud wall technique and some oursel techniques as well Nara during this time snippets well we'll keep in contact with Sasuke and you'll get minor updates on his training because the contact with the cats you also get alerts from his girls and nurses cannot wait to see them again by the way quick note just like a show I forgot about Tenten so let me just briefly state her in Naruto's relationship they got a bit closer before he left so they are kind of dating as well in addition to her now to eat you know Haku and the other girls - Caron because she's in a bit of a buying end to you because she was stuck in prison in order to be able to visit tamari as well along the way once or twice and they go on a couple dates Nara tool here that guard is trying to become the cacique and Naruto stuff against support is front of that are to also be gained a bit closer to the Kurama during his time skip one day he asks Kurama why he has so much hatred at the suggestion of Jiraiya and chroma doesn't really want to open up about it Nadja says all he wants to do is to get to naina tailed beasts crimen will then talk about hatred for humans and Nara tool will understand why he has this much hatred as Kron doesn't like how humans go for his conflict type stuff and also being sealed up all the time definitely gives him a lot of anger doctor them vows to become that hatred because he wants to work with Kurama quick note nurture doesn't know the nine tails this name Kurama it's just easy for narration purposes Crombie like yeah right and not to go through that little journey narcs will also visit the village in the waterfall and will meet this girl named foo she and are two active farm bomb each other and they'll actually have a bit of a mutual attraction to each other Naruto will learn this usage in Turkey so as you can guess the bond here is about to become stronger she will say she will rice in r2 and stuff like that so they can keep in contact of each other so that's a good thing and of course because I ran to each other their bonds can increase Naruto before and trip is over we'll go back to Warfel village and we'll take through on a day as well hopefully nothing bad happens to Fuu alright let's go into the found bits of Naruto will learn over to Neph your time-skip you'll learn stage mode which will be essentially would stage mode and also to sage mode and these can kind of combine with each other why I think that it can't happen in fact we have seen artists that KCM and sage mode on top of each other or kind of combine a little bit so why wouldn't you be able to do something like that here well again again it's not surreal again like stacking like with KCM statement but it's Morgan a combined sage mode where it takes more time this happened to send you sooo if we wants to do something like that which means we want to do that same tricky - with pain but have a stronger sage mode he would have to use less clones yikes sure I will also be inspired by Nara to complete a state train which means I will have a perfect safety moment before the pain fight aren't electives better relationship with Kurama as the time goes on just as I said though it's more of a bit of a tsundere type relationship if you get my drift does respect Naruto he can't really admit it but you know well the time to show it a little bit via some kind action stuff like that but you know she's not gonna admit it Naruto also get some really powerful genjutsu techniques as well because you know Sharingan also he'll get into some sealing and I will real ability that later in the story though I will say this you'll be learning a flying funder got into the Rosslyn Zurich and during that little train arc because he already knows Duras in shuriken so that's gonna be fun so yeah Naruto is a lot stronger compared to his original can counterpart you want Sasuke is gained his usual train like in Canon so he is gonna get his own you know train train just increase a little bit so he's gonna master both fire and lightning and use both elements in his sword but does refer lighting like in Cannon and he just a wasted day he can kill her tomorrow and return to leaf village and give nod to when his girl's back in carring and I'm still be able to use all his nature transformations in his sort though he prefers when the most in our two also and this last thing trust me we'll be working on improving his shadow clones and we'll be working on improving Chou her can choose to exploit our clones and all those improve as well as utilization of shadow clone trick which he learns from Jiraiya and he is gonna use that to his full advantage during this time skip and I believe I already gave him the extraction do to explain shale clones so yeah it could only improve in those aspects also improvements are conscious as well in the in the you know what clone jutsu in the water clone jutsu and he will have the light in nature transformation though it does cost him a lot more chakra because negative transformations not it's natural to him so we have to be careful about that but if you see someone use a lighting technique the encounter with his online technique you know copy it but again cost more chocolate than use since other nature transformations so that's everything that Naruto has this time skip now you guys might find him being all this a little bit much but remember that Naruto not only it's a Sharingan but he's also utilized in shadow clone trick as well so it makes sense that he's getting all these techniques extremely quickly and also gain some very powerful techniques as well when you say if we say that nurse who was already Bubba's original can counterpart and it's probably at hide joint level in base and when we add the other stuff on top of that shoe eventually nurse and dr return to leaf village and naruto will first me as teammates and we'll miss him his girlfriend's in Hinata hawk when II know since they're around and they have definitely gotten a bit of an upgrade in the you know looks department Ken as well when he meets her in the compound and he will see tie you there as well which they agree that she could live there and she has been on jail for the last you know half month so that's been pretty good for her so narcs has been getting into contact for as well and tell you does want to go on date with Naruto and he will do that a little bit later by the way these characters you know the girls until like that all of them around the ages of 15 16 kind of each band Haku PI around a year or two since you know it's kind of like matches the theme of like the freshman sophomore age saying for this little air room so you know that's fun you know that's gonna be fun you know Naruto Lehrer meet soccer and then catch up and Narns will say Sasuke is doing well and soccer is happy to hear about that Naruto later meet Tsunade and then Kakashi appears and want to fight Naruto and Sakura like in Canon over this fight sock will be fine on go in order to help you know balance potential power difference here you know on the Naruto side you see Sakura has only been giving medical ninjutsu but also trained with uncle and car night during the times get well it might be more meaningful for soccer to want to challenge current I hear she might have gotten pregnant around this time so hi unko during a fighter test Nara to a pressure Kakashi by a lot and he will decide to end this early and we'll you know spoil the ending to make out tactics or try to do it gosh it will freeze and then arts work out the belt and then we'll go over to help Sakura but he'll let her take over because you know mentor versus soon you know he understands Sakura will unleash the Phoenix flower jutsu and he stumbled to sue and then Anka will dodge those but right now it appears that you know both opponents are evenly matched and by the way in this Canyon and soccer is now proficient both fire in turf laces so that's pretty good walk will say you're doing very well Sakura all that time training you did you very well Sarkar says thanks I did learn from the best after all Uncle Dan says give me everything you got soccer dance beats over and tries to smash on go bush into smash in the ground and then she'll then fire from multiple stumble jutsus she will then trap on go any powerful desert genjutsu well more propaganda game duty because she's been trained with it which will kind of work on co out a little bit she gets out of it but then she gets a massive fist to the face sakura is doing really well right now Monica says too bad you couldn't get this belt from that octave Caesar belts no longer person and soccer just twirl to bail around ank-ooo is shot but also very proud Naruto and Kakashi clap for their teammate and NART and sakura have shown that they are definitely very capable later on naruto born at gar has been captured by the Akatsuki and we'll head over there right away in this who will brain hawk one mission to balance out the team so yeah that's pretty good as well that's the fact that Jaco hasn't got much time shine here at all and these two are very familiar for each other Naruto Haku yeah and also Kakashi and Sakura so yeah it just it does make sense and plus hi Kunis versions to joning so that's a plus as well and yeah she did become a joining during the time skip anyway snorts we'll talk tomorrow about the situation and she will freak out but narked will comfort her will say don't worry my sand princess i promise you i'll bring car back tomorrow we'll look into his eyes and say promise Naruto nods and tomorrow put her trust in turn are so and gives him a kiss on cheek akka and tamari then decide to make a plan for the girls Naruto is in a relationship with and wants to promise him the greatest night of his life when they all marry I think you all know know where this is going but that plan will have to wait for a couple years down a line anyway snarks one company will still head to sand village and they'll feel safe Kankuro because Sakura and then the game will head to the area where they may attach it like a cannon since ours has a Sharingan his version he can counter taki to genjutsu and then we'll also realize this is not the real Itachi because the man chakra that is in the attached circle in the moment and it's hardly comparable to the actual tachi he knows and despises plus brought up on things so he can kind of see for all that pretty easily this is why he will kill the attack loan with the raw Sonova animal shark Akashi that he completed our sang-gon as learned a very powerful technique he didn't use Ross and shuriken because he is in Sage Mode and kind of you know was told about the way mr. Ross and trick him because Kurama the sooner i pointed out to him so because of his station we can fire off as many Rasen shuriken that he wants though without it he just kills the rasa Noah because while it does burn it doesn't give him a future where he can't really use chakra anymore and when our zone company will be able to reach Gaara a little bit earlier than in Canyon and then there are two fires off some clones to fix this little situation they're in and once the clones disappear the copies that are trying to form will disappear as well nonce will grab car right away with a one hand and one day or tries to stop at a whit clone stater away as well as another one that will smack saucer e away Naruto sees gar is alive but barely team guy will appear and right now data is right on a bind sows 3 wants to sell marechiyo so deidara is going to you know try to escape Naruto have a will clone take care of Gaara and then he will go after data along with Haku Kakashi guy and Lee Neji Chiyo Sakura and Tenten will take care of saucer II and saucer II will have a bit of a rougher end this is because Neji can point us officer his weak points which will be his heart and Tenten can disable his puppets with her own weapons in a way so this means she went psycho have a better time against him combines with the fact of Tenten Neji are a bit stronger than in this cannon especially Tenten because she wants to ignore it so she can be strong as well this is gonna be a lot easier for soccer and to you than it was an original Canyon Soccer will smash the actual stops like puppet and then that you will build fish and blow killing him for good meanwhile an art to a smack dater off his clay bird with a 1 pole and then there will be overmatched by guy in Haku and Lee and yeah you know hawk it's gotten a lot faster in time skip and kind of overwhelms data with her own ice creations like a nice you know dog hound or something like that you know gah she doesn't have to use comma here so yeah he doesn't have to go through that little process data however will escape using his clay clone and are to not be able to find him Naruto ever will not get angry here and not be as insistent on chasing a turret because his friends still alive in a way you know he's barely alive but he's still alive soccer will later he'll gara gara san waking up he had lost way too much to shikaku so cheer will sacrifice her life and girl be able to live again Naruto and Gaara will hug as they are still bros and the same villages happy tour Kazakh Agha is alright the entity bridge arc will not happen at all in this canon because the fact is that sasuke is still in contact with naruto and not to us not in a rush to see Sasuke until saucey completes his mission so Naruto be trained to learn a flying thunder guy which Kakashi will help supervise site will also not be part team 7 as Haku decides to fill a void left by Sasuke until he returns this also does give a girlfriend Naruto spawn on his team so that's also a nice positive in order to also go in couple more dates with his girls and that'll be nice for him especially since he hasn't seen all them in a very long time so this takes us to the heat down in Congress to arc we'll slowly - awesome a dying this will lead to Eno being extremely sad - which Naruto will come for her and now I'm destroido's to Acosta guys for making one of his girls cry since there aren't so I had been working on a flying funder God for a little bit earlier than he was you know working on Ross and shuriken he will look - completed by time team ten will go for a revenge tour and we'll leave with Kakashi and everybody else Naruto will destroy aku see with the Ross and Nova again because it didn't go into stage one for this which will burn caucuses entire body up and actually kills them Shikamaru will take care of you down like Indra Canyon and that arc goes went relatively the same except relationship of Ino and Naruto is a lot closer because you know nerve - did a good thing for it you know now we move on to Sasuke Sasuke will still cover tomorrow and we'll then go recruit people Narns will be given word he will see Sasuke again soon from the cats and narcs are just waste for that day Sasuke will grab carring do you guess - like here inch of cannon though this time he will head to leave so guess who in do go artists are gonna care and the role of Sasuke no matter what and when Karan here instead she can see Nara - again she is you know pumped eventually all of them returned to leaf village and Nara - is waiting at the gates so I had given the heads up to the gate guards and when are to see Sasuke and cowering after a couple years he goes up and hugs both of them saskia says it's been a while brother doctor says it sure has welcome home Sasuke north - then looks to Corinne Corinne says hey it's good to see you again Naruto Naruto says nothing and just kiss her on the lips which shocked scarring away then Sasuke will smile so guess who is impressed by Nara - in a way and Jaggu has no idea what is going on after the kiss Naruto and caring kind of blushed a little bit and Karan will just say one word Wow however just as ain't very nice and happy reunions taking place Allu of a messenger bird comes up and then it will land with Naruto and then are to look at the letter and his eyes you know white in Oz people say what's up brother what's going on and then Naruto shown the letter and Sasuke you know will read the letter and then his eyes widen in shock Itachi once either Naruto Sasuke or both of them to challenge you know him to one final fight Sasuke has just now returned to village after Silla WAN and caring is now coming to Lee pillow so she ain't got Minato but now you have this new letter where Itachi wants to challenge you know I don't know Sasuke are both of them how will this all play out you have to find out in the next part thank you all for watching and with narts it was half a Chia half send you part 9 I think I might have been wrong about how quick it is serious good and as you gonna like part 11 or 12 but then again who knows anyways watchin communes have like a hawk and go to the post in description if you want to select what it what would have c1 for the week get ready for my ailment Deku on either tomorrow or Sunday and finally follow me on Twitter for another waking up in my videos Instagram for memes and other fun stuff in-between and following Toma discourse serve for enough case one last room ahead of time quick access to supplemented content and the ability to suggest to me ideas directly these are also great ways for you guys to interact me so follow me on Twitter Instagram and join Mike discord server we're getting so close to 9 K so let's get there we're only like 280 away so yeah let's get there that is live to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe turn occations and share the video this has been your boy the a me sage signing out peace your tah 70 a close this out bye bye peace hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage yeaaah soldiers it's your boy the nmach coming to our video and this is with Naruto's habit eeeh half Sanju part 10 another part of this critically acclaimed series so let's get to work but first a word from our sponsor the CEO is sponsored by beautiful halo if you want some nice-looking anime and meme apparel or clothing this is a site for you you can also use code meme for 5% off of orders of 49 plus dollars and code memes memes there's a different meme and then memes code memes for 10% off of wars of orders of 99 plus dollars also you buy some stuff there also supports me so go check out beautiful halo there links will be in description anyways on Friday I'll release one if Naruto at hockey so that should be lips yesterday all supposed to would have decorated fusion core part 4 so if you haven't seen it yet I'll link that video in description washing communes have like a hawk as you guys get bit updates pulls and the ability to select what would if see want for the week and some other fun stuff in between so wash commute a blackhawk time for some quick social media plugs Twitter is at imitate for Instagram as ma underscore save for and join my discord server the link to that movie description I'll give you all recent false lash join us at the end of the video so watch until the end alright time for you to checklist if you haven't seen the last part the link to that will be in scription if you haven't seen this series at all check out the playlist with all the out of the way let's see right into the story alright so Naruto and Sasuke ever unite and I've gotten a letter from Itachi first challenge of a lifetime as in he wants I turn our tour Sasuke or both for a final battle the battle will happen in around three days and they can either show up or they don't show up and you know there's chicken I guess however Bernard - and Sasuke this is her opportunity to get revenge for their clan and they filled it with their combined power they will beat him in order to entice people a car and stay with them for a bit and you mister get some jugo as well as there are visitors of the village and smile out that you know stuff you know because it's cool fit because Sasuke is kind of you know doing some good stuff you know carving and can and tie Yuya we'll get to know each other and we'll be cool with each other and Karan will get to know about the CRA from Naruto and stuff like that and she'll be cool of it like she wants Naruto and if the CRA is here she's you know abide by it man get to know the other girls you know and speaking of game the other girls she will try to meet people I cannot it you know and some integrals like 1010 and Haku and speaking of Haku she does meet her and they will you know like each other at first of a good interaction each other and they're pretty cool of each other and Hawk will introduce you to the concept of what her and the other girls will be doing when they get married to Naruto which will make Karim blush a little bit but if she can help mmm satisfy Naruto she's cool fits anyways Naruto Sasuke what else tonight about the little situation and she is a bit worried about it she doesn't want to see anything happen to the boys but she also knows that what they are going through because they have a chance to get revenge for what happens to her clam at the hands of Itachi and they have also grown by quite a bit Naruto it can also lead to mission since used to chewing in this would if nurse will make the case to ad hoc with soccer on this mission and Naruto will lead an under Misha century like he did with a Sasuke retrieval art soon I will agree to all this and the mission will begin in about a day Oscar will also ask if he can brain screw with them and while soon I just necessary trust them as much she was true Sasuke since he has to feed work tomorrow and stuff like that and Naruto come he will eventually again set off a day later the group will eventually encounter data and Toby and iron Naruto and Sasuke with other group they can handle this and they will allow Naruto and Sasuke to go to work Stas getting are to end up find a turret because Toby isn't really gonna do much and data R once to not only kill Sasuke because useful aid to Itachi he could and he also wants to you know do if Naruto because you know the brother thing and also because he can also capture nine tails and get revenge on him because for last time you know Naruto and Sasuke face off against him again and they have they don't have the advantage so far Sasuke is able to disable as explosive pretty easily because of its lightning nature and Naruto be able just to slice the claw off of his own wind sword nars was able to smack data away with his wood and dinner is in a bit of a corner Daedra then unleashes a c4 but naruto and sasuke use the same genjutsu and will corner Daedra now i wonder what happens to be stack and juice on top of each other so for this scenario there is kind of stuck here and cannot really use his left eye this time because he got doubled again jutsu so we can necessary get out of this dead resin slice to bits enemies end and he didn't even use to see zero Nioxin company will ever meet up again rest and no continue underway Nioxin company will head to the well halfway to the area which to the old lechia house and again halfway there they agree by kasam a notch and Sasuke left to pass but the rest must stay behind this will kick off the same old seat suigetsu and Kisame fight Naruto Sasuke reached the house and they'll be grey by Itachi Uchiha Itachi will say it's been a long time my little brothers Naruto and Sasuke will look at attach of serious faces and then sauce will say it definitely has been brother after all this time it will come down to this now our tool will then say after all this time we can sell this once and for all Itachi in the brightest and begin their battle they were engaged in a genjutsu battle and it is back and forth now I'll make his clones and explode them on Itachi and then I took it out of that can do to saw school appeared to sabotage but genjutsu is about knowing brothers but a master of Sharingan and of course again jutsu Itachi will then get stabbed by both naruto and sasuke from the back Itachi will then gives some revelation about the Uchiha massacre which is that moderate kind of helped it so yeah it sucks both of them because they're aware of who mater is and if you still alive yikes narcho Sasuke don't necessarily believe it but attached it's like you can believe what you want to believe but it still happened and then of course genjutsu happens Itachi den tries to put again due to and Sasuke the same one in the original canon but naruto kind of smacks Itachi away with this wood Itachi makes his plans very clear about wine one of the bars eyes and both of the brothers are kind of sick hearing that and honestly I am too meanwhile Crum is kind of deep in his you know chamber or like sealed place and it's ready at any moment to give nacho some power because he doesn't want to see Nora to lose his eyes again soon dairy type action Asli them powers up to his curse smart form and narc tool will get some chocolate from Kurama to help match up and this kind of over warms Itachi bit but since he is Itachi egan analyst it's hot you only stay in mathura soo and it will hit sasuke but he's able to get out of this with the the original snake shading technique former tomorrow naruto is aware - sasuke absorber chars body so he won't be surprised about through tomorrow type techniques though he has always had a bit of a bad feeling something could go wrong but he doesn't know what it could be he's about to find out narcs will continue firing off some clones and no fire some juice you like the fireball and great breakthrough jutsus Oscar will then take the opportunist EPP urine in order to had told sauce key has to find Ryan so that means sauce will have no problems fair enough Kiran because flying Raijin that's cool far off his cure in and talked to who is sharks escalation attacked like that at his well other brother will see the Russian kunai and entitled realized Narns who now has to find Ryan it's actually will take the Cure in from the Susanoo which means he survives though internally he is proud of Naruto so Oscar will be a bit low in chakra and that means he's about to get Orochimaru Itachi is internally horrified and Naruto is externally a horrified or smarter than us at school after Itachi and then a touch will toast good later or tomorrow which will free Sasuke and he no longer has to curse mark nirach she was shocked about everything has happened and then Itachi then inches towards Sasuke and Naruto fires everything he can and then our children decide to fire off his own attack you know ho ho which he rain tail and Topsy with the nine tails chakra the attack does activate first Asano as the tails are upgrade to free Itachi is now down and on its last legs and then he inches for saucy for one final touch Naruto senses it is the end as chroma told him and Itachi will touch sauce gun forehead and collapse which means Sasuke will get the Amaterasu with degree fatality dying Nara to unlock the mangekyo and then collapses oh it so we learn capture bow for the brothers oh it's over bring them into a room and obito will still get flamed by your Mathura so when Sasuke wakes up not so annoying not only has monkey Ikuo but also eternal mangekyo you see if not to have any standard DNA and this will allow him to be able to use mangekyo not to deal with the other stuff you know so much like Obito in Reverse camp but here it's gonna be upgrade to eternal monkey IQ because he has you know the DNA of this of hashem ourselves in standard DNA so yeah that's kind of why the upgrade is here anyways Obito or mmm Madara will tell sasuke and naruto truth about Itachi and the other stuff about the Uchiha clan zosky is still kind devastated and like in Canon and again is lean tours destructive path he was on in Canada but not entirely as you want to see what his brother wants to do however nor until then get pulled in by Kurama as he kind of wants to stop the madness Krummel told naruto about the fact that monitor was definitely the masked man who caused a whole nine tails attack and this makes ants would realize that deceive mana is a liar and even fee is right about Itachi using necessary on their side either so they're just being manipulated by you know this moderate guy so yeah he tells Sasuke oldest and saucy will go out of the tendencies that he was probably gonna have like in Canon and at this point just wants to go home and find all the answers later in r2 least from shadow clones which will disguise says Naruto and Sasuke and both of them will skip the area also Sasuke didn't lock his monkey here as well so that is a plus Obito ever wanted to let them go anyways as they had made their choice arises that the nine tails and naruto have a better relationship than he initially fought and he should just look for no way to get some you know stuff done quote unquote nor r2 and the group over reunite and they're glad that they are you know that they are all together and that Norris and Sasuke are all right Naruto and Sasuke are glad that they can see their friends again and are just glad to see his girls again and again just wants to go home and that's exactly what they do meanwhile Jiraiya in pain will have their little Bella Kincannon dry will actually have a better reaction time than Canada as you know it's perfect sage mode which again explained the time skip Jiraiya will be able to have the advantage at first and we will to take care of the first three paths of pain tribal then leave and we'll then since you've got to get bliss instance reaction time is better than in Canon he can dodge the attack better and not have to get his you know arm destroyed dry then sees that there are six paths of pain and he might now have to escape in his mind but he also has to get information for relief so we asked us to stay in and fight dry we'll be able to take care of son the past pain and we'll actually able to take out a couple more of the paths of pain unlike in Canon you also grab a pain by lighting Cain which will be key later dry will tell model Eve and she'll do that sure I will however be destroyed by Tendo as he will get stabbed by a metal rod and then he will then get proceed to get us at by a lot of metal rods and will look like North 25 painting virtual cannon well here he doesn't miss vocal cords crushed dry will then say how could have come down to all this Nagato pain says oh but try sensei this was inevitable I bet you now wish that you had listened to her tomorrow and killed us all those years ago dry just sees a lot of this world going away dry will then tell Fukasaku about the sabers of the set has a pain pain didn't really care about him at that time so he doesn't care about him here until it's a bit too late Fukasaku will be able to escape and then paym then just finish this job and we'll have dry his body dumped into the sea and Raya is dead meanwhile back in the leaf Naruto and Sasuke wonder if the Itachi story is true and you if it was the leaf shouldn't be blamed for this it goes back to this Danzo guy at this point these two do not like Danzo and never doing any Naruto fans you know they do confronts tonight about this and so I will look into this whenever she can as she wants if this is true as well meanwhile during the week nor until be hanging out with his girls over that week and he's in a generally good mood he's been went on more dates with his girls like Tenten who I didn't forget about this time you know - yeah anata Haku and all the other girls Naruto is living a pretty good life right now so what Sasuke s he s now started dating and it is with Sakura since a chrysalis annoying and a lot stronger and Sasuke is less emo this kind of works out during the event Sasuke says see rutter I can get a girl to Naruto a laugh as that was a joke but he has promised bird that he is now dating and ever since the Itachi's thing things were looking up Joo guns will get so were actually now you know looking into a ninja force as his carring and again they're doing pretty well at this point nothing could really go wrong right Fukasaku then asks you have nara - the bad news - drei is dead Naruto is just sad and hurt as someone who he saw as normally a master by the way a father figure is gone nor - again it's really sad at this point narts who would be comfort by you know a bunch of people first Sasuke his brother of course then as other girls as well as obvious and of course is their teammate in Sakura Naruto will be a lot better but now one stable Despain guy in this Canon Naruto and Sasuke are in the village and they can stay in the village as North tudas had formed stage Mona's universe as early as to Sage Mode stacked on top of one another Sasuke is here as well so if you can guess what's going on it's about the massacre for the paths of pain Naruto is already where the monk active Sharingan from a certain Fox and once use it on you know pain he's not gonna have to go blind from it which you know it's pretty good Sasuke is also aware demoniac of Sharingan but he doesn't same luxuries right now so I only use this monkey as a last resort now you maybe I'll ask him what ability start to has at this point well let's just say you're gonna love this in order to kind of learn what these abilities are from Kurama and let me just say they're pretty LP chroma I would think would also be very aware of the curse of hatred with the Uchiha clan so crime will tell narked about that as well and Sasuke will promise you make sure that he does not get consumed by it until one day norm discovers something that he had not seen before and this was a letter left by Itachi essentially his last will the letter states that he has the is right for Sasuke and they are from Fuu gaku as him and he worsen kind of work something out here you know before the parents died this will be proven true as Naruto find the eyes and will transfer them to Saskia right away now I know what you're thinking and I know you're gonna be saying and yes well ideally you would want a sibling to give you the EMS eyes that does not mean that a parent's eyes can't work either so in this scenario I will make that happen and again I don't want Sasuke to deal with the curse of hatred so here we are they are the pain attack it's paining Rives and pain has no idea what's about to get into her arms when sauce will fight paint outside the village si don't want anyone in the village to get hurt and tonight will allow this as she has faith in Naruto and Sasuke to take care of pain Naruto and Sasuke will absolutely obliterate all the paths of pain non-stable use Amaterasu on some of them and our total Isis amount gecko Billie's to stop himself from being hit using calmly you heard it correctly Naruto as calmly I'll just say if you read the fanfic legacy you will know all of our tools monkey IQ abilities because they're all from the fanfic you know in order to them will slam Rasengan send you to the paths of pain voila schools toward the other two and then neurons will cut Laprade a path and the only path for Maine is a Tendo path the path knows it is kind of cornered and cannot win so he tries to grab both of them with his you know bond shortening and spirit him with the RUS button arches fires off in the monterosso and the Tendo paint has to dodge that so that's people then unleash a fireball jutsu and then art we use to come with dodge under strike from the Patino path and with one Rasengan the Tendo path is finished the only question is where the real pain is but narked and sasuke are still be to locate Nagato because Nardo does the film the like in Cannon and they'll both meet Nagato Nagisa will tell both them about his past and both of them feel sorry for him because he's gone for his own hardships they'll both tell him that their past has have been daiquiri ironed because you know Naruto and Sasuke will then do their own twin talk ninjutsu and Naga so we'll have a change of heart or we cannot repay his life with reviving anybody because in this can he never really killed anybody because the only people he fought were Naruto and Sasuke and while ideally you would probably want to see Jiraiya revived here he dumped his body into the sea so yeah that's not gonna work so he just asked to be killed for all the sins as his final wish this would make Kona I'm very you know sad and she doesn't want Nagato to go but Nagato will promise going on it will all be alright as he trusts these two brothers so I could then delivers the execution as he taps Nagato in a way that you know doesn't dismember its body and Nagato will die Conan will cry and Naruto and Sasuke are sad about this but Conan will layer put her faith in both of them since Nagato essentially fall for his life for both of them I mean literally forfeit his life for both of them Naruto and Sasuke will say goodbye to Conan and she takes down his body away any wounds here Naruto and Sasuke and Naruto skills one patient embrace him and soccer will embrace Sasuke since now I didn't have to do you know use Katsuya in this Canyon she doesn't have to be in a coma and this means that done so there becomes a temporary Hokage and meanwhile tonight will eventually be confronted down so soon about Itachi and he's about to be in a lot a lot of trouble and during the week Naruto and Sasuke will chill over again for next bit of week or so and then there's a bit of an alert the waterfall village has requested help from the leaf estrogen turkey has been captured which means who has been taken by the Akatsuki we now have a new work that's probably going to be someone replacing the five common are in the 7 tails jinchuuriki rescue arc or the food rescue arc how I'll go find out NX parts figure out for watching part 10 of wolf gnar to us have a Chia half send you this is a fun series to write again with the arrow Mass Effect and I cannot wait to give you guys more parts in the future as we wrap up the series eventually make sure to check out beautiful halo there links between description make sure watch out like a hawk that is very important Gary for hockey Naruto on Friday that will be great and finally follow me on Twitter for another way to get enough of my videos Instagram for me and other fun stuff in between and finally join us Court for access supplementary content you know if games one last room ahead of time and of course you guys get to assist me ideas directly these are also great ways for you guys to interact me so follow me on Twitter and Instagram and joy - horse server we're getting closer and closer to 10 K so let's get there and also again make sure to check out website infusion cork part 4 again link that with the inscription that's not to say make sure like comment subscribe turn afect and share the video this has been your boy the a message signing out peace your ha Stephan che closes out peace bye bye hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage yee-ha soldiers it's your boy the anime sage come in at you've another video and this is what if Naruto is half Uchiha half send you part 11 alright time for an hour of this curricula claim series so here we go but first a word from our sponsor this video is sponsored by beautiful halo if you want some nice-looking anime and meme apparel or clothing this is a site for you you can also use meme code meme for 5% off of wars of 49 plus dollars and code memes I repeat memes for 10% off of orders of 9m plus dollars also you splines some stuff there also supports me so go check out people held their links will be in description alright so it is that time of the week again it says you guys get to select what would if you want for the week so the community of the rules for that will be in the link description though you guys are going to see today instead of yesterday where it should have been up but you know I was kind of tired but you know you just go to that community oh you can get some last minute you know what is suggestions in so yeah also I did do a review of Gesu Kyson yesterday or essentially first impression Seuss's Kyson yesterday so the link to that video also mean description alright time for some quick some ear plugs twitter is at any stage for instagram and we underscore saves for and of course join we discord server which is linked in description I'll give you our reasons up to fall size joy knows at the end the video so watch until the end time for the usual checklist if you haven't seen the last board links that will be inscription if you haven't seen the series at all check out the playlist with all that out of the way let's get right into the story alright so where we last left off was a new mission that might be you know for now replaced a 5k a seminar which is sifu rescue ark or the seven tails and trig rescue ark that show me rescue work or whatever you want to call it in our two and teen sim will depart to next day because you know they gotta reach her before she dies naruto will talk to his girls that he'll be leaving tomorrow and while they're a little bit said they'll understand and then nord so that morning will kiss all the schoolgirls goodbye before he leaves except aku because she's coming one as a mission that could require five people as if monitor chia is a lie based on the information I was given to Tsunade well you might need five people to handle Madara maybe more you know Naruto and company will set up the next day and we'll go to the waterfall village meanwhile kiss that means going after Killer Bee which is not going to be fun for him anyways neurontin company will reach the village in the waterfall and the village has been you know a bit battered some ninja have been injured as well which isn't good for them Nara to accompany will later be given a description of who took Fuu and of course as you probably guess it it was a masked man no not the masked man a masked man which of course a guy in Naruto and Sasuke know as Madara nursin company will take a waterfall nature with them and we'll look to locate Fuu karma wants to help Naruto as well as he is gonna you know give gnar to some guidance on directions like that though he cannot sensing as much as he probably could have you know Naruto at KCI more so my guys because he hasn't gone through the you know waterfall stuff there you know the other waterfall stuff meanwhile Fuu is being dreamer now over to looks and sees that the jinchuriki is being drained but he doesn't expect it's nurse and company appearing which isn't good for him an arc to it one food back in Elberton it knows he can potentially beat him until he sees Naruto's monkey Kyo or eternal mangekyo which shocks him to the core Naruto will smile and obito will say well it seems to have your eternal mangekyo sharingan nara says yeah Obito will be curious about his monkey abilities and oh wait till things he has enough phoo so you'll give food back which will shock them boy till say now it's not the time for our fights when the time arrives you will all fall nerds will be glad to have food back and over till we retreat into its dimension soccer will say right now foo is in a coma and they will have to hope that she wakes up as she did have a large amount of did show me drink from her but they will take her back to her village and in the waterfall village they really don't have great medics as they are kind of an irrelevant village so they will allow the hidden leaf ninja to take food back to the hidden leaf village meanwhile Obito will be taken into a cab at OU and will want to wait for a next move which will be coming pretty soon Toby will quote-unquote defeat key Sam Ilan of a and with this attack on his brother Abel one two you know call a summit son I will later get a letter about this and right now she is gathering all the evidence and no papers about Donna's crimes against you chuckling but for everything that has been going on she can't really get to that and now she has to go to this summit Naruto will actually be asked to go with you know Tsunade along with Sasuke as they seem to be the best interest represent to struggle ciencia Kowski and if moderate is pointing something then we have some potential issues during this time Naruto did meet two new girls who kind of found a bit attractive and they are Carly in some way or not he gets both of them I am NOT gonna say though my issues with the ship of Choji and Carrie come from the fact that Hitler came out of nowhere and I also kind of hate Jojo Sam we also never really got a man like Naruto so how do we give North to some nice-looking girls you know especially Sammy since she has those attributes anyways however they don't have much time to bond us they kinda have to go back to the village you know the cloth village but they do want to talk to him if you ever visit some wow I'm establishing more chemistry than the original Choji car worship fascinating well on-screen but you know I'm saying anyway it's Naruto will again have to kiss the girls goodbye and coin Hocker design though he had been going out on dates with his girls at for the past you know week Sakura and Sasuke went out on their own date because they had the time so that's pretty good their relationship is kind of growing so Nani has also been thinking about brain soccer because she is an apprentice and she ends up going through fit so now I will be gar by shizune Sakura Sasuke and Naruto and the cocky will of course have their own guards and they'll be fun however meanwhile foo was in the coma and during all this Naruto has been feeling horrible because he wishes he could have done more in reality there wasn't much he could have done and he is look at if it was just in a coma and acts his chance to live but he feels bad he let this happen because well again if it was one of the girls he got to know during the time skip and they went on a date so you could say that food was one of Naruto's girls and he this is kind of first time that one of Naruto's girls has kind of gotten her and now he feels really bad about it in come a couple of Naruto's girls and Anna you know in fact the first two girls who entered the little arum narara sees them and looks down again and not any no asked what is wrong never tells him about foo and you know kind of a pretty good response for Naruto's troubles you know says Naruto you tried everything you could and foo is a chance to be alive which can potentially be said for others and turkeys who've been snatched by the Akatsuki besides Gaara and not attention and says you are so strong Naruto you inspire people you don't need to be down like this it's why so many girls are attracting you in queen foo and she would not want to see you down like this at all none of us do you have saved ACOG a DeFede powerful customers become a tuning and I've shown yourself as a worthy ninja in order to is kind of having his islip forbid and he's kind of trainable OB now then he sees all those other girls looking at him and they all have smiles on their faces narf looks at all of them and smells back and in Naruto then says I was so down myself lately that I kind of forgot all the things I have going from at the moment and I let it consume you but you know my despair you know it says it happens we all have those feelings and we all have regrets but we also need remind ourselves that we're not defined by one filler and one filler should not get us down you know this Naruto not just says thank you for cheering me up as looks at all the girls they all say you're welcome and our two gives each of them a nice mango session involving its clones you know makeout session not the level after that though that's probably going to come at marriage anyways before all them leave Naruto and Sasuke are brawn to Sinai's office so now I use about to give them amazing news soccer star as well and Sasuke Kashi gosh knows what's going on but soccer doesn't so I announce this that she's gonna promote both Naruto and Sasuke to joaneen soccer goes after Sasuke as she's so happy for him and gives him a kiss now I'm just pretty happy himself and then both these twos are now joning and Kakashi kinda has this you know they grow up so fast type of moment anyway Tsunade nourishment company will set off and go to something meeting the reefs there and the kaki are all there and you know everybody else in original Canon though a couple editions Kirby is there as the estrogen jerky and he was attacked plus a it's going to be cool with his burrow there plus he also has to act as a testimony to the front of the Akatsuki and then the cocky we'll talk about what to do and they all agree that they have to take out their main member say Kowski which is most likely moderate because Killer Bee and a quote-unquote took out Kisame and now Killer Bee has a sword then all of a sudden a certain someone decides to interrupt the summit and is moderate or Obito Naruto and Sasuke are angry scene you know Obito's face or moderate or which I will say well it's been a while since I saw you two you must be so happy to see me Naruto and Sasuke just look at him of a glare Oh Lee Toland says all the COG if the ninja world in this room as well and then eight tails - also the pink carrot girl Sakura Haruno I believe and the first scene of Tsunade in shizune oh and some of the other bodyguards for the cocky as well everyone looks at Obito with a glare what we told then talk about project tsukuyomi and naruto sasuke will be shocked and what to search for that stone tablet and see if it is real the shock reverberates throughout the room about the plan that moderate court has they don't want to come to terms with this plain as it's just ridiculous and you know they stick to the same beliefs like in Canon all we told them going about hope and how hope is just giving up and stuff like that and will then say I'll give you five coffee a deal hand over the eight and nine tails I'm sure they will give me a good fight before they all fall to me and then I can create the ten tails and then project tsukiyomi will soon be complete Tsunade maying are like no when I hang over Naruto na it's like no I'm not hanging over my brother oho then says well it looks like you have made your choice then I declare war on all of you the fourth great ninja war begins now everyone is shocked and obito then leaves though now before saying he has a lot of allies on his side and well he's not wrong right now the kaga feel like they cannot have nartz when killer be in the war so they will come into this with an excuse of them to not answer the war and that's helping art to become perfect in Turkey then they don't allow them onto the battlefield afterwards they also not tell Saskia or the other girls you know narc let's grouse about this because it might be a bit angry about restricting our to from battle hacia especially because bars go to war together they always stick together you know so Saskia will go in r2 and be which yeah they might regret that later there are till hear this from Karaman that it is a good idea and promises he won't let up that easily when in order to you know tries to become perfect in Turkey and Arthur smiles and says I won't have it any other way Kirby will take north to the waterfall and nor until actually faces hatred though this time is less powerful in order to embrace it and we'll go on to next step Niraj is about to go for the process and crime wishes him luck because he's not gonna go easy on him alright so not utilizes sharingan genjutsu because him and chroma are actually bonding and controlling your friends / brainwashing you know him is kind of like a way of keeping that friendship going if a friend did that to me they would not be my friend anymore just saying in order to engage in battle against chroma and now just kind of losing at first because he up against the tailed beasts caramel sake come on or to win this no arsenal Denley unleashes arsenal and whoa smack karma penomet Arasu and then go fist Ross and sure can stage mo combination by the way tense it was not there as he's done D at that point because he know me as Sasuke and Killer Bee well at least not yet he won't come into the picture yet to mark to act this is due to NARS already having a blossoming relationship with the nine tails that by the way so you know Naruto will earn it from Kurama and both will fist bump which will cause a second level case and to emerge and as KCM to and BG moat which is going to be very deadly ford war especially early on then after it's all done and emergence comes from the seal as narcy's to his parents Amy into and Kushina arm will tell them those are his parents in order to go up to them and hug them an hour to learn to seal was meant to activate in two situations which were merged situations or him be able to have control the nine-tails so that's pretty cool though he did reach a step higher and became friends with the actual tailed beasts you know not till then hear the story of how you know me a negotiating fell in love and neuro+ rest of us will think it's an amazing story we'll also go over story of how she kept a nine-tailed in check as she was able to get with some Aki techniques that are kept alive in a century clan and since she had two chakras well she was ill to control all nine tails she had the high charcoal like an Canon because send you again you know whose monkey they're distant cousins so yeah she was it was also learned chains and yeah Kushina was definitely very strong like she wasn't Rover cannon I would I would probably gone with like a very more complicated exclamation if I didn't think about the Kachina sands you type of stuff but you know whatever anyways I'm gonna also make this very clear before I continue Kushina amido are not related directly at all you know like mother daughter you know grandmother grant granddaughter you know that type of stuff at all okay in actual Canyon this is very true there were statements that show this that this is not the case so suppose for a never-miss starvation please okay cool anyways Kushina will then ask how Narcis go friends are and narcs which just gets extremely wide eyed as well she knows about that they both say that they some grew up as a seal stuff you know all this type of stuff you know mean so so we'll be pretty shocked that they are final fitting she's like I'm fine with it on one condition chin looks at Naruto with you know that face and says if you ever break any of those girls hearts I will come out of heaven go back to earth just to beat the living crap out of you Naruto is kinda nervous and it's like okay Kushina I mean to then feel bad that never really got to raise him and you know other parent you know he actually was raised by Makoto and fukaku so they can't really say that they're you know actual mommy and daddy the ones who raised him you know biologically they were they're his parents but you get I'm saying doctor says nor what you are my real parents and I will always love you guys like I did with Makoto and even fuga Koo they'll embrace and then Co shooting me until start to fade away as they are you know they're all out of time Naruto will say goodbye to his parents and they say goodbye to him as he hold on to each other natural smile and Carmen will then say what she could to see her biological parents for the first time Naruto nods and says yeah was Cremona and says good because I could confirm this there were good people as much as I need them they were good people Naruto nods Naruto will meet Killer Bee and Sasuke and they're all ready to join the war and are until ocinski Sami and seven will have to bail at key Sam to Naruto and Killer Bee yaki scents not gonna make it out of this I'll explain why sauce won't face no kiss on me right about now non-secure B will Balki saw me as Sasuke will sit back as you decided that you want to see how powerful Sperber got and won't only interfere if Naruto is in big trouble sami will definitely fight but key sami cannot hit Naruto because of common way which you can use wall & KCM which makes you Sammy realized Norwich has the same ability as a certain masked man Naruto will then key saw me with a sore slash with wind chakra and he displeased the amount of power to cut through you know shark skin and he hasn't even used his Bijou or she saw him yet nar tool then you know kill key salmon with your awesome shuriken and will win the battle Kirby is impressive naruto acid sasuke and they will go to the battlefield Naruto and Killer Bee and of course Sasuke will have an encounter with multiple leaf ninja and cling to the north - is very familiar with Erica and tens Oh Naruto shocked to see you know both of them here and both of them explained that they cannot allow for the past as they don't want him in the war where he could potentially be captured Sasuke is pretty angry but not just like let me handle this Naruto is not gonna listen to either of them though he does appreciate their concern and says he has to be in a war especially if they want to guarantee victory protect hope and what the powers obtained he's not gonna let you know people foolishly die for him so that's can Kobe will not with him the group will allow the you know all them to go and Naruto Sasuke and Corby will keep hanging straight for the battlefield meanwhile what we took puts on his mask and has his runnig on he and Kabuto are ready to go up against the likes of the five cog a you know eight Killer Bee Sasuke and of course Naruto they both fueled at the end of the shinobi world you know what's near and they are ready for it as they feel like they're gonna win the war a-and tonight we'll stop Killer Bee and arts like in Cannon and socia is kind of getting tired of all this but Naruto and Killer Bee will be able to pass like in Canon as a and tonight I do have faith in both of them and for Sasuke as well and Naruto Sasuke and Killer Bee will get ready to join the fights a little bit later on as they are traveling with each other Naruto and Sasuke will encounter a certain person that they are very very familiar with and it shocks him to their core and that is of course well on one hand Nagato which shocks Naruto but on the other hand you got a tattoo youichi huh yeah that's gonna be really interesting so the next part we'll go over the rest of the events of this new work and see what happens there in what could be the finale of this series in the next parts yeah I'm not kidding when I say this but anyways finger up for watching what if Naruto was half of Gaea have send you part 11 yeah I think parts well we'll be a finale to series and let's go into Bordeaux this means we're reaching the end which I'm fine with though it will be sad when the finale hits this has been a fun series decreed and if we really are reaching into series soon I'll say this it's been an honour to create this series especially the first series wherein Arum has been involved so thank you anyways make sure to suggest what would if see one for the week again that can be imposed to be linked description check out be a fill hello again it really helps me out so again check them out and finally follow me on Twitter for another way to get know if my videos Instagram for me and some more fun stuff in between and finally tremendous support for acts of supplementary content notification when life's from ahead of time and of course the bill adjusted me ideas directly we're getting closer to 10k for Norway to more exact so let's get there that is all I have to say make sure to LIKE comment subscribe it's for notifications and share the video this has been your boy the a me sage signing out peace your ha send me a close us out bye bye peace hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage yeaaah soldiers it's your blood the enemy seats coming at you in our video and this is what if Naruto is how Chia half sends you part 12 and guess what this is also finale at a series in terms of you know Naruto so this should be fun yes I know this is a possible end it's been a fun ride but all good things must come to an end anyways a word from our sponsor was sponsored by beautiful halo if you want some nice-looking ma mu apparel or clothing this is the site for you you can also use code meme I repeat code mean four five five percent off for 49 plus dollars and encode memes I repeat code memes for 10% off for seven four nine nine plus dollars also you buy stuff there also supports me so go check out people halo there links will be in the description anyways on Fri you guys will be gained hockey Naruto Park free especially fun work I guess tomorrow sorry I can get to you guys yesterday I want to make sure his family was great so you know why she might come eat up like hot guys you guys to give it updates poll see Billy slept what would if she want for the week and smartphone stuff in between so again watch my community tab like a hawk alright time for some equestrian plugs Twitter is at MSH for ant agreements and me underscore sage for and join me this course server I'll give you all reasons to fall /join join those at the end of the videos so watch until the end and alright time for you to checklist if you haven't seen the last part you know part 11 it's like that way description and if you haven't seen Sierra's ill you know check out the playlists if all the way let's get right into the finale alright Naruto and Sasuke I just met Itachi Nagato well be is also there but Naruto Sasuke are more important this situation for obvious reasons Nyko Natasha would be like well it's been a while naruto and sasuke will ask see if everything they learn from oito is true you know - Itachi attach will just turn his head to decide in a bit of guilt as he can't really know why right now yeah so right now as well Naruto Sasuke are also angry because their brother and Nagato you know can't rest in peace quick Fame I know people would love to see Naruto or Sasuke use their renege on Paris - depending on who gets them or may both of them will get it to revive you know the Jia clan and all the server type of stuff you know well there's a bit of a problem with that people need to understand that sometimes despair to let people rest in peace if you know I'm saying and member suits you acquainted achi are some of those people at Dan day we I'm gonna have to let the dead rest you know anyway Sasuke Naruto fight Itachi and I'm so who are being controlled under the arrow Tensei naruto and sasuke will actually have a bit of an advantage because he's in case seem to not record KCM nurses in feels the crow come out of stomach and entirely free like in Canon where it has come from remember those skin juice battles I mentioned the attached vs naruto and sasuke fight you guessed it he slipped into nara to during all that genjutsu that fight was also going to be the only time he could slip it in and it's kind of story because attach is very instrumental in defeating Cobb to and stop the endo tensei so Itachi will snap out of it and will be able to hold control for himself Itachi will then go after nacho and seal them up with at Osaka blade a little bit later as in like a couple seconds later Itachi goes up to naruto and sasuke and then hug them and there's a bit of a tearful moment between the two brothers attached will say I'm sorry for everything not Sasuke Naruto just hug their brother and then they break from it the hug was so great and even put a tear in killer beez I Tasha then says you two have grown so much it's amazing I'm so proud of how strong my burst had become not so we'll say it became join not too long ago Itachi smiles it's hard to think it's serious and says he has to go and deal with the castor DL tense a aka capital Yakushi Sasuke will actually volunteer for this as wants to give a Titan back up against Kabuto in our tools say he wants to come too but touch says he has to go the battlefield s he is very valuable in this war which he is because he can poppy Ram BG Susanoo Naruto understand and then it's how I shall say what will be his last goodbye to Naruto and tell him for fans one that even though he was adopted they'll always prepare us at the end of the day and he loved him when he came into the family - he will be a great old colleague in one day like his father once was you know biological father free he should take good care of those girls he has in his arum otherwise he'll rise out of the grave and play minute tsukuyomi which you know makes an artist shudder and then finally when this war doctor says he will and Sasuke Natasha will get to work Niraj will do seem so if like you didn't research can you know find it for right cog a stuff like that though in this Naruto also has his interaction phase ladies - looking finer and firing - his ladies you know what I'm saying you know because he's doing some cool stuff knifes will also catch up to tamari and will there see a certain opponent that we all know and love well one of nerf disclosed be no I'm saying Madara Uchiha also the over to interaction will be relatively same just the fact that Fuu is not there as she's stuck in hidden leaf village in a coma now in terms of versing moderate Naruto will actually stand his ground a little bit he has though been using up a lot of his energy in terms of his clone and will need to do some you know stuff ma durable then say well and to you who has wood style who are your parents Narns will say mean to achieve and Kushina send you Madara will then say I see you or Jeanette miracle a proc of the Uchiha and centric lands you're the potentials to surpass me and I am now very much intrigued how about you join me and make my dream a reality Narns will be like no I will not subscribe to your ideology why do you have some dissing traces of you because who Chia's and aware related I will not indulge this foolish plan and besides you will kill me in any ways because of my nine tails Myra and says looks like you have not read to you just a blood or you are stuck in your foolish ideals then again you are right you are an AI intelligent Turkey and I do have to take your tail piece out of you such a shame really as I hate to strange Annette miracles like you Mario does the same afar for meteor Knights will want with more power in this Canada decisive fire piston Susanoo and will destroy the mid-year moderate will be intrigued as this guy potentially yes in nine tails power supply sisters now know though it is not perfect yet in our tool then destroy the meteor and then get off it's a sauna form as the Naruto clone is to conserve some more energy tomorrow I will flashback to a conversation with Naruto he had with her before they separate during the five Kage summit arc tomorrow would say Naruto is there a possibility you could say of this war and arts will then ask why is that tamari tamari then goes on about her concerns about narcs being captured and doesn't want him to go through the same fate assertion turkey or am Allah and he also go for the same stuff gar went through and even Fuu nurse will then say I understand your fear as you know what the person you care about the most besides your siblings to die tomorrow nods Nara says fear consumes us all it's only natural it's what makes us humans as we all feel fear of death losing our loved ones losing our livelihoods losing our villages losing ourselves you were feeling that type of fear right now even though you know I'm strong because you don't want to see anything bad happen to me or if I don't join us or it is possible that this same result will happen just too late a bit and lives like yours will potentially be lost because I didn't help any of you and I don't want that I can't live with that tomorrow understands what Naruto was saying and she says she's sorry naka says it's not a problem you were just worried about me then they kiss back to bow field na roda stories of meteor and then moderate unleashes the second meteor and Archer does not want to waste chakra so Garen no key will deter feint only for moderate only suffered new year so now the mean is what you're gonna do about the third one and as catchy the five Cal you will go into battle and everything will remain relatively the same as attaching saw school to do their fame and they don't mean that Kabat so go in the east and not me Saskia will say goodbye to Itachi an autopsy ask from Sasuke's to take care of Naruto and that he has a good life especially if his girlfriend Sasuke promises he will and a touch goes up into skies above Sasuke will also go for tomorrow to get the first for Hokage and while he does want to learn more about some of the history of the you know you know the village he is more concerned about you know gain to know an artist biological father when he first for work I represent with them me until will say so you are Sasuke I heard so much about you from Nara so when you were a great brother Sasuke will say thank you Lord for and I believe that you are a great man as well I mean you gave birth to the best brother in the planet and you are the first Chia Hokage me and Oh scratch to the back of his head while tobirama kind of looks at him a bit weirdly because he's tobirama so asked you will say I believe Naruto told me about your wife Kushina send you and I chose her and I loved your story I mean to scratch the back of his head and says thanks and I heard from Naruto you have a girlfriend Sasuke will then joke and NARAS has many girlfriends himself tomorrow here in this kind of grants himself as a law he you know in made years ago was actually being put into fact he made the law because want to preserve a clan or to allow that client to not be extinct but reality just really wanted to give some guy in future the best time you know in the future and apparently it's this Naruto kid and yes apparently how would she have send you verbal comment think about where he rusyn got his little pervy nature well he does have some blood from that curse to do cheok line he does also have send you blood as well less this far doesn't seem that bad so who knows there might be some Noguchi clan members who are not affected by the curse of hatred then everyone later will head onto the battlefield and by the way quickly away for tomorrow I have you absolutely kind of have like the same advance happen like you came because Naruto probably won't survive without me and so you know I'm saying so that's so let's just say like Oh Bertram I was able to get up on Coe and he convinced his you know Sasuke to work of him and stuff like that so yeah meanwhile Naruto will smack two tailed beast in its KC MBG forum and cannot really get hit because well calmly Naruto will put Obito Kakashi and his own pocket dimension later on and nervous when Kakashi will fight Obito the fare is very strong as well some are able to do their feint to Obito Naruto also unleashed his Rasengan okay so and that bow was so resultant Obito escaping so that's people still come in clutch and we'll be able to bring the you know past okay guys twitch nurse is very happy to see Sasuke again and Sasuke hotel some stuff Itachi told him in order to smiles both the brothers will still get an alibi moderate well you know not so we have to still be distracted from him and Sasuke well you know and yeah so then the tubers will get their birds like an original canon and with naruto Zeigler powers be enhancing this game since he has the ems he has a one-eyed Rinnegan kind of similar to Sasuke so it will be in his right in the other eye I believe it's in his gum units right huh I versus Sasuke's left eye you just knew his sage of six paths mode in a way it will have the Rinnegan with some of those sage Saints and being in that sage of six paths form cloak there's also gonna be the revelation about like the ring carnations but with this type of stuff since Naruto's has like half a Chia clamp it's for an HDI clan and I would so had this like ocular powers you know the fear enhancing the original can watch love Kakashi is the perfect suit ah no I'm using that furious of wine arm so we get the Rinnegan here because Obito necessarily doesn't really have like relations to that type of stuff but he did did have his you know powers enhanced my statistics path he goes ten tails stuff like that but not but him gain a boost from oxfords chakra from the sage of six paths would allow him to get dead also next form of the Rinnegan because his aqua powers are enhanced by a lot also it'll be kind of a waste of time to you know having behalf she absentia now at least given when I run a gun so here we are also you know like if you're looking at the actual form it's just kind of like a runic gun with those you know sage lines that Naruto had and you'll also just have the cloak so that's a pretty cool design mod we'll have a rough time against Naruto and Sasuke instance both narcs and Sasuke can actually see the shadows Naruto and Sasuke will to deal with them but actually not really but you know it's moderate but you know not suicide can talk with you their work and then all of a sudden the infinite tsukiyomi will occur and Stas who will protect Sakura cash from that stuff and nervous to use his Susanoo to protect you know the girls his girls in the area so and not a you know Jaco and tamari who happened to be in an area and then by the time the other girls you know you know or they're just struck by the infinite tsukiyomi so they're kind of stuck so yeah and then when you know ecology of forms Naruto and the rest of teams don't have to deal with that but since tamari Haku and I you know can't come Naruto just has to you know get some support from them and that they hope that Naruto and you know Resident i7 wins in order to and see similar phycology and that'll go the same well relatives same as North and South people build to beat kaga a bit user in this game but during the kaga fight Naruto instead of using his clone jutsu well I'm sorry sexy jutsu he more so does they would smack with his one pole so I guess of me the meme now his gnar so hard so smacks kagu with his wooden pole to save the world oh my god also some other moments during a fight is just an honor to be on school to avoid kaga is attack with his common when stuff like that and Sasuke will be able to do around the same as he was just slightly better because he's strongest can't in this version but yeah relatively that fight will definitely definitely go to same relatively because Kai gets Katya kind of like the reason why I didn't really go into much detail with mod or because modders modder or so you know what we till was so unfortunately deines what if because honestly it's the best way to redeem his character in a way because of what he's done to the world and the alternative would be to put him in prison for the rest of his life as that's the only way you can really pay for his crimes that are be executed for his crimes anyways as life in prison might be putting a bit lately for what he's for everything's done so we're till still gonna die the big difference here is that there is no gnar for Sasuke as there's no point you know the balfour like revolution Sasuke stuff you know again this is because Sasuke is goodness what a fantastic gun for all the heart students like that and also has a brother in r2 so you know that's pretty good plus they also don't have to check out that heo stone tablet NAB as to know that black zetsu Tama fit which yeah they were pretty mad about Naruto go back to me his girls in there I wait to see him and not just have you see them as he's glad they're not stuck in the in physical yummy and he's really happy for it with his life right now it's pretty good so asking what kiss Sakura once you know that little exchange happens and now we go over the last two years Narns who will actually go meet Xian Amaro & Co Yuki and they'll join his harem as well along with Sam we and Carrie again I do not like Choa Choa neurons will also use this FF and will revive foo Orkut for more life as again she was in a coma during all this not to be glad to see Fugen and they make out which is a nice move for them anyways Danzo has enough evidence from the investigators from tsunami and Kakashi to arrest him also he was very active during the war especially if his root organization could it be he was waiting to take over and tried to undermine I by not saying reinforcements and also knows he is being investigated so this is kind of spying away hmm it kind of sounds like something Don's would do anyways Naruto and Sasuke will be there at his arrest but dunks will try to escape however nerves associated with their training able to you know catch up to him but then I have to deal with roots Kakashi gives Narron swimsuit it clear you know for killing all of them on say and Arkansas school Jude will do just set and will kill all of them in coins I have never had its character villain moon so there's no point keeping them around dance will be held off by Kakashi and then Naruto and Sasuke finish the job quick Fame with while saw C's weren't gone has more you know spatial capabilities with dimension stuff like that I'll just say Naruto later discover his where God has more time capabilities take those he will remember that is well Sasuke is running a gun you know helps him try for dimension so I like that Naruto allows him to counter you know time laid hacks and slide control time itself for him so yeah I gave him a bit of a unique run I gotta Billy they're kind of you could probably figure out where I got the influence for that so yeah marriage for Naruto's and is you know Aaron girls you know will be coming soon though they could probably do it in about a year they are turning 18 journalist so you know they they might have done it during all that when he turn 18 also no events really happened just a different way of reintroducing the movie girls as there isn't much time to have that conflict since Naruto is kind of introducing peace right now gosh she will become a cog like in Cannon and nurses having a pretty happy life I mean he decided to give the girls he loves some loving you know what I mean that level and it's fun because again they are 18 so there you go what happens for their married slot school do the same thing to Sakura which means he actually the action and did not poke her forehead to get her mmm preggers the action was actually done if you know what I'm saying Naruto and Sasuke will have some matches over the years you know some sparse of course not to death but with some of those sparse they both admit that Naruto is a stronger guy that's kind of obvious so that's pretty nice Naruto will go for the same ternary stuff though this time since there's motivation for not to you know for nacho day you know because they're already dating they just do a scenario started story sim pretty easily with his BG form and stuff like that like Naruto - at this point doesn't really need to use anything and you just like smacking with its wood or whatever it's just like nervous - it's pretty peppy in this one later on nerves to encounter talking about plans for the wedding everyone Nara has been relationship with will have the wane at the same time Nioxin company will be ready and naruto those girls are y'all ready for this and the girls to say yep and all the girls will walk down the aisle saskia zeros as his best man because why would he be an artist you know fondness one is 10 - because you know that's pretty obvious you're the vows and in artha will kiss all those girls and as he says I do to all them later on ours to go for their honeymoon we're an hour to get you know we'll do some stuff with it with his mmm 22 in sure and his clones if you know what I'm saying and yes they'll have kids all the Arab sisters love kids if I go into bore so and any one thing from you guys if I'm going to board so and that is names for the kids so type in your comment site type names in the comments below and also board so when i'm alois rebel still exist but you could give an extra kid for Ranade I don't know but those kids will still exist and one else you can you know name yourself later on Sasuke and Sakura have their wedding and not to be the best man force osseous wedding because why would you be and that we'll go nicely and in some very big news Sasuke and Sakura are actually officially married it's never really had in official way in the actual canon and of course they left Stardust that's pretty cool and if Sasuke is there for sarda during parental an entire childhood that's gonna have a bit of a different change there for a character Shikamaru will marry the glasses girl who had a crush on him you know the one who was trying to code the message and Choji will marry some random girl which would literally have the same impact as him marrying Carly and of course the rest of the girls will have you know their massive family with Naruto they have no regrets I start to us in our or so and they all love him and everyone at the end is pretty happy and that will close our story finger out for watching the finale of with Naruto was happy to you have send you it was really fun went writing a series and I would love to continue writing more mmm stories in the future as this was extremely fun we also had be really powerful Naruto that is probably got level is point anything in between I didn't even really go into details because Naruto at that point it's just like it's end in two different levels at this point and I have a feeling that Nara so would literally you know destroy certain opponents if the in its adult form I have people who complain about the series I had people who insults me over a series but damn day I gave you guys a solution I'm serious that I will look back on and be proud of because very few people would have the gumption to create something like this and let me be clear if an arm is in your fame I'm fine with that not talking to you more so some bad actors and people who think an error moon Romo soon entire series even though this is meant for fun and chips should not be taken up seriously but whatever anyways if you want me to go into board so I want 1.5 k likes so let's see what we can do from there and hockey not so on Friday that will be lit make sure to check out beautiful halo that helped me out a lot watch paints out like a hawk that's also important and finally follow me on Twitter for normal genome for my videos Instagram for Mesa and some are fun stuff in between and final miss chord first to Max's supplementary content and offe gets one lifetime ahead of time and of course the ability sesame ideas directly we're getting closer to 10 K around nearly 200 away so let's get there and that is all I have to say make sure like comment subscribe a turn offical share the video there's been your boy the enemy stage before I go nerd so we'll have the 1000 hand would go on its adult in his prime form so that I'm gonna if you want to go into more so prime Naruto and it so Calle form oh you're about to get something fun anyways this me everybody say sign out peace yard huh let me shake closes out bye-bye peace hi this is stephanie sheh voice actress for Sailor Moon Hinata Orihime and you are watching anime sage
Channel: Anime Sage
Views: 2,950,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if naruto was half uchiha half senju, what if naruto, half uchiha, half senju, half uchiha half senju, naruto what ifs, naruto, naruto shippuden, sasuke uchiha, sakura haruno, hinata hyuga, uchiha clan, senju clan, the movie, anime sage, anime, yeehaw soldiers, yorthaw, ino yamanaka, samui, what if naruto was, karui, karin uzumaki, tayuya, temari, kin tsuchi, haku yuki, tenten, obito uchiha, naruto what if, fuu naruto, itachi uchiha, gaara, madara uchiha, minato namikaze
Id: XgBoRA7d7k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 16sec (13036 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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