All Bosses Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (4K)

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so behold this scroll without a name within it is recounted and as yet unfinished tale if thy heart be drawn to its contents take up the scroll and unfurl its aged parchment i see thou are keen to know more in that case allow me to spin for thee a yarn a tail spanning the history of the ninja the story of a never-ending chain of battles raging ceaseless creation itself before even the days and settled into prosperity [Music] take summoning jutsu [Music] we need to disable its movements first what style [Music] [Music] my heart is entertaining [Music] foreign [Music] me with full force [Music] wait is that against me [Music] god perhaps this [Music] take this come on [Music] nine tails come on the tailed beast in susano i would say we're both plenty warmed up this is why i could never stop fighting your nine tails or my wood golem as you [Music] wish come on now [Music] [Music] this is in a while what's this [Music] isn't invincible this is this i'm going to blow the entire ground away not quite yes i stopped him unfortunately [Music] foreign oh you leave me no choice foreign foreign [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] the battle will never end but still the ninja keep up the fight they fight for what they believe in to follow their own true path [Music] that's the ten tails i thought the statue's bad chakra disappeared it has no emotions or ideas it's the very embodiment of the nature energy that flows through the world i intended to capture them by the time the ten tales was resurrected but they are stronger than i expected [Music] listen up first you need to keep away and watch it coordinate your attacks with how it moves to do as much damage as possible don't just be awakened it shouldn't be at full strength yet but this is your first and last shot foreign [Music] yes [Music] there is no hope [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i'll never end up like you i'm gonna be the next hokage stubborn best i was hoping to save but they've is so so let's go okay damn it it's time sorry this is it for me stop naruto shadow clones are useless now we're all just a bunch of headless chickens who's a chicken now huh what you're looking at here is the allied chinooki forces jutsu this jutsu is gonna smash you the world isn't going to [Music] carry out the mission as planned and corner the tent tails come on everyone let's go [Music] fire stop majestic cream [Music] naruto yes now's the time for your you you don't really think that was enough to end this do you ah damn it what is that it's time to show them despair look at the range that thing's got here it comes it's aiming to take out our hq that sounds like one of your tactics [Music] so there's not enough time to escape what should we do we just keep doing everything we can until the very end [Music] make contact with everyone on the battlefield everyone listen up now we have crushed the head basic combat strategy now what next we continue we continue showing them despair in my new detail wood style cutting sprigs jutsu too many what can we do stop stop medics no it's too late naruto you know that lady hinata would die for you which means your life is part of a bigger picture i think my life was part of that picture too why why you why here why would you go that far [Music] because you [Music] said i was a genius [Music] don't give up on us nedji no this can't be i thought no one was going to kill your friends this is going to happen again and again all the things you casually said all your ideals will turn into lies what do you have in this reality naruto but who said we have to live in reality just come over to our side already uh do you remember what naji said to you about your life being part of a bigger picture do you know what he meant by that he meant never letting an ally die there were no lies in his words or his ideals that he made it true in his heart it's not just you naruto we're all connecting our lives through the same feelings that are in our hearts [Music] that's what makes us friends [Music] but if we give up on that ideal now everything nedji's done will have been in vain that's what it really means to let an ally die so come stand tall with me naruto stay strong and don't break your word i won't either that's my ninja way i knew that it isn't just mom and dad i'm not alone at all [Music] hinata thank you it's all thanks to you standing by me [Music] okay enough [Music] watch this let's do this hinata okay what's that the nine tails chakra well well that little brat can pass off chakra from the nine tails not like it's going to change anything shadow [Music] so you've learned nothing from your allies death have you you're nothing but a child [Music] yes nedji's gone but naji's still alive inside of us allow me to let you in on a little secret i'm the one who created that bond you should also know that it's a powerful curse [Music] church [Music] [Music] unlike you i don't want to break the bonds i've forged with my friends and i don't want them broken you really are a child if you consider the pain of your allies deaths to be bonds then what's the use in protecting them quit trying to be a smart ass when it comes to my friends i'm prepared to bear any kind of pain i'm never gonna give up on them yeah maybe it's selfish but the thing that would hurt me most is if my friends weren't here with me period so what exactly is your point huh i commend you for pulling us down you did well it doesn't change anything in the end just makes things trickier [Music] the one and only bond between myself and the ten tails has been broken it's out of control now [Music] okay time to finish that thing ah i see you had the same idea as me naruto hold the fort here yes uh working it's actually going all out now did we make it in time yeah perfect timing dad minato fast as usual i see fourth you're a faster teleporter than even myself okay time to begin everyone what what the whole kage but how orochimaru summoned us we need to stop this war at once then you really are yeah they're the four hokage we know and love i never thought even you'd come back to life i'm so happy i'll deal with you later first we'll stop the ten tails [Music] naruto you did well take a quick rest your friend will be here soon he's on our side as well now what that looks just like naruto's i didn't want to believe it but it looks like even me see see my dad's awesome i know that even better than you do he's the man who split me apart and sealed me after all hokage it's time to move gracious deity gates he's here took you long enough sasuke what's going on is that really sasuke what the hell did you come here for [Music] why are you here sasuke a lot's happened but i've decided to protect the hidden leaf and i am going to become the hokage what i don't care how you people feel about me the previous kage are the ones who created this situation that's why i need to become the hokage and change the village simply becoming hokage won't make everyone accept you everyone's acceptance is what gets you there i'm leaving sasuke up to you leave it to me i'm the one who's gonna become the hokage i'm happy that you all admire the position of hokage but you all need to hurry up now's the time to charge your chakra we're going to crush it with a team attack [Music] i was always hiding in the back walking behind those two but that's all over now and from this day forward [Music] okay sakura do you think i'm a weak woman who'll never be able to attack them yeah team seven is finally back from the dead sakura sasuke let's go okay got it wood style wood clone jutsu my clones will create openings in the barrier shinobi unleash all of your power annihilate it [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clones in that case [Music] charge oh does yeah enough about that every member of the alliance is doing their towards best ladies that's just ridiculously big up uh uh right here [Applause] i'm going to charge thank you both of you go [Music] sasuke sasuke the tail beasts are inside that big thing once it gets weak stop the black flames then kurama and i will pull the tailpiece out no i'm going to keep burning it all away hey sasuke incinerate fine then i'll just have to your time is up hashirama this is bad at this rate yes wood style wood clone jutsu let's do this sasuke are those the they're trying to take him on yeah first the elders will investigate the situation using clones what we need to focus on now is properly analyzing our foe let's go toby rama sarutobi don't let up even for a moment not necessarily happiness your reality is is i see since the ten tales is inside me i can't weave my way through that's no problem though he took that many attacks and he's still unscathed the dead have no right to talk about the future you should simply oh no go back to sleep in the past you guys what was that he made that black ball on his back explode in size the second relax the ones that got hit were all clones oh right i forgot but that guy he's dangerous right now i have the same power as the founder of shinobi i'm incomparable to anything you've experienced obito i thought you wanted to become the hokage why did you end up like this you're trying to preach to me at this stage of the game don't you feel it's a bit too late sensei you're always too late when it counts the most i'm glad my master was the hokage thanks to that i was able to give up on becoming one he's right if i had only noticed that was obito back then i might have been able to stop him the shinobi world might not have ended up like this [Music] you were my master yet you didn't even notice it was me that's the hard truth in the end the path you walked was nothing but a total failure you weren't even able to become one what gives you the right to make fun of a hokage and he became the hokage don't you dare make fun of him it's all right i know what the truth is more than anyone from the hidden leaf more than anyone in the world more than obito you didn't make a single mistake dad i know that better than anyone else so come on let's go dad yeah let's go reality [Music] right here feel like i'm fighting with kushina yeah [Music] is it doesn't matter how much you recover i can still damage you if everyone works together we can beat anyone no matter how strong they are are you okay if it looks like it'll be too hard go behind me for a bit while i buy us some there you go acting like you're about to protect something again you won't be able to save anyone this time you couldn't save your own wife or your subordinates [Music] you'll never be able to protect anything else naruto do you know what day tomorrow is yes the anniversary of the day that minato and kushina died the day your parents died when that time comes no matter what sort of dreams you have once you die they all end in this world [Music] your parents then that means tomorrow is my birthday it wasn't the end at all because i'm in this world now so you're here in this world huh just sounds like more childish logic i'm fine with being a child but one day i'm gonna grow up but not in one of your dreams on my path to the future after i beat you [Music] let me hit you shut again take this [Music] let me [ __ ] he's so tough their actual attacks aren't anything to worry about but i can't let them get any more out of hand what let's begin this is fly away what is this [Music] sasuke are you okay just stay still you all withstood quite enough that's it just like that now this world will naruto are you done i'm going in again he's going off alone again no i won't let him go ever again wishing i had done something i didn't sasuke i'm going to jugo i know jugo's power is basically sage jutsu are they going to use that repentance always comes too late this is what you want it may come too late for me but if i let this end without doing what i need to do then i'll really be left with nothing but regret let's go yeah why do you keep resisting it's only a matter of time now before the infinite supreme no it hasn't sasuke and i are still here [Music] [Music] just enough time to defeat [Music] let me fight let me fight let me let me fight [Music] tremble [Music] [Music] you still defy i don't give up that's one of the most important lessons my master taught me the grill fight [Music] naruto with the next attack we'll finish this this world is about to die that's what being a ninja means to me you weaklings are incapable of stopping me [Music] you're the one who will never reach his goal just stay still [Music] [Music] uh you childish just go to sleep they were able to expand all of that now you're talking [Music] disappear as i watch him my hearts get out of my way [Music] [Music] nope you weaklings are incapable of stopping me to sleep [Music] yes [Music] you're nothing but mere she knowing hurry [Music] [Music] ah you weaklings are incapable of stopping me [Music] that can't be hey [Music] this is the sword of nunavuco in which the strength of my will is manifested you can no longer defeat me [Music] sasuke let's finish this hmm ah why am i seeing that now here it is the tail beast chakra pull it up yeah okay everyone all at once now one time [Music] ugh i am i regretting what i've done you told me that you were no one that you didn't want to be anyone who the heck are you no one i don't want to be anyone remember but you're actually just like me you wanted to become the hokage that's the past that i threw away my naive self putting a mask on doesn't change anything no matter what words you use the fact that your obita uchiha will never change [Music] there's no meaning in that name anymore i'm not a person anymore i'm a guide who will lead people to the next level the second sage of the six paths no your obito uchiha obito uchiha someone just like me you never knew your parents and lost someone who was precious to you and you know what solitude is that's why you wanted to become the hokage and earn people's acceptance same as me but now look at yourself we had the same dreams once but now you become the exact opposite of the hokage no what i'm doing is no different than the job of the hokage in fact i've gone a step further i can make peace a reality after all is that really what you think [Music] yes that's true there's no reason to force yourself to walk down a dangerous path that doesn't even have an end in sight you'll end up trampling over the corpses of your allies if there were another path that was faster with a clear end everyone would choose it what are you talking about i don't want to know how to walk down some easy path i want to know how to walk down the dangerous one would you still say the same thing if they both ended at the same point who taught you that one path was dangerous in the beginning you won't really know for sure until you walk down it the hokage is the person who walks in front of everyone and bears all the pain [Music] he'll never have to walk over the corpses of his allies there's no such thing as an easy path for someone who becomes the hokage once you become one there's no turning back right the path you're walking down is the path of running away that's why i can't let you keep going and drag everyone else into it come over to my path as obito uchiha as a ninja of the hidden leaf and make up for what you've done [Music] no i abandoned obito uchiha i'm stop trying to hide yourself you're you stop running come over to our side [Music] what what are you why are you confusing me i finally got this far i'm not running i'm not in the wrong [Music] stop trying to hide yourself i'm not hiding [Music] i'm i'm i'm i'm [Music] okay [Music] peace you aren't just a nobody and you aren't the sage of the six-pack i'll keep some distance [Music] is right here do you think your friends wanted you to end up this way just wake up already what are you afraid of you should get it by now you've already found the answer inside of yourself i'm stop trying to act tough stop hiding yourself i'm your obito uchiha from the hidden leaf village who wanted to become the hokage my dad kakashi sensei and i won't abandon you we've been watching you the whole time why did you push yourself when you're this hurt come on you can't just act tough and hide your wounds you can't be so stubborn all the time obito you said you were going to become the hokage right then saving you means saving the world right do your best obito i believe in you become the hokage and save the world in a really cool way [Music] let's go don't betray what's really important to you [Music] what's still there deep in your heart whatever's connected to that isn't the you that's here right now you get it don't you you're oh bring it on already you idiot naruto and stop underestimating our power did i lose [Music] green kakashi sensei i'll tell you the details later for now let me finish things with him dad naruto can you leave this to us and head over to modera seal kakashi and i need to speak with obito let's go sasuke [Music] do you remember all the missions the four of us completed as a medical ninja green did her best to protect you two [Music] she never wanted this to happen but i'm responsible for this outcome i'm sorry i couldn't protect her [Music] rain rain was the only light i had after i lost her my view of the world changed it became a pitch black hell there was no more hope in the world i began walking again under the guise of madara which only reinforced what i already realized even with this shot and gun i couldn't see anything nothing i don't know the truth either i'm not really sure how to say it but i looked really hard and tried to see something and with your sharingan and your words i felt like i could see it see what naruto why do you trust him so much because i'm positive that he won't fail any worse than you did why because when he falls down i'll help him [Music] why would you help him [Music] because he doesn't give up on the world or on his dreams that's just the kind of guy he is [Music] and that way of living draws others to him [Music] when it seems like he's going to fall we naturally want to help him could something like that actually exist in this hill you would have been able to see it if you really tried to we have the same eyes after all it may be that once you gather friends who you can trust hope becomes something you can actually see at least that's what i think obito you can't be so stubborn all the time let's go maybe i feel bring it on already you idiot the same way guys here now takashi where's naruto he was fighting here wasn't he naruto is getting healed in another spot right now now until naruto gets back here we need to buy as much time as we can listen up guys i'll take this from here on out the blue beast will take charge you have spirit i'll give you that but that's all you've got [Music] that's what men my guy is [Music] [Music] is [Music] history for me you will show your persistence [Music] [Music] finished already that was so close looks like you can dance a little but it still won't work on me what will it be surely you must be out of options by now if the current me is out of options then i just need to bring out the next me what's he talking about it's time for the noble leafs blue beast to say goodbye and transform into the crimson beast you are not gonna open up the gate of death no you can't do that no one wants you to go that far it'll end up taking your life no this is what i want guys insane has the time really come guys sensei remember you already proved it to me what i want to prove that even if i can't use ninjutsu or dinjutsu i can still become a great ninja [Laughter] yes it's a fine goal a fine gold worthy of pursuit so you just need to trust in your own path and keep running become strong so that just watching you makes me smile guys sensei please accept me this time i am going to make my ninja waste shine once and for all my mother gave me this strong body and my father gave me the flames of youth i received the pain of defeat from my friends also i received the ability to treasure the act of protecting my own ninja way from you i'm satisfied now i just need to protect it till the very end lee watch my back this will be your very last lesson yes sir just give it up already the time has come for me to protect what i love even if it kills me paint inner gates creative depth open [Music] eight inner gates release formation interesting i need to protect them [Music] it looks just like a winner light by the way this will be your final battle enjoy this battle fine i shall admit as far as [Music] [Music] [Music] yes keep dancing [Music] [Music] hold up what a guy [Music] uh i withstood it this victory is mine what is this feeling that was guy's final move guys sensor [Music] guy sensei what is that wait a second even though he opened the gate of death his wounds are getting worse he's alive what guy isn't dead he's still really lee hurry up and take guy to the medical team yes sir someone saved guy but who there aren't many people who can make me feel even the inkling of a threat that is why i was easily able to notice you over and over how many times do you need to hinder me before you are satisfied naruto uzomaki [Music] is that naruto that man is gone did he burn up into ash and disappear i saved bushier brow sensei saved him what are you talking about i don't quite understand it myself i feel like i can change everything now [Music] seems like something happened to you [Music] but in the end nothing will change you cannot defeat me i have the power of the six i'm not gonna defeat you stupid we're gonna defeat you mother sasuke you too what's with them how how can they go this far this is am i dead you are dead huh this is the world of your mind just consider yourself in the space between reality and the afterlife uh who are you old man i am a monk who's come to watch and see how ninchu ends surpassing all generations traversing this world with chakra alone my name is hagoromo atsutsuki the founder of ninju also known as the sage of the six paths what the guy who created ninjutsu uh if you're the sage then i have a lot of questions for you the questions can come later first you should listen to what i have to say no you must as the reincarnation of asura it's also your duty huh asura what the heck are you talking about allow me to explain everything from the beginning about my sons and my mother my mother kaguya atsutsuki came to your land from a very distant place she came to harvest the fruit of the divine tree in this war you saw the divine tree as well didn't you she harvested its chakra fruit she ingested the fruit acquired its power and then came to rule this land but a power that's too strong creates conflict in the end people both worshiped her as the rabbit goddess and feared her as a devil then kagaya gave birth to two sons one of them was me in order to atone for the sins that our mother left behind we fought with the ten tales the incarnation of the divine tree the divine tree had gone berserk and was trying to reclaim the fruit that had been taken from it it was a violent battle we were both wounded but we persevered achieved victory and sealed the ten tales inside me [Music] then some time passed and i fathered two sons i named the elder one indra the younger one asura and taught them about ninju they were both my sons but there was one big difference between them one possessed genes that had strongly inherited my chakra while the others was rather weak indra was truly a genius he could do anything on his own and took pride in how he was different from other people in contrast asura never seemed to succeed in anything and he wasn't able to achieve anything on his own therefore he always put forth effort and depended on help from his allies they also answered asura's calls for help which created harmony through watching how asura lived i caught a glimpse of a new possibility that's when i decided to entrust ninju to asura but indra wouldn't accept it and thus began a long long battle the feud didn't end between indra and asura even after their bodies died their chakra never disappeared and over time they were reincarnated over and over again naruto earlier i told you that you were the reincarnation of asura now do you understand and the current reincarnation of indra is sasuke exactly indra's chakra dwells within sasuke my son's chakra moved from hashirama and madhura to you two even now after decades and centuries the brothers battle continues so this whole time great grandpa you've been watching your kids fight with each other yes i suppose you could say that huh through ninju i tried to explain that chakra was here to connect individuals but kaguya used chakra only for herself and unified the world with its power but unification through power is nothing but a rampage therefore she became a being to fear the same could be said for matara now if he continues to acquire power then eventually i want you to stop madura the circumstances your will i feel something special in you compared to all the other vessels so far that's why i'd like to place a bet on your potential i've already placed that bet myself me too hey why are you inside me oh we shall pull a part of shukakus and my chakra out from manure he knew that there were a few tail-based powers that you were lacking lacking did you forget you've been receiving chakra from sources other than shukaku and kyuki for some time oh you mean from back then you're right the other tail beast did share their chakra with me earlier it took a while but now all the tail beasts are together which means the promised time has come naruto it really seems like you do have a certain charm that invites others to help you is kuruma naruto what do you want to do how do you hope this battle will end i'm an idiot so i don't really get all that asura reincarnation stuff but i know what it means to have friends and i want to protect that that's all so that's your answer yeah entrusting everything to asura is what created this calamity now i'd like to entrust my power to you as the reincarnation of indra whatever happens beyond this point naruto sasuke that's up to you sasuke isn't my real brother but i know that we can come to an understanding after all we're really good friends now raise your dominant arm i never thought they would be able to push me back hear me weakling who harbors fear a voice take me inside you take it all take all of the divine tree inside you do that and infinite power will be yours [Music] i never thought the divine tree itself would bestow me with power naruto uzumaki sasuke i have now acquired perfect immortality for all eternity no matter how strong you get you will never be able to stop me we haven't even fought yet and you're already jumping to conclusions so be it then this shall be our final battle [Music] limbo how [Music] limbo [Music] dance you creep can't get away don't get too worked up that's exactly what he wants i should be able to mix this fight um oh my god he moved [Music] he switched places with the shadow this is bad kakashi sensei's over there [Music] finally are you sure about this yeah hurry up and take my left eye and i don't think so can we sakura where [Music] the left eye where's obito i thought madara jumped over too yeah he did but then obito let me escape kakashi sensei can i see that left eye for a minute huh okay kakashi sensei open your eyes no way how did you do that hmm well it's kind of hard to explain so that's how you saved guy yeah enough talking he'll be here soon he must have both of the negan eyes now he won't be like he was before prepare yourselves yeah you haven't forgotten what i taught you during your first bell training have you [Music] of course not teamwork then [Music] dying together is also a special type of teamwork is it not [Music] obito isn't here anymore this body is mine now i gathered up the tail beast chakra and acquired the power of the divine tree and now i have acquired both renegade eyes you could even say that i have surpassed the sage of the six paths himself i have reached the realm of the gods through a god's eyes you look like nothing but a bunch of tiny brittle creatures [Music] planetary devastation ah sasuke [Music] did you figure it out yeah he has four shadows now [Music] planetary devastation and the shadow susanoo quite the combo keep dancing for me i never expected just stay there now just don't interfere [Music] you possess extraordinary ability compared to the true battle chain begins [Music] now oh entertain me [Music] sasuke be careful i have a bad feeling so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] i'm ready i'll miss my chance [Music] i'll end your pathetic lives here [Music] he's gone uh are you okay [Music] i cannot hold back any longer i can't miss it yes enough already let's finish it with this next move sasuke yeah solely foreign in dreams dreaming is the only way for us about your dreams your dream ends here you are the owner planetary sasuke we're not done oh oh how could i fall to you maggots i cannot believe it you have pushed me this far amazing there is no other word to describe it but i am the one who will get to see his true dream come true i've been waiting for this moment the entire time and no one's going to get in my way according to that stone monument we're the one who possesses the power of the renegade nears the womb and i will open in the moon in order to activate the infinite dream this is bad now sasuke looks like they noticed just at the last moment oh well it's already finished shine over the world infinite tsukuyomi now become one what's going on it is finished divine genesis world of trees as of now all your friends are sound asleep it looks like it didn't work on sasuke susano though i should have expected as much but this battle is over now as the messiah i have severed the connection between cause and effect in this world with my own hands and all people have been freed from the futility of pain and anguish right now your friends are enjoying the happiness of the infinite tsukuyomi as they drown in its sweet dreams this is the true dream i have always wanted i changed hell into heaven you should understand by now it's all over i'm not gonna let things end here we're still here and as long as we are there's no way this is gonna end maggots black zetsu this is your last mission help me crush them yes lord madara is that what you thought i'd [Music] say how dare you madara you aren't the messiah nor are you the end what are you talking about i am the one who created you you are my very will and nothing more [Laughter] wrong the will inside me doesn't belong to you my will is the will [Music] and i've been waiting for this moment the entire time the moment when you complete the infinite tsukuyomi and use up all your power yeah you win great [Music] what what's going on sasuke that guy yeah he just said kaguya kaguya the sage of the six past mom don't tell me this is chakra [Music] ah yes [Music] [Music] oh but a power that's too strong creates conflict in the end people both worshipped her as the rabbit goddess and feared her as a devil [Music] sasuke yes i'm sure of it now this is the one who great grandpa was talking about this is the mother of the sage of the six paths these two are hagaromo and hamura no indra and asura no mother they're naruto and sasuke the two vessels of reincarnation black setsu he's changed somehow finally now mother has been resurrected i can return to her side just who are you a child of my mother kaguya what are you talking about you probably don't know this but my mother was sealed by the hands of the sage of the six paths hagaromo and his younger brother hamura just before she was sealed i was born from the very last ounce of her power born with a mission to revive her why would great grandpa do that i thought he sealed the ten tails looks like you don't quite understand what the ten tails really is that thing isn't really the divine tree it's my mother herself what not even hagoromo knows this he didn't even know that i've been working to revive her this entire time the ten tales was kaguya if that's the truth then that means you must have gotten close to madra and used him all for the sake of unsealing and reviving her that's right i made him think that he created me then worked as his shadow to enact the infinite tsukuyomi since the infinite tsukuyomi is capable of gathering so much chakra it was the sole way of reviving her of course madhura wasn't the only one i used i used everything i could get my hands on i fed the fire of interest jealousy toward asura through his descendants i even controlled the uchiha clan as it suited me [Music] people wills traditions history you really did use all of that remember it's the whole reason i was born while my mother was gone i wrote down everything and created history in other words the path that you all walked the story of the shinobi was merely a story that i created in order to resurrect my mother naruto it doesn't matter how hard you glare at me right mother [Music] oh that's right you've been sealed for so long did you remember the faces of your children they're your enemies though the ones who stole your chakra [Music] yes that's right i hate them here she comes this is insane yeah you belong to me it's time to gather up all my chakra and unify it once more naruto you know what to do yeah we can just seal her again let's do it [Music] crazy you realize she has yet to utilize her true power right yeah leave it to me [Music] okay guys here i go [Music] yes that's it i'll leave the rest tonight on a completely different level than yours we can't even think about stealing her yet finding an opening alone is gonna be a battle i know [Music] she's getting slower now naruto now obito you're awake kakashi i'm not dead let me give you a quick rundown this is our chance mother oh so that's what happened but how are we going to stop kaguya [Music] sasuke and i will figure he disappeared something must have happened to the host that made it impossible to retain the clones i can't move [Music] dammit you're not allowed to touch them him obito they just keep coming out everyone escaping will take some time i need to keep her busy until then [Music] i can't let you go out there alone let me help i'll help too i can spare a little chakra mother if we don't stop them they're going to keep annoying us let's take them out first [Music] i need to withstand this until naruto and sasuke can escape the ice that's all i can do right now this will be my final repentance [Music] kakashi sakura back me up [Music] of a multitude of mistakes something so small don't you realize that you're about to be crushed i won't get crushed [Music] uh there's nothing you could possibly do here think of me as a wall all i need to do i wish i could give you another chance [Music] [Music] you think of me as a wall take it from here [Music] [Music] fly [Music] yeah they got passed thanks obito we'll take it from here how can dying maggots be this persistent mother let's just kill them right there yes the gravity here is super strong my body feels so heavy but it looks like she's used up a lot of chakra as well are you all right mother let's hurry up and finish this then leave this dimension i no longer have the power [Music] to defeat her which means the only thing i can do now i must protect naruto and sasuke even if it kills me i must protect them [Music] obito you kakashi just stay here for now him why look at your face now i get to be all alone with rain you'd only ruin things kakashi you really taught me a lot and you probably still have a lot of suffering left waiting for you but just make sure you stick to your ninja way all the way to the end stay strong and don't break your word is that how it went yes that's it naruto i just know you'll become the hokage yeah [Music] and kakashi eud better not come and join me for a while survive until the very end what come on kakashi don't give me that face don't make a face like that for trash like this what's this feeling it feels like it's bubbling up from inside me oh that's it i'm happy [Music] at the very end i got to stand right next to my friend i get it that's why i'm smiling you don't need to be merciful towards someone who's this guilty kakashi i just want you to send me off thank you for everything let's go [Laughter] why are you getting so desperate the only thing you can change is the order that you die in you're all such fools don't laugh at my friend [Music] the shotting gun but how your eye was stolen this is the power that obito left to me at the very end that little worm he kept screwing with my plans right to the very end but it's fine mother they're all just mine that power is mine mother my power calm down mother oh no she really must have used up too much power she started to lose her mind who said you could use that i will not permit any more foolish actions committed with my chakra what obito thank you i'll use the power you lent me to protect them and the world this power is nothing like the first seen so far it's working it's pretty fast [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] uh it's okay if i use up all my finishes [Music] yo [Music] uh don't worry i won't die no matter what you okay looks like i'm nearing my limit but not even she can withstand all that damage what what is that is that one of those balls that i have behind me but it's way bigger than those that's are you okay mother she can't even hear me anymore i never thought i'd see her like this i am the mother of all chakra pieces of my chakra cannot stop me what what above you it's starting to fall [Music] the chakra must be unified the chakra must be unified you're going to die and she's going to absorb you it's the final path that remains for you this is it the end of shinobi history [Music] naruto sasuke sakura do you have any intention of following the final path he's talking about not at all of course not shinobi history is something that's super heavy and it's been going on for a long time defined by the way that although shinobi lived and died [Music] it isn't something that you two can mess around with and i'm not gonna let it end [Music] we're going to protect the history of shinobi stupid ninja no matter how much you howl you'll never get another future now disappear this is the end let's do this sasuke sakura yeah let's go [Music] do you think i am [Music] [Music] we have hardly any time left [Music] this is we're out of time we'll just have to keep attacking over and over again [Music] you just underestimated us too much don't underestimate us shinobi [Music] you cretins ready yeah [Music] oh uh ah impossible the mother of all chakra lose to these offspring hmm how should i put this my first impression is i hate you all as of now i love you all hmm [Music] what hey korema i'm finally free and took long enough sorry but now it's all over you all seem like you're ready to celebrate but how are we gonna get out of here oh right relax i figured something out we can use the sage of the six paths power too take us back looks like you're all safe great grandpa wait what why are you here i borrowed a bit of chakra from both of you when we were in your mental space i just used that to take you back to the real world bringing you back here was a necessity you see naruto and sasuke sakura and kakashi you did an excellent job saving the world i doubt you would have been able to seal my mother even if one of you had been missing [Music] especially you two naruto and sasuke if you hadn't come together you wouldn't have been able to stand up to her let alone seal her and you'll need to stay that way great grandpa you don't need to say anything else i see then i'll leave the rest to you too it's about time we were on our way [Music] now the reanimation jutsu will be undone you may have fought together with them but i can't just leave you all here forever [Music] light what you said to the sage [Music] i believe you take good care of the hidden leaf and the shinobi world there's nothing left for us to do here just like saaru said we will leave the rest to you [Music] madara you're going yeah with you [Music] in the end my dream was crushed and it was connected to your dream too you rushed things too much there was no reason for us to perfect our dreams during our generation we should have focused on how to entrust our dreams to those who come after us that's the important thing either way we're going to die now [Music] next time we meet let's have a drink together on the other side [Music] as old war buddies naruto dad before i disappear there's something i wanted to say to you happy birthday [Music] uh thanks i wasn't able to stay here for very long but i was still able to see how much you've grown i'll tell kushina everything tell tell her i've eaten a lot of stuff with granny so i'll be fine i eat tons of stuff i'm never picky i take a bath almost every day sometimes i go to the hidden leaf hot springs too but everyone says that i never stay in long enough to really soak and i made a lot of friends they're all good people and uh um anyway i wasn't able to do everything she told me [Music] but i really tried hard i have a dream too i want to be a hokage who surpasses you dad and i'm gonna make it come true no matter what tell mom on the other side tell her that she doesn't need to worry about me at all then i'm gonna be fine [Music] okay i'll tell her everything [Music] and so the fourth great ninja war which caused massive destruction and took many lives came to an end some became light and disappeared while others were left behind their various emotions created new connections and began to turn the pages of shinobi history once more now i'm returning to the other side too but before i leave i want to ask you something naruto and sasuke after fighting my mother kaguya did your answers change mine hasn't for a very long time my wish has always been to protect my friends i see ah that reminds me what happened to all the people who got hypnotized by the infinite tsukuyomi i want to hurry up and save them all undoing the jutsu is a simple thing with your tailed beast chakra naruto and you're in a gun sasuke you simply need to make the co-seal oh that's surprisingly easy sasuke yeah what about you the answer you gave back then i don't mind if you free them but only after i execute the five kage while they're still hypnotized what sasuke are you still planning on getting revenge sasuke what do you want what do you desire from the end of this battle i want to know the honest truth [Music] the previous kage are the ones who created this situation i'm going to become the hokage and change the village and the hokage you become what exactly will that be if you really want to know i'll tell you it's true that up until now destruction and revenge were my only goals but that's changed i'm going to destroy and then rebuild i'm going to create a village a world without darkness in other words what i wish for is revolution planetary devastation just hold on for a second now no one is left to stand in my way besides you not at all i suppose it really was too good to be true indra and asura will always follow the same paths no the brothers battle is going to end here you know where we need to go right [Music] [Music] i [Music] i know there's nothing i can do despite how much i care about him how much i love him i can't follow him i can't die with him even now all i can do is stamp my feet and cry i'm so pathetic but but sasuke if if you have even the tiniest spot in your heart for me then please don't go off somewhere again you really are annoying you didn't have to use genjutsu on her as well sakura just wanted to save you you tried to kill her once and she still just keeps shedding tears for you because loving you is torturing her [Music] that may just be a chain from our failed past [Music] sasuke [Music] i promised sakura [Music] a long time ago that i'd bring you back to the village [Music] sensei you know what my ninja way is right here i go yeah i'm counting on you [Music] you don't have any parents or siblings how could you understand you've been alone from the very beginning what could you possibly understand about me huh [Music] i've already severed my bond with you i told you already you have no siblings or parents you couldn't possibly understand this is none of your business [Music] i knew you'd be here this sure brings back memories sasuke just like before you're going to lose here i won't let you land any of the punches you did last time and i won't hand the title of hokage to you either you don't understand what it means to be the hokage i told you what i desire is revolution the hokage i speak of is nothing like yours my brother was born in the shadows and protected the village from the shadows you understand how he lived right that's the hokage i want to become moving in the darkness caring about the village accepting all the hatred and working for peace to that end it doesn't matter how much i have to dirty my hands i'll accept all the hatred that's born from that i don't have a father a mother or a brother i'm all alone [Music] i can carry the hatred all by myself yes the hokage i want to be will burn down the darkness of all five kage with his own flames then feast on the ashes to survive you're completely misunderstanding how hitachi lived there are some things you can't do alone like in the battle with kaguya things won't always go well like these two statues and us like us brothers in the end what this world needs is revolution i'll take care of all the darkness from the past and restart things with a pure unwritten future are you saying you're going to cut off all your memories of team seven yes i'm going to cut off my past i won't let you do that i learned everything from people of the past it's because i had my friends that i was able to keep moving forward they're what created the me that's here now i'm never gonna let you cut that away [Music] then you must know what you need to do [Music] oh that's right as of now idealistic things that have no place in my revolutionary you're going to die here not at all [Music] no matter what my dreams will come true how many times do i have to tell you you can't beat me looks like you've still got some fighting all i need to do is erase you and then no one will be able to stand in the way of my revolution [Music] go [Music] foreign [Music] this will finish everything no you won't kurama and i are gonna stop you and all of our connections with our allies and everyone else including you of course god now now i'm all alone what's wrong don't tell me you've given up already is it really that easy for you to discover your connection it isn't is it [Music] just like obito and me your connection with sasuke can't be severed that easily remember you didn't just reconnect kakashi and me my heart was so hardened yet you and it wasn't just me you opened up a lot of other people's hearts as well enemies [Music] people surrounded by hatred [Music] people who rejected the other villages people who were hurting inside [Music] even the tailed beasts [Music] you were even capable of solving the problems of the world itself now there's only one person left it should be easy for you to save a stubborn friend right yeah you'll be fine remember that you bear the encouragement of all those people on your shoulders the connections you've made with your teachers and your peers the hopes of your friends if you don't have enough power then just borrow it from their hands because naruto that's all the power that you created [Music] your heart isn't dead yet if he's submerging himself in darkness then just use your hands to pull him back up and if he tries to shake you off then scream to wake him up there's no such thing as a feeling that cannot be conveyed everyone believes in you naruto you make the impossible possible naruto that's why you need to get back up already don't be afraid to look stupid as you struggle that is the naruto we all know you can do it connections don't disappear you need to harden your fist and stand up again keep that fire in your eyes let out a roar come on sasuke's waiting for you this is all for your sake for the sake of the future for the sake of your friend forward not not yet i'm not letting you leave just yet sasuke why over and over over and over and over why do you keep doing this what's wrong with you just what are you your friend i told you i can't leave you alone remember you're still saying that after all this i told you already i have no intention of going back and i told you that i have no intention of giving up it doesn't matter what you say to me i'll never change my mind i'm just gonna keep reaching out my hand to you until the very end until i reach you my will won't change either i'm going to cut you down in order to end the path i've walked so far i won't give up on you in order to keep my path connected neither of us has much power left yes this is the true end the stronger the connection the more it torches on their own [Music] sasuke you were good at everything and then no matter what you say now i'm not changing i'm still going to destroy each and every person in the leaf including you either defeat me and become the hero who saves the village or fall to me and just be known a pitiful loser those are your only choices [Music] just like i did before then don't you won't lose anymore [Music] dammit i wanted to be i've ever had like this [Music] you've never been born [Music] right here [Music] you [Music] hey what are you doing you can't do that can you i'm awesome how teddy can you be you should be ashamed of yourself you should play more with the rest of us if you just play with us a little more oh wait what am i saying stupid stupid stupid did you just confuse yourself [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this time [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] now do you finally get it see if you move the wound will open why are you so obsessed with standing in my way i acquired this strength so i could cut everything off and enter the darkness naturally everyone tried to break their bonds with me at least once but you you never did why are you so determined to stay involved with me how many times do i have to tell you don't you get it by now just answer me because we're friends just what is a friend to you you can't explain something like that with words but whenever i see you trying to carry everything on your shoulders like that it hurts it hurts so bad that i just can't ignore you [Music] naruto i know that you've always been alone just like me you felt alienated in the village but unlike me you did stupid things to try and get people's attention back then i thought you were an idiot a weakling but deep down inside i was interested in you too [Music] then we both grew and ended up on the same team i did missions together with you while you kept going on and on about how you wanted to become the hokage and as i felt us growing stronger together i decided that i wanted to fight you someday [Music] [Applause] then i started to see team seven as my own family that's why whenever i saw you in pain yes i also hurt when i understood your pain that's when i first thought of you as a friend but in return as i saw you grow exponentially strong i just couldn't ignore you you had a strength that i lacked you were always walking in front of me just like my brother did [Music] and the same is true today you ah guess it's too soon for you to move just when i thought i could punch you to wake you up huh [Laughter] what you still want to keep fighting of course i'll fight you as many times as i accept it huh i lost [Music] you idiot this isn't about winning or losing my friend was sulking so i just thought i'd punch him to wake him up that's all [Music] hey naruto i accept you if i die here the chain of war that's been continuing since the time of the sage of the six paths will come to an end this is another type of revolution i'll decide this issue myself once and for all how can you decide anything by dying you might as well live on and help me instead if you're just gonna do that what i want to do is cooperate with all the shinobi [Music] including you of course who says everyone else will agree to that oh come on go on spout some more crap like that i'll punch you again there's no telling when i may stand up to defy you again in the future you won't do this kind of thing anymore can you be sure of that don't make me repeat myself [Music] just what are you we're friends why are you so obsessed with me because we're friends why are you so determined to stay involved with me how many times do i have to tell you don't you get it by now just answer me come on you're the one who still doesn't get it now that i think about it i guess you always have been surprisingly dense [Music] shut up you loser [Music] i knew they'd be here kakashi sensei yeah go to them [Music] i'm not gonna lose to you say whatever you want you brain dead loser enough naruto shut up already [Music] so he's finally returned [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we used to be all alone starving for love children who were festering with hatred we went our separate ways and fought but not at all you never cut me off you just kept moving closer to my heart even though it would have made sense for you to attack me with hatred you told me i was your friend and no matter how much i hurt you you accepted me as one i was only saved thanks to you we used to do nothing but quarrel and now we can feel the pain of each other's hearts and this isn't just between us it may be something that can be said in a much larger scope [Music] to be honest you should have been thrown in jail for what you did the reason you were pardoned is because you made a great contribution to stopping the infinite tsukuyomi but don't forget that me becoming the sixth hokage and naruto's appeals were a big part of that as well don't do anything too crazy anymore or else i'll have to take responsibility for it thanks i appreciate it do you really have to go now i want to know how the shinobi world how this world looks to me um what if i asked you if i could come along this is also a journey of repentance you have nothing to do with my sins nothing to do with them huh see you later thanks [Music] you still have that i'm giving it back how about i keep it until our next battle [Music] but i could never do things like you could it was never that easy for me that emotion felt like a prayer i'll just have to bear this until i can really do it and the ones who have been tasked with that are us [Music] naruto [Music] ninja there is a chain that began from creation and continued through the atsutsuki never ceasing people became shinobi and created clans and villages even during peaceful interludes the flames of war never died out but grew ever stronger along with hatred [Music] and so those two continued to face each other fighting on and on [Music] however a single ninja was able to sever that chain and cultivate a new future he created best friends followed them challenged them and connected them [Music] his will gradually came to encompass all shinobi the world and all its hatred until it came to reveal a new path here the handbook that encompasses everything about the way of the shinobi reaches its conclusion now it's time to give that handbook a title [Music] and so it will be named [Music] the tale of naruto uzumaki you
Channel: Koshinya
Views: 2,791,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All Boss Battles Naruto Storm 4, All Boss Battles, Boss Battles Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Boss Battles, All Boss Battles Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, All Bosses, All Bosses A4E, All Bosses All 4 Evolution
Id: GaoQdT7XOsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 42sec (13662 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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