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ah Oh buddy what's going on everyone's aroma here along with Tootie and welcome welcome to the first episode of our astronaut I am so excited for doing this so everyone on my channel you guys are probably I told you already did the first episode that doesn't count that's not that was just a test run and Jerome and I were like do this is so much fun let's do a series together so here we are guys on a new planet a new world ready to do this trip aren't you excited I'm very excited cuz dude look at the spawned we got we're so lucky we got compound literally right next door babe I know look at all this compound everyone watching is pretty much you make a bunch of stuff make your base better better and eventually go to other planets and you just keep on I guess for the most part I think that's a perfect way to put it we just try to get as far as we can we can make like spaceships and vehicles and we can build super cool things and technology so it's it's kind of like a mixture of like I mean it's kind of like a like a sky island survival kind of thing where we just start off with nothing and we just have to like see how far we can get so there we go make sure you don't run out of oxygen mr. Jerome yep I have a little bit left and there's still so much compound here so 2d you know you keep digging beneath the compound you find C core compound and I'm sure they're there some nice because the great potato though I know Trump we need to make a monument to the grape or date Oh oh my gosh there's so much compound we missed yeah I know okay hold up my entire unit I know I know it's crazy we have so much compound already tethers it's probably the smartest move first yeah I said we're gonna make like not a ton maybe like one or two oxygen filters oh I'm gonna make so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna make myself a small generator and I'm gonna put the generator up on my back right there so as you can see drum you see you see my back right here to see this little thing like on to the left of my head it's a generator and so if I run out of power which is the yellow bar and the back I can't mind anymore right so I'm a generator I can put like resin and stuff in there to power up my backpack in case I run out but that's cool and also can use the landing pad I'm gonna get absolutely so this call it in and burn and it drops it from the sky we got new things perfect perfect okay so if whoops I didn't want to do that so we have ourselves right here a starting platform as well as a medium printer so Jerome where do we what so if you grab the starting platform you pick it up you can rotate it with znx and we plop that bad boy down wherever we want to have ourselves a basically where we want a printing platform let's put it right there all right perfect if you hold me you can unpack it there we go fantastic so now what we got to do is we have to connect it to power so we're gonna take our cable plug and then a whoops oops Oh does it not reach because that's problematic um um oh my gosh um I don't know if it reaches oh oh no can no does it not reach here drop there we go dude I was like no fail already and if you noticed room you see look you see the nails right here like holding it down short right here if you plug it in the nails plug go down and now you can't move it anymore oh wow okay but if you unplug it I'm assuming you can the nails come back up and you can move it around okay good so now what we can do Jerome is if you take that the medium priority yep you put it on the platform and then from there you can open it up great look at that bad boy boom we need resin now if we're going to be able to make anything though and for people-watching the whole point of a printer is you could print out different materials and things that you might need even like different pieces of the facility will call out I don't know what we want to call it but the facilities yep the base the facility that whatever the whatever you much you want to call it thing in my bother I actually see well first look let's mine up all the compound in here I know there's still more hidden compound in here but I know there's gotta be some posit that some already and there's another deposit off to the side - exactly so I'm gonna make some tethers and we can start trying to explore get some res maybe we can start building some stuff I would love to get like a vehicle of some kind which would be awesome Oh much hidden compound I know it's amazing I'm so glad we were able to get that right off this right off the bat okay so can i if we find resin can we make storage devices first I think that's a Fant oh my gosh drone to respawn next to a Kate look at that game drums over hey Jeff I know - hey you almost killed me you're fine you're fine it's not being a baby okay I'm gonna oh my gosh okay we need to make a walking path down I know I'm making I'm making a path right now I can't believe you almost killed me you're fine named Jerome all right let's see can you get up oh yes we can all right perfect I'm gonna tear each other down here - all right boom oh there we go look at this all right I don't know that that green thing looks kind of so my best she's full so I might actually walk this in what way we're a drum what you can do is before you do that you have two slots on the top of your backpack which are normally used for items but if you don't have anything there you can store it there very at the very top I should be able to does it not let you I thought it said you can any weight I guess not no well the tutorial said you feather tisk tisk the tutorial said you could - I'll just a literally drop it here it's not gonna disappear in this short of a timespan no no no no yeah we'll be more than fine I'm gonna oh whoops I dropped my tether too far away I got a we're gonna I love how much this game has changed the last time I played is looking at my channel was December of 2016 right so so much has changed by this game and I think the best part about it is the game still says it's an alpha even though it comes out with update after update oh that's poisonous I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna make an air filtration system which is right well I tried picking em your thing but it didn't work does it okay I tried though okay I'm just gonna walk past it and hopefully nothing bad happened Oh Oh underneath the pool you can suck up the poison things you know cuz they write organic material oh my goodness Jerome what do you find what'd you find I found the exit to the cave with the natural resources stuff unhook this big stuff yeah what is it called it's quartz Oh literally just quartz okay how long till I mean we might need it soon enough although resins like so basically compound a resin or like the beginners stuff and then right like the supernatural beginner stuff exactly so that's kind of what we're looking for is I really want to find us some resin because we need that so we can start making storage containers storage units I'm gonna try and absorb this thing okay I can't I was pretty poisonous I'm saying you do that all the poisonous plants that I came to you just for the natural organic material I think getting as many materials as we can now is gonna be amazing so I'll go ahead and uh okay we're good I just fell who the hole that you made while you're trying to dig out that compound oh my goodness I think I found resin nice I got a ton of ammonium natural I already maxed out again I really we should go back and build the storage spaces cuz I now I'm getting afraid of some D spawning because I have two stacks of stuff oh my goodness yeah I got resin right here drum which is what we need to build storage units oh there's a bunch of resin right here okay perfect got the resin I have just a little bit more come on all right hey and I'm leaving a bunch of my stuff on the ground here I have everything from ammonium all right let's see what we can make of the printer so we need resin here so I'm gonna go ahead and put some resin on that bad boy mm oh whoops I didn't want to do that huh all right so we can go ahead and we cannot make that is that um let's see let's see examine we don't want a large platform or a research chamber actions we don't look um well I mean we might as well make everything I mean I know we're not gonna use it in the immediate but well we can't make it right now unfortunately because as in a bad spot we need to rotate this the platform okay yeah so I'm unplugging it ow and then I'm gonna actually rotate it this way like that so it builds it the other way and then that way we can plug that bad boy into there and now when we try to build stuff as you can see drum yeah it'll go there it yeah exactly so you can go ahead and jump on anything Shh I put a tether right here oh yeah I could go for it no more tethers we have T T is T 4 tether I was trying to press s for some reason ah yeah yeah all right I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna make myself a small printer which is what we need for making some storage devices so I'll just put that bad boy right like that um do we both need one no no we just we literally just need one I'll just put it down we can both use it right okay so I'm gonna put that oh my goodness my Ashton ears literally just entirely crashed Oh No well that could have been really bad I don't know why I was trying to like rotate it and then the game literally just nah fam boom crash I was like okay that's the way she goes sometimes guys I have no idea what just happened right there yeah I don't really know what that's all about either but don't even worry about 2d I won't do anything without you here cuz I don't want to you're fine you're good I'll just go and collect some stuff so stream will bulldoze will collect some stuff away for 2d cos I feel bad just getting ahead and all of it I'll be right then let's see I should be able to just right-click and join game Oh pudding alright we're joining the hosts now guys I was actually very quick I thought it had a longer restart time no no yeah it's them right back in the game hopefully my character got saved because that'd be kind of a shame having to lose some of the stuff that I had on me I don't think you would delete your character we'll see we'll see and up what what huh there is so much organic material over here too Oh Jerome I what what happened was idle I'm like just viewing the world I don't have a character I'm just like panning through the entire world I think it's no joke oh wait they just put you in like creative huh huh mmm and no that's what extremely you're seeing this like I could just I there's there's the house yep and then up this is so weird you might need a Google search how to fix the head okay I'm gonna save an ASA to main menu and then try to join again that was so weird it was like a spectator mode where I can de literally jump I could go so fast I could go around the entire planet in like two seconds just boom all the way around the planet okay that is very weird it was so weird it was cool but like I've had to play the game bad as well okay I have a bunch of organic material and ammonium I've been collecting both them to bring back perfect alright let's not try joining again guys I don't know what's going on I know guys I'm lost it's I'm lost in space guys and by the way everyone watching on both Maya and two DS n you could do us all huge solid if you're a big supporter of a siege and smash that like button and subscribe as well it really does help the both of us out so please do oh dude you're missing your first sandstorm buddy I don't know what's going this is the weirdest bug what I've ever seen well you're missing a sandstorm bud hey hello what you see me you're literally right here yeah you're walking around you must just be really zoomed out drunk I don't think zoomed out is what I would use the whole eye I'm gonna have to restart the game I'm gonna save it right here oh no Trudy the wind is blowing boys some of our stuff on the ground we have we gotta get those storage containers stat you gotta start trying to make him drum I'm trying to get in as fast as I can also try not to get hit in the head by any of the sandstorm things because that will not no it's all the saints was blowing rocks everywhere and hitting all of our stuff about always Oh Thor's not good guys this is bad this is really really bad okay I'd say to make a wall but we don't have any ways to do that so that's kind of a problem guys okay um well let's see what happens if I try to join I honestly have no idea okay right click join game okay let's try this again build a small printer what does it need oh you have all the materials for that the resin oh no this is not good I gotta go find a resin storage then cuz you have all that well the sandstorm stopped luckily we didn't lose anything this time but I'm not this timing shot anise yeah basically like yeah you're about to get got it it's probably like imagine nice good good we're good and I have my stuff and I have myself we're good we're good right start building the storage thing is porous but yeah okay so let's move this bad boy over to a more accessible area like right here I was busy while you were gone but there we go okay oh so we need resin which is on my backpack alright put the resin there I'm gonna go ahead and take the resin from the the big compactor right here or the big at a printer yeah alright I'm running over we got this okay and boom absolutely there you go okay here we go everyone hold either print oh there we go yeah right perfect I'm gonna go ahead and go get some BA and we need to be able to research we need to make a research station I think that's one of the biggest things right now sure let's go see what we need for that which is actually we have everything we need for it we need one we need one resin and then to compound so good exactly that that's um I'm making that right now so that's over there being made which is really really useful do we have a perfect look at that room I'm put in the compound in here yeah yeah I'm putting just throwing everything on here what is all this stuff all right that's it's okay it is full now we need to make another one already but we don't follow me oh yeah yeah the resin deposit was right here and we're gonna get some resin my friend there we go no no there it's it's hidden here just like the compound it's hidden it's hidden let's I'm gonna be careful where you're standing room I'm digging out like everywhere just to make sure I think that's every uh that's all oh there's more use the drum you see it yes I do oh wait here I got you oh there you go you can if you grab it you can pull it back what is drum there's a pot there's a pot over there that's just come on let's go that's probable I don't have I don't have any more tethers I have tons you're gonna have to yeah yeah perfect good stuff friend I just want to be wasteful but what is this it's probably one of our pods to be completely honest salvaged dropship salvaged maybe underneath there'll be some researchable stuff let's see sometimes that happens this is a big underneath oh there's tethers right here oh nice what else is there nothing really oh my gosh there's a backpack here oh that's pretty useful that's move kind of sad who send me someone died there I think that means somebody died they drum he had a research sample on them though oh good good that's what we need I can hold eita research drum research no doesn't say there's research tables right here what hold you to research we gained 45 bites another ring awesome we gained sixty two bites alright I just researched that I gained sixty two bites so Jerome to show you what bites are if you press Q okay now on there's the left side of your backpack you see a little handle thing that you can pull out click on that and this is your research table that allows you to research things and it tells you like how many bites it costs so that you have worklights small oxygen tanks that we combined III have 386 same I have the exact same amount okay okay okay so I'm assuming we can research the same things together so a small solaar is something that's very good we could put it on our shoulders and we constantly have power even when we're not connected to the ship Power Cells alignment ma dynamite Oh baby that's okay all our sounds good but we also need to find copper I've never even seen that yeah I'm looking at extenders are very good from what I read we want those um beacons I don't know what a beacon is I don't think that's important right now tethers canister it's probably very important in the future I mean I think these solar things sound awesome oh I'm suffocating I know not what I know that was me I was a strong cool thing I I just saw suffocating I like panic cause I was just in my menu okay do you see any things big mound okay yeah yeah Oh 2d we're blind what crash satellite over there that'll have research samples hey thank you bill Watson for the 30 Canadian dollars keep up the great stream strim oh wait wait where Rajaram shelfie thank you friend this way but it's it's right you don't see it it's the crash satellite I don't see it it's huge you're literally like going right how do you not see it I literally don't see it watch out for the cave right here you know oh that I see it's like literally like oh whoops Larry Hill perfect oh it's like literally five feet oh my gosh it just rendered in for me Oh okay who's like tea how do you not see yeah it just rendered in all right room what do we got what do we got what do we got um let's see well we got something right here it says unknown instead of good research sample let's see the seat oh it's huge yeah that's the thing that's the thing that are really good you want those yeah perfect exactly all right let's up fill up on some compound that's the plan I've also got a good amount of all more resin up on the hill there oh I definitely want the resin resin is super important I'm gonna go grab that Oh kit okay and I have a good chunk of resin too so drum there's another satellite thing up here another one okay yeah let's do that and let's make sure we bring our research thing back from each one yeah for sure for sure there is another satellite here you go research you there's another satellite thing duty no way we're getting so lucky with this stuff how are we finding so many satellites this is perfect okay let's grab some presents oh man feels good to have all this resin alright my backpack is full I'm gonna take this back to the ship now okay and I am working uh there's a disconnect in the line somewhere where did that oh right here apparently why did that disconnect there that's not good I'll keep him k there we go I don't know why it was connected and I just decided to disconnect from the line oh man I'm excited to D this is the only thing I love what you get to like find man-made objects in this game ah it's so much fun so satisfying you don't know what you're gonna get you never know in German I realize I could just do what's that I'll shade it a second I have to head I'm gonna head back to base we need to make a research station so we can research all of these things what's gonna be super duper you said we were well on the way to oh we we know we made the research station no we have not made a research oh no we did it's like what Oh what did you get on the inside of the ship it has two storage things similar to like imagine your backpack right okay of them actually and on this crash satellite one of them is malachite which is copper or one of them is clay which is smell table one of them is aluminum which won't let me click on that but oh there we go refined laterite aluminium and another ones aluminum as well and there's hydrazine it's fuel it says and there's titanite titanium or smell - well no way we gotta go back to other satellite because I have a feeling that the most enough like this oh for sure I drove how's your air holding up horrible you just cut it out what happened just cut your lifeline have fun getting back to him told you why please no dude we gotta explore this I'm gonna go and make more storage containers drop off what I think it and then I'm gonna go back there and start picking up these like rare rare things well one saying I want to look I want to make a large platform for building so I'm gonna have yeah I'm gonna make have our systems make that and then you oh you know what I just realized okay I have and we have to make two large platforms you're gonna love this okay we're gonna make we're gonna make a storage unit so I'm gonna wait that has to be built once that's built should I not build the medium storage then or no you should you can maybe you can build the medium storage for sure cause I just want to be wasteful with our resident if that's the no no you can definitely go ahead and build it I'm just gonna make it look make it seem kind of cool well is that there we go so that's going ahead building that's gonna go ahead and building perfect this is gonna be awesome oh my gosh I'm surprised at how much we're getting done is episode we're getting so much done this is so good and and it's so funny - we talked about the small solar panels and saying I don't know where to find copper ore and I immediately find smelt opal copper or like that's crazy oh it's perfect all right gem so I think but how do we get a puss or a smelter whatever it's called in this game oh we're gonna have to we're gonna have to research it I think we'll eventually get there okay so Jerome watch this so I think so we can unpack this bad boy right your room yes sir and now we can take these and we can just put them just like that and then we could take this and put it like that look at that you're home now we have a super cool storage unit Wow look it's pretty cool actually make some more and what act takes up less what yeah and once we get a vehicle we can literally just drop it on the vehicle and have we can just have like a like a truck that carries everything for us nice I like it go ahead if you you can give me a hand over here for some reason okay what are you trying to oh well uh not trying to do that let maybe I just had to reset it let's see I was trying to just literally print it and it wouldn't cut yeah it's not coming up okay well I got to read nevermind I think I think it seemed to reset it oh god just bring the power source there you go and and print - that was the weirdest thing it wouldn't let me do that okay it happens and remembers every new years I've remember this game still is in alpha so it's not even in the beta stage yet so it's still a very new oh it's not a new game but it's still in development so there will encounter some weird bugs like when I happened when I was like spectating like that that was super weird so this latest one that I'm doing 2d this storage unit I'm gonna use it only for rare ores I get from satellites perfect sounds good to me okay and so a lot of those oars room that we're getting from the satellites can only be got on other planets so right now they are very rare but of course I don't think we're gonna need them for a while but okay so I'm gonna rotate I'm gonna rotate that and I'm gonna put this bad boy like right like that let's unpack this bad boy and is that Chloe that you have there so that is a large table which we're gonna put on our research chamber boom when I unpack that bad boy for me Jerome surely um here we go and unpack oh boy alright now what we can do is tune it so muddy alright so we can do this and boom research oh baby drill dude this is cool this do you know how much you could guess how many bites that's gonna give us for researching uh I don't know that piece probably like a hundred five thousand why what did we read what how look Joe if you look here if you examine if you hold Q on this and examine it you can see how many bites is giving us why is this giving us so many bites it's just that's the research that's the how that's what that does for us so that allows us to really get in and research like the things that we need to that's why finding research elements are so crucial Wow okay because the ones we found earlier were giving us like 50 no but that's why I like now that we have like machines and stuff doing it all it's gonna be way better for us so that is I'm going off it's a salvage site sick oh no no I don't need that oh okay you you already sounds good I'm gonna put these extra things on my back room just so they don't despawn cuz there's some random things just laying around perfect I'll let's see let's see what can this make for us let's see if this medium storage medium platform a rover seat that can make us a seat but we need a rover first so we definitely want to see if we can research a rover eventually so we can get off yeah well that'd be so nice I mean I don't know if that's an episode one kind of thing but well it thinks AG is hard for that $50 stream tip you're awesome pal you're a beautiful individual alrighty let's see what yeah I don't know if that's an episode one thing I mean it might be but we'll see we'll see who knows how well we're doing okay there's what happens when we enter the habitat does anything happen in here I don't think so I don't know if that's supposed to do anything it has this bad boy doing oh I mean we're slowly let's are they just more prevalent other planets are they literally not like available I think they're literally just not available medium solar became better okay I will be back for you clay okay cool so I've maxed out my backpack on random stuff I'm coming back it's gonna be quite a few trips back and forth thanks to MC alpha for that $10 stream tip Oh mate oh man so oh we have a large platform okay a smelting furnace oh we can we can learn the smelting furnace here it all is okay there we go I figured it out I was I was trying to figure some of the stuff up chemistry lab atmospheric condenser wowie this stuff is all confusing yeah condense the end oh man Jerome this thing looks awesome cool what is it it's a called large platform see and it just looks so cool Jerome do we want it what do we want to make next Jerome and makes move yeah do you have aluminum I just got two stacks of it Jerome we can make we can make a vehicle this episode oh well perfect let's do I got two aluminum's right here okay we need 1500 bytes we could also what you have okay let's see what we we have but it's not researched yet but we're working on that much no exactly so once we get that we can we can get ourselves a buggy which is like a one-person little fun vehicle that'll be good eventually we can get like a large Rover which we can both ride on leave enough things but that costs 4000 bytes to rubber and to we don't have that could either have that or we have enough bytes and we have the copper we can make a small solar I don't think a smaller solar power is that important right now what we do might want actually we want to generate it that's what we want let me see what it costs to make a generator alright so remember - this right here is for rare elements only okay so this one okay good to know yes a small generator actually that's not expensive it oh I'm gonna make a generator wait is this a small generator converts fuel into a research power so this so drum huh what I'm gonna do here is so if you look at right here okay you examine this right yeah of course so this does not have much power going into it so if you'll open it up it says we're basically getting 50 bytes every minute which is super slow right yeah I mean but what we can do is if you see right here drum you see the cable plug you see how it's kind of like flashing red yes yes yes that means we can put more power into it because this ver is working up like minimal power so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put down a small generator III have a fuel resource right here to D power thing look we're gonna plug in the generator and now you have a fuel resource put it on top do we want to waste the hydrazine it's a rare element that I got no no no no no no we couldn't use literally just like organic materials oh good wait I got a bunch organic material I think that works yep leave that drum and now we have more power going into it now that we're using just the natural resource now look if we examine it we're getting a hundred a minute that is pretty awesome actually alright so to D let's go and make the the car then okay oh whoa before we do that we need more bytes we need to research it we need to we need well I can show you what I'm doing right so if you press Q right and open up your backpack you open up your the inventory like thing you go all the way to like the rocket ship looking thing yes which and you can see the buggy which is the first one that pops up okay I don't see the bug but I see a bunch of other cool things we can research yeah so the buggy isn't the very top of left like the very top row is that a sandstorm yeah this is saying oh there's the buggy one compound of one a loop we could learn make two buggies - yeah I have two aluminum we could both have a la road buggy drum roll no ease that looks very menacing all right let's head inside come on duty I don't think we can both get in there I have an idea I know we can do it doesn't let us drum well let's make a try triangle around the other side are you serious okay so what I think I can do though is oh man Oh Jerome this is not good yeah please don't hit my rock drop the last one didn't last very long at all we'll be fine yeah we'll be fine famous last words okay this is not good I don't think anyone's oh we're kind of running out of power we a 2d I have so much organic material of you yeah I'll go repowered at least I did a village for Gannicus did we get rid of it all didn't it all just blow away wait there's ammonia Billy can you use ammonia maybe I wonder if resin works resin does not work we need more just natural resources let me look let's see if we have any I'm trying to ammonium ammonium doesn't work so we have this idea like I know I don't want to waste it no I don't think we should use that thanks to the $10 stream to be eaten Kruger no this is fuel Jerome which is fuel that this is the hydrazine that's rocket ship fuel oh that's like next-level ok well you said you were God whew no no literally terms look you see this stuff yeah literally we can just get this grass stuff this is literally what we are looking for this stuff will turn into natural seed look it just turns into organic material and then we can take our organic material and then we can just throw it right on there and then that will start powering that bad boy up shake so let's see - we're at 889 of 1,500 bytes ok perfect that's working I think we I mean we always want this thing to be running though right because that's what come with me I would love to where are we going we're going to collect more stuff from satellites I've literally only had time to collect oh one satellite let me put some stuff in a into a let me make another storage unit because I have like a lot of stuff right now ok let's um examine medium storage boom I'm gonna craft that bad boy and then that's good if we can get some solar panels to use car solar panels definitely a car then oh oh I just realized no no it's not that big of a deal so what I was what I was saying Jerome is essentially what we need something to power the car right yeah and so the three from what I remember I could be what just happened there did you see that like do a front little barrel do a barrel roll I'm just gonna carry that I'll hold on to that and I can put that away so the three forms of power for the most part is solar wind and generator right okay so that's all we have to power the car so I mean Solar is I mean the best is obviously generator but it requires resources Solar is good but it doesn't work during the night time or during a sandstorm and then winds good but it's like if it's not windy you're kind of a big trouble and your car just stops moving so it's normally we're gonna want eventually to have a vehicle that just runs off solar and wind so that constantly powered up okay that makes any sense it does make sense I get it okay perfect oh well let's go exploring then friend back to you nice Apollo's my friend yeah yesterday I know we don't have a line but you'll you'll reach the line in a second okay sir all right hopefully oke tip I see the line there perfect that's exactly what we're looking for yeah and so it's pretty cool 2d so I think first we need to recheck this first site because we didn't find anything and I just find that ridiculous so yeah I know I say we definitely want to go digging and see if we can find anything yeah I don't think that these sites have nothing in them no there's definitely something here what'd you find something already I found something no I didn't let's see this isn't a rocket ship this is a satellite right I don't know if a satellite would have any resources right but research material into something sir well we did get a little bit of research material from it but I I mean I don't really see much here do you I mean satellites should have theoretically fuel as well yeah I don't see anything maybe this one is a dead room oh whoops oh we cut it here OOP there we go right oh no glitched here drum can you get up this way I I got out this way hi perfect alright the next one there's still some stuff I wasn't able to pick it all up myself but let me show you where we can like so you know once I am arriving there's a whole bunch of organic material right here and I'm gonna grab this so we can have our fuel constantly running okay and it's got a bunch of organic item coming over you friends you clay thank you all right I'm on my way malachite I think I can build now right I can build now too sweet all right you're a dirty so have you come down here and it would be in like the barrel this you see like to see on the sides there the little slots yeah yeah yeah yeah that's where it is perfect perfect perfect all right so now we can go to the next one so I started building off to the side here yeah we got juice is there another one around here yeah head oh my gosh have you gone to this one yet nope no haven't been yet um there we go perfect oh man I am not doing it very good there we go yeah it's like literally right here no way this thing looks so cool I know I know I think so excited for this alright let's start digging buddy all right I'm gonna run around this sway just like a rocket ship I'm gonna look on the outside area and see if we can find anything here yeah I was just looking underneath it real quick to see to do this thing comes down sweetie this thing goes really far down oh man this looks like a crash looks like rocket ship I think it is it's literally a beta is much higher seen that would be so crazy okay we got to find a way in it's got there's I just refuse believe that there isn't something awesome here um let's see gorillas zoo Trump come out here I have an idea you want to go up top I'm gonna build I'm gonna build up yeah yep let's see I'm up no Jerome are you up almost yet look there's a car seat dude and Chloe we're gonna need that oh and more alumina or titanium is there anything else down there drum I'm digging away there's plenty can we use the car seat and yeah I'm in at the rover seat oh okay well sorry friend we can use that let's get it um there we go all right I'm gonna take the car seat back to base drum yep I think this is all we can loot from this bad boy that's more than enough friend I think that's perfect for what we need alright let's go let's go go go back home that was a great friend that was perfect so now we have to make one less car seat cuz we need will have the rover and we need to put a car seat on it so you can drive it around and then we need a source of power on it as well what was that that was a terrifying noise this we have gotten there's three like crashed items here we are very fortunate and look at all this resin and compound we're eventually gonna need to use all of it but oh of course yeah but not at the moment for now we're killing it alrighty let's go we're gonna head over to this other place and then we are just golden guys ready to go I I want to see what other kind of things there are because I just feel like maybe there's more types of crashed thing cuz we found a satellite we found a rocket ship and we found something else as well I don't even know maybe was a part of a rocket ship I don't know but I feel like we found three different sites there's got to be like different types of crash sites no I agree completely like there's got to be things that we're missing that they've added the game because it's been over a year since we've both played so who knows how much what are we looking like for the UH research stuff how many bytes do we have on us I am NOT 1700 I can make the rover okay good okay cool I just researched the right the buggy nice the buggy perfect okay all right I guess from this guy right here hi this is a medium printer let's see do we need a large I think I think we might need a large printer actually I think we might have played ourselves that's fine all right so how do we go ahead and get a large printer do we have to research that too I'm assuming I think so I'm looking I'm trying to see if I can find one that's a oh we need a vehicle Bay okay that's right search that lets 1000 bytes man one man we have to do it now drummer we're in too deep we are I don't but I completely forgot well we're still two thousand bytes Oh what we're making we're getting 400 bytes a minute with this let's just hook up a bunch of J I'm gonna make another generator to him actually yeah it's not a bad idea okay wait how did how did our bytes go up so much what do we do differently to get that much electricity we just have the same generator as always uh it might be really windy and because so this right here let me look at it so I'm assuming right here to remit it is if you come over here drum yep yep yep you can see that this is a wind generator on the side of this thing so when it's windy you will be getting a lot of power but see this thing's not spinning anymore okay so we just got very lucky then right now yeah so that one like big burst of energy Judy Mary oh man we have almost a thousand already no way yeah we're doing good then look at this I'm gonna plug this generator in yep and I'm working as you say I'm working a more or go stuff but perfect now what's it what do we live what are you making right now it's it's stagnant 436 didn't change the thing I think it's just because it's not windy right now we're almost at max power though but Lou's room we're making so many bytes we're all weak literally I can already make it this is awesome perfect this isn't this such a cool way to like do you like research stuff no I love it I love it okay and I'm just literally waiting for it to get to a thousand boom cost a thousand bytes unlock okay so now we should be able to make a let's look let's look vehicle bait drum i need we need three compound friend let's go we got tons compound that's easy yep yep yep okay that's I got I have one wait did you just take the compound out of my hands I got one of them what okay how much calm oh here it is okay that's gonna say we should have plenty I got I have to I have to let's do it room okay so go ahead and print that bad boy yeah let's do it oh man alright so now we can't believe this being this far in one Episode III can't this is so cool this is so cool alright it is there she is there she goes okay hmm boy oh man oh man oh man I'm so excited for this room alright how's this thing doing for research okay um it's so beautiful there we go power it up it's so beautiful alright so lovely so well so essentially I think what we'll do is oh you know what I just realized room what's that if we look more power up to this thing it'll build faster I mean it's building for every weekend if you want is already building up pretty quick but we know it's yeah it's already fine I'm gonna do it anyways Oh actually I don't know how much more is there is that this might be the last of it right well we stopped to build the car right yes so I'm taking this off and now put the vehicle Bay on top of that bad boy over we're right on this thing on this thing okay does it nope nope nope nope we got to probably open it first right here no it goes on does it go on here yeah there's no where it's snapping to so it doesn't snap on this oh right there oh yeah perfect does it can you open it up no might need an we might need an even bigger I think we might need a bigger station for it to be on are you kidding me that's the only a starting platform yes we probably need what's how much let's see how much a large weight loss the research oh here's a large platform right here oh oh okay part we just let's just make another one let's just make another large platform let's see no we don't need to research it what does it cost to make room a large platform that's what I'm looking at right now to resin and we already have one resin do we literally only have one resin well room I know where to find it I know exactly where to find it to friend you do that I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna grab some more stuff to fire up our generator so we can get this rolling you know what I'm saying I'm picking up what you're throwing down perfect I'll drop this resin right here right here oh really okay that's good it's over here in the corners boom and look at this titanite whoa what do we need titanite for I have no idea I think that's a new or so I've no clue okay let's go ahead and make ourselves a I can't wait till we get advanced if we start working with some of these other kind of metals and minerals and things Oh neither can i term this will be so cool I am so excited for us to like because right now drum we don't know much about this game we're still learning a lot so I know we'll get there though we'll get there guys I'm trying to get as much organic materials as I can boom there we go I'm gonna run over here fill this bad boy up and then so that way boom power that bad boy up okay okay go go go is that putting power into it I think it is and targeting vehicles do they use solar energy or do they charge just like through teleports it's it's how you wanna so each vehicle has a battery right so you can so effectively drum everything you can so of where you're gone I'm over here I'm just collecting up organic materials okay so I have the large base station room I'm gonna put it over here okay we're gonna need to start extending our base soon Jerome can you move that please which think this this this thing right here our small printer yes sure yeah we're gonna have to there we go so I'm gonna put this bad boy right like that I'm gonna unpack it right here there we go we can I'm gonna sit Oh Jerome we can do it wait yeah you're on whoa whoa a vehicle Jerome is essentially like one of these platforms okay okay okay wait examine buggy aluminum compound you got this drum that's you that is aluminum right there and there and then compound over here I'm just so glad that we found coincidentally two Titanium's or yeah lumen I'm sorry and that way we could both get one how could be the other 2d one of the compound glitched into them good job Jerome all right got another piece I can't believe it glitched another thing there we go buddy one let me give her a printer oh boy as soon as I can I'm gonna let it rip there you go let her up drum let's do it oh man so if soon it's wrong it's building a vehicle hold careful don't get your whack drove don't we go back to that Oh God there's things flying everywhere tuti get over here drum behind and find the thing I'm trying all this bricks flying oh man oh man oh man yikes good new that is building the rover Jerome no that's perfect mr. Jerome okay cool I said okay no you know that's whatever works for you mr. Jerome okay there we go alrighty Jerome okay wait so now Jerome we add the seat and we're in business and now we need a source of power so I'm gonna take Jerome small generator boom I'm gonna take our generators yeah I'm gonna take boat generators and put them on the back of your ship which one we need to go get organic materials now you got it I just want to wait how come I can it's only making a rover seat it's not only make another Rover one rover per team that doesn't make any sense I mean it's not the end of the world we do need to go get you some yeah but I just stuff them okay okay I just wow that's very disappointing I don't know maybe I'm just maybe it's well maybe because there's a rover literally right there that do all right so I'm gonna see if we can gather okay and then oh man I want to get solar panels on her car so we can try for them well then I got we can't cuz Faust but you know it powers and gives you action into Oh forever yeah no it's super super strong I have one thing of Natural Resources you yeah that's all we need them you can you can officially drive it now okay drum one thing of or go and then Jerome you are ready to drive sir how do i press e to enter oh sorry I was aiming at the wrong thing to D going to him taking literate man dude that's so cool oh my god Judy I'm stuck in a pit Judy I'm stuck in the pit help repel Josh thank you I'm out of the pit sir do you wanna drive Judy yeah I'd love to go to shot I haven't driven one of these things in five ever all right I'm gonna start making another one of these it's letting me build another you were right it was just that it was so close to D that it wouldn't let you do it Oh Judy mommy do not flip do it on foot we're ready to mate oh wait could we do a like a ramp maybe we're right Oh open that's not how we do it but yeah we can eventually we can make an even bigger one of these that we can both ride in oh man oh you mean like together no yeah we can make it so we can both ride in it and carry resources at the same time so we can literally go on mining expeditions together Judy we got a weird problem what oh never mind just nothing so slow I thought it was frozen hey we're just moving very slow I couldn't even see all right now we have our own reversed room we'll have to make you a seat but I mean that's not that big of a deal yet I'm gonna go click more or go material oh man yeah it's it's for scouting so essentially what we can do is we just take this thing and then you can just literally drive around like the planet or scout around looking for uh planning resources and the thing is like to when it's running low and it's get more Orgel material and ya know exactly the way what did you call it or go material okay I just loves like wait what no okay I got it I'll you said like Orgel and I was like Jerome it's not horrible itself or go that's all we used to call it in college or go chem but that's actually hilarious drom I just want to point out the fact that this thing is still getting a spikes oh wait really I figured it was maxed out by now to be honest that's sixteen hundred bytes so we can make more if we wanted to well I literally just stopped paying attention I was like oh it's probably so we can make a smelting furnace we can make another large platform I got organic material for the twos of us we can also make I think we still go ahead I know it seems kind of counterproductive weight over over seat to compound checker Oni [Music] I'm just looking at how much I've learned this episode like I'm actually grasping this game I feel like and that's good no I this game is like that's it's super easy to like learn and pick up and I think it's very like natural to do a lot of the things if that makes sense which is makes it's not like it's complicated but fun complicated Judi yeah bud it's printing away there Oh did our first Rover run out of fuel already yeah I think it already a few no worries it doesn't waste fuel when no one's driving it right I know it's a dumb question I just wanna make sure I don't know oh my god it does it does that's so don't know just turn off the generators turn off the generators oh okay I was like that is the yeah just make sure so you have to make sure to turn the generators on on and off well I need one more thing one more organic material good actually what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and try to research alternative energy sources for you and I mean for both of us so that we don't have to go through and just waste organic materials like that sure yeah I mean it's not really wit there's so much organic material you sound like a hippie to tea there we go I'm in the rover I've got a turn on the limiter boost wait what mods I don't know what those are supposed to do um inhibitory I don't know what any of those are Power Cells a small battery boom okay I'm gonna make a small wind turbine which would be really nice we got another storm speaking of wind whoo that's not good from the same direction it always brews drew a weird question but you have any glass no I have no idea how to make glass that's what I haven't even seen sand yeah I don't know how to make glass at all so there's that and see if there's some kind of like thing do you have a copper somewhere copper malachite you need to cook it Oh do you go in the rare resource area here to either think it looks like a star that's malachite that's copper or Yelp yeah I see it okay so we're gonna need to smelt that bad boy down so we can get ourselves a solar power or solar generator and then we're good to go what is that so this is an oxygen tank that's a solar power I'm just looking at what's on here and I'm assuming that no that's winter power so I'm kind of looking at this thing seeing how it's made out of curiosity yes this may sound crazy drone but I think we can okay I think this might be ridiculous but I want to try it if this works show me how crazy this would be so if all right well also Jerome um you just do you just put the energy things on there you need generators on them oh okay whoopsies so I'm gonna put a generator in yes you have to make a generator I think Jerome that we can give my game crashed again I don't know why my games are crashing well we're gonna get generator from is that the from your back you make it from your backpack oh yeah you just press Q and then you go through until you see generator I think it literally almost like one compound that's literally it yeah no it's super easy to make I don't know I didn't realize that they had that okay cool yeah so you can make things from your backpack right like um I mean like a lot of things you can make from your backpack yes small generator would you look at that boom okay so let's um try this okay what what no I think I started using the generator that's not what I wanted let's put that on the back of the car that's not what do we want at all okay let's go wait where does it fit on the car where you put the things so you put those on and then you put those on top so you put the generator on fir okay that's the ia exactly that's how that works all right join game alright let's see if that works guys that was kind of strange to say the least okay there we go okay wow that's cool okay so I got one of those down and let's see right hopefully guys we don't have the weird glitch because that was really weird like me really weird what is that weird guys I have the weird glitch you have the weird glitch don't do that to D I don't know why that's such a weird glitch okay let me do you have to just reload I'm just gonna restart the game again that's that fixed it last time so maybe that was so weird yeah everyone's like alright P I don't know what that is it's so bizarre honestly it's cool but it's just bizarre it's kind of annoying that I have to restart my whole game every time but it's fine unless it's not like modded minecraft oh gosh bots in Minecraft when you have to restart can take so long sometimes feed the beast suti is timed at four minutes the latest pack that we're doing 4 minute restart so when you crash it's just awful it's game over alright guys wish me luck hopefully we're gonna be good alright I'm working on making another generator for us so Niles said apparently this version that we're playing is like something they kind of just released and it's a little buggy so that they're trying to like fix it and stuff that makes no worries yeah I mean it's still alpha right we're going to oh my gosh I still have the glitch you have the glitch deal maybe I need to move my character that's what it is am i running around for you yeah I mean like you're active right now okay so I'm sure let me try to explain what I see drum imagine I see the side of a planet literally just like the planet and whenever I moved my camera dramatically just goes around the entire planet I don't see myself I don't see I'm on another planet basically and it's just spinning like super fast well that's just like I just glitched 2d but either way I'm gonna go and end off my stream here but I'll see you in a little bit okay I'll be back awesome okay awesome sounds good friend or II know so yeah everybody pretty much I'm gonna be done streaming for now but I want to be joining 2d for his so please go over to 2ds channel right now go show him love if you guys want to see more to some my channel smash like button subscribe but thank you so much for joining us we hope you had a fun day and if you did then just stick around we got more coming your way all day
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 223,589
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, JeromeASF, youtuber, modded, mod, minigame, custom, challenge, mod pack, hilarious gameplay, funny moments, how to, minecraft mod, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, pranking, prank, trolling, troll, mods, gameplay, tutorial, parody, no swearing, no cursing, animation, lets play, xbox, mini-games, mini games, showcase, minecraft animation, custom map, traps, funny, 1.12, playthrough, jerome asf, pixelmon, fortnite, bedwars, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4
Id: 7P2S_Of4Udw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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