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you know what's going on everyone Jerome here and welcome to an awesome game called sort the court the game pretty much is simple you're a king and you could say yes or no to various options that come your way from there you have to try and grow your population make your people happy and make as much gold as possible all at the same time so let's play the game let's see how well I can run a kingdom because for some reason I just feel like King Jerome ASF might be the worst thing that's ever happened and there's through the world but regardless thanks for joining me everybody if you guys do enjoy at any time make sure you subscribe it does go a long way let us know you guys appreciate my content and you want to see more and of course you can help us hit our goal of 5 million subscribers by the end of the year we're closing in and I think we can do it but a real Royal advisor my lord I'll help you rule your kingdom but you have to make the tough choices okay put on big-boy pants just say yes or no understand yes good you've already got the hang of it all right royal advisor a city is still very small right now but it certainly has a potential to grow Brad's one day we'll have a bustling metropolis and you'll be invited to join the Council of crowns maybe for now all you need to concern yourself with is keeping the citizens happy and growing our population do your best sir you got it you got it all advisor Oh God and this represents one of our people he looks very dead very well dead we should make that counter to go from 100 to 99 people Skelly any mystery' there are any mysteries of flip I could do some snooping for a small fee if you're interested yeah let's waste some money I'll uncover the truth and report back to you Thank You Skelly I appreciate it alright I hope he comes back so cool oh man it's a cat boots she said meow looks like he wants them to pat his belly his pet to Billie there we go Hey look what we got plus one happiness for the town oh man who would it pet the cat's belly sneaky girl want me to steal from the rich and give it to you not just the rich I'll steal from whoever basically yeah let's do it oh no we lost five happiness but we made a ton of money I like it I like it alright oh no what is that thing yet to sound like a Yeti I would like some money please no - one happiness what wait really really well we made five people unhappy someone died great and well at least we gained 40 gold we got some wealth go and people are said the city is shrinking oh come on that's hardly my fault there's a bunch of goblins in the lower quarters I'll slam for a few gold coins yeah I imagine people wouldn't be happy with a lot of goblins I'll show those creeps yeah you go get him hey our happiness boosted back to 99 oh god what is that can we kill him I accidentally ate some folks out front I just pay you back with gold okay do I kill him well I still ate them so what hey five people why don't we kill him little Timmy not not little too don't kill a little Timmy I'm at the chest I'm little Timmy nice to meet you you like some ice queen ya like ice queen me too Oh No look we made we gained a lot of happiness today we lost some gold so far but we also had five people get eaten night my lord I wish to embark upon a treacherous quest yes for the kingdom I shall return - awesome cool it didn't cost me anything we're all advisor petition to bring the circus to town a circulating could you could attract tourists are you interested yes very interested whoa plus ten population plus ten happiness in a hundred gold why wouldn't I allow them to have a circus the circus is in town bringing joy to all those who visit it also happens to bring in a nice bit of gold you don't say gossip is spreading about a heroic purple which slaying goblins in the lower quarter she's becoming something of a folk hero that's awesome oh man Wow the kingdom has really turned around like I say being a hundred wealth 23 happiness five population on day two not bad not bad for a king a she's back hello folk hero I've got a friend from witch school looking to move to town today can I get a couple gold to let her move in yeah let's do it alright gained one population three happiness oh that's cool that was worth it especially cuz she's a folk hero that way you know so might as well do something good Winston why are we slimeball hey you think you could tell people to stop calling me slimeball it's hurting my feelings yeah thanks boss oh I'm sorry people making fun of them oh this guy again I'm hungry can I eat some folks I've got plenty of gold so I could pay back forward throw no you can't eat them what you could train people Peugeot what is wrong with that that thing he just eats people royal adviser citizens say a monkey has been running around flinging stuff that's poop at them should we put out a bounty on it yes yes most certainly we should put a bound dirty gold I would have rather he just kept throwing poop at people to be honest thirty golds a lot military general ever prisoners escaped may I have some gold to offer a reward for a recapture sure that keeps people happy someone's bound to find her soon with this sweet reward oh man we're losing money quick now we lost a lot of money today the circus is in town bringing joy to all those who visit happens all spring a nice bit of gold okay well we got a little gold back yeah today was rough on the wealth but we grew one population and got 13 happiness Oh honest I'd actually said we gained 14 people how come the day thing tells us one but on the side it said 40 Skelly reporting in I managed to catch the necromancer behind a recent string of possession Wow cool she's behind bars now at least until she learns her lesson thanks Kelly that's awesome good job but oh wow this guy doesn't look trustworthy hey bud care to flip a coin me heads I give you a bunch gold tails I take a bunch of your people's souls no I'll get you next time but no you won't what my people are way too important peanut okay okay okay or this way what kind of noise is that for a monkey he's got a shiny coin I'll take it thanks pal wait really really that's it the monkey just gave me five cool okay I was just passing vivir thought you might like some magic anything could happen care to give a try guess yes magic trick Oh a spell of great fortune no way really that's it there's no he just gave me two okay the people have started petition to ban pineapples in the city should we do it sure that's what the people one who's some money the pineapple trade will suffer but the people demand it what what's wrong with pineapple stove pineapples are so very good fruit thank you Dave for complete no population boost what melih gain 18 on the side and said and we gain a lot of wealth wow we have 147 people living here now the all-seeing eye at just staring at me does it want something what wait I gave it a hundred gold the next time I'm not doing anything for him Butler my liege there's a man in the foyer asking to join your guard he's got an eyepatch looks a little shifty what I think should we take a chance on this stranger yeah indeed more swords will help us ok we'll gain one population for it that's fine hey mansoura is spirits good day sir do you require any haunting services for a small price will scare some people why would I want people scared very well but yeah what why would I want to scare anybody I'll make them unhappy hello sunny could I borrow a coin for the newspaper sure my gosh I have returned with 250 gold I have returned for my quest that bounty of treasures as the hours about wow that was worth every penny sitting that night on his quest look at that alright well all in all even after paying the all-seeing eye we gained a lot of money yesterday Oh God put a shirt on man Boosh yeah you like my rhythm sure cool rhythm I'm in the group what was that oh god what is that you feeling spooky today yeah not even a tiny spook no no spooky you'll make my people not happy the mischievous monkeys been captured I shall send him for your judgement what very serious we're actually going to what hey he's defending his case should we punish him for flinging poop yes yes most certainly off to the dungeons goodbye monkey evenly didn't give me five coins the other day can my friends come over to play yes there you go little Timmy thank you hey we gained three population cool mu this cat seems slightly magical not sure what it wants though yes I guess that's good okay so far saying yes to cats has been the good choice oh man we got 26 people on the left side of the screen it says I just joined our town out of nowhere um I'll take it I'll take it any day here's the grand again I read the nicest story in the paper today isn't it a lovely day yes very good Deary I like the grandma she's so cute jester oh I wish to put on a show may I have some funds sure we'll make our people happy I'm sure $50 oh that was not worth it I don't think anyway maybe it was who knows have you seen the my magical cat pancake yes actually oh very good I knew he was around here somewhere oh good okay glad I can help a builder working dishes for us or unsafe will you please spend some go improving our ability to work sure that sounds like a fair request thanks the builders appreciate this yes something a very fair request little Timmy can I have a coin sure you can have a gold coin Oh little Timmy's the best all right well we lost a lot of money today but we gained some happiness and 27 people on the left so hey we actually have 221 people living here now that's good good day sir do you require any haunting services no we do not want you scaring our people okay little thing hello care to gaze into my magical vampire crystal sure why not oh I see death and misery Oh good well always say no to vampires those risk to construct more houses the town requests goal which would they could help sure we have enough gold on hand yeah look that plus seven people I made up for the vampire killing 15 I actually didn't even make them from it it's Bock Bock it's running wild she were trying to capture it yes capture no chicken it killed someone we lost a person trying to capture the chicken my witch from which school wanted to thank you for your help so we made you some magical cookies Oh would you look at that that's nice the gesture show was loved by the court and put everybody into a happy mood oh well look at that well we lost nine people then we gained 27 we lost one happiness and we lost one hundred wealth well I was rough day in the kingdom I would say but at least the population grew some villagers are threatening to leave unless we pays them some gold yeah I'll pay him some gold I agree we should everything we can to keep them here ah 50 coins a lot though running out of money alien you haven't been talking to Skelly have you yes here take this I was never here okay what I always think about lying to him but okay I guess honesty is the best policy hmm you call this a castle yes I do indeed it is trick question what fights can I trouble you for a sandwich sure you can have you can have a sandwich fantastic I'm excited to eat this good I'm excited for you friend I'm glad you're excited to eat the sandwich I'm not you're gonna like in this game stream my life you're out there watching please do us a big favor and subscribe if you knew it does go a long way it helps us out tremendously thanks everybody Skelly some of the villagers mentioned they saw an alien walking around you know anything about this also what's going on we have less than a thousand likes let's get that above a thousand I know you Bach is out there can help us some of the builders mentioned they saw an alien walking around you know anything about this well the alien has spent the Skelly say yes I knew it I need to go find molder oh no oh no that can't be good the skeleton the alien must not get along okay well we're at it about oh the city's growing very nicely actually hunter coins sir the city's population is growing steadily our records finish to indicate there this 250 people not wow if a person will need to maintain even higher happiness in order to keep people satisfied make sure you pay attention to citizens and oh man that sounds gonna get expensive by the way I remember earlier I mentioned the council crows heard a rumor that one of their members has been searching the land for a new ruler to join them perhaps they are aware of our progress oh I hope so I hope so I wonder in the Council of crowns hmm you call this a castle yes indeed it is sure you asked that question yesterday okay a little Timmy can my friends come over in point yes they can more people and more happiness I'm scared though they need more happiness it said which means it's gonna be a very costly thing oh we have a new person Madame LaBelle Bonjour my name is met on the Bell and I've come to your court will you have me Geor yes how sweet I'm sure many wonderful adventures await us cool I think okay boom boom bada boom boom I'm really getting into it are you George +5 happiness okay good sure great music pal oh wow yeah weird Rowan's still 17 more people wonder what the would you need to get to win probably got thousand people might have borrowed some gold for new juggling yeah it'll keep the people happy I'm sure and I was relatively not costly to be honest I wish you truck a tavern yeah I'm talking considerable amount of gold like a couple hundred at least the problem is it's gonna be expensive but I know for a fact those two key people very happy tuner gold oh well it only gained three happiness maybe that wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be that was yet not good hello friend carried a gaze and no not after last time you get out of your vampire you'll live the rest of your life never knowing oh I I don't know your games you get out of here sir there's been a brawl at the tavern oh great already yes we should arrest them oh we gained one happiness from it okay well maybe so so far the tavern gave us three happiest immediately in one for arresting someone I'm sure I've just finished moving in but I would like to request an assistant of my own have this one person sure thank you what why is that minus one they I'm assuming would still live in the town and work for her that's ridiculous okay well at least begin some people hello sir the escaped prisoner has been recaptured thanks to the battery offered wow that took forever I forgot I even sent you on that our citizens can rest easy knowing that she's been put away again good I completely forgot that that even happened you interested in making a deal your people's souls in exchange for gold no you can get out of here I'm not selling my people gesture my show seems to have gone over well I wish to expand my production 400 gold no I'm sorry mr. jester we don't even have that we've 327 we've fell on hard times after building the cavern by boat the tavern sorry my boats - time to catch many fish can I have some gold to upgrade it honestly yeah why not so a hundred gold but it's like reinvesting because I'm assuming now we'll make more gold hopefully hey it's slime day got a present for me yeah sure here you go bud yeah you're so nice only I feel bad that slime you said people were making fun of them the other day while we're losing money fast that's for sure we are burning through funds very fast I accidentally stayed up all night eating candies I have some gold to go sit up why would you stay up all night I don't like madam about she's very costly for the court a petitioner in a certain sin is circulating could you track yes yes after last time most certainly most certainly we need the circus in town we need the money in the happiness the Sultan I've got a business proposition for your tiny town you're interested yes I am I will bring you details soon well I can't wait to hear it I hope they're good little Timmy can my friends look yes your friends can always come over to play little Timmy thank you no thank you little Timmy you bring a lot of happiness to this place the witch the spirits are peas right now but raps we should grant them an offering of gold what do you say tuner gold at this point because we only have 300 I would say no but last time she did so good for us it'll be worth though conduct the ceremony offer this to the spirit world it'll probably be worth it I trust I trust the wish she's only brought good things to us it's probably a dumb idea trusting the witch while we lost a hundred wealth yesterday we're really falling on hard times I hope the fisherman comes back and pays us back good night certainty requiring haunting services no why would I want you to make my people scared oh no not this guy you ever see a treacherous to a backflip no I haven't well you're not gonna what Wow Wow Mulder names Mulder you want to know the truth about everything you're gonna want to hire me Jorn hired I'm gonna go investigate something what what are you gonna investigate it's like a huge waste of money there's a party I'd like to go to this evening my liege might I have the rest of the night off yeah I'll have fun thank you we will toast to your honor how about this give me 200 gold and I'll provide a large shipment of luxury we don't have 200 gold can go in debt quite agreeable we shall work together again I hope okay well I went into debt for his business proposition I didn't even know that was an option yeah oh my gosh well our population is boomed a bunch the Treasuries emptier Lord we could raise taxes a bit further but the people won't like it should we try no well stay in debt well we so let me resolve the issue of having no money yes I understand that I'm hoping the fishermen will repay me soon let me go we're a bit stuck we could solve some of our goods that made people said no we are waiting for the fisherman the witch will give her coins I could cast some dark magic to summon gold but it might cost the soul or - sure well trade - people yes - people are totally worth 200 gold now we're back in business sorry those two people that we killed you call us a castle yes I do indeed it is yes I've plate you've asked me that question many times spread hello King I am a tree of the Western forest as you can see however I have been shall we say shortened yeah as new largely in fact the actions of your team of wood cutters my home has been chopped clean through and your reckless pursuit of expansion you have now disrupted the lives of myself and my good tree folk brother and sisters I demand compensation by the way of gold so we can might repair this how shall I put it diplomatic rift between us a paltry sum of oh say 1000 coins no less the developments will surely be met with distaste the community of tree folk your refusal to cooperate compounded with your woodcutters aggression has driven me to the peak of anger rest assured King I will not be silent the destruction you have wrought on my kin will be known to all what I don't know what you I'm gonna do is you want to go to war with us cuz we will beat him we will be to the tree people 46 population boost it's a little wild some refugees have arrived in town should we welcome them yes Wow 15 people in three happiness nice welcome to town friends there's a party I'd like to go to this evening yep you can have the night off yes this the other day well so far a good day we gained a lot of people happiness and no gold hey a good friend I thought you might be interested making a deal a good wholesome friendly deal okay yeah an angel he doesn't look like an angel such as myself could offer you lots of happiness it would cost you some gold how about this a few hundred gold from you and I'll make your citizens happy no don't trust you you look like the devil from earlier you're just you have a fake halo on what's a guy gotta do to make a deal around here not be the devil military general we've captured some foes in the battlefield shall we bring them home and put them to work yes most certainly put them to work we'll get them into town then okay Oh the Builder liked to build new granary this Cup expand our tab it'll cost a bit yeah well it sounds important so let's do it this will help our city grow +7 people all right and how many people 45 people and After Hours joined our town we have 500 people now I've got good news for you sir the city's publishers 500 yes the townspeople are celebrating this to be a huge festival to square a grump a palatial name more demand more happiness oh no we need to keep our approval high I just want to get my crowd congratulations let's keep working hard ok well that's the plan I wonder just how big this he will grow under your rule sir it'll be humongous the action food we've been able to store the granaries have attracted more settlers so we left them in yes let him in very good we'll have them settled all at once good I was just passing through and thought you might want some magic yeah I for last time he got us a ton of gold oh never mind can we make him undo the spell I'm gonna do a drum roll sure do a drum roll for make you happy there you go my gosh that guy comes on in plays the drums and then leaves do you find me humorous is this supposed to be like a pun like the it's a pun sure it's a good one right yeah it's a very very funny skeleton pun the festival in town square summer in the town's finest citizen is still going strong bring happiness to all who attend nice well that we gained a lot of wealth yesterday and I think we came back all the people from that evil spell we didn't get me a happiness though can I have some food I'm sure you can have some food meow Thank You cat goodbye cat whoa this is a new person what a strange place I found myself in Albert do you know where we are my oh my hello you kingly person there I do believe I'm a bit lost let us say in this town for a while sure how nice our and I shall find an inn to stay yet I'm sure I'll see you again Albert seems to like you okay that was easy mu it's that slightly a magical cat from before does this mean we're friends now I hope so I guess we are thank you slightly magical cat good day sir do you require any haunting services no is it ever worth saying if we have enough money one day I'm gonna say yes to him I'm just curious Albert asked me to come here and tell a story with you a yellow bird meets a green bird in the sky does a yellow bird soar higher than the green yes the yellow bird wheels through the sky oh great oh thank you for the 20 gold they were to stop to sing with it yes oh thank you wait is she still going on about this but what okay I don't even read her story she just kept babbling on and giving me gold nice okay wow wow this city's getting huge there's been a brawl two tavern should we arrest yes so obviously arrest those responsible for the brawl can't have that going on in my kingdom uh-huh might I get a cup of tea for you my liege yeah okay cool I gave us three a penis Timmy can I have a coin yes you can have one gold coin Timmy always making the town people happy Timmy Timmy Timmy okay oh hello a petitioner in the circus is down yes yes always bring the circus to town the circus in town is like the best thing that could possibly happen to us yarn ball hello you look new hello I'm yar no of the comfy Kingdom may not believe this but I am the Royal system of kingpin himself believe it or not I do believe it indeed the very same I've been noodling around this kingdom of yours and I oh wait what's that over there huh is that a button boy what okay there is yarn guy in a button book good sir did you happen to see a blue fellow come through just now strange made of yarn yes I knew who's running some we're going to find that yarn he's been running around claiming to be kingpins royal system which of course he is not oh oh no in fact it is I button boy who represents the comfy kingdom and his esteemed Council of crowns have you heard of the Council of crowns yes and surely you've thought about joining perhaps we could work out a bit of a deal yeah I would the ero has been giving me nothing but trouble if you get someone put a stop to shenanigans it might be able to get you a meeting with the advisor if anyone would be able to induct your kingdom into the council it would be her what do you say we catch yes I will catch him for you very good I'll leave the details to your discretion once the arms out of the way I'll sit on meeting alright we have our orders if we catch Jarno we can join well we can have a meeting to join the council the workers we captured recruit have sped up our building process building more tax income nice a tree trunk led a protest in the square against woodland destruction guards had to be called in the settle and they demanded overtime pay oh can we just cut down the remaining tree trunks a robot hello I am serial number LD 3.4 cz can you fix me yes I was very expensive I am become fixed he said well that was not worth I'm hungry can I eat some folks no we're not that desperate at the moment sorry bud no eating no eating people yet we're not in debt yet well we weren't it wait we don't have that fisherman they were supposed to pay us back I'm ready to make my report it seems a merchants guild is being controlled by alien conspirators come again how do I know this sometimes you just know you know sure you know I know you're an hour well I'm glad that was worth every penny to find out some refugees arriving town yes welcome to them welcome to refugees 15 plus people a sudden give us fifty plus people and three happiness did it again so let them in Mon Sierra spirit you call us a castle yes I do actually there you go a circus is in town okay good day 20 complete know our wealth went down the people are happy though and oh the witch is back my brooms all worn out it's my birthday I think you can buy me a new broom sure you've been so helpful to our peoples there you go and the prison in need of repairs a few hundred gold No just don't have it Oh No draw up ten happiness down and said hopefully the guards are able to make new actually I stayed up all night and candies constable why why are you always eating too much candy and going to the doctor stop eating candy and staying up all night I'm hungry can I need some folks I got plenty of gold no you're not doing that until unless we get into debt we are not letting you eat our people hello a friend care to gaze and I met last time we do this you killed people we'll try it again and it did it again you think I would learn my lesson no more vampires no no both times we did stuff with the vampire it ended very poorly for our people well we lost 40 wealth 15 people and 21 happiness yesterday that was probably one of the worst days in her kingdoms history angry publishers announced your rule shall we have her arrested yes most certainly very good of course yet that's the right thing to do my show it's you've gone over well I wish to expand my production 400 gold we don't have foreign or gold right now get out of your gesture Oh friend every time we do this it ends badly let's do it again oh my gosh that time it actually did things and good things that it outweigh the bad but it did things okay maybe today will have a positive day then whoa what is it iron blacksmith and I like set up shop here I could pay my own way I just need your permission of course go right ahead then I'll show my incredible skills just you wait cool we made people happy gain our population and maybe he'll make us some money too that'd be awesome I'm the Duke of spook do you want a spooky nickname yes hmm you can be the creep King that's not spooky but if it makes you happy whoa okay hello there person never seen you before I'm from the neighboring ocean Kingdom what a lovely castle you have although it's quite dry ever been in the ocean Kingdom no oh I see not much of a swimmer are you I can't follow you for that I suppose I don't know I couldn't gone there actually stamp on got banished her from my court I want to banish this person to my court she's never once done anything good for us mom says I need to ask your permission to go on an adventure it's my kid so can I please sure go on an adventure I'm so excited to go exploring well don't die some builders threatened to leave us hoop and some gold okay well gotta pay up then don't want to lose the population and -60 wealth oh geez we economic times are being harder and harder it's the cat it seems like he wants help y'all know how about y'all we got to catch your know maybe this cat can help find yarn oh I must be it only to provide plenty of tuna of course but surely will cost yes we will we will hire the cat to find a hundred gold I hope he understands what I want oh well nothing to do now but wait oh no this cat please please can you need to find Jarno for us if he finds Jarno then we can have our meeting to join the Council of Kings or crown sorry oh no we're almost in debt again I'll order manwich to settle this booty says he is way cool but his friend says he is not do you think he's cool yeah he's cool I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that are you serious oh my gosh it's just staring at me dude no not falling for this again what now the I made of steals adolescent took like a hundred gold from us you're burnin haunting services BOM will let you will haunt someone why do you want me to scare people a oh well I'll do it Oh what dang it should you say no you had another bad day in the kingdom the kingdom falls on harder times 31 gold plants are interesting don't you think I would like to open a garden may have some workers to help me sure thank you I'll send the back your way as soon as I'm done I hope you do and I hope you give us some gold back want me to steal from the she give to you yes we're kind of desperate 5-5 happiness that was not worth the fifty gold was it Saturn the boundary of your expanding City is beginning to conflicted the border of my name no you're one of the water people unless we're building in the water he should be fine more civil your workers have begun constructing a fence in my backyard don't you live in the Water Kingdom this is made even more fronting by the fact that my backyard is under whoa okay well then never mind maybe he does have a never mind Adam Annie cease production construction dispense and maintain your borders at its current position I agree good have you skewed me I've got some cleaning to do around my property well are you supposed to do we were going into the water Kingdom you got a skeleton of your own you know don't you find it weird that you can't see it yes yeah it's pretty weird don't think about it too much oh okay hmm you call this a castle yes I do indeed it is trick question fetch me reports seeing school of dancing mermaids in the water raising their spirits speaking of fishermen are you ever gonna pay me back mr. fisherman but hey look we lost a little happiness in population but after hours we gained population and our gold grew yesterday fires have been breaking out frequently on cabbage Street shall we install a well to make water more accessible there yes it's gonna be costly I bet oh my gosh yeah very very costly well we're broke the treasures empty we raise taxes yeah and now we lost 10 a penis so to put up the fires we lost all that save a helping of soup shopping it's a good idea I need some gold sure grandma want them a soup shot hey we gained some happiness back and people actually I was well worth it I'm hungry can I eat some of your folks you know sorry bud not worth it my sales have brought in record profits and I'd like to give you something as thanks yes please nice thank you friend thank you mr. blacksmith papers and posters around town spreading news of the destruction of the Western forests the people feel quite guilty about this what am I supposed to do the guy wasn't like a thousand gold or something as rep always back I returnable and not without cause prepare yourself for a protest of unimaginable proportions I will not budge from this spot until you answer for your crimes against my people your workers have wounded our way of life things will never be the same my gosh what say you will you at least admit to your Countryman's wrongdoing yes you you will not you should well I'm doing the needs to be perfectly transparent I must admit I did not expect you to say that I'm not really sure where to go from here perhaps I will leave oh all right so we came to happiness didn't cost us anything and oh hey our robot friends back I'm truly sorry about earlier my circuits were quite fried I offer my thanks for your help well glad we can help you oh he gave us all the money back and happiness oh that's good very nice looks like our kingdoms going out of the economic hard times I got 220 bucks but it has some gold to make an offering to the ocean shrine no fair enough I'm just mad that it hurt her happiness that we didn't the cat he's back looks he wants the patties but sure he'll get a belly Pat but you're supposed to be finding the Arno remember I gave you like a hundred gold cat but is number in the town circus yes circus time god I love the circus is in town oh my gosh we're closing in on a thousand people let's see alright not bad 38 people after hours oh man we're probably gonna break a thousand in like two days there's a party I'd like to go to this evening my liege mud I had the rest of the day off yes I'll have fun at your party thank you we will toast in your honor good nearby times ask this to former lines with them should we use them to beef up our ranks yeah of course sounds good to me more source for us yeah of course there's a bunch of goblins vil recorder i'll slay them for yes last time she did this it was well worth that the people got very happy and she became like a folk hero remember that of course ten coins only and you'll do that for us absolutely there you go the guards confiscating some girl that I found can I have it back no you're keeping it at but I mean I found it now you stole it you're the thief from earlier we hire you to steal from people villagers are complaining about garbage in the street shall we hire workers clean it up yeah fifty gold for two happiness are the seams worked it but at least the circus is back in town gossipers frame out of heroic purple which slaying goblins yes she became a folk hero again that's very good can't believe we're almost a month into our kingdom and look how fast it's been growing we're almost set a thousand the fisherman my boat fixed thanks to you it's about time sir yes thank you he actually paid us back I can't believe it that's great and now we have four gold and I love jesters back asking for four hundred gold I'm sorry jester I know it's gonna hurt happiness but just not worth it at this time the cat is my friend the magic cat he always gives me one happiness every time he comes to visit I like the magic cat I like the little Timmy though he gives me three I'm back I found these shiny yellow stones pretty cool right yeah oh the shiny yellow stones were gold awesome well today starting out to be a great day the extra food we've able to store two grinders and attract more settlers yes we should let them stay there good we'll have him settled in at once good services packed and left banana leaving behind more gold coins oh my gosh and that was a fantastic day for our kingdom and we broke a thousand people what a great day for the kingdom big news our populations reached one thousand three sure to mine our happiness rate and citizens expect the best of us I know they do now Wow we have six hundred dollars hey the magic cat is back my friend hello there you go magic cat the grineer has been infected it'll cost us to replace it and we don't people can get sick should we do it yeah I was only 70 gold okay well I was well worth it replacing the grainery on the duke of spook do you want a nickname sure you me the creep you gave me that nickname last time okay oh the assassin well I'm gonna steal from now not right now don't think we need to really steal we have six hundred dollars this is the richest we've ever been in this game we only gained 14 people I guess they really do need high happiness scientists hello I am the scientist I do science for you King you see okay well it's good to know you haven't been around ever you see the city has grown and we have grown to the science community that is when our very own Council of science of what she's delete wow there's something wish to introduce myself and now I have our visit you again in the future with projects science projects cool science man our granary again we just did that and that just costs us 70 gold oh come on there's a mouse should we chase it away no it seems happy I need seemed like a very smart Mouse he had a book in his hands I just passed through her and thought you might like some magic let's do it again oh man we hit the spell just right what a good spell I'm getting twenty people because of it you calls to Castle yes I do today was a decent day for happiness all things considered there's a party going on the tavern tonight the citizens were joy singing dancing together in it oh good there were many traitors made a visit to our market a result against Sully increased rate well sounds like we add an excellent day to be honest look at that all around a very little Timmy yes please you'll raise our town's happiness we're closing in on 300 happiness I'm so proud okay Matt I'm a Belle I accidentally stayed up all night eating candies yes you can have some gold little doctor stop staying up all night eating candies madam a Belle please hello friend care to gaze no not gazing into the magic ball Lana for every other time all the bad things that happened the wizards back I just passed through the most mad yeah yeah especially if for the last time oh no oh no we killed a lot of people dad that's not worth it cuz trouble you first sandwich yeah you can especially if that guy killed everyone we're gonna need all the happiness we can get we're just like structure arriving the morning to find all their lumber stolen setting work back weeks oh gosh that's very bad that was very bad okay well this began 15 people chest hunger can I eat some folks no sorry but we don't need money now we still are up we have over six hundred dollars still definitely need money I'll just pass the very thought you might like some magic sure it'll ask me killed a bunch of people my gosh you keep killing people that's two in a row two times in a row you've killed a bunch of people peeler demand that a notorious criminal be exiled from the city what do you say yes exile now fifty dollars to exile and while it's expensive exile I do not trust Mortimer he looks very evil yes hello one of your fishermen has been bothering me I demand a villager as a sacrifice yes yes I'll let it slide then this time mom let him eat one person to sacrifice do you want a spooky nickname sure today I think was overall pretty bad day in the kingdom yeah we lost on everything even in after hours we just only gained back our population that we lost no not the eye it seems happy ok came there to give us happiness good but eye is usually bad news I've Morgan I do game think it'll catch on sure all right I'm glad we had this robot it's a game you play with others go on KO monsters you get a sword cool yeah swords are great right so when you slam on so you experience points and hey are you still listening yeah good thanks listen mighty wow he gave us a bunch of money and happiness cool glad he made a video game should we force yes we should force the stinky kid to have a bath she won't be happy though well the other townspeople will be happy I'm gonna steal from the rich and you know don't really need that so today I think overall a cake man Louis it seems her quarters without much cake I could provide cake I am cake chef may I join you yes yes we could use more cake thank you sir how do we not have any cake chef how can we have a royal court without cake huh you're feeling spooky today sure oh no like I thought it was gonna give me another spooky nickname okay well last time last two times he's killed a bunch of people let's hope four and three times in a row he has killed people good the other times they're making piles of gold wish to share some with you well thank you to a Vernors alien man hello why'd you have to go and rat me out those pesky molder won't leave me alone now I'm just trying to lead a normal life here I don't need all this commotion no alien fisherman's back oh well thank you he's slowly paying his back I suppose that's good he gave his money back last time like $100 back and I give us 15 so I guess overtime I'll keep giving us more money so it's worth it are you looking for experienced barbers in your court yeah of course I shall join you okay cool thanks bud the town meeting aligns with is in trouble should we send shoulders should assist them no but we promised to protect them they won't be happy about this well too bad mama can my friends bow to play yes please little Timmy we could use all the help we can get right now in terms of happiness our happiness is plummeting commander our lawyer is missing shall we send a search party yes you must find him at all costs yes we must I'll be horrid if we don't find him so families that moved in the new house we vote should we send them a welcome basket yes hopefully that raises happiness it did and raise population okay well we increase happiness by one at least but and growth is slowing down quick most because our happiness took such a tumble yes it's only three gold whenever they ask for sandwiches and it gives us three happiness it's always worth the exchange Skelly yes please go look for mystery stuff we didn't start spending our gold if the opportunity comes can I please yes when the gesture comes back for foreign or gold asking to expand his operation I might do it this time that is very creepy that was a very creepy that I literally just talked about that that is extremely creepy well 400 gold let's see if it really raises our happiness that oh no scientist has made a most wonderful idea we've devised a way to broadcast music throughout the entire city using a network of sonic hardware I'm not sure this would be useful but wouldnt it be fun to try in the name of science I'm certainly doing my budget a mere hunter I'm saying no I mean that doesn't sound good at all but the gesture dazzled the court with a display of acrobatics in theater raising the spirits of all in attendance only gain this 12 for 400 gold I don't know how well how how good that is worth it maybe you'll do it multiple times or something I'm back I finally shot Yellowstone's pretty cool right yeah is that gold oh man yes I like when that kid goes on adventure he always finds a ton of gold citizens from far wide come and visit my barbershop you like a fresh cut sir free of charge yeah of course you you look dashing well thank you some very strange creatures moved in the house of goats should we allow it yeah of course all are welcome in our town yeah we chased off the strange creatures well not causing any trouble saw a beautiful silver gauntlet in my blacksmith today may I have funds to purchase it she wore that was a very expensive gauntlet okay well at least her happiness is rocketing up reporting in I solved the mystery of who stole miss pumpkins baking pan want me to turn him in yes oh it's off to the dungeon for him I was worth one person get three happiness Lewis was giving out free cake in the market today much the citizens delight oh cool awesome Louis and people are happy cool very cool I said I found a way to make some extra gold by trading sweets are interested yes oh my gosh she finally was worth it after all the trips the doctors we wasted money on that's great news she actually ended up being worth it there's a brawl should we arrest those yeah we should making one happiness for us and our happiness is now rocketing up we're finally gonna pass 300 Wow the last day in this game has been incredible for happiness I'm gonna leave the kingdom now to pursue my dream becoming a game dev goodbye can I hold him well you can't least on me so bye take this card remember I've got plenty so you can have this one Oh what we lost the robot our search party has turned up the missing man sire and nine of his new friends oh great that was a great day I gotta say look at that okay sad we lost our robot though our city has grown so much the visitors becoming lost quite easily shall we devote more gold to the hiring of tour guides yeah that'll probably up their happiness oh it worked look at that 300 people oh no we are not feeling spooky today I've learned my lesson you are not good for this town whoa this guy hello I've returned will you give me some money this time no fine then I shall return another day well how do I give you money I actually it's a folk affront keep a can I just pay you back with gold well last time we said no we said well I ate them anyway so might as well take the gold Wow well you next weekend 150 gold we need five people do you wish to give a spooky nickname yes spooky nicknames are good but you keep calling me the creeps King so you're not really being creative you've called me that twice now as the third time actually so three times all right what's next as say grows our fire more gold what an increase of our construction budget by 500 I'm gonna regret it I'm sure and now we're in debt but I think I believe it was necessary should we sell summer to get off our debt yeah Wow okay it was only ten people but we've got a lot of money back I think all in all was worth it oh good she can help us get more happiest easily cuz she's gonna become a folk hero again sign is I couldn't oh my notice that the most interesting cog you've come to possess a lot I use it for something I asked for no gold sure we're not using it I must convey to the Great's of gratitude okay interesting I hope that was worth it it seems sad no the all-seeing eye said gossip is spreading about oh man I think today was a great day honestly +17 happiness we lost 10 people but we gained 37 and after hours so on all a great day okay there's a bunch of gobs Aloha quarter yeah please get back out there I thought you were already doing that cool two days in a row we got good luck with that I do believe I've perfected my show gold it does require but happiness - she'll bring 700 gold to expand the show I mean last time it was kind of worth it let's do it let's risk it why not okay we're expanding the show we're not 500 dollars in debt looking for corner you can't sue magic to summon one but might cause soul to sure if it gets me $500 alright only to two people we didn't lose happiness we'll get more than after hours treasures empty we could raise the taxes a bit no we need obscure ways like eating our citizens where's that chess when you need them ah my lord we're in dire need of funds we'll have to drastically increase taxes in order to stay afloat Oh what I said don't do that well at least we got some high we ended up net gaining happiness because the jesters thing cool it's about air cat I almost give it up on you I did did you get him did you find yarn oh you ran away your no you got me that cat just wouldn't leave me alone oh my gosh we caught him was it button boy who sent the cat he's here trying to steal my position as advisor for yours he claims to be true visor breeches lies only a button after all I are no the blue am the true advisor the company kingdom accept no substitute whoops gotta run no no no no we just caught your no guards seize that yarn well done sir I'm not sure how much apart you actually playing this but yarn has been found I'm gonna generous mood so I set up a meeting yes oh my gosh he's gonna set up the meeting with the advisor yes seems uni gold I could give you some exchange for a few souls yeah sure why not well actually hurt our happiness but at least we got some gold mother there's plenty I'd like to go okay yeah of course you could take the night off there we go pal and there's been a brawl - tavern arrest those I think today is gonna be relatively kind of a met point except for the fact that we found yarn Oh can I have some food yes yeah I think today is gonna be kind of like a whatever day oh but then Lois gave some free cake and because of her saving the day and becoming a folk hero again actually we gained happiness and population and after hours went up in wealth so overall good let me to steal from the rich no we have plenty of money actually large Esther's gonna ask for another big stipend oh this guy yes go on under venture kid you always get to a penis fort and you four come back with 60 gold so can I have some food of course you can mr. cat okay a good day in the kingdom I'd say can I eat some folk no not today unfortunately pal we don't need the funds should have been here the other day I've got a business proposition for your time town or instant yes I'll bring you details soon good I would hope that you did +4 happiness okay we gained 41 people in after hours so my demands ricers through three shinto raise my prices yes cool fifty gold and three happiness I'll take it nice and I ate some folks up front can just pay you back a gold yeah I mean you already did it some we already learned our less than that valuable lesson earlier you already did it there's not much we can do I have some goal to make an offering sure I mean we have a lot of gold now thank you the ocean spirits be pleased last time I had to tell her no can any gold what that's your choice will you give me some money this time sure let's see what happens now just giving away my luck like like hotcakes hmm okay this guy has killed our people three times in a row and that time they gave us fortune cool hmm I got she wins something you lose some with him why we got 43 people and after hours it's kind of nuts oh my gosh however you're expecting esteemed at all okay I thought that she was here should I go summoning the servants yes of course we need to impress her that way we can join the High Court we've completed our work on the garden are you pleased yes oh my gosh your happiness is going up we're getting people so quick we'll make it at 1500 soon the granary has been infected of course we need to replace it although of cost 70 bucks the third time it's been infected now hey this guy don't you purchase any swords their guards yeah well protect the city is a happy city you're right channa happiness only cost us 20 gold well worth it no no no more from you but we don't need the money right now and you seem to only kill people or give us money so great day 16 happiness 50 people joined our town and after hours spirits are happy perhaps we should give them some gold what do you say to our gold sure it's expensive but hopefully um turns out to be worth it grandma the soup shots been doing well oh well thank you for offering some earnings thanks grandma for the fur for that that's great the cod really private of ours is dub project laughing it stands for something good trust me I want to give you a quick update just let you know things are progressing good Thank You pal sighs see you sir do you like your new haircut yes thank you oh wow seven happiness all because of a haircut the builders yeah you can have a sandwich my gosh talk about a great day in terms of happiness I mean very costly day but ten happiness went up and fifty people I'll take it grandma's back can borrow a coin for newspaper yes you can borrow a coin for the newspaper my gosh some builders are threatening to leave us we pay them okay well don't want to lose them okay what next actually it's the folks up front well you already ate himself yep give me the coins thank you pal might I have some gold no last time we made an offering to the shrine nothing literally nothing happened except I lost like 200 coins actually yeah wait a minute she never came back from the lish shrine trip the ocean clearly isn't happy with us we have 1500 people now oh my gosh it's amazing I advised her fetus she's here Green's Impa advisor to the okay king of drama what a beautiful can't see out here everything is spotless I would just wander wandering through Sydney was quite impress your citizens you know the council crowns searching for a fifth member yes yes I'm very interested about as much I'll informed our king I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you and discuss the gate no way I think we're finally gonna get to join Omar is not the one from this lesyk yes it was we're gonna get to join the Council of crowns any cash for them will surely do us well in the future I know I know we're gonna get to be in the current the crown hello Frankie regains my magical vampire no not risking our happiness or lives at this point we need to keep expanding quickly there's a bunch of goblins the Lord Lord yes yes kill them thank you he'll increase her happiness more happiness we have the more people join us look Singh wants to pet his belly yes please that way we get more happiness quickly the Sultan okay 200 gold will give us luxury goods 25 happiness well worth it gossip is spreading about the oh good good we lost a lot of money today but happiness boomed I got a say and we gained 50 people in after-hours fisherman's back thank you for giving us more profits I mean we did pay a ton of money for your ship in the first place this mean we're friends now yes I like that magical cat the magical cat is very cool our Allison ancestor refusing a them in battle we lose a bit of confidence from her citizen Oh No okay well I'll have to get it back somehow I'm back yeah cool you have a sixty coins and baby minder stream make sure you subscribe we haven't done so already helped us in our goal of 5 million subscribers by the end of the year everyone thank you so much thanks for coming by no gain some happiness Lewis is giving out free cake today cool well - to happiness so I guess an overall bad day but could be worse I suppose hey this guy's back molder if you want to know the truth but everything you don't have to hire me no I don't because last time you didn't give me anything there you go be gone the spirits are at peace right now why do you say 200 gold to stop a future haunting from a spirit store and now we're at $70 this could only end horribly we're gonna go broke soon okay yes you can go any chance a granary is infected yes we're gonna have to now we have we're gonna be one dollar left cuz it always costs 70 bucks to repair the granary we're literally down to our last dollar now this is bad would you like to buy some flowers from our garden there's a special low price for you sir we can't afford it no please don't be mad or turn the guard well I'd be game three people for not buying from the garden we literally have one dollar we lost so much money the other day I feel like our happiness is going up but we only gained 50 people in after hours I think we might have maxed out it might be only a max of 50 people after hours I wondered Skelly told need to tell you about an alien life-form this sure it could change everything we launched my own dependent investigation I just want to come here and thank you alright well hopefully that makes everyone happy yes you can have our last coin Timmy thank there you go buddy I need a cash how I cook you up you let me eat some people yeah eat away button all right 250 gold lost five happiness but did you go round to open our borders for the neighboring town what do you say yeah oh my gosh that gave us everything opening our borders was a great thing would you like to buy some flowers yeah well now we can afford it seven happiness for only five gold well worth it I would say well that was a fantastic day overall all we had to do was let the chest eat people hey she's back make way for our king oh my gosh the King's here already okay that was easy you don't always need to make such a fuss about my entrances Pia anyway yes hello Good King I've heard much about you your people we are quite impressed with you and would love to induct you if there's just one small issue all four must be present to induct a new member I'm afraid Kate Queen chanterelle and Queen cereth are having a bit of a fight at the moment we need to calm them down and settle their dispute you should be hearing from their advisor shortly i'm entrusting you the task of reconcile the two queens oh my how are we gonna reconcile the two queens I'll keep an eye out for budget in the ocean caiman flanking me sir I'm sure we can set up whatever it is that's troubling their Queens yeah look how in the world will we settle that oh god this guy give me a sacrifice or I'll swear I'll do something bad all right well here's the sacrifice you can have one person those fishermen causing trouble but that's their thought you might like some magic no a big no for you well if we last five more days we'll get 50 more people each time is he bothering you I can have him banished from the city if you don't wish to be pestered no don't banish the wizard okay all right well always back we've been developed a new potion and we conduct a test with a willing participant yes very good I'll report back okay hopefully doesn't kill him and 50 more people all right and four more days about two thousand people it seems like every 250 people and event happens so we just gotta get through these next four days and I think something good will happen I wonder what the amount of people is like the max amount of people is that you need to beat the game it's definitely got to be something okay well there we go it's definitely to be like I met you two thousand five hundred you beat the game Wow today was a great day in terms of happiness literally not bad at all I think it's just here to pay a visit should we leave it be yes I mean last time we chased it off it killed someone so it left the other leg oh nice better than having a party in the tavern I need a couple happiness things are good and the count continues to grow our town looks so beautiful now haze motor if you want to know the truth about everything gonna need to hire me no I don't want to know the truth about everything last time you wasted my money and told me about some aliens might have a cup of tea for you're sure that'll raise happiness for a small price man our happiness this is rocketing some builders they're gonna leave unless we pay them now don't pay him let him leave literally just let him leave six people good day sir you're Barney hunting nope don't require any haunting at all and our friend is back yes please thank you +5 happiness and plus 60 gold alright I'll take it man plus 50 people now we're gonna have to wait a little bit cuz we need to pay those people off but it's fine I mean it happens so what do you what we're supposed to do we're not gonna pay fifty gold to appease them you the fisherman again okay have a sacrifice if it's only one person just eat away we have fifty every night anyway hey our cat is back yeah she may have some food there you go I feel like we're doing really good at running this whole Kingdom thing you know I thought me running a kingdom would be like the worst thing ever but it's actually turning out to be bad but I upgrade you to the good stuff cool all right I let him upgrade me to the good tea and all I happened was free happiness they even cost me a dime alright and the kingdom booms bunch of goblins yes slay the goblins and lower quarter please whatever she does that it's a cheap way to get a ton of happiness since we opened our borders travels for all around doesn't just warm your heart yes it does mourn my heart and we gain some people back for that cool this guy you want a spooky nickname sure a creep King do you not have any other names you can give me just passing through no I don't want your magic not as a lesson I love them like remembering now what all these things are like I'm started remember Lee exactly who to say yes to who say no to and like what's gonna happen as a result alright we're only two away from two thousand like I said every two hundred fifty people something happens the boat you just seem to have me what okay maybe people happy and made people happy cuz it turned them purple it said interesting a grinder has been affected yeah well you gotta save the people's health so Bonjour proceeds from the can journey I've been rolling in Sally do you wish to collect your taxes yes 35 bucks cool my lord I wish to embark on a treacherous quest for the kingdom okay cool I didn't cost us anything now the cat's back can I have some food sure here you go alright and now we're about to get the 2000 people in after hours let's see yes there we go maybe we can start to repair the kingdom who is this guy have eyes they're all from the ocean Kingdom a dispute has been raised between them a plot of marshal has been discovered must be legally marked in the kingdoms property so the marsh contains water clearly it belongs the ocean Queen the plant Queen refuses to listen to reason however it insists she does will you support the claim sure of course I'll bring word or the owners side we should be able to overpower the Clinton oh gosh well this can only end horribly no I don't want to know any of your secrets Mulder go away can I trouble you for a sandwich yep you can or I it's annoying that our happiness is so high that we can't get more people it's like max that we're only getting 50 people each day but oh well I mean I guess that's what happens when you run a good business there we go with that three happiness fifty more coins we got overall a fantastic day no complaints there and hello my name is agar Oh from the plant Queen we heard your announcement of support okay as a land filled with grasses and plant life that Marsh rival it belongs to clean I will give you a chance to correct your mistakes announced your support for us okay fine very good I was going to keep on choosing each of them and just keeping them happy about a smart move no I'm not doing spooky today little thing go away the spirits are peas should we offer them gold all its gonna cost us $200 but it definitely will keep the people happy so what are you supposed to do I don't know because last time we gave to the ocean shrine we lost all of our money mermaid person looks like he wants a belly Pet sure there's your belly Pat mr. cat day 60 complete good and the people continue to get happier and happier care to gaze no I do not care to gaze into the crystal ball it's bad things will happen I'm really hoping that we can get some kind of boost a population here quick I want to I want to get like a big boost like when you like you've merged borders because when we merge borders we gained like 1520 people shall I show myself to the dungeons no don't show yourself hey we got a happiness for that cool I think there's something going on in the sewers I've been hearing some weird sounds like you've investigated if you want sure please Winston Winston oh you didn't tell me who'd cost me money to have you go investigate hey speaking of money thanks fisherman for coming back and giving us money and thank you witch for slaying all the goblins and those are 50 more people alright we're almost at 250 which means something's gonna happen yes the circus let's go and that was a good population boost the circus doesn't come around so long you call this a castle no you should be more confident oh come on okay I was just playing around I'm gonna steal from the rich no I'm just used to always telling him yes I want to try it out and I should've just kept with that it's mess is he offering something I hope oh it gave me five coins nice good thing we didn't chase the mouse off you mean we really get along don't we I wanted to tell you secret actually humans because of a curse which put on me I'd stop if I could but you know curses yeah you could break the curse I don't want to stop keep eating dinner you try break the curse thanks buddy I need you to help me keep an eye for any magical folks cool maybe we can cure him oh the circus in town people are happy look at that we have over five hundred happiness now and oh we gained another 250 people are 2250 so here comes King ominous seams of people the trouble regarding the Marcin has all been cleared up once clean chanterelle realized she once she was willing to split the marsh for the ocean kingdom sometimes you know they're okay that was it now as promised your seat where all the council i'll p.m. make the final arrangement for you when you're ready to induct you thank you again for your I think he's at 2500 people you probably beat the game get out of town that it was that easy like to fix him we just said yes to both of them their claims and then it was like okay whatever can we have some gold to hire an exterminator yeah law doesn't cost too much we can't go broke in the next five days we have five days to not go broke oh yeah welcome to refugees there we go fifteen more people because that no we don't have seven or gold to give you sorry bud I'll take the one loss to the happiness not worth it hey the circus is still in town at least okay there we go four more days we get to two thousand five hundred and some cool happens I'll be allowed to make them some people I've sprout alright okay sure there are official citizens now yeah it looks like someone's a belly rub okay you can have a belly rub there you go well next there's gonna brought the tavern yes the rest the people obviously look at how good our town is council okay for daily Lance Warner coins by workers for a daily allowance it cost 100 coins a day okay well hopefully we can make that money back soon it cost us a hundred dollars a day but it'll make our town better nope we don't have any money for the shrine especially cuz we gotta start budgeting $100 a day for the renovation okay well I gave us happiness in population so there is that at least but it costs us hundred and you'll keep going on for days well hopefully don't go bankrupt in the next few days all right cat there you go pedda stomach well who is this sir Tortuga hello I'm search or to go the shell Knights we have we fight for all you looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle so anything you might need assistance with your sir yes oh very good we'll set about it okay cool I don't even tell me what to do petition bring the circus of town yeah another circus in town please we could use the hundred dollars because we're gonna waste it on the town square that we promise to make nicer okay well at least we that's good to know at least we gain money today that means even though we spent $100 a day on you have the downtown renovation so easy come easy go but then the circus saving the day look at that plus ten overall and plus fifty people again alright two more days or one day and oh wait we attract more settlers that means that pushes above two thousand four fifty two now at the end of the day we're gonna get fifty more people if you want to know the truth but I think nope if we survive this day we're gonna have two thousand five hundred people no way what a Kingdom can I have some food of course you can pal there you go progress saved good I thought my likes magic I think a care to give it a try no not this late in the game we're just trying to make it through the night I know she's speaking that was again is he bothering you no no need to banish him and just in time we have $79 total left and overall we have 2500 people let's see there's the kingdom it's all finished good day so we're ready to officially duck you to the Council of crowns or a few formalities observe can I skip over those and give you the short version yes phew thank you it really doesn't matter in this way I don't and won't end up losing my voice alright gather around everybody I'm an advisor celestial kingdom Kings blah blah blah your King to your good King we're inviting you you're accepting it's very well I'm good on behalf of accounts crabs and fronts you a crowned king alright well you're done you're in now you're part of the Council from other kingdoms may come to you for help make sure you do your best to his system it's ngratulations the councils the highest ranked for a king we win wait does that mean we won I don't understand I think is that the end of the game okay I actually don't even know if we won I'm invested in Tootsie because I know Tootsie beat the game so hopefully he gets back to me cuz I don't know is that like it's not the end of the game and now you can just play for fun if you'd like to see how high you can get up what do you say because it's he says that that might be the end of the game so I think it might be let's see Oh at the end of the day he said once at the end of the day okay congratulations my join the Casa Grande you've completed the game continue play as long as you want to wrap up loose ends well I think honestly considering we won everyone that's a perfect place to call it quits we beat the game so thanks everyone for watching we hope you enjoyed if never to smash that like button subscribe and I hope to see you next time for some more fun goodbye
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 1,171,622
Rating: 4.9205298 out of 5
Keywords: sort, the, court, choose your own adventure, yes or no, sort the court, sort the court game, endings, walkthrough, gameplay, sort the court update, sort the court ending, sort the court gameplay, sort the court ep 1, let's play sort the court, sort the court lets play, sort the court playthrough, sort the court challenge, hilarious gameplay, kid appropriate, JeromeASF, Nicemedia, sort the court new characters, king game, free game, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, gaming, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 29sec (4409 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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