What If Luke Skywalker Time Travelled To SAVE Anakin Skywalker From The Dark Side

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what if Luke Skywalker was time traveled to the era where Anakin Skywalker was turning into Darth Vader basically what if Luke Skywalker came to save Anakin that's what we're going to go over today hope you guys enjoy time travel ones like this are always fun we'll talk about you know at the end my whole thoughts on them so stick around and let's get right into it our Story begins with Luke Skywalker staring at Darth Vader his father Luke was hanging on a pole at the end of a catwalk and Luke was in denial but he somehow knew Vader to be telling the truth this was his father and now Luke had a choice jump down to what would almost certainly be his death or join his father in the dark side Luke remembered Ben Kenobi Yoda Leia Han Lando chwaka so many others the light side was the only side he could choose he could never join Vader so instead In This Moment Luke chose death and he jumped down the entire shaft Vader watched him go and the life of Anakin flashed before his eyes when Vader was presented with a choice light or dark he went into the dark and now his own son was gone choosing the light choosing anything but the dark and as Luke fell he accepted that this would be his end but as he approached the floor a voice spoke to him not a mortal voice but rather a voice in his head or a combination of voices this mystical voice told Luke that the darkness had won he was the last hope but the force would give him a chance to change everything and as Luke approached the ground he spoke back to the voice telling it to give him this chance and he will do what he must and Luke hit the floor but there was no longer a floor no instead it gave way to some sort of different realm and Luke was alone flying through space when suddenly he heard voices like Ancient Memories of the force and Luke was granted to the knowledge to realize what he was seeing this was the life of anak and Skywalker are you it is the chosen one you must see it I ever see you again stay with me Mom I killed them I love you I killed them all take them together you're going slowly on the left Tak no no my Powers have doubl the last time met count the baby no the dark side of the force I don't know you'll be able to save your wife from certain death what did you say he must live no what have I done a powerful sin you you will not Tak it from me your lust for power that you underestimate my power that's why you have allowed this dark lord to to your mind until now until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy you were the chosen one you was said that you would destroy this s not join them bring balance to the force not leave it can you hear me after the familiar breathing of Vader stopped Luke was knocked out and inside of the Jedi Temple on corusant Anakin Skywalker was meditating all alone in an area that no one ever came to it was outside the mechanical repair room and sometimes the sounds of simple machines being built would put Anakin into a sense of calm relaxation back when everything in life was more simple when he was just fixing things he loved to fix things but back then things were worse but at least he had his mother and now Anakin was just trying to relax after Yoda gave him terrible advice that morning Yoda told Anakin he must train himself to let go of everything that he feared to to lose that of course was Padme and so Anakin would not let that happen he would do anything to keep her alive but as he Dove deep into meditation trying to find a calm spot in the force a voice interrupted him someone behind Anakin simply said father Anakin opened his eyes turning around to see a boy in a white or gray outfit with messy hair in his eyes and he was sweating something seemed to be wrong with him and his mouth hung open as Anakin saw Tears start to form in his eyes for Luke Skywalker everything was happening so fast literally minutes ago he was fighting Vader who revealed that he was his father and Luke jumped to his death then he was granted a vision from the force he saw his father's life and now he stood in front of Anakin Vader in some sort of grander Temple Luke only heard myths and stories about the temple from Yoda but no one would ever truly be able to describe how magnificent this place was Luke was looking around then look looked back at Anakin his father and he began to back away from him remembering what Anakin becomes seeing the visions of who Anakin is and Anakin slowly approached putting a hand on Luke's shoulder saying they should go to the medical facility but Luke pulled away scared and confused about all of this and as he pulled away Anakin saw the lightsaber dangling from Luke's belt and at the same time Luke looked to his own hand and then to the lightsaber they were both back with him they should have balling down the hole on Cloud City but as he looked back at Anakin there was a fire in his eyes Anakin asked where he got that light saer and Luke realized that Anakin had the exact same one on his belt Luke had to calm the situation so he said father please listen but Anakin would not listen right now he exclaimed what kind of trick is this Jedi Sith who are you and Anakin ignited his lightsaber the Sith Lord had not yet revealed himself and so Anakin thought that perhaps this was some trick from the Sith to confuse him Luke was backing up again trying to calm Anakin down to explain everything he said father Anakin let me explain I'm your son Luke but Anakin now threw Luke into the wall with the force asking how he knew that name it was a name only he and Padme discussed in case their child was a boy and Luke got up saying it's because it's all true he was from the past he was here to help but now Anakin was approaching and he swung at Luke so Luke had no choice but to ignite his saber and block now two of the same lightsaber locked against each other but Luke was scared confused unbalanced still exhausted from his fight with Vader and he was no match for the fully trained chosen one so after a few strikes Anakin dislodged the saber from Luke catching it in the air Anakin looked at it and prepared to arrest this boy when suddenly Anakin turned turned back to Luke and he was gone instead in front of Anakin stood Chancellor Palpatine he was talking and Anakin could hear Echoes realizing this was a vision no not a vision a memory upon grabbing Luke's lightsaber Anakin was granted a vision of all the memories contained inside of the lightsaber and Anakin watched what this lightsaber goes through in the near future and Beyond be able to save your wife from certain death what did you say he must live but done a powerful sin you you will not Tak it from me your AC Your Lust for power you underestimate my power you have allowed this dark lord to to your mind until now until now you have become the very thing you swore to D destroy you were the chosen one There Is No Escape it was said that you were destroy not join them join me I'll never join you will be one never told you what happened to your father he told me enough El he told me you killed all civilized I the father no Anakin woke up now on all fours on the cold floor trying to grasp at everything he just saw everything that will happen he will turn to the dark side and Padme will still die he will burn he will suffer his own children will hate him everyone will hate him he will have nothing and he looked up at Luke realizing the absolute truth this was his son and he was here to save him Anakin said I will do such terrible things and Luke helped Anakin up saying then that is why I am here father to stop you from doing these things to save the future but how Anakin looked up at Luke remembering the vision and said Palpatine which made his heart hurt for as long as Anakin could remember Palpatine was truly like a father to him he was so nice understanding gentle so trusting the opposite of the Council and now Anakin knew the truth it was all a lie all so Palpatine the Sith Lord could get Anakin on his side Anakin looked at Luke realizing the force must really hate what Palpatine becomes to somehow screw with timelines like this Anakin debated telling the Jedi Council about this but there may not be time this had to be up to him and Luke and they would tell the council everything once it was done and so the two of them walked through the temple together discussing everything Anakin assured Luke that no one would really look twice at him there were 10,000 Jedi here and Luke would just be another one so they walked through the Jedi Temple Father and Son as Luke began talking about everything in his timeline to Vader to Palpatine the Empire the Rebellion everything they passed the training room where master senu was practicing lightsaber forms with a group of younglings and Anakin flinched remembering the Younglings from his Force Vision as Luke said he didn't know all that much from his true Galaxy he said he was raised on Tatooine which made Anakin stop in his tracks so they were both raised on Tatooine and Luke said yes raised by his aunt baru and uncle Owen and Anakin said this was smart he hated Tatooine and he would never step foot on there again if he did not have to and then puzzled he asked Luke who trained him Anakin could feel in the force that Luke held extreme power but he didn't know how to fully wield the power quite yet but he was strong wrong Luke said it was Ben Kenobi and Yoda the two known survivors of the Jedi Purge they trained Luke and he disobeyed their direct wishes for Luke to not confront Vader in order to save his friends and Anakin stopped again smiling at Luke and now it really hit him this was his son and just like Anakin Luke obeyed the Jedi in order to save the people that truly mattered to him the two continued on as Luke described his mission to Cloud City saying it was to save Princess Leia among others and Anakin felt himself go dizzy in this moment Leia he asked and then told Luke that Leia was the name that he planned to give his child if it was a girl and at once Luke and Anakin both realized another Truth for Anakin he found out Padme was pregnant with twins right now and Luke was now finding out he had a sister the two continued on both in awe of each other as Anakin said blast I'm late for the Outer Rim report Obi-Wan's going to kill me and he looked around telling Luke to go to his quarters and giving him the directions Luke said he would as he was excited to see more of the Temple and so he took off as Anakin ran to a different area Anakin met with Obi-Wan who gave a quick recap of the outer rim sieges and then went on to say that Chancellor Palpatine has requested Anakin's presence Obi-Wan sensed a shift in Anakin usually he felt excited when Palpatine wanted to see him but today Obi-Wan felt fear Obi-Wan asked what was wrong and Anakin debated telling Obi-Wan but instead simply said it was nothing he just wanted this war to end Obi-Wan considered asking again but just nodded and let Anakin go their relationship was different than in the past Anakin was hiding so many things they both knew it but Obi-Wan didn't know how to communicate with him he often wished Qui-Gon were here the council was no help for someone like Anakin and Obi-Wan watched him take off through the temple after Anakin left Luke walked through the temple taking it all in there was a room of fountains many training rooms a dining hall so many Jedi hundreds of them and everywhere that only Luke knew would die if he could not help Anakin defeat the Sith as Luke continued on following the directions given to him by Anakin he walked past a room that had a familiar feeling Luke thought about it and he realized it felt like deoa Yoda and the door swung open to reveal nobody but Luke looked down and realized there was someone it was Yoda he looked so much younger so much stronger than the Jedi that Luke had met on deoa and Yoda looked up at Luke with curious eyes there was something eily familiar about this boy but Luke quickly said he was sorry for interrupting and he turned heading for Anakin's quarters he couldn't tell Yoda everything yet and Yoda decided to trust the force on this something was wrong but he felt no evil in the boy this was strange and so Yoda went back in meditating ating into the force Luke hurried through the temple finally coming upon the Jedi quarters and moving through the hall until he found Anakin's quarters Luke entered and the room was filled with much more personality than Luke would have ever expected from a Jedi from everything he learned from Obi-Wan and Yoda he would have expected the room of a Jedi to be devoid of all personal connections Luke looked around seeing posters of pod racing on Tatooine trinkets that were either half-built or nearly finished the room smelled a bit like mechanic iCal parts and clearly his father took an interest in building things Luke walked through then tripped on a wrench and his hand knocked over a book the book fell and revealed something hidden behind it it was some sort of hollow image Luke looked at it more and saw a beautiful woman she was laughing in the image clearly in love with whoever she was looking at and Luke quickly realized that this was his mother his real mother the one he'd never met in his life he felt tears in his eyes as a voice from the door said isn't she wonderful and Luke turned to see Anakin leaning against the door with a soft but sad smile on his face Anakin now knew the lengths he would go to in order to save Padme only for her to die and for him to become a monster he knew now that perhaps with Luke's help he could be saved and she could be saved and Anakin said that he was being called to Palpatine's office so it was time for the two of them to make their move kill the Sith Lord explaining everything to the Jedi Council together Luke was afraid but he knew his responsibility it was up to him and Anakin to do this together save the Galaxy from an Empire of Darkness so they moved through the temple Hangar getting into a speeder together entering the chorus on traffic immediately Luke was in complete awe he'd seen the temple but corusant itself was just as Magnificent the planet was a beautiful city with traffic and buildings everywhere it was almost impossible to take in unlike anything he'd ever imagined as finally the two of them pulled into the landing area for the Republic executive building Anakin went over the plan with Luke it was rather simple Luke will have a commlink on enter the room on Anakin's queue and together as father and son they will destroy Darth cyas so they walked through the building separately until Anakin Came Upon Palpatine's office there was a different feeling with him than ever before as Anakin knew the truth but he had to maintain the trust with Palpatine until the moment was right Palpatine greeted Anakin as he usually did and then went on about what he wants he said he wants Anakin to be his representative on the Jedi Council and Anakin took this opportunity he told Palpatine that the council will not allow this saying that the Jedi suspect Palpatine is a Sith Lord and Anakin said he's begun to lose faith in the Jedi then subtly flipped on the recording device in Palpatine's office everything said from here on out would be recorded Palpatine considered his next words then said and if I were a Sith would that be so bad and so Anakin Dove head first into this opportunity goting Palpatine into revealing the truth after some careful dancing around it Palpatine finally told Anakin the truth and said that only he could save Padme from certain death without warning Anakin ignited his lightsaber swinging at Palpatine but the Sith Lord was ready he ducked under the swing igniting his own lightsaber fine he would teach Anakin a lesson in the dark side show him the true power and then he would turn but the Jedi lifted a commlink and said now Luke into it Palpatine was confused but from behind him the giant window shattered and Palpatine barely flipped away from a strike from a new blue lightsaber he was backed up to the wall now wondering who this Luke was as he prepared for the fight but he intended to toy with this Luke for a bit find out his strength find out who he was Anakin stared at the Sith Lord telling him that he would never turn to the dark side he's seen what it can do and the two Jedi moved in Anakin's blue Blade clashed with the red one of cyas their skills mashed as they spun through the area the room echoed with the Clash of lightsabers as they circled around each other their movements blending with the force meanwhile Luke pushed in doing his best to match his father and the office became a Battleground Furniture was tossed aside in the chaos of their duel cyas deflected Anakin strikes with precision as Anakin fought with a passion that mirrored the intensity of cyas is evil spirit Luke however found himself to be quickly overwhelmed by the sheer power of cidus Vader on cloud city was toying with him but the true sit Lord intent on ruling the Galaxy Was preparing to bring a swift end for Luke at this point and as the duel continued the combatants moved with blinding speed trading blows trading Force attacks Anakin and cyas were locked in a deadly stalemate locking lightsabers as Luke fight finally saw an opportunity slashing cyas on the forearm but the S Lord reacted angrily blasting Luke with lightning sending him crashing into the far wall Anakin torn between defending himself and helping his son was momentarily caught off guard cyia seized the chance launching a barrage of lightning energy at Anakin who struggled to deflect the onslaught now cyas used one hand to blast lightning at Anakin and the other to swing his red lightsaber Anakin moved to block a lightsaber strike but the lightning was catching him now he fell to the ground writhing in pain Darth cidus laughed and it echoed through the room as he yelled the had no need for a Jedi after all and cidus raised his saber preparing for the final strike Luke seeing his father in danger tapped into what was left of his strength summoning the lightsaber back to his hand he tried to ignite it but it was broken he looked back at cyas one second from plunging his lightsaber into Anakin and Luke closed his eyes no one knowing what he must do and he pushed off from the wall Anakin could not break free from the lightning and prepared to feel the lightsaber killing him but suddenly it all stopped the lightning was cut off and a lightsaber never hit him instead Anakin looked up to see the red lightsaber plunged through Luke his own son just sacrificed himself and Palpatine stared into Luke's eyes as he came out of nowhere to absorb the stab and in the eyes Palpatine could see Anakin eyes impossible and as Luke fell to the ground Palpatine's line of sight was replaced instead by Anakin swinging his lightsaber at Palpatine's face and that was the last thing the Sith Lord would ever see he was cut down by Anakin the Sith were dead Anakin made sure Palpatine was gone then grabbed Luke holding him up Anakin looked into the eyes of his son and Luke said you did it father you've saved us and then he died in Anakin's arms and with this Luke's entire timeline was erased everything was reset to this moment as Anakin fulfilled the prophecy of the chosen one within hours Anakin would stand with Padme amadala in the Senate chambers Anakin grabbed the recording that he took from Palpatine's office which had him clearly admitting to being the Sith Lord controlling both sides of the war he was a treasonous manipulator and Anakin explained to the Senate that he did what he had to do for the Republic this Senate would be an uproar but they would calm down as the leaders of the delegation of 2000 most notably Padme borana and manma said they would figure this out and Anakin would go to the Jedi Council and tell them the same story that Palpatine revealed himself to be a Sith Lord and so Anakin killed him Anakin never mentioned Luke it wouldn't make sense but because of Luke Anakin did what he always was meant to do and so in the coming weeks Padme would give birth the twins Luke and Leia Luke was reborn into the Galaxy he was meant to grow up in and Anakin would leave the Jedi Order to watch over his children and be with his wife Chancellor amadala Anakin would be an amazing father knowing how wrong everything could have gone Uncle Obi-Wan and Aunt Ahsoka were excellent for the family and in time the twins would grow up as Luke became a Jedi trained by Obi-Wan and Leia became a senator under her mother and folks that's where our story ends today I hope you guys enjoyed something thing I want to get into more often is just kind of talking about my stories sometimes I'll just wrap it up and bounce but it's it's cool to just talk about it see what you guys think as well so time Travel how about it this was I think my third story of time travel that didn't just involve the world Between Worlds the world Between Worlds is fun but it just creates you know weird timeline stuff and doesn't I don't I don't love using it so I like doing it this way and just have the force be like hey go reset things just kind of make it so Luke in that moment on Cloud City was actually going to die and the force was like no we're not going to let that happen just sending Luke to help his father like yeah it doesn't make sense and I just genuinely don't like time laws like sure the two lightsabers one of them would have to disappear I guess because of time travel but it's Star Wars It's the force we're just going with the two lightsaber thing and we're just going to use my own time laws yeah that's right anyways I just wanted to do that I like this stuff and I've done this before with Anakin going to the Empire I've done this before with Vader going to save Anakin from turning now Luke saving Anakin so what do you guys think of it you know did you have trouble with the time travel stuff and then Anakin and Luke both having visions what did you guys think of that they were both about a minute long just of moments throughout their lives through Anakin's life I really enjoyed making those it was kind of fun to just put together the you know minute long Montage so let me know what you thought and that's how they found out about Palpatine being the Sith and at the end you know I could have done the other timeline just with without Luke or something but no I just wanted to have it erased and reset back to this so Years Gone just set back to this and I did consider a Yoda involvement I had him in there in the temple just kind of decide rather to let things play out and you know maybe at the end ultimately he knows there was someone involved in killing Palpatine from seeing Luke early on I considered him following Anakin and Luke to the quarters and getting involved but I really just wanted this to be a story focused on those two characters like could all of the Jedi just have gone to Palpatine's office yeah probably but didn't want to go that way that way so let me know what you thought story about these two keeping Anakin in the light thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Star Wars Galaxy
Views: 94,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Anakin skywalker, Luke skywalker, what if anakin, Star Wars what if, What if Anakin dark side, pente Patrol Star Wars, Star Wars galaxy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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