What If Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) SURVIVED In Return Of The Jedi

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what if Anakin Skywalker survived in Return of the Jedi that's the path I want to explore today I had a lot of fun writing this and I'll just say if you're not a fan of like you know fan service type stuff you don't really love that kind of thing this may not be your favorite video but I had a lot of fun writing this it was it was enjoyable so sit back relax let's get into what if Anakin survived in Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker did everything he could to drag his father through the Death Star to the shuttle everything was collapsing around them and at the same time Luke could hear his father's breathing begin to collapse he was running out of time finally he reached the shuttle and put his father on the ramp Luke looked at Vader and took his helmet off so his father could see Luke with his own eyes Luke looked at Vader and he told Luke that he was right and to tell his sister that he was right and then he fell back Luke put his head down sad for his father's death but knew it was time to go and so he prepared to take off as Anakin formerly Vader began to die voices came to him first Obi-Wan then Yoda then Qui-Gon they all praised Anakin saying he did well he fulfilled the prophecy Anakin was beginning to transfer into the Netherworld of the force when he saw Obi-Wan he was a transparent blue spirit and he came to Anakin telling him that no it was not his time yet Obi-Wan said that someday Anakin would be welcomed here but today was not his day and Anakin's eyes shot open he was back in the back of the shuttle and suddenly he felt the shuttle Shake violently he sat up looking out a back window to see the second death star explode then he turned back to the front and Luke was looking at him a small smile and tears in his eyes somehow Anakin was alive the force had given him life seemingly as a reward for fulfilling the prophecy and finally ridding the galaxy of the darkness Anakin sat back and laid down he was alive but he was very exhausted Luke flew towards the forest Moon of Endor unsure of exactly what to do his father was unable to survive much longer without repairs and the people on Endor would have Anakin killed immediately for his crimes and Luke could hardly blame them Anakin got into the co-pilot seat and said they must go to Mustafar it's where he has resided for years and Luke looked down to the planet contacted Leia and said he had Jedi business to finish told her to tell the rebels that he said thank you and Luke blasted into hyperspace with Anakin the celebration on Endor commenced Han Landau Chewbacca and the rest of the rebels danced and celebrated the fall of the Empire with the Ewoks all was good and Leia joined in soon as well but she was concerned for Luke she knew he had gone to fight their father and now Luke was off somewhere else curious she thought before joining the celebration and Luke soon entered the atmosphere for Mustafar and he could feel the darkness that surrounded this planet he could feel his father as well but the darkness in him was all but gone Anakin had returned Luke flew to the tall black structure when Anakin began to tell him the history of this planet and it can explain the planet is the reason that he must now wear the suit he fought Obi-Wan here a duel that would determine the fate of the Galaxy and Anakin explained that he lost his overconfidence his arrogance his need to prove himself was his undoing and Obi-Wan had left him here to burn but the emperor had shown up just in time to rebuild him and Anakin said this planet was the last place that he ever saw Luke's mother alive Luke discussed it all now with his father understanding that he lived here despite the memories would only increase his power in the dark side so now Luke must take his father somewhere where the light side can shine they arrived at the castle and Anakin told Luke to go enjoy the celebration on Endor he earned it and it would be good for the Rebellion to celebrate with its hero Anakin said it would take a while for him in his castle to be back at regular strength and so Luke did go to the Celebration saying goodbye to his father for now Anakin smiled as he watched him go and he slowly but surely got into his back tank the tank had been his escape from the Galaxy for years he used it as a Haven to hone his strength in the dark side but today today was different he was in the light again he was a Jedi and in the back to tank Anakin allowed happy memories to come to him for a change Tatooine winning the pod race and being held up by Qui-Gon meeting Padme for the first time his mother oh how he missed his mother then the Jedi Temple training with Obi-Wan becoming far more than student and teacher becoming Brothers marrying Padme more happy memories flew by and then decades were skipped by until Anakin saw the faces of Luke and Leia his children in time Anakin would make up for his mistakes he could not show himself as he was perhaps the biggest enemy of the Galaxy still alive but he could live to the fullest in other ways he would dedicate his life to the force learn everything he could and he would teach his children along the way five years later Luke Skywalker stood in the grass of osis next to his rebuilding Jedi Temple he watched his X-Wing take off the power behind it rushing him like a big gust of wind and then it was gone he had just sent Young grogu off with R2D2 back to his Mandalorian friend he had planned to go with the youngling but Ahsoka had returned right now to talk to Luke about an emerging threat once grogu was gone Luke found Ahsoka and they walked together for a long while Ahsoka detailed everything she'd found out with the help of people like Harrison Doula Sabine Ren DIN jarin and others in the new Republic Grand Admiral thrawn was making his return and he looked to take the still building New Republic by surprise Ahsoka said New Republic bases were ambushed by people wielding lightsabers and there were reports from survivors about an army of Stormtroopers but not just any Stormtroopers they were Undead revived by what Ahsoka could only assume to be night sister magic Luke and Ahsoka walked together through a small Forest down a large hill with a hidden stone staircase and soon found themselves in front of a waterfall Luke acknowledged the threat and said that he would do more to help from here on out he'd been so focused on rebuilding the order rebuilding this Temple but in order for there ever to be a Jedi Order the Galaxy would need to be safe free of any remnants of the empire now Luke held up the waterfall with the force and the two of them walked underneath it into a cave to see Anakin Anakin was meditating at the far side of the cave when he felt the presence of Luke and Ahsoka he opened his eyes and turned to them removing his helmet to be able to truly interact in the best way in the last five years Anakin had discarded the armor of Darth Vader and used his own expertise in Machinery along with the help of New Republic droids to create a new suit he never did this as Vader because the pain and suffering of the old one pushed him further into the dark side but Anakin's new suit allowed him to move like a human again he felt like Anakin only much older and injured Beyond ever being fully repaired his new suit was dark blue and white based heavily off of a man that Anakin respected for Fighting by his side through the Clone Wars it was perfect for living and learning about the force Anakin at this point had sworn off fighting as every time he fought it only brought Darkness upon the Galaxy instead as the chosen one he had become dedicated to studying the force and guiding his children and his former Padawan only Luke Ahsoka and Leia knew his existence Luke and Ahsoka would come visit often though Leia never had she could not bring herself to visit the man who had helped lead the Empire and stood watch as Alderaan was blown up Anakin understood and he loved Leia though she may never love him and together today he saw Luke and Ahsoka he remembered the first time Ahsoka had come here Anakin had called to her in the force guiding her away from her years of meditation on malachor to find him their first hug when Ahsoka had seen Anakin was something that he would never forget and today Luke came to Anakin saying that he failed he failed to keep his student at the temple and Anakin looked up to the two of them looked to Ahsoka then turned to Luke and said that sometimes for a Jedi to become their best self they may have to take their own Journey for some time Ahsoka smiled at Anakin remembering how she walked away from the temple and how that helped make her into who she is today Luke acknowledged this idea and sat down to meditate with Ahsoka and his father Ahsoka began detailing what she knew of thrawn asking Luke and Anakin for their help Luke said he would help and Anakin said that he could not fight he just couldn't for he was still afraid of who he was during the Decades of War but he knew thrawn they had worked together as both Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader he said that he would guide Luke and Ahsoka when needed help them both become stronger in the light side of the force Anakin was the best guide for Ahsoka and Luke and they both understood why he cut himself off from fighting War had turned him from what Ahsoka described as a Charming friendly kind man all the way into Darth Vader the most feared being in the Galaxy at the time and eventually Luke and Ahsoka left to go Aid the new Republic in its fight versus the remnants of the empire after they were gone Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared next to Anakin his old Master said the young Jedi would never truly understand why Anakin was so reserved from fighting but Obi-Wan said he would understand and Anakin was thrown into flashbacks of the Clone Wars choking slaving zagarians because of his anger overwhelming him choking Poggle the Lesser as he was blinded by hate nearly beating Clovis to death to protect his wife wanting to kill berezafi for what she did to Ahsoka the fights versus Count Dooku sent a cold shiver down his spine and at the end of the war the end of both Wars becoming Vader but then a memory that overtook it all exigo two years after what was thought to be the death of the emperor Anakin traveled to exigal during the reign of the Empire Darth Sidious had shown Vader exigal where he planned to build a new order and clones of himself to Forever remain Immortal and once Anakin had his new suit built he traveled alone to exigal once there he found the broken remains of Darth Sidious along with Vats of clones it was said to be the rebuilding place of the Sith and once he arrived Anakin's head was filled with the maniacal laughter of Sidious he couldn't get it out of his head it was constant and Darth Vader was momentarily reawakened hearing the laughter of Sidious Unleashed Vader and he used his hatred to storm the area blowing up Vats of clones destroying everything around him and finally facing the decaying temporary body of Sidious the Sith Lord knew this was his official end and he went out in his own way as Vader walked up and stabbed him through the heart Sidious erupted in laughter and said you will always be Darth Vader upon killing him it was like a trance was broken Sidious may never truly be dead he may always be just floating around through the force but he would never inhabit a body again all of his clones were gone and Anakin looked around now to see the destruction Sidious was always in control but he was dead for good this time Anakin had to Hope and he came back to the present and the words you will always be Darth Vader still rang in his head only he and the four Spirits ever knew of this trip and it was why he could not fight the fight brought Vader to the surface and Anakin needed him to stay dead over the next couple of years now the new Republic slowly shifted from being wary of a war to quickly falling behind thrawn as he attempted to retake the Galaxy for the Empire the Imperial remnants had formed a shadow Council but at the start it was largely ineffective as predictably there were far too many people vying for power after some time moff Gideon had appeared to be the leader but his death by the hands of the mandalorians had created an opening and when thrawn made his return the council was more than willing to stand behind him and so they did the New Republic was slow to act as they were more focused on actually restoring a democracy before engaging in another War luckily Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano Guided by Anakin were able to recruit enough people to fight by their side Harris and Doula in the ghost crew reinvigorated by finding Ezra Bridger join the fight along with Admiral Akbar and his supporters and after the couple of years the new Republic began to understand the threat and they were ready for war thrawn was far superior to anyone than the new Republic had engaged with in the seven or so years since the fall of the Empire no matter what the new Republic did thrawn wasn't just one step ahead he was 10 steps ahead thrawn had spent the last couple years perfectly planning out this Galactic assault that was now to be launched with the help of the Shadow Council along with the night sisters creating thousands of soldiers for an undead Army the new Republic would be unable to stand in his way he'd send out Star Destroyers as distractions to crucial food production planets and other crucial New Republic systems all for one thing the destruction of Coruscant once the new Republic was spread thin his assault on Coruscant would bring the Galaxy to its knees as the Empire revealed itself to be reborn on ilum the new Republic was spread across the Galaxy fighting off the real threat of the heir to the Empire Luke Ahsoka Han Lando Chewbacca and many other Republic leaders were fighting off battles above the planets of Ando philby ilum Crone and others they all received a transmission from Leia returned to Coruscant immediately thrawn has revealed his grand plan on Coruscant an hour before hearing the transmission Leia sat in the new republic government building Luke and Ahsoka had helped her to begin learning the force and she planned to learn when this war was over planned to continue learning training further in the force but what she had learned proved useful today as she sat with Mon mothma and other government leaders she felt a great disturbance something was coming something huge without considering what it could truly mean Leia remembered what Ahsoka had taught her trust your instincts and that is what she did today upon feeling the disturbance she interrupted the meeting and ordered a full evacuation then she immediately sent the transmission to call everyone back to Coruscant as Grand Admiral thrawn was revealing his plan mon mothma asked why and Leia just begged her to trust her and so she did but many did not the evacuation was slow and stubborn until eventually the entire ground began to shake like a violent earthquake with everyone scrambling Leia got to the highest point of their building and looked around Coruscant buildings were crumbling from the earthquake citizens were running around in fear and Leia was struck by fear as she looked to the industrial sector of Coruscant the ground was caving in and from it the largest star destroyer she'd ever seen was slowly emerging this was a Dreadnought one that had been hidden away underneath everything for long and Leia feared the worst Grand Admiral thrawn stood at the front of the super Dreadnought as it Rose from the ground years ago he and the emperor had devised secret plans for construction of this super weapon it had taken over 10 years to complete and thrawn had kept it in a secret until a few days ago recruiting a crew to board the Dreadnought with him at the helm and in time it would be safely above Coruscant and the super weapon would be charged the new Republic would die today before it could ever truly be born thrawn had anticipated every possible outcome and he would have ultimate Victory today he let himself Smile as 10 Star Destroyers were on their way to Coruscant to fight off anyone who should dare try and stop him Leia watched in horror as everything she and the new Republic was trying to build seemed to be at a swift end everyone was spread out across the Galaxy but luckily her feeling in the force had given them a heads up and could get a lot of Fighters back in time there was such a small chance of Victory with this Dreadnought rising to space and she thought of everything finally it clicked perhaps there was someone who could help someone she could never bring herself to see her father Leia scrambled to the hangar to find her ship telling the government leaders she would be back soon without any other information there was no time and as Leia reached space she saw the new Republic Cruisers emerge along with Luke and Ahsoka their fleets had made it back in time this was what she needed and the Jedi had to stay and fight while Leia went on this Mission alone blasting into hyperspace Leia took off for OSIS Luke Ahsoka and the rest of their crew prepared for a fight Imperial Star Destroyers appeared from hyperspace protecting any path to the rising Dreadnought and soon an all-out Battle Above Coruscant began New Republic versus the heir to the Empire a battle for the fate of the Galaxy onosis Leia landed and felt into the force for her father she ran through the area up hills through water getting closer to seeing Anakin Skywalker and in the cave Anakin could feel her arrival he was nervous but Obi-Wan Yoda and Qui-Gon stood with him now saying that he must hear what Leia has to say what his daughter has to say that Anakin has gone into the light that he was good that his Darkness was put behind him and as Anakin saw the spirits fade away he saw someone emerge from the waterfall for the first time Anakin laid his own two eyes on his daughter and he was immediately overwhelmed he saw Leia but inside of her he felt Padme saw Padme her determination her kindness her bravery her stubbornness this was padme's daughter and Leia saw a man encased by a suit of armor not the intimidating black armor from the tantive four but new blue and white armor and as she approached she could feel the kindness in Anakin but beneath it all a deep sadness that would always be there for a while nothing was said both father and daughter were taking in the moment Leia understood that this man aided in the destruction of Alderaan but he seemed to be changed and he could make up for some of it by helping today if the legends of Anakin were true he could face the Empire alone and have a chance so after a while Leia asked her father to help to fight the Empire to help his son his daughter his Padawan to help the trillions of Innocence on Coruscant Anakin was afraid of the fight how could he not be but in the end Anakin Skywalker is the fight no matter how hard he tried he would always go back to it deep down he always knew this day would come he'd spent Years Learning the force embracing the Light Side speaking with the greatest Jedi and he was stronger than he could ever have imagined all of it was leading up to this one final battle as Anakin Skywalker thrawn watched the battle from the dreadnoughts as it finally completed its rise to the atmosphere soon the super cannons would be ready Coruscant would burn the Empire would Rise Again Luke and Ahsoka were called back to the fleet as a temporary retreat was called they were waiting on more reinforcements but many New Republic leaders were stuck in other battles across the Galaxy they were losing and losing fast they needed reinforcements and through their intercoms a new voice spoke to every new republic fighter above Coruscant it was an older voice but when that rang of sudden enthusiasm and all that was said was this is where the fun begins Anakin Skywalker flew his Jedi Starfighter personally modified and fixed up to exactly what he needed through the Republic Cruisers flying through them all to emerge to the front right in the middle of Ahsoka and Luke The Voice rang through the new Republic comms and almost no one recognized it but one person knew it like his own voice Captain Rex was commanding a new Republic Cruiser and upon hearing that voice was thrown back to the Clone Wars it wasn't Anakin's voice exactly but it was him Rex knew it it was deeper and damaged but the tone Rex would recognize it anywhere he remembered watching Anakin Skywalker do things that no other being in the Galaxy could even dream of and with the new Republic reeling he looked out the window to see a yellow and black Jedi Starfighter emerge Rex turned to the men on the ship and told them to prepare for battle the tide has turned in their favor and now lining up next to Luke there was one other person or Droid that was happy to see Anakin whirling beeps like never before R2 asked Luke if he could join Anakin's ship Luke laughed at the Droid and said of course so R2 ejected and floated over to the Droid slot on Anakin's ship just like old times little buddy Anakin said and with that he took off telling Luke and Ahsoka they would know when to push the attack forward thrawn looked on through the front of the Dreadnought his crew paid little attention to the incoming ship but after some memory searching thrawn knew that everyone was in danger studying the colors of the ship and its flight pattern he knew who this was Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker thrawn had studied the fighting style of Anakin years ago the flying style as well and now he was watching him and it was even better than he'd imagined even better than the record said thrawn had imagined every outcome but the return of the greatest Jedi pilot was something that was far from any expectations thrawn ordered all fire to focus on the single Starship approaching immediately and so they did but yet thrawn said to himself I have a bad feeling about this this is Anakin Skywalker the most powerful Jedi of this generation perhaps any generation the fastest the strongest an Unstoppable Warrior on the ground or especially in space there is no one even close he has not just power not just skill but that rare combination of boldness and Grace he is the best there is at what he does the best there has ever been and he knows it he has been through it all and he has now learned to master the fear that once controlled him when Anakin last flew above Coruscant in a battle a dragon had been eating away at him fear chewing away at his heart but now he controlled the fear he put the fear into his opponents and today would be his most proud day the force flows through him his eyes determined set on the task at hand to pierce through the layers of defenses to reach the heart of the Dreadnought and to extinguish the threat the star firefighters controls respond to his touch with Grace and familiarity a testament to the years he spent as a skilled pilot pod racing fighting in wars and now this Anakin flew forward Luke showing up now on his left and Ahsoka on his right a trio facing the Empire head on before him Imperial class Star Destroyers loyal to the memory of an Empire long gone their turbo lasers flickered to light sending green blasts of energy toward Anakin Starfighter he maneuvered with a Grace weaving around the onslaught of Firepower each evasive maneuver perfect Precision each calculated role executed to get to his destination Luke and Ahsoka flew off to distract them giving Anakin even more room to operate Anakin's battle senses are alive and well feeling the familiar Rush of the force guiding him allowing him to predict the attacks before they even come as if he and his Starfighter are extensions of each other he can feel Obi-Wan Yoda Qui-Gon with him he can feel other Jedi with him now Mace Windu Kit Fisto plokun the Jedi Order relying on him a tap on his console triggers a countermeasure that obscures his ship from enemy sensors and any deflections the enemy's Firepower is Relentless but every shot misses him as the Jedi Starfighter flies through the chaos the Dreadnought looms even larger and with a burst of speed Anakin charges toward the dreadnought's top turrets it was expected that he would go below for the main cannons but he had a plan for those Anakin flew around the gargantuan vessel's turrets his Starfighter threading the needle through narrow gaps between the ship turret bolts scorched the space around him but he flew around each one of them taking out every last turret and at the front of the battle the rising Empire had been so focused on this single fighter that they didn't notice the new Republic's reinforcements Rex looked on as Anakin did his thing then sent a com to all reinforcements commence attack save Coruscant Luke Skywalker flew through waves of Tie fighters Ahsoka next to him they were going for the Dreadnought to help Anakin and behind them friendly Blaster bolts began to fly Leia Akbar and Rex commanding the three main Cruisers as they pushed forward a squadron of Tie fighters were quickly overwhelmed as the ship known as the ghost flew side by side with an N1 Naboo Starfighter both ships leading their own squadrons of x-wings and from the side the Millennium Falcon arrived coming into view taking out its own Squad of imperial fighters before Han greeted them with a typical sarcastic introduction and thrawn looked on as his final turret aboard the Dreadnought was destroyed luckily the super cannons were near ready to fire he turned to give the instruction to fire on Coruscant when something distracted him he turned back to look out to space and Anakin Skywalker was headed right for him Anakin spoke to R2 telling him to fly the Starship into the hangar he would meet him there soon and with that Anakin ejected using the force to propel him right for the command room of the dreadnoughts his armor allowed for some survival in space and Anakin ignited his blue lightsaber crashing through the window thrawn had always been impressed with Anakin they'd been allies more than once but today as thrawn felt the lightsaber pierce his chest all he could think about was how perfectly Anakin had flown and how perfectly Anakin was kept hidden how artistically done Franz said as he died he and the rest of the crew were pulled out into the vacuum of space soon enough the emergency hatch closed but the crew was gone Anakin looked outside from the Imperial ship how many battles had he looked on from the side of the Empire he wondered Anakin moved to take control of the super cannons when the doors in front of him opened running in to see the destruction were three people wielding red lightsabers a man Anakin recognized as former Jedi Balin skull his apprentice shinhadi and an unknown Inquisitor but moments later Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano entered the room lining up beside Anakin Father and Son master and Apprentice for the first time all three of them in a lightsaber duel together Anakin nodded to them and the battle began the air was electric with tension as The Clash of lightsabers sounded through the ship Anakin Skywalker his blue blade in hand moved with skill built from experience and training beside him his son Luke Skywalker wielded a green lightsaber his movements mirroring anakins flanking them was Ahsoka Tano her twin lightsaber is a blur of motion and The Clash of lightsabers was intense the room illuminated by the vibrant Hues of the blades as they continued to collide Anakin's attacks were powerful and precise his strikes carrying the weight of his emotions as he fought to protect those he cared about he could feel the darkness but he kept it at Bay he was the master Luke's style was a blend of his father's teachings and his own intuition and Ahsoka used her acrobatics and Swift strikes to take down the group's assault balon's brute strength was a match by Anakin's determination their blades meeting in a shower of Sparks each one pushing against the other in a display of power meanwhile Shin engaged Luke in their own duel their lightsabers weaving in clashes of calculated lunges Ahsoka found herself locked in a duel of agility with The Inquisitor their blades matching blow for blow as the battle raged on the combatants breaths were heavy sweat glistening on their brows as they pressed on the three Jedi held their ground the teamwork and Synergy evidence in every move they anticipated each other's actions covering for one another exploiting openings in their opponents and in the end the unity of the Jedi tipped the scales Anakin Luke and Ahsoka managed to overpower their adversaries Anakin pulled his signature spin blocking a strike from Balin and cutting his hands off pushing him into the wall knocked unconscious Anakin then spun to Shin pushing her back a step and giving an opening for Luke to slash across her legs dropping her to the ground and Ahsoka knocked the inquisitor's lightsabers from his hands then spun backwards stabbing both white Sabers through his chest Victory assured Anakin told the other two to get out of here he had a plan and so they did escaping as Anakin faced both super cannons at each other once they were ready he called R2 back to his position and Anakin fired both super cannons creating a huge explosion that began to make its way up the ship the explosion was making its way to the top of the Dreadnought but Anakin had one more idea pushing on the forward accelerator he guided the Dreadnought to the other Star Destroyers in a final moment Anakin jumped out to R2 but the explosion hit him hard he was blown back at the ship armor greatly damaged R2 caught him and Anakin had R2 guide them back as he fainted the Dreadnought explosion carried through the entire ship and Anakin had guided it just enough to crash into another star destroyer a chain reaction began the Dreadnought exploded with one star destroyer giving the new Republic time to overrun and Destroy them all before retreating away from the exceeding explosions the new Republic was saved the battle was won and any remnants would have to hide away for good this time Anakin was going in and out of Consciousness as he was flown to a Coruscant medical Bay the last thing he saw before entering the bay was a new Republic billboard with a picture of his ship and the caption the hero with no fear Saves the Day now in the medical Bay he awoke but felt completely ruined next to him Ahsoka informed Anakin that the explosion had reinvigorated all of the injuries from Mustafar and they were irreparable this time Anakin looked around he saw Luke Leia Ahsoka and Rex smiling at him R2D2 and c-3pos their side and then he looked once more inside Obi-Wan Yoda and Qui-Gon Obi-Wan told him that now it was time Anakin thanked everyone for saving him then Anakin was dead joining the Jedi In the Netherworld of the force years later Leia and Han would visit Naboo with their son Ben they would take him to the grave of his grandfather Anakin Skywalker the grave next to his wife Padme Amidala the grave that read as such Anakin Skywalker father husband and hero and folks that's where our story ends today oh my goodness a long one and one that I'm like out of breath geez hope the mic sounds good we've been getting a lot of mic comments so I hope it sounds better also what'd you think extremely extremely fan surfacy yeah maybe but was it fun yeah it was did some things maybe go weird with timelines yeah sure there should I have explored thrawn more yeah maybe but either way I really really enjoyed making this of giving Anakin Luke Leia Ahsoka each their own Shining Moments I thought it was really cool so I do hope you enjoyed yeah Ahsoka is what nine days away so thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Star Wars Galaxy
Views: 244,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Ahsoka, anakin skywalker, Darth vader, what if Anakin, pente patrol Star Wars, fantasy folklore, Star Wars what if
Id: bxXxNB0OrTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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