What If Padme SAVED Anakin Skywalker Before He Burned On Mustafar

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what if Padme got to Anakin before he could burn on Mustafar that's what we're going to go over today but before we do it's lightsaber giveaway day thank you to everyone who entered but let's move on over to this screen and let's spin the wheel let's find out who our two winners are if you do win onas saber.com will be in contact with you via the email you provided but let's just jump right into it and find our two winners for this one it's my first lights sa giveaway and my first ever winner is going to [Music] be Matt scripa congrats you are our first winner watch out for an email coming in from Ona saber huge shout out all right let's find winner number two thanks to everyone who joined let's see if your name gets the lucky pull it's just a spin Let's see we got jacobe Roberts you are our second winner once again Ona saber will be in contact all right huge shout out everybody who joined and let's get into today's video Padme amadala woke up on the Mustafar Landing platform remembering everything that had just happened Anakin was gone no not gone he was lost there is still good in him she was sure of it but Padme looked around noticing that Anakin and Obi-Wan were both not here anymore and Padme ran through the area through the Control building seeing the destruction inside for herself the bodies of the separatist leaders were spread throughout the control room mercilessly destroyed lightsaber Cuts all over the room all the controls were destroyed and Padme kept running through the room coming upon a balcony eventually that overlooked the Lava River in the distance floating down the river two Warriors wielding blue lightsabers the sound of lightsaber strikes and yelling could be heard faintly in the distance and Padme looked around eventually seeing a tunnel that led down the river and so she tooked it pushing away any sadness and fear as she was running through the tunnel down the river trying to get to Anakin and Obi-Wan she ran as fast as she could while carrying her children and eventually she emerged outside of the tunnel hearing yelling from both Warriors Padme ran up a set of stairs and in the near distance she watched as Anakin yelled you underestimate my power and flipped into the air Padme knew everything Anakin had done the massacre of the Jedi Temple countless lies killing the separatist leaders joining the dark side and yet despite it all she knew that not even he deserved this fate Anakin was cut down by Obi-Wan and he slid down towards the lava both legs gone his one non-robotic arm gone and Padme acted yelling out no and running down towards the Lava Beds she jumped down to Obi-Wan's level where he let out a surprised gasp telling Padme not to do it Anakin was too far gone and if she tries to go to him she too could die but Padme was not listening the man she loved was broken destroyed hurt Anakin needs her and so she slid down the rocky terrain feeling the hot coals burn into her shoes until finally she reached Anakin Padme tried to drag him up but it was no use the terrain was far too loose so she looked up at Obi-Wan begging for help and Obi-Wan tried to look away the fire was threatening to engulf Anakin to burn him alive but as of now he was still not burned only missing Limbs and Padme yelled out what would Quon do to Padme Qui-Gon was the Jedi that she knew Anakin always admired and missed more than anyone else Anakin often talked about how Obi-Wan should be more like Quon and this clearly got to Obi-Wan as he closed his eyes then reached out and and began lifting both Anakin and Padme with the force Obi-Wan put them safely down behind him and Anakin from the pain from the hot ground and the loss of Limbs passed out defeated Obi-Wan carried Anakin aboard the ship as Padme got it ready to fly and then they were off to meet ba Orana at polis Masa as Padme could feel she would be ready to give birth any time now and soon after they left Mustafar a new ship would arrive the shuttle of Emperor Palpatine the Sith Lord looked around going to the Lava River and he could not find Lord Vader Palpatine could feel Vader in the force but his presence was getting further away and it was not on Mustafar he was not dead either and so Palpatine determined that he was captured or turned back to the lights by Kenobi and Padme how predictable the Sith Lord thought to himself Skywalker did what was required of him destroy the Jedi Order and now he could be disposed of for failing cyas got back on his ship and sent a message to his guards on corusant it was time for his new contingency idea they had to find the dead body of Jedi Master mace Wu and ready it for an operation days later on polis Masa Anakin Skywalker was awake in a room by himself he was suspended in the air floating in a small Ray Shield prison just like the one Obi-Wan was kept in on Geonosis by Dooku Anakin floated here eyes closed meditating on the force trying to contain himself he felt his legs and arms all of them now rebuilt with similar parts to those of General Grievous just more humanlike but they felt so unnatural he was part robot and for days he was kept alone in here without visits from anyone he actually knew just guards of the medical facility giving him his basic necessities Anakin had actually calmed himself self quite a bit from Mustafar and was now waiting to talk to Obi-Wan and Padme so he could tell them that Padme was going to die in childbirth unless they get help unless he can help he was growing impatient but finally the door opened it was Padme and she was carrying children this wasn't possible Anakin's dreams were never wrong and yet Padme stood in front of Anakin now with twins her children his children their children alive and well just like Padme Anakin's eyes welled up with tears he did everything all of the murders the atrocities he did them all to save Padme and yet here she stood Padme was able to live through the birth knowing Anakin was still alive and Anakin realized in this moment that he was played by Palpatine Palpatine spent decades bringing Anakin to his side to do his dirty work and Anakin fell for all of it he wanted to rip apart everything in this room to tear it to the ground in anger but padme's soft voice calmed him she said Anakin don't let him win come back to us and Anakin calmed himself then asked Padme if he could be released after some time Obi-Wan and Yoda agreed and so Anakin was released the two Jedi Masters watched as Anakin hobbled out of the room grabbing the wall to keep himself steady as of right now he was no threat he could barely walk it was hard getting used to one new arm after the fight with Dooku now another new arm plus two new legs Anakin was in for a challenge right now he was weak it would take time training but Anakin knew he could return to his full strength in time he could feel Obi-Wan and Yoda feeling tense around him and so Anakin tried his best to apologize knowing now that his turn to the dark side was for no reason his children were alive Padme was alive and Emperor Palpatine ruled the Galaxy because of Anakin Skywalker so Anakin said he would do whatever he could to end his Reign bring democracy back kill Darth cidus for what he has done and on corusant Darth cidus stood in his Sith layer hidden away in the industrial sector as Jedi Master mace Wu lay dead on the table in front of him cyas was going to try and bring him back to life a power that plagas learned but cyas never truly mastered but he would try to bring Wu back to life using the dark side and with this power dark transfer Wu would be reawakened but the light inside of him would be vanquished he needed someone to draw out Skywalker and who better than the Jedi Anakin hated most so cyas began the ritual and lightning surrounded his hands moving through his body and then shooting into Wu's body cyas focused his energy the dark side his medoran into Windu and the Jedi Master soon opened his eyes but this was not the same window not even close his eyes were in evil yellow and the light was gone replaced by Darkness he was brought back to life using the dark side and now only the dark emotions remained and Wu sat up with one thought on his mind revenge on Anakin Skywalker cidus laughed loudly echoing around the room Wu was gone replaced by the dark side and he was now simply a puppet of the dark side cidus would use him to destroy Skywalker anyone else who stands in his way and for around a month from here the polis Masa facilities would become the temporary home of Anakin Padme Obi-Wan Yoda and the children there would be a fake funeral for Padme Bale would return to the Senate but they trained and waited planned on their next steps on polis Masa the people of this planet were sympathizers to The Republic not the Empire so they kept it a secret that they were harboring enemies of the Empire Anakin trained with his new limbs trying to get used to them while also trying to gain back the trust of Obi-Wan and Yoda the Jedi Masters knew they would need Anakin to defeat the Sith but Anakin committed truly unforgivable acts and he could never be forgiven but he could still do what was right and so Anakin trained and he helped Padme with the children but he could feel something wrong in the force he wasn't sleeping well he was having the same recurring dream every night he saw himself cut down mace Wu and then he saw Wu open his eyes and then the dream ended every night Anakin thought it was just guilt about the first Jedi he killed thinking his dreams were wrong last time about Padme Wu could not be alive but on corusant Wu was alive hunting Anakin since his Revival Wu had one goal on his mind revenge and this revived Wu still retained all of the memories of the Jedi Windu but he was basically a new person otherwise there was no lights side within him only hatred anger suffering he was the dark side built from the dark side and he spent this month working alone looking for Anakin trying to spy on anyone who could be a Jedi sympathizer and one day he snuck aboard the ship of B Orana hacking into his flight records Bale had records of mostly corusant and alderon going back and forth between home and the capital of the Galaxy but one place on these records stuck out more than any polis Masa a medical facility on an asteroid field if Anakin was injured after Mustafar it made sense that he would be taken to a remote facility and Bale was a known Jedi sympathizer during the Clone Wars and so ma Wu got into an imperial ship punching in the coordinates for polis Masa alerting Emperor Palpatine of his Discovery and so Wu took off with Cydia saying he would wait for Wu to come back with the Jedi dead but for cidus this was not true it was clear that this experiment with Wu would not last forever he was decaying his dead body could only handle the dark side Revival for so long and though the dark side did fuel him enough for a fight he only had a bit longer and so cyas would use Wu as a distraction then destroy the polis Masa facility before the Jedi realized that he was the real threat from above and soon enough B Orana made his way back to his ship realizing something was off his chair was tilted different than usual and the data pad was on B sifted through it and found someone had been tampering with the flight logs he tried contacting his friends at pois Masa but no luck they were sleeping or the comms were shut down either way he had to get there immediately and he had to bring as many capable fighters on his side luckily he'd made some friends in the time since the Republic fell that same night Padme and the children slept in one room while Obi-Wan and Yoda slept in their own rooms Anakin couldn't sleep and so he was training and his training over this month had come along quite well he was moving much better and even learned to utilize his new limbs for their extreme physical strength he truly was feeling like his old self again and late in the night Anakin dozed off in the training room as he slept Anakin once again fell into the same dream he cut down Wu and then he saw Wu open his eyes on the corusant ground but today the dream continued and Anakin realized the force was trying to tell him something and Anakin watched as Wu stood in front of a burning facility as screams rang out from all around and the closer Anakin looked inside of this dream he realized it was this facility Anakin's eyes jolted open and he realized his dreams were not of guilt but they were a warning and they had to be real Anakin stood up sprinting through the facility he could feel Windu in the force now he was alive and he was here but he felt different and sprinted through the Halls until he finally reached padme's room he swung the door open to see May wind purple lightsaber ignited and he began to swing down at Padme and the children but now Anakin screamed no and Unleashed a giant Force push slamming window against the far wall Anakin ran up to Padme and ushered her out of the room with the children and once she was gone Anakin turned back to Wu the former Jedi Master was standing back up purple lightsaber in hand and Anakin looked into his eyes they were a deep yellow Wu had a cracked Smile as he looked at Anakin this was not the Jedi Master at least not fully and Anakin ignited his own lightsaber this was a fight years in the making Wu used the force to crushed the door behind them making sure they would not be disturbed and the two charged at each other Anakin and mace engaged in a hateful battle The Duel intensified as they leapt spun through the air lightsabers creating Trails of light in the the dark room Anakin's frustration and confusion fueled his strikes while Wu seemed almost Serene in his evil each Clash sens shock wav through the force and eventually both Yoda and Obi-Wan awoke from the disturbance as the duel progressed mace used his Dark Side anger unleashing torrent of lightning from his fingers Anakin struggled to defend against the onslaught his skill and power tested to their limits with his new limbs the ground beneath them cracked and crumbled under the pressure of of the duel and Wu jumped through the lightning knocking Anakin off his feet Anakin struggled to get back up unsure of how to beat Wu so far gone in the dark side and something clicked this was like Obi-Wan fighting Anakin but he was in Obi-Wan's spot this time if he could just unbalance Wu make him become too arrogant too angry then an opportunity to end this could arise and so Anakin got back up and jumped into the battle his strikes more precise his movements more flu fluid he began talking taunting Wu and the force surged through him and he was able to turn the tide of the battle with a powerful push Anakin sent Wu hurling backwards against the wall once more momentarily disarming him but mace wasn't one to be defeated easily dry upon the dark side he rose to his feet but suddenly the door to the room was thrown at extreme speed cutting through Windu and he gasped then toppled over in two halves of himself Anakin looked to the door to see Yoda he used the force to dislodge the door and throw it at Wu killing him Yoda approached Anakin saying this was not Wu not really instead it was his corpse infused with the dark side cyas was not strong enough in the power of dark transfer to bring Wu back at his full power but instead merely as a distraction in that moment Yoda and Anakin locked eyes a distraction and they sprinted out of the room to find Obi-Wan looking to the sky obiwan turned and said they had to go immediately a star destroyer just emerged from hyperspace but not a moment later new ships emerged the tan of four flown by baale and a small group of other ships Obi-Wan called up to baale and he told obiwan that they were here to help Bale made friends with some clone troopers outcasted by the Empire and they were flying with bale against the Star Destroyer and inside of the Star Destroyer Darth cidus ordered his troops to fire at the base but the cannons to the Destroyer were just blown away they weren't expecting any resistance and so cyas ordered the TIE fighter pilots to get into the air destroy the enemies on polis Masa Anakin Obi-Wan and Yoda boarded a shuttle taking off for the Star Destroyer the Cannons were gone and now they had an opportunity to kill cyas the three Jedi would land in the now empty Hangar and make their way through the Destroyer killing anyone who stood in their way and they continued on finally reach reaching the bridge where Cydia stood watching the battle in space then without talking he ignited his Crimson saber saying he would do this himself the room was bathed in the Crimson glow of cyas as lightsaber and it was a nice contrast to the blue and green blades now ignited by the Jedi Obi-Wan's defensive stance Anakin's aggressive strikes and Yoda's acrobatic Maneuvers created a sudden Clash of all of these Sabers each Jedi attacking with a unique style that compliment the others the Bridge's viewports revealed the chaotic backdrop of a space battle but within this space the clash between Jedi and Sith took Center Stage cyas moved with the darkness his cloak swirling as he parried and countered the onslaught of lightsaber strikes adakin and Obi-Wan fought in tandem their connection as master and Apprentice evidence their relationship was broken but in battle they were still the greatest duo in the Jedi Order Anakin's power Obi-Wan's Precision it created a chaos and they drew strength from cyas fighting him on forcing him to back up as Yoda jumped in challenging the Sith Lord who struggled to anticipate the movement of the grandm the bridge became a Battleground Sabers clashing together if it were just one Jedi perhaps even two cyas would have an advantage but all three things were not in his favor in a moment of perfect opportunity the three Jedi disarmed cyas forcing him to his knees and Anakin put his lightsaber to Cy's face saying that he would die for all the pain that he caused him and the Jedi cyas lost and he knew it so he yelled that all of them would die reaching out and Blasting the window with lightning the now open air tried to suck all of them into the void of space but Anakin cut off cidus his hand to stop the lightning while obiwan and Yoda grabbed the Sith Lord with the force throwing him out of the window the Sith Lord screamed in Anger as he was pulled into space dying and the emergency window window locks finally secured themselves the Jedi were alive in a matter of weeks ba Orana and the Jedi returned to corant with the truth Anakin Skywalker stood in a center pod with the others detailing what happened how cyas brought him the truth that he was controlling both sides and how he manipulated Anakin into doing his Dirty Work Anakin would not be arrested as he was simply following orders of the leader but as the Galaxy returned to a republic Anakin was not looked upon kindly by anyone except for his wife and children and once the Galaxy returned to peace with B Orana as Chancellor Anakin Padme and the kids took off to a distant planet takodana full of trees forests and people who were just doing their own thing they would live out their lives happy once Anakin finally regained the trust of Padme and the Jedi he knew he was wrong he committed these acts under the influence of the Sith but eventually Vader was killed for good and Anakin was alive and the Jedi would rebuild under Yoda and Kenobi for years to come and folks that's our story for today what' you think of it please let me know and yeah thanks for watching if you won the lightsaber giveaway congrats email should be in a couple days if not less thanks for watching appreciate you guys and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Star Wars Galaxy
Views: 83,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, What if Anakin, anakin skywalker, pente patrol Star Wars, Star Wars what if, Padme Amidala, Star Wars galaxy
Id: ZimBDezZQ2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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