What If Luffy Fought Shanks?

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Finding the One Piece is the final step to  become king of the pirates. And with Luffy,   Blackbeard, and Shanks all  chasing the legendary treasure,   they are guaranteed to eventually clash  before the end of the story. But then   wouldn’t it make a ton of sense if the three  strongest pirate captains had one final epic   clash 1 vs 1 vs 1 to determine once and for  all who will become king of the pirates. Which leaves us with a massively  interesting question: What would   happen if Luffy fought Blackbeard  and Shanks for the One Piece. In this scenario, Luffy and the Straw Hats have  already collected all four Road Poneglyphs. They   have just landed on Lodestar island, the  final island in the Grand Line. And you   may be wondering why they are here, since  technically Lodestar is optional for the   Straw Hats. After all, this is the island that a  pirate should first learn about the poneglyphs,   which are these unbreakable stones that  have information from the Void Century.   And although the Straw Hats do not need  to learn about the poneglyphs, Roadstar   island is bound to hold other secrets about the  Void Century and the secrets of the One Piece. And you might have noticed I have already  called this legendary island both Lodestar   AND Roadstar. And that’s because we don’t  actually know it’s real name. In Japanese   it is called ロードスター and of course in Japanese  there is no difference between R and L. So just   like for the longest time with Laugh Tale,  there is some confusion about the name. But   both names kinda make sense since a Lode stone  is basically a magnet which attracts metal. And   Roadstar works because you could have different  paths pointing out from the island like a star. So they’ve landed on this mysterious island,  and even though we don’t actually know what   it looks like, I like to imagine it looks  something like this. And boy is Robin in   archeologist heaven as she uncovers the  ancient ruins that dot the island. And at   the center of it all is this magnificent temple  that explains the true nature of the Poneglyphs. But while Luffy is bouncing around exploring,  an ear-splitting shriek rips through the   air. On the beach by the Sunny, Nami was  busy charting the course to Laugh Tale,   but now a creeping darkness is eating up the sand.  Nami and Zoro frantically run from the darkness,   until Zoro suddenly spins around in the blink  of an eye and blocks an invisible attack with   his swords. And the sheer force of the clash sends  Nami stumbling right into the creeping darkness.   She screams out for help, her voice cracking with  terror, as she is sucked into the black abyss. And just as Nami is about to fully  disappear into the pitch black darkness,   Luffy swoops in at the last moment and  yanks her to the safety of higher ground.   Zoro leaps up to join the rest of the crew up  on the cliff, and together they stare down at   Blackbeard and his titanic captains. Somehow  the evil Yonko has followed the Straw Hats,   which means it is finally time  for their ultimate confrontation. And of course Blackbeard can’t help himself,  so he dives into a dramatic speech about the   power of dreams and how it is his destiny to find  the One Piece. However, if blackbeard thought the   straw hats would just cower in fear like everyone  else, he was gravely mistaken. And right in the   middle of his speech, he gets absolutely  crushed by a giant punch from Luffy. And a   furious Nami unleashes bolts of lightning while  Franky blasts the enemy crew with laser beams. The Straw Hats are not messing around. And of course, there are many different ways this  could go down. One option is that Luffy could   initially be defeated, as happens in most story  arcs. Or since this is one of THE FINAL BATTLES,   Luffy might finally defeat his hated rival on the  first try. And since this clash will undoubtedly   take place in the main story, I am sure that the  godly version that Oda creates will blow all of   our minds. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun  imagining how this epic battle could go. And if   you thought Marineford was tragic, just wait until  you see what happens at the end of this video. But one thing that is certain is these two  crews have been set up to fight from the very   first time that we meet Blackbeard. Both crews  have the same basic roles such as Navigator,   Swordsman, Doctor, Helmsman, and so on.  Plus, Blackbeard is the main reason that   Luffy’s brother Ace was killed, so, trust me,  there is plenty of motivation for this fight. So the crew leaps down onto the shore to protect  the Sunny and forces the Blackbeard pirates to   retreat. Van Auger, the sniper of Blackbeard’s  crew, uses his teleportation devil fruit to   take all of the crew deeper into the island and  away from the Straw Hat’s onslaught. The Straw   Hats immediately give chase, with only Jinbe  and Brook staying behind to protect the ship. And this is when the fight breaks up  into specific match ups. And while we   don’t know for sure how these fights would  go, we can reasonably guess based on what   we know about the characters from the  story. Of course, the one match up that   is guaranteed is Luffy versus Blackbeard.  The ultimate clash of the darkness versus   the sun. And this fateful battle begins in  the heart of the ancient temple. Blackbeard   immediately pulls Luffy in with his darkness  gravity, but Luffy’s crazy speed, strength,   and insane haki prove too much for Blackbeard,  and Luffy deals a devastating first blow. Elsewhere around the island, Zoro and the  swordsman Shiryu are carving a path through   the forest. Even though Shiryu can turn  invisible, Zoro’s observation haki allows   him to sense the former jailer’s attacks, and the  pair exchange devastating slashes. Up in the sky,   Nami and Chopper are flying on Nami’s pet cloud  Zeus as they fight the crazy Doc Q. And this   sickly doctor unleashes bursts of horrifying  illness over the entire island, but Chopper   uses his medical expertise to counteract the  plagues. On this side of the island, Franky is   engaged in an epic wrestling match with the Buff  fruit user, Jesus Burgess. That leaves Sanji and   Robin to team up against the shape-shifting  Caterina Devon, the liquor fruit user Doc Q,   and the island fruit user Avalo Pizarro. And  of course we have the godly duel of snipers,   with Usopp and Van Auger literally attempt  to snipe each other from across the island. And at this point, you might be wondering  about the former admiral Aokiji, who joined   Blackbeard’s crew during the time skip. But  personally I don’t believe he will remain   with Blackbeard’s crew by the end of the story,  so for this video let’s assume he is no longer   part of the crew. Likewise, it is possible that  Blackbeard eventually gains a third devil fruit,   but for this video we will assume he only  has the darkness and the tremor fruit. But as the epic battle continues, let’s  recap the goals of each crew. The straw   hats already have the Road Poneglyphs, and Nami  already knows where to go to find Laugh Tale,   so really there is no reason they  have to stay. But Luffy and the   others surely want revenge for all the pain  Blackbeard has caused them in the story,   so for now they are fighting for their pride  and to stop a rival from finding the One Piece. But the Blackbeard pirates actually do  need the copies of the Road Poneglyphs.   So by taking out the Straw Hats,  they will have everything they   need to reach Laugh Tale and for  Blackbeard to become pirate king. But back to the battle. Blackbeard is not going to  be king of anything because he is being pummeled   by Luffy. Combining the imaginative powers of  Gear 5 and his advanced haki, Luffy delivers   blow after blow to his rival. Now Luffy  charges up for one final massive punch,   but as his fist connects with Blackbeard’s  face, Luffy is shocked when he is pulled   into Blackbeard’s darkness. Blackbeard  grabs Luffy’s arm, and, because of the   special powers of the darkness fruit, Luffy  immediately loses his devil fruit powers. Now Blackbeard has taken a lot of damage,  but he still spreads his gap-toothed grin   because he has Luffy trapped. Enraged, Luffy  throws his head back to slam into Blackbeard,   but before he lands the blow,  Blackbeard ABSOLUTELY CRUSHES   Luffy with an earthquake-infused punch  that literally shakes the entire island. But Luffy doesn’t stay down for long. He rises  from a crater in the center of the temple,   bleeding, and his legs wobbling. Still, he keeps  his own defiant smile on his face. What else   could we expect in this battle of legendary  D clan? However, one of these captains will   certainly not be smiling at the end of  this video. Keep watching to find out who. Now you might have noticed that we haven’t yet  mentioned some of the Blackbeard crew members. And   this guy is kind of hard to miss. San Juan Wolf,  the giant fruit user, is walking in the ocean   toward the Thousand Sunny. And as we showed in  a recent video comparing sizes in One Piece, San   Juan Wolf can make himself more than three times  the size of the Straw Hat’s ship. So together,   Brook and Jinbe begin an all out assault against  the enormous man. And although he is super sized,   he actually is weakened by the effects of  the sea so this fight is pretty even for now. And back around the island, Nami and Chopper  have managed to defeat Doc Q. They waste no   time in going to assist Sanji and Robin, but,  just as they reach their crewmates, the island   literally explodes, sending boulders hurtling  through the air. Sanji and Robin are thrown into   the sky like ragdolls. Good thing both of them can  basically fly, but as they regain their balance,   a giant face appears from the ground. Pizarro has  used the ridiculous powers of his devil fruit to   merged with the island and is now launching  giant chunks of rock at the straw hat crew. Zoro sees what is happening and rushes over to  help the crew. Sanji takes over fighting the   invisible swordsman, getting revenge for missing  out on his favorite devil fruit. And just like he   did in Dressrosa, Zoro begins slicing up parts of  the island to try to take out Pizarro’s main body. Meanwhile, Franky simply cannot  match the raw strength of Burgess,   and is his pinned to the ground. But back on the shore, ALL HELL has broken loose.  With the massive San Juan Wolf threatening to   crush the Sunny, Brook and Jinbe are going all  out to protect the ship. But this leaves the   Sunny unprotected, and now the unthinkable  occurs. Rising from the deck of the ship,   the angel winged Laffitte flies away with every  copy of the Road Poneglyphs. And that’s it. The   Blackbeard crew has accomplished their main goal  and now they just need to— *pauseomentarily* In a flash of black and red, an air-splitting  slash slices through Laffitte’s wing. With his   severed wing flapping uselessly, he falls  towards the ground like a rock. And so   do the Poneglyph rubbings. Until… they are  caught by a one armed man in a badass cape. Shanks has arrived. And you won’t believe how the   arrival of the Red Hair Pirates will  change the outcome of this battle. Without warning, the Red Hair  pirates burst into the fray,   demanding that you subscribe to the channel.  Shanks leaves the precious poneglyphs on his   ship and then leaps to the temple. Luffy  and Blackbeard sense his awesome power   approaching and it takes a combined effort  to block a wicked sword slash from Shanks. And Luffy is utterly confused, but Shanks  isn’t messing around. He delivers a massive   punch to Blackbeard that sends the evil captain  flying across the temple. Amd then he nearly   cuts off Luffy’s leg. While Luffy dodges, he  falls to the ground with his head spinning.   And Shanks sieves the opportunity to snatch  the treasured straw hat from Luffy’s head. Stunned, Luffy can do nothing  but watch as Shanks smiles,   and places the hat upon his own head. He looks  at Luffy and says, “I’ll be taking this back.” And this causes Luffy to literally  lose his mind. This is his first time   seeing his former hero in over twelve  years. It should be a happy moment,   but instead Shanks attacks him again.  With confused anger, Luffy strikes back,   and their overwhelming conqueror’s haki  reduces the temple all around them into rubble. And it is at this point that we have  to acknowledge that Shanks is deadly   serious about this fight. In the manga,  it was revealed that Shanks definitely   intends to find the One Piece, so while  we don’t know his true motivations,   he clearly intends to take the copies of  the Poneglyphs in order to reach Laugh Tale. And we don’t know exactly how strong  Shanks and his crew are compared to   everyone else. But from the way they  have been portrayed in the story so far,   I personally think that they are  the strongest crew in the story. And this becomes obvious right away.  Usopp’s father Yasopp instantly snipes   Van Auger, clipping his hat with  a bullet from across the island. Lucky Roux, this bowling ball of a  man, smashes into Burgess and Franky,   sending the two crashing into the ruins. And the others join in, attacking both the  Blackbeard and Straw Hat crews. In fact, just   like how the Straw Hats and Blackbeard’s crew are  set up with similar roles, Shanks’ crew basically   is the same. Hongo is the doctor. Bonk Punch and  Monster are the musicians. Building Snake is the   navigator, so there are a lot of possibilities  for match ups between the three crews. And   the combined power in this potenital fight is  the most insane thing we will see in the stor And needing the regroup, the Straw Hats  decide to pull together. Remember they   don’t actually need the poneglyphs, since  Nami already knows where Laugh Tale is,   but they also don’t want Blackbeard of Shanks  to have them. So while the rest of the crew   pulls back towards the Sunny, Zoro and Sanji  attack the Red Hair ship, intending to take   back the poneglyph rubbings. But that is no easy  task. They are met by Shanks’ right hand man,   Ben Beckman, and Howling Gab, who manage  to keep the Straw Hats off of the ship. And with the battle spilling onto the  beach, Pizarro appears to try to crush   the enemy crews with a giant sand fist,  but this turns all the attention onto him,   and every sword user in the Straw Hat and Red  Hair crew attack at once, absolutely destroying   the island man. Defeated, Pizarro falls  unconscious in a bloody heap on the beach. Back to the captains, Shanks is finally  getting revenge for Blackbeard scaring his   face all those years ago. The Red Hair captain  is relentless with his legendary sword skills,   unleashing attacks with the full  force of the absolute strongest   haki in the series. Blackbeard is forced  to defend with his tremor coated fists,   but he is struggling. As is Luffy. While Luffy  can block Shanks’ blade with advanced Conqueror’s,   Shanks isn’t giving him any openings to attack  because his future sight is slightly superior. But with Shanks and Luffy momentarily  distracted with each other, Blackbeard   decides that this is a battle he would rather  not fight. He calls for Van Auger and the sniper   teleports in and just as quickly teleports  his captain back to the beach. Luffy and   Shanks clash a bit more, but then they both  sense something dangerous from the shore. Although San Juan Wolf is weakened by the  water, he is still incredibly massive. So   he spreads his arms, closes his eyes, and begins  a massive belly flop onto the ships. The Straw   Hats and Red Hair crew focus all of their  attacks on him, but they simply cannot stop   the massive figure from falling. But then,  right before the giant crushes the ships,   Shanks and Luffy appear. And with a  blistering haki-filled fist and sword slash,   they absolutely destroy the giant and  send him flying across the island. That’s one obstacle down. And many more to go. But before Luffy can confront Shanks, his former  mentor disappears again. And down on the beach,   Robin shouts at Luffy, recommending that they flee  the battle. Again, they don’t need to be here,   and the only thing they risk here is being  defeated. So despite his desire to fight,   Luffy makes the wise choice to signal  the retreat. But before Robin can move,   Shanks appears behind her, grabs her by  the hair and puts his blade to her throat. Damn. This is not going to end well for someone. And at this point it is important to remember that  Robin is the only one here who is confirmed to be   able to read the poneglyphs. Blackbeard  did capture Big Mom’s daughter, Pudding,   and she might be able to read them if  she awakened her third eye abilities,   but that is uncertain. So even  though Shanks has the Poneglyphs,   he would still need someone to read them.  Which explains why he would kidnap her. Luffy screams in rage. If there is one  thing that drives Luffy to the edge,   it is his friends being hurt. We’ve  seen it in Arlong Park, Enies Lobby,   and especially Sabaody. So if they are in  danger, Luffy will do anything to take her back. Now Sanji tries to stop Shanks, but the  Red Hair captain dashes away with Robin.   Luffy tries to follow Shanks and Robin, but is  stopped by Jesus Burgess. After a few moments,   Luffy tosses Burgess aside, and then finds  Shanks clashing with Blackbeard near the   waves. But Robin is nowhere in sight. As we can  all imagine, Luffy is furious. And so while he   may have been subconsciously holding back against  his former friend, he now unleashes his full fury   against Shanks. And Shanks is slightly distracted  by Blackbeard, so he senses Luffy’s attack late.  And this momentary slip has  devastating consequences. Luffy pummels Shanks into the ground, spewing  sand and water into the air. Luffy unleashes   a storm of punches until Ben Beckman  attacks Luffy from the side. Luffy dodges,   but it allows Shanks to rise to his feet.  He is shaken from the attack. Blood drips   down his face. His eyes are unfocused. He  raises his sword. But then, he freezes. Blood spurts from his mouth. He looks down.  Three blades stick out from his chest,   and then from behind Shanks, a sickening laugh  breaks the breathless silence of the beach. Blackbeard withdraws his three knives,  standing over Shanks as he falls to the ground. Luffy is stunned. Tears form  in his eyes. Conqueror’s haki   erupts in overwhelming bursts of rage and  sadness, shaking the island. His mentor,   his friend, is dying in front of him.  He cannot handle it. His eyes tremble. But then another shriek rips across  the island. Near Blackbeard’s ship,   Robin is struggling against Shanks. Wait, what? Hold on. Shanks is dying  on the ground. What is going on??? As the second Shanks locks Sea prism on Robin’s  wrist, his form changes. And the shape-shifting   Caterina Devon laughs as she holds up the  weakened Robin. The rest of the straw hats   rush to help Robin, but they are held back  by the Blackbeard crew. The Red Hair pirates   circle around to help Shanks, but Hongo simply  shakes his head. There is nothing he can do. Shanks is dying. And with his last ounce of strength, he points  at Luffy. The trembling Luffy steps forward,   barely able to move, and he falls  to his knees. The rage is gone,   and now only tears remain. Luffy says that is  sorry. Over and over again he repeats it through   his tears. But Shanks shakes his head and says  that if he cannot get to the One Piece himself,   then it is Luffy’s responsibility  to find it before Blackbeard does. So with his dying breath, Shanks orders  his crew to stop Blackbeard and help Luffy   escape. Then he places the straw hat back on  Luffy’s head. And the light in his eyes fades. While holding back tears, the Red Hair pirates  stand. No matter the sadness they feel,   they will follow their captain’s last command.  So they take the fight to the Blackbeard crew,   seeking vengeance for their fallen captain.  Luffy joins in, smashing everything while   crying out in his grief. Eventually,  they rescue Robin and the crew pulls back But Luffy cannot control himself. He was tricked  and it cost Shanks his life. So he is desperate to   keep fighting, and it takes the combined efforts  of Zoro and Nami to bring him away from the fight. So the Red Hair pirates hold off Blackbeard  and his crew. The Straw Hats, including the   badly injured Franky, have just enough time to  board the Sunny and escape into the stormy seas. And next there is only one place to  go. Laugh Tale. But it will not be   simple for the Straw Hats to get there,  because Blackbeard would undoubtedly be   chasing him all the way. And on top of that the  marines will certainly redouble the efforts to   stop Luffy from finding the One Piece and  the ancient secrets of the void century. And with the straw hats weak from this insane  battle, there may not be a better chance for the   marines to do just that. Can you imagine Akainu  swooping in and taking out the straw hats right   after Shanks died? And even MORE interesting  scenario could be what if the marines actually   managed to capture Luffy? What would the rest of  the crew do? And who would come to save him? Well,   if you’re curious to learn how that might  play out, you can watch this video right here. Shanks for watching.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 661,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: bazi3rCB1MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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