What if JFK Was Never Assassinated?

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maybe he would have gotten really fat and OD'd in the toilet along with Elvis ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RudegarWithFunnyHat 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2016 🗫︎ replies
President John F Kennedy is one of the most famous presidents in United States history he was young and charismatic and while JFK was quite a special figure in American politics he was far more famous in death the story of this man struck down so sudden in a public setting both horrified and captivated the world lots of people now ask the question one that I'll try to answer as well what if JFK was never assassinated what if he continued to be president throughout most of the 1960s what would be the effects on American society and maybe even the world looking back on the events of his presidency and historical facts I'll try to predict how this alternate timeline may look if JFK indeed survived when people imagine a world where JFK lived it's basically a world where Lyndon Johnson was not president when Kennedy was killed LBJ was put into the presidency while both shared similar domestic views their qualities as politicians would create much different results for the u.s. so in this scenario the most accurate thing to do is ask what Kennedy could have done differently that Johnson wanted have while also looking at the significance Johnson played to shape America today the 1960s was dominated with racial violence and the rapid growth of the civil rights movement leaders like Martin Luther King jr. had been advocating for an end to segregation and other unfair practices since the 1950s JFK sympathized with the struggle of the black population even calling the wife of MLK after his arrest and then pressuring for his release however Kennedy was never truly vocal about it until the last few months of his presidency why was this he was worried about losing the support of white Southern Democrats focused on the upcoming 1964 election when he did eventually speak up for civil rights he argued the debate as a moral one stressing that if America truly was free we would treat every American as equal public segregation was still in effect across the United States ten years after Brown versus Board of Education banned it in public schools whites from both the north and south didn't want to integrate his legislation the Civil Rights Act was not only to ban segregation in public but to use the federal government to protect the rights of all races genders etc however he never got to see his bill pass as he was killed Wells in committee it wasn't until LBJ's presidency the following year where the bill was finally passed so in this alternate timeline where JFK never dies what happens the civil rights movement might have actually been set back why is this JFK's relationship with Congress was rough to begin with he beat out Nixon by the slimmest of margins in the election he hardly related to the age in Congress and by his death his Civil Rights Act was in limbo in the Rules Committee where it was basically held hostage planned to never move forward however Kennedy's death changed all that it removed a northern Democrat from the office and replaced him with a southern Democrat LBJ this fundamental shift ironically saved Kennedy's Bill Johnson carried the torch left by Kennedy and he was much more vocal about minority rights than even JFK was he doesn't care about stepping on toast to do it just five days after JFK's death LBJ rallied for the passing of the Civil Rights Act saying that by not doing so would disrespect Kennedy's memory LBJ had one thing Kennedy didn't influence he had history inside Congress and knew how it worked he navigated around the tricks they would use he used his famous Johnson treatment standing over to convince or straight-up intimidate to get those on his side even telling one opponent of the bill if you get in the way I'm going to run you down and even after all the political games navigations and techniques by the Johnson administration the Civil Rights Act of 1964 barely passed after 83 days of filibuster in this alternate timeline Kennedy would not have the political influence for power to push such a bill through it took all the skill of a well-connected southern Democrat to pass it a dislike northerner wouldn't have had a chance the Act would have either taken much longer died while in committee or be considerably weaker than in our timeline because of this MLK and other civil rights leaders would still rally for reform against segregation without the federal power to force the states to stop Jim Crow laws protests and racial violence would be more drawn-out we would see more police crackdown fire bombings assassinations basically just a bloodier path for ending segregation that would have been passed quicker in our timeline in this alternate timeline without the Civil Rights Act bills like the Voting Rights Act in title 9 would arrive later than in our timeline they would still occur however if candy was still alive the civil rights movement would have taken a step back simply because JFK didn't have the influence Johnson had speaking of Johnson's influence in Congress LBJ's presidency brought on a lot of immense change to the United States he used the same tactics for his new legislation reforms declaring the war on poverty and creating programs for his Great Society very similar to FDR with the New Deal Johnson's administration directly led to Medicaid Medicare PBS expanded Social Security created the National Endowment of the Arts and numerous conservation and housing projects in this alternate timeline Kennedy would call for a war on poverty as well he planned to do the same efforts as Johnson once he was reelected Johnson's policies were actually just continued plans of JFK's however candy never would have expanded his reforms as drastically as LBJ had Kennedy would have easily defeated the Republican Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election this is without a doubt goldwater's Cold War attitude scared many in the US and in our timeline it led Johnson to win in one of the most lopsided victories in United States history Kennedy would have won as well and stayed president until 1968 you can't talk about JFK without how he would have handled Vietnam would the war have even happened or would he have fell into the same trap Johnson did and sent American troops in the Southeast Asia well let's look at Kennedy's mindset during the presidency Kennedy never wanted to get into Vietnam he never wanted to involve American troops in a direct war against the north but JFK wasn't a pushover either he was a hard-line anti-communist but a realist in return he knew not every situation resulted in an American victory but would go through the best efforts to prevent communist expansion in the process it cannot be understated how much Kennedy distrusted his military advisors he often went against their opinions aiming for more peaceful routes this can be seen in Laos and Cuba where he didn't escalate the situation to war each time JFK did his own thing in this alternate timeline since John F Kennedy lives to face the greater Channel Vietnam the u.s. never gets itself completely involved in the war JFK distrusted his generals and their over-optimism in conflict he saw the dangers such a political quagmire would bring Kennedy tried his hardest to downplay the situation in Vietnam he knew that the public would quickly call for a war if the Communists got the upper hand he was right today we forget how fast Americans rallied for war in Vietnam the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution the document that started American involvement passed overwhelmingly in Congress good thing we don't have that rash thinking anymore it just wasn't in Kennedy's personality as a leader to escalate the situation so far that Lyndon Johnson did of course he was a believer in the domino theory and saw the threat North Vietnam posed but if the war still came it would have been different the massive bombing runs search-and-destroy body counts that was Johnson's solution not Kennedy's even with full American effort to deter North Vietnam the South would have fell anyway JFK would have been the president that lost South Vietnam I imagine on this alternate timeline it would be a hot debate today whether America should have gotten involved from a simple human cost over 60,000 American soldiers and countless Vietnamese don't die in the fighting of course conservative Vietnamese still die but not at the level as in our timeline without the Vietnam War the relationship between US citizens and the government is different the images that they saw every night were not supporting the story of a successful war the Johnson administration boasted the hippie movement or more accurately counterculture of the 1960s would still have existed counterculture was created by many different factors from civil rights feminism a simple rebellion against the Leave It to Beaver family of the 1950s sorry Nixon hippie still would've existed however the anti-war movement against Vietnam expanded counterculture to college kids and young people those personally affected by the draft without the war this counterculture would have taken much longer to appear in American society in this alternate timeline it's likely Johnson and Nixon would both run for the presidency however it's difficult to predict who would win much of the scenario becomes extremely complex too much for the size of this video I'll leave the rest to your imagination why was Kennedy so significant he only served around two years in office how leaves such a lasting impact I believe it was because candy embodied the hopeful future of America resilient clever his dream was America's dream by his sudden tragic end put an end to that and brought on the reality following JFK's death there was certainly a change the race riots culture shift Americans bogged down overseas the 60s and 70s were tough decades for the United States and so looking back it's not difficult to see JFK as that last glimmering hope of what could have been there certainly was lots of progress after his death but there was also certainly lots of distrust tension and rebellion as well maybe things would have been different had JFK lived we'll never truly know this is just one scenario out of the countless possibilities like on Facebook and subscribe if you have not done so this is Cody from the alternate history hub hey guys I'm Chris and here is my list of the top 10 deadliest assassins now for the record I'm talking about actual contract killers whose profession is killing discreetly it's as much about the style and success of the killing as it is how many people they actually killed you
Channel: AlternateHistoryHub
Views: 3,244,821
Rating: 4.9178495 out of 5
Keywords: What if JFK Was Never Assassinated?, JFK, President Kennedy, What if Kennedy Was Never Assassinated?, What if JFK Never Was Shot?, JFK Assassination, JFK Shooting, Zapruder Film, John F Kennedy, John F Kennedy History, JFK History, 1960's, Alternate History, JFK alternate history, what if jfk never died, AlternateHistoryHub, Kennedy, Kennedy death, Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr, Assassination Of John F. Kennedy (Event), JFK Conspiracy
Id: SUMvC78efn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2015
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