What if the Cuba Missile Crisis Went Hot?

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It's a shame Cody ends this video with "and then mankind is extinct". Seriously? If the US, Europe and USSR nuke the shit out of each other that still leaves South America, Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, Oceania etc.

If the rationale is that nuclear winter would have been so bad it would have wiped out all life on Earth it would have been interesting to cover that at least rather than just flatly stating that without the west mankind is extinct.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Zakalwen 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
This video was sponsored by wargaming very own world of tanks war stories. That's right Billy Even you can play this very scenario with tanks and an online experience Want to find out more? Well find out after this video Billy In 1861 Richard Gatling Invented a weapon a gun That by simply turning the crank could provide the firepower of 40 men and killed just as many too Gatling's purpose for making it was simple if a weapon is so destructive it will be a deterrent That will terrify nations from going to war Gatling however was proven wrong as his invention was used by the Union against the rebels just a year later Conflict simply became more destructive the end still justified the means No matter the death toll. Gatling's philosophy Eventually came true. It just wasn't for his weapon Nuclear bombs are so devastating They became the deterrent instead of his gun the fear of total destruction Forces countries away from that military option that could have occurred centuries prior And that's why we're in the longest era of peace in human history However there have been certain times where that Gatling gun was almost used for two weeks in 1962 there was such utter confusion in the tension it appeared like the ends Did justify the means the Soviets were secretly building missile sites in Cuba to the United States this was unacceptable in an age where ICBMs couldn't travel the entire world these close missiles now meant millions of Americans were Vulnerable even though the US had missiles in Turkey this was apparently an issue And it was one that seemed the Americans were ready to fight over the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest Humanity has came to extinction that cannot be overstated The answer to this video's title is pretty obvious There is only one outcome that can result from the Missile Crisis escalating total nuclear war This video isn't meant to change that outcome if the US did retaliate against Castro or the Soviets? it's inevitable the nukes would fly and millions would die with it this Scenario is about the few days of conflict before the world ends the Missile Crisis lasted thirteen days Every single hour counted. This is a video about the last days of human civilization that easily could have been but never was It is an alternate October 1962 Intelligence reveals that the Soviets have been working with the communist Castro regime to install nuclear missile silos These have a range which can hit anywhere in the US excluding Seattle. President Kennedy immediately forms a team of advisers called EXCOMM Kennedy faced a room of advisers pressing him into one thing the only way to secure American safety is a Full-scale invasion to bring down those missile sites. In our history the myth that the Kennedys stayed level-headed while the military Generals advised otherwise is simply half true literally only one Kennedy stayed level-headed and waited for more information in recent Declassified tapes of the events Bobby Kennedy contrary to his depiction in his own book Thirteen Days Was an adamant Warhawk he wanted nothing more than Revenge against Castro for the Bay of Pigs and he was vocal about Using military force to bring down the missile sites. In this alternate timeline there isn't much that needs to change All that has to happen is the president has some bad judgment John F Kennedy gives in to the opinions of his brother and Everybody else he authorizes a full-scale invasion of Cuba to neutralize the missiles and overthrow Castro today, we view this plan as Insane and while they were there was some logic to it, but not really Intelligence showed that Cuba only had one mobile nuke and as long as the Cubans didn't use any new Against the Americans the plan would be fine now if they did then Cuba would be obliterated in atomic flame Hopefully it didn't come to that The hope was the invasion would keep the conflict a limited and World War III would simply not occur but for now they would implement a blockade. The blockade is less of a deterrent and more to buy time as the invasion is prepared the preparations would take about a week in the meantime the Air Force has put on maximum readiness posture as B-47s are readied Mobilization has begun. The United States public by this time has been informed of the crisis But they don't know any plans are already in effect In an effort to not cause any social unrest the American South isn't informed about any potential nuclear missiles headed their way if the conflict gets out of hand. The military movement is explained as a defense against Cuban aggression the estimated death toll for American forces in the first week is roughly 20,000 assuming no nukes are used Negotiations break down and the invasion plan is implemented by late October American forces reached the coast of Cuba. They invade from the north whether this was to be a surprise attack, an American Pearl Harbor, or one where the Soviets are informed was one of debate among EXCOMM. Either way the Cubans are overwhelmed American bombing campaigns target the missile sites as an amphibious landing takes place on the beaches Outside Havana the world is utterly shocked at what has occurred 60,000 Soviet troops are on the Cuban island at the time of the attack. Kennedy appears on the air announcing the threat the missiles pose to American peace and stability. He says Castro has shown that he is willing to harm his neighbors Purposely the aim is used at blaming Castro, so the Soviets are meant to have a way out of the conflict Meanwhile any Cuban resistance is swept aside the armored invasion force spreads out across the north most go east to Havana what I would imagine is that the Americans would face barely any Cubans as the days go on. The United States is confident that the Cubans are going to surrender as defense is small and-- (queue fallout) Thousands of Americans are vaporized in an instant The Cubans didn't just have one nuclear launcher, they along with the Soviets, had a hundred tactical nukes the Americans knew nothing about the invasion force of the United States is simply trapped as Tactical nukes are used against their positions. Plan B Is implemented nuclear bombings on Cuba now the invasion force is trapped as both sides exchange nukes immediately, traditional warfare becomes obsolete within the first couple days. For the general public, news would be coming around every hour. If you were a civilian in the United States, You'd hear news of Soviet tanks crossing into Berlin... But then the news would stop. The bombs would start falling as the Soviets retaliated. By the end of the conflict using the capabilities of American and Soviet forces The United States would technically win the war. A hundred million Americans would have died Only 80 million at most would remain The Soviets would face American bombers and Jupiter missiles. The entire country would be obliterated. Ultimately past this point there really isn't much of a history to report anymore. The nuclear exchange obliterated human society or at least most of it Those that do survive would face nuclear winter in constant starvation... John F. Kennedy, if he is remembered by future generations, would be remembered as the man who pushed the button. His obsession over Cuba would be his legacy. The war was his conflict... and his personal vendetta against Castro ended the world. This video was sponsored by World of Tanks War Stories. For those that don't know what World of Tanks is, it's an online Multiplayer game where you command a single tank against 30 other players also in tanks There are over 450 historically accurate World War II tanks from two decades you can pick It regularly updates and continuously has new stuff and best of all it's free to play and on all PS4 and Xbox One consoles So you can get into it easy, Now they've introduced war stories Kennedy's war it's a story driven alternate history campaign where the Missile Crisis was the start to the end of everything So for Alternate History Hub viewers in celebration of the release of war stories They have a special offer for new players who sign up by clicking the link below You can grab your free tank, garage slot, and three days of premium gametime while this lasts. the number of registration codes is limited, so sign up while you can. This is Cody, of Alternate History Hub. <Fallout-esque music>
Channel: AlternateHistoryHub
Views: 868,862
Rating: 4.9138346 out of 5
Keywords: Missiles, nuclear missiles, cold war, nuclear war, knowledgehub, alternatehistoryhub nuclear war, alternatehistoryhub cold war, cuban missile crisis, what if cuban missile crisis went hot, cuban missile crisis goes hot, cuban missile crisis war, world of tanks, cuban missile crisis alternate history, cold war alternate history, cold war history, nuclear war alternate history, nuclear missiles war
Id: OTC17TkcegE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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