Oswald and JFK UNSOLVED CASES — Part 1: The Pawn - NHK WORLD PRIME

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[Music] come said my soul such verses from my body let us wrap for we are one that should i have to return or long long hence in other spheres there to some group of mates the chance resuming ever with pleasing smile i may keep on ever and ever that's the person's owning as first i hear a noun signing for soul and body say to them my name did you write this no it's written why should i call you mox hello call me whatever you like oswald is the pawn it's a nice determined so japan is the genesis midori lived in yokohama it's not tourette [Music] one of the darkest days in american history the day president kennedy was assassinated good afternoon ladies and gentlemen you'll excuse the fact that i'm out of breath but about 10 or 15 minutes ago a tragic thing from all indications at this point has happened in the city of dallas let me quote to you this president kennedy and governor john colony have been cut down by assassins bullets in downtown dallas i was on summons freeway earlier and even the freeway was jam-packed with spectators waiting to say has been placed in the building from where the bullets were fired at president kennedy oswald has been charged with the murder of police officer jd tippett who had gone to apprehend oswald i work in that ability naturally if i work in that building yes sir lee harvey oswald was arrested but then shot dead was he the culprit the u.s government kept certain documents about jfk's assassination secret for decades president trump withheld their full release what did he have to fear nhk enlisted experts to help uncover vital information that radically challenges the official account oswald is said to have acted alone but was he supported by some kind of organization [Music] in time people who hold the key to clarifying what happened have broken their silence but he was clearly out of his gourd out of it he kept wasting is a treachery he's a straighter he's awful awfully shouldn't be president it's not an oliver stone with respect for him it's not that planned by professionals with the intention no one would ever who might we see in the shadows behind oswald and what prompted him to blurt out [Music] what did oswald mean when he said i'm just a patsy for thirty years former washington post reporter jefferson morley has been chasing the truth about oswald and jfk it was kind of this contrived series of events that was presented in a very simplistic way uh to the warren commission who were the individuals behind the manipulation of oswald in the assassination he focused on a fact that shook the interpretation of oswald as a lone operative the day after president kennedy was killed most u.s newspapers described the suspect oswald in much the same terms in fact a group had fed this information to the media in order to cast oswald as the perpetrator morley has tracked down the address of a man who was in that group but he's not talking oh it was definitely him it was definitely him oh he never opened the door and he never smoked trying to talk to as many of them as possible you know what happened jfk is still an open question and people are going to be interested in the answer so i'll always be interested in the answer a group of 66 distinguished campaigners including kennedy assassination experts helped us uncover new information the trump administration postponed the release of thousands of documents but by piecing together fragments of released data a picture emerges of a shadowy organization [Music] oswald served in the u.s marine corps military records show that he enlisted at age 17. then starting in 1957 he spent two years at a naval air station in atsugi near tokyo hello nice to meet you hello good to see you dick russell kennedy assassination researcher dick russell has been chasing the assassination case for 45 years i think japan is very important in the scenario that brings lee harvey oswald eventually to assassinate the president because japan is the genesis in that sense of what happened later [Music] the place where a triumphant general macarthur landed after world war ii atsugi launched oswald on the assassin's [Music] path [Music] race cars in the coffee factory race cars in the coffee factory [Music] race cars in the coffee factory [Laughter] analyst suggests there's a lot of in the soviet uranium facilities yeah this wonky keeps tracking him on radar yeah well he should be keeping track of virgins not virgins where don't mind the most world they're just a bunch of grunts but what do you guys mean by a race car in a coffee factory you don't know style coffee factory is us the marine air control service group race car is that u2 surveillance plane it's top secret the officers won't even breathe a word of it but if you saw the radar you know ain't that right i was walking [Laughter] you know all about that wouldn't you have smoked mitch hey oswald in fact when we first saw him when he first came to our outfit we thought that he was under age he was always alone he never hardly talked to anybody he kept to himself that the only thing i ever saw him do was read here's a person that i would call an introvert into himself he uh when he talked about his high school days in texas about getting the crap beat out of him and stuff because he was different whatever so i think he joined the marine corps to get out of the draft he's just really a different individual i i remember uh bugs with had his camera around his neck because he used to have that when he do different things you know bugs where the hell are you going and he said i want to go at the end of the runway you two will be coming in on he said i want to get some pictures of it he said this is fantastic history thought yeah that would be something you know to have a picture of the u2 in the news [Music] in the marines oswald served as a radar operator the u.s had recently begun operating the top-secret u-2 spy plane with the cold war intensifying u2's flying from atsugi were keeping soviet activities under surveillance stout are you playing again you need to practice anyway hey how's [Laughter] [Music] bonkovich marks again oh you dirty soviet spy hey hey guys he's got one of hitler's books too gonna shove a bottle of vodka virgin massage well done get off what's the matter sweetie what the hell time do you think is it sergeant oswald has been bringing in russian newspapers and writings by karl marx he's a bad influence sir you stay the rest of you get out of here [Applause] normally i'd say understanding a wide variety of ideas was a good thing but for someone like you it can be toxic you need to spend more time working out and less time with your head in the book do you hear me i asked you a question i was about do you hear me yes sergeant [Music] ah russia had the all the answers that's the place to be he would always talk about us being imperialists and following the wrong government under current u.s imperialism we americans you japanese and our workers are being exploited [Music] [Applause] our souls are ruled by enterprises religion and education are used as tools to oppress the people here sooner or later pretty animated huh yeah you don't want to listen to them they are bunch i'm interested i don't want to be used as a tool of military invasion fight against american soldiers in uniforms never thought i'd meet a bunch of revolutionaries in japan and you must be the leader nice to meet you i'm robert robert nolan [Music] the man introduced himself as robert nolan but his real name was richard case nagle he was a covert operative with close links to a certain organization the cia the central intelligence agency is mainly engaged in gathering intelligence outside u.s borders [Music] on one occasion in court testimony nagel said in november 1957 i was recruited for a cia project that supposedly was a counter-espionage project russell who has been tracing oswald's story for decades obtained a statement directly from nagel for nagel and here for oswald nagel said he had met with oswald off base queen bee which was in the ginza section of tokyo nagel told me that he met oswald in the queen b the queen bee was a high-end nightclub in tokyo's ginza district catering to u.s servicemen he was privy to the knowledge that that hostesses inside that club were being used by the kgb to try to get information out of american [Applause] [Music] servicemen [Music] hey what's with your face don't you want to go to the soviet union and be a revolutionary listen from this moment on you're no longer lee harvey oswald what's that supposed to mean shall we done later dance under a different name there are women in here whose strings are being pulled by the soviets if you become friends with them you might get to go to your dream land ussr naturally they will approach you because they're after us military intelligence so if you hate america that much you could leak military secrets [Music] you are one lucky man [Music] i'm not much of a dancer but [Music] hey don't fall in love now [Music] back home again did you come to japan yesterday no so are you from yokosuka [Music] at [Music] you've got a sixth sentence don't you that's right i work as a pilot why what's your name [Music] not red then so the hostesses like midori were eager to seduce certain american soldiers to try to get information oswald had girlfriends at the queen bee oswald's girl was older than he lived in yokohama and was named midori m-i-d-o-r-i oswald's mission seems to have been to give false information to one of the hostesses who was working on behalf of the soviets from them and oswald would have been a significant one because he was a radar operator working in the youtube program and would have known about the spy flights that were going over the soviet union oswald openly professed his interest in marxism from childhood he had dreamed of being a spy [Music] gucci [Music] i want to get away from that man [Music] ah why should i call you anything you like max hello call me whatever you like the night's determined you speak russian then japanese women are amazing when americans take over we learned english when the ussr took over we learned russian mom mom i read marx when i was 15. have you heard of manifesto of the communist party mom at that time it was the only place in my life that had any last shining it gave me hope now i know it was a defining moment in my life that's the light still shine for you i'm not sure ten thousand years from now people will read about us in history books i want history to see me as a hero even though people always made fun of me my mother was awful my father was already dead when i was born mom mom no [Music] i'll be back late i don't know how many times she remarried after that every time we moved every time we move every time we move it's okay slowly take your time i want to know more about you how would a poor radar technician get to the soviet union you can get away it's not too red [Music] nigel wood was somehow involved in oswald's later so-called defection uh to the soviet union he was going under orders from either the cia or an agency connected to the cia whether prodded by nagel or guided by midori oswald left the marine corps and sought asylum in the soviet union later oswald's defection would be cited as proof of a commitment to communism supposedly his motive for assassinating kennedy ah lee harvey oswald have come to moscow to return my us passport and renounce my american citizenship hang on son i understand the implications of what i intend to do i already know what you'll tell me i don't need to hear sermons or warnings let's not waste time if you have the papers i will sign them and be out of your way i have already written a letter to the supreme soviet and applied for citizenship why do you wish to renounce your u.s citizenship it's based on my political beliefs i'm a marxist marxist well you're in for a life of eternal isolation i was told you tried to talk me out of it they were [Music] what do you mean never mind do you have any other questions [Music] oswald's suspicious behavior again hints at a cia role behind the scenes the cia asserts to the present day that it had no contact with oswald but is that true this is a declassified list of people who were under cia surveillance at that time oswald's name is on the list the cia began watching him on november 9 1959 just after he crossed over to the soviet union and one possibility raised by researchers is that oswald's defection was actually a cia operation john newman one of the 66 in the campaign for truth is an eminent jfk researcher he has spent half his life reviewing six million related documents oswald is a pawn pawns are disposable it was a possibility that he was a false defector when did you start considering the renunciation of your u.s citizenship for the last two years i've worked in japan as a marine what i witnessed there was damnable american imperialism what do you mean by imperialism okinawa okinawa iwakuni iwakuni they are colonized by america i can understand your feelings you said you'd already sworn loyalty to the soviet union i worked as a radar operator in atsugi i have agreed to provide the soviets specialized knowledge from my time in the marines it is very valuable information it is very valuable information it is very valuable information well done everyone who talked to him said he appeared to have been rehearsed the fact that everybody says that that he appeared to be rehearsed is very strong evidence it's not just one person you have four people telling you the same story it's it's fairly convincing behavior at the u.s embassy in moscow raised suspicions send it to washington right away the state department reported on the situation to cia headquarters this is the one going back and looking at the internal record of all of oswald's files what does newman mean by false defector [Music] this internal cia document provides a clue it records the agency division that gathered information about oswald here we see the initials ci counterintelligence that's what the ci stands for the ci is counter intelligence very high level so it's very hard to separate what oswald's doing and saying and all the traffic he's creating in moscow with his affection how it has to be related of course it's related to the mole hunt going on in the cia at the same time newman zeroes in on the fact that oswald information was handled by ci was oswald being used in a mole hunt an effort to identify spies within the [Music] agency with the cold war heating up in the late 1950s the cia was wary of moles kgb spies undercover inside the agency itself once oswald defected the kgb would want to find out who he really was to do that they would contact their mole inside the cia who would provide them the information while the cia suspected a mole in the soviet division they ran oswald's file through counter-intelligence [Music] why because any mole looking for oswald's files would have to go poking around for them the searcher would be exposed oswald was in the middle of the kgbci spy wars the middle of moles oswald was upon not on this the side of the chessboard but right there in the four center squares between the kgb and the cia and our penetration of each other oswald was in the middle of that that makes him a pawn but a very important pawn and so you can't deny that there were useful idiots disposable people oswald spent the next two and a half years living in the soviet union the country of his dreams but he wrote in his diary that life under communism was far from how he had idealized it [Music] [Music] no man having known having lived under the russian communist and american capitalist system could possibly make a choice between them there is no choice juan offers oppression the other poverty both offer imperialistic injustice tinted with two brands of slavery [Music] then one day 15 months into his new life [Music] news from the us set in motion a series of events that would bring oswald to ruin those nations who would make themselves our adversary we offer not a pledge but a request that both sides begin anew the quest for peace john f kennedy had become the 35th president of the united states [Applause] [Music] kennedy vowed to pursue a peaceful resolution to the cold war idealism that gave the us hope for a new era [Music] on the 20th of january 1961 pennsylvania avenue was a host to a new president a new face a new waving hand and a new frontier where pennsylvania avenue ended the white house took over but just two and a half years later kennedy's presidency was cut short by assassination who killed kennedy the ussr cuba the mafia the military establishment the assassination has spawned countless theories [Music] in 2019 the group of 66 campaigners announced a new interpretation based on their ongoing investigation naturally one would assume that the cia was among those top [Music] elements one of the 66 campaigners for the truth is a close relative of slain president john f kennedy jfk's nephew robert f kennedy jr he continues to hope that media coverage will shed new light on the jfk assassination his father robert was john f kennedy's younger brother and served as his attorney general four years after jfk's assassination he too was shot to death the cia we know lied about it beginning the moment that my uncle was killed and the cia has been lying about it for 50 years and i think my uncle became president and found himself immediately in a war he was surrounded by military and intelligence apparatus who wanted to train change this country into a national security state robert f kennedy jr maintains that the cia is concealing the truth but how could an agency then reporting directly to the president carry out such a betrayal this is a document that sheds light on that betrayal an inspector general's report that logged internal policy discussions which would not normally come into the public eye it mentions plans to assassinate cuban leader fidel castro as kennedy was assuming the presidency castro was turning cuba off the u.s coast into a communist state with close ties to the soviets tensions were high at the time the cia was covertly plotting to assassinate castro later when this plot was revealed the cia said that president kennedy had approved it but the inspector general's report reveals that the cia pursued the plan without having cleared it with the highest levels of government the cia also tried to make it appear that the kennedy administration had been instrumental in planning these operations my father and john kennedy were aware of the um of the assassination plots against castro before and it completely untrue and his attitude was we don't care if you're communist we would prefer that you have freedom you know nevertheless i would say the majority of people in this country believe that slander because of the the artful way that the cia had of planting those kind of slanders in the newspapers and in the public consciousness and this is what they do a president who wanted peace and a cia that was willing to risk even war in the name of national security this executive branch confrontation escalated to a shocking degree in april 1961 the confrontation came to a head over the infamous bay of pigs invasion as this political crisis churned lee harvey oswald returned to the united states oh here let me help read it what's the matter this place is a great fight an american soldier returned from the ussr do americans understand the value of that [Music] oh well come on let's go inside huh a former u.s marine who had defected to the soviets now suddenly returning to his homeland and bringing with him his russian wife marina there are glimpses of cia involvement after oswald's homecoming too the couple settled back into american life with the help of this man george de morrinshield some years after the jfk assassination he died in an apparent suicide before his death he admitted that he had links with the cia oswald and the cia what linked them to kennedy oswald's widow marina testified after the assassination and those transcripts are in the public record they reveal oswald's emotional instability after he returned to the us have a seat please sit down he changed my husband changed completely after coming to america he became angry at small things i never know him as such men in soviet was he violent towards you yes do you recall what brought that about we wanted to send me back to soviet i did not want to go so we fought mourinho marina [Music] you can't leave the baby alone even for a moment do you understand you can't leave your child a mother can't leave her child you trying to send us back to soviet that has nothing to do with this do you love me lee why did we come to vedic you tell me why what are you thinking i have no idea you'll never understand you'll never understand you should just go back to your they have no country what he's thinking during that time lee was very nervous about something i think he somehow calmed himself down through violence she testified that oswald was responsible for another dallas shooting one that happened six months before kennedy's assassination [Music] did you notice the rifle missing on april 10 1963 no but i'm newly preparing for something told me not to go into his room i did not know what he planning to do [Music] oswald's target was retired general edwin walker walker was regarded as an ardent fascist defend our country against communism and what we need now is patriotism now one night he he went out and not return oh lopped out me to greg after 10 pm i began to worry i went into his room i was drawn to it and that is when i saw the note what did the note say it's it if anything bad happens to me please inform the embassy and send everything the newspaper writes about me too then once the embassy knows everything they should help you i've left whatever money i can to you you and the baby have enough to live on ten dollars a week for two months if i'm alive if i'm alive and in jail i'll be in the jail at the end of the bridge we always cross to go into town [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] three months until the dallas parade age 24 grew up in dallas he's our guy lee why did you miss he told me not to ask any more questions you work with us and live a new life are you trying to threaten me no you will be a hero which we would say would be the cover story next time we'll hear from people who worked for the cia that's going to resemble james bond their views of how the assassination happened a lot of crazy people in the cia who they think really arranged it [Music] and the events of the fateful day itself start a new life tomorrow i promise decades later a new picture of the truth is emerging
Views: 432,582
Rating: 4.5604076 out of 5
Id: 84LWU1uh-yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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