What Happened Immediately After JFK Was Shot?

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President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas on November 22nd 1963 America and the world were stunned the fallout of these events would have political historical and social implications that are still relevant today however those fatal shots were really just the beginning of the story today we're going to take a look at what happened immediately after JFK was assassinated after that we'd really appreciate it if you would leave a comment and let us know what presidential topics you would like to hear more about now we go to Dallas Texas it was approximately 12:30 p.m. when the three shots were fired at the president's convertible Lincoln Continental at the sound of the first shot Secret Service agent Clint Hill who was riding on the bumper of the follow-up car left his position and ran towards the presidential limousine his plan was to shield the president with his own body but before he could get there two more shots rang out it was the third and final shot that is believed to be the one that shattered the president's skull after it struck the president's wife Jackie panicked and tried to climb out of the passenger seat and onto the trunk of the car it was at this point that agent Hill was finally able to grab hold of the rear of the car he climbed aboard and forced Jackie Kennedy back into the rear seat just as the automobile sped away on the way to the Parkland Hospital Jackie spoke to her husband in an interview she would recall saying things like Jack can you hear me and I love you jack for his part agent Hill would later claim that had he been stationed on the bumper of the president's car instead of the one behind he would have gotten there in time to save JFK [Music] after firing three shots at the motorcade from the sixth floor the Texas School Book Depository Lee Harvey Oswald hit his rifle amongst some stacks of books he descended a nearby stairwell and ninety seconds later encountered his supervisor and a Dallas policeman in a second-floor lunchroom as there was no reason to be suspicious of him yet Oswald was allowed to go three minutes after the shooting just as authorities were beginning to seal off the area Oswald left the building he boarded a city bus but the chaotic aftermath of the assassination had created traffic so he quickly got off and hailed a taxi he rode to his rooming house which was located in the nearby area of Oak Cliff the building's housekeeper observed him heading into his room and emerging only a few moments later wearing a jacket about 15 minutes later Robert Kennedy the president's brother was having lunch thousands of miles away in suburban Virginia when the phone rang it was FBI director J Edgar Hoover I have news for you he said without a hint of emotion the president's been shot Bobby tried to find out how bad the injury was but Hoover would only tell him that he thought it was serious and he would make contact when he learned more then he hung up at 12:30 8:00 p.m. the limousine arrived at Parkland Hospital and President Kennedy was rushed into trauma room number one chief resident Ronald James as team performed a tracheotomy gave the president a chest massage and inserted an IV into his arm but it was too late 12 minutes after he had entered the trauma room JFK was pronounced dead the president's body was placed in a hastily acquired coffin which was loaded onto a gurney however when Jackie and the president's entourage attempted to take the body with them they were confronted by Dallas County Medical Examiner Earl rose Rose insisted that Texas state law required an autopsy be performed in the county where the shooting occurred which was technically correct Jackie Kennedy however wanted to leave and wouldn't go without her husband's body Rose refused to back down and the situation grew tense by some accounts the Secret Service even drew their guns to force Rose out of their way whatever the truth is the casket was whisked away to an airport at Love Field loaded onto Air Force One and flown out of the jurisdiction shortly after 1 p.m. Oswald left his rooming house and aimlessly wandered the neighborhood around his home at 1:15 he reached the intersection of Patton and 10th streets where he encountered a Dallas police officer named JD Tippit witnesses reported that Oswald spoke to tip it through the window of his car the officer then got out of his vehicle and began walking towards Oswald who then drew his gun and shot tip at four times including one to the head what the two spoke about remains unknown Tippett had received a description of the suspect in the Kennedy assassination but there was no way of knowing if he had connected the description to Oswald regardless of the cause the confrontation quickly brought a massive police presence to the area Oswald behaved suspiciously and drew the attention of a shoe store employee named Johnny Brewer having heard the sirens in the neighborhood Brewer decided to follow Oswald who quickly ducked into a nearby movie theater without paying for a ticket Brewer spoke to a theater employee who then called the police Dallas police descended on the theater the movie was stopped the house lights were raised a patrolman named Nick McDonald Pat it down a few random patrons and finally made his way to our wall when McDonald asked him to stand up Oswald shouted it's all over now he then jumped at the officer punching him with one hand while reaching for his gun with the other other officers converged on Oswald and McDonald got the gun away from him Lee Harvey Oswald was subdued cuffed and led out of the theater past an angry crowd that was already beginning to connect him to the assassination of the president at 2:38 p.m. Central time judge Sarah T Hughes a federal judge appointed by JFK only months earlier swore in Lyndon Baines Johnson as the 36th president of the United States of America this would be both the first and last time that the oath was administered by a female Johnson eager to show that the kennedy supported the transition insisted that Jackie stand next to him while he was sworn in Air Force one arrived at Andrews Air Force Base at approximately 6:00 p.m. Eastern time the whole country watched alive as the president's coffin was removed from the plane and loaded into an ambulance Robert Kennedy who had boarded the plane on its arrival then emerged with Jackie finally President Johnson exited the aircraft and briefly spoke to reporters at this point Jackie Kennedy was still wearing the famous pink outfit that she had on at the moment her husband was shot JFK's dried blood was still clearly visible on her skirt this was not an oversight earlier in the day aides had asked Jackie if she wanted to change her clothes but she refused saying I want them to see what they have done to Jack [Music] on Friday night Oswald was formally charged with the shooting of officer Tippit a few hours later on Saturday morning he was arraigned for the murder of John F Kennedy during an impromptu news conference Lee Harvey Oswald told reporters the only thing I have done is carry a pistol in a movie I didn't kill anybody I haven't shot anybody I'm just a patsy indeed while Oswald's peculiar background as a Marine sharpshooter former resident of the Soviet Union and Marxist agitator created a cloud of suspicion around him he maintained his innocence throughout his whole stay at the Dallas County Jail on Sunday the 24th President Kennedy's casket was brought to the rotunda of the US Capitol building by the same horse-drawn Kayson that had previously transported the casket of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1945 accompanying it was a funeral procession that included the Kennedy family members of the Armed Forces and hundreds of government dignitaries and world leaders approximately 1 million people showed up to watch for the next 24 hours about 250,000 members of the general public were allowed to pay their respects despite freezing temperatures the line to get in stretched over two miles when the viewing concluded thousands were still waiting and left unable to gain access on Sunday the 24th the Dallas police decided to transport Oswald from their downtown headquarters to another location at a County Jail while this was ostensibly done for Oswald's safety it would ironically lead directly to his death as Oswald was being led through the basement of the jail he was shot by a Dallas nightclub owner named Jack Ruby the shooting was broadcast live on television which sent another shockwave through an already reeling nation Oswald clung to life briefly but then perished on the operating table at Parkland the same hospital President Kennedy had died in only days earlier while allegations of mob ties and criminal connections have caused Jack Ruby's behavior to be viewed with deep suspicion there are also less conspiratorial explanations for his actions many believe that Ruby impulsively killed Oswald because he thought it would make him a hero supporters of this theory like to point to the fact that Ruby had been in the neighborhood to wire money to a dancer who worked for him based on the time of his wire he would have required split-second coordination to get over to Oswald in time to shoot him moreover Ruby had left his beloved dachshund locked in his car when he sent the wire it's hard to explain why Ruby would have brought his dog with him and then risked missing his chance to get Oswald by sending the wire if you were planning the shooting the whole time nonetheless no one knows for sure [Music] on November 25th JFK's funeral mass was held at st. Matthew's Cathedral and attended by more than 1,200 invitees at its conclusion the casket was brought down the steps of the Cathedral before the members of the Kennedy family considered too young to attend the burial this would be the last time the children would see their father's casket as it passed by Jackie Kennedy whispered something into the ear of her son John immediately the boys snapped to attention and saluted his father's casket this gesture would become a definitive visual moment of the 20th century yet it could not have been easy for the boy it was his third birthday after the mass the casket was brought to Arlington National Cemetery in a procession that included the leaders of 99 different countries while many believe Kennedy should be buried at his birthplace of Brookline Massachusetts a tour of Arlington caused Jackie to feel otherwise she believed he belonged to the people and ultimately selected to bury him in a prominent location on the slope in front of the Custis Lee mansion during the funeral an eternal flame was lit as a memorial to the Fallen president in the year following the burial the grave was visited by an estimated 3,000 people an hour by three years later over 16 million people had come to pay their respects on May 23rd 1994 Jackie would be buried beside her husband at the same site while JFK's funeral held the rapt attention of an entire nation Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral was being hastily arranged in Fort Worth Texas in a brief ceremony attended by his wife two young children mother and brother the presidential assassin was laid to rest at the Rose Hill Cemetery the funeral was also heavily attended by reporters police and federal agents so few family members were there reporters had to be reluctantly enlisted to be pallbearers Oswald's rest has been anything but peaceful in 1967 his gravestone was stolen as a prank in a 1981 his body was exhumed at the request of his ex-wife for the purposes of verifying he was actually in it conspiracy theorists had alleged someone else had been buried in the grave as part of a plot to cover up the assassination but dental records in a childhood scar identified the body at the site as Lee Harvey Oswald so what do you think let us know in the comments below and while you're at it check out some of these other videos from our weird history
Channel: Weird History
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Keywords: jfk assassination, jfk shooting, john f kennedy shooting, president john f kennedy shot, death of JFK, weird history, weird history presidents, john f kennedy, lee harvey oswald, lee harvey oswald sniper, lee harvey oswald grave, american history, american presidents, presidential history, timeline of jfk shooting, jack ruby, the zapruder film, jfk assassination oswald, lee harvey shot by jack ruby, movieclips, cbs sunday morning, buzzfeed multiplayer, Le Point, cnn
Id: OO-r-H9k1QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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