What If Every Empire Went To War?

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so today we're gonna be taking a look at a scenario where all of my empires go to war so every single empire that i've done which is around 21 will be having their empire formed onto this world map and from here they'll have a giant battle royale this is the 50 000 subscriber special and i hope you guys are excited for this video because i am super excited to record it and of course if you enjoy it make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you're new our goals are in sight and we are on the road to 100 000 subscribers so subscribing today would help us get there quicker and yeah let's go ahead and jump right into this video so yeah this is one part of the 50 000 subscriber special this video itself there'll be another part to it coming out next wednesday and yeah i'm excited to showcase that so uh starting off here we can see that we have pretty much all the empires here now of course i had to make some sacrifices when putting all these onto a singular map because a lot of them overlapped such as in europe where um pretty much everything overlapped in one way or another i tried my best to put every empire here and still giving them some decent amount of land the one role i had in mind when making this map was a country cannot lose its own territory to someone else the most interesting is when you come down to africa and see how everyone's divided and just a little bit let you better visualize this i'm gonna go ahead and turn on the flag map chart so this is what you're most likely seeing in the thumbnail of this video and you can see the flags of every empire here and uh yeah this is what i mean by africa it is divided up a lot over here in the northwest but overall this gives you a good understanding of where every empire is at and if needed i will flip back to this later in the video so you can keep up to date with what's happening this is a little bit less chaotic to look at but also there's so many colors but yeah 21 different colors 21 different empires let's just go ahead and start with this video so how would every empire react to each other so we're gonna have to assume that this just came to be i don't really think there's a possible leading up to this event where every empire could reclaim all the territory it currently has it's just simply impossible without other countries trying to stop it so yeah um we're just going to assume that this magically appears and uh the first thing that would most likely change is the balance of power in the world russia and china have both become extremely powerful from this um russia has reclaimed a lot of eastern europe and china has a large foothold over southeast asia the united states on the other hand wasn't able to get all of its old territory back and had to mainly just go after africa so you can see the us has some colonies over here along the coast of africa they also have cuba and panama but as i said in the beginning of this video a lot of countries had to give up some of their territory in order for other countries to have a fair share now the first most likely event would be an alliance and we have a very large one for me here between the united states canada the uk and france and like i said this is a very large alliance this covers a good portion of the world especially down here in africa where all the powers hold a fair share of western africa in the americas we also have a very strong foothold with the united states and canada themselves just having a lot of land and then of course the uk and france have their colonies in south america and i would safely assume that right after the formation of this alliance we would have the formation of another this time it would be between russia and china so yeah this would be a very scary alliance indeed because these countries they um they're strong and to be completely honest in this scenario if you're not an empire you're pretty much screwed so yeah africa uh these guys not a good situation the middle east is screwed uh pretty much all of europe is an empire except for sweden then norway and finland are there as well but they got land taken out of them uh south america is probably gonna get rolled over by brazil so yeah this it's going to be a very ugly war winner if it breaks out also with our empire videos we had both india and pakistan taking over kashmir but in this universe neither of them hold on to it or hold on to their claims over it because um we'll just cancel it out the possible war between these two is very likely in the future but going back over to europe we have another new alliance forming up this time it's by the eastern european countries of poland and ukraine as well as finland against russia now russia has a very strong foothold over eastern europe here and uh them invading these two countries is very likely as they would most likely want to expand into this area i could also see russia expanding down into the middle east with a very weak in turkey and then you know these countries would just be easily taken over so with the majority of the alliances of the world underway let's go ahead and start with our first war the first war we have is a war between spain and the rest of morocco now morocco took a huge huge blow here since spain had to form their empire they lost a lot of their coast and if you consider western sahara spain they also lost all that so now with practically nothing left uh we have spain invading them i would say this is probably for the better good of morocco but i really don't know how they would be treated so morocco loses all of its coasts in spain just manages to push in completely causing the country to capitulate and in the peace treaty spain fully annexes all of morocco so this is looking a lot like the colonial days with spain owning a good chunk of northwestern africa and uh they also own espanola which would have gone to the us but i decided it would be more fair for spain to have it because their empire is a lot smaller than america's speaking of the americas we have an event happening over here in south america now bolivia was pretty screwed over by this treaty and they are looking very invaluable to brazil so we have them deciding to form a union with peru and just like that the peru bolivian federation is once again a thing now our next event is an interesting one we have colombia and brazil signing a pact which will allow them to both invade the remaining of venezuela now much like morocco venezuela got a huge chunk taken out of them but it isn't as like damaging as what morocco lost because they only lost their rainforest part but they did still lose land and probably a lot of moral especially not considering the empire of brazil is at war with them so colombian troops push across and enter into western venezuela while brazilian troops pushed up from the south and go towards the coast after meeting up there we have the brazilians pushing around the coast while the colombians do the same on the other side of the country eventually venezuela loses all coast in the middle is starting to be squeezed out until eventually it surrenders looking at this peace judy we have a very interesting thing going on here i'm just gonna get rid of this because it's annoying uh venezuela gets split in half a majority of it does go over to brazil but it's only a slim majority and the other half goes over to colombia now you would think that uh relations between colombia and brazil would now be rather good but um brazil didn't really show as much friendliness as colombia would have liked in the peace treaty conference colombia wanted brazil to say they wouldn't invade them but they didn't say anything like that and it looks like brazil might just want to take over all of south america which would be interesting because culturally and you know language-wise brazil is different from the rest of south america so i don't know if they'd be able to hold on to all that but they are the strongest country so maybe they would anyway once again we're staying over in the americas because we have another very interesting event taking place we have mexico declaring war on costa rica now this wouldn't be a problem in the grand scheme of things but unfortunately the united states does not like expansion near its borders even though it itself is an empire kind of hypocritical but that's just an american thing and we have the united states coming to the aid of costa rica and uh mexico is probably gonna get screwed up here we also have canada joining this war just because they would like to help out america and uh it's really up to france and britain if they would want to join but honestly i don't really see them needing to join because the us is most likely still the most powerful country in this universe i don't know i wouldn't say russia's stronger at this point just because the soviet union uh had a lot more land than this and they weren't as strong as america in their later years so theoretically the us would still be powerful but then again china has all of southeast asia i don't know this is up to you guys to debate personally i want to say that america is probably still the strongest but anyway america at ward mexico so the americans pushed down into baja california as well as across the border and into mexico down south mexican troops cross over into costa rica and take the country with ease as uh costa rica doesn't have an army with this they then cross over into panama and start to push over towards the canal back up north the americans start to focus on capturing the coast of mexico as they make a landing over here in new continent and the american navy in this scenario would be absolutely crazy it would be way stronger than it is currently because they have all of these colonies in africa and then a lot of caribbean under control so um yeah america would be like naval wise would be extremely powerful but we have the americans taking over all of baja california and now starting to focus on the coast of western mexico in yucatan we have them taking over more coasts but having some troubles in the jungles of the peninsula down south mexico finally meets up with the canal but is stopped as american troops have arrived and they stand still is happening at the canal itself eventually the mexicans do manage across the canal and a very overwhelmed amount of american troops are forced to retreat into colombia now colombia has a very interesting decision to make here um they would definitely not go to war with america themselves but brazil could be a problem in the future and they don't want to really go to war with brazil because they know they would lose so they actually joined the war on america's side in hopes of joining the alliance between them canada the uk and france i would want to call their alliance nato because it makes sense but in this universe nato the eu all that kind of stuff has obviously been disbanded because if those you know property still existed then there would probably already be a war being broken out by the way colombia has joined the war and they are now sending troops back into panama to kick mexico out since colombia is in closer proximity to the conflict we have them easily able to push back the mexicans while up north the americans push deeper into mexican territory we have another landing being made over here in southern mexico with the aim of cutting mexico in half and this goes extremely well now mexico isolated we have america taking over even more coasts down here in the south another landing is made in honduras down south the colombians take back all of panama and start to push into costa rica and mexico is getting absolutely slapped in this war now the only problem the americans would most likely face is in the jungles themselves which they have kind of pushed into and then the rocky mountains which are pretty much already under their control it goes down a lot further into mexico though so uh using their superior navy and just a lot of troops they managed to take over pretty much all of the coast of mexico this in turn isolates the middle half which in turn would cause a lot of guerrilla warfare but we can assume that america would eventually be able to get in our control down south the americans start to sweep through central america you know there's also jungles here but we're going to ignore that just because this video is going to be very long if i don't and after lots of fighting mexico surrenders to the united states and this is going to be an interesting peace treaty all right looking at this peace journey like i said it is definitely an interesting one so uh america takes over a good bit well pretty much all of mexico in addition to this we have the release of a new central american state this could be under american control it could be under american influence or it could just have a public government most likely the latter of that costa rica is left alone but they are given the option to join the alliance in which they refuse to because you know they're probably going to be protected if they are invaded again in the future and that's already extremely unlikely because they border america and panama and then this is most likely not going to annex them they could technically join this but i don't know if this is that stable and then of course finally colombia joins the new atlantic alliance and i'm just gonna call it the atlantic alliance so yeah the atlantic alliance now has five members the united states canada the uk france and now colombia and it is most likely a security alliance but i could see them carrying out some military operations with each other in the future but now it's time to go away from the west and enter into the east where we have a new war breaking out and like i said earlier this is going to be a war between india and pakistan now who would start this war i'm not really sure but we're going to assume it's india and this is a big problem for uh india because they started war pakistan and pakistan is a good ally of china and uh india also has a good ally russia but the problem with that is russia is in an alliance with china and they wouldn't help them out in this situation india is also allies with japan they're also allies with israel who barely exist but none of those countries would want to join because they would get slapped around especially japan um china borders japan and korea as well as the malay peninsula philippines is japanese situation they would lose that so yeah japan without any outside help such as the united states they would probably not want to join this situation but here we have it we have our second major conflict in this video um our second a war between empires we actually have three empires of war so the indian pakistani and chinese empires anywhere uh this entire area becomes a giant bloodbath and blood field no one wants to go there because everyone's getting slaughtered so let's go ahead and focus over on myanmar where chinese troops started to push in they managed to capture a good portion of this area and start to push over into bangladesh where many people are in support of the chinese taking over over in pakistan india crosses the border and into southern pakistan as well as over here into central pakistan and of course there's nothing happening here because mountain back in myanmar we now have clashing between indian and chinese troops as indian troops fully arrive and uh we have this it's just not it's a very very bloody war india would most likely try to hold out for as long as possible while also holding an offensive position in pakistan but they really have no chance of winning against china and it's just yeah it's it's not gonna be pretty back over in pakistan india's continues to push across until they take over even more southern land pakistan and china both managed to make a little bit of progress in kashmir but once again this area is just a bloodbath so there's not much progress over in bangladesh we officially have the state of bangladesh breaking away from india and this causes some issues as they barely have access to this land where they have a lot of troops china takes extreme advantage of the situation and cuts off these troops and uh this is not good for india india does manage to push into the newly formed bangladeshi state it is not that strong but there are chinese troops there which means they don't push that far in but nonetheless the troops over here are encircled and are slowly being captured or killed they eventually surrender and this is a huge blow to india who is trying their best to push back into the region but they are slowly being slowed down by the chinese troops also this is a bhutan right here they they just they probably just want independence to be honest back over in pakistan we have pakistani troops pushing back the indians in the south but we do have the indians making progress in northern india in addition to this india is able to push max into some of their claims in kashmir while the fight over here in eastern india is stalled and eventually india is starting to get pushed back once again over here in the bay bengal we have chinese ships finally arriving and uh they really outclass the indian navy here so much so that they eventually make a landing on sri lanka and took over the entire island this gives china a huge advantage as they can now start to invade india from the south in which they do just that and landing is made in southern india and this started to take control of the area as indian troops were not prepared for this but what they are prepared for is a full-scale invasion of pakistan one day after china makes its landing in southern india we have indian troops in mass crossing the border and pushing into pakistan they take over a large majority of southern pakistan and start to push up towards the center of the country but are eventually stopped as chinese troops arrive to help out the pakistani troops this was a good plan in theory but it doesn't really go well as they didn't capture islamabad and now china and pakistan have a easier way to get into kashmir on the topic of india losing some land we also have china continuing their push down into india this time focusing on the coast they push up from southern india and it's just it really isn't looking too good for india anymore it just really isn't looking too good for india anymore now i know i'm already gonna get a lot of hateful comments on this war itself but in the grand scheme of things i really don't see india having a chance to win this war at all pakistan implements a new recruitment process which gives them a lot more troops and with these new troops who are poorly trained but you know we can use them as meat shields we have pakistan getting a lot of their land back from india at this point india doesn't really see a point in fighting anymore because if they just keep fighting they're going to lose even more troops and eventually india will be captured so instead of losing all their country they decide to uh just give up a little bit of land and let's go and take a look at this peace treaty all right looking at this peace treaty here we actually don't have india losing out on too much land i mean they definitely lost land they have a lot less than they would in real life but they went to war with two imperial powers and they didn't completely lose uh they did lose a lot of their eastern half over here they also lost bangladesh who is now an independent country and serves as a buffer zone between india and china sri lanka was forced into being released and pakistan and china split northern india so with this our second imperial war of this video has ended and uh now it's time for a new one because empires always want to expand over in east africa we have egypt declaring war on ethiopia who they now share a border with and there's already a lot of disputes between these two countries uh with this artreya who would have probably joined on the egypt side doesn't do anything because technically they were invaded by egypt so i guess they would just stay neutral in this war but in addition to egypt declaring war we also have somalia declaring war and things don't look too good for ethiopia until the east african federation takes a step into this war so now with a majority of the federation in the war ethiopia stands a little bit more of a chance although these countries really aren't that strong also i just uh kind of figured this out but apparently the drc is in the east african federation so thank you guys for correcting me on that i wasn't actually sure i had saw i'd seen pictures with it included but from what i knew i didn't know they were actually a part of it so thank you guys for that once again and yeah so the east african federation now actually has a little bit of a chance immediately they push into somalia and start taking over the southern coast we also have ethiopia seizing all of somali land while up north we have egypt pushing down into ethiopia now this is all going well for the for the east african federation they can most likely take over all of somalia which would give them a huge advantage because then they would only have the egyptian front but things never go well as there's always another country who wants to get involved and in this case it's south africa now south africa is also an empire and basically what we have here is two empires invading a bunch of weak countries now ethiopia and drc they aren't necessarily weak but um in the aspect of the empires they are weak in addition to south africa declaring more on the east african federation we also have the declaring war on the remainder of malawi and zambia so now they push across and take over the remainder of these countries they are very weak they lost all pretty much a majority of their land south africans push into southern tanzania and eventually link up across this lake up north we have somalia completely capitulating which gives the east african federation a better chance to kind of hold out for longer but once again like i said some countries just can't stand to not get involved and we have sudan declaring war on the east african federation now they did get invaded by egypt in theory so i don't know if they would really want to join this but since south sudan is there and that's essentially just free land i'm sure well i don't know they wouldn't be able to really suppress south sudan it's an interesting scenario because a lot of these countries hate each other and if they were to annex them then there would be a lot of rebellions and it would just i don't know it'd be interesting but we're going to ignore that because like i said we do have to get on this video i'm already 40 minutes into recording and i barely scratched what i want to get done so sudan now pushes into south sudan and takes out the country fairly easily i'm going to speed ahead through this south africa pushes up into tanzania and wipes out the country as well as rwanda and burundi with the help of egypt and sudan we have the two sides meeting up in uganda kenya gets wiped out by south africa and from here we just have the two stronger countries left now this is kind of a repeat of the south african video and the uh the same outcome is going to be occurring so um these two countries decide that they're not going to win this war and they decided to meet for peace all right looking at this peace treaty uh we really have south africa getting a lot of land here so they get all up into tanzania and a lot of the drc including uh burundi and rwanda a little bit of kenya's coast and then up north we have sudan and next in south sudan and we have egypt getting the northern bant of ethiopia now this really doesn't satisfy egypt who hope to get more out of this war so um we're going to have them doing some special operations in australia and djibouti and we also have the release of somaliland since somalia did technically lose to ethiopia but with these remaining few east african federation countries we have them all forming into a union so yeah they have now officially unionized into a country and uh this isn't it though we have them doing one more thing which is forming the african resistance alliance which is a huge alliance between angola the central african republic uh the east african federation and somaliland djibouti would most likely want to join this but ethiopia was aware of egypt's plans to kind of steamroll this area so they aren't allowed into the alliance as egypt declares war on both of these two countries they're both extremely weak and it happens very quickly this is not egypt so africa has become a lot more unified in sense of becoming under one country or coming into an alliance so yeah there's not that many countries in africa left but where there is a lot of countries is the middle east and we have some countries a little bit angry that they never got to form their own empire in one of my videos yet so we have iran going imperial they declare war on iraq and start to invade the country a little way into this war they also declare war on kuwait and take over that area and eventually the iraq capitulates so now we have the new persian empire forming over here in the middle east and uh they're not officially recognized as one of the imperial powers but they're well on the way to getting there so from here we have assyria opting to join the persian empire and then we have this empire declaring war on jordan problem with that is saudi arabia is not in support of that decision and saudi arabia declares war on iran we also have turkey declaring war on iran in hopes of getting some middle eastern land because they really are crippled this leads to armenia joining on the site of iran and eventually azerbaijan on the side of turkey and a big middle eastern war has broken out somehow i do manage to always make a middle eastern war break out in my videos in support of saudi arabia the uae joins as well as amman which brings yemen into the war and df well i just escalated it even more so now iranian troops cross over into jordan and take over the entire country we then have them crossing over into northern saudi arabia turkey and azerbaijan managed to take out all of armenia as well as some of northern iran turkey pushes down into syria but oh somebody's gonna get involved and that's actually greece now greece and turkey hate each other and greece hates the fact that turkey still exists you know who else hates the fact that turkey exists egypt except not turkey saudi arabia and yeah this has now become one empire gangbang against that much of non-empire countries so now egyptian troops flood in from egypt and saudi arabia starts to take a big l oman and saudi arabia do manage to get some troops in yemen as well as maybe pushing back iran near kuwait ultimately this isn't enough as they manage to kick turkey out of syria and the greeks cross over and start to take over central turkey egypt and iran managed to take over all of northern saudi arabia and over in the caucasian region we have iran pushing back all of the troops that are occupied armenia azerbaijan falls pretty swiftly and hence turkey down south we have the red team steam rolling through this area until eventually it is all captured and yemen is unoccupied so yeah that happens very quickly in real life it wouldn't happen that quickly but would still happen in a very fast motion let's go ahead and take a look at this peace treaty all right looking at this peace treaty we have the middle east becoming iranian we also have egypt getting a big chunk out of saudi arabia over here in the north as well as them getting a little bit of land in central saudi arabia down south yemen gets some land out of saudi arabia as well as oman the rest of saudi arabia the uae and oman are all smushed into one big iranian puppet state we have turkey getting annexed by greece but iran also gets a little bit of land out of that and armenia becomes very large so yeah i'm almost done here in the middle east but there's one more thing i want to do and that is the partitioning of israel and palestine greek and egypt decide to draw a line where they want to split it and they invade and do just that so yeah there's no more israel or palestine it is not just greece or egypt this is most likely the better situation so yeah the middle east is now a lot more unified but now i think it's time for some classic imperialism so this is america and this is america so why not make this america so now america is carrying out some special operations and senegal the gambia and guinea-bissau yeah that happened really quickly and that is now a uh unified west african coast but hey america isn't done yet this is also america right here and uh this right here is about to be america i'll save you the details but that's now america all right so let's go ahead and head back over to south america where we have some interesting events taking place set interesting events is brazil declaring war in argentina this also gets them into a war with peru and bolivia and uh that really probably isn't a problem for brazil so they push across and capture argentina's capital as well as starting an invasion into bolivia argentina troops do manage to push up and meet up behind brazilian troops which are easily taken out by the two sides but this is really going to be their only success in this war because brazil is a very hungry country and a powerful war machine in this situation so they take over all of this area of argentina and it's it they really just they they just let's creep through essentially i'm north of ecuador making the probably smart decision to unify with colombia i mean if i was ecuador i'd probably do the same thing i don't want to go to war with this monster brazilian troops now push out from their area over here and uh just going across to the coast this is what happens when you don't go to brazil they just come to you we eventually have this area of peru and argentina getting cut up and it's uh it's not pretty down south brazil continues to push into southern argentina while also pushing up into northern argentina chile makes a smart move and decides to join the atlantic alliance even though it isn't an atlantic country eventually we have the surrender of peru bolivia followed by the surrender of argentina peace treaty oh that's that's very large so south america is essentially just brazil now so would brazil be able to actually control all this in our life i'm not sure i don't think so but we're going to assume that they are able to do that in the scenario since they are an empire and they would probably have to do some pretty messed up things in order to suppress any rebellions this side of the world is in my terms complete until the big war happens which spoiler alert there's gonna be a huge war between every empire and we're almost there so let's finish up a few more things over here and we'll finally get there now egypt has betrayed a lot of countries in this video and in its own video and it's going to continue to do just that this time they declare war on sudan this actually isn't a horrible thing because we have the east african federation also declaring war on sudan now don't get me wrong egypt hates the east african federation but they really don't want to go to war with them just yet because that would get them involved with an entire war throughout all of central africa and they just they they really don't want to do that so they allowed this to happen just for this one time egypt pushes into sudan while the east african federation makes a little bit of progress in the south overall egypt is definitely going to be carrying this war as they push down and into the country but the east african federation does get their fair share of land and eventually they meet up with egyptian troops and we have the surrender of sudan all right peace treaty egypt and nexus all of sudan and south sudan is released and given back to the east african federation pretty simple treaty but it is very effective so now with one less country that is not an empire left in the world uh we just have a few more left and it's really not that many the central american republic costa rica jamaica the bahamas all these islands uh chile and colombia but they are an alliance so that kind of protects them from the whole empire thing we have chad because chad is an absolute chad these guys are in an alliance somalia yemen this guy which is actually technically a iranian puppet so they would help them out in the war uh qatar bahrain armenia norway sweden bangladesh sri lanka and indonesia so if i just said any of those countries that means they are an independent country in this world not under the control of any empire except for the central american state that's actually technically under america either that or they're a tiny little island which i don't care about all of oceania is owned by australia so they that doesn't count and yeah so uh those guys are in for a show because the final act is about to begin so who pulls the trigger and fires the first shot that would be an interesting scenario but why not have some good old classic ada's pro nonsense we have russia declaring war on ukraine it wouldn't be nandy's pro video if russia didn't invade ukraine we all know this but since ukraine is in alliance with poland we have poland and finland both having to join this war and oh shots fired because now china's involved but oh china's involved that might be a situation in which someone else has to handle i know there's been a lot of naval disputes between japan and china as recently so we have japan declaring war on china and that itself gives china a lot to worry about but but japan isn't the only enemy that china has as of recently australia is also sick of their crap so now they're involved and indonesia is just watching in between but australia being at war is a big thing and i doubt australia being at war without any of their western allies being at war and plus the united states was already sick of russia existing so we have the united states and all of their alliance declaring war on russia and that right there that's a war that's an award and all wars if i've seen one but we're not done yet because some people are going to be caught into this war central american state and costa rica are both called in although costa rica is more so just joining just because it looks better on the map germany has caught in as they have been working closely with both the atlantic alliance and the eastern bloc we also have italy joining this brings in another front in africa with their colony having to join as well now seeing as the entire world is essentially uniting against russia and china here we have them calling in some of their allies one of those allies would include iran and armenia and this just ignites a whole lot of other wars in the middle east and by that egypt joins the war and that is that ouch that that's going to ignite a lot more because now we have the east african federation during the war they joined in on the blue side and with all this happening south africa says they don't have enough now all of africa has essentially evolved and you know somalia would want their some island back so they declare war yemen gets involved as well as the puppet of saudi arabia chad has been an absolute chad and holding their own ground we have spain join the war on the side of the blue team and wow that is that is a map if i've ever seen one it doesn't end there though because some countries are still salty about what may have happened to them more specifically india who's at this point has abandoned russia now in this universe relations between russia and india slowly started to fall out following the chinese invasion of their country they saw that russia wasn't doing anything about china invading them and they also saw that russia was secretly supplying china with this they broke all relations with russia and went to western but it wouldn't be in india without a pakistan now crap really has hit the fan as um pretty much every empire is at war except for three those empires being greece switzerland and brazil we all know what brazil is going to do here despite having better relations with the west they put their own goals over relations and decided to declare war chile which brought them into a war with the atlantic alliance jamaica decided to join the war as well as the bahamas and all these islands i don't really know how much they would help but we're getting everyone involved here back over in europe switzerland decides to join the blue team and this is a very historic moment for switzerland as they have finally broken oh and i guess they broke their neutrality a long time ago when they invaded austria but yeah they are now aligned to the blue team now the wild card here is definitely greece i don't know who or what side they would join technically they helped out iran and egypt a lot more than they have with blue team but i don't necessarily see them abandoning them and also greece is a very important country they would hold up a new front if they joined either side and they could definitely benefit both sides but for the sake of this video and for the sake of their loyalty to the western countries we have them joining the blue team that's a big blow to the red team that's a really big blow to the red team as they now control access to the black sea as well as a majority of the mediterranean in the middle east qatar and bahrain join the red team we have sri lanka on the blue team in bangladesh on the red team and finally indonesia now indonesia where do i start with you you were attacked by australia in a previous universe and yeah so would you want to join the blue team or the red team well the answer wasn't clear obviously the red team that's going to hurt the blue team a lot because they have another front to focus on over here in oceania now there's only one country remaining and that is chad alright that's a lot better so where do we even begin with this well i um i want to say europe but it would be happening everywhere all at once so yeah start in europe we have a large amount of russian ships crossing over into ukraine and uh basically steamrolling over the country we also see this in the baltics as well as finland in the middle east the red team decides to target greece and take over their turkish claims and down in africa we see egypt and south africa meeting up in the middle of the east african federation over in indonesia we see australia starting some island hopping as he took over some of the indonesian islands we also see assistance from japan and taking over parts of borneo in asia we see india push over and take over bangladesh in the americas we see brazil tick in some parts of chile while up north we see france and britain take over suriname so troops of america would most likely be focused in on brazil but they would also definitely have to help out europe here africa would be definitely interesting because egypt and south africa hold a lot of power over this region proximity wise they are super close to the areas so the americans and europeans would be at a disadvantage when it comes to that but military wise they are stronger over on the horn of africa somaliland gets annexed by egypt and somalia and the invasion of ethiopia begins we have south africa taking over the namibian american colony as well as pushing up into angola egyptian troops push across and start to take over parts of italian libya over in asia we have the chinese troops and indonesian troops pushing over and into japanese malaysia staying in the region we have the island of borneo falling to japan and australia as australia makes a landing on indonesia's capital island over on the korean peninsula japanese troops are overwhelmed as chinese groups push down and take over north korea we also have the russians making a landing in northern japan and an attempt to take over this island is made so zooming out for a bit the red team is definitely at this winning advantage as of now but the tides of war are soon to be changed into a more fair environment because the blue team wasn't really ready for this you know the red team was technically the aggressor which means they had more preparation time so yeah let's go ahead and take a peek at that climbing troops with the help of canada and america start to push over into venezuela the uk also sends some forces over and manages to capture the venezuelan coast with the help of the blue team elsewhere we have ecuadorian troops pushing into peru all down south chile can start to get steamrolled by brazil eventually the entire country manages to capitulate to brazil which is very bad for the blue team as brazilian troops are now being sent up north over in africa egypt continues its push into italian libya while greek troops are starting to get pushed back by the middle eastern troops cyprus is lost and greece is pushed back all the way to constantinople and ukraine russian troops managed to capture kiev which is a huge blow to the country although now with the help of central europe they managed to stalemate russia in the country russia manages to take over all lithuania and any parts of belarus that aren't theirs and from here the polish campaign begins up north finland capitulates over to russia both sweden and norway are both sending troops over into this area as well as some uk troops over in india we have pakistan and china taking over more bits of northern india and i think delhi lies about right there i'm just gonna say there because i'm not gonna look at the map i'm pretty sure about that we also have pakistani troops crossing over and taking over this part of india in oceania the campaign against indonesia continues to go successfully as australian troops start to near jakarta the capital city is eventually captured and this is a huge blow to indonesia atlantic is made on the island and now australian troops are facing chinese troops which isn't necessarily good news japan was forced to attract troops out of the area in order to defend their main island as the war on the korean peninsula is not going in the favor they are being pushed back but it is at a very slow rate over in africa egypt starts another campaign into the east african federation which goes very successfully and over in the americas brazilian troops arrive at the border and push back ecuadorian troops they then start a small invasion into ecuador as well as colombia but this is essentially still mated as a fully mobilized american rv arrives over in colombia over in europe we actually do have the blue team pushing back the russians and recapturing kiev which is a huge huge blow to russia the fact that maybe the second or third strongest country in the world has just lost one of the major cities to the blue team says a lot about the country itself in poland the blue team pushes back it up north the region and swedish troops managed to capture all of northern finland in east africa we have ethiopia finally surrendering over to the red team which gives way to a sweeping campaign across central africa in madagascar australia is kicked out all over in indonesia australian troops do have the advantage against chinese troops and manage to push up the island of indonesia until eventually it capitulates big one for australia there in the americas we have blue team troops pushing out and capturing all of venezuela and starting to capture parts of northern brazil brazilian troops do continue to push up in ecuador as they capture the entire country and parts of southern colombia but once again they are still mated and they don't advance any further in europe we have the red team crossing over and capturing parts of thrice which starts another front in europe as they start to flood in in india we have them pulling a similar tactic as to what pakistan pulled in the first war and they introduced conscription with this india's army receives a huge buff and they manage to stalemate pakistan and china in japan they lose all the northern ireland but japanese troops do still hold their ground in korea in africa we have the italians doing something never seen before and that is actually starting to win a war they managed to push egypt back to their border except for the small area in the north also this is a throwback to the 10 000 subscriber live stream we've somehow managed to five times that and um if you were there for that stream you are i wouldn't say you're an og but you're definitely a chad in brazil we have their troops finally getting kicked out of colombia and ecuador and uh the brazilian empire is experiencing some problems remember how i said earlier in the video that brazil probably wouldn't be able to hold on to south america well yeah they're starting to lose parts of it a large force of argentine troops rise up in the south as well as some peruvian along the coast with the rising up of argentina and south we have brazil losing a large foothold over chile and it looks as if our first empire could be collapsing not capitulating or surrendering but actually collapsing not capitulating or surrendering by actually full-on collapsing chile starts to re-snake off their coasts while argentina manages to pull off some stunning victories against brazil while argentina starts to pull off some stunning victories against brazil using guerrilla warfare techniques american troops now start a full-on push into peru as he sees all the country and this is a huge blow to brazil who is now slowly falling apart all of chile is liberated which lets brazil lose access to the pacific ocean and the brazilian war breaks out as the southern half of brazil rebels against the rest of brazil the free state of uruguay breaks away and u.s troops make a landing in northern brazil which captures all of the northern coasts very slowly but and very painfully brazil starts to fall apart until brasilia is captured all of their coast is lost and brazil surrenders now that was a very brutal ending to brazil but it is a what i would say is a fairly realistic ending it took over a bunch of countries which have extremely different cultures from them and different languages that would create a problem and with that they all broke away and rebelled so with brazil out of the war we have um i wouldn't say a tide changing event but definitely a lot more troops going over to africa and europe which will in turn give the blue team more of a chance in africa we have the wiping out of angola and the surrender of the drc from here about half of the american colony is captured as well as have of car yes i just caught a car in oceania japanese and australian troops managed to take back all the japanese malaysia and that's about it as they still made in europe russia reorganizes and pushes back into ukraine going even further until eventually they push down the black sea coast and meet up with the middle east but now troops from the americas are arriving so this includes troops from canada the united states colombia chile and uh pretty much everywhere over here now even the new brazilian government is sending troops over into europe and africa so with these newly arrived troops we have egypt getting kicked out of libya and the middle east getting pushed back out of thrice now it is just the russians that exist over here in bulgaria and romania with the blue team holding complete naval superiority over the red team in this area as none of these countries really have strong navies so landings are made along the turkish coast constantinople is recaptured and ankara is also captured and ankura is also captured cyprus is retaken and troops move around and eventually establish one front line against the middle east in egypt we have the blue team finally unleashing one of their plans which is operation nile and it is to basically just take out all of egypt as that would extremely benefit the blue team and maybe even actually change the tide of war see if egypt is lost over to the blue team that gives way to only south africa remaining and south africa is definitely not one of the stronger empires so if they were to fall the east african federation would easily be able to come back and with that south africa would probably be pushed back down into southern africa but that is going to require them to take out one of the medium-sized empires so forces now push over into northern egypt and use the navy to their advantage and completely bombard a lot of these egyptian cities now this is a brutal war and no one's holding back so they managed to completely flatten some of these cities with that troops easily move in and capture all of egypt's coast and capture the suez canal that itself is a big turning point but with all of northern egypt lost they really don't have much more we have the capturing of cairo we have them capturing other capital and the rest of this is mostly just desert apart from the nile river and then of course the coast so that was a huge success and now iran is forced to send their troops elsewhere aka over here to this area which is also a huge blow because now they're going to lose troops on the front over here in turkey so at this point the world has lost millions of casualties and it really isn't looking pretty back over in egypt blue team troops now start to push down into all of egypt until eventually the original egyptian country is all captured then pushed down the coast and into sudan and operation nile is becoming a huge success over in india we have a snowman being broken as pakistani and chinese troops now flood into northern india but once again they are stopped as indians conscripts even more troops bangladesh has also held onto surprisingly in korea we have chinese troops taking over all the peninsula and now we have japan kind of isolated to their own island in europe russia started to be pushed back by the blue team as once again american troops arriving is a huge advantage to the blue team and with that russia is forced to withdraw some troops from japan which means they get back through northern ireland now china in this situation is um is it's in a bit of a mess so china has a lot of troops and they need to send them everywhere essentially they need to send them to india they need to send them to korea they need to send them over to the middle east to help in turkey they also need to send them down to egypt and even possibly over to the front in europe now that's a lot of places to send your troops they also have to hold this front line down here against japanese malaysia so they could technically naval invade and probably get away with it but that would require a lot of troops and they they're just everywhere so it would be a complete mess to do that whereas another country such as let's just say america they only are only using troops to occupy some maybe rebellious parts of brazil but other than that they have their troops in two places holding off a front in their colony or fighting on the front lines of poland and ukraine other than that other countries are holding up these blue team front lines such as the uk over down here in egypt as well as up in finland and yeah this war is a big combined team effort now i just want to take a quick intermission break because i have been recording for one hour and 45 minutes as of now uh this is gonna be a long video this might be an hour long and actually i'm super excited for that because that means you guys do get a full-on special i probably won't be able to one-up this special for a 100 000 subscriber video probably gonna tone back on the 60k 75k and 80k or 90k specials as well if i even do specials i'll probably do a few live streams but yeah this is taking a lot of energy out of me so if you haven't already make sure to leave a like on this video leave a comment share this video with any of your geography friends or map or friends and uh most importantly subscribe if you haven't 100 000 subscribers is in sight and once we get that play button that thing will be going on the wall back there where that poster is and yeah i think it's possible for us to hit it within the next few months and uh at our current rate we'll hit it by the end of the year but our current rate is probably temporarily so yeah subscribe if you haven't already let's get there so in africa egypt is slowly crumbling as they lose all of their mainland archaea and djibouti are captured and the rest of egypt falls now this is a huge turning point for the war um everyone's troops are exhausted but now they have a chance over here in africa egyptian troops in ethiopia are slaughtered by ethiopian troops that was a very strong sentence with somaliland breaking away once again and slowly but surely parts of the east african federation start to resurface now this is a problem for only one country because egypt is barely existing anymore and that country is south africa who says you know what this isn't a good idea so they remove all their troops from up north here which in turns only leaves the egyptian troops who are quickly wiped out and they start to focus on this front line this leaves somalia completely opened who is um well to put it nicely they are obliterated by the blue team and yeah the blue team is definitely now picking up speed here but invading asia as a whole is most likely impossible back over in europe we have the blue team continuing to liberate parts of ukraine as kiev is once again captured for like the fourth time in the baltics we have russia getting kicked out and klinegrad is captured finland is refinlandized and that was a huge turning point as well in india we have them managing to take back a little bit of land although it isn't too much they also do manage to recapture some of the areas around delhi which is good for them because that gives them a little bit of relief and yeah so um stalemate there isn't necessarily a stalemate down here in africa and south africa is starting to get pushed back by american troops at this time america has also implemented a draft if that wasn't obvious already now i know as of currently in real life in the united states the draft is abolished but this is a this is a total war scenario so i'd imagine that every blue team country is having a draft and a lot of these red team countries are probably having conscription now there is a problem with conscription and that is you're essentially just pulling people out of their homes and telling them to go fight whereas the draft is essentially the same thing except you know you get a little bit more training time than those who are conscripted description is also very expensive uh drafting is expensive as well but not as expensive as conscription feel free to correct me if i'm wrong there but that's just what i've experienced so yeah i'm gonna be focusing on the south african front now so american troops managed to land in angola and take back all this coast which is uh very scary for south africa because they are now at their border without south africa getting pushed back even more until eventually they realize something south africa is in a good situation whereas if they were to surrender technically not only not full-on surrender but if they were to agree to some peace terms they could get away with still having an empire so we have south africa quote unquote surrendering another huge blow to the blue team another huge blow to the red team who is now only located in asia and with this troops that were all in africa are now being sent up to the middle east as well as europe and just it's really not going to look pretty here in a second in an attempt to stop this from happening we have the middle east focusing pretty much all of the troops in the turkey and retaking the entire peninsula is turkey peninsula i'm pretty sure it's peninsula you also have them pushing down into egypt taking over the suez area and down into egypt itself big mistake because now everyone's coming they are immediately pushed back out of egypt and into the middle east i forgot to say but this part of egypt was most likely indexed by iran but not next but under the control of iran and uh yeah so uh saudi arabia really really isn't liking this whole occupation thing so we have some saudi groups popping up in the desert area as well as some uae and amani areas but now we have the blue team starting operation oil and you can probably guess who named it that yemen gets smacked immediately and a lot of these saudi arabian areas are met up with until eventually the country switches sides ouch said iran who just lost a big foothold in the arabian peninsula speaking of losing footholds turkey is now getting pushed back by greece allies and that it's not good let's go ahead and take a look at ukraine and nope that's not good either estonia is captured as well as the old areas of finland and it is now that we see our first peace treaty and yes i did just say first peace treaty that's right i'm gonna i'm really gonna really gonna put a lot of effort into this so um we're gonna let's just go and take a look at this peach tree first and then i'll discuss what's happening next all right so um a lot has happened here and honestly i'm not gonna be able to break it all down but i'm gonna try my best to obviously there's been a huge western victory here i would say about half the world is now involved in this atlantic alliance which is more of just a um i guess the western alliance let's go ahead and start in the americas where brazil well their their empire collapsed actually i forgot to release suriname and they have been restored down to their original brazilian borders as of 2022 and yeah well grand colombia is back but the rest of south america has opted to join the new western alliance which is essentially them destroying because they don't want to get invaded by brazil but also because the western alliance helped freed them from brazil so in return they're going to help them out in a possible war against the orange team in the future moving on over to europe we have estonia and finland being well i guess we have estonia being released and then we have finland getting back their old borders both off to join the green team which merged with the i guess purple lavender team so they merged into one big alliance which is once again the western alliance uh neither russia or ukraine lost anything from each other and the only thing that russia actually lost was estonia in finland so not necessarily lost as this is a land that isn't core russian territory so now this is where things get interesting in the middle east slash africa starting off over here in the middle east itself uh saudi arabia was released as well as the rest of the arabian peninsula countries such as the uae and oman yemen restored down to their old borders we have jordan being coming back and we have israel coming back egypt's empire was also tooken apart so they no longer have an empire and they uh they lost all their territory out here in africa as well as along the arabian coast sudan was released as well as our trey and djibouti uh somaliland left the east african alliance just because they don't really have a point to because somalia was the next into the east african federation speaking of the east african federation they have become very thick south africa was forced into releasing all of their next lands that happened within this video so they are now back to their default empire borders but they did lose out on their colony over here in madagascar that went over to australia but this alliance does still exist and it hasn't merged with the purple team as of yet or ever simply because they don't really have a reason to it's mostly just the defense against south africa and egypt and since egypt doesn't exist it's now just defencing in south africa so that covers that and now we move over to asia where not much has happened uh india didn't lose any land in fact they actually gained land from bangladesh and sri lanka and then over here in indonesia we have what remains of indonesia being annexed by australia china gained land in korea and that's about it so japan still controls it with the philippines and japanese malaysia and yeah so now each side takes a bit of a break and everyone chills out everyone still hates each other but everyone rebuilds everyone you know i want to say repopulate but there's a lot of people dead so i don't know and life is good temporarily also by the way um iran and pakistan officially joined this alliance which has now just become known as the new world order alliance which sounds very intimidating but but it's only five countries the four of those countries are some of the strongest so maybe something to be scared of i do want to put emphasis on the fact that greece did not join the western alliance this is because they kind of held relations both sides before the war uh the relations with the orange team have definitely been damaged but not enough to where they would want to join alliance against the orange team egypt and south africa are forbidden from participating in any war that involves the orange team and that goes for brazil as well so they aren't allowed to join on the side of the orange team anymore and essentially if another war broke out it would just be between the orange team states and the blue team states also i completely forgot but japan and australia joined the western alliance i don't see india joining this alliance as a probable thing but um yeah this is now the purple team and yeah it just it isn't looking too good for the orange team anymore all right so as i said peace in the world was lasting for a little bit that is until another war breaks out and it's not going to be pretty for the uh for the orange team at all you see upon signing the peace treaty there was an agreement for iran to return to their borders before the war broke out and let's just go ahead and say that that was in the year of 2036. okay so they returned to their old 2036 borders but the problem with that is that was when they annexed kuwait and the peace treaty didn't specify as if koi was to be a part of iran or not so with saudi arabian diplomats arrive in this part of kuwait they are stunned to find that a group of iranian troops are there pointing guns at them the iranian troops who were a little bit confused decided to open fire on these saudi arabian diplomats and i didn't fly with saudi arabia so saudi arabia sent some troops back up into kuwait and kind of occupies the southern portion until iranian troops come down and start murdering them all saudi arabia sees that as a declaration of war and yeah that happens so with that happening we have the purple team being activated yeah that's not good the orange team could have sit this one out and let this happen but unfortunately the orange team is the orange team and they ain't gonna let that slide and here comes another war except for this time the orange team wasn't prepared and the blue team was see russia has been having some internal issues as of lately and they have been kind of trying to suppress a lot of these rebellions that are attempting to prop up over here in eastern europe they've also had some problems in central asia as well as on here in the caucus region so their army really hasn't been pointed west and instead it's been pointing inwards meanwhile the western countries have been ready for this war and they've been pointing east so um russia is not in a good spot here the only two countries i would say that are in a good spot are china and pakistan which have kind of solidified their countries which are probably now the most stable countries within the alliance and pakistan is definitely becoming a lot strong but yeah this war has not broken out seeing as another great war has broken out chad once again does the thing that chad does and the invasion of the red team begins this time they do have a lot less participants but they do have a more unified front so blue team troops enter over into belarus and they also manage to seize glengrad a push-up from estonia started ansi and st petersburg is captured which is one of the rebellious cities within russia nordic country managed to capture all of this area of russia and with this great loss russia starts to destabilize even more in the middle east iranian troops cross over into saudi arabia now saudi arabia is going to be a lot weaker in this universe due to them you know just becoming a country once again whereas iran only lost land so so they aren't at that big of a loss they land over in the uae and start the push down into the country as well as oman seeing as the blue team saved them from utter destruction we have the central african alliance joining the war on the blue team side and they can't really lose anything from this well they can't gain anything either but they definitely can't lose anything as south africa and egypt are forbidden from declaring war on any of the blue team members for a while i mean technically there's nothing stopping them but a piece of paper but these two countries would most likely get rolled over if they decided to join the war and neither country really has aspirations to join the war i didn't discuss this in the peace treaty but brazil did get their new government remember that rebellion that popped up in the south well yeah they took control and that was a pro-western government so um they're forbidden from joining the red team but they are not forbidden from joining the blue team and in the grand scheme of things this is essentially just every continent in the world versus asia and not even all of asia at that east african troops start to arrive over in saudi arabia as they start to help out the saudi arabians in addition to this a lot of these guys troops were already stationed in europe in africa so the there isn't much time for mobilization as they are basically already mobilized so iran's campaign in saudi arabia is quickly put to an end and we have kuwait being captured by the blue team greece decides it's probably best for them to join this war as they can get more land out of the middle east and we also have israel and jordan joining just despite iran and egypt in russia the front line continues to collapse as the blue team first further in now exiting out from ukraine a large group of rebels show up in georgia turkey down south in russia as well as some azerbaijani rebels as a whole down here in the caucus area we just have a massive russian rebellion taking place these guys aren't necessarily pro-western but they are definitely not for the current government of russia and slowly but surely their ideas start to spread across russia as many groups start to take arms up against the russian government this immediately causes russia to start a collapsing period we have the capturing of moscow by the blue team next up we have lots of central asia starting to rebel against russia and essentially this just gives leeway to the blue team to better invade the central asian area i mean over in japan we even have japan starting to do their own thing take it back to colin and with the help of the us to start to invade siberia now china sees us and decides that they are now the leader of the alliance and that russia kind of sucks in order to kind of save themselves and their allies they decide to declare war on russia officially kicking them out of the alliance and making them a purple state iranian pakistani and chinese troops all push across the border and start to capture previous russian lands while a new russian government is put into place in moscow which essentially makes the country surrender that really hurt through our team but not as much as this is about to hurt the red team india decided that staying neutral was kind of for voices and also russia's not in the war anymore which means if they had any more hope for russia that is completely gone and now it's just india versus some of the most hated countries such as pakistan and china we have the middle east becoming non-middle eastern very quickly and overall china and pakistan are all that remain india pushes up and into parts of pakistan while blue team troops start to push into the other half until they enter into afghanistan and start to get smacked around by a bunch of afghani troops that is until they enter into afghanistan and start to get smacked around by the taliban the united states uk france and japan start a campaign in southeast asia which essentially just pushes up into southeast asia itself landing is made in vietnam which quickly rebels against china and we all know how vietnam goes for anyone who invades it so um yeah china doesn't try to take that back the blue team now has complete naval control over the waters around china which leads to them taking back to taiwan as well as hayden hannon something like that and yeah china's getting whipped up here um it's essentially the world versus china and you know it wouldn't go well central asia and mongolia all fall to the blue team followed by this part of russia pakistan gets slapped and southeast asia falls over to the blue team at this point only china remains korea also falls but honestly the people in china are probably too brainwashed to um well i wouldn't say brainwashed but not allowed into outside media so they really wouldn't know that their country is getting slapped so maybe they would fight for it even though it's definitely a losing battle i mean every front is a losing front but let's just break this down in kind of a civil war and scenario so we have this area of china rebelling because they've been doing some no-no stuff here tibet is freed and multiple landings are made along the chinese coast now this war seemed impossible for the blue team to win but as they start to close in on any remaining major chinese cities the blue team sees that they have won the war triumphantly beijing is finally captured by blue team forces manchuria breaks away and china surrenders that's a big blue world and um you know maybe the events leading up to this peace treaty are unrealistic but remember every country was an empire meaning that the scenario in no way shape or form could have been realistic except they completely could have been and i don't care except that it completely could have been because we're going to assume that these countries have easy control over these areas and yeah anyway let's take a look at this peace treaty and then we'll finally end off the 50 000 subscriber special all right peace treaty and uh this is probably one of my most chaotic peace treaties ever so uh nothing really changed outside of asia so let's go ahead and break this down in the middle east we have a lot iran is broken apart iraq is released kuwait is released and syria are all released uh turkey is also released and azerbaijan and georgia so all these countries are now independent and armenia got split up between georgia turkey and azerbaijan a new russian republic can be found in southern russia and um yeah i don't really know what it would be called in europe we have klinengrad going over to poland and belarus is released we have ukraine getting some land out of russia and also a little bit of the belarus finland is given this entire area up here and another new russian republic is released in the i guess the mostly european part of russia the new russian government would probably control this but moving on over into central asia we have all these countries being released and all of their former border war glory afghanistan is released and pakistan is uh released from itself um india does get kashmir though they also get chinese claims which i just kind of forgot to color in speaking of india that's not india that's the british raj almost india nexus all of china's myanmar and they get all of their old land back over here southeast asia is completely released and china is split up between a lot of people we have xinjiang which is released from china we also have tibet a new central chinese republic and then a very big mongolia who receives a uh well i didn't really draw it right but they received an inner mongolia from china another new russian republic up north here and then we have reverse alaska which is owned by the united states japan gets material as well as all of korea back and this part of russia and taiwan is given this area of china and yeah that does it for the peace treaty of this video and these are the final borders of this video so let me go ahead and get rid of the alliances and we can take a look at this world map all right the alliances have been gotten rid of and this is a very very interesting map to look at essentially we just have a western domination scenario and a lot of imperialism but overall this is a pretty interesting piece deal overall this is a pretty interesting final map if you wanted to i guess you can call turkey kurdistan but that would make a lot of people angry this has been a very very long video for me to record and for you to watch i'm sure it's 40 50 minutes long maybe an hour i don't know um i'm gonna have to start editing this today usually i like to edit my videos within one day but this is such a long video that i'm probably going to knock it out a good majority of it today to recap a little bit we have a few remaining empires left that would be canada the united states south africa spain france the uk germany italy switzerland poland ukraine greece japan and australia so those are the only remaining empires russia china brazil egypt pakistan they all lost their own empire and um yeah i think it's important to note that i didn't include the reformed empires so i know i did a few of those such as what if turkey reformed the ottoman empire would have italy reformed the roman empire what if the balkans were an empire i know i didn't count those videos because they weren't individual countries doing things i mean they were but they weren't necessarily empires they were reforming it would also just make it even more confusing with turkey being in the middle east that would i had a lot of problems italy being the roman empire would just be crazy and of course the balkans would just cut off greece so greece wouldn't even have an empire in that situation see i may try to make this as entertaining as i possibly could once again this is gonna be one of my largest videos and projects i've ever done on this channel so please make sure to show some support on it like the video that helps subscribing that definitely helps 100k is in sight i know i keep bringing that up in this video but we're already halfway there we're actually 51 of the way there because we hit 51k yesterday and that's crazy because we just had 50k so thank you guys for that we are growing really quickly right now and i would love for that to keep up so once again show support in this video share with anyone you want leave some comments all the stuff really helps us out thank you guys for watching this video this has been one hell of a video and i really hope you enjoyed it link to the discord server in the description if you want to join it it's really fun over there and we're going to be discussing this video a lot probably so if you want to share your input then feel free to join if you're still watching thank you very much and i'll see you guys in the next 50k special video
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 241,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if every empire went to war, what if empire reunited, what if country formed an empire, empire battle royale, empire vs empire, world battle royale, ww3 scenario, map, mapper, mapping, maps, war, war scenario, war simulation, alternative future, alternative history, history, geography, geopolitics, adizzpro, adizzpro ww3, drew durnil, oversimplified, geo facts, world war, ww3, ww2, ww1, global battle royale, total war, empire map, russian empire, american empire, british empire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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