What if SAIYANS Kept Their TAILS? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new video as you can probably guess this scenario was a heavily requested one some of you may have actually requested it yourselves and there's a reason that i put it off for so long to be honest i never really touched this one because i felt like a lot wouldn't change realistically however there are ways to be creative with it that make it kind of a huge deal the whole concept of this scenario isn't really that crazy it's just the saiyans growing their tails back after they were cut off originally but in terms of the effects of this well we can get really creative with it and with the ideas i have for this scenario well there's a lot of things we can do for this part let's set a local of 3 500 likes and if we hit that i'll continue with another part to the series anyways let's begin discussing what would happen if saiyans kept their tails so i don't think i need to explain the premise to you it's pretty simple instead of saying tails disappearing permanently they actually grow back here and are no longer a recessive trait like they were with goten and trunks as toriyama explained the first time we see an example of this is with goku during the five years after dragon ball ends or at least original dragon ball goku's tale would suddenly regrow one day this isn't new for him but he's kind of surprised it's been a while since it's been back and it seems like kami removing it didn't work and it's not just him that has a tail of course gohan has one too at first this wouldn't really affect much during the raditz fight raditz may try and grab goku's tail as well but after all the trauma that his tail has had it probably wouldn't work while on the other hand it works to paralyze rabbits besides that nothing really changes about that fight tails weren't really involved too much besides raddus is being grabbed but following this fight there are some interesting results when goku's with king kai of course he does the same training as normal but king kai is kind of worried about goku's tail he knows that he could transform without even knowing and tells goku he has an idea he wants to see if he can control that great ape form somehow so instead of it being dangerous and reckless he could use it to his advantage during battle but there is one issue if goku did turn into a great ape on king kai's planet well clearly the planet isn't really suited for that i mean in terms of space he'd take up most of the planet once he transforms so king kai wants to see if maybe there's a way to channel this power without transforming it's kind of a long shot but hey it's worth trying so alongside teaching him kyle ken and the spirit bomb they try and work on this occasionally although the results are kind of mixed they can't really find a way for goku to channel it without transforming at one point he actually does turn into a great ape which makes kinkai very fearful but luckily with some practice beforehand goku is able to control this the real issue now is seeing if he can actually control it while maintaining his humanoid form time passes and eventually the saiyans arrive on earth and much like normal goku runs kinda late so the battle between napa and the z fighters goes pretty much the same goku arrives on earth ready to fight he has kyle ken which he knows works but it is very draining in terms of power him turning into a great ape would be more beneficial but he still doesn't know if he can fully control it at least not without turning giant so for now he avoids using that not that he even can because he can't create an artificial moon and there is no moon in the sky right now using kyle ken he defeats napa normally and the first parts of his fight with vegeta go pretty much the same but then vegeta brings out something that's pretty concerning he creates an artificial moon but this may work to goku's advantage he can control his grade 8 form so maybe if he transforms that would help even if he turns a giant but this gives him the opportunity to test something he remembers back to when he fought king piccolo briefly when he was laying the finishing blow he felt this great eight power coursing through him it was the same when he drank the water that corn gave him he didn't really use the form but somehow he channeled the power of it briefly and with his training from kinkai he keeps this in mind too so he looks up towards the moon allowing the power to course through him but he also tries to resist the transformation as vegeta turns into a great ape he looks down at goku seeing that despite the fact that he has a tail he's not transforming oh well this is better for him it means he could just simply step on goku so he does he lifts his foot up in the air and stomps it down krillin and gohan look away expecting goku to be crushed but then vegeta feels shocked somehow goku is resisting his foot vegeta's leg is then pushed up and he falls on his back he gets up and looks at goku something about him is different he's not using that kaio whatever that he was using before but he seems stronger his hair is spiked up and although vegeta can barely see it it looks like his eyes are yellow he's not too sure what he's seeing but goku knows exactly what is happening it worked he was able to control this power and use it in his humanoid form but there is one issue vegeta is still way stronger than him even with the 10 times loosen power that the uza reform gives him or i guess the wrathful form in this case vegeta is stronger in terms of power but goku has the advantage of being small yeah vegeta is still speedy even when transformed but being small allows goku to be more nimble focusing on evasion rather than attack so this is what i was referring to in the beginning of the video when i said i wanted to be creative with this of course this can be done without a tail as seen with broly who had his removed but i'm gonna include it here because not only is it doable but it makes the scenario a lot more interesting if we introduce this form to goku as i mentioned before having tails wouldn't really alter the series too much unless we get creative with it like this and this is perfectly within the realm of reason so what's the catch here goku got stronger and he didn't have to transform to do it well he has partial control but he doesn't really know he may be losing the grasp on this power he feels an odd rage overcoming him kinda like we saw with a broly but thankfully he had some help in this fight gohan transforms too although he's of course going to be giant and not be able to control it together the two of them fight vegeta gohan serves as a great distraction as goku goes around vegeta trying to cut his tail off he's quick enough to run around vegeta and try and evade his attacks while gohan basically acts as a bait goku borrows yajirobe's sword and he tries to work quickly although he would love to actually fight with his form he knows earth is at risk and he needs to work quickly jumping around he dodges vegeta's attacks zooming under vegeta's legs and getting behind him with the katana out he jumps up directly into vegeta's tail cutting it clean off vegeta then shrinks down de-transforming as gohan then goes to attack him this does pose another issue though gohan is basically berserk here and they're gonna need to stop that somehow thankfully this would be a lot easier than vegeta while gohan's enrage attacking vegeta goku quickly jumps around him apologizing as he slices through gohan's tail too good now that that's over it means they've won the fight goku is still retaining his form and vegeta seems to feed it but remember goku is in kind of a fit of rage right now he does partially have control over it but the wrathful form is called wrathful for a reason he tries to quell this rage but seeing vegeta doesn't help this at all he's debating whether or not he should kill vegeta normally he wouldn't really be like this but due to him being in the state he is the thought is crossing his mind and he's more than willing to do it but something is still holding him back it's not that he cares about vegeta or anything it's more so he knows that he has to control the form if he kills a vegeta that means he's giving it to the anger so goku struggles with his choice as a vegeta crawls away escaping into his space pod and luckily it works because goku resisted the anger is quelled and he goes back into his base that power is definitely pretty helpful but he needs a better control over if he's going to use it again of course he's going to have a great opportunity for that soon because they'll have to go to namic to revive all their friends thankfully this time goku doesn't have to end up in the hospital he goes along with krillin and gohan obama since he wasn't as badly injured he doesn't need to wait for any senzu be although this means his training isn't going to be too effective because his trip was delayed in the original story he was able to do gravity training on the way to namic of course he could still train with krillin and gohan on the ship but it's not nearly as good as gravity training but that's still fine this means krillin and gohan are gonna have an easier time since goku is actually there with them now after some time passes they arrive on namek and of course frieza's army and vegeta are there too for now goku and his group are able to lay low they want to collect the dragon balls before anyone else can this leads him to the village that dodoria was terrorizing the one where dende and cargo live they do want to lay low but they also want to intervene here the doria is pretty scary though but goku is confident he jumps in wanting to defend the village they're aware that the scouters can track people and if they want to remain low they need to work quickly making sure he has control goku powers up in the kaoken times 4 very briefly definitely strenuous before the short period of time it works quickly and immediately he defeats to dorya as krillin uses a scattered kamehameha to hit all the soldiers there all the scouters in the area are destroyed and this allows him to remain low with the villagers goku krillin and gohan escape while their outlook for dragon balls let's cover vegeta for a bit after getting back to his outposts and being healed his tail actually did grow back this time originally it didn't and he wanted to see if he could do what kakarot was able to do he has perfect control over grid 8 so he just needs to try and channel that power into his humanoid form utilizing it without transforming it seems like that's what kakron did and maybe he can do it too of course he doesn't need it right away he could still kill queen pretty easily but when qui dies frieza of course notices that vegeta's here up to no good he contacted doria but dedoria doesn't respond for some reason whatever dedoria is probably okay he'll just send his arbonne instead vegeta continues going around the planet trying to get dragon balls and killing frieza's army but eventually zarbon does catch up to him the two briefly face each other and zarbon ends up transforming thankfully right before he encountered zarbon vegeta did something to help him along with him he brought a projector that can make a fake moon exactly like the saiyan space pods were able to do he clicks a button to activate it and now zarbon's pretty scared he knows that great apes are powerful and he might need a call for backup and he's about to do it but vegeta doesn't transform for some reason it looks like he's still in his base form vegeta is looking directly at the moon trying to gain control over this power zarbon just assumes it isn't working but really it is for a brief period vegeta ends up controlling this power although he knows it's fleeting so he needs to work fast even with his perfect control over great ape it still isn't enough for this he at least needs a little bit more practice before he can do it willingly maybe he'll even be able to do it without a moon vegeta turns to zarbon now with the yellow eyes zarbon laughs seeing that vegeta's plan didn't work he didn't even transform but vegeta dashes in front of zarba and with one hit he kills him vegeta is surprised that he never thought of this before but hey better late than never now in solitude vegeta wants to see if he can control it any further he may need it if he's going to continue going around namek like this and he's made good progress so far he's defeated a lot of soldiers and most importantly he has two dragon balls he can chill here for a bit trying to hone this power more so he could use it later on it shouldn't be too hard for him to get the hang of it it'll be much easier than it was for goku frieza of course realized that there's people sabotaging now he heard a weird distress call from zarabon that suddenly cut out he just canceled it for some reason and now both him and todoria are silent frieza's got no response from either and it wouldn't make sense for it to just be vegeta doing this this is all happening across the planet so it's gotta be more than one person involved frieza has won dragon ball as of now but he's concerned that maybe other people will get them by this point goku's group arrives at guru's place they now have a total of three and guru gives them their fourth the next part of their plan's gonna be tricky though they need to get the remaining three balls from vegeta and frieza unless they're still at the villages was just highly unlikely this means you'll have to fight vegeta again and that alone is a pretty big issue but there's also frieza who they know nothing about all they know is what king kai mentioned about avoiding him they suddenly sent something too it seems frieza's on the move he's not coming towards them but it seems like he is traveling somewhere and he's moving pretty quickly frieza decided to intervene himself going to find vegeta vegeta of course sends this two and hides as frieza heads to zarbon's last known location but even with vegeta's new power he's not gonna avoid frieza frieza ends up finding him and luckily vegeta's already hit in the dragon balls this will end up saving his life because right after frieza immediately defeats him even with his wrathful form frieza is simply too strong for vegeta to face but he doesn't kill vegeta vegeta knows where some of the dragon balls are and frieza obviously needs that information so he takes vegeta back to the ship to heal him and get that info while at guru's place still everyone senses this and they don't know how they'll be able to face frieza when this is going on none of them are anywhere near strong enough even goku but thankfully guru might have a solution he wants to help everyone by unlocking their potential they are doing a good thing by defending namek and they deserve the dragon balls so he unlocks the potential of everyone there including goku who wasn't there originally this gives a pretty big buff to everyone so let's briefly discuss some power levels so you know where everyone is krillin's a bit stronger due to his training with goku on the way to namic and when you factor that in with guru's ability that puts him at a hundred thousand for good measure nail's potential was unlocked too just so they'd have an extra fighter he's already expressed a lot of his potential but this still does buff him to 150 000 going off gohan he gets a pretty big boost like normal although he's a bit tougher to place on here after the fighting he's done so far and the training he had with goku plus his natural potential let's just say he's at the same level as nail is for simplicity's sake as for vegeta he got a pretty bad beating from frieza and vegeta had some pretty crazy power jumps on namek since this was his only beat down though we'll hold him back a bit and say he's only at two hundred thousand right now although that goes up to two million when he uses wrathful as for goku let's say he went up to three hundred thousand he still did get pretty injured in the saiyan saga and he does have some crazy potential as we know just having access to wrathful increases that and when he does use it that boosts his power to 3 million oh yeah a little side note here gohan gets his tail back too after getting it cut off probably worth mentioning thankfully no one has to fight yet but they're going to have to once the guinea force arrives because frieza just called them in he wants him to search the planet for dragon balls and to figure out who else is there since it's definitely not just vegeta working against him as he calls them and waits for their arrival vegeta is eventually fully healed and he's left alone in the ship much like normalness allows him to create a distraction stealing the dragon ball that frieza has while also escaping although while vegeta was out of commission a lot happened during this time goku's group ended up stealing the two dragon balls that he hit putting their total up to six vegeta is furious when he sees that his dragon balls are missing but coming completely enraged and from this anger there's a side effect although it's not as violent as what happened with broly we saw there that when he got angry he instinctively turned into his wrathful form and vegeta is feeling such rage right now that that happens to him too to make things worse he sees the ginyu force arriving and he's already pissed as is so he decides to just end this now aiming up at the sky he launches a massive attack that blows up all those ships before they land killing the ginyu force in the process his power is incredible and every scouter that's still working explodes including frieza's of course he would also notice this when he sees the guinea force of ships turned into fireworks this angers frieza even further he was already mad that vegeta escaped and stole a dragon ball and it seems he's still meddling with plans frieza has to start taking things seriously this time he'll kill vegeta and for good as for goku's group though they're a little bit concerned yeah they have six dragon balls but from what they could sense and what they see on the dragon radar it seems vegeta may have the last one and this would have been fine if vegeta was alone but it seems frieza's heading in his direction otherwise they could have easily defeated vegeta and got it that way but now frieza himself is intervening and he's definitely not playing around here at all they try and plan their next move as vegeta awaits frieza's arrival sensing him flying nearby vegeta is confident with this new power he might be able to kill the emperor frieza arrives ready to face off against vegeta after gaining access to the wrathful form for himself vegeta feels confident that he could fight frieza but actually facing frieza in person is a whole different animal the two are both equally angry with vegeta utilizing his anger for power i don't think any words would be exchanged here the two would definitely get down to business right away just as quickly as frieza arrived the two clash frieza is definitely pretty strong even in its first form but as of now in terms of raw power vegeta actually surpasses frieza by a pretty good amount too that's mainly due to wrathful due to the power from that form he's actually holding his own pretty well eventually getting a clear upper hand against frieza his first form simply isn't enough and with vegeta's pure malice for frieza he's not pulling any punches he actually does deal some good damage to frieza making the most of his height and power at the moment but frieza begins powering up at first his second form isn't really doing too much but it does help close the gap once he goes into his third form though things start to get a lot more even as he eventually goes into his final form while this fight is definitely something that they need to take note of goku and his group actually see an opportunity maybe they can use it to their advantage both frieza and vegeta are distracted and that means the dragon ball is unguarded so while this fight happens they make sure to monitor it while also finding the last dragon ball it's the perfect distraction that they needed the two parties they were worried about are now preoccupied meaning they're able to get the last dragon ball although things don't go incredibly smoothly as they're flying away vegeta suddenly senses them and frieza notices that vegeta is acting weird and then sees what's happening frieza sees everyone flying away and is angered he knows what they just did he aims a finger in the air ready to shoot them down leaving her open to be attacked by vegeta goku tells the group to go he'll face frieza alongside vegeta he'll buy them some time while they escape nail agrees to join him too to make use of his power as gohan krillin and cargo go to summon piranga frieza knocks vegeta away and then notices two other people during the battle goku and nail he doesn't expect much of them but he comes to see that goku is pretty powerful and nail is no slouch although he is weaker than the other two goku immediately goes into wrathful and together with vegeta and nail they actually are a good challenge for frieza at least at his current level of course he's not using his full power yet he's just in his final form together the three are able to face frieza for a bit until he powers up some more and they realize that he may be some trouble goku tries out something that he hasn't done before at least something that he hasn't tested in a fight before now he has control of a wrathful completely now and he has kyle ken although that's not really easy to control it would be very risky and very strenuous to him what if he were to combine the two maybe that'll give him a short boost in power that he needs to face frieza that's his mindset he lunges towards frieza and wrathful and just as he attacks he activates kyle ken for a brief second immediately turning it off right after even for that short period of time it is incredibly strenuous to use the two together and he can't really use khao khan to his fullest because he's barely had training with it due to him focusing on wrathful but it does help him despite how damaging it is to him and the way he uses it is actually really smart but still even with this it may not be enough thankfully though they're only trying to distract frieza right now because on the other side of the planet krillin's group is about to summon piranga they're successfully able to and since cargo and dende are there they of course have a translation being able to actually make the wishes they need they work quickly so frieza won't find them and get to their location their first wish is to revive piccolo and sadly this doesn't bring piccolo right to them so they have to use another wish to bring him there and since they know goku's group needs help in battle right now they decide to send piccolo right over to where they are that'll be their best option sending piccolo straight to the foot since he offered to do that as for the third wish they're not so sure but they can sense goku and vegeta's energy getting lower and lower so just as soon as piccolo joins the group they notice that they fully get healed goku and vegeta completely recover from all their injuries same with nail and all that energy they lost during the battle was restored vegeta and goku actually get small zen guys from this it's nothing huge but it's notable enough to help during the battle and goku's is probably bigger due to him using kyle cannon probably injuring himself more than vegeta was this is good because it allows goku and vegeta to fight together for a short period of time without nail and piccolo there because nail pulls piccolo aside with an idea he tells pickle that if they want a chance against frieza they may need to fuse of course there's a lot to be thrown a pickle at once i mean he just got here and now this guy's telling him that he wants to fuse together he's hesitant but he realizes that this guy is trustworthy and what he's proposing may actually turn the tide of the battle he's been put on the spot and he needs to decide quick so reluctantly he decides to fuse let's cover some power levels right now frieza is at 50 right now which means his power is 60 million but there's a catch he's not going to be at his full capacity because of vegeta's fight with him before he still has injuries from that fight and that did hold him back here it's not going to hugely turn the tide of the battle but it's going to be enough to make a difference as for goku he's at 3 million after a zenkai that would mean in wrathful he's at 30 million and with a wrathful cow can times 2 that would put him at 60 million making him even with frieza as for vegeta he's at 2 million in base with 20 million in wrathful but now we have a new addition piccolo nail had his potential unlocked making him a lot stronger which means the resulting fusion between him and piccolo will be way stronger too sadly he doesn't have any transformation or technique like goku or vegeta do but in base his power is 6 million so it's still pretty big bigger than both of them and base and he's still going to be very helpful in battle collectively they almost match frieza in power and with goku and wrathful khao kantems 2 they actually surpass him but remember he can only use that for very brief burst of power otherwise he'd be able to defeat frieza right now and they realize now that they don't really have any other options gogu doesn't care about damaging his body at this point if it means they could win he's going to go into kyoken again using it more than before if he uses it quickly enough he'll survive and allow him to get a killing blow on frieza but first he needs a good distraction piccolo acts as this distraction using a makanko sappo hitting frieza head-on with it it's not strong enough to actually penetrate through him but it's enough to continuously damage him annoying the emperor frieza struggles he tries to deflect it away but then on both sides of piccolo goku and vegeta appear vegeta launches a gallic gun as goku does his kamehameha frieza briefly pushes it back until goku shouts kyle ken times four for this brief few seconds his power is at 120 million way bigger than anyone else in actually matching frieza's full power which he isn't at right now he could feel his muscles being torn apart but thankfully he's not gonna have to do this for long just as soon as he does this the beam is pushed forward completely incinerating frieza alongside vegeta's gallop gun and with this smart strategy and team up the three of them killed frieza together vegeta reluctantly joined forces with them having no real other choice and he is pretty pissed about the dragon balls but hey even if you can get them for himself it was an enemy of my enemy situation they killed frieza so automatically he's more aligned with them than he is with frieza it does leave him kind of an odd spot though was that a temporary alliance or is vegeta going to continue this alliance only time will tell but it seems he's calmed down for now despite being a little bitter although he did help get the kill on frieza so that kind of strokes his ego a bit sadly guru did die during the fight due to his stress but once the dragon balls on earth are used to revive everyone guru is briefly resurrected allowing him to make mori the new elder followed by him passing away once again but this is good because now namek has their dragon balls they'll be able to revive the other fighters that are still dead as well as moving namak to somewhere different namek actually did survive this time not getting blown up but they're still going to want to move it somewhere else just to be safe at least they don't need to find a whole new plan there is one interesting thing that i wanted to note about namek though a character that'll actually be involved in the series going forward one that i don't think i've used as a character before at least not an important one now with nail gun on namek there's no really strong warrior of course there's a couple warrior namekians but no one's on nails leveled although there is one person that wants to train to be there of course dende isn't a fighter but his brother cargo is actually inspired by everything he wants to begin training taking nails places the strongest warrior there maybe then they can prevent future threats like frieza although it's going to be weird training here and actually he has somewhere in mind to go nail technically still is alive although he's living on through piccolo and piccolo's on earth so maybe if he ventures to earth piccolo might train him whipping him into shape as an actual warrior being somewhat like nail he does have nails knowledge after all so he wonders if that's an option danny decides to join him too he wants to see the earthlings again he doesn't mind going there and the other namekians allow it sending two to meccans there won't be a problem and even better dende could probably work alongside kami learning some stuff from him they know earth has a namekian guardian and if denny's gonna go down the same route it would be nice to meet someone like that although he doesn't plan on being guardian of earth at all at least not yet so the two actually venture out to earth wanting to see piccolo again piccolo is the strongest namekian at the moment and cargo wants to see if he can do the same piccolo is surprised to see the two of them here but he allows it although he's gonna start very far behind from where he is and where gohan is because piccolo does train with gohan and goku a lot but hey these two are new friends for gohan they're both welcome on earth and piccolo is glad to train cargo while dende actually goes to see kanye so not only are the other fighters revived but we have someone training to be a fighter in the future out in space king cole is trying to find out what happened he has no idea what happened with frieza because frieza was dead here and when he went to namek it was gone not blown up it was just gone there were no remains of frieza and no trace of him otherwise it's weird he can only assume that frieza actually did die because he wouldn't just disappear like this and he wonders who actually did it without frieza he can't actually find earth he does plan to attack it eventually but right now that's not going to happen he tries to find it though but it's not going to be an easy task since he doesn't know who killed frieza and where they even live but we'll be seeing him down the line even though he's not doing anything right now back on earth life actually continues normally naturally next we'll be getting into the android saga but first we're going to cover the future timeline because things go a lot differently there as you could probably expect a lot already changed the scenario but there's one key change that is actually really helpful in the future so let's start from the beginning goku still dies from the heart virus in all of my scenarios i like to assume that goku got it from how he lives as a kid rather than getting it from yardra because it was never really confirmed so despite him not going to yardrat he's still going to get it here for that reason meaning future goku does die eventually the androids do show up and as you'd expect a lot of that goes normally vegeta is able to put up a much better fight due to having wrathful but even then it's not enough to even face one of the androids alone much less two of them he buys some time though most of the other fighters end up dying piccolo yamcha tenshinha and eventually vegeta too but one of them actually ends up escaping that didn't before due to vegeta buying him some time krillin is actually able to make it out of there helping gohan out of the area too plus cargo never actually joined the fight piccolo thought it was too much for him and wanted to keep him safe so while they're not all incredibly strong we have three fighters left future gohan future krillin and future cargo and when piccolo died kami died too with the androids eventually fighting the lookout and attacking it but before that happened everyone had a good idea they made sure to save dende as well reuniting him with cargo once more luckily he's learned enough from kami and kami actually kind of expected this so they actually had some good preparations in mind their idea was to have dende become the guardian of earth if anything happened to piccolo which would cause kami to die as well dende is now the new guardian of earth and he's going to be a really helpful asset not only can he heal everyone but he can make new dragon balls and a new shenron meaning that there is still some hope for this timeline this gets everybody's hopes up it's too bad because they can't revive everyone since they already died once but with the dragon balls they could actually go to namic and possibly wish for that again goku would remain dead but if they were to get dynamic they could revive vegeta piccolo and everyone else all they need to do is to get the dragon balls here on earth the issue is though well shenron never died kami's plan was good but there was one mistake instead of having dende make a new shenron he passed on the old shenron to hit this may not seem like a big deal but that means that they don't have the dragon balls in hand it means they're still scattered across earth which is kind of an issue because that means that they'll have to collect the dragon balls again as long as they're covert about it it should be okay but the androids are always watching this causes an issue later on one day gohan and krillin go out to find one of the dragon balls however it seems that they ran into some bad luck because the androids were watching and followed gohan and krillin they're curious as to where the two were going luckily gohan and krillin do notices and are able to escape hiding from the androids nearby the issue is this leads the androids right to where the dragon ball is too gohan or krillin could jump out from hiding and try and grab it but that would be very risky because the androids could kill them and the androids are actually the ones to find the dragon ball they notice it nearby and with what they know from jerome they realize what it is they're surprised to have found one of them of course they don't know how to find more but they realize this is probably why gohan and krillin came here so if gohan and krillin don't come out of hiding they'll just take the dragon ball for themselves and leap even if they don't really need it and who knows maybe they can end up finding more getting their own wish the best option right now is gohan and krill in hiding and the androids eventually do leave with a dragon ball the good thing is that the dragon balls are still out there but the androids have one of them and they need to get that from them if they want any wish it's a shame because their plan was going so well but they're still optimistic gohan promises to fix everything and krillin agrees they need to get stronger now they don't even need to be strong enough to kill the androids they just need to be strong enough to get the dragon ball and get out of there as long as they get that single dragon ball from the androids they'll be fine they check if dende can kill this dragon and create another one maybe he can just destroy the statue right well there's an issue they don't actually have the shenron statue with them it's still at the lookout thankfully it didn't get destroyed alongside the lookout the lookout only got partially destroyed the fact that the dragon ball still exists mean that the statue is intact meaning shenron is still intact but without access to the dragon balls themselves or the statue it's going to be a bit tough for dendi to make a new shenron it's going to actually take some time little side note here i could realistically just give them the dragon balls but i feel doing it this way makes it more interesting i mean if they just made a new shenron that wouldn't really be too fun so uh yeah full transparency sorry if my reasoning is a little convoluted but i just wanted to spice the story up a bit more trust me i realize it's kind of convoluted too but just just pretend it's good just pretend it's okay give me this one thing i just wanna have some fun with the future timeline we're all pals here right just just pretend it works little tangent aside now they have a new task the group needs to get stronger or find a way to get the dragon balls for themselves but also there is another option bulma's working on a time machine it's gonna take a while to complete but if they actually use that they can just go back to the past and hopefully restore things that way and to be fair even if they do get the dragon balls they won't be able to revive goku but with a time machine they could cure him in the past and possibly revive him that way getting the dragon balls themselves may be hard the safest bet right now is to train so gohan krillin and cargo all get to work if they train enough they can get the dragon balls and maybe if they're lucky they could get strong enough to defeat the androids although it would be tough but gohan has a goal for himself if he learns to use that same wrathful power that goku and vegeta had he could potentially get really strong especially with his anger and his potential as a hybrid saiyan he wants to make everything right even if he can't bring goku back he wants to at least fix everything else defeating the androids bringing back his other friends bringing back everyone else that was killed his mind is set to it he feels he krillin and cargo can do this and while dende may not have the resources to make dragon balls right now his ability to heal will be particularly useful for them things may seem grim now but there's hope gohan krillin and cargo continue their training gohan's aiming to get the wrathful form for himself but it's a bit tough krillin believes he can do it though as long as they keep training they should have enough strength to get away with getting a dragon roll after a few months of training gohan's actually able to access it not to mention krillin and cargo are a lot stronger too they can't fight the androids right now but this power makes them confident enough to go and find a dragon ball so the three of them head out looking for it they have a dragon radar after all so it shouldn't be too tough they're actually able to do this pretty peacefully there's no issues this time they don't encounter the androids and they find the dragon ball that they need it's almost too quiet in a way but it should be fine they head back to their base ready to spread the good news but as they get closer to the hideout they notice something's wrong the ground nearby is shaking and in the distance they hear explosions they rush over to their base and there they see what's happening the entire building is destroyed and they see a small barrier nearby dende boma and trunks were left behind and the androids were able to find them they've actually been watching for a while waiting for a good moment to strike and they're glad to see gohan krillin and cargo have returned dende struggles to keep a barrier up to protect bulma and trunks but with a single beam android 17 launches an attack that goes right through the barrier hitting dende directly they go for bulma and trunks next but the three fighters intervene trying to do whatever they can trying to keep a low profile cargo hands the dragon ball over to bulma telling her to escape with trunks right now the three are on the defensive with gohan using his wrathful form but even with this it's not enough one of the androids alone is more than enough to take out all three of them but the androids are willing to make this fun and try and play a game prolonging the death of these three fighters injured dende is laying on the ground and telepathically he tells cargo to come over to him he doesn't think he's gonna make it and he apologizes to his brother but he has a better idea gohan and krillin try and fend off the androids trying to distract them in any way possible they then notice a huge surge in power as cargo jumps back in the fight looking both serious and set he's actually way stronger than either of them now dende was hoping this could defeat the androids on his deathbed he decided to fuse into cargo it does give a nice power boost but it's only enough to help hold the androids off for now it becomes apparent to the three of them that there's no way out of this likely they're all gonna die but krillin thinks there's another way out he tells gohan and cargo to leave immediately he's got a plan that may save them he tells him not to argue about it either just do what he says because it's their only hope by surviving they're wondering what he means but then krillin launches a silver flip he tells them now's their chance as the three of them all fly away the androids visions start to clear up and although those three fighters got a head start they have a relative idea of where the fighters went off to at least the general direction krillin was hoping this wouldn't happen but he looks back and sees the androids following him he tells gohan and cargo to continue flying as he then flies backwards toward the androids the two cyborgs see him and once again krillin blinds the two of them gohan and carter continue flying wondering what krillin's doing and hoping he's okay but they begin to send some fighting krillin is risking his life fending off the android so the two others can escape there is no other way out of this and he knows the two other fighters are much stronger than him if they die then earth has no chance at all but krillin can prevent that gohan and cargo continue flying thankfully being able to locate bulma they raid around hoping that krillin will show up soon minutes pass then hours there's no sign of him at all gohan and cargo try to send his energy but they can't they already lost dende today and gohan hopes that they didn't lose krillin too he waits in the dead of night he goes over to where the fight happened he keeps a low profile and luckily the androids are long gone but his fears are confirmed as he arrives in the area nearby he sees someone laying on the ground it's krillin far away back where bulma and cargo are cargo senses a huge surge in power somewhere then realizing that's gohan while they can't sense anything the androids feel something far away the ground begins shaking and then it suddenly stops they brush it off as a random earthquake or something cargo flies over to where gohan is and then he sees what happened standing there with krillin's body in his arms gohan is there crying now with golden hair gohan has access super safe some time passes from here on out with dende now gone there's no dragon balls at all cargo tries to see if he can create some for himself but he doesn't have the powers luckily he learns that he did inherit something from dende the power to heal of course it takes some of his energy to do it but it's still useful especially now that they're training trunks cargo has grown up by now at least in terms of namekian standards as has gohan a few years have gone by since krillin died gohan was able to access that power once more not knowing exactly what it was but knowing that it would be useful for him he can now transform at will and he assumes it's some saiyan trait so his big goal right now is to try and get trunks to do it as well but still after all these years they can't find a way to defeat the androids but luckily all this time has given them something else bulma was finally able to finish her time machine and as a last shot she can send people back in time to try and reverse everything they give goku the heart virus medicine and warn everyone of the androids trunks wants to go with them too but they decide that it's better that he doesn't this is a few years earlier than trunks originally left they want him to stay safe but also staying back will protect his identity they want to make sure no one finds out about him because if they do trunks may not be born in the past timeline but once they return after the fact trunks can come with them then gohan and cargo go in the time machine and they head back to the past they don't know exactly who to go to but nearby they send someone that should be perfect for the job in a wasteland they find piccolo training with cargo piccolo is confused to see these two visitors he's never seen them before but something looks really familiar about that not only does future gohan have an outfit like goku's but his tail is there too he wasn't aware of another saiyan being here but he gets a better look at their faces than it seems the man kind of looks like goku oh great does goku have another brother that they didn't know about but they introduced themselves gohan and kargo piccolo immediately communicates with everyone telepathically telling them to get over here right now it's pretty fun for the two future warriors actually they get to meet their past selves and they get to see the people that died before gohan's got to see goku once more and cargo is glad to see dende and piccoli however they can't focus on reunions they need to warn everyone about the androids and give goku his medicine but there's one other thing that gohan needs to show off super saiyan he transforms and he tells him that he doesn't exactly know what this is but it seems like some sort of saiyan form maybe the next step beyond wrath he's been trying to see if he can combine the two somehow but hasn't really found a way yet although this golden hair form seems much more stable not to mention much stronger vegeta immediately has the perfect theory this might be super safe and as a test goku decides to fight against gohan he transforms into wrathful and the two begin dueling gohan has a clear advantage goku even goes into kyle ken but even with that gohan seems to be a bit stronger he wins the sparring match and the two power down goku's proud to see gohan like this and president gohan seems to have a new goal for himself pickle is also proud to see his student although they're saddened to hear the news about everyone die they come to learn that the only people that survive were cargo gohan and bulma with dende then fusing into cargo with no other option to cause all that damage the androids must have been pretty strong so they don't take this warning lightly in three years the time travelers were all returned but for now everyone in the past needs to train themselves trying to get super saiyan for the saiyans while everyone else has to get stronger in their own way the two depart wishing everyone luck immediately the saiyans have a clear goal for themselves goku and vegeta want to try and pursue super saiyan as well as trying to get gohan to do it as well but first they want to see if he can get wrathful he still hasn't gotten it yet and according to future gohan it was pretty potent for him after some training gohan this timeline is able to access it too and they figure out what future gohan was talking about at first he's pretty uncontrollable but we've seen how strong gohan gets with the rage boos combine that with wrathful and he'll be pretty powerful the form seems way more potent for him than it does for even goku and vegeta and while they are focused on super saiyan they're not going to forget about wrathful they have plans for it going forward eventually after some training goku is the first one to get super safe and not long after vegeta follows two training himself though gohan eventually gets it towards the end of the three years and while they are content with super saiyan and realize its power they feel that they could do better maybe there's even a power above this although each of them has different ideas of what to do goku decides he wants to try and perfect super saiyan wondering if he can improve the stamina and the power of it vegeta on the other hand is focused on wrathful maybe he could try and do a future gohan was doing seeing if there was a way to combine the two forms after testing them both out he realized that the two powers are separate so maybe if he's lucky he could find a way to use the two of them at once they keep these ideas in mind and as for the other fighters they see some great gains from training too piccolo trains with other humans as well as cargo and while they may not be as strong as the saiyans everyone can make up for it in terms of technique but nonetheless they all see some great gains and eventually the three years pass the arc starts pretty normally two androids attack one of the cities with all the fighters going over there to see what's happening they find android 19 and 20. and someone forgot to take his meds goku falls out for the heart virus they're able to get him out of there as vegeta and gohan decide to take charge against the androids it appears the two of them can absorb energy and the two saiyans are sure to keep that in mind vegeta goes super saiyan and goes up against 19 while gohan takes charge against 20. 20 seems like a threatening enemy and this is one of the first few real fights for gohan sure has been involved in battle before but there's purely one-on-one between that jarrow's actually kind of scared they don't have any data on super saiyans although he's not deterred gohan's just a kid he can't be that strong and it turns out he is gohan's able to beat 20 in a fight and simultaneously vegeta kills android 19. this explosion distracts gohan he turns around as jarose stretches his arm out to try and take some energy from it but before he's able to grab gohan gohan kicks him breaking 20's arm so he can't steal any energy what vegeta did is smart and he's gonna take notes he destroys android 20's other arm as well and is then able to defeat him everyone's pretty surprised those were the two androids that they were warned about i mean clearly everyone was training for them but they didn't realize they were that strong or on the flip side they didn't realize that the androids were that weak well it seems like they can calm down now goku may have the heart virus but he'll heal soon enough for now everyone heads back home not long after this though the future warriors arrive in the past this time trunks comes along too they look around and they can't sense any of the fighters but they also don't see any chaos happening either the city they go to is partially destroyed but there's no androids in sight so they're pretty confused right now with no other ideas of what to do they decide to head over to capsule corp to get some answers they're able to find vegeta and bulma there and thankfully they find out that trunks was born here as well as vegeta and bulma finding out that trunks exists in the future but that's besides the point the future warriors want to make sure that everything is okay vegeta chuckles he and gohan killed two of the androids they were pretty simple to kill the three warriors are really glad to hear that although it's kind of saddening because nothing changes their timeline meaning the two must be separate it's a shame but they'll have to find another way to defeat the androids vegeta makes a passing comet though giving them a perfect way to get around the energy of absorption the three of them are pretty confused they don't know what fujita's talking about energy absorption vegeta wonders why they don't know about it either and after some explaining they quickly come to realize the two androids here weren't the same ones from their timeline immediately the group gets back together trying to figure out what happened future gohan cargo and trunks are glad to see that everyone's stronger but they're still not sure about 17 and 18. gohan notes that the one that he killed was trying to escape he was an old man and he was commanding the other android after some brainstorming everyone figured out that that may have been the guy that made the androids surely they have no proof yet but it seemed like he was trying to escape to start some plan that he had after gohan described some more bomb was able to find out that this is dr jerome and maybe they can get some more answers if they find his left they start searching at first they don't really have any luck and it doesn't seem too pressing at the moment the future warriors realized that maybe the androids weren't activated here yet and the two that they killed were responsible for it so even if they don't find the lab right away they should be fine right at least that's what they assume they don't know that there's something else lurking about there is another android that goes unaccounted for since they don't really think that there's any urgency to the situation the search for jeroe's lab isn't top priority instead trying to train the future warriors this even though they may have not altered their timeline maybe they can train here and try and get stronger that way but also on their down time everyone can try and find the lap and get some answers maybe if they do find the lab they can find another way to defeat the androids without using pure power but in this perceived period of peacetime some odd news appears on tv apparently in some towns across the world people are disappearing randomly nothing is left behind besides their clothes and there's no explanation for these creepy disappearances no one really knows what to make of it but they realize they may be under attack by something else they're not sure how else to explain all these disappearances of course the creature i'm referring to is cell cell still is here in this timeline having arrived from another timeline he's looking for the androids just like everyone else but surprisingly he can't find them anywhere just like them he's kind of left in the dark about the whole situation after seeing the destruction in that one city and finding the remains of 20 and 19 he assumes that the other androids are probably activated as well but of course they haven't been activated he's just been looking around for different powers to find in the meantime he could try and absorb people to get some more energy but he's slowly growing more and more impatient he was hoping that maybe the other people would try and fight them and during those fights they'd give up enough key for him to send so he could find the androids that way but there's been no fight so far he can't find the androids anyway but as this time passes he starts to get a creeping suspicion maybe the androids actually weren't activated yet surely he could have gone straight for the lab right away he knows where it is and it wouldn't be hard but in the moment he didn't realize that they may actually be there in the most obvious spot and that would also explain what he sent into the fight or swarming around that general area maybe they're looking for the lap because the androids are actually still there he can't believe he's been so stupid all he has to do is head over there and he'll finally achieve perfection chuckling cell then rushes over to the lab no one actually knows where the androids were he's the only one who actually knows the location of the lat everyone right now is just searching aimlessly but he knows he knows exactly where to go so it's a pretty simple task for him all he has to do is go over to the lab he immediately starts rushing over there not wanting to risk anything so he powers up this means everyone else senses him realizing that he's actually near them they don't know what this power is but it's pretty terrifying and they decide to go check it out of course they're not going to catch up to him he's so fast they get to the lap before they can even tell where he's going and just as he suspected he sees two androids there in their pods still as for our group of fighters they all desperately try to find where this guy was going they don't know who this was but his power was really strong and somewhat familiar it seems that he's stationary now so they begin chasing him down knowing his location but as they get closer and closer they sense two power-ups from him scared to see what's happening and the power is something they've never felt before the scale of it is something that they can't even comprehend they eventually get to the mountain where jerome's lab is scared to even go in not knowing what awaits them but there's no need instead of them going in someone comes out to greet them it's a green bug-looking man some sort of weird monster he introduces himself he sell now in his perfect form they don't know who he is why he's here or why he's so strong but cell begins to explain he realized that they might be a bit lost so he gives a little bit of his biography similar to the other androids he was created by giro but he's different he begins to explain there's no need for him to keep a secret anyways and since they're about to die anyways he may as well tell them those androids they were looking for he was doing the same and by going to jerome's lab he was able to absorb them before they could kill them so in a way yes the androids are dead but cell's now here in his perfect form and he's a much bigger problem the group has no idea what to do now this guy is an enemy and there's no way they can defeat him they're absolutely screwed and there's no way out of this either they can't escape because cells got them right where he wants them they walked right into their deaths and cell laughs lifting a single hand up charging a blast but then he lowers his hand he asks where goku is wondering why he's not with him he tells him not to lie either he'll know if they're lying and he'll kill them if they do so they explain goku's sick right now that's why he's not with the group since he's deal with the heart virus he couldn't go out with them and this good cell to hesitate hmm well he wants to kill goku that is his main target he wouldn't mind killing all his friends but still first of all what is the point if he doesn't kill goku too second of all there's no fun in this if he just kills them now what's the point he thinks of it and decides he may as well show a bit of mercy cell tells the group it's their lucky day not only will he wait for goku to wake up but he'll let them train a bit giving them some time to prepare for a tournament yes a tournament he's planning to sell games the whole point of this is so that he can have some fun and give them some time to train so they can get a little bit stronger he doesn't think it'll be enough to defeat him but it might be enough to help make the tournament more fun and it means he gets to see goku and fight him which is what he really wants so he leaves them as is with the group dumbfounded as he flies off well that was kind of a stroke of luck but still they don't know how they're supposed to defeat this guy sure it's great that he didn't kill them on the spot but even if they do train for a couple days what difference is that going to make they're not too sure and they begin desperately looking around the lab trying to find a way to defeat cell maybe they could find some blueprints maybe he has something built into him well they find blueprint for android 1718 which could be helpful for the future warriors assuming they survive and are able to go back to their timeline if they use this they can blow up the androids there but it won't really help here they keep looking around and find out that there's actually another android and he's not a cyborg like the other two from the future timeline no he's actually a full robot weird but whatever they decide to destroy him right away until krillin jumps in front of them maybe instead they could reprogram him they're asking why not destroy him right now and krillin explains if they take this guy to bulma maybe they can reprogram the android i mean he is a full robot after all and they have all his blueprints and everything else bulma could probably work something out from it if she was able to make a time machine in the future from some scraps she should be able to reverse engineer an android and reprogram him especially since he's a full robot and not a cyborg of the other two that might actually work so they decided to take krillin's word for it taking android 16 to bulma's place this guy might actually be pretty strong and if they reprogram him they have another fighter that could really help them out a lot plus goku ends up waking up right after and they have to catch him up to speed he's a bit concerned but also interested this sounds like it could be some fun and they wonder why he's so calm about it he tells them even if they only have a few days he knows a way to get a year's worth of training within one day they don't know what he's talking about but he explains the room of spirit and time if everyone goes in to train well they may actually have a chance he doesn't know for sure but it's at least worth a shot and now it's time to group up the fighters they're trying to decide who goes and when and who goes in with who and with them doing that i feel like it would go like this first vegeta and trunks would want to go in together going in for a year goku would then go in with the two gohans this would mean they'd have less food for a year so they'd only be in for about eight months but goku thinks that's enough especially since they'd have an extra training partner with them right after them piccolo and the two cargos will go in unlike the saiyans food isn't a problem with namekians as long as they have enough water the three namekians can be in there for a year and they won't need to eat at all so they won't have to shorten their time in the time chamber and you know this actually makes the group a bit more confident they have their strongest fighters training for at least a year well not goku and the two gohans but everyone else will be training plus it kills two birds with one stone with the future warriors training that means they'll be stronger when they go back sure they do have the self-destruct remote now as a backup plan but this training also means they could fend off the androids in the future with pure strength that remains to be seen though first they'll actually need to train as for vegeta he sticks with what he wanted to do in the last part trying to improve wrathful somehow planning on combining it with super saiyan during their training he and trunks began working on that as of now super saiyan's pretty strong the issue is they only just learned about it they have access to it but they realize it's very draining on stamina as for wrathful though it is a weaker form but it's a lot less taxing on the body vegeta and trunks spend some of their time trying to get a better grasp on super saiyan not really going on the path of mastering it but just getting good enough with it so it doesn't take up as much stamina really their main focus is trying to combine the two forms vegeta believes that maybe they could combine the power of wrathful and super saiyan together he's not sure what would happen if they do but he knows it will be strong if it's possible but in order to do that they may have to go backwards a bit going to great ape instead of trying to use wrathful they are pretty good with wrathful now well mainly vegeta is trunks is still learning it but either way they have a good grasp on it but as for grade 8 it's a lot easier for them to control since it's basically the first thing that they've been working with now that i've mentioned it would trunks's grade 8 be like purple or something like i mean i'm sure there's gonna be someone in the comments asking me to make it purple so you know what i'm predicting right now for the one guy in the comments that's gonna request a purple great ape here you go i'll do it just for you you're welcome and now you owe me a favor anyways the two of them begin training with this trying to combine it with super saiyan somehow and over the next year they both get a lot stronger next goku and the two gohans go in instead of working on trying to combine the two forms they're working purely on super saiyan seeing if they can control that somehow even though they only have eight months as opposed to a year they can still make really good use of it future gohan has more knowledge of super saiyan than anyone and with goku's great mind for battle they can come up with some really good techniques allowing them to develop super saiyan a lot faster this works for both the gohans and goku eventually the three of them are able to master the form using it without any stamina loss at all sure vegeta and trunks may be able to combine the two forms combining super saiyan with grade 8 and it is pretty strong but goku feels like controlling super saiyan may be better they'll have to wait until the fight with cell though they'll see then which one is truly superior next the two cargo is going with piccolo a lot of the time is spent focusing on present cargo piccolo sees the great potential in future cargo and aside it's good to get an early start with this one i'll also say that cargo probably won't grow up just yet even with the year in the time chamber it's still gonna take a bit of time you'll see an agent version of present cargo in the next part though but for this part he's gonna remain small although still pretty powerful anyways they get really strong with their training too but piccolo will probably be a little bit weaker than he was in the main series because he hasn't fused the kami yet without the androids running around they didn't really see any need to but maybe now with cell here kami feels it's a good time to fuse plus they have dende just in case he's had more than enough training and he could be earth's guardian with no issues kami knows his time will come soon anyways he's getting really old and this is the best thing he could do he hopes piccolo uses this power and wisdom well as the two fuse into each other reuniting once more and now it seems like everyone's ready for the cell games they have a few more days so some of them rest and some of them continue their training but otherwise they're all ready the cell games arrive and the first person to actually face off against cell is vegeta he's really confident about his strategy and immediately he throws up an artificial moon ah cell knows exactly what this is how primitive he's going to be using his grade 8 form shouldn't he be using that wrathful form that they've been using or better yet whatever that golden hair form is ah whatever this will just make it easier for cell funny enough cell could probably access that power too but he thinks it's kind of useless at this point keep this in mind though vegeta looks up at the moon and instead of going into wrathful he goes right into grade 8. cell chuckles doesn't this also make vegeta a bigger target what a stupid mistake but vegeta also laughs at this notion as he then begins powering up while in his great ape state the entire arena begins shaking as the brown fur and vegeta changes to gold he's become a goal upgrade impressing everyone there this is a huge boost in power vegeta doesn't have perfect control over it but is still really strong and it could be helpful also it does make him a bigger target but still he feels the power is more than enough it took him a while to get the hang of this he was able to access it pretty early on but gaining control was the real hard part but it doesn't matter though he goes right into battle with cell of course with vegeta being such a big target cell's able to land hits on him really easily but when vegeta lands a hit it's devastating slamming a fist down onto cell kicking him wagging him with his tail vegeta's attacks land really easily too and that's just his melee attacks his beams are huge now not to mention much stronger cell's able to regenerate but he does take a lot of damage from this he didn't expect vegeta of all people to be the strong sure he knew he was a formidable opponent but not like this fine he may as well even the playing field a little bit and with the artificial moon still up in the air cell looks up at it trying to access that same anger that they use in the wrathful form since they have it he should have it too and he does vegeta is kind of pissing him off after all so he may as well make some good use of that anger he tries to tap into the wrathful form powering up as he does so he doesn't change much physically the only noticeable difference is his eyes but other than that he's grown a lot stronger and that's how they know it actually worked this actually makes the fight a lot more even and with vegeta's massive size cell is able to kind of overcome him and while this form is kind of hard to control we know that cell can learn remarkably fast i mean you saw what he did with insta transmission he'd probably do the same here learning how to control the form really quickly getting better during battle using this he decides to weaken vegeta going right for his table he chops off the tail succeeding in it vegeta powers down going back into his regular form without a tail he can't go into grade 8 meaning he can't use his golden grave this makes him a lot weaker and cell knocks him out with one hit he's pretty injured but still all right as long as no one's stronger than vegeta he'll be okay the next one to fight him is goku in master super saiyan goku is a bit concerned but still feels like he can do some damage if not there's always gohan who does seem to have a lot of potential in this battle maybe he'll be the one to defeat cell but goku gives it his all trying to fight all out and while mastered super saiyan is pretty strong he begins thinking during the fight vegeta is on a good path combining super saiyan with great ape was really helpful goku is losing ground really quickly with cell's new power up he's a lot stronger he would have been stronger against goku anyways but this makes the gap even wider goku's thinking on his feet and decides maybe he can try what vegeta was doing the thing that vegeta didn't have was mastery over super saiyan he did have mastery over the grade 8 form and wrathful but super saiyan is a different thing goku has an advantage he has mastery over both forms and that might help him although he doesn't really know how to combine the two if he goes into gold in grade 8 he may lose all control but whatever it's worth the risk he's pushed to his limit by settle as goku then transforms too going to the same golden grade 8 form that vegeta was using cell looks up pretty happy to see this just like vegeta this will be interesting to fight or at least he assumes so he notices that goku doesn't have control unlike vegeta goku is just rampaging randomly but still he's in there somewhere trying to regain control trying to stop this rampage he begins getting hit more and more by cell taking a lot of damage but something catches his eye he sees the two gohans calling over to it trying to make him focus goku was even about to attack them just attacking blindly but with the two gohans distracting him goku finally regained some of its consciousness overcoming the blind rampage of the great and something changes instead of him being controlled like vegeta was he begins shrinking no longer in his grade 8 form they think he lost the power or something but at least that's good that means he'll be back to normal and they can get him out of the fight but no that's not the case as he shrinks down they see goku there looking very different from what he looked like before pushed to his limit by cell goku was transformed once more now in a new state of super saiyan they're not too sure what this is but it's definitely strong they could tell that at least it's the wrathful form combined with the power of super saiyan in the context of the scenario let's call it wrathful super saiyan but to avoid any confusion we'll refer to it as super saiyan 4 which is what it is with this new power up cell loses ground goku is incredibly powerful like this even vegeta's surprised he can't believe it kakarot surpassed him even though he wasn't doing the same thing it must be because he mastered super saiyan and vegeta did it well at least trunks knows now for when he goes up to fight or if he goes up to fight it doesn't really look like that because now goku is getting the advantage seemingly he might be able to defeat cell now even goku doesn't know his own power it's amazing all he needs to do now is land an attack that erases every bit of cell enough to counter the regeneration as for cell himself he's faced a lot of damage and is pretty drained from regenerating so much he's being pushed into a corner and is getting desperate but wait he was able to unlock the wrathful form right so maybe he could do whatever this is too if he's backed far enough into a corner and figures out a way to do it he may be able to as he's being beat up more and more by goku goku senses something weird zell has lost every bit of his sanity brought to a point of extreme income and while in his new wrathful state he begins powering up even more trying to tap into super saiyan somehow he knows it has to be in there somewhere there's pure anger he needs to take a hold of it and use it for power cell begins shouting trying to access this goku knows he needs to prevent this somehow he charges atomic hop ready to launch it right outside whatever cell's doing it's working his power is rising and he's on the cusp of doing something new goku needs to end this quick he launches the kamehameha he makes a direct hit on cell the power of it is insane and this shouldn't be the end of the fight right well cell was able to survive and as the blast dissipates they're terrified of what they see cell keeps powering up more and more utilizing his own anger goku and the others watch horrifying there's no way he's actually gonna be able to do it he's he's using the same power that goku has and he begins undergoing a change somewhat similar to what goku had but also very different considering still's body he finishes morphing and a new cells are here even though he was perfect before it seems he's ascended past that somehow building upon his own perfection getting stronger more powerful more perfect since his body was quote perfect before he won't change too much but there are some physical indications that he's transformed he's slightly bulked up his eyes are different the coloration on his face and body have changed also his aura is a lot more intense changing shape and color there's no doubt about it he was able to pull off the stamp some that goku was he's using his own version of wrathful super saiyan although his very own unique version of it goku looks over in awe and before he even realizes it he sees cell smurf with cell then appearing right behind him one punch knocks goku away into a nearby cliff with him jumping out of the rubble injured and grabbing his arm that was just one punch how did it have that much power even with this new power that he's using cell got so strong from this just like he expected he goes to fight cell but cell keeps tanking every hit that he takes all key blocks all kicks all punches nothing is working against him after goku delivers a flurry of attacks zelda says it's his turn attacking goku in response easily turning the tide on the back the group is watching off not knowing what to do future cargo has an idea though he tells piccolo that they shall fuse it's the only way they could win against this monster piccolo says they can't risk that though cargo needs to return to the future if cargo fuses into him he'll be stuck here they won't be able to infuse him but cargo argues back it's either that or cell wins and not just him either they need the other cargo to fuse in too present cargo is not sure what to do but he agrees with his future self since they came back with him future trunks and gohan gave their input too they agree cargo is willingly going to sacrifice himself it means they might be able to defeat cell if they all fuse there's no other way to help goku piccolo is debating what to do and reluctantly decides to agree the two cargos place their hands on piccolo and they begin powering up ready to fuse into him but before they do it someone flies past them it's vegeta he's flickering in and out of his wrathful state as well as in and out of super saiyan trying to use the same power that goku is using he catches stella off guard with a punch but clearly with his power that's the only attack he's going to ever get in his power keeps fluctuating up and down he's trying to access this form but he can't without his tail he can't go golden grade 8. he needs to be healed first wrathful works super saiyan works and in his eyes this means he may be able to achieve the form not in the same way as goku but still it's similar it might work he doesn't care he's going to try regardless cell swats vegeta away but he serves as a good distraction as he flew by he actually had something in his hand a senzu bean he handed it over to goku as he flew past with goku immediately eating it and healing with vegeta swatted away he's caught by cargo who then heals him he could have also gone in and healed goku himself but it would have been too dangerous he most likely would have died against cell being healed by cargo means that vegeta got a zenkai boos and he regrew his tail this only makes him feel more confident he wants to jump back into the fight a cargo warns him if he goes back in cargo doesn't know if he can heal him again vegeta has too much power and he can't restore all of that so if vegeta is going to go into battle he needs to make it count now being healed goku powers up once more lunging at cell but even with this boost he still can't beat cell he's even the playing field a bit but it's not enough cell can still regenerate so even though goku can't deal damage to him now it's still not enough he needs to fully incinerate cell before he can defeat him goku and cell continue their fight as the two cargos contemplate whether or not they confuse him to pick him up goku may actually have a shot here they're not too sure though but vegeta tells them not to work he'll help him handle this he'll turn into a wrathful super saiyan no matter what he doesn't care about the risk he'll do it he'll go into golden great ape and control the power neither goku nor cellar making any progress although cell knows he can outlast goku as long as he keeps this battle going for as long as he can he'll win the two launch towards each other and clash with their fists hitting each other both in the stomach dealing even damage to the other but with his hands still on cell's gut goku launches a massive blast leaving a hole in cell's side he finally landed a good hit but cell's obviously able to regenerate from this goku jumps back ready to attack once more but the ground starts shaking cell chuckles once again vegeta has turned into a golden grade he's not gonna be able to access wrathful super saiyan in the way goku did that obviously didn't work before instead he's once more trying to master the power of gold in grade 8. and this time he actually does seem a little bit more controlled he briefly does fight in this form and cell's able to outpace him pretty easily with goku still fighting cell in the process vegeta serves as a nice distraction but cell decides he's hat is fun he goes to cut off vegeta's tail once more but as he does the tail moves out of sight right when he was about to grab it he looks behind him and he sees something new vegeta's shrinking and goku looks on with a smile he knows what just happened vegeta finally did it through his sheer determination vegeta is now using wrathful super saiyan finally having accomplished this goal although he's amazed of this power he knows they can't waste time they can't get sloppy anymore he stands besides goku and the two prepare to defeat cell with one final push together they each charge energy in their fist maneuvering around all of cell's attacks and avoiding them they hop around the area with immense speed even flying past sellout points and delivering straight punches and kicks while continuing to charge energy in their other fists cell decides he's gonna go all out too in his hands he charges the kamehameha goku and vegeta stand back to back their hands are glowing with energy cell launches the blacks ready to wipe them out as well as earth but the two don't give in together they jump towards cell each with their fists down with no effort at all they cut right through cell's blast no they're not just cutting through the blast the group watches on and sells blast is being pushed back not only are goku vegeta using their own attack but they're turning cell's own attack against him with their immense combined strength they're able to reflect sells kamehameha which injures cell but doesn't fully erase him he cut off the power just before it hit it he's standing there injured and mangled trying desperately to regenerate himself but goku and vegeta are continuing to fly towards him this all happens in the blink of an eye and before they even know it the group then sees goku and vegeta's fist make contact with cell as they tear through the android with cell being torn in half the two skin to a halt quickly turning around and launching all that key that they charged up you guys like coming up with attacking so let's try and come up with on here we'll refer to this combo attack as the wrathful rush because i like my alliteration with this combined effort the blast hits cell erasing what little remains of it finally it seems that cell is defeated thanks to a combined effort from these two out of breath the two power down into their base giving each other a thumbs up this wraps things up nicely sadly the future warriors and gohan didn't really get too much time to fight but it doesn't matter too much the fighters from the future will get their chance when they go back to defeat the androids and as for gohan well we'll see more of him later in this episode but let's focus on future gohan and his pals for now with the new strength of future trunks future gohan and future cargo they now know that they can defeat the androids they say goodbye to everyone and give their thanks as they go back to their timeline ready to save it but before they go and defeat the androids they have one last thing in mind that they should do they could use another outline they remember from the past there was that one android android 16 and maybe they could take some notes for that if they could find jerob's lab here they could find him reprogram him and have another fighter on their side and they do just that they're quickly able to find dro's lab bringing android 16 back to bulma who reprograms him not that they need the extra firepower against the androids but it would be nice to have him just in case one day 17 and 18 are destroying a city as usual and they see three familiar figures step out with another one beside them they laugh oh great they got a new friend what's he gonna do they'll just beat up these fighters like they have a million times before and their new buddy as well sixteen then reveals who he is and they're surprised another android weird why is he working with that group shouldn't he come join them they should stick together after all they're all androids but 16 doesn't even entertain this response he takes off both his arms and launches a hell's flash instantly erasing android 18 17 only barely jumps out of the way but then feels a hand on his shoulder as cargo punches him knocking him into trunks who grabs him he tells gohan that seven hit is all his as he drop kicks the android 17 flies up trying to escape but as he does gohan outspeeds him beating him up in the air and 17 then sees light below him he looks down and sees gohan holding a hand out right towards his stomach with a point-blank blast ready to kill him 17 throws up a shield but it doesn't do anything it just traps him in there with gohan a massive explosion occurs in the sky with green dust coming down from 17's barry gohan killed him with one attack and now finally the future is safe and they have a new friend beside them it all turned out perfectly and now gohan and trunk can work towards their own version of wrathful super saiyan hopefully they'll be able to find it somehow but hey even if they don't they're still strong enough in super sick which they're contented with that happy ending we can go back to the main timeline i also just realized i've been calling it wrathful super saiyan this whole time even though i decided it's easier to just call it super saiyan 4 since that's simpler so just a little side note if you hear me say wrathful super saiyan or super saiyan 4 i'm referring to the same thing it's weird because in the universe of this scenario super saiyan 4 would make sense since they don't even have super saiyan 2 yet but i'll just refer to it as that for simplicity anyway speaking of super saiyan 4 vegeta may have it but it doesn't have great control over it at least not like what goku does goku did different training as we saw in the cell soccer and that's why he accessed the form easier and quicker than vegeta did and seemingly had more control over it when vegeta uses it it's very draining and it takes a lot of effort to transform into this leaves him behind goku a bit even though he does get a lot stronger and has access to this form it takes some time for him to catch up he eventually does get some control over the form and is able to use it a lot more efficiently but still goku's ahead gohan eventually follows up next being able to get super saiyan 4 for himself and when he uses it surprisingly he gets older weird super saiyan 4 is a weird form it changes your clothes somehow and with kid goku it was able to make him age up so do i have any real reason for gohan to have the same ability well not really i just think it's funny too bad though because the joke doesn't really last since gohan's gonna be fully grown soon anyways but still i find some humor in gohan going from this to this well at least he knows what he's gonna look like as an adult either way though the three of them all agree on one thing the form is amazing regardless of how much control they each have over it the power from it is incredible they feel like they can defeat anyone and the raw power outfit is almost too incredible in a way yeah it may seem like they're overpowered now but consider what arcs next the buu arc and having a form this strong may actually be a double-edged sword we'll see this as this part continues we get into a time skip and eventually to the buu saga gohan and cargo are now older as well as dende too i guess not to mention goten trunks as for cargo though his training is going pretty well i still only have one piece of art for him so he's still stuck in the same pose but besides that he's doing fine hopefully in the next part he'll be able to do a different pose jokes aside though his training with piccolo has gone great the two of them are growing off each other and as you expect goku vegeta and gohan have all grown stronger but vegeta is still a bit bitter kakarot is still so far ahead of him and thanks to his hybrid potential gohan's catching up too vegeta is not too sure how to feel speaking of gohan super saiyan 4 would actually change the great saiyaman there wouldn't really be need for an outfit when gohan can just transform into this i mean look at it this is a good enough disguise as is so he could just transform into this and use it to fight it's perfect it gives him the great power he needs to serve justice as well as giving him a disguise he loves it of course fidel is still able to catch on eventually i mean gohan is the only kid at school with tail i when she catches glimpses of the great sandman's face i mean it's pretty obvious thankfully most civilians in dragon ball are really stupid so they don't notice this but fidel picks up on it which is all that really matters eventually we're led into the tournament things go pretty smoothly but with this being the great sandman's disguise that means gohan has to enter and fight in super saiyan 4. it may not seem like a big deal but this does cause problems later on once he's fighting cobito his energy gets stolen by spokovich and yamu and with him being in super saiyan 4 as you could probably guess they'd get a lot of energy from this like way more than they got originally even they're surprised too but they're able to escape kibito didn't realize how much power gohan had in him he was holding back at super saiyan 4 but once gohan drew out all his power well it was kind of too late to stop him shin and kabito realized that they screwed up when the group finds bobbidy the fights are actually pretty simple as you'd expect but there is an issue they need to hold back as much as possible because they don't know how much energy bobby actually has even if they give off little amounts that'll be enough to send him over the edge giving him just enough to revive modern boo gohan gave off way too much before and for all they know he's right on the edge of reviving boot so anything they do will be bad and no matter how much they hold back still they may be giving off too much and this issue does actually come into play puipui and yakon are really easy to defeat but as for deborah it does take a little bit more effort and even though it's no issue for them to defeat him well the power that they have to give off to kill him is still more than enough to give bobby the power that he needs but they can't really avoid it not to mention they don't really know how much power poverty has anyways and they don't realize until it's too late they thought that they were holding back enough but it doesn't seem that way killing deborah alone gave him enough energy and now majin buu is refined but he's not really that intimidating i mean yeah physically he doesn't look intimidating but in terms of power they're not intimidated at all three super saiyan 4 is against boo that's more than enough they can kill him right now if they needed and they're prepared to do that and bobbity's actually kind of terrified he knows that this will be an issue but maybe if he gets rid of one of them they may be able to win if he doesn't act quickly they'll kill majin buu before he gets a chance to do anything so he keeps boo away from them for now as bobby tries to work his magic and then he notices the perfect target he won't even need much effort he knows exactly what he needs to do he needs to possess vegeta vegeta is still jealous of kakarot's power wanting to surpass him and beat him in a battle and just like normal bobby can exploit that manipulating vegeta into being evil once more with this we have the birth of super saiyan 4 majin vegeta who is sent to fight goku gohan is now the only one facing buu besides shining beetho being there as well as cargo piccolo and krillin watching up and gohan actually does have enough power he may have been able to defeat buu alone three super saiyan 4's overkill but even one super saiyan 4 should be enough although there is one issue gohan's been transformed for so long remember this is his disguise this is how he is the great saiyan man he hasn't de-transformed this whole time he has been using it all along and due to that he's lost some power he can't keep this up forever he needs to make it quick now with him being possessed vegeta is stronger he's confident that he'd be able to defeat goku in a fight the two of them head off to fight on their own in order to not distract gohan gohan thinks he might be able to handle buu alone although his stamina is running out like i mentioned last time he's not sure for how much longer he'll be able to hold super saiyan 4 but he's the last line of defense goku is preoccupied with vegeta and just like bobbity plan this leaves only one obstacle for majin buu goku's fight with vegeta begins goku wonders why vegeta would even let himself be possessed he knows that he did it willingly but vegeta doesn't care about kakarot's judgment all he cares about is winning this fight goku is able to witness firsthand how much stronger vegeta is it's not huge but it is a noticeable increase enough to actually even the playing field a bit if you remember from last time i mentioned that vegeta was a bit behind not only in his base but in terms of patrolling super saiyan 4. goku definitely did have the upper hand but now with the majin power boost vegeta is getting closer and closer to him this fight would have been great for bobby to collect energy of course he doesn't need that now it's only a distraction the two are in a wasteland allowing them to fight all out without any distractions goku will give vegeta what he wants but he warns vegeta he's not going to hold back or go easy on him super saiyan 4 is his ultimate power after all and if this is the only way to get vegeta back to normal so be it the two clash fists causing a massive explosion that levels the landscape around them they're exchanging and blocking blows left and right but even with this power goku is still confident he can win as long as he's able to hold off vegeta vegeta just might de-transform going into super saiyan 2 or something even lower goku feels that he can outlast him even if vegeta gets this power boost it won't matter if he can't use super saiyan 4. speaking of running out of super saiyan 4 let's go back to gohan for a bit with goku and vegeta both gone this gives buu a chance to win if he takes out one of the saiyans then he'll be able to pick off the other two pretty easily since they're gonna be pretty worn out after their fight no matter who ends up winning it's a perfect plan that works out for bobady all boo needs to do is defeat gohan and then boo will be in the clear the super saiyan 4's will no longer be a threat and he can go around the universe destroying whatever he pleases gohan doesn't back down though super saiyan 4 is fleeting and he knows it might disappear soon but he's going to make the most of it he charges that boo at full power and immediately he becomes aware of boo's abilities it seems he could regenerate from any sort of attack and it's not like cell either boo can regenerate pretty much instantly and it doesn't take up any of his stamina to do so he's definitely not an average fighter despite his childless appearance and demeanor he's way more threatening below the surface gohan uses all his power and some of the other fighters around him even join him too cargo piccolo krillin they're acting as distractions so gohan can try and charge up an attack this actually does give him a bit of time enough to charge up a full power kamehameha launching it right at boone getting a direct hit it seems this attack actually does the job when it dissipates there's nothing left to boo just a crater where he once was bobbidi looks on in shock no way gohan was able to manage this but much to everyone's surprise buu ends up regenerating little pieces from around the area come back together recreating buu again who is actually starting to get kind of angry from this fight gohan is surprisingly powerful and the way they're all attacking him at once angers him not to mention the fact that he was almost destroyed by that one attack but he tries to keep his cool as best as he can continuing his fight with gohan but charging up that attack actually took out a lot of energy from gohan that's gonna make things harder for him he's losing more and more energy by the minute and eventually he drops out of super saiyan 4 going down a notch into super saiyan 2 crap he knew this to happen eventually but not now he was hoping he could hold super saiyan 4 for a bit longer but whatever he'll hold off boo as long as he stops boo for long enough goku can come back and help defeat him with buu angered he decides he wants something to eat that might calm him down a bit quickly he turns to cargo and from his antenna he launches a beam turning cargo into a cookie bobbity laughs as he watches and everyone looks on a horror as boo eats it this only serves to anger gohan even more as he then powers back up into super saiyan 4 using what little energy he has left giving him a little rage boost as well he beats buu down into the ground actually dealing some significant damage of course boos able to regenerate but this only serves to make boo even angrier angrier than he was before he starts fighting back trying to hit gohan but gohan's taking all the attacks his rage is overpowering everything but even with this rage it's not enough his energy is too little and he drops back down into super saiyan 2 but continues fighting nonetheless although booze anger is also starting to take effect and eventually it burst out of him literally bursting out creating evil boo okay that's going to be an issue there's two booze now apparently no one knows exactly what happened but they know it's not good although the two boots start fighting each other they don't get involved but they watch on as this happens with bobbidy watching uninterested too even he's not sure what happened the group knows that if they intervene they might die as well they just need to wait for goku and vegeta's fight to end although it becomes too late evil boo was able to absorb the good boo then turning into super boot from far away goku senses this he tries to leave his fight with vegeta but vegeta wants to finish the battle goku keeps telling vegeta to snap out of it there's more important things at stake right now they desperately need to go help gohan on the others but vegeta prevents goku from leaving he's going to finish this here and now back to gohan as group they're all too weak to fight the next best option is to retreat they don't know where to but they're going to leave they'll run over to shin who's nearby but boo's not going to let them escape he launches two more candy beans aimed at goten trucks but piccolo and krillin jump in front of them protecting the two kids as they go off with gohan this only serves to anger gohan more but he knows he can't do anything they're able to make it to shin who then teleports away going to the sacred world of kai buu wonders where they went but he doesn't care he picks up the two candies a chocolate shaped like piccolo and another treat shaped like krillin he pops the two of them in his mouth and surprisingly he transforms once more gaining piccolo and krillin's power not to mention their intelligence bobbity watch is on a maze buu is so much stronger than before and he actually seems so incompetent now especially with piccolo krillin absorbed he's actually coherent which is pretty surprising but this does raise an issue he still wants to control boo and he's not sure if he's going to listen to orders now bobbie tries to control him giving him orders to try and find goku and vegeta to kill them next and while buu does want to do that he doesn't want to follow bobby's orders either so he just simply turns to the wizard and says no bobby's getting angry at this he starts threatening boo telling him to listen to him he was the one to revive him after all he should be grateful neither his words nor magic are strong enough to control boo and this only serves to anger boo even more and remember boo is actually smart now incompetent there's no way he's going to be controlled by bobbie of all people he controls himself as baba he keeps yelling at him buu turns towards the wizard holding a single handout using telekinesis to draw bobbidy towards him he grabs bobby to buy his neck and turns him into candy as well then eating him this doesn't give him a huge boost in power but it was a nice treat and he does get some little magical abilities here and there although nothing too intense nothing that i didn't really have before but bowie's surprised at his own transformation all this happened so fast he's much stronger and smarter than before and he's pleased with himself instead of being that babbling idiot that he was the evilness inside him took control now there's no more annoying wizard controlling him and with this power no sane will be a threat to him even better he could just absorb those other two saiyans he just has to go over to where they're fighting and get them adding to his own strength on the sacred world of kai's shin is wondering what kind of technique they could use to help them and everyone's current strength defeating boom might be tough especially because he has people inside him if they kill boo they also kill cargo piccolo and krillin they really need to figure out something quick he has one idea though gone can try and use the z sword it's gonna take a bit of time but as long as they can stall boo somehow it might work and as for goten and trunks well he's not really too sure what to do with them they're surprisingly strong on their own but in comparison to everyone else they're not really going to be able to do much especially against someone like boo but they want to help and shin tries to think of what they could do if only there was a way to make use of their two powers thankfully they received some unexpected help king kai ends up intervening asking shin to bring him there he has something that might actually help with them he surprises your can kai intervene he wonders what king kai knows that could be so special and it's not necessarily a technique of his but it's something he knows from otherworld something that goten and trunks might be able to learn fusion a metamoran technique that allows two people to fuse into one warrior it'll be perfect for them too it requires two people that are around the same size and the same strength there's no better subjects for that than goten and trunks and if they fuse with their great power they may be able to actually be boom it's a long shot but worth a try and while all this is going on gohan actually surprisingly pulled out the z sword it's easier for him to do this time since he's a lot stronger meaning he can begin training with it right away he wants to go back to earth as soon as possible so once goten and trunks are infusion and once he learns to get a control over the z sword they're going to go back and try and defeat boo that way back on earth buu is about to go get goku and vegeta but before he does he wants to make sure he's more than strong enough to do this so he starts going around earth trying to eat more people instead of just killing them he's actually absorbing them this time turning them into candies and trying to get their power that way remember he is smarter now after all there's no point in killing people when he could just take their power instead he might as well make a use of it even if all their combined power isn't that much as for goku and vegeta their fight finally concludes vegeta eventually transforms going into super saiyan 2. it gives goku the perfect opportunity to finish the fight with a single blow he knocks vegeta out and now goku can finally go check on boo but it's not going to be that easy he knows that everyone retreated already in terms of his own power he's kind of worn out from his fight with vegeta no matter how great his control over super saiyan 4 is he's not going to be able to hold it for much longer even regular super saiyan 2 or super saiyan would be too much he exhausted all of his energy he's going to need a senzu or something before trying to face boo he's going gonna go to the lookout that way he can get a senzu bean and maybe draw boobs time a little longer since the most important thing is to bite for time right now he brings vegeta along with him and they go to corn's tower but as he flies over he suddenly sees beams from all directions lasers fall out from everywhere in the sky of course goku is able to dodge them but he looks around wondering where they're hidden he flies into a nearby city and sees the destruction it seems each of those beams was directed at an individual person boom must have just killed the entire civilization of earth all of goku's friends the rest of his family anyone who couldn't have avoided that attack is now dead he can still send some energies though other fighters were actually able to avoid it at least the fighters that were on earth yamcha roshi tenshin on choutsu they seem to be okay actually as for gohan goten and trunks he assumes they're with shin even though he can't sense them he makes haste and flies over to korin's tower and luckily there are some senzus left he's able to get one for himself and save some for later he's not entirely sure if he should give one to vegeta right now because if vegeta wakes up and he turns out he's still evil well that's obviously gonna be an issue shin can deal with vegeta first and try and reverse whatever spell is on him unless vegeta himself will overcome it but as soon as he eats it his power soars and that lets boo sense him he suppresses his power as quick as possible but it's already too late boo is heading over and within seconds he's right there goku sees that boo looks way different than before not just in size and shape but also his clothes he has piccolo's cape on him and within boo he can sense the energy of some other fighters as well as a bunch of humans he sees what happened now boo's like cell he absorbed people's power to get this way but goku tells buu no matter how strong he is he's not gonna win here goku won't allow it by now about an hour or so has passed and back on the sacred world of kai gohan feels confident enough for the z sword and as for goten and trunks they've already failed fusion twice but they try once more and they get it perfectly shin knows that now is the time to head back to earth and go and help goku even if everyone isn't at their full potential this is enough they need to go and at least help shin grabs onto them teleporting them over to earth goku and buu are surprised to see them there and goku's glad buu is getting too strong for him to face this should be enough wait who the hell is gotenks actually gohan tells him that it's some sort of fusion thing but they'll explain it to him later that's not important all goku learns is that his goten trunks combined huh fusion that sounds interesting the three of them fight boot together using all the power that they can grasp and boo knows that he's out match right now he needs to absorb one of them that's his only way out of this if he doesn't he's gonna die right here the three of them will kill him nearby there's shin and vegeta vegeta is unconscious and he's been weakened of course he will grant a lot of power but still and as for shin he's pretty weak he won't really do much in the grand scheme of things blue feels that it's better to absorb one of these fighters gohan knows to watch out for booze candy beans but he doesn't know another way that buu can actually absorb people just by extending himself during the battle a piece of food was blown off and that gives him the perfect opportunity he tries to hold them off as long as possible stinging that dismembered piece around them hoping that they won't notice and he has the perfect target for them the most inexperienced fighter the one who's still pretty strong gotex goten suddenly feels something weird on his arm he looks down to see pink slime on his hand it begins extending wrapping around his entire arm and eventually his upper body they don't know what's happening but then gohan realizes he's absorbing tanks they need to stop him somehow but it's already too late who has once again absorbed another person and he's stronger than ever with gotenk's absurd goku and gohan may still have a chance though if they work together they may be able to do something although it's risky it's going to be a hard battle but the possibility of success is still there but shin doesn't want to take that chance he talks telepathically with goku and gohan telling them if they need to leave now he has a better idea but this is their only shock and while the two want to fight they end up listening to him this fight is getting far too dangerous for them to continue even if they may have the gap in power again they're not sure how long their power will last or if boo has any other surprise techniques goku launches a solar flare blinding him as they head over to shin this angers boo and while he's blinded he randomly launches a galactic donut a massive one that encompasses the entire area he launches more and more around them honing in on their energy and trying to grab them gowan tells goku to go he'll hold the buoy he protects goku from the attacks goku goes to goku tells going to join them quickly but he tells goku to go with he and vegeta are their last hope if he doesn't hold blood boo will just follow them and kill him there he needs to do this and he promises goku that he'll be fine besides he's confident enough with the z sword he might actually be able to win this and if not he has goku vegeta for reassurance he knows shin will help restore vegeta somehow and they can figure out something from there shin teleports away with the two other saiyans as gohan lifts up his sword preparing to face buu once as goku and shin retreat gohan faces boot tanks alone gohan doesn't feel that he can defeat boo but that's not the point he wants to hold him off he wants to let shin do whatever he has in mind apparently whatever he's thinking of might be really good he's not too sure what it is but he hopes for the best and now gives him the perfect opportunity to test the z sword while in super saiyan 4 gohan attacks with the sword having much better control over it than he did before boo laughs at this but when he's hit by the sword it actually does deal some damage of course he's able to regenerate from it but still he didn't expect a sword to be that powerful the z sword actually gives gohan more strength the more he swings it the stronger he's getting not to mention the sword itself is very durable and strong so even without him using his key to enhance the power of it the sword is still strong on its own it actually seems to be a very useful weapon against boo and this is definitely gonna be incredibly helpful in holding him off gohan keeps fighting and buu tries to work around this somehow whenever he attacks gohan gohan simply slices him with the sword his arm his leg whatever he attacks with at this point it's essentially a stalemate gohan can't hurt boo but boo can't hurt gohan alright who's got to stop playing around he absorbs go tanks for a reason he's going to become a lot stronger and now he's going to use that strength at his fullest not to mention he is a bit concerned goku and vegeta disappeared as well as the supreme kai he assumes they must have retreated but he wonders why they left gohan and then it hits him gohan's a distraction he's not the main opponent they must have retreated because they had some other idea in mind that might help boo can't possibly fathom what they might be scheming but he knows it's probably not good if they were confident enough leaving gohan behind that doesn't bode well for boo but he has his own idea although gohan is wary of absorption right now boo thinks that he might actually have a chance at absorbing it he doesn't need to kill gohan he actually does want to absorb gohan despite how hard that might be but he might have an idea he attacks gohan more and more rapidly causing a bunch of different pieces of buu to be sliced up he's purposely letting himself get attacked like this trying to make it seem like he's fighting sloppy when really this is part of his plan gohan then tells buu it's pointless no matter what attacks he throws at gohan they won't work quickly he then swipes his arm flinging a piece of himself at gohan trying to absorb him but gohan quickly slices it in half he tells boo that cheap trick won't work but then tells gohan to look around him more and more pieces fly towards gohan he tries to slice them all but eventually some end up sticking to it this happens more and more rapidly and eventually he's absorbed by boo completely creating buha let's go to the sacred role of kai's for a bit over there shin and goku arrive with an unconscious vegeta in their hands goku is then shocked to see a surprise guest there king kai he says he might actually have the perfect way for them to defeat buu although it's going to take some teamwork so they will need vegeta to help they're all still wary about trusting vegeta at the moment but doesn't matter this is their only shot so vegeta is healed woken up from his unconsciousness and it seems the modern curse he received is gone he's snapped out of it vegeta is a bit confused about what just happened he doesn't know where he is and how he got here he was unconscious for a bit after all so they catch him up to speed telling him everything that's happened so far alright so that still doesn't explain why is king kai here and what does he have in mind for them he told them there's one way for them to defeat buu and vegeta can't say no to it even though most likely vegeta probably will say that he tells vegeta that the two of them need a fuse he and goku wait infused like gotenks did how are they supposed to do that they don't know the fusion dance well king guy tells him that he was the one to show goten and trunks to dance after all so who better to learn from than him but how are they supposed to learn it in such a short time they're way more crunched for time than goten and trunks were plus what he mentions the fact that fusions can fail if they do it wrong that only serves to make them more nervous but he tells them they have no other choice either they do this or they try and fight boo and just die as is at the current rate they're going at gohan is going to be defeated by buu either killed or absorbed by it both of which are bad outcomes but the latter is even worse if boo gets stronger then they're really screwed they at least need to try the fusion even if it does come with that risk plus it's not like they're going to be fused forever obviously they don't over the potara at this point so it's not like vegeta's gonna decline because he doesn't want to be fused forever the two of them realize that they only have one shot to get the fusion right king kai and shin show them the dance and goku and vegeta practice a few times first not trying to actually fuse but trying to just get the positions right vegeta feels kind of foolish doing it but goku kind of likes the dance and after a few tries it seems like they're able to do it from memory without screwing up with the finger formations or anything they just need to hope that when they actually do try fusion for real it's gonna work so the two of them pray to kami as they perform in the fusion dance knowing that everything hinges on this this is really their only shot putting a lot of pressure on them kangai watches on nervously even sweating a bright light appears in front of him as the two fuse this needs to work he's hoping that it does and his anxiety disappears as the light dissipates he sees a perfect fusion right in front of him it definitely worked goku and vegeta have now fused turning into a brand new fighter well gotenks has a cool name so he may as well come up with one too how about gogeta yeah that's fitting with no time left to waste the two of them are taking back to earth as they arrive shin tells them that gohan was just absorbed from what he could sense so it won't be as easy gogeta was so focused on the fusion that he didn't even notice this but he expected it to be the case so not only are the two of them stronger but boo got stronger as well gogeta quickly heads over towards the area where he sends his boo and boo was surprised what is this new energy heading towards him the fighter stops in front of him and boo can't really recognize him it looks kind of like vegeta but also kind of like goku and then he sees the clothes oh that's what happened the two of them fused creating a new fighter so it is just like gotenks he wonders how strong this fusion will be but it doesn't matter anyways now that he has gohan absorb he feels more than confident enough that he can defeat them and a battle between the two begins gogeta fights starting in base trying to gauge boo's current power as well as pacing himself he knows he might script the fusion if he powers up too much so it's also pretty ideal for that reason however there is one difference with gogeta he has a much better control over super saiyan 4 by now both goku and vegeta have learned to use it better and better and with both of their minds working together gogeta knows that once he transforms he'll be able to hold it so they could make it work he fights in base for a bit and realizes that he's not really getting anywhere he has a good gauge for booze power and really he was just doing this to test the waters the real fight begins now gogeta begins powering up energy appears around him generating massive gusts of wind this wind is so powerful that it even knocks boo back destroying the ground and mountains nearby buu has a hand in front of his face trying to block it out while also trying to look on and see what's happening this power it's so intense he never expected something like this he knows the two of them fusion got stronger that way but this this is insane gogina shouts fur appears on his body and his hair begins growing weird for some reason it turns red not like other super saiyan 4s where his hair is black the aura around him dissipates and he stands there calm looking on towards the boob gogeta has now transformed into super saiyan 4. buhan tries to remain confident though even though this power is intense he won't give up his own power should be sufficient his own power plus whoever's in him that's more than enough this is only a minor setback yeah that's what it is it'll just delay their death even longer but he tells gogeta it's a shame this is both his first and his last battle as the two fighters in clash with each other on the sacred role of highs all the kai's watch on thanks to kinkai helping him watch it this is insane buu is definitely terrifying but gogeta well in simplest terms it's pretty good that he's on their side because he's also really scary they knew his super saiyan 4 fusion would be incredible but this is just something else they also wonder why his hair is red that's kind of weird but not really the most important thing right now they watch as the two fighters clash gogeta is casually able to outpace but every attack from vegeta is so potent that buu can't even regenerate fast enough and whenever he attacks gogeta his attacks pretty much accomplished nothing the gap in power is immeasurable buu is getting more and more desperate and even though gogeta can defeat him really easily right now he doesn't want to do that and this isn't him wanting to have a good fight or anything it's more so because he's concerned about the fighters inside of buu if he kills boo then he kills those people in him so before going to that option gogeta wants to see if he can find some way to get them out of there but then he notices something interesting the z sword is discarded on the ground nearby when gohan was absorbed boo never took the sword gohan just dropped it and this might actually have some use for goji faster than buu can even process gogeta rushes to get the sword and then comes back slicing boone hm okay gogeta observes the damage expecting that gohan and gotenks would come out of his body somehow he thought by slicing blue in half he'd see inside him as gross as it sounds but they're nowhere to be found okay maybe he has a slice boost of more gogeta half hazardly swings the z sword slicing faster and faster than boo could even react to all right none of that's working this must have something to do with boo's magic so he's just gonna have to buy some more time overwhelming boo as much as possible as he tries to think of any other options he has he drops the z sword with shin shivering as he watches this so disrespectful with all of boo's pieces scattered about gogeta jumps up in the air then launching a bunch of ki blasts from the sky performing a stardust fall this isn't aiming to kill boo more so just to annoy him delaying his regeneration even more and then gogeta gets the perfect idea so as we've seen gogeta has some really weird ability where he can control negative energy and reverse it we saw this infusion reborn and we saw it in gt i know i know both of those are non-canon but dude come on this is a what if none of this is canon so i could take ideas from whatever i mean look it's super saiyan for gogeta the whole point of what ifs is that i'm not sticking to ken gojita feels like he has the perfect way to save everyone inside a boo while still destroying the machine but regenerates finally in one piece again he looks around his eyes are darting everywhere he's actually kind of scared he can't see gogeta anywhere but then he feels a tap on his shoulder he turns around and no one's there and behind him here's a shout goget is there with a blue ball of energy in front of him as he shouts big bang kamehameha but this isn't any normal big bang kamehameha i mean i know that attack isn't really normal to begin with but gogeta's tweaked this he made this attack only able to target negative energy he's hoping that by putting all his power into this it'll erase all the negative parts of boo while leaving everyone inside of him attacked and as for the attack itself well it's pretty much beyond comprehension the kai's watch on and off and within an instant boo is completely erased and it worked just as gogeta planned on the ground in front of them all the absorbed fighters are there but strangely enough there is another majin buu there that was the good one from before that got absorbed by evil boo oh it seems like he might actually be a good person after all and even if he wasn't well that attack is supposed to destroy any negative energy within someone so maybe they can keep him alive and it's perfect timing too because by now goji does use so much energy that he finally defuses it seems things worked out really well in the end and fusing together was actually kind of fun for both the saiyans they are pretty amazed with gogeta's power and it's good that they have this power because soon enough another character is about to arrive we go into a little bit of a time skip as we then go to battle of gods and like normal beerus would eventually wake up when you think about it not really much is gonna change here beerus wakes up heads to earth trying to find the super saiyan god and even with all the different events in the scenario nothing really changes and it seems he's in the right place of course not everyone here is saying there's a lot of earthlings but he could tell there's random people with tails around here those guys are definitely saiyans they have to be oh and there's vegeta weird seeing him here but whatever beerus is looking for the super saiyan god and they say they have no idea what that is they do have super saiyan and they have some forms beyond that but super saiyan god no they never heard of it it sounds cool though they're willing to fight beerus to show them their power and maybe that way they'll actually find out what it is for all they know super saiyan 4 might actually be that super saiyan god beerus is talking about i mean it is a pretty godly form not in the literal sense for their deities just it's so overpowered that it might be what beerus is looking for goten and trunks want to join two but they still don't have access to super saiyan 4 but trust me they're working towards it and once they get it they're gonna have that same effect that kid goku had where he ages up so don't be concerned about me giving them some weird design where they're still kids with super saiyan 4. but anyways we're not doing that in this part for now it's just goku vegeta and gohan fighting beerus in super saiyan 4. and in all honesty he finds the power from the sands and present of course they're nothing compared to him but still no wonder they were able to defeat threats like majin buu and frieza goku and trump spirits he forgot to mention cell whose cell a android earth is a really weird place i mean we are witnessing three monkeys fight a cat man so a bio android isn't really the weirdest thing here tangent aside nothing that they do works but goku and vegeta have an idea they can bring out gogeta once more quickly they fuse with beerus watching unimpressed ah fusion this might actually make things pretty fun right off the bat gojin is in super saiyan 4 and the boost in power is huge although it's not really enough to face beerus he is impressed still and this gives him a good taste of what saiyans are capable of although this fusion still isn't enough to defeat him he is satisfied though earth had some pretty strong fighters and he got some nice food here so he's not too set on getting super saiyan god right now but the saiyans do show promise they're probably not going to find out right away but if they want to come to beerus's planet they can try working towards super saiyan god of course gohan can't leave earth because he has responsibilities here and goten and trunks are too young and also have their own responsibilities they'll keep up with their training of course but as for goku vegeta they accept this offer to go to fierce's planet whatever the super saiyan god thing is it sounds interesting and immediately the two of them are excited super saiyan god apparently is supposed to be stronger than super saiyan 4 they would have never expected something like that but even more interesting it's the prospect that they could probably combine it with super saiyan 4 somehow i mean think about it super saiyan 4 is just super saiyan combined with great ape so who knows what if they try to combine super saiyan god with creating or super saiyan super saiyan god or even better all three of them at once they got so many ideas in their mind but of course before they do any of that they actually have to find out what a super saiyan god even is the training begins with the end of the last part we saw goku and vegeta go to beerus's planet so they could train with weaks getting new levels of super saiyan god and possibly things beyond them but before we talk about them i actually do want to talk about the people on earth specifically piccolo gohan cargo naturally the three of them are still training together and they each have their own goals of what to work towards for one cargo is now mentoring goten and trunks piccolo feels this will be a better experience for him piccolo spent a lot of time teaching cargo and he wants to see how he would perform as a teacher after all cargo is growing at a pretty impressive rate and goten trunks want to keep training themselves as well and with cargo's previous growth that of course would rub off on piccolo he spent a lot of time teaching cargo so on top of his own training this is gonna give him some more experience he'll learn some new things that he didn't even know before as he further augments his own techniques and powers i haven't talked about the two of them much but as you expect the two of them are a really strong duo and they're a really strong trio once you get gohan involved who spends a lot of time with them they're both piccolo students and in a way governorship and trunks are kind of piccolo students by extension so piccolo inadvertently started his own school of sorts with four students right now weird how this guy was goku's arch enemy not too long ago each of them continue on their own motivated to get stronger just like usual goku and vegeta on the other hand are on beaver's planet as i mentioned they're growing at a pretty impressive rate after getting super saiyan god they begin practicing with that until they can go beyond it somehow like i mentioned in the last part they're just going to apply the principles of super saiyan 4 to it they combine wrathful and super saiyan to create wrathful super saiyan which i just call super saiyan 4 for simplicity so maybe they can combine super saiyan and super saiyan god and eventually they do combine the two powers of those creating super saiyan blue super saiyan blue is a pretty amazing form for them and it's definitely the strongest form at the moment but even with that they know this isn't their limit they want to go even beyond super saiyan blue already trying to combine god with super saiyan 4 think about it they combine super saiyan with super saiyan god and super saiyan with wrathful so could they do all three at once maybe beerus is pretty surprised these two just got super saiyan god and even more recently just got super saiyan blue they're already trying to move beyond it twice in a row but that's better for him anyways he did want a strong rival and he got the super saiyan gods that he wanted to see and you know what if those two are willing to get stronger in any way possible it's only natural that they're going to try to move on from those forms as quickly as they can although it is a little weird for whis he's interested to learn about super saiyan 4. it's so primal compared to what they have with super saiyan god or even regular super saiyan for that matter but he's definitely going to help them along the way and their path to getting stronger as time passes we're next going to go into resurrection f of course this is going to play out like normal in the beginning frieza's forces go to earth getting the dragon balls reviving freezing of course our group of heroes finds out when it's too late but they don't mind if someone's using the dragon balls for bad purposes they'll be sure to stop the threat once it shows up it will be a pretty good test of their power after all but they do want to stop it sooner rather than later not much changes in the next few months frieza continues his training until he gets golden then heading to earth ready to enact his revenge to his surprise the people there aren't goku and vegeta he sees the other people that he saw in namek as well as some random earthlings scattered about but no goku and vegeta but he can obviously tell that there's some saiyans here still besides recognizing gohan he sees the other two ghost hand trunks trunks has a tail so we could obviously see that he's a safe and as for goten i mean look at his hair he's definitely goku's kitten whatever frieza will improvise he'll beat these fighters and torture them until goku and vegeta show up he wants them to watch the show but that might not even be necessary as you'd probably expect frieza's forces get defeated pretty easily they weren't really a threat originally and they're not going to be a threat here he doesn't care about that though frieza himself will step in sorting the sound he wonders who would be stupid enough to challenge him after all his training he's so much stronger than before and he wants them off to see how strong he's got surprisingly the first one to step up is someone he doesn't really recognize it's cargo he knows this is a namekian but he doesn't know who it is but cargo introduces himself he's a namekian that went to earth to train with piccolo and he was there during all frieza's chaos on namic he remembers all the destruction and all the casualties caused by frieza and his army and he's actually kind of glad that he's got a chance to repay frieza for it frieza laughs there's no way any mecha can be strong enough to challenge him he's in his first form right now and while he's laughing cargo delivers a punch and frieza could definitely feel it his laughter stops and his cocky expression is wiped away just as he recollects himself cargo begins punching him more and more frieza taps a foot on the ground and launches himself up in the air quickly transforming into his final form he tells that namekian he shouldn't have played dirty now he's pissed him off cargo wasn't even playing dirty he was just being smart he wanted to stop this right away and even though fruit is powered up now he's confident he can stop this the two of them begin their clash and even in frieza's final form cargo is too strong for him he deals some pretty good damage to frieza and he's about to end the fight but frieza is able to buy time for himself he launches a blast towards the earthling fighters obviously piccolo and gohan are able to defend against it but it's a distraction that causes cargo to look away as frieza then hits him this increases the gap between them and allows frieza some time to power up some more showing off his newest form golden frieza cairo can definitely see that freeze is a lot stronger and it turns out that frieza actually has the upper hand the two of them briefly exchanged blows and cargo does perform decently well but you can tell it's not really going anywhere the two of them stop as gohan then yells out towards frieza frieza laughs at this how cute one of the monkeys is getting a bit rowdy what is it he thinks he can stop this fight gohan confirms this frieza's surprised to see him acting so cocky there's no way that he'd be able to defeat golden frieza but gohan tells frieza one thing he knows frieza's scared of super saiyans and gohan does have access to super saiyan but he lets frieza in on a little secret there's stages beyond super saiyan frieza's taken aback but doesn't really believe it and gohan decides to show him transforming into super saiyan 4. frieza can't contain his laughter he's literally transformed into a monkey but his laughter stops as he's then hit in the back by gohan frieza didn't even see gohan move it's like he teleported behind frieza gohan actually has been working on super saiyan 4 and is trying to go beyond it somehow if he can he doesn't need to rely on god ki like goku or vegeta because he feels like he could do something else with it although he hasn't really tapped into that yet one of the things he has done though is makes super saiyan 4 much more efficient than it was in the buu saga so stamina and time limits won't be a problem for him anymore although he's not aiming to kill frieza right now he's aiming to distract frieza and it works perfectly frieza's so preoccupied with gohan that he doesn't even notice cargo behind him charging up an attack as gohan stairs frieza down gohan then stops levitating mid-air dropping to the ground quickly frieza wonders why as a beam then pierces through his chest piccolo actually gets a kick out of this pyro used his move the mecanko sappa and it's actually hilarious to see freezing humiliated in that way frieza falls down to the ground dropping right in from the piccolo somehow he's still alive this guy's really a cockroach frieza weakly tries to prop himself up and in front of him he sees the two namekians consider this vengeance freud he did to plan a namek together they both launched himasenko erasing the weakened freezer from earth finishing the bat if things got out of hand gohan would have gotten involved and stopped it but he wanted to see how cargo's grown this was a great test of his abilities he seemed to be powerful enough to match up against frieza briefly but even better he saw the opportunity to kill frieza and didn't hesitate he's definitely grown a lot and piccolo is proud as well obviously thankfully goku and vegeta weren't needed and it's kind of good for goku and vegeta because they have a surprise that they want to save preparing to show it off in the next arc the universe x tournament so in terms of the team i don't think it would be too different of course we still have goku vegeta and piccolo in my opinion there's not a need for monaka here they're already motivated enough and they don't need monoka there to motivate them even more goku and vegeta are fine as is trying to pursue their newest forms so he gets to stay safe and doesn't get to be terrified and the next two picks for the team are pretty obvious they go for gohan and they recruit cargo yeah i know gohan originally couldn't go because of scheduling issues but in my opinion that's pretty stupid and this is what if and that's a really minor change so he's gonna be part of the tournament this time that's like the smallest change i've had to make here not too big of an issue and allows gohan to be part of this tournament finally and of course universe 6's team is the same and let's keep the order the same as well goku goes up first against potamo and that's pretty standard his fight with frosty go the same too even though goku is much stronger frost is still playing dirty and using poison piccolo then goes up against frost and while the tournament has gone pretty normal so far things will change here piccolo actually stays in against frost instead of vegeta wanting to get in right away he's confident that he'll eventually get his time to fight and he is kind of interested in seeing how piccolo performs so when they see that frost is poisoning people piccolo stays in and goes up against magetta this is gonna be a weird matchup it's a lot more strategy based for piccolo as he's trying to figure out ways to hurt magetta which isn't possible it seems he seems to be a tricky fighter his attacks are easy to avoid but he's trying to wear piccolo out with heat although they eventually hear the weakness of the metalnet and it would be pretty easy for piccolo to come up with an insult so he wins against magetta although it wasn't really a satisfying fight for him the next one is pretty interesting though piccolo versus cava it's weird seeing a saiyan from another universe but it's important to talk about kabbalah because there's one thing that i do want to bring up so obviously in the scenario we've been talking about saiyans keeping their tails but universe 6 is different and apparently those saiyans don't have tails the good thing isn't this arc nothing's going to change with the universe 6 saiyans since piccolo is the one fighting kaaba but i do want to ask one question when we inevitably get into the tournament of power would you prefer if the saiyans stay tailless in universe 6 or do you want them to have tails as well like i said it doesn't really matter here since piccolo's not going to be teaching kaaba any super saiyan techniques or whatever but it definitely will affect universe 6 later on once we continue the story more so let me know below if you want me to keep them the same or if you want them to have tails just like the ones in universe 7. the scenario is more focused on universe 7 stands after all but since we are talking about saiyans in general it's worth asking you guys about it and if you're watching this in the future well obviously you see the answer soon enough with the next few parts anyways this fight is a pretty friendly one piccolo is surprised at kappa's strength and he's even more surprised to hear that he doesn't know about super saiyan or anything obviously pickle is not the one that's going to be able to teach him that but kaaba did see it used before with goku and he is wondering if he's capable of doing it piccolo ends up winning the fight here and next he's up against hit and you guys know pickle is my favorite character but gotta be honest here he's not gonna do anything against hit sorry to say he loses here and next up is gohan showing off super saiyan 4 cobb is amazed to see this there's more beyond just super saiyan and this is fun for gohan because it's been a while since he got to use his full power it's actually caught off guard by this gohan doesn't waste time screwing around here he knows hit has some weird time abilities so he tries working around that the best he can he does actually get a few hits in no pun intended hit could definitely feel the power behind them gohan is starting to see through his tricks but as hit fight he continues improving he starts getting more serious and he completely overwhelms gohan not to mention with his time abilities improving gohan can't even land an attack anymore he tries his best to stay in the arena but eventually loses to hit the next one to go up is vegeta and immediately notices he's way more confident than anyone else he questions vegeta even after seeing his abilities and his power why is vegeta still so confident is it just some false hope or does he actually have some good tricks up asleep vegeta just tells hit to watch closely vegeta is pacing himself using all of his super saiyan forms eventually jumping up to super saiyan blue cabba's mind keeps getting blown over and over again super saiyan super saiyan god super saiyan 4 super saiyan blue how many of these things are there it's not really too fazed by this even in super saiyan blue there's a gap in power between vegeta and hip but this is mainly just to gauge his power as well as trying to see through his technique vegeta is a very strategic fighter as we know and by now not only has he gauged his power but he feels like he knows the way a workaround hits time skip he's just gonna need more strength and more speed and he has the perfect idea for that he has one more form beyond blue wow gohan and piccolo really miss a lot they didn't even know about blue until now but apparently there's something beyond that goku is a bit bummed though he knows once vegeta uses this power the fight will be over and goku won't get a chance to fight hit but whatever he'll let vegeta have his fun vegeta then begins powering up in front of him the tiles in the arena begin levitating and at first the key doesn't bother hit but as vegeta continues powering up more and more he's getting a little bit more concerned vegeta's hair grows longer fur appears on his body and the transformation completes he goes into super saiyan 4. hit's confused this is the same thing that gohan used but vegeta smirks then letting out a shout a brilliant purple flight fills the arena as vegeta's power-up completes as the light dissipates everyone looks in the arena and sees vegeta is the only one standing there in that split split second he knocked hit out of the ring and hits just standing there amazed he tried to react but he wasn't fast enough to but in that split second he saw something vegeta very briefly transformed into a new state but because of how quick it was he couldn't even get a glimpse of it this is also a problem that goku and vegeta had they do have this power within them but at the moment it's in such an imperfect state that they can't use it for long they're trying to turn it into an actual form and they know how to transform into it but the power of it is just so insane that it drains ki way too fast and it's hard to maintain control of even they don't really know what this form looks like but in that brief moment hit saw a glimpse of it it was like super saiyan 4 but there was a purplish tint to it somehow but vegeta was moving so fast that it was basically a blur it can't even recount what it looked like vegeta tells hit all about this form and what they're trying to do with it it's definitely not completed yet and they got a long way to go but he tells hit that he'd like to fight again sometime testing out his power even further universe 7 has won the tournament but that leaves a question what is this power that vegeta just used as you could probably guess it's a mix of wrathful super saiyan and super saiyan god so in this scenario for the new form i've decided to go with something different there's no point in me doing super saiyan god 4 or super saiyan blue 4 because that wouldn't really make sense if that were a thing by default it should be super saiyan blue 4 since there's already super saiyan in super saiyan 4. i know this is kind of confusing but i'm just trying to explain myself here really this would be its own separate thing you'd have the three forms combined together already actually you know what i'll throw a little chart on screen showing what i mean super saiyan plus super saiyan god equals blue super saiyan plus wrathful equals super saiyan 4 at least in this series but if you combine all of them together it's gonna make this brand new form vegeta and goku still don't know much about it but they refer to it by one name they just refer to it as wrathful god wrathful super saiyan infused with the power of a super saiyan god but what is this mysterious new power and will goku view to actually access it so just like i mentioned they're still trying to work on actually fixing this form right now it's not actually really like a form i mean it is a transformation but with how little they can control it it essentially acts as a technique they transform for a split second to attack and that does give them a huge boost in power but again it's only for a split second and they can't actually use the form for as long as they want and they still don't even really know what it looks like beerus and whis actually did catch a glimpse of it while they were training it was almost like a purplish version of super saiyan 4 in a way although they do get really excited about the power of the form from what little they've used it they could see that it drastically increases all of their properties their speed their strength their durability everything whenever they use it they basically turn into flashes of light because they're moving so fast when they attack it leaves behind purple flames from their aura as they transform back into a regular super saiyan 4. although there is one downside to this form it's not a flaw or anything or anything that they actually even knew about it's the fact that someone else could use this power for evil because now zamasu is plotting on striking or at least this timeline zamasu the other zamasu's yeah they've already been hard at work and this is exactly what they had in mind i could honestly do goku black or vegeta black but for simplicity let's do goku black it's not like vegeta black's incredibly unique anyways and in this scenario it would kind of just be a reskin so we're going with goku black and when he stole goku's body he was hoping he'd be able to harness this power for himself maybe he could make it more divine in a way when he saw that super saiyan 4 form it just looked too ugly and primal it was disgusting but he can't say it wasn't powerful or at least whatever technique vegeta used or a form if that's what that was well that thing was really powerful goku black wants that for himself oh and yeah a little side note we get to see goku black with the tail in the scenario too it is goku's body after all he thinks it's kind of gross to have one it makes him really feel like a monkey but all that matters is the zero mortals planned not the tails and even though future gohan is there with future trunks having an extra person won't be enough against this goku black they do try and defend their timeline but eventually comes to a point where they have to go back to the past samurai jack hopefully they're going to find some help back there in order to stop goku black so they could return back to the future marty mcfly that was kind of corny anyways they go back to the past and they give everyone the whole story wait so there's goku in the future killing people that doesn't sound right how was how is that even possible well they get their answer when he comes to the report out of anger future gohan goes to fight him even though he knows he might not win he's just pissed with this guy following him around although the fact that he's angry might actually help him goku follows him into battle too and goku black is amused at first but the smirk is wiped off his face as the tube again attacking it gohan means business and since goku's not gonna sit there for exposition he gets right down to work as well the two play a game of saying volleyball with him attacking him back and forth and eventually goku black has no other choice but to try and escape but each of them considers this as a win goku was able to gauge his power which didn't seem like too much of a threat and goku black was able to gauge their power as well as getting more power for himself he returns to the future meeting up with zamasu zamasu heals him and goku black thinks he's finally found the secret to transforming not only has he gotten the power that he needs but he's gotten motivation out and more anger first he shows us off to zamasu and his hair turns pink for some reason well the form does look nice but this isn't what he was expecting he thought he'd get that weird monkey form that they have this form is strong though so it will be useful but he wants to get that form or he assumes he's gonna get his own version this form that he has right now which he names rose it seems to be one of an actual god not someone mocking god but a god using actual godly powers and look at him he's already improved their super saiyan form making it look much more divine and proper so he sure could take that weird gross monkey form and do the same but he's trying to think how do they actually access that power they're gonna have to do some research zamasu is able to figure out that saiyans are actually able to transform into great apes whenever in the presence of a full moon they lose all control and fully transform well maybe they have to try this so zamasu and goku black venture out and you know what a perfect place to do this would be a city it would give them a nice place to destroy and in the middle of the night a moon comes out but it's not a full moon well looks like zamasu is gonna have to screw with the moon cycle a bit what would be the easiest way to do this should he move the earth and the moon or should he just find a way for goku black to get more light from the moon yep that last option seems easier as akai he might be able to create something to force the swarm to come out maybe he could replicate whatever's radiating off the moon to actually force this to happen he could create blood waves he doesn't know exactly what's coming off the moon to make him transform but from his research it was something called bloodswave so maybe he's gotta just recreate that and it shouldn't be hard for a literal god that can create anything so he does so bombarding goku black with all of them and just as they expected he begins transforming goku black laughs as his voice gets deeper and deeper and he grows larger and larger he turns into a great a and he surprisingly does have some control it must be due to the fact that he's in kakarot spot someone who already did have control over this but the form itself isn't that powerful so zamasu begins thinking as they keep training well he knows they control this power and use it in a humanoid form but maybe he uses some other power on top of that what if they combine it with super saiyan or something or at least goku black's version of that is super saiyan rose as goku black tries destroying a city in this form he says that that might actually work so while he's a great ape he tries transforming going super saiyan rose by this point a few days have passed and this is just around the time everyone else is heading back to the future just as they arrive they know something bad is happening when they see a giant pink monkey in the distance that's definitely not a good sign and it's a little weird too why why is he pink well they have seen weirder stuff but yeah this is still kind of weird they know exactly what he's trying to accomplish though they don't know why he's pink but he's definitely trying to access wrathful super saiyan just like they have so quickly they fly over to the area hoping they can get there in time to cut his tail off but as they get closer and closer he begins shrinking oh no that means he's done it hasn't he and it's too late once they get there they don't see a giant monkey anymore they see a kai zamasu oh that was that person they were investigating in the past just like they thought but where did goku black go they're hoping he didn't actually do what they think he did they then sent a very ominous presence behind them as a massive kiai knocks them all back as they get back up they look and see someone is floating above them casting a shadow in front of the moon he descends downwards into plain sight it is goku black but in a much different form it's his own version of super saiyan 4. he combines super saiyan rose with the power of grade 8. creating whatever this is although he does have a complaint the form still does look a little bit too primitive but no matter he's only using this power to expunge the earth of mortals and in his own way he did make this form look much more divine and proper goku and vegeta instantly turned super saiyan 4 trying to use that other form that they were using before at first they're able to land a few attacks on goku black this catches him off guard but then he realized what they were doing it's the thing vegeta used during the universe x tournament and now we can finally see what's happening they're using a form that they don't have control of they can only use it so briefly that it only appears in little flashes he thinks it's kind of funny and pathetic is that really all they can manage and you know what they realize what goku black is saying is actually right they want to do more with this they want to learn to control it and they've been training so hard for it too maybe this will serve as the motivation for that maybe during this fight they can master it somehow or at least get a grasp on it in order to use it as long as they want they need to focus this is a life or death situation after all amidst their fight with goku black they begin trying to focus that power and once again they erupt in purple flames goku black takes note of this too they use it once again but this time they actually used it for a bit longer instead of it being a split second they were actually in it for a noticeable amount of time just a few seconds wait a second they might be learning the trick to actually maintain the form they try it again trying to maintain all of their energy making sure this time that it doesn't all erupt out from them and once again goku black catches a glimpse of the form but they lose it once more alright third time's a charm maybe this will work they attack goku black once more using the form right when they punch them and as their punch connects the purple flames from around them disappear and this time everyone gets a good look at it they're actually in the form and they're just a surprise mockingly goku black commands them although this won't be enough to defeat him surely they won't be able to use this form reliably in battle goku black's just naturally advantaged for being a god and look at these two trying to mock him once more it's pitiful zamasu watches on as much as he can as well although gohan and trunks are taking care of him so he can't really focus too much and this fight actually seems pretty even they're both able to take on goku black together although something weird's happening goku black notices his power it's being drained somehow the more he fights the more of that energy he loses goku and vegeta noticed this too it seems the gap in between them is getting closer and closer and goku black is fighting more slowly suddenly an aura encapsulates him and as the aura disappears he's back in his base form wait what happened to his form goku vegeta completely forgot if you remember back to a few parts ago when they first got super saiyan 4 or wrathful super saiyan everyone was having a really tough time maintaining it at least for a prolonged period of time the form was quite draining for them and for an unexperienced fighter it's not something they could pull off for long and that's something goku black never realized this is his first time using the form and he did use it for a surprisingly long amount of time but still even someone like him couldn't maintain it enough and another thing is he doesn't know how to actually access the form without the moon and goku and vegeta take note of this together they both tackle goku black instantly propelling him to the other side of the planet gohan and trunks follow as zamasu teleports over there goku black doesn't realize why they did this but then he looks up at the sky it's daytime or well it looks like daytime they can't see from all the smoke but there's no moon there he's not gonna be able to turn to this form again unless he has the moon he's still relying on that because he doesn't know how to do it otherwise he powers up trying to access it once more but this time all he does is go into normal rose it just looks like regular super saiyan with pink hair and yeah it seems strong but not as strong as what they're in right now although the same goes for goku vegeta they have a tough time maintaining their new form and it dissipates alongside goku blast so the fight's actually more even now goku black's using rose while goku and vegeta power up into super saiyan god a battle between the three godly forms commences and the good thing is goku and vegeta haven't lost too much energy but goku black is really drained they just need to keep him away from zamasu zamasu doesn't heal him goku black continues his fight confidently but suddenly his body turns around some force is pulling him away and then he realizes what's happening and begins cursing he keeps trying to fight goku and vegeta but his body is pulled away more and more zamasu activated the fusion thinking that there was no other choice goku black says it's too soon to do that but it's already too late the earring is on zamasu's other ear and they're already fusing zamasu tells goku black this is the only way he couldn't maintain that primate form because of his failure they're gonna need to fuse the resulting fusion is a pretty angry one since the two were bickering in the middle of their fusion zamasu was mad at goku black and goku black was mad at zamasu and now few zamasu is going to take out the anger on everyone all right this might be a little bit of an issue goku vegeta power up into wrathful god again with trunks and gohan trying to help as well although murder zamasu seems to be too much for them to handle but wait if these two fused maybe they should do that too bring gogeta back gogeta was really strong and if he uses this new form it might really help out in battle but as goku and vegeta are fighting zamasu they noticed two other energies come nearby it's shin and gowasu they've traveled to this timeline as well trying to offer help somehow as well as figuring what's going on and why it's taking so long gowasu doesn't understand why shin brought him here but then he sees zamasu no wonder why beerus and whis investigated them before what's zamasu doing in this timeline and actually a better question what is obviously doing in his timeline now that he's gone he only went with shin because shin needed his time rings but now it seems like he's here for a different purpose he needs to help stop his student or at least whatever this version of student is he looks different but then gowasu realizes he's fused with someone zamasu is glad to see his master here he could witness the destruction of all mortals gohan flies over to the two kai's trying to explain what's happening but then he realizes the two of them they have the same earrings that zamasu had wait goku and vegeta were mentioning something about fusion but the fusion dance although now is their shot to use that kind of fusion that zamasu used gohan asked if those earrings would make people fuse and gowasu confirms what is he planning having those other two saiyans fusing exactly well without any other better ideas he gives gohan the two earrings he flies up during the middle of the fight surprising goku and vegeta this actually distracts zamasu enough for him to give the two earrings to them and he tells them what to do vegeta put it on his right ear goku put on his left ear don't waste any time this will work just like fusion and they won't need to do the dance floor they thank gohan and thank gohasu and shin as well talk about good timing the two place the earrings on and it creates a brand new fusion one that isn't gogeta but is similar in this new body the fusion is pretty surprised at how strong he is even in base but he needs a name how about vegito yeah that's a good name this only serves to anger zamasu more and more great they're mocking him once more using another godly power angered zamasu launches a blast at gohasu but vegito vanishes and appears right in front of the blast even if zamasu is immortal vegeta has an idea on how to finish this it seems his body isn't completely immortal and he might be able to destroy it somehow and for that he needs power a lot of power he begins powering up fur grows on his body and his hair grows longer as his eyes change color too just like gogeta vegeta is now using super saiyan 4 although he's not done here he gauges his power against zamasu and just in super saiyan 4 alone he's actually outpacing zamasu but that's not going to be enough he needs to completely try and destroy him somehow zamasu was surprised to see how strong they got this quickly but vegito tells him he has one more trick up his sleeve he's coated in purple flames as his fur and hair take on a purplish tint in this body he might be able to maintain this form better although it still will be fleeting after a burst of energy vegito is revealed to be in wrathful god zamasu tries to attack him but nothing's working vegito is so quick and even when he does get a hidden vegito just disregards it he doesn't even care now it's his turn he completely overwhelmed zamasu with his attacks more and more parts of zamasu's body keep getting destroyed and they keep regenerating although vegito notices something one part of zamasu's body isn't regenerating correctly it's turning purple that's how he knows it's working and he thinks he has a way to finish this he's gonna take notes from what he did as gogeta if you remember from a few parts ago gogeta negated boo's evil energy infusing attacks with his own positive energy he's gonna try that again here and it might work against zamasu as well as buffing his own attacks he puts his hands in front of him then drawing them back electricity swirls around him as he forms a final kamehameha but especially instead of it being yellow and blue it's actually rainbowish in color the energy within this will destroy zamasu he's sure of it he launches the massive blast and zamasu is hopeless to defend against it not only is the blast powerful enough to damage him but his body completely begins to deteriorate turning into dust due to the massive positive energy within and while vegito is firing this attack he suddenly defuses oh he didn't realize the fusion would only last a few minutes gowasu theorizes they were using too much power which was actually the case here but it doesn't matter because that power was way more than what they needed zamasu is completely gone and that attack was special enough to erase him if only zamasu remained fully immortal he might have lived through this well it looks like everyone can head back home trunks and gohan are thankful for everyone's help but there is one thing that stays on their minds wow they're kind of far behind from everyone they've still been trying to access that super saiyan 4 form since the cell games at least when they saw it with goku and vegeta and you know what maybe after all this they could finally reach that goal they're going to keep working towards that and they'll rebuild this future as well everyone says their goodbyes and this is where we'll leave off for now he gohan and trunks are training together working towards super saiyan 4 for the saiyans after what they saw last time they really want to get stronger they've known about this form for a while but never were able to access him but with their little training that they got from goku and vegeta last time now they're more confident than ever and have more knowledge than ever but makes cargo think it wouldn't be nice if he had a form like that too or just any transformation at all he wonders if his past self has found out anything like that which is something you should keep in mind while they enjoy their relative peace in the future it seems the past is something new to deal with it's been about a year since then in terms of power everyone has grown stronger but they have a new challenge to face the tournament of power and this actually might be very good for them well at least for goku vegeta goku is very excited to test his new power and while vegeta does have the responsibility of having a new kid wheeze helps him out with that so now he could join the tournament and show off his newfound strength the two of them have a much better grasp on wrathful god than they did before during the universe x tournament they couldn't even use it for a split second and against goku black they barely were able to use it but now they actually have a more full control on it of course it still is very draining compared to their other forms but still the fact that they could use it for much longer is way better than before obviously it's not like they're going to be 100 efficient with it right now that remains to be seen but it's not like they're the only ones getting stronger gohan's been towards the new power as well so have piccolo and cargo but those powers will remain to be seen in terms of a team for the tournament of power well it's pretty simple obviously goku vegeta gohan cargo and piccolo are there and even though it might be a little bit risky to include them on the team got in trunks might help due to their power piccolo and cargo will keep them on their check after all so as long as they don't screw anything up it should be okay and that leaves three more members which is perfect because that means krill intentional and roshi will join the team and just like that we have 10 peep meaning we're now ready to head to the tournament itself and before the tournament begins i want to give a little side note a lot of you actually preferred if the universe 6 saiyans stay tailless essentially like they were normally and even though the scenario is about sands keeping their tails it kind of does make sense because the universe 6 saiyans evolved to not have them while the universe 7 saiyans in this scenario are just growing them back so yeah it's a pretty simple explanation and it makes things easier for me to be honest not like it would matter much anyways because as you could probably tell universe 7 is way ahead of everyone else regardless tails are not it's not like universe 6 would pull a hit and right off the bat it's pretty apparent how far ahead universe 7 is even with the weaker fighters like krill intentional and roshi they're not even having that much trouble mainly because their allies are so strong for example krillin does eventually get knocked off first but in the nick of time he's saved by cargo who stretches out one of his arms grabbing him off stage wow piccolo should be doing this too it's almost like this is something he should have done in the original story you know using his namekian abilities to his advantage during the tournament but at least he remembers here this means krillin and shinon are saved from their eliminations something similar happens with roshi originally he forfeited because he lost too much stem but something changes here goku rushes over to help roshi after he collapses but cargo does too he says he has something he wants to test out first his future self has the ability to heal people due to him having fused the dende and while he's not fused with denday here he wonders if he can access that without actually fusing and he's had this thought for a while of course he can't do it as well as dende since that's an innate skill with him versus cargo trying to learn it on his own however the fact that he has it is pretty helpful not to mention in exchange for getting this technique then they wanted to learn a bit how to fight so it's a win-win for both of them now he couldn't fully heal roshi but he did save roshi from death and roshi still does forfeit from the tournament but this surprises goku and the others cargo being able to heal people will be very helpful and he was a bit unsure if zena would be okay with this but there's no items involved so it's all good they have a healer on their team and they didn't even realize and even if it's not a full heal so what the fact that they have someone like that is very helpful especially considering what the next fight's about to be goku vs jiren goku begins cycling through his forms and nothing seems to work even when he gets up to wrathful god that seems to do the most but even then it doesn't really faze jiren that much so he breaks out a spirit bomb asking the team for energy and they gladly lend it to him except for vegeta and jiren has a harder time pushing it back now it's a spirit bomb from a stronger team being pushed by a stronger person since goku is using wrathful god to push it back but even so it's not like this is going to be enough to overpower jiren sure it briefly does push him back a bit but jiren eventually shows off more and more power being able to easily push the spirit bomb back and pretty much like normal goku falls in unlocking ultra instinct only but something's different this time well not entirely the fact that he has a tail is actually really helpful with ultra instinct think about it it's an extra limb to help him parry encounter with besides the fact that having the tail does make him stronger in general using ui omen does get him a bit further than he originally did however he eventually does drop out of it somewhat injured and completely out of stamina too but thankfully cargo is there to help heal him and this isn't like when frieza lended energy to goku he's actually getting healed here now cargo can't restore his full power although it does heal goku's injuries and it does give him a little bit of rejuvenation he will still need to rest a bit but this is huge his energies replenished a bit and he got stronger due to being healed the longer the tournament goes on the more helpful this will become goku ends up facing the saiyan to universe 6 and it's a lot easier for him since he's actually healed and although he would love to train them and see more of their power he is eventually led to knock them out of the ring universe 7 continues gaining more and more ground and eventually some of the remaining universe 11 fighters face off against universe 7 specifically dyspo and toppo teaming up against gohan piccolo and karga they realize that cargo should be a pretty big priority i mean he can't heal after all and they gotta get rid of him before anyone else but universe 7 isn't gonna make it that easy for them piccolo and cargo are working towards something new but they're not able to show it off yet it's still just in its beginning stages but as for gohan he actually does have something up his sleeve that he's been hiding he thought of it a while ago if wrathful is just super saiyan combined with great ape can't he just combine super saiyan 2 with that as well in principle it seems pretty simple but in practice it's going to give him a huge boost in power he goes into wrathful super saiyan and begins powering up not much changes about the form itself his hair gets a bit spikier his eyes change color and he gets electricity around him but overall it still looks pretty much similar to how regular super saiyan 4 looks this is what he calls wrathful super saiyan 2 or we could just call it ascended super saiyan 4. again they don't actually know what's called super saiyan 4 but we do this gives gohan a huge advantage during the battle toppo and dyspo immediately notice his speed increase especially dyspo besides gohan getting stronger in terms of offense and defense the speed is what really helps him first he aims to take out dyspo who seems to be the most annoying threat and it's pretty simple dyspo didn't expect someone to outspeed him that easily and gohan uses dyspo's confusion as an opportunity being able to knock him out of the ring that leaves just toppo versus the three of them and with these three together he's not that big of a deal either if he transformed it would have been a different story but they don't even give him the opportunity the raw technique and power of cargo and piccolo combine is insane add that with the huge power of gohan and his techniques here and you've got a pretty deadly combo goten and trunks are about to join the fight but it's too late already toppo's already knocked out of the ring it's a good thing goten and trunks are still in though they've been facing some of the weaker fighters and they are having a lot of fun but now they might be getting out of their league unless they fuse it has been a bit of time since they fuse and they realize that maybe if they go into go tanks they could probably try and pull off super saiyan 4 somehow gohan tells them they're not quite there yet but if they keep working towards it he could help them but they'll have to worry about that after the tournament right now their main threat seems to be jiren and goku and vegeta go up to face him once more thanks to having been healed by cargo goku needs to see a nice increase in power and vegeta well he's vegeta he's obviously gonna be strong regardless and the two of them together is a nice combo and it seems they are making some progress when fighting jiren but even so they need more power goku's increase in strength wasn't enough he needs to get ultra instinct again that's what will really help him here as they are right now it'll be tough goku begins fighting more intensely hoping he can push himself to alter instinct somehow once more he needs that catalyst again he needs to be pushed to his limit it would be great if this was something he could activate at will but it's not yet whatever power that was was even greater than wrathful god as jiren shows off more and more power goku feels the power coursing within it and eventually it clicks he calms his heart in mind and he's able to dodge jiren once more then activating ui omen again the remaining fighters in other universes are defeated by the other fighters in universe 7 and they recognize that goku and vegeta need their help although goku's new power is back and cargo takes note of this he noticed how draining it was before and he wants to try and help again even if he only can heal a little bit he rushes over and tries to heal goku again of course jiren's not gonna let that happen a second time he tries to take out cargo but piccolo jumps in the way defending his student and nearly getting knocked out in the process but he does catch himself by extending an arm something he should have done originally vegeta also helps distract jiren and cargo is able to restore goku a little bit his healing is slow and again he can't do it fully so in that brief moment he wasn't able to fully restore goku but it's just enough to give him a power boost and more stamina goku gets a second wind joining vegeta again jiren throws a punch at goku but he dodges grabbing jiren's arm with his tail flipping jiren over his head vegeta dashes behind goku to hit jiren with an attack and the two work together for the first time in a while the two namekians and the other saiyans from universe 7 join in as well and jiren knows who his most important target is it's cargo he can't let a healer stay on the team so he puts all his focus on him first car was not necessarily too strong he's powerful but he's nothing in comparison to jiren so it's a pretty easy defeat and with that universe 7 lost one of their most valuable fighters they are pressuring jiren more and more but also ui is also running out with a lack of stamina from goku but a flash of light then appears in the ring as jiren's then attacked by a bunch of ghosts that look like gotek's wait the kids fused piccolo told him he didn't want them to fuse but they did it for a different reason by fusing in the go tanks they gained a ton of energy and he's surprised to see they give all of their energy to goku it was a pretty smart and mature choice from them gohan joins in too powering up to his max and lending all of his energy to goku piccolo then joins him too this not only helps restore goku but the energy that his allies lend him it gives him even more power then one last supply of he flies towards him it's from krillin he's still barely in the ring but this last bit of key is what pushes goku over the edge causing him to reawaken into something else everyone put their hope and trust into him even vegeta is helping him out by distracting jiren at the moment this power not only restores him but motivates him his eyes flash and his aura flares up and goku disappears suddenly jiren's hit by a powerful kick to the face and everyone looks on an awe goku has white hair ultra instinct has improved once more jiren shows off his full power but even with that it's not enough goku is so much stronger in the scenario especially with ui and he has a lot more energy than he originally did plus he has people helping alongside him specifically vegeta the other fighters are there too although most of their energy did go to goku it's a stronger goku with more energy an ultra instinct with an extra limb too even at his full power jiren can't hope to defeat him as the two clash the entire arena is destroyed more and more but of course only one person can come out on top and that person is goku with one massive kamehameha jiren is blasted through the ring and into the void with most of the ring being destroyed by this attack too goku lands back on the ground still maintaining ui and universe 7 has claimed victory as for an mvp it would have been great to give it to cargo but since he was eliminated he won't be getting it but he did provide a huge help and without him they wouldn't have won so of course the next best pick is goku and even though goku didn't know what to wish for originally i feel like he would have enough sense to wish all the universes back either so he could fight everyone again or because it just seems like the right wish to make he powers down back into base surprised at what just happened he never knew that power was within him and that's what we wanted them to access all along of course vegeta is impressed but he hides it he's unsure if that's something he'll be able to obtain but even if he can't he has something else in mind piccolo congratulates all of his students gohan goten trunks and karga they all performed amazingly and even though he wasn't the only one that taught the saiyans his teachings definitely did help and as for cargo piccolo could tell he taught him well it's kind of a shame though they are still working towards something else but it seems a little bit too early to show it off now even if they were able to access it it still wouldn't have been too helpful in this tournament they've been trying to use godly power for themselves and they're almost at the point where they could do it but they're not quite there yet and as for goten and trunks they still want to get super saiyan 4 for themselves specifically for gotenks because that seems the most likely but this is good it sets goals for everyone in the group goku needs to work towards ui more and more vegeta needs to work towards whatever he wants piccolo and cargo have their own forms to obtain gohan's gonna continue down the path of improving wrathful super saiyan trying to perfect whatever power he has now and as for goten and trunks they want what everyone else has but of course they're gonna have to take it one step at a time all the universes are restored zeno is happy and universe 7 is safe and victorious beerus breathes a sigh of relief following the tournament goku and vegeta go back to training with beerus and whis obviously it is a huge goal there is to improve wrathful god to make it as efficient and as powerful as possible it seems that they have no limits with this form and they could probably do some really great things with it if they keep training with it but as for goku he also wants to work towards something else he uses ultra instinct in the tournament and he wants to get access to that again this is the one thing that he's seen that is actually above wrathful god in terms of power who knows maybe he can access it again maybe he can combine the two the possibilities seem crazy and he's hyped up for it while vegeta is just there trying to catch up to goku once more but he may have found his own ways of doing so of course these two aren't the only ones training back on earth piccolo gokan and cargo are also training themselves after unlocking wrathful super saiyan 2 gohan continues working on this to try and improve it as well similar to what goku and vegeta are doing with their forms and as for piccolo and cargo it seems they almost have a grasp on their power but they're not quite there yet thankfully they're the perfect training partners for each other plus gohan's there too even if they're not doing crazy training with beers and whis they're still training and doing very well one day on earth they get a pretty interesting visitor amidst their training they send some powers coming towards them thankfully it's not anything malicious and it turns out to be the galactic patrol they're actually looking for majin buu and they get some pretty bad news majin buu is apparently dead he was obliterated a while ago by gogeta and they're wondering why they would need majin buu in the first place so mayras begins explaining to them first he tells them all about majin buu's powers as well as who is actually a part of him but more importantly they learn of the fact that moro is out there somewhere and that's the reason they needed majin buu there's a powerful magician going around destroying planets or at least that seems to be his plan piccolo cargo and gohan decided to offer help yeah they might not be majin buu and have the magical abilities that they need but they're still strong enough they might be able to find a way to work around moro's magic maybe tell them it might be dangerous but they don't care this is the better option after all what are they just gonna let him go around doing what he does they should at least try and do this so the three of them go with the galactic patrol and they're surprised to learn that he's actually heading to namic right now cargo's a bit concerned to hear about this he's definitely going for the dragon balls he doesn't want to watch his people get destroyed again nor does piccolo this only motivates them more to defeat moro they'll try whatever's possible and they're not going to stop until they actually defeat him after some time their ship arrives there but they're actually a bit too late moro's already there and he's got a head start the destruction has already begun piccolo and cargo immediately head out not wasting any time before he follows them lohan asks mayors if there's anything they should know about in terms of his magic they don't know too much about it besides the fact that he can steal people's energy they need to figure out a way to work around that that's his deadliest technique it sounds like it'll be tough but gohan's not going to give up he follows piccolo and cargo as they chase down moro the two namekians greet him and moro laughs what there's more namekians trying to fight him that didn't work so far but something's different about these two as they start fighting moro together it turns out that they're actually pretty strong way stronger than any other namekian that he's faced so far but more surprisingly another fighter comes in and it's not a namekian it's a saiyan or at least what appears to be one he can't tell what gohan is when he's in his wrathful super saiyan form with gohan even powering up further into wrathful super saiyan 2 the three of them fight together trying their hardest to defeat moro and at first it seems like they're actually going to accomplish this with the three of them combined their power is enough to overwhelm him but the tide of the battle begins turning once morrow starts using more of his techniques he's gonna start stealing their energy it's the only way out of this it seems he actually commends them for their power they're quite strong and their energy made for a nice snack thankfully he didn't get too much energy from them but it's still a significant amount and this leaves the three of them drained not able to fight anymore cargo can't even try healing them besides the fact that his healing is pretty weak he has no energy himself right now luckily some other namekians come by and help them as this is happening morrow goes and gets the dragon balls finally collecting all seven and asking for his wish by the time these three fighters are back in action it's already too late they see parunga in the sky cargo is infuriated flying off to trying to fight him piccolo won't go ahead and try and chase him down they can't fight him right now he's too strong even if they did they would just be giving him more energy it's not like they'll get there in time anyways they're not going to be quick enough to intervene and stop the wishes cargo's disappointed thinking that the two of them are giving up but they have a better plan they're going to cut their losses here on namic obviously they have the ability to restore all the destruction they just need to make a wish back on earth for now they should retreat going back to earth and getting stronger as well as warning goku and vegeta to get them involved if they go into fight now they might die and they'll just be giving moro more energy maybe they can even retreat with some namekians so they end up going with this plan the patrol helps save all the namekians left here maerus does try to fight moro one last time but it doesn't work he's far too strong right now after getting his wishes and of course all the prisoners have escaped too he agrees with piccolo and gohan's lady to go back and retreat cargo hopes this is going to work but everyone seems confident piccolo and cargo decide they're going to stay with the lack of patrol to train mayor seems like he has some stuff that he could teach them and maybe they could finally unlock this power they're trying to get and as for gohan he's going to go back to earth he has a great idea of who he can train goten and trunks they did try and want to unlock super saiyan 4 once they're actually fused and maybe he could help gotenks accomplish this even if the two of them can't do it on their own and obviously a warning is sent to goku and vegeta they remain on beerus's planet continuing in their training while goku continues trying to perfect ultra instinct vegeta tries a different path okay if more was absorbing energy maybe he should try using the hakai if you can get a grasp on how to use that that might actually be the key to defeating moro either way the two of them have good goals in mind gohan ends up back on earth and begins training goten and trunks they're excited they've wanted to learn super saiyan 4 forever even if it's only when they're fused but as their training is going on some of moro's crew ends up on earth and they don't really last too long with gohan and gotenks there it's pretty much a wash but this does give them some good news it seems like they're gonna have at least two months to train before mauro gets there he's gonna give them some time they are great snacks after all and if he lets them train and get stronger he'll be able to eat more once he's there and this works perfectly in their favor it gives goku and vegeta more time to do whatever they're doing and as for gohan and his group they're all going to get a lot stronger in that time frame plus they can even gather up the earthlings and have them train too all this while of course piccolo and cargo are with the galactic patrol maerus is trying to teach them stuff he can sense they have trace amounts of godly energy in them and they're surprised how is he able to sense that that's not something that any mortal can sense this guy's pretty odd and crazy enough it seems like he can actually use ultra instinct that think goku was using before in the tournament and piccolo is pretty quickly able to deduce what's happening here this man is able to sense godly energy and he could use ultra instinct is he an angel in the skies maybe and maerus doesn't even lie he confirms this he knew these two seem pretty smart and they'd probably see through his disguise and that's exactly why he's training them of course he can't get involved personally in fight but there's nothing against him training them this is basically what goku and vegeta are doing with whis his older brother so he may as well try it too of course these two probably aren't going to be able to get ultra instinct but he can tap into their power and help them unlock that godly power that they're trying to get and they show off what they've been working towards they power up trying to summon all the godly key within them and not much physically changes about their appearance they have a slight red glow to them and their eyes change color too but it's kind of tough for them to maintain this and plus they know they could probably go beyond this too they just call this former nimekian god or even more simply their red-eyed form maerus tells them they're heading down a great path so he continues working with them as they try and unlock this back on earth gohan's making some great progress by spearheading this assault against moro's crew goten and trunks have grown a lot stronger individually and it seems that when they fuse they actually can access super saiyan 4 now and it's kind of weird whenever they transform into it well they age up completely like gotenk stays as a normal child at first or as normal as two fused half saiyans can be and then completely grows up when he transforms gohan did experience something similar it was weird but kind of cool in a way but whatever he doesn't question it of course the humans join him too and surprisingly even dende does they do remember that dende did teach cargo how to heal people and in exchange cargo was trying to teach his brother how to fight better of course dendi's not that powerful as a warrior but he's slowly getting the hang of it and maybe gohan can whip him into shape so he's actually a better fighter it would be nice to have the guardian of earth fighting after all although they'd have to be really careful to protect him since he is weaker than them and if he dies everyone might be doomed but they're glad and surprised to see that he wants to fight two months pass and everyone feels ready for goku and vegeta it's going to take them a bit longer since they're not going to be able to head to earth until they sense people's energy they're not going to know when it's going down but thankfully as soon as they sense it whis is gonna be able to take them there pretty quickly gohan gets his crew ready there's some galactic patrolmen there goten and trunks the humans and dende moro's crews begin arriving and thankfully at first they don't seem like too big of a threat a lot of them are defeated pretty easily and arrested but as the fight continues more and more strong ones begin appearing goten and trunks end up fusing showing off super saiyan 4 gotex and gotenks begins demolishing all the crews there alongside his half-brother gohan but then they encounter someone really interesting 7-3 during the battle he's able to grab onto gotenk's neck goten jumps away pretty quickly thinking that he was about to get killed but something weird happens he and gohan watch on and they see 7-3 begin making ghosts wait that's goten's technique how is he doing that his power increased it dramatically and they realized what happened he just stole gotenk's power gotenks goes to clash with seven three and the two are perfectly even actually seven three has an advantage when you think about it he's got infinite energy so gohan needs to join in and help gotex with the two of them together they're able to actually overwhelm 7-3 now 7-3 tries to steal gohan's power too but he's smart enough to avoid this but it seems like it's not over for 7-3 yet he has one more trick up his sleeve that watches the gem and his head changes and someone else appears on there moro he stops using gotenks's powers and begins using moroes crap this is bad they try and fend him off but 7-3 is growing stronger and stronger and they're getting concerned but two more powers show up a ship lands nearby and quickly two warriors approach surrounded in a bluish-purplish aura they see that as piccolo and cargo dende is amazed he didn't know namekia's getting new forms he wants to get that piccolo and cargo are just as surprised to see gotenks with super saiyan 4. it seems everyone's made great progress with their training the four of them fight together and since there's so many against 7-3 they're able to completely overwhelm him now even with his energy absorption they're trying to work as quickly as possible to counter this of course they remember how their fight with morrowind so they're wasting no time here and they're trying to avoid key attacks as much as possible not only have piccolo and cargo ground stronger but their techniques have become greater too they're fighting with such grace and speed and it's incredible to see it in action together all four of them defeat 7-3 completely erasing them to make sure nothing else bad happens alright things are going okay they've defeated most of morrow's crews and there's only a few people left and with how many strong people they have now it should be fine and now it's time for the main course morrow begins descending on the planet he's quite surprised to see that they defeated 7-3 but he says they won't get so lucky with him he's eaten a bunch of planets in the time that's passed and gotten a lot stronger along the way and even if they're stronger who cares it's just more energy for him to absorb he's just gonna get stronger and stronger the more he fights them but for some reason the four of them seem pretty confident he begins to fight wondering if they have to trick up their sleeves and doesn't seem like it they are pretty strong and they give moro a fun time as he fights them and eventually he begins slowly draining their energy it's a bit tough at first since they're able to counter it by attacking him mid-absorption but slowly they begin getting weaker and moro begins draining more and more at a faster pace but they still haven't given up yet he wonders what's with his willpower and suddenly morrow freezes mid-battle he senses the presence that makes him shiver he turns behind him looking to see nothing then he feels three rapid punches to his back knocking forward as he stumbles he lifts his head up and sees vegeta standing in front of him his hand is glowing with purple energy and he's in his wrathful god form moro quickly jumps back as fast as possible as vegeta destroys the ground in front of him but as moro stumbles back he bumps into someone he turns around and sees goku there who are these two people and while goku and vegeta wouldn't love to fight this guy to his full potential they can't screw around here surprisingly goku is an ultra instinct omen he's been able to accident will sure he doesn't have the white haired form but this is great enough and even more surprisingly vegeta just used the technique that beerus uses he used the hakai it seems and that's why moro was so terrified he sends not only goku's presence but also vegeta's destructive tendencies he swings an armagoku trying to attack lunging it through his chest but as soon as it hits goku just vanishes appearing above moro's head spinning around and kicking it they've already worked out a great plan goku will go in close working as bait and vegeta is going to try and find an opening to erase him and the great thing is with vegeta's energy it's not like more is going to be able to absorb it moro seems terrified of it not only because the potential that he might be erased but also he can't eat this kind of energy he's not going to try to eat a kai that's just bad news the two work together moro tries desperately attacking goku but nothing works and the four other fighters helped too with dende even healing them mid-battle unfortunately gotenk's defuses but goten and trunks fight together trying their best and they still got piccolo cargo and gohan there too they're all getting some great hits in and now that they're fully healed they're back at their max power goku is serving as a great bait while these five fighters completely overwhelm him in terms of power injuring him along the way gohan raises a finger up in the air creating a galactic donut and goten and trunks follow suit goten trunks behind his arms while gohan finds his legs moro is able to try and break out of it quickly but this did help as a stun to mid battle with goku weakening him more and more once again moro swings his arm at goku but his arm suddenly disappears crap how could he forget he's so overwhelmed that he completely forgot to look out for vegeta he looks back and there's a hand in front of his face once more vegeta doesn't even say anything he just smirks the entire area is illuminated purple moro screams as he's erased creating a massive explosion leaving nothing with dust behind vegeta and goku power down telling everyone they did a good job everyone's elated to see how much everyone's grown in terms of power it has been two months after all since they've all seen each other maerus looks unhappily too glad to see all these celebrations then they even then gathers dragon balls wishing to restore everything back to normal even if they didn't have majibu and the grand supreme kai to help them everything went perfectly well these mortals in universe 7 are pretty interesting especially those saiyans and with that we can end off the series here so what did you guys think about this part leave any thoughts in the comments below i'll be sure to check them out to see what you guys think as always if you like the video be sure to drop a like and let's try to hit that like at the beginning of the video since it lets me know you want to see more like this if you haven't already why not subscribe as well as hitting the bell icon so you're notified about any future uploads on my channel including more videos like this one anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting this scenario and i'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 2,626,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, vegito, fusion, vegetto, goku, black, vegeta, tail, ssj4, wrathful, ss4, ikari, gt, trunks, gohan, future, zamasu, god, ssg, ki, ssgss, blue, whis, beerus, kai, supreme, merged, gogeta, ssr, rose, gotenks, ascended, jiren, toppo, dyspo, zeno, tournament, kale, caulifla, hakai, moro, compilation
Id: DlaLmS-U6tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 48sec (9588 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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