Why is Galadriel so powerful? [ Lord of the Rings l The Hobbit l Tolkien ]

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[Music] this was originally going to be a video on how powerful Galadriel is but as I researched that I found that the more interesting law question was actually why Galadriel is as powerful as cheers there's a lot more to it and it allows for a deeper law discussion which of course I always enjoy and as today's video is a talking video I am wearing my stinger nicholas so the two questions are obviously intimately connected so it is important for us to establish just how powerful Galadriel is or at least can give a summary of that a story of Glenn drill is detailed with feats of power and magic dating right back to the years of the trees one of the earliest references we have to her abilities is Wien tokine wrote that from her earliest years she had a marvelous gift of insight into the minds of others but judged them with mercy and understanding what insight means in this passage isn't exactly clear but in the Fellowship of the Ring it's implied that she may or may not have read Frodo and Sam's minds and she actually more explicitly states that I perceived the Dark Lord and know his mind all of his mind that concerns the elves and he gropes ever to see me and my thought but still the door is closed so she does seem to have some measure of telepathy or mind-reading abilities but more notably she seems to have the ability to defend her mind against others and this is particularly impressive because sarang's real power is in his ability to dominate the minds of others and tokine references this a number of times like when Saruman was ensnared by that dark spirit mightier than he noting that Galadriel could not just resist Sirhan's influence but actively prevent him from looking back into her is a real testament to her mental acumen to have the ability to resist with Saruman one of the istari could not but her powers weren't just wisdom or Minto she had the ability to shape and enchant the world around her gil-galad gave some melanin seeds to Galadriel and under her power they grew and flourished in the guarded land of lothlórien and in an extension of her powers and the chapter where she takes photo to her mirror she describes the following well this is what your folk would call magic but this if you will is the magic of Galadriel she does imply by saying that it's her magic that the water or the mirror was enchanted by her to have the powers that it does to give visions of various futures and finally we can assume that she has the ability to fight with her powers in the year 29 41 of the Third Age Galadriel joined with the white council to attack dole Golder and drive out the necromancer who they of course discovered to be Sauron while we see this attack happen in the Hobbit movies and she clearly uses magic to thinned Sauron off we actually don't get much detail about what happened in the books so we don't have any real record that she used magic there to fight however there was another battle at the end of the war of the ring in 1319 of the Third Age Galadriel joined with the host of lothlórien to go an assault Doge older they took doll Gilda and Galadriel threw down at the walls and laid bare its pits and the forest was clintons we never got to see that in the movies but boy I kind of wish I did she worked to undo the enchantments that sound had cast across the land and the fortress collapsed with it she single-handedly brought down the walls if that's not power then I don't know what is and finally there are a few lines that Tolkien gave that allow us some real perspective on just how powerful he viewed her as a character he regarded her as having equal even if unlike endowments to fair nor and he said that she is one of the greatest of the Eldar and villain or and most impressively he noted that Galadriel was the greatest of the null door except fan or maybe though she was wiser than he though variously phrased by talking and his son Kristopher this comparison to fair nor is enough to show how powerful she is as a character I mean it took several Balrogs to take fan or down fiery demons of death to kill him and he managed to wound a god seven times that's the sort of level of power we're talking here but why is she so powerful one reason is her age one thing to understand about middle-earth is that across all of tokine's novels it's the story of a dying world magic is leaving it and so was all of the wonder of the Valar that we can read about in The Silmarillion Galadriel was born in the year thirteen 62 in the years of the two trees tell Parian and laurel and magic is an eight twelves they're born with it and Galadriel was born at the time when magic was at its highest when the world was most closely connected to the Vella having lived under the two trees these creations of life and light and magic it endowed her with spiritual gifts unlike any of those who really came after her who didn't grow up in the light of the trees and thus interestingly as I've been reading about in the song middle-earth by David Harvey a book that I do do recommend you should check out it talks a lot about kind of the themes and symbols and myths as it says in Tolkien's work and that's in his broader work including things like The Silmarillion how his real world influences kind of fit and his work but this point in particular is kind of reminiscent of his Catholic faith talking hated allegory but his religion was still very influential in his work to him the time where man was walking with God very physically and very presently that time was gone and with that a certain type of enlightenment but one of the more crucial reasons for Galadriel being so powerful is that this was a time when the Vela a group that talking kind of designed to be the gods for middle-earth were heavily involved in what was going on in the world most importantly they taught they mentored they directly guided the Eldar the elves Galadriel was one of the nulled or one of the original three groups of elves and talking wrote about them that the Noldor were beloved by ali and he and his people came off and among them great became their knowledge and their skill yet even greater was their thirst for more knowledge and in many things they soon surpassed their teachers Iola was the valour of crafting of working the earth of smithing and it's from them that they probably learned how to imbue objects and weapons with magic and by studying and learning under the Vela they learned the secrets of creation itself of shaping the world around them to be as they wish it to be these elves who went to a man to live amongst the Valar for a time we're already more knowledgeable more practiced than those who didn't a group known as the Avari so already we see the Galadriel as part of one of the most powerful and privileged elvish groups but fundamentally the null door were the closest to the the gods and ultimately all magic flows from them well from irulu batard in valour and in mire and then elder but what's special about Galadriel is that she was even closer to the Valar than most others we know that being brilliant in mind and swift in action she had early absorbed all of what she was capable of the teaching which the vallarta fit to give the elder this line suggests that Gladwell knows everything that the Valar taught the elves like a lot of them would have specialized in certain things you know fan or was particularly gifted with craftsmanship but she learned everything which is probably why she is known as wiser than Faneuil but who knowledge would have included things like craftsmanship and smithing which is why she would be able to create things like the file of India Lord the mirror that we see who use with Frodo by glaedriol personal mentoring under the Vela actually goes even deeper than that we know that she studied under Melia therefore Galadriel remained in the hidden Kingdom and abode with malian and of her learned great law and wisdom concerning middle-earth now Mary Eunice and actually a Vela she's a Maya are closer to the rank of Sauron or Gandalf in the Middle earth angel Iraqi per se and melly insert Vanya and ista the Bella are flowers of growth and healing and funnily enough we actually know one specific thing that she learned from alien in her tutelage and that is how to make a limber sprit that's right how many who doing porn but given the spheres of influence of those valor it's also probably where she learned how to cultivate and preserve trees as we talked about before Lothlorien is actually describes like of this there was a great height to green wall and circling a green hill thronged with melon trees taller than any they had yet seen nor the land like twilight's like living towers in their mini tiered branches and amid their ever moving leaves countless lights were gleaming green gold and silver in my mind this description of a forest which is unlike anywhere else in middle-earth is intimately connected to her tutelage under the Vella she inherited skills wisdom and knowledge that no other elf did that's it there is a cat that has this knowledge because he's a God all hail Mishka I'm sorry did I just wake you up from your sleep I'm pretty sure I did if you're a newbie and this is your first video of mine that you have ever watched I should probably warn you that this channel is primarily about a man who worships his cat and occasionally there's some nerdy stuff thrown in but another source of Gladwell's power is that she is one of the wielders of the three rings of the elves ninya these are now Yanina and vilya and Sheehan ninya the ring of water otherwise known as the ring of adamant though the three rings are often misunderstood and we don't have time to fully get into the law around them today but talking gave a pretty apt description of their powers the chief power of all the rings alike was the prevention or slowing of decay ie the change viewed as a regrettable thing the preservation of what is desired or loved or its semblance this is more or less an Elvish motive remember how we talked about magic and wonder leaving the world well elves want to preserve that time past that time full of wonder and full of magic and Galadriel more than most she dwelled in the time of the Vella she lived with the two trees to Galadriel the world around her was coming to ruin and all that was left were these small elvish kingdoms preserved by the Rings and this is actually why the elvish lands look so spectacular and marvelous compared to everywhere else they're being preserved by the three rings Galadriel is preserving a la Florian with ninya somewhat trapping it in a time from ages past though interestingly there is a passage that implies it isn't just preserving it or slowing the decay but actually enhancing it by the Rings power the realm of Lauren and was strengthened and made beautiful so that's another reason that glaedriol has really set apart she can influence the world around her in a way that very few others can but other than that Nina really doesn't augment her power though there is some evidence to suggest that it protects the lands that that we order is kind of presiding over by repelling enemies and finally there is one more point that I want to touch on this again isn't really kind of a power that she has innately or that she studied it was really just more of an item with power and elf stuff it's described to give Galadriel the ability to make things grow beautifully around her wielding the Alice are all things grew fair about Galadriel until the coming of the shadow to the forest and the Alice I is in else knowing that she actually gives to Aragorn later on but SC before this is list so about her power and more to do with the object itself because she didn't enchant it what seems curiously true across all elven magic in fact across most magic in middle-earth is that it supports things invigorates them makes them more wondrous makes them more wholesome than they otherwise would be that's what elves do with the world around them that's what Galadriel is doing with lost Lorien and when it comes to the bell of dog older when she throws down the walls and lays bare it spits that's what she's doing with sauron's lands Saren had magic that supported the fortress and Galadriel undid those enchantments and without that power to preserve it fell the open lands our lands of magic and without it the land is essentially left to die it falls apart else have a weirdly intimate connection to their land they make themselves kind of part of it and it kind of becomes a part of them magic is their way of connecting with it in the sense but that's all for me if you'd like to support our supreme leader Mishka and yes I do realize that this is not our supreme leader Mishka this is some court jester Jessie but I couldn't really find Mishka he's gone somewhere then it would mean the world if you consider donating just a couple of dollars a month over on our patreon there is a link down to that in the description below question of the day which is your favorite song that you would like others to also listen to let me know down in the comments below let me time I love you to come follow me over on Twitter or Facebook or email us at the email address and links in the description below stainer D sub theories and I will see you in the future
Channel: Hello Future Me
Views: 2,269,718
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Keywords: HFM, hello future me, how to train your dragon, httyd, avatar, legend of korra, legend of aang, the last airbender, atla, toothless, dragon, night fury, tolkien, the fellowship of the ring, the two towers, the return of the king, lothlorien, galadriel, celeborn, lore, explained, theory, silmarrilion, the hobbit, rivendell, three rings, the one ring, dol guldur, battle of five armies, desolation of smaug, there and back again, unexpected journey, sauron, morgoth, aragorn
Id: R3J0v10sPgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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