What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn

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you're relaxing in your room and streaming some good Tunes when suddenly the Network's down you try rebooting your phone but there's still no connection out of nowhere your sister barges into your room in panic she's screaming something about Rings boxing Rings wedding rings rings on the tub she's not making any sense so she dragged you out of the house and showed you the sky you take a look up and see streaks of objects forming miles above the Earth's surface her connection seems to work the two of you check online what's going on and everywhere the same thing is making headlines rings are suddenly appearing in our Sky hashtag earthranks is breaking the record and videos are going super viral your sister can't help but join the crowd and takes a bunch of selfies with the sky you run to the TV in your living room to check out the news scientists are warning about a coming catastrophe and explaining that everyone should remain indoors even though it's a fabulous day in the middle of summer the weather seems to be getting colder and colder suddenly the signals cut off other channels show nothing either then you see your neighbors packing their bags and heading out others follow suit you hesitate a bit but decide to do the same in the end your sister is still outside taking selfies when you urge her to come along with you to seek some answers the two of you hop in your car and drive out into the city the Rings above seem to be gaining more mass with each second you and your sister are getting colder and colder you head to the university to see if anyone knows anything but there's no one there only one parked car in the lot and it's a good thing you recognize that car you and your sister Rush In And find the astronomy Professor doing some quick calculations and trying to figure out why all this is happening he urges you to take seats and begins explaining no one knows what this is all about but it's limiting the sun's exposure on Earth which explains why it's getting colder by the minute why the Rings are getting thicker is a mystery too on Saturn the Rings are made up of ice and rock particles they can be as small as an ant or the size of a bus the Rocks could be left over meteor debris or even remnants of dwarf planets but since Earth is so close to the Sun ice wouldn't be something you'd find floating above us with all these rocks piled up they block the Earth's access to sign to warm us up and give a slight the professor goes on to explain that Earth will enter a new Ice Age and oxygen levels will deplete within a year's time unless those newborn Rings disappear anytime soon this also explains why there's no connection the rocks that form the Rings are hitting and breaking the satellites suddenly you hear a loud ringing noise outside the three of you head outside and see a helicopter blasting an alarm with a red light flashing everyone to your homes now this is not a drill everyone head home you get in your car with your sister but the roads are jammed you have to go on foot which will take two hours there's no way anyone can remain Outdoors you venture out seeing everyone stuck on the road they're all arguing with each other and causing chaos you try not to get caught in the middle of anything and sneak your way to the highway with the Rings getting thicker less sunlight is breaking through this Ice Age info is stuck in your head chilling you even more you take a deep breath and see a thin Mist coming out of your mouth the sky is getting darker and you're still not home yet your sister is tired and needs to rest but you urge her to move on you find an abandoned clothes shop and head inside the store clerks are actually giving away thick jackets for everyone to wear you grab a couple and slip them on only one more hour to get home but the sky is completely dark there's no way you and your sister can go out in such conditions so you decide to Camp up in the clothes shop they set up a mini bonfire in the middle of the shop and create makeshift sleeping bags with the rest of the unused clothes luckily there's enough food to feed everyone including you and your sister it's the middle of the night the fire goes out and you can't see outside the shop you head to the window and open it up a huge pile of snow spills in and wakes everyone up it's the middle of August and a snowstorm formed overnight everyone is freezing and they start the fire Anew there's no radio or any way to find out what's happening the wind picks up and starts shaking the shop things start falling off the shelves but you and everyone else are cozy by the fire the next day you look outside and see the entire area covered in snow you live in a sunny place where it barely rains and the Rings in the outer atmosphere are even bigger than last night out of nowhere a truck filled with people pulls over and the driver tells you there's a shelter for everyone some miles away the truck has chains all over the tires and is equipped for the worst snowy conditions even though it's morning the sky is pretty dark you and everyone else hop in abandoned cars some with their doors still open are scattered all over the truck drives around them or just smashes through the ones in the way it pulls over next to an ambulance and takes all the equipment to help the ones in need you drive past your neighborhood and see your entire house covered in snow the large tree in your backyard has fallen under the weight of the snow and broken the roof allowing snow to flood in the truck speeds through and gets to the shelter which to your surprise is the mall you get out and see many of the townspeople being led to various stores that have now turned into dorms and health units you're left in a sports store with a bunch of other people your sister has also been able to Bunk with you and to your luck you see the professor helping out some people foreign [Music] [Applause] but shortly after that a loud explosion blasts through the mall and shatters glass screens everyone ducks for cover you see people running outside you head out and see a large metallic object lying in front of the mall entrance there are people crowding the entire area so it's not easy to see what all the fuss is about but after getting a closer look you find out it's a satellite falling from orbit it crashed in the front yard and made the boom there were also reports of other satellites crashing on Earth in the most random places that means all communication has been wiped out of the map run back inside the mall to await what happens next you look at your sister in fear not knowing that the new ice age has just begun [Music] one year later you're relaxing in your bunker when your sister barges in freaking out the Rings are still there but it's something else now you run outside and see everyone gathering around and looking at the sky within a year temperatures have dropped to freeze the entirety of the Earth's surface deserts and tropical jungles have turned into icy wastelands more than half of the wildlife went extinct and trees are as rare as a four-leaf clover which means oxygen levels have dropped significantly most of the population or what's remaining of it live with oxygen tanks with scientists still trying to crack the case of the Rings exactly what the professor predicted but up in the sky rocks seem to be falling down and crashing all over it starts off far away but then the Rocks Begin to Fall Down close by you and everyone else run back into the mall which has been covered with a layer of metal to keep the warmth inside it should be pretty safe in there if the rocks are falling down that means the rings are dissipated suddenly you're full of hope that the Ice Age might be over soon do you know what the third brightest object in the night sky is if you said the International Space Station you're absolutely right and the coolest thing you can sign up for a special service and you'll get a text every time the ISS is traveling over your location and if it happens at night you can see it with the unaided eye but be quick because the station is very fast it moves at a speed of 5 miles per second and circles our planet every 90 minutes if you move to such a speed you'd be able to make a round trip to the moon within a day at the same time the ISS isn't the fastest human-built object this title belongs to the Parker solar probe that travels around Venus and the Sun at a speed of 430 000 miles per hour on the bright side astronauts on the ISS see a sunrise and sunset 16 times every 24 hours the International Space Station is a true record breaker it's the largest human-made object in space is 357 feet long from end to end which is about the same length as a soccer field it also weighs about 450 tons eight spacecraft can Dock at the ISS at the same time the working and living space of the station is bigger than a six-bedroom house astronauts have six sleeping quarters a gym two bathrooms and a beautiful 360 degree view bay window and now let's imagine what your life would be like if you were an astronaut on the International Space Station now for one thing you'd be able to do some cool things there like throwing boomerangs once an astronaut threw a boomerang inside the International Space Station and it returned to him so just remember as long as there's some air even weightlessness won't stop you from having a bit of fun on the ISS you would never have to deal with disgusting smells there's a specially trained person who smells everything astronauts take with them to space it's done to protect them from unpleasant odors the thing is that you can't really air the room out there if you don't like how it smells inside that's why NASA is very careful about what kinds of smells are allowed to pass through you'd also have to get rid of your clothes instead of washing them after each use to bring a mere one pound of low to the International Space Station costs more than ten thousand dollars that's why it costs less to throw your clothes away when they get dirty than to waste water on washing them while sleeping you'd have exceptionally good airflow around you otherwise the carbon dioxide you to Exhale would form a bubble around your head and you get oxygen deprived but what would you do on the ISS most likely it would be space related research and that's on the station not only explore the possibility of future space travel but also conduct all kinds of studies and explore the effect of microgravity on the human body oh and speaking of microgravity people often think that in space you experience zero gravity hence the weightlessness astronauts feel on the International Space Station but that's not exactly true gravity is one of the most important forces that exist in the universe thanks to it the moon can orbit the Earth and the sun doesn't float away from our home Milky Way galaxy but astronauts on the ISS experience not full-fledged but microgravity which means very small gravity Earth's gravity on the International Space Station is only around 10 to 12 percent weaker than the gravity on the planet's surface but astronauts are constantly in free fall the spacecraft the people inside and all the objects aboard keep falling forward not down but around our planet following a specific orbit and since they're all falling together the crew and the stuff inside seem to be floating that's why astronauts can move things as heavy as hundreds of pounds with their fingertips and even though microgravity is often called zero gravity they're very different things anyway on your way to the International Space Station you'd be wearing a bright orange spacesuit its color is called International Orange and it has the same shade as the paint that coats Tokyo Tower in Japan or the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco but once you reach the vast expansive space you'd swap orange for Snow White see the thing is the orange suit is equipped with the stuff that can help astronauts survive if something goes wrong during the launch or Landing of the spaceship for example a regular pumpkin suit has flares medications survival gear a radio and a parachute as for the white bulky spacesuits those are Eva which stand for extra vehicular activity suits their purpose is totally different from that of the orange suits astronauts put on Eva suits when going on a spacewalk such an outfit can protect them from the unfriendly conditions of outer space with its extreme temperatures and the near vacuum besides the white suit can prevent small debris from hurting space Travelers oh by the way if you needed to scratch your nose while wearing your Eva suit you would use a patch of velcro inside the helmet the lack of gravity also makes sneezing inside a spacesuit a serious problem if you absolutely had to sneeze while on a spacewalk you'd have to bend your head downward and sneeze into your chest otherwise your visor would have to be equipped with tiny windshield wipers now in space you'd often see random flashes of light and those wouldn't be hallucinations cosmic rays hitting your optic nerve would create such an effect you don't see similar flashes here on Earth because the magnetosphere doesn't let cosmic rays reach you before going to space you'd have some underwater training it's supposed to simulate zero gravity but in fact it has nothing in common with being in outer space so the main purpose of this training is to see how future astronauts can deal with extreme environments oh and later during space adaptation you might feel well let's say weird around 50 to 75 percent of astronauts have highly unpleasant symptoms such as vertigo headaches nausea and overall tiredness Luckily everything usually gets back to normal within 72 hours before you we've chosen to fly to space you'd have to get through incredibly tough competition according to NASA they accept only eight applicants out of six thousand on top of that the selection process takes around 18 months now if you felt homesick on a mission and started crying your tears wouldn't flow down your face instead they'd gather into thick Blobs of liquid around your eyes because the water surface tension would hold your tears together you'd have to remember to attach yourself to something before falling asleep otherwise you can easily float away from the spot where you went to bed and bump into a hard surface that's why astronauts usually rest in sleeping bags in a small crew cabin another issue you'd have to deal with would be taking a shower in microgravity conditions and it's not an easy feat astronauts use a shower and an enclosed cylinder which keeps water from floating away they use a no rinse shampoo spray themselves with water to rinse off the soap and finally use a vacuum hose that pulls inside all the water left on their body you'd have to get used to a dramatic change in your diet you'd have three meals a day nothing outstanding here but instead of sitting down to enjoy your lunch you'd float around your meal would consist of some dehydrated and canned food items and it might take a lot of time to finish it since you'd have to be very careful not to let your food get away in the process now imagine needing a haircut after all you'd spend no less than half a year on the ISS to change your image you'd have to use special Clippers with a vacuum attached to them okay here you are in the middle of the ocean it's endless but you can't see it because there's a thick fog all around you dense clouds hide the huge but dim sun is it day or night you don't know there's only a gray haze around you you're alone even if you try to swim down after several hours you still won't be able to see the bottom of the ocean and that's a typical water planet for you I know sounded kind of dark but it's not that bad these water worlds are more interesting than they may seem so let's take a look at them the ocean planet is a planet that consists as you might have guessed mainly of water ice and maybe some rocks think of the Earth's oceans it's horrifying depths the Mariana Trench and all that and now can you guess how much space all the water on Earth takes up 0.025 percent exactly now just try to imagine a world of 40 to 60 sent water if you dive in there the depth can exceed 60 miles compared to that the Six Mile depth of our Mariana Trench sounds like nothing and yeah the pressure there will be enormous it can reach up to 20 000 Earth atmospheres very crushing now it may sound scary but it still would be great to find out more about these planets fortunately according to scientist calculations there may be a lot of such planets in our galaxy alone well you don't have to go far you can find these water guys even in our solar system not planets of course but moons Jupiter has Ganymede and Callisto and Saturn has Titan and Enceladus the ocean can reach up to 30 percent of the mass of these moons although it isn't clear whether these oceans are covered with a thick crust of ice but we've discovered quite a few full-fledged ocean planets this is because the conditions in which these planets may exist are very specific for example this planet should be somewhere six to eight times larger than the earth if it's smaller it'll have a rocky surface but if it's bigger it'll turn into a gas giant at the same time it must be in the habitable zone of its star a little further and the planet immediately turns into an icy giant or a cold super Earth so yeah these guys are very picky we first started exploring these planets back in the 1970s however since then we found only a couple of them but they're still very interesting the first planet is galise 1214b it was the very first ocean planet that we discovered initially the scientists noticed only a small dim dot this dot turned out to be the red dwarf star glease 1214 an unremarkable completely ordinary star that's five times smaller than our sun and 300 times dimmer scientists wouldn't worry about it at all but back in 2009 they noticed that this star had one single planet and this planet turned out to be quite strange this super Earth was two and a half times bigger than our Earth and six and a half times heavier but at the same time it had a very very small density and about the same gravity as our planet in other words there were almost no rocks and metals on it but it wasn't a gas giant either so there was only one option left it was covered in water and eyes and that's how we discovered the first ocean planet well actually we can only assume that it consists of water that's what the mathematical calculations say in reality this planet is quite confusing it's difficult to explore and so far scientists haven't been able to find anything there no hydrogen no helium no water NADA that's because the outer layer of the atmosphere of this planet is very dense and it perfectly High its composition but even so it's probably a water world galise 1214b is very close to its star it's only 0.014 astronomical units away which is less than the distance between the Moon and us the year there lasts about 36 hours and the temperatures to put it mildly are just wild scientists suggest that the average temperature there can reach 250 to 535 degrees Fahrenheit that's hot remember the creepy description from the beginning well actually spending time on gliese 1214b would be a little different more like swimming in a steam boiler because of such gigantic temperatures the ocean on the surface will be constantly in the state close to Boiling without actually reaching it so imagine that you're descending to the surface of this planet flying through clouds of steam and then you suddenly find yourself in the water what but when did it happen well that's because the boundary between Steam and water on gliese 1214b will be very blurred of course you won't be able to swim to the bottom of this ocean but most likely this bottom is covered with a very thick layer of so-called hot eyes it's like regular eyes but it doesn't really care about the laws of physics so it just doesn't melt even at gigantic temperatures and the thickness of this ice can reach as much as three thousand miles so that's it for the creepy gliesy 1214b and not an Airbnb in sight now although we can't 100 guarantee that it's a water world we still have another candidate for this position a newly discovered planet called toi 1452b this planet located in the dragon constellation is almost 100 light years away from us it was discovered using the test telescope by a group of researchers from the University of Montreal this planet also belongs to the class of super Earths it's seven times larger than our planet but 48 times heavier again all this is at a very low density because of this scientists have suggested that almost the entire planet consists of a giant ocean here we were a little luckier this world won't be just a giant puddle and some thick eyes on this planet there's probably a rocky surface deep under the water just like in a typical ocean don't get too excited though this ocean will certainly be very different from what we're used to toi 1452b also orbits a small red dwarf and not even one but two at once at the same time if the previous plan planet was close to its Sun then this one on the contrary is very very far away it's two and a half times farther from its Stars than Pluto is from the sun and it moves at great speed a year there lasts only 11 days but we still don't know many things about this planet we'll probably get some new information when scientists observe it from the James Webb Telescope well that's it wait did you expect something else all right all right I know the question that bothers you the most can there be life well this is a difficult question we all know that water means life and besides these planets are in the habitable zones of Their Stars so potentially yes there might be life not some full-fledged civilizations of course but bacteria fish and some creepy giant monsters I mean you know why not however this is very unlikely water alone isn't enough to create life even though it's very important there there should also be some micro elements and some minerals and unfortunately for most water planets the composition will only consist of water and very thick eyes there won't be any minerals there but don't give up there's still some probability first of all there are meteorites and comets they can bring the necessary minerals to the planet the more often they crash into it the higher the probability that they'll bring something like this into the ocean and thus create life secondly toi 1452b actually has these minerals yes we don't know how deep the rocky bottom is located there but if it exists then surely something could have originated there let's hope that new research with powerful telescopes will allow us to find out the truth and who knows maybe one day we'll be able to visit such a planet ourselves that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Channel: BRIGHT SIDE Series
Views: 218,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: analytical skills, astrology, astronomer, astronomy, beautiful facts about space, black hole, bright side, bright side space facts, bright side videos, brightside, creative thinking, critical thinking, education, facts about solar system, facts about space, facts of life, improve your memory, interesting videos, intriguing videos, mysteries, recent space discoveries, space, strangest planets in space, what if, Earth Rings, Mystery, earth, Saturn, Ring, Ice Age, oxygen, chaos
Id: IxEwGglPv1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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