What If Anakin Skywalker Reached His Full Potential

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hello welcome back to the space school or today we're going to find out what have happened had Anakin reached his full potential before making this video special thanks to our patreons voice actors and everyone else part of my team what a chance to win the free lightsaber the next giveaway watch the end of video I'll tell you exactly how you can win our Story begins on Tatooine it was the first couple months into the Clone Wars currently Anakin Skywalker was here with his Padawan Ahsoka Tano and they were dropping off Jabba the Hutt's son at his Palace they were walking through the desert as a means to get to the palace and deliver the sun to his father Anakin was very noticeably upset he didn't care for Tatooine he didn't like it because of how he had to grow up a slave on the planet and how just a couple months before he was here to bury his mother after she was savagely killed by the Tuscan Raiders Ahsoka asked why Anakin seems so on edge but he was very unexpressive the winds blowing down the dunes Seas felt different Anakin for whichever reason Anakin stopped he could feel the dark side of the force and it can look down at his right hand and realize that it was Dooku's presence and that's to his felt Dooku was here on Tatooine most likely waiting for him in Ahsoka Anakin concocted the plan to fool Dooku considering Dooku likely came for him Anakin told Ahsoka to trust the force and make her way around to get to Jabba's Palace with the sun and it can watch as Ahsoka walked away and disappeared over the dunes of sand Skywalker closes eyes and the night Winds of the Dune sea passed through his hair particles of sand landed on his armor and fell down his face and it can close his eyes that her voice is echoed throughout the sands for a short moment Anakin felt enlightened like he never felt before he slowly knelt to the ground with the Republic issued backpack on his back with the fake decoy Anakin took the glove off his hand and placed his hand onto the Dune seam he may have hated sand but there was something so compelling from do so as he did the ground began to quake and the force began to swell within him the winds kicked into overdrive and passed president future were presented to him Skywalker closes eyes as he took everything into his heart and then for a short moment Anakin was placed in front of the wills of the force they spoke to him and surrounded him and I can watch them listening to everything they said these were incredible beings they spun around him telling him that he was a gift of the force the one that could bring the balance or destroy it the force was a gift to the Galaxy it allowed everyone the ability to live and without it it would suffocate the Galaxy in obscurity and it can watch and listened as they said that the force would not be manipulated and it could not be confined the force was not light nor dark rather it was balance the wills continued informing Anakin that he would be left to make the choice that no one could make his Destiny was set in stone it would be his to complete and if he couldn't complete it then the force would forever be tarnished Anakin felt the weight of the Galaxy on his back as he asked what he would have to do the wills told him that he would know when the moment presented itself they spun around him speeding up as a great light began to Glow shining around him filling him as the wills deposited the true gift of the chosen one into him Anakin fell back as his heart began to beat with a faster Pace than ever before his eyes began to glow and his entire body became enlightened he wasn't dead but he was now one with the force free from the biases of the light and the dark he was a very vessel of the force the midichlorians that lived within him were powerful much more powerful than one had ever been previously possible and it can open his eyes with a shocking glow and he saw Crimson as a lightsaber coming down in front of him Dooku snarled stepping forward with a swift strike to cut Anakin he was under strict orders not to kill him but he could wound him Anakin looked at Dooku install the visible shock in Dooku's face when he looked at Anakin Skywalker didn't realize his eyes were glowing at the moment as all he saw was Dooku's blade coming for him Skywalker got onto one knee trying to get himself ready as he raised his hand Dooku's blade crossed into Anakin's hand but it did not damage the chosen one Anakin looked over at his hand to see Dooku's blade nestled gently between his fingers and his palm Anakin was used as the force to hold Dooku's blade in position Dooku tried to break free from Skywalker pulling his hand back before falling backwards without his lightsaber and it can look down at Dooku's lightsaber and STEEZ it without flinching a muscle Anakin grabbed a hold of the hilt and clenched his fist feeling the metallic pieces of the lightsaber helped blast apart in his hand pieces and gears fell into the Sandy ground and Skywalker looked at doogu's Crystal holding it up and slowly seeing the Crimson slowly recede from the kyber crystal as a once bled Crystal turned into Pure Ice white Anakin looked at the Crystal and dropped it into the ground Dooku's jaw had the ground as well as he looked at the Crystal he bled nearly 10 years before Dooku stood up his knees were shaking Anakin didn't reach for his lightsaber but he did walk forward he looked at Dooku and asked why he was who he was Dooku feared for his life for the first time ever he backpedaled through the sand kicking it up into his boots Anakin step forward not reaching for his lightsaber still before Dooku could respond his Magna guards came flying up the dunes Dooku called them off of Ahsoka to save himself they gave Ahsoka a clear path to jump of the Hut the Manda guard swung down at Anakin the chosen one didn't bat nigh he just watched Dooku get up and run into the desert tripping over the Sands and tumbling down the sand dunes Anakin stepped forward and as a magnegar struck down it landed an inch before him Skywalker reached out with his hand and tapped the Druid ever so slightly and drained the entirety of electricity from it Anakin felt the shot coursed about his body as he reached his right metallic hand forward and out from it came electric judgment yellow electricity covered the other few Magna guards as a metallic structures melted in the Sands of Tatooine Anakin grinned and then felt a disturbance he made his way to the Palace of Jabba to make sure his Padawan was safe the whole ordeal in tattooing would take some time to sort out thanks to Senator Amidala bailing out Ahsoka and Anakin there would be no hardship with everything resolved the Republic would earn the ability to use a hyperspace Lanes in Hot territory it would allow the Republic a strategic Advantage early on in the war though Anakin had a lot of personal Discovery he had to deal with he didn't know what awoke within him because all he knew was he asked Dooku the question on Instinct anik had no intention of asking Dooku the question himself if anything Anakin would have killed him right there and then it would have been more useful for the war effort Anakin had to at the very least acknowledge that there was something different about him now he felt different he felt enlightened in a way he wasn't a different person by any means but his perception of the war the Galaxy the force and everything within him changed while leaving Tatooine Anna gonna have some time to talk to Obi-Wan Anakin would firstly sit down with his master and explain what happened to him in the desert Obion was genuinely surprised by this because truthfully he'd never heard anything like that before obien talked with his former student for a short while before suggesting that he'd take his discoveries before the Jedi Council and it can pause for a moment he told Obi-Wan that they wouldn't understand expressing he could feel it to the force this feeling he had was allowing him to tap into every action they might choose Anakin told Obi-Wan that it was a bit startling but it's why he came to him first under the presumption that Obi-Wan would have a better understanding of it and it can continue telling Obi-Wan about the duel with Dooku telling him he could do things he never dreamed of doing and when he had a moment to kill Dooku he paused not hesitate but rather in a respectful way instead of trying to kill him seeing that there was potential for Dooku to return from the Dark Side of the force obien rubbed his beard considering they were on a Jedi cruiser Obi-Wan asked Anakin to come with him to the training facilities and show him what he did to Dooku the two of them walk through the training facility where they found Ahsoka training she was simply jumping between platforms she was under extreme amounts of pressure to live up to the standards of her master it's not that Anakin had given her any reason to feel this way but Ahsoka felt the desire to impress her master she turned with shock on her face when Kenobi and Skywalker walked in Anakin paid little attention to her not out of disrespect but of concentration and I can ask Obi-Wan to ignite his lightsaber and swing at him so Obi-Wan reluctantly listened his lightsaber glowed up in the training facility as he swung It Forward gently towards Anakin Skywalker raised his hand and caught it with the force of course Obion looked down with shock visibly on his face and I had expressed that it wasn't long after that that he shot lightning from his hands though it was yellow lightning not something that you'd see from Dooku or any other Sith Ahsoka looked at Anakin and watched an awl as her master closed Obi-Wan's lightsaber without pressing the ignition switch and it can confess that he also broke Duke's blade and with his bare hand he purified the lightsaber Crystal that came out of Dooku's Hilt obun said he told Anakin that he was the chosen one and it was only a matter of time until he would be able to use all the powers that would live up to his full potential no one expected it this soon but Obi-Wan was modest enough to admit that it was something for the council members like Yoda Opa ran sees and polokun to talk to him about the three of them are the oldest sitting members on the council obien told Anakin that this wasn't something he could guide him with he continued saying that while he understood Anakin wasn't always fun of the console's decisions he should trust them for the time being because they might be able to help him Anakin understood and spent the rest of the trip in deep meditation thinking about the implications of these new powers and what they meant Skywalker entered a deep meditation and began hearing all the same voices again similarly to when he was on tat tween but now it was slowed down he was seeing people he was seeing faces hearing voices and everything was beginning to tie together not in a way that Anakin could understand though there was so much that didn't make any sense to him because all it was was basically White Noise with no correlation to the world around him it was past present future all the above when they returned the course on Anakin took Ahsoka to the Jedi Temple and told her that he would be training her momentarily and firstly he wanted to talk to the Jedi Council about what happened to him on Tatooine when Anakin went before the council he explained what happened there was silence they didn't honestly know how to respond purifying a kyber crystal was something they'd never heard of before plokun asked Anakin if he used Force judgment and anger Anakin questioned the Jedi Master not knowing what force judgment was when placoon explained that it was yellow electricity Anakin responded back quickly telling plow that it wasn't out of anger it was on Instinct flokoon turned to Master Yoda and expressed that Anakin had likely broken through the threshold that was restricting him from his full potential that he possessed plokoon got up and left the room Anakin looked for where plow was going before Yoda took his attention asking him about everything else that happened on Tatooine and it can explain the masks and the voices that came to him the they seem to be entities of the force but they didn't explain who they were or their purpose in the force the Jedi looked around each other they were very unsure as how to respond to this Anakin told the Jedi they didn't need to respond with something if they didn't understand from his understanding the force was Limitless and it was contained by those who believed they controlled it expressing that the Sith the Jedi were shells of the barrendered stages of the physique priestesses from Chile the utter run from andreuliana to death immune which is from well dathomir all those smaller groups had a better understanding of the force but not quite enough Anakin expressed that there were greater beings of the force that did actually understand all the possibilities but who they were he didn't know the truth is everyone wanted to manipulate the force in their own way to achieve their own understanding of the force the council members were very visibly on the edge of their seats trying to see if Skywalker was turning into a Sith before their very eyes or if their ancient religion was actually a fool to the force Anakin took a deep breath and knelt to the ground in the middle of the council chambers and told them that he could show them if they came up to him and connected themselves to him a couple of Jedi moved to their feet while the rest sat silently a moment later plokun walked in and tossed the lightsaber towards Skywalker expecting that he would respond to it the lightsaber was ignited and without even moving a limb the lightsaber halted in mid-air next to Anakin flocoon watched closely as he stepped forward slowly but surely the lightsaber unscrewed itself into pieces and fell to the ground silently there wasn't anything abnormal about this every Jedi had constructed and deconstructed his or her own lightsaber hundreds of times Anakin then slowly lifted his hands and the yellow Crystal began to climb into a purified white crystal Anakin then use a force to put it back into the lightsaber hilt and ignetted it the lightsaber lit up the room in a pure Globe the Jedi all looked at it as it tilted toward the ground and sheathed itself before laying down flat on the ground Anakin suggested that the council come and see what he saw when the council members got close they placed their hands on Anakin and gently not after long they were transported to another land it was unidentifiable it was beautiful silent and peaceful the entire scope of balance can be felt above them are floating platforms of land and with the water slipping down into the ground alone the force can be very easily seen light and dark but only those who felt it understood that the balance that sat in between of it the Jedi looked forward in this world they saw Anakin as if he were the instructor as if he were their instructor he sat silently the voice of Qui-Gon surrounded him and there was no conflict Anakin's eyes opened and they were Pure White similar to the color of the lightsaber he had just constructed the council members were Jarred by this some of them stepping back and others staying steadfast they can lifted his hand and the sun began to set across the world and then shortly after the world began to illuminate in muting the entire world was made of the force and surrounded by the force and a kid could access it as if it was a part of his entire body the Jedi were a little too taken aback as they watched Anakin and then the world became dark and their eyes opened when they went into meditation the planet of Coruscant was filled with life when their eyes opened the planet was destroyed and read the pieces there was no gravity on the planet and lifeless bodies drifted around Frozen by the coldness of space in a drift with no air to sustain life buildings were ripped into pieces and overwhelming death in the forest could be felt it sent ripples throughout the council voices not belonging to any familiar voice spoke of the end of everything if the clone wars were to continue the Jedi were whipped back around into the present as they looked out and saw a normal Coruscant Anakin took a deep breath with his eyes closed he could feel everyone in the room's feelings they were all distraught stressed worried and somewhere between Anakin struggled to get to his feet his head was spinning Anakin stood up and twisted back and forth plow and Obi-Wan noticed this as they went over and caught Anakin before he fell when they caught him he was knocked out cold Anakin's mind went blank and he fell two Jedi slowly lowered him to the ground as Windu called over his calm length for some Temple guards to get a hold of Anakin and to get him to the medical facility and can disappeared into his mind and it was physically transported to the medical facility inside of the temple the council members also followed Anakin down to that same facility to be around Anakin on the other hand Anakin's subconscious was taken to another realm he heard voices and then he opened his eyes he looked into the pure white eyes of a massive Beast the Beast looked ancient and he sat there peacefully as if he'd become a part of the planet he was on and it can reach out his hand and he can pinpoint the exact location of the planet through the force as he mumbled through his teeth the name on talion thunderstruck in a bowl of lightning smashed down into Anakin's hand removing the metallic limb Anakin's eyes started up and the peaceful beast turned itself towards Anakin and began to speak to him referring to him as the one the force had his own conception of the chosen one the Jedi had the chosen one but in the force Anakin was the one because unlike the ones a group of extremely powerful beings Anakin was a singular representation of everything balanced light and dark but considering the force possessed him with its full potential he could become more than just light and dark he could embody balance the bendu spoke to Anakin telling him that he had the opportunity to do something the force was calling out to him the ones would be upon him and he would have the ability to choose a fate of The galaxying bendu Wanted Anakin to know that he could be what the Galaxy needed him to be but it was up to Anakin to make that said Choice Anakin asked if he had the strength to do what needed to be done the bendu told Skywalker that it would reflect his own virtues and who he was as a man if Anakin believed he was the one and believed that he could bring balance the force then he would be able to accomplish it the bendu reminded Anakin to remember that the force was Limitless it wasn't controlled by religion by politics and especially not by individuals Anakin was the only one who could truly manipulate the force because he was a creation of the force he just simply would have to prove that he was capable of doing so bendu informed Anakin to trust himself because he had the capability to do what was necessary he just needed to believe his intuition because it would never lead him astray Skywalker nodded his head and thanked the bendu for his advice Anakin would wake up in a stupor it wouldn't be more than 30 minutes after he dropped in the council chambers Anakin was very visibly shocked to see the Jedi Council surrounding him when the council noticed Anakin was awake they asked if he was okay Anakin nodded his head and the council members told Skywalker that while they believed what he showed them would come true from the war they needed to go through the Senate to end it they would work hard as they could but they needed to make sure they can stabilize the Republic for now keeping up the war until the Senate could do something part of Anakin's heart broke he realized that the Jedi were only fueling their own downfall not to say that Anakin knew about Order 66 or anything but he knew that moving forward with the war without stopping it immediately they were risking themselves to Ultimate Destruction Anakin tried to plead with them suggesting that they listened to him his advice was sound and if they listened to him then maybe they could save themselves he plays his head back on the bed he was on and thought for a moment a transmission came in from the Chancellor's office he was requesting that Skywalker visit him the chancellor was going to thank Skywalker for bringing the Hutt hyperspace Lanes to The Republic it would be a very beneficial strategy to the war when Skywalker arrived in the Chancellor's office he felt something he never felt before truthfully Anakin felt a lot of Darkness there was something so repulsive about the chancellor and Anakin couldn't figure it out as Anakin walked in the room his head began to swell getting closer to the chance of his office he noticed the artifacts that the chancellor had collected and Anakin could feel their Darkness he reached out and he could sense everything back to the Sith Homeworld Anakin shook his head it couldn't be true Palpatine couldn't be the Sith Lord when the door is opened Anakin saw Palpatine and it was like he was looking at the Devil Himself the yellow eyes were visible and everything that Palpatine actively hid from the Jedi were present Skywalker lifted his hand and noticed something the metal was gone his bare hand sat in front of his face Anakin blinked again touching it with his left hand and realizing that in his vision he must have influenced the midichlorians to replace his missing limb the power of the force was truly Limitless with Skywalker Anakin and Palpatine moved to his desk Palpatine was not entirely noticing Anakin's difference Anakin looked around the room and lifted his hand once more and outstretched into the force you could feel something it was a moment later that two lightsabers ripped through the wall and ended up in Anakin's hand Palpatine had a very visible shock on his face but Anakin just sat down and asked Palpatine why he joined the dark side Palpatine was taken aback he didn't know how to respond Anakin rolled his eyes and use the force to feel in a Palpatine's past seeing the horrific family he had until Palpatine himself murdered his entire family in Naboo Anakin could see all of Palpatine's training with Plagueis and everything he went through since Anakin stopped himself when he got the Palpatine's decision to manipulate Anakin he snickered himself Anakin let Palpatine do his little Spiel and waited patiently for the Sith Lord to stop Palpatine nervously walked through the entire talk of how proud he was of Anakin when he stopped and he stood up and went over to shake pal with his hand the chancellor thought this be weird but accepted it as a formality and when he reached his hand out to Anakin he felt the group of Skywalker on his hand and it can close his eyes once more and use the force to steal all of Palpatine's Dark Energy redirecting it into a positive light Palpatine was hit with a shock and tumbled backwards Anakin looked at Palpatine and said the name Sidious Palatine looked around and then at Anakin with confusion as if he'd never heard the name before Anakin blinked and when he did the dark energy from Palpatine was gone Anakin turned around and the artifacts too lost her energy and darkness they were just balanced and down in Anakin's left hand were the two lightsabers purified now and I can realize that what he needed to Doom he dropped the lightsabers on the desk and held Palpatine up there was so much negativity in the galaxy and Anakin believed that what the bendu told him about sat right before him Skywalker turned and exited the room his robes fluttered behind him Anakin's Focus was a Immaculate he didn't have time to say anything to anyone but he did know that once he was finished they would know Anakin departed for the planet on Talon if he could save the chancellor then surely it was possible to save the Jedi when he arrived and exited the ship he saw massive spider-like creatures walking towards him but they walked right past him he wasn't a threat and he wasn't afraid of them their instincts understood to leave him alone Anakin found the bendu and step before him and got to his knees the bendu asked Anakin if he was ready to do what was necessary Skywalker smiled softly for a short moment he thought about those who he cared about and his heart was warmed bendu told Skywalker to focus on the force and let it surround him in a way he never let it do before when that was finished as to would it be Skywalker listen taking a deep breath and then slowly closing his pure eyes instead of choosing violin's pain suffering Anakin chose the alternative that would allow others the opportunity to achieve something greater Anakin reach his arms out and his body began to Glow he didn't open his eyes but the gravity of the Galaxy began to spin and shortly after the gravity of the universe itself spun not physically but in the realm of the force everything was altered entirely on mortis the daughter and the sun collapsed their knees before their father and the mother was released from the mall and the evilness of abelath was taken away from her Skywalker continued taking away the pain and misery of those around the Galaxy and it can remove the dark and the light from the force of everyone the baron door Sage is the Sith the Jedi dothamir and witches and thousands of other forced worshipers lost their connection to the light and to the dark side of the force instead they were filled with Harmony balance no powerful light no powerful dark there was just only the force Anakin took greed away from politicians in the mindset of slavery away from others you put the path of True Balance into the hearts of everyone in the universe without a solid need for the exploitation of others the drive to carry out war or the simple need to hurt others peace would fill the hearts and minds of everyone anger would be turned into the ability to use that energy for constructive purposes Skywalker slowly disappeared becoming a vessel the force itself while he may have left behind his student his wife his friends and everyone he considered family he did what he was meant to do as the one the true chosen one not of the Jedi not of the Sith but of the force Anakin's purpose wasn't to kill the Jedi or Wipe Out the Sith instead Anakin took the very essence of light and dark from the Galaxy and gave everyone the opportunity to find harmony with their neighbors and that's exactly what would happen the Jedi would reject their code the Galaxy would reject the war Palpatine and Dooku would reject the ways of the Sith criminals politicians Bankers Pirates and everyone in between would reject greed and the force that lived within every sentient being across the Galaxy would enforce a harmonic transfer of the heart into the balance that was the force that so desperately a called to everyone still with their free will to choose their respective actions would have the peace of mind that they never had before that they never shared before and while Anakin would vanish into the unsung hero of the Galaxy his sacrifice would forever change the Galaxy into a place of understanding and that of peace and that ladies and gentlemen is our story again special thanks Benjamin Wells Jonathan pimdady Bane icy Raptor Paula members do is anything through the three Spencer bird and flint and sees for Spanish this morning Channel it doesn't like this video support me whatever uh Discord and patreon swimming other ways I am stammering today anyways um lightsaber down below there's a DOT click on the doc write your name on the dock the scam artist has disappeared but I don't give them any credit if you see someone in the comments that doesn't have the certified me dope it's not me um anyways let's talk about our story so first things first inspired by The Last Jedi no um but I am being actual Seer actually a little bit serious here um the imagery I use for the force was inspired by the last time the imagery that was used on the nebula planet that they all went to where all the council members went to that was very heavily inspired by The Last Jedi in a way um but but the main purpose I wanted to do in the story is I wanted to make it interesting rather than overpowered I'm gonna be real with you it would be so much more boring if Annie can just wipe the floor with everyone it just wouldn't be entertaining you wouldn't enjoy it I wouldn't enjoy writing this I've had this thumbnail since probably October and I've been trying to figure out how to do this and I finally figured it out because like from a store perspective it's not fun okay for example it's like what if Superman like what if Superman was like in like a war movie like what if he was in Saving Private Ryan that would be that it would just be so overpowered there would be nothing anyone could do it'd just be like there's no conflict and I wanted to give conflict as a story I wanted to to give something for you to be like well what's gonna happen next what's gonna happen here you know and that that handshake between Palpatine is kind of my my my my moment to tell you it's not the story you thought it was gonna be you know Anakin doesn't just rip Palpatine in the shreds because that's not that's not balanced that doesn't bring Harmony right instead he's gonna take the dark away from the Sith and he's going to take the light away from the Jedi and just say use the force the force is Limitless and the whole purpose of this is the force lives within everyone uh if you don't know that that's the force Legends on everyone it's just some people can use the force like Jedi there's a certain requirement for people to have of midichlorine count to be in the Jedi Order so if you don't have that midichlorine count you can't be within the Jedi Order which most people don't have that count or the Jedi Order would be like trillions so because most people don't have that they all have the force within them which means they have light and dark within them so essentially Anakin takes away both light and the dark and gives them all balance and lets them make their own choice um now obviously with the idea that is a positive ending he brings balance to the force because everyone has balance there's no reason for people to go to the darkness no reason for people to choose the light it's all just this thing so you can imagine Palpatine becoming friends with the Jedi and the Jedi being like well you know and Obi-Wan gets to be with satin and all that stuff so you know it's more of it's more of making it interesting and not you know annoying it's not overpowered and and and the main point is that Anakin still lose right and you want him to win you won in the win but you feel like you can still lose even though he's the most powerful thing the Galaxy's ever seen and that was the main thing he gives a self-sacrifice for everyone to enjoy peace and balance because that was his entire purpose to bring balance to the force I know I don't talk I know I talk a lot about you know I don't want to bring balance to the force in this video in this video this video was literally about bringing balance to the force because his Anakin reaching his full potential the entire potential to bring balance to the force his entire purpose of being born to bring that balance to the force so now that he has brought that balance to the force there is no need for a chosen one right he's he's a self-sacrifice for the Galaxy to to have balance um and then the the true life message in this story is is is take all like the the using Darkness for benefit essentially is taking all that negative energy and using it for something positive that's something that I believe is I always try and interweave a positive message into something that you can take home and whether you take that message or not it it's up to you I put it in every story I really work hard to make sure that there's a message that you can take home which is uh probably why you guys enjoy my stories because there's something relatable something for you to to actually learn from a story and sometimes themes overlap because I mean I'm not you know I'm not a movie studio I don't put up movies every year I put up videos every day every other day so I mean some of them might overlap but my main purpose is to always give a message that you can take home and utilize in your own personal life and the message from this one is using Darkness for benefit removing so so for example with palpatines like he has all this negative energy and if he takes it away he can use all that energy for positivity because Palpatine is really powerful right he's really powerful but Anakin takes away that darkness that means Palpatine could be like an amazing Chancellor it could be like this great politician and this amazing Force user and actually do something good for the Galaxy right and that was the purpose of that it's it's a it's a deeper meaning interlined in this or the allegory within this so um otherwise I hope you all enjoy this uh this one I have I I'm I'm gonna be honest with you I've been sitting on this one for months because I've I've been struggling with this one I'm so glad I finally got it done um and I hope you all enjoyed it because I put a lot of work into this um and as I do with all of these so anyways I love you all spread the love and always remember my friends May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 131,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Return of the Jedi, Star Wars What Ifs, Star Wars What If, What If Vader Survived Return of the Jedi, What If Darth Vader Survived Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader, star wars what if, Vader, Luke Skywalker, Star Wars Saga, Star Wars content, Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars, Star Wars Fan Fic, Star Wars Fan Fiction, What If Darth Vader, What If Vader, What If Star Wars, What If Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Videos, Star Wars Stuff
Id: t0cqhsHGXTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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