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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/eajacket22 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
Tell me Who is this Ahsoka Tano? I'm ahsoka. Master Yoda sent me. You're reckless little one. You never would have made it as Obi Wan's padawan but you might make it as mine. If you're gonna face Maul you'll need these I took care of them they're good as new, maybe a little better. Care to tell me what this is all about or would you rather save it for the council? Were you not cast out of your order? I left voluntarily. Yes, but you were motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council You can't take responsibility for Ahsoka's decision Anakin. Well, what choice did we give her? You can't do this! The moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the council turned their back on her. The council didn't trust me. What about me? I believed in you I stood by you. And I'm grateful for that, but this isn't about you I can't stay here any longer, not now. What do you want with Anakin Skywalker? He has long been groomed for his role as my Master's new apprentice. I know Anakin. Thanks for the support, as always. That's what friends are for. Your vision is flawed. What is Ahsoka's strength? She is fearless. Do not overestimate your abilities. I'm not. You have Kenobi's arrogance. You'll find I have many qualities for you to dislike. No one has her kind of determination. Except you. That must've been some Academy you went to topside Yeah, the best. Wwhat was it called? Uh...Skywalker Academy. If you have trained her well, she shall take care of herself. Let me go. let me die. We're all going to die! You don't know what you're doing! I understand your mission was a success. Yes, I have Maul in custody. I will escort commander Rex when he delivers him to Coruscant. Execute order 66 Loyalty means everything to the clones. Glad to have you back commander. The Republic couldn't ask for better soldiers nor I a better friend. Rex, what's happening? Stay back! Find him, find him, Fives. Oh no. I owe it to fives to record what I saw. The inhibitor chips the Kaminoans put inside us have purpose we don't yet fully understand. Ahsoka Tano has been marked for termination by order 66. Under this directive any and all Jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the Republic. I'm not here to team up with you. I need a diversion and you're it. I saw your report on Fives. It isn't your fault, you were programmed. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. Any soldier that does not comply with the order will also be executed for treason. Commander Rex is still missing in action. Did he aid in Tano's escape? Unknown at present. This ship is going down and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them. You're a good soldier Rex, so is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die but I am not the one who is going to kill them. Why had she survived? She wasn't the most powerful. She wasn't even a Jedi Knight. And yet, she was still alive when so many others had died. The familiar presence of Anakin was gone like a disrupted conduit that no longer channeled power the way it was meant to. I wanted to ask about the Sith Lord you encountered on Lothal. You know we encountered an Inquisitor before but this was nothing like that. The Apprentice lives. Your capture will please Lord Vader. Tell your master he'll have to wait. The fear, the anger, the hate, you felt it. I haven't sensed the presence like that since the Clone Wars. Thousands of Jedi once there were, then came war. In our arrogance join the conflict we did. As a Jedi we were trained to be keepers of the peace not soldiers but all I've been since I was a Padawan is a soldier. To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not. In this war, a danger there is of losing who we are. He's amazing. Anakin Skywalker, he was my master. All I had was your training and the lessons you taught me, and because of you I did survive and not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well. Thank you Master You're welcome my Padawan. Kanan said he was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the war. He was powerful, but what would have surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply about his friends. Do you know what happened to him? The last time I saw him he was rushing off to save the Chancellor. Anakin, good luck. Then everything changed. The war ended and the Jedi were accused of treason. One by one they were hunted down. Where were you when I needed you do you? Do you know what I've become? I was beginning to believe I knew who you were behind that mask but it's impossible. My master could never be as vile as you. Anakin Skywalker was weak. I knew they were still alive. I told you we shouldn't give up on them. It's not that I gave up on them Skywalker but unlike you when the time comes I am prepared to let my student go. Can you say the same? Anakin, dwelling on the Ahsoka's decision won't bring her back. I miss her okay. Is that what you want me to say? Hello Master, it's been a while. I destroyed him. Then I will avenge his death. Revenge not the Jedi way. I'm no Jedi. There is a wildness to you young one. Seeds of the dark side planted by your Master. Do you feel it? No! He is like no other Jedi, passionate, impulsive, but I trust him with my life. I have to admit, Ahsoka is a little rough around the edges, but with the great deal of training and patience she might amount to something. It is the will of the Force that you were at my side. I just want to keep you there in one piece. I would never let anyone hurt Ahsoka. Never. The bond between a Jedi teacher and his apprentice is strong. I can't let you die Ahsoka. No Master don't. I won't leave you, Not this time. Then you will die. Morai, you're here. Morai? She's an old friend. I owe her my life and now I owe you that as well. That portal... it's a pathway between all time and space. You think that Kanan sent you here to help me? Not just you. I can save Kanan just like I saved you. Kanan gave His life so that you could live. If he's taken out of this moment you all die. You don't understand what you're asking me to do. Yes, I do you. You can't save your master and I can't save mine. We can't stay here. Keep going. You can make it. When you get back come and fine me. I will. I promise.
Channel: Cantrous
Views: 1,249,311
Rating: 4.9734774 out of 5
Keywords: Ahsoka, The Clone Wars, Star Wars, Rebels, Revenge of the Sith
Id: dQKs6U8eWoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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